The best online games. Transmutation stones in Blade and Soul Transmutation stone bns

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

People have valued precious stones at all times. Experienced Jewelers have created and continue to create beautiful jewelry from them. In the game Blade and Soul, cutting stones will allow you to decorate your weapon with them, thereby increasing its parameters. Items decorated with stones sell well at auction. In PVE and PVP aspects, enhanced weapons give the player advantages.

Brief information about stones

  • You can inlay any stone; there are no restrictions on level or other parameters.
  • All precious stones have different quality (grade), type and type. The type of stone has its own subtype (with different characteristics).
  • The same type of stone cannot be installed in a weapon.
  • Stones add various parameters and properties (for example: reduce the enemy’s attack speed).
  • At low levels, stones can be extracted for a small fee; at high levels, the price is quite high.
  • Stones that have already been installed and removed from an item cannot be sold or transferred to another player.
  • Stones can be broken to have a small chance of obtaining resources for creating other types of stones. When you try to break an improved stone, the chance of obtaining resources increases.
  • As of the latest patch for Blade and Soul, there are 7 types of gems (differing in color).

Types of stones


For any attack, except damage from DoT (a buff on the enemy that deals a certain amount of damage per second), gives a chance for an additional effect:

  • +400 extra damage
  • + 140 additional damage, stuns the enemy for 2.5 seconds
  • 100% Critical Chance for the next two attacks within 2.5 seconds
Tip: Not bad for PVE, but in dungeons on bosses the “stun” effect does not work, so the best choice would be stones with bonuses for critical or additional damage. But in PVP, stun will come in handy more than once.


With critical damage, there is a chance of an additional effect, which is indicated on the stone. Effects:

  • Absorbs 200 HP
  • Restores 300 HP
  • +220 extra damage
  • +3 attack power, absorbs 200 enemy HP
Tip: Hexagonal amethysts are the best. In practice, absorbing damage is better than restoring health.


Adds various characteristics. The top option for 28 attack power, the other 3 types are useless at the moment.

Tip: If you don’t have the “Jewelry Making” skill, then precious stones are purchased at auction. It is better to buy a 5-carbon diamond (23 attack power), because the best stones are quite expensive. The difference of three attack powers is not critical.


Adds various properties when knocking out (knocking down an enemy) and when stunning an enemy. At the moment there are 3 types, but the top one is for attack power + absorption of enemy health:

  • + 5 attack power, absorbs 100 enemy HP
Important: This stone increases the “attack power” parameter. Regardless of the attack power without the stone, the parameter increase on the player with the stone will be constant.


Adds a chance to gain useful parameters when a character dodges. At the moment there are four top stones, but we are only interested in 1:

  • Ignore control for 3 seconds, + 150 attack crit for 30 seconds
Tip: This Beryl is great for PVP and for those who have recently reached level 45 (it increases critical damage quite well).

Shapes and quality of stones

Shapes of stones:

  • Triangular
  • Quadrangular
  • Pentagonal
  • Hexagonal
  • Heptagonal

Shapes of stones

Quality of stones:

  • Ordinary
  • Sparkling
  • Shining

Quality of stones

Methods for obtaining stones

  1. Jewelers can create stones themselves. To do this, it is advisable to learn how to mine ore and stones. Resources for jewelry are sold at auction if the player has enough money to purchase it.
  2. Stones are sold at auction and from other players.
  3. In dungeons and raids, after killing the boss there is a chance to receive a stone as a reward.
  4. Glacier has a Wheel of Fortune, where for Naryu coins you have a chance to get top 6 coal stones. This method is considered one of the best for obtaining the best gemstones.
  5. When dismantling weapons for resources, there is a small chance that a random stone will drop out. This method will not bring the top stone. At the moment, there is no information that any of the players were able to get the best stone.
  6. In the “Transformation” tab, which is located in the lower corner of the inventory, you can craft boxes with low-level stones. This is relevant at low levels; for high-level players such stones are useless.

Weapon Upgrade

Every weapon above the blue (rare) type always has a slot for a stone. Each such slot has its own shape and you can insert the corresponding stone of any type into it. The maximum number of slots for weapons found in the game is 4.

Stone installation:

  • open the weapon menu: Shift+LMB opens the weapon menu and in the menu that opens, a stone is installed in the cell (dragged from the inventory to the slot);
  • You can also open the weapon menu by dragging the gem icon onto the weapon picture in your inventory.

Video guide: overview of creating gems for weapons

If the player makes the wrong stone, or finds a better option, the stone can be pulled out for a fee. To remove a stone in the weapon menu, right-click on the unwanted stone.

Tip: At high levels, the cost of removing a stone is quite expensive, so players who have recently reached the maximum level must choose their stones carefully.

If the number of slots in a weapon is less than 4, then additional slots can be added using the “Cell” item. Such objects (“cells”) also have shape and quality. The shape corresponds to the shape of the stones, but the quality affects the chance of successfully adding a slot and its shape.

While a martial artist's clothing does not give him any advantage in battle, his weapons, accessories, and Spiritual Shield can truly influence the tide of battle. By improving your weapon and finding new accessories or pieces of the Spiritual Shield, you can significantly increase your power, moreover, all these parameters can be improved with the help of gems. High quality weapons have several slots for pebbles, by inserting which you will customize your combat capabilities. Gems, in turn, come in not only different types and colors (Diamond, Amethyst, Ruby, Topaz, Beryl, Jade, Sapphire), but also of different qualities (triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal and heptagonal).

If you insert a gem that can be sold into a weapon, it will become personal. But this does not apply to account-linked gems, which can be exchanged by mail between characters.

Provided the weapon allows it, additional gem slots can be added to it using the Gems Hammer, and if necessary, gems can be removed in the future for a small cost. The color of a gem determines the parameter it will add, and its quality determines the amount of the parameter added. Only one gem of each type can be inserted into a weapon.

Transmutation- a separate process that allows you to use components obtained from disassembling high-quality weapons, accessories, costumes and gems, and improve or create new weapons with their help. Choosing between selling it to a dealer, putting it up for auction or scrapping it can often be a very difficult decision.

You can use fabric to create bags that will drop random rewards. In turn, a chest is created from gem fragments, which with some probability will contain random gems. Moreover, some events require you to combine unique items to receive special prizes.

But be careful, because some transmutation recipes have a certain chance of failure, which means that if they fail, the crafting components will be destroyed.

Being a kind of subtype of transmutation, disassembling and melting pieces of the Spiritual Shield is also an important point in the game. By dismantling the Spiritual Shield, you will receive Fusion Dust, and using a special interface you can melt pieces of the shield into a single one. During the melting process, these pieces will be destroyed, and their parameters will be summed up, forming a new piece. Thus, by dismantling objects and fragments you don’t need and fusing the ones you need, you can craft the necessary Shields for yourself and hone your character’s skills.

Currency in Blade and Soul comes in the form of Hon Path Coins. Remembering the features of VIP status in BnS, it can be noted that crafting currency and spending it is the only sure way to maintain and even increase the level of your Premium account. Now we will look at the most budget-friendly way to maintain that same level.

Exists 3 types transmutation stones:

Regular Transmutation Stone (green);

This stone will give us from 80 to 88 Coins of the Path of Khon.

Brilliant Stone of Transmutation (blue);

Giving from 175 to 185 Coins of the Path of Khon.

Radiant Transmutation Stone (Purple);

Giving from 485 to 515 Coins of the Path of Khon.

An important point is that the Premium account level is directly related to the number of coins received during the crafting process. So, level 1 will add 10% to the possible number of coins received, level 2 will add 20%, level 10 will give 100% of the possible 100. For example, with level 1, instead of 150 coins of the Path of Hon, you can get 200 coins.

However, for crafting you will need 10 Dragon Orbs, available for purchase in the inventory section "Dragon's Treasure".

There is only one question left: Where can you get transmutation stones?

One option could be a daily mini-game (available by pressing the “Esc” key in the “Advanced Features” section). However, the mini-game available today does not provide for obtaining these stones, which is certainly disappointing. Then the only way is to complete daily quests, the reward for completing which are chests.

These chests have a certain chance of dropping transmutation stones of various types. There is a chance of stones falling out this way. From 10-15 chests it is quite possible to get 1 stone. Typically this is Common Transmutation Stone. However, you can make a sacrifice to the God of Random for such a gift with:

And today we will talk about donation currency, and specifically about coins Ways of Hon and how to get hold of this currency without investing real money in the game.

It is worth remembering the features of VIP BnS and note that by crafting currency and spending it, you can maintain the level of your premium account and even grow it. Therefore, this is a great feature for those who do not like or simply do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of money on games.

Transmutation stones in Blade and Soul.

So, first we need transmutation stones. There are three types in total: normal (green), which gives us from 80 to 88 coins of the Way of Hon, sparkling (blue), which gives from 175 to 185 coins, and shining, which is also purple, which gives from 485 to 515 coins. I would like to note that the VIP level will directly affect the number of crafted coins, so 1 VIP level will add 10% to us, that is, for example, instead of 500 coins we will get 550. Each subsequent VIP level will add 10% to us, and 10 level will give you all 100.

Where can I get these stones? There are only two ways, the first is a daily mini-game (roulette). Here on the way we see transmutation stones lying around, but getting them depends on our luck and randomness. However, for completing the entire path we are guaranteed to be given a shining (purple) stone. It takes an average of a week to complete the entire mini-game path, which is quite a bit.

The second way is that for completing some daily quests we are given rewards in the form of boxes. They have a certain chance of dropping a transmutation stone of any grade. The chance of falling out is quite good and about 1 out of 10-15 boxes will drop the desired pebble. Of course, most of the time it's green, but something is better than nothing.

Crafting coins of the Way of Khon.

Let's move on directly to crafting. By clicking on the transmutation stone, a crafting window will open, where we will see that to create coins of the Way of Hon we will need ten Dragon Orbs. You can buy these spheres in your character's inventory. One sphere costs one silver coin, which is quite cheap. For comparison, for quests at level 45 we will be given 10-25 silver. Now that we have everything, click on the “transmutation” button and get the coins of the Path of Hon.

You can spend these coins in the in-game store, which opens by pressing f10. It’s up to you to decide whether to buy some decorations with the crafted coins or take various kinds of auxiliary items. The ability to craft such coins is a definite plus for BnS, since few MMOs can boast of the ability to receive donation currency without investment. And there are many more useful guides ahead of you, so subscribe to the channel and have a good day. Bye.

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