Hair care after hair Botox: basic rules and important recommendations. Rules for washing your hair after Botox and the nuances of choosing shampoo When to wash your hair after Botox

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Botox is a popular procedure that is designed to improve the condition of hair. Every day they are exposed to negative influences, which negatively affects the condition of the hair. This is the most effective method for restoring curls. If you take proper care of your hair after Botox, the results will last a long time.

In order for this method to be effective, you need to seek help from a professional salon with good craftsmen. Only they will be able to do all the steps correctly and improve the condition of the curls.

The main complex is aimed at improving the condition of hair and nourishing it. The active ingredients are keratin, oils and hyaluronic acid, and the most important role is played by botulinum toxin. They penetrate into the structure of the bulb and the structure of the hair.

In order for the effect to please you for as long as possible, you must follow the basic rules of care.

  1. You should try to keep your hair wet for as little time as possible. Water is the main enemy of botulinum toxin. Rain, snow and high humidity should be avoided. In such weather, it is better to wear a hat and hide your hair in it. Then the effect will last much longer.
  2. After each shampoo, you should immediately dry your hair with a hairdryer. The less time they are wet, the longer the result will last. You should avoid any contact with water - pool, sea, river, and so on.
  3. What shampoo should I use to wash my hair after Botox? It is better to give preference to natural products without dyes and preservatives. If you use regular mass market shampoo, the results will quickly disappear. Before choosing a skin and hair cleanser, you should study the composition in detail or consult with a specialist. Often, the salon recommends skincare products that will prolong the effect of Botox.
  4. You cannot dry your hair naturally. It is imperative to use a hairdryer to completely dry your curls. For more gentle drying, it is better to use a cold air stream.
  5. Do not use curling or straightening products. They negatively affect the composition that was applied to the hair. You should also refrain from styling products such as gels, mousses and foams.
  6. Many girls are interested in the question of painting. Is it possible to do this procedure? There is debate about this, and no one can answer it for sure. It's better not to experiment.
  7. It is best to use natural oils to protect and moisturize your hair. Any oil is applied to a wooden comb and the hair is combed from roots to ends. Masks prepared according to folk recipes also work well. They are especially effective when made from kefir and eggs. To prepare, you will need a glass of kefir, one yolk and 30 ml of vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients and heat in a water bath. Cool the resulting mixture and apply to hair for half an hour. Then rinse with plenty of warm water.

Selection of cosmetics

What shampoo after Botox for hair?
How to choose it? It is shampoo that plays an important role because it is used most frequently. You should buy only sulfate-free shampoos that delicately cleanse strands. It is better to opt for those products that are intended for normal hair.

Shampoo should be applied only to the roots of the hair, and the resulting foam should be used to cleanse the entire length of the hair. The balm or mask should be applied only along the length of the hair and avoid getting on the roots.

How to wash your hair after Botox?

Botox hair care after the procedure is quite different from usual. Some basic tips:

  1. After the procedure, you can wash your hair only on the third or even fourth day. Useful components must penetrate deeply into the structure. When taking a shower, it is best to use a cap that will prevent your hair from getting wet.
  2. You don't have to wash your hair every day. This should be done as needed.
  3. Shampoo must be applied twice. It is simply impossible to thoroughly rinse your curls in just one. The first time is for removing grease, and the second time is for removing dust.
  4. Do not use hot water for washing. It should be barely warm and preferably boiled.
  5. You can comb your hair only after drying and always with a gentle comb that is suitable for your hair type. Otherwise, they can be significantly injured.
  6. When combing, it is best to start from the ends and gradually move to the roots.

Is it possible to dye your hair? This question interests many. Botox for hair after care and how to dye your hair without harm. Theoretically, it is possible to dye the strands, but this may affect the result of the Botox procedure. It is necessary to choose a dye with a good composition, because then it will not be so harmful to the hair.

Blondes should worry about the yellow tint they may end up with. But brunettes may not have as bright a color as they used to.

It’s better not to risk it and not dye your hair for a couple of months. When the effect of Botox wears off, you can safely resort to changing or updating the shade. The result is visible on the hair for about 3-4 months.

If you need to dye your hair urgently, you should seek professional help.

In order for the result to be maximum, you need to drink vitamins that are needed to strengthen the hair structure. They have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

For the first couple of weeks after the procedure, you do not need to use balms and masks. They do not need additional moisture.

You should not stay in the sun for a long time, and also avoid temperature changes. Extreme heat or cold negatively affects the structure of curls. They should also be protected from rain and snow.

Botox is a professional procedure that will help you forget about split ends and dull hair. Shampoos without sulfates and chemicals will help maintain the amazing effect. If you follow all the rules, the result can last up to five months.

At the end of this procedure, the curls become soft, shiny, silky, and healthy. Owners of renewed hair relax and forget that caring for hair after Botox is a rather responsible process and has a lot of nuances.

About hair washing

You should definitely not wash your hair for two or three days after the procedure. The fact is that only under such conditions are beneficial substances fully absorbed.

Excessively warm and even hot water for washing hair is taboo. It is preferable to use cool water. It’s even better if it is pre-boiled.

Particular attention should be paid to shampoo - in this case, only one that does not contain sulfates will be useful (on the label in the list of components they are designated as Sodium Sulfate ). The fact is that this component has an extremely negative effect on the Botox composition, in other words, it simply destroys it. This means that the effect of Botox on hair will not last even 3 months.

Moisturizing masks

The results from visiting the salon can be extended if you use some recipes for moisturizing masks:

  • Kefir should be kept in a water bath for some time, making sure that it does not curdle. Next, you need to apply it to the entire length of your hair for 20 minutes. Although it is usually recommended to cover your head with plastic and a towel, this should not be done in this case.
  • For this recipe you will need 125 ml of natural (unsweetened) yogurt, 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and aloe juice, yolk. First, you need to keep the coconut oil in a water bath, after which you can add the rest of the ingredients. After all ingredients are thoroughly mixed, you can apply the product for 30 minutes.
  • For a glycerin mask you will need to take 10 g of glycerin, 50 ml of olive oil and 5 ml of apple cider vinegar. This mask should not be left on for longer than 15 minutes.
  • To prepare a product with ginseng, you will need to purchase its tincture. About 15 or 20 ml. tinctures should be mixed with yolk and 100 ml. cream. All this should be whisked and applied for 20 minutes.
  • A mask with henna will do an excellent job of replenishing nutrients. It requires honey, half a glass of high-quality cognac, vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of colorless henna. The yolk is added last, after which everything is mixed and applied to the hair for 40 minutes.

Moisturizing with oils

They do an excellent job of moisturizing and saturate aromatic and vegetable oils with beneficial substances. Quite effective formulations can be prepared from them.

Sea buckthorn - consists of 9 dessert spoons of this oil, 1 spoon of any vegetable oil. The result is a fatty substance that should be rubbed in with massage movements. Leave the product on your head for 50 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo for dry hair.

Castor - a spoonful of vinegar or glycerin and two tablespoons of castor oil are useful for it. All this is mixed, and a raw egg is added to the mixture. The solution stays on the hair for half an hour.

From arnica, which, thanks to organic acids, resins, mineral salts and fatty oils, perfectly nourishes. For the solution, 3 tbsp will be useful. l. arnica tincture, 2 raw yolks, 1.5 tbsp. l. burdock oil. All this must be mixed and applied to the curls for about 30 minutes.

Olive – you will need to take 2 tbsp of this oil. l. for one time. It is worth adding a similar amount of castor oil, honey and yolk to it. It is also advisable to purchase a capsule of vitamin E and 10 capsules of vitamin A in advance. The mass is mixed until smooth, and then applied for half an hour.

Many people mistakenly believe that they only need to take care of their face and that there is no need to take care of their hair. This is a huge misconception, as a result of which you can lose a positive result from the procedure. But if you follow all the rules, the effect of Botox for hair will last as long as possible.

In addition to dyeing, perms and frequent use of hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons, you must also avoid certain types of detergents. More precisely, use shampoos that do not contain some chemically active components. If this is not done, the effect of using the rejuvenation product will disappear after 30-40 days.

A drug that has a rejuvenating effect, which is based on the complex protein botulinum toxin, is Botox. The composition of the drug also includes various nutrients: amino acids and minerals that improve the structure of curls.

Botulinum toxin protein has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, strengthening and saturating it with nutrients from the inside.

It also helps to retain these elements inside the strand, preventing them from being washed out.

What shampoo should I use?

It is allowed to use a detergent, in particular - which does not contain chemical elements included in the sulfate group. They also do not have a very beneficial effect on ordinary curls; if you have them, then you should avoid sulfate-containing shampoos.

Sulfates have an aggressive effect on both the strands and the scalp, causing the following negative points:

  • Exhausts curls.
  • Aggressively affects hair follicles, destroying them.
  • They irritate the top layer of the scalp and promote premature cell death.
  • Dry the scalp, dehydrating it.
  • They cause allergic reactions.

Often, constant use of such a detergent causes dandruff and irritation of the scalp - all dermatologists are convinced of this.

In addition, sulfates neutralize the effect of the botulinum toxin protein, thereby “destroying” the effect obtained from the Botox procedure. The difference can be felt after just 1 use of sulfate-containing shampoo - The curls will become less shiny and smooth.

Which sulfates are harmful?

Sulfates are added to detergents for one reason: it forms a rich foam, which copes better with pollution. Everyone thinks so and manufacturers take advantage of it.

In fact, everything is exactly the opposite - foam does not remove dirt, but only creates a visible effect from using the product. Dirt is removed by other components of the composition.

Chemical components that are part of the detergent and have a negative effect on the effect of the Botox procedure, the following:

  • Ammonium laureth sulfate – may cause lung
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate – negatively affects both the skin and scalp.
  • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate is the most dangerous element that neutralizes the botulinum toxin protein and causes and

Products that do not contain sulfates

If you use shampoos that do not contain the above components, then The result of the Botox procedure will be obvious:

  • The strands will become less brittle.
  • Dandruff and unpleasant itching will disappear.
  • The growth rate of curls will increase.

It does not have a negative effect on the hair structure - it does not wash away beneficial substances and microelements.

As a result, the vitamins and collagen components that make up Botox are stored inside each hair.

In organic cosmetics, sulfates are replaced with natural extracts from coconut oil and glucose. Thanks to this, such detergents do an excellent job of removing dirt without harming the strands and scalp.

Sulfate-free shampoos have a higher level of acidity, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair structure, naturally cleansing it. As a result, contamination of the strands occurs much less frequently.

List of shampoos used after Botox

"Kapous Professional"

Average price in Russia: 510 rubles.

Compound: shea butter, fruit acids (in particular, argan), keratin.

A domestic manufacturer has developed a product based on the natural components that make up its composition. The product copes well with dirt, carefully removing them, and the keratin included in the composition perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

Application: Apply a small amount of product to curls, foam for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.

"Paul Mitchell"

Average price in Russia: 1070 rubles.

Compound: panthenol; extracts of tea tree, lemon, sage; keratin; proteins; amino acids.

A cosmetics manufacturer from the USA presented consumers with a product for professional hair care. The shampoo nourishes, moisturizes and preserves the color tone of the strands. The composition is based on extracts from natural ingredients.

Application: The product is applied to the hair and scalp, foamed with massage movements and left for 2-3 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

The manufacturer indicates that there is no need to re-wash the strands.

“Restoring shampoo with cashmere” from Vitex

Average price in Russia: 270 rubles.

Ingredients: fruit acids, biotin, caffeine, beeswax.

The Belarusian manufacturer of cosmetics offers consumers to experience the softness and smoothness of their curls from using this shampoo.

The fruit acids it contains do an excellent job of removing dirt, and the nutrients saturate the strands with moisture and beneficial microelements.

Application: The shampoo is applied to the hair and rubbed in with massage movements until a thick foam forms. Afterwards, rinse your hair.

How to choose the right shampoo?

  1. Do not purchase a product that contains silicone. Since it only creates a moisturizing effect by creating a film around the curls. In addition, it makes the hair heavier, and this negatively affects the health of the follicles.
  2. You should not buy products from little-known manufacturers. Such a purchase may turn out to be a “pig in a poke”, and instead of a quality product, you will receive a set of low-grade raw materials.
  3. Study the composition before purchasing. It should not contain the dyes, preservatives and sulfates listed above in this article.
  4. When purchasing shampoo, consider what hair type you have.

Frequent dyeing, perms, hot styling, lack of vitamins, ultraviolet rays and stress lead to dryness, brittleness, and inhibition of hair growth. The modern hairdressing industry offers a large number of procedures and medications aimed at improving their health. But few methods provide simultaneous hydration, nutrition and normalization of growth rate. All these properties, thanks to the multicomponent composition of the drug used, are combined in the Botox procedure for hair. In addition to its medicinal qualities, it also has a cosmetic effect - it gives a glossy shine.

What is Botox for hair, what are the advantages of this procedure, and are there any disadvantages? What does the drug used consist of, how does it affect the structure of the hair bulb? How do products differ from different cosmetic brands? What technology is used and is subsequent care required? Let's figure it out.

What is Botox for hair

This is a procedure for completely renewing the internal structure of the hair, normalizing its growth rate and imparting a glossy shine.

The effect of botulism toxin on muscle activity has long been known. In cosmetology, this dangerous poison is used in microdoses to relieve facial wrinkles - it is injected subcutaneously, after which the effect lasts for several months. But botulinum toxin comes in different types, for example, serovar A - blocks muscles, therefore it is used by cosmetologists, and type C - does not reduce facial activity.

Despite its name, this type of hairdressing treatment is not associated with injection techniques. For the first time, the beneficial effect of botulinum toxin C molecules on hair and scalp was discovered by the Israeli cosmetic company Kashmir Keratin Hair System, which produced a new complex-action drug based on it. The duration of the effect after treating hair with this product was 5–6 months. But the high price of the composition limited the availability of the procedure, so other manufacturers replaced the expensive botulinum toxin with cheaper cysteine, thereby reducing not only the cost, but also the durability of the final result.

How does Botox affect hair? The multicomponent drug effectively acts in different directions - it reconstructs damaged areas of the bulb, compacts, nourishes the follicles, moisturizes, and also compresses the cuticle so that the introduced beneficial substances are not washed out quickly. The split ends are glued together, which stops their further delamination.

The procedure is done using cold and hot methods. What are these methods and how do they differ?

  1. Cold Botox is the restoration of hair and nutrition of hair follicles without the use of heat treatment.
  2. The hot method of applying Botox is used for hair when it is necessary to act only on the length, without affecting the roots. This method is performed by heating the preparations before application, or by treating the strands with hot air from a hair dryer or iron.

What does hair look like after Botox? They become soft, silky, shiny, dense, dryness at the ends disappears and the cut is sealed.

Pros and cons

Each procedure has positive and negative properties that you need to know about before sitting in the hairdresser's chair.

before and after

What are the benefits of Botox for hair?

  1. Nourishes follicles.
  2. Reconstructs damaged areas of the medula.
  3. Eliminates porosity.
  4. Compacts.
  5. Seals split ends.
  6. Closes the cuticle tightly.
  7. Gives a glossy shine.
  8. Can be combined with coloring.
  9. Neutralizes the yellowness of blond hair.
  10. Eliminates frizz.

Despite all the advantages, Botox has the following disadvantages:

  • the fragility of the effect, which lasts only 1–2 months;
  • additional supportive care is needed;
  • high cost of the procedure;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is possible.

To avoid acute allergic reactions during the procedure, you need to mix the ingredients in the required proportion and rub them on the skin on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. After half an hour, carefully examine the treatment area. If it turns red, itching or other signs of irritation appear, then it is better to stop using it.

Indications and contraindications

Each hair care procedure affects your hair structure differently. After all, there are no health techniques that are equally recommended for everyone. Let's find out in what cases this caring procedure can be done, and when it is better to refuse or reschedule it.

What kind of hair is Botox suitable for? - with a thinned, damaged structure. The procedure has no restrictions on the length, thickness and shape of hair - it is performed on short, medium, long, curly, and also on bobs.

botox on curly hair

Is it worth doing Botox on thin hair? If their structure has been thinned by repeated dyeing, perms, or exposure to hot stylers, then this type of care will thicken the medula, improve the condition of the structure and be useful. However, if you have naturally fine hair without damage, it is better not to do Botox, since the effect will not be noticeable. The internal structure cannot take in excess nutritional components, so if there are no voids in the medula, then there is nowhere for keratin or amino acids to be embedded. The drug will not be able to penetrate inside and will simply be washed off the surface the first time you wash your hair with shampoo.

Is it possible to do Botox on hair extensions? During factory pre-sale preparation, they are polished and steamed, and therefore have a thin cuticle layer. Therefore, all care products are washed off from hair extensions faster than from natural hair. You can do Botox on hair extensions, but without affecting their attachment.

Is it worth doing Botox for hair before going to sea? Salt water and bright sun rays dry them out, which leads to brittleness. Botox repairs damage by protecting the surface layer from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the procedure will help maintain healthy hair during a sea holiday.

Is it possible to do hair botox for blondes? Yes, since the drug contains pigmenting components that neutralize yellowness, fill porosity, and reconstruct damage caused during the blonde process.

botox for blonde hair

But sometimes it is not recommended to perform the procedure. It is better to avoid hair Botox during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods, altered hormonal levels will affect the effect of the drug, which will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure or lead to a complete lack of results. Botox contains no toxic compounds, it does not harm the health of the expectant mother or child, but the specific smell can cause an attack of toxicosis.

Is it possible to do Botox on bleached hair? The drug will restore empty areas of the medula, but will not be able to neutralize yellowness. Bleached is hair that is not filled with cosmetic or natural pigment. And the molecules of the drug used can only interact with coloring substances.

At what age can you get Botox for your hair? It is not recommended for children under 18 years of age to perform the procedure, since the structure of their hair is not yet fully formed, and the drug affects the internal structure.

Hair Botox Products

Hair Botox kits from different manufacturers are available on the professional hairdressing market. Our work experience has made it possible to select from the entire variety the most effective Botox preparations, which contain only natural ingredients and do not contain formaldehyde or other toxic substances.

The main ingredients are the same for all manufacturers.

  1. Intra-Cylane molecule, which creates a frame inside the hair to retain building substances.
  2. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and retains moisture, renews scalp cells, improves elasticity.
  3. Keratin is the building material of human hair.
  4. Cysteine ​​is a natural preservative that has been used to replace formaldehyde and botulinum toxin C in many drugs.
  5. Complex of vitamins and oils - for shine.

Various cosmetic brands add their own additional components to the main composition, as well as perfume composition. What is usually included in a hair Botox kit? What ingredients have various manufacturers added to their preparations?

  1. Honma Tokyo - set for hot hair botox method. It includes two products - a preparatory shampoo and a reconstructor mask for thermal activation of beneficial substances. Available in two versions - for blondes - with a pigment to neutralize yellowness, and also colorless - for the rest of the palette of dyes. The mask contains extracts of green tea and aloe vera, which enhance the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Felps Hair Botox is a set for cold damage reconstruction, which includes deep cleaning shampoo and an active mask with volcanic clay.
  3. The Inoar complex is a set for the hot method of hair botox. It includes 3 products - shampoo, a mask with the main ingredients, and liquid collagen. Before application, the mask is mixed with collagen in a 1:2 ratio.
  4. Constant Delight - a set for hot hair botox. Includes shampoo and mask with Brazil nut oil.
  5. The Estel hair botox kit is a complex unlike others in its composition and stages of implementation. The correct name of the procedure is Beautex. The set includes elixir, shampoo, hydrolipidic mask. Heat treatment is used to activate the healing elixir.
  6. L'Oreal Hair Botox Kit is used for cold damage restoration. It includes a reconstructive serum and a sealing agent - a fixative. There is no shampoo to prepare hair for the procedure; it must be purchased separately.

Which Botox product is better depends on the missing substances in the hair medula. If moisturizing is necessary, it is better to use Honma Tokyo or Felps. When the goal is reconstruction - L’Oreal, Constant Delight, Inoar. Estel is a complex that works in three directions - maintaining hydrobalance, restoration, and thermal protection.

Materials and tools

The cold and hot methods require different materials. The list of tools depends on what drug is used to perform the procedure - with or without thermal activation.

To perform hair Botox at home, you need the same materials as in a beauty salon. The location of execution does not affect the devices used.

Materials for cold Botox

The method without heat treatment is simple, so the list of required equipment is short;

  • towels;
  • rubber gloves;
  • cellophane peignoir;
  • hairdressing clips.

The hairdryer should have an adjustable air flow temperature.

Materials for hot Botox

The method with thermoactive drugs is more complicated, so the list of equipment used is longer:

  • towels;
  • hairdressing clips;
  • waterproof gloves and negligee;
  • iron;
  • bowl;
  • brush for applying the drug;
  • fine-tooth comb.

What kind of iron is needed for Botox? A mandatory requirement is the presence of a thermostat, because each hair type requires a different degree of heating:

  • 190–200 °C - for weakened and severely damaged;
  • 210–220 °C - for normal and colored;
  • 230 °C - for hard and glassy gray hair.

The coating of the styler plates can be ceramic or tourmaline.

For the procedure, only the materials from the set are used or some additional product is purchased separately, such as deep cleaning shampoo, which is not included in the L’Oreal reconstructive complex.

When purchasing a Botox kit yourself, you need to check with the seller what products are included, so that during the procedure it does not become clear that there is a shortage of any component.

How to make Botox for hair

The technology for performing the cold and hot methods differs in the instruments used, as well as in the number of stages of the procedure. We will describe all the methods step by step.


The common stage for both methods is preparing the hair for Botox. You will need the shampoo from the set. It will open the scaly layer and also deeply cleanse the scalp and hair from surface impurities and natural fatty film.

Using intense massaging movements, you need to treat your head with this cleanser 2-3 times. After washing, the hair is allowed to dry completely using a hairdryer or dryer, but without pulling it out by brushing.

After the preparatory stage, you can begin the main procedure.

Instructions for the cold method

Cold is the simplest method of performing Botox for hair, suitable even for independent use. The procedure takes no more than 40 minutes, regardless of length and thickness.

  1. After preparing your hair, you need to apply a reconstructive mask to it for 15–20 minutes. If the composition is two-phase, then, without washing it off, apply the second preparation, and then wait another 10 minutes.
  2. Dry your hair with cool air from a hairdryer.
  3. Rinse off with plenty of warm water without using shampoo.

Apply the mask to your hair and scalp, but do not rub it in. Hyaluronic acid in its composition rejuvenates and renews cells, stimulates the nutrition of the bulbs.

Does hair grow faster after Botox? The procedure does not accelerate, but normalizes their slow growth, which occurs due to insufficient penetration of useful substances into the follicles.

Instructions for the hot method

How is hot hair botox done? The thermal activation method is more difficult than the cold method, so it is not recommended to do it yourself. But if the procedure is carried out at home, then you need to call someone to help.

How long hot Botox will take depends on the length and thickness of the hair being treated. The duration of the procedure for medium haircuts is about two hours.

  1. After the preparatory stage, apply a thermoactive reconstructive mask. If growth is slow, treat the scalp. If there is no malfunction of the bulbs, then you need to apply the mask at a distance of 1–2 centimeters from the roots. Leave for half an hour. If the set is two-phase, then mix the products in the required proportion.
  2. Dry the mask with cool air from a hairdryer so that there are no wet areas left.
  3. Heat the iron to the required temperature for the hair type being treated.
  4. Straighten all strands with a hot styler, the thickness of which should not exceed 1 centimeter. You need to iron quickly 5-6 times.
  5. Allow your hair to cool naturally, and then rinse with plenty of warm water without using detergents.

When can you wash your hair with shampoo after Botox for hair? Another day after the procedure is completed, the active reconstructive mask is built into the structure and takes its final shape. It is not recommended to use detergents until this chemical reaction has stopped.

Botox for hair - video tutorial

Consequences of technology violation

Is Botox harmful? Can it ruin your hair? If the execution technology is violated, minor side effects are possible. The composition of the drug is designed so that it does not damage the structure. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, only cosmetic superficial problems may arise that can be easily resolved.

  1. Some claim that after Botox their hair began to fall out more actively. But the drug used cannot provoke their loss or the formation of new follicles. If the loss occurred before Botox, then it will continue, since the bulbs, having lost connection with the feeding papilla, die and no longer hold on.
  2. After Botox, my hair feels dirty. This can happen if the reconstructive mask is applied too much. Its excess is not completely washed off with water, so the hair looks stale. This is eliminated after the first shampoo.
  3. After Botox, my hair felt greasy. The drug does not affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so the oily effect can only appear if you wash your hair poorly with deep cleaning shampoo.
  4. After Botox my hair became dry. This means that the procedure did not take place due to an insufficiently heated iron or a small amount of active mask.
  5. Why is my hair not shiny after Botox? The lack of gloss indicates that the preparations were poorly washed off.

botox for short hair

If you don’t like the effect of the procedure, you can use techniques to quickly remove Botox from your hair. Full length coloring using an oxide of 6% or more will wash away the entire reconstruction in one go. And deep cleaning shampoo will eliminate Botox in a few washes.

Hair care after Botox

How to extend the effect?

  1. You need to replace your regular shampoo with a sulfate-free detergent. It gently cleanses without washing out reconstructive drugs from the medula.
  2. What balms and masks should I use after Botox for hair? It is recommended to regularly use intensive moisturizers.

For the effect to accumulate, a course of 5-6 procedures is done. After how long can I give hair Botox again? In case of severe damage to the structure, the interval between procedures should not be more than six weeks.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Botox is a popular hair restoration service in beauty salons, which is why interest in it remains consistently high. Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, people want to know everything about it. In this section, we have selected the most frequently asked questions about what can and cannot be done for hair before or after Botox and how it differs from other similar procedures, trying to give a detailed answer.

  1. Is it possible to dye your hair after Botox? The oxide will wash the drug out of their structure, so only regrown roots are allowed to be painted.
  2. How long after hair coloring can you do Botox? At any time. These procedures can be combined even on the same day. It is recommended to paint the entire length first, and then immediately begin reconstruction.
  3. Is it possible to curl your hair after Botox? It is impossible to do “chemistry”, as it will wash away the effect of the treatment procedure.
  4. Is it possible to do Botox for hair after perm? Only in a cold way. The hot method, as well as other care procedures where the strands are treated with an iron, can be done no earlier than 2 weeks after the permanent. Mechanical pulling of recently curled curls deforms the curl and reduces the durability of the “chemistry”.
  5. Is it possible to lighten hair after Botox? No, because the bleaching powder will push out the nutrient molecules from the medula. You need to lighten it first, and then do reconstruction.
  6. Is it possible to have hair extensions after Botox? If restoration is performed before extensions, then you need to skip the areas where the strands are attached when applying the active mask.
  7. How to make Botox for hair at home? The execution technology does not depend on where the procedure is performed. For self-use, the cold method is more suitable because it is easier to do, it does not take much time, and does not require professional equipment.

    Botox for hair at home

  8. How long does Botox last on hair? The durability of the effect depends on the degree of damage to the structure, as well as the method of performing the procedure. The cold method will last one to two months, the hot method - three.
  9. What is better for hair - Botox or keratin straightening? How are they different? The difference is that the first procedure does not have a straightening effect, and the drugs used for it do not contain toxic substances. Botox is better for restoration, since the composition for keratin straightening may contain formaldehyde derivatives as a preservative.
  10. Does Botox help with hair loss? The drug has a beneficial effect only on bulbs to which the supply of nutrients is reduced. Hyaluronic acid renews scalp cells and stimulates weakened nutrition of the scalp. If the follicle has lost connection with the feeding papilla, then nothing can save the hair; it will definitely fall out. When the loss of thickness is associated with hormonal changes, previous anesthesia, sexually transmitted diseases, liver failure, increased background radiation or exposure to chemicals, then any hairdressing products will not help. In these cases, you need to seek help from a trichologist.
  11. Is it possible to use a curling iron after hair Botox? Upon completion of this caring procedure, you are allowed to create styling using any tools. Just before washing your hair with shampoo for the first time, it is not recommended to comb your hair or use styling products.
  12. What is better for hair - nanoplasty or botox? What is the difference between them? The difference is that the first procedure straightens the curls, while the second does not. As well as the difference in the composition of the drugs and their action. Nanoplasty is purified keratin, and Botox is a multi-component care complex. Which procedure is best done depends on the expected effect - if you plan not only restoration, but also straightening, then nanoplasty is better.
  13. Is it possible to braid your hair after Botox? The procedure does not stretch disulfide bonds, so braids or ponytails will not leave creases in the length, even if braided or tied with an elastic band immediately after the procedure.
  14. What is the difference between Botox and lamination and which is better for hair? These are procedures of different directions. The first eliminates damage and heals, and the second simply envelops it with a glossy microfilm, creating only a cosmetic effect of a mirror shine.
  15. What is better, Botox or “Happiness for Hair”? The restorative effect of these procedures is almost the same. But the first one retains the effect for 1-3 months, and the second one only for about three weeks.
  16. Does Botox straighten hair? After ironing, only frizz is eliminated and styling becomes easier. The drug used does not contain components that affect disulfide bonds, so Botox is not suitable for stretching curls. To straighten tight curls, it is better to use other means aimed at stretching sulfur bridges.
  17. What is better - Botox or bixiplasty? The action of the first procedure is aimed at reconstruction, restoration, and bixiplasty is a type of bio-straightening, a gentle method of long-term styling based on amino acids. If you need to stretch out your curls, it is better to do bixiplasty.
  18. What to choose - Botox or polishing? These are completely different procedures. The first is treatment with drugs, and the second is mechanical removal of split ends along the entire length. The choice of procedure depends on the problem to be solved. If you need to eliminate the consequences of repeated coloring, perms and hot styling, then it is better to choose Botox. Polishing is used to combat trichoptilosis - split ends.
  19. How often can you do hair botox? The amount of treatment depends on their condition. A severely damaged structure cannot retain nutrients for long. The minimum interval between procedures is 4 weeks.
  20. Do I need to wash my hair before Botox? It is not necessary to come to the beauty salon with freshly washed hair, since before the procedure the specialist will wash your hair with a special shampoo.
  21. Does Botox remove volume? It may disappear due to ironing, but will return after the first shampoo.

Let's summarize. Botox is a method of long-term restoration of hair structure without changing its shape. The procedure is done cold and hot. The technology for performing the cold method is very simple and takes little time, so it can be done at home. In addition to hair restoration, Botox also normalizes the functioning of hair follicles and renews scalp cells. The procedure can be combined with coloring. The products used consist of natural ingredients without the addition of chemical preservatives and other harmful substances. Botox is an effective procedure for long-term hair restoration and giving it a glossy shine.

Botox for hair

After Botox, curls become more well-groomed, healthy and attractive. But the applied product tends to wash out over time, especially with frequent use of a hair dryer, straightening iron and chemical hair styling products.

What should it be like?

Hairdressing experts have identified several main reasons why it is worth using special sulfate-free shampoos after applying the drug:

  1. Ultraviolet radiation, dust, dirt greatly worsen the condition of curls; regular shampoo does not fully cope with these problems.
  2. When using regular shampoos, the effect of the procedure quickly disappears.
  3. It is better to use those products that are recommended for the care of healthy hair of normal type.

Pros of sulfate-free shampoos

Sodium lauryl sulfate, which is part of most shampoos, has a detrimental effect on curls after Botox., it contributes to the destruction of the coating, and the effect of the procedure disappears very quickly. In order for the strands to remain smooth, shiny and manageable for as long as possible, you should wash your hair with sulfate-free products, the advantages of which also include the following:

But you should understand that the cost of such a product is slightly higher than that of conventional shampoos.

List of the best products

After a hair Botox procedure, a competent hairdresser will definitely advise his client on the most suitable hair care products in the future. So which shampoos should you use? Sulfate-free products can be of both foreign and domestic production.


The following brands are considered the most popular sulfate-free shampoos from foreign manufacturers.


The product is produced in Israel and contains the following components::

  • dead sea minerals;
  • plant oils;
  • keratin;
  • soy protein;
  • smoothing components;
  • cactus extract;
  • bark extract and juice.

The shampoo is suitable for hair of any type, restores and nourishes curls. The price of a 500 ml bottle of CocoChoco brand sulfate-free shampoo is approximately 1,500 rubles.

Matrix Biolage

The shampoo is produced in the USA and contains the following ingredients::

  • keratin;
  • amino acids;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • life-giving oils;
  • seaweed and pearls.

This line of hair cosmetics produces shampoos for any type of curls; all of them actively affect the deep structures of the hair, providing it with nutrition, moisturizing and regenerating. The price of a 250 ml bottle starts from 700 rubles.

Kapous Professional profound

The shampoo is produced in Italy and contains the following components::

  • argan oil;
  • fruit acids.

The product is suitable for caring for hair of any type, restores, nourishes, moisturizes, and provides protection. The cost of a 350 ml bottle is approximately 200 rubles.


How can you wash your hair using domestic products? The most famous and popular sulfate-free shampoos from domestic manufacturers are the following brands.

Estel Aqua Otium

The composition includes:

  • beneficial amino acids;
  • fructose sugar;
  • glycine;
  • leucine;
  • soft surfactants.

This shampoo is perfect for dry and brittle strands, as it is able to perfectly moisturize and saturate them, in addition, it makes the curls more manageable and silky. A 250 ml bottle will cost about 400 rubles.

Natura Siberica

The product contains the following components:

  • fatty acids;
  • vitamins;
  • extracts of medicinal plants.

The line of products from this Russian manufacturer is represented by a wide range, among which there is a shampoo suitable for any hair type. The products are produced in 400 ml bottles, their price is 300-400 rubles.

Grandma Agafya's recipes

The product contains:

  • burdock oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • vitamin B5.

Shampoos of this brand are suitable for curls of different types and combat various problems, nourish and moisturize strands, eliminate dandruff and itching. The product is sold in 350 ml bottles and costs approximately 100-200 rubles.

How and when can you wash your hair after restoring the structure of your curls?

The effect of Botox for hair can be maintained longer if you use sulfate-free shampoos and other care products made from natural ingredients. It is also worth understanding that the results from using sulfate-free shampoos have a cumulative effect, so you need to use them regularly.

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