Rubber Weave: Phone case for better protection. Phone case made of rubber bands

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Many craftswomen, having taken up weaving with the help of the Rainbow creativity kit, do not stop only at multi-colored bracelets and rings, and want to learn the skill of weaving handbags or phone cases. Such products cannot be called complex, but the whole process takes more time, since up to 1000 rubber bands will be needed for production. For such a craft, a special machine, pencils, a hook, and fingers can be used. This handicraft develops fine motor skills of the hands. The following master classes will help you master popular weaving.

Weaving a cover on a machine: step-by-step instructions

If you decide to use a loom to weave a phone case, you will have to use approximately 24 stitches. Some complex patterns, large handbags require the use of two tools connected lengthwise to create. The technique of execution can be very different. But it’s worth starting with the simplest weaves to understand the basics of creation. Below are lessons on creating handbags for different phone models: iPhones, modern smartphones. With such a designer accessory, your gadget will become unique, bright, inimitable.

iPhone case made from small rubber bands

The presented master class describes the process of creating a case for the i Phone 5, the pattern of which resembles braiding. During the weaving process, you will need a set of Rainbow Bands, which you can purchase at craft stores. Involve your child in the process, because it will be very useful to develop manual dexterity and imagination. Prepare the machine: pull out the central row, which will not be needed for work, position it so that the open rows of the near row face to the right, and the far one – to the left. Step by step instructions:

  • First we make the base: we attach the elastic band to the second near, third far columns, not forgetting to twist it with a figure eight.
  • We hook the next one to the second far one, the third near one.

  • We get the letter "X". Let's add three more of these.
  • We skip two columns, which will form a hole for charging. We continue to cover the base with 4 “X” letters.

  • We throw it next to the opposite columns, twisting it in a figure eight: on the second near one - the second distant one, the third near one - the third distant one, etc.
  • We make layers: we hook onto the second - third, third - fourth and so on until the end.

  • We move to the far row, stringing a layer on it.

  • Next, you need to grab all the pink elastic bands on each post and throw them inside from the outside.
  • We make the next layer in the same way as the previous one.

  • We throw off the lower yellow ones from the outside to the inside.
  • We attach the next layer around the perimeter.

  • We hook the ones below with a hook inward from the outside.
  • Similarly, we form another row, stringing new elastic bands and throwing off the bottom ones.

  • We make a hole for the screen: we count three columns on the right, on the third we grab the bottom one from the inside, and we put it on the next one. We repeat this with the next lower ones until the third column from the left.
  • We hook all the elastic bands from the fourth column and throw them inside. Repeat this with the next four.

  • We begin to string new rows from the third right, closest to you. We do not string them onto empty posts. Afterwards, remove all the lower pink ones from each one.
  • This is how we make 16 layers. From 15 we throw it on empty columns.

  • We make a hole for the camera, string the next row, skipping the hole. Throw off the bottom layer around the perimeter.

  • We make the next layer, throwing it over the hole for the camera.
  • We close the hole and remove the bottom layer from the entire perimeter.

  • We throw the elastic bands over the letter “X”.
  • We throw on opposite sides.

  • Remove the bottom row. Close the weave and it’s done.

How to weave a Smartphone case

This lesson is devoted to weaving a case that is suitable for different smartphone models. However, it does not have a hole for the camera, charging, or headphones, as in the previous case. To do this, you will need to weave 33 rows of multi-colored elastic bands, which are directed diagonally. You can choose any colors: make it plain, striped, combining two or more shades. We remove the central row from the machine, leave 12 columns in each outermost row, unfold it so that the holes on the left look at you, and on the left - away from you. Let's start:

  • We form the base: twist two elastic bands and put them on diagonally. We hook the next one so that we get the letter “X”.
  • We put on the first layer around the perimeter.

  • We hook the bottom elastic bands inward.
  • We form 33 layers in the same way.

  • We remove it from the machine: we grab all the elastic bands on the first post, remove them and hook them to the next one. We repeat this around the perimeter twice.
  • Let's make a loop.

  • We remove the weaving.

We weave a universal case for all phone models

In this master class you will weave a case suitable for most modern phone models. It is universal, does not have holes for charging, or a camera. In the center of the bag there is a heart pattern, but you can weave any design you want, for example, a smiley face, a bear cub, a crown, a ball, a musical instrument, an animal's face, etc. It will require 350 green and gray rubber bands, 46 pink ones. Remove the middle row from the machine. So, let's start weaving:

  • We throw green elastic bands obliquely.
  • We make seals along all the crosses, grabbing three elastic bands with a crochet hook and using a new elastic band to form a loop.

  • We fill the gaps on the third columns, stringing them with a figure eight.
  • We form a layer with gray ones, clinging them in a circle. Then we remove the bottom layer.

  • We do this until 18 according to the scheme, alternating green and gray.
  • From 18 to 11 we weave, like the previous ones, only after discarding each layer we add pink elastic bands for the heart.

  • We weave to the end of the pattern, alternating colors. Then we remove it from the machine: insert the hook into a column, hook the bottom layer and place it on the next column.
  • Ready!

Video tutorial: how to make a case without a machine

All users of modern gadgets take care of their electronic “friends”, so they carry them in a special case. These handbags are easy to make yourself with a little imagination. Modern hand-made accessories amaze with their diversity: these are monochromatic, colored options, with different weaving arrangements (diagonally, straight), with all kinds of drawings, inscriptions, patterns. To create such a creation you do not need to be an ace in the field of weaving, you just need to be careful when following the instructions.

You can weave a product without a machine using only crochet, choosing the material of the desired color for the craft: the cover can be plain, bright or muted, multi-colored, like an iris. Such an accessory will stand out among the crowd of others. How to make it? You must be willing and familiar with the video tutorial provided, in which you will quickly master weaving a bag for any phone model.

Making a phone case by crochet

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Weaving from rubber bands is a wonderful and exciting activity that is gaining more and more popularity every day, regardless of age restrictions and gender. You can use rubber bands to knit keychains, toys, a choker for your neck, or a case for a pen or phone - it will look like it’s knitted from coarse wool. So, if you want to knit something from elastic bands, read our article.

In most cases, crafts from rubber bands are made using a machine. You can also weave a phone case from rubber bands without a machine, but it is much more difficult.

To dive into this interesting type of art, you need to buy a set of elastic bands, preferably in different colors, a machine, a slingshot, and also a special hook. The whole creation process is similar to regular crochet, so if you already have experience in this area, then you will find it easy to work with elastic bands.

In addition to jewelry and small toys, rubber bands can also be used to weave important things. And now we’ll look at how to create a phone case from rubber bands.

In order to make just such a unique mobile phone case from colored Rainbow Loom rubber bands, we will need the following:

  • Special plastic machine Rainbow Loom;
  • Lots of colorful rubber bands.
  • Additional plastic hook.

Everything you need to make a phone case.

We will need a machine from which we need to remove the middle, leaving rows on the sides. The columns on one side should face the inside to the right.

Choose the color and shade of your product yourself. You can make a plain case or a case of different colors. In our case, we will create a multi-colored case.

Let's prepare rubber bands and a hook.

Gallery: phone case made of rubber bands (25 photos)

Weaving a cover on a machine

Now you can start working. To understand how to properly weave a rubber band cover on a machine, you need to adhere to the following recommendations and descriptions.

Cover made of rubber bands on a machine, description of work.

  • Take an elastic band, twist it 2 times and put it on two posts diagonally, twist it in a figure eight. We will continue to put the elastic bands on eleven columns using this method.
  • Now we’ll do the same thing, only we’ll pull the rubber bands in the other direction.
  • You can move on to a new row. Let's put rubber bands on the posts of the row closest to us. One rubber band for two columns. Each new one is put on the previous column, using this method, they are all attached. If you are creating a multi-colored case, alternate different materials.
  • We will also design the second row.
  • Let's connect with rubber bands columns on the side of two rows.
  • Let's start weaving. We throw the first loops from each column to the center. Let's do this from different sides.
  • Let's repeat steps 3 to 6. We will continue to weave in this way until we reach the required length of the product.
  • At the final stage we will remove from each column central loops and put them on a new column. Let's do this the entire length. We will pass the material through the outer loop and, having created a knot, secure it.
  • Let's remove the entire product from the machine.

How to weave a phone case

Here we are figured out the first method how to weave a cover from rubber bands using a machine. It turns out to be a chic and quite strong accessory for your phone. Weaving from rubber bands is easier and much faster than from beads. This unusual accessory can be a great present and advertisement of your skills as a master of rubber band weaving.

The second method of weaving a phone case is crocheting without using a machine or slingshot.

Algorithm for creating a cover on a hook.

  • Let's prepare a hook and rubber bands of different colors.
  • Let's put the first rubber band on the hook, twisting it several times.
  • Let's pull a new elastic band through the created loops, throwing the first one over it. Place the second edge of the other elastic band on the hook.
  • Using this method, we will weave a chain of sixteen rubber bands.
  • Let's try on a braid on our phone. If the length is not enough, we will add a couple more loops.
  • Let's divide the chain in half. In our case, we will insert the hook into the hole of the eighth loop. We'll remove the other rubber bands; they won't be needed for now.
  • This weaving is similar to regular crochet. Thread the hook through the 3rd loop and pull the elastic through it. Thus, you have 4 loops on your hook, through which you need to pull 1 more elastic band. There will be two loops on the hook.
  • We will knit two more stitches in this way, using the same loop.
  • After that, we weave one column in each loop.
  • Next, we will knit three stitches into the final loop.
  • Let's turn the product and continue working, plunging the hook into the upper loops, without missing a single one. One loop - one column.
  • You have made the lower part of the product - the bottom. Now you need to start knitting in the round. We'll work another rib in the end stitch to take it to the next level. Insert the hook into the new loop and pull the elastic through it. Through 4 loops we will stretch another elastic band.
  • We weave a row in a circle in this way. If you want, you can make each new circle a different color. We will weave a cover of the required length.
  • Let's complete the last circle and connect its ends. On there will be four loops left on the hook. Weave an elastic band through them and make a knot.

The work is finished. Now you know how to make a phone case on a hook. This method is great for newbies. because practically nothing no different from simple crochet. You can also weave some products with a cross, but it will take more time. Many people think about how to weave a case for a tablet out of rubber bands, in much the same way, only take more material and complicate your work.

In the modern world, every person has a smartphone or at least a mobile phone. But now we'll talk about the first one. As you know, every year a huge number of companies release phones. They enlarge the display and make it frameless, thereby increasing the chances of breaking our smartphone. The most reliable way to protect your phone is, of course, a case. This is what we will talk about in our article, namely how to weave a phone case from rubber bands. This accessory will make you stand out from the crowd and make your phone bright and original.

Weaving on a machine

The process of weaving a case for beginners will take much longer than making bracelets. But the result will make you proud of yourself. Of course, you will need more material, and we will weave with 24 pins.

For some schemes, two or more machines are used, which are fastened together. But in our article we will use simple weaving patterns that are made specifically for beginners.

It is worth practicing on simpler patterns, for example, weaving bracelets. If you are confident in your abilities, then let's start.

On the loom we will weave with you a case for the best-selling model - the iPhone, let's take the fifth model. To do this, prepare your machine: position it in such a way that there is no line in the middle, and the columns of the row that is closer face the open side to the right, and the columns of the far row face the opposite way.

We weave the beginning of the cover: we throw our iris on the second column, which is closer, and the third, which is further, wrapping it in a figure eight. We put on the second one exactly the opposite way. As a result, the elastic bands intersected diagonally. We put on three more of these crosses, and then, to make a hole for charging, we skip two columns. We continue to put on four more such diagonals.

On the second layer, we put elastic bands on a pair of opposite posts. And then we weave a row along the length of the row.

So we throw it around the entire perimeter of the product.

On each pin we throw the elastic bands of the first color from the outside to the center. We repeat adding the next layer, as before.

We remove the lowest elastic bands in the middle and make another row, stringing and throwing off the irises.

Now we’ll create free space for the screen: on the third pin on the right side, we’ll throw the bottom elastic band over the adjacent fourth pin. We repeat in the same way until we reach the third nozzle on the left side. Starting from the fourth pin, we throw the elastic bands on 4 columns to the center.

We put new elastic bands on only the occupied posts. We take off the bottom elastic bands of the first color. According to this pattern we weave 16 layers. But during the 15th row we will also put elastic bands on the empty pins.

We make a place for the camera by stringing the next row and skipping a place. We remove the rubber bands from the bottom throughout the machine.

Then we weave another row, putting elastic bands on all the posts.

Throw the elastic bands on diagonally again. Let's remove the bottom row and close our work.

Watch this video to get even more useful information and maybe understand something else.

Case without machine

You can also weave our cute little case without a machine. Throw on, wrapping the elastic band twice around the hook. Put on another one, pulling it through the previous one. According to this chronology, we weave a certain chain of 16 irises. Do you have a wide phone? Then it’s worth trying on this piece; if it’s too small, then weave it to the length we need.

In our case, insert the hook into the eighth rubber band. Remove the remaining ones for now. Insert our tool into the third elastic band and thread another iris through it. There are four loops on the hook. We stretch another elastic band, lower everything on the hook onto it, and place the second loop on the hook. Weave two more stitches using the third loop.

Knit one rubber band at a time. Weave three stitches through the loop. Continue working by turning our case. We insert the hook into the top layer and throw on one elastic band at a time, without missing a single loop. After we have knitted the base, weave an additional elastic band in the outer loop. Insert your hook into the next loop and pass the elastic through it. Pull another iris through 4 loops. We weave the product to the required length.

Connect its ends, finishing the last layer. There are four loops left on the hook through which you need to weave an elastic band. Tighten the knot and the job is done. Watch the video where experienced craftswomen tell and show how to weave a cover on a hook.

Other inventory

A phone case made from rubber bands on your fingers is no longer an impossible task, unfortunately. You cannot do without a hook, but if you have a good imagination or like to experiment, then try making such a case on your fingers. You will become a celebrity, because no one has ever managed to create such a miracle. It's hard to find a weave cover made of multi-colored rubber bands on a slingshot. Unfortunately, two columns are not enough to weave voluminous products. Therefore, if you do not have a machine, then try weaving this necessary accessory on a hook.

There are many weaving patterns. The most common are “pigtails”. The rubber bands are tightly attached to each other, and if you use different colors or make a transition, then your phone will be the brightest and most original among your friends. You can print or draw these diagrams yourself on leaves.

Video on the topic of the article

Adults and children now have mobile phones. These gadgets allow you to stay connected and therefore are incredibly popular. Every mobile phone needs a case. It will not only protect the device from various types of mechanical damage, but also make it stylish and bright. Today we will conduct an interesting master class especially for all mobile phone owners, in which we will tell you in detail how to weave a phone case from silicone rubber bands.

First, prepare all the materials and accessories necessary for needlework:

  • machine without a central row;
  • elastic bands of light green, dark green and bright pink;
  • hook;
  • scheme.

At the beginning of the master class, you need to install the machine correctly. The notches in the front rows should face to the right, and those in the back rows should face to the left. After this, sketch out the light green details diagonally. Grab the resulting crosses with a hook, 3 pieces each. and secure with a loop, as in the photo.

Fill the gap between pieces on every third column. To do this, the rubber bands are arranged in a figure eight. At the next stage of the master class, string a row of dark green elastic bands in a circle. After this, the bottom layer is dropped to the center.

Alternate dark green and light green stripes up to the 18th row. Then all actions are repeated until the 11th row. After each layer removed, a new color is added to the weave - bright pink.

This craft made from rubber bands is woven strictly according to the pattern. Finally, remove the structure from the machine.

How to make a case using a crochet hook

For those who are more comfortable working with crochet, we suggest studying another lesson with a step-by-step description of the technique.
You will need:

  • silicone rubber bands;
  • hook.

Screw the first iris onto the hook 2 turns. Then take 1 more element and pull it through the resulting loop. Make a chain using this pattern. The size depends on the mobile model.

To find out if the chain woven from rubber bands is long enough, attach it to the device. If the ends are not connected, then you need to knit a couple more links.

In the woven chain, pass the working tool into the 2nd loop from the edge. Please note that when counting, the loop on the hook is not taken into account! You need to pull 1 ring into this loop so that there are 4 loops on the tool. One more elastic band is inserted into them. Actions are repeated according to this pattern. Each loop is woven with single crochets. The first loop in the row is knitted 3 times, and the rest one at a time. The last loop is also knitted three times.

When the first side of the cover is ready, proceed to the other. To do this, skip 1 loop, insert the hook into the 2nd and knit it once. The entire second side is performed according to the scheme of the first. Having reached the curve, connect both halves, as in the photo.

A bottom has formed. To make the cover bright, the next row can be woven from blue elastic bands. Before starting weaving, move all the parts on the hook through 1 more elastic band. For this row we will use a pair of elastic bands for each stitch.

To ensure that the cover is straight, no increments are made at this stage. At the end of the first color row we return to the lifting loop of the previous row. This loop is skipped and the hook is inserted into the first loop of the same color. A new elastic band is pulled into it, as well as a pair located on the hook. After this, a lifting loop is woven and a transition to a row of a different color is made. Weaving from elastic bands according to this pattern continues until the desired length.

At the end of the master class, close the loops. To do this, make the last row with a half-column: one piece is pulled through the loop of the row, as well as a pair on the hook. The last loop is fixed with a knot. Extend the resulting “tail” on the knot using another elastic band and hide it on the wrong side. The case can be decorated with a keychain or pendant.

This weaving pattern is used not only for a mobile phone case, but also for a laptop or TV remote control.

Video: Options for weaving a mobile case

They were carried in bags. The dimensions of the devices did not allow them to be placed in a pocket. Cases are only needed for such devices.

Therefore, “clothes” for cell phones began to be produced only 40 years after the appearance of the first model. It was released in 1973 in the USA. The inventor was Martin Cooper, director of Motorola.

Nokia specialists are recognized as the inventors of the cases. It was this company that was the first to release relatively small phone models.

The devices were placed in a pocket, where they could be scratched by keys, key fobs, or coins. In order to protect the equipment, the company came up with covers. At first, they were leather.

Then silicone ones came into fashion. They did not hide the design delights of their cell phones. Next came the era of fabric “capes”. Now, a new trend has been announced - rubber phone case.

It is bought, or woven independently. The second option requires special equipment, training, and mastering mating patterns. This is what the instructions are about.

Equipment for weaving a cover from rubber bands

The product is voluminous and complex. But that doesn't mean that phone case made of rubber bands without you can't make a machine.

There are patterns that require only a crochet hook and a crochet hook to bring to life. They are sold individually or in Rainbow Loom sets. You will also find machines there.

There are three types. The mini versions are called slingshots. These are plastic products on one leg with two or four pegs. An average machine has approximately 10 pegs. They are not removed from the base and do not move.

Both options will not help with the issue, how to weave a phone case from rubber bands. Circuits on mini-machines are feasible, but troublesome. It’s easier to limit yourself to a crochet hook, or even take a full-fledged frame for knitting.

It has three rows of pegs. Usually, there are 12 of them in one line, that is, a total of 36 columns. They are removable and can be moved on the base.

So, the hook and the machine are at hand. This equipment is enough to successfully master the basic patterns of weaving cases for mobile phones. Let's get started with this.

Basic knitting patterns for rubber bands

Let's start exploring the issue how to make a phone case from rubber bands from schemes carried out on the machine. To begin with, we will make a solid model that does not have slots for the screen or camera lens.

The knitting is uniform, reminiscent of simple knitting. The so-called “braids” fit tightly to each other:

Let's try to recreate the rainbow phone case made from rubber bands on the machine, from which we will remove one row, limiting ourselves to 24 columns.

A striped pattern, be it horizontal, vertical or diagonal, has been a trend for several seasons in a row.

Cell phone covers are accessories, which means they can be in line with fashion trends. Let's make it relevant phone case made of rubber bands. Video attached:

Now, another master will show how to weave a phone case from rubber bands with a large heart on the front side of the accessory.

The model is girlish, often chosen for gifts on March 8th, or for Valentine's Day. Both holidays are far away, so there is time to hone your technique.

If you are making a case for yourself, take your time. The amount of work is such that once or a couple of times you can get confused, and this affects the pattern. It’s better to correct the defect than to continue knitting:

Craftsmen also use cartoon scenes as patterns. In question, like a whip phone case made of rubber bands Minions can help, for example.

These fictional characters, of course, will not bind the product. But the appearance of strange creatures will come in handy. You can also display other cartoons in the case.

Sometimes, craftsmen even respect the contours of their bodies, abandoning the rectangular standard of covers:

But, for the practicality of the case, it is better to follow the contours of the phone, and not someone else’s.

The best option, taking into account the touch screens of modern mobile phones and the capabilities of the video cameras built into them, is capes with holes.

This is what we will learn to do. The knitting will protect the sides and back panel of the device, but will not become an obstacle to working with the smartphone.

So, we weave a phone case from rubber bands. Video provided by the online master Sergei:

To the question, how to make a phone case from rubber bands Sergei approached rationally.

The master thought through practical details, but did not invent new prints and knitting methods. Meanwhile, not only the “pigtail” can be the main pattern.

Moreover, it does not have to consist only of latex. Let's try adding beads to weaving from rubber bands. Phone case, video the knitting of which is presented below surprises with the sophistication of its design:

To create a keychain for a mobile phone, it will also be useful weaving from rubber bands. Phone case You can add a heart, an asterisk, or any other. It is either created separately, tied to the base, or knitted as a kind of continuation of the cover.

It’s probably already been forgotten that machine diagrams are only part of the program. Now you just have to rely on manual dexterity and a crochet hook. Let's weave phone case made of rubber bands without machine.

Irina will show you the technique. She offers a model that can give a head start to many samples made on a machine. Using only a crochet hook, the master creates a voluminous, openwork knitting:

Phone case made from rubber bands on fingers- the task is already unrealistic. You can't do without a hook. If you succeed, upload your video, it will have no competitors. Phone case made of rubber bands on forks- also rare.

Cutlery often replaces mini-machines. But bulk products are not woven on forks. The covers can only be used as capes for handles or hooks.

“Weave a phone case from rubber bands” - video, so popular that there is no longer any need to talk about the originality of the products. The models remain unique as they are handcrafted but not original.

Many people have these now. If you want to stand out, don't look phone case made of rubber bands on a slingshot, machine, fingers, and pay attention to the top most unusual accessories for cell phones in the world.

Thus, Thumbs Up Ear Case specialists have released a limited edition ear-shaped case. The product is flesh-colored and looks exactly like the shell of the ear, but is the size of the 5th iPhone, for which the accessory was invented.

A nose case was also created for the iPhone. It protrudes on the back of the cape. When you hold a mobile phone, you can push your fingers into the rubber nostrils. They say they are dry and clean.

In Japan they released a cover in the shape of a ham sandwich. The product looks realistic, like food, not an accessory. It's funny when bacon sticks out of your jacket pocket.

There are also phone case made of rubber bands. For Samsung Suitable, and any other mobile. The “cloak” imitates an old telephone handset.

Naturally, the rubber bands used were not Rainbow Loom, but ordinary cast rubber. The cases are impractical, but fun. But combining a case and a woman’s bra is both funny and practical.

In a nightclub, for example, the closer your favorite iPhone is to your body, the better. By the way, some craftsmen weave underwear from rubber bands. So you can try to make such an accessory, but not from fabric.

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