How to make beautiful hands for a nylon doll. Instructions for making homemade nylon dolls

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Do you want a unique collection of dolls for your child, or maybe you have an idea for creating a home puppet theater? Dolls made from tights handmade– a great idea for any creative project. It’s easy to find a couple of unnecessary tights in every apartment, and padding polyester can be bought at a fabric store or taken from old jackets. The finished doll is very plastic and realistic. We offer you several master classes on making dolls with your own hands using stocking techniques.

Sock dolls, ideas with photos

- scissors;
- wire;
- glue;
- tights;
- needle;
— threads for knitting;
- ordinary threads;
- scraps of fabric.

If you are new to making dolls, we suggest you start with the simplest thing - a baby doll made from tights. This toy has a fairly simple shape, so it is ideal for mastering how to work with nylon.

1. Take a nylon sock, fill it with filler and tie a knot.
2. Mark the neck area and sew with a basting stitch. After this, tighten the neck and wrap it several more times with thread.

3. Sew circles around the legs and pull them together.
4. Sew a small circle on the head and pull it off - this will be the nose.
5. Now, in the seam area of ​​the tights themselves, insert a needle up to the baby doll’s tummy and grab a few nylon threads to create a navel-shaped hole. Also separate the buttocks without tearing the thread.
6. You can make ears on your head; to do this, pull the thread in two places. Embroider eyes and eyebrows with threads

7. Pull the cheeks from the corner of the mouth to the eye and immediately sew on an eye bead.
8. In the area of ​​the top of the head, stick a needle with a red thread and make a mouth so that the baby smiles. Make a knot on the top of your head so that you can hide it later with your hair.

9. Cut off the excess from the knot on the head and make handles for the baby doll from this piece of nylon. Sew the arms to the body.

11. Clothes can be made from scraps of fabric or colored socks.

Dolls made from nylon tights master class

Baby doll is ready! Using the same principle, you can make several boys and girls. After you have practiced the stocking technique on these babies, start making more complex dolls.

2. Now start shaping the face. To do this, roll a ball out of padding polyester, insert it into a bottle covered with nylon and use a needle and thread to form a nose. After this, you can add more padding polyester to form the cheeks, forehead and chin. Glue the eyes, embroider the mouth and give the doll a suitable facial expression. To make the neck line stand out, drag it with threads.

3. Pull the remaining bottom part of the tights up and through the neck. Use thread to secure the tights at the top. Sew hair using threads.
4. Hands are made of wire. Cut pieces for fingers, wrap them with padding polyester and gradually connect them. You need to wrap the entire handle from palm to shoulder, and then put a “skin” of nylon on it. Highlight the fingers with thread.

It is not necessary to sew legs for such a doll, especially if you plan to dress her in a long skirt. You can come up with an outfit for your grandmother using tights yourself.

A frame made from a plastic bottle is great for making not just a doll, but a warmer for a teapot or a cap for a sugar bowl. You can make such a heating pad according to the previous master class, the main thing is to correctly calculate the length of the skirt.

Today, when making toys, mass production is often used and all dolls are similar to each other. That is why interest in has recently increased. It is quite possible that children do not take care of store-bought toys because they do not see their value, so parents can make some kind of toy out of tights with their own hands together with their child. Even though the product may not be perfect the first time, it will teach the child to appreciate the work of others and will help to reveal his abilities for needlework.

DIY frame doll

Frame children's dolls made from nylon tights are the pinnacle of hosiery craftsmanship. These toys are pleasant to hold in your hands, they are quite plastic and look like real dolls.

For their base, a wire frame 30 cm long is made. It consists of a 12 cm loop for the head, an oval body 12 cm and legs 16 cm. Separately, the handles are wrapped with electrical tape and loops are made at the ends of the legs for shoes.

First you need to make the head separately and form the face of the doll. The head is made from a piece of tights, and then the individual parts are pulled together with threads. The eyes are either embroidered or glued on. You can use threads or an old wig as hair.

For a doll about 50 cm in size, you will need 1.5 m of wire from which the frame is twisted.
The palms are made from pieces of wire wrapped with padding polyester. A piece of tights is put on top. Fingers and nails are embroidered with threads.

The palms are screwed to the frame and it is completely wrapped with padding polyester to the required thickness. After this, the body is covered with padding polyester and the head is sewn on.
All that remains is to sew a beautiful dress for the doll and dress her.

It is advisable to disguise all seams. If you are sewing a child’s toy, then the ratio of the body to the head is 3:1 for a doll, 6:1 for a schoolchild, and 8:1 for an adult.

The frame is made of aluminum or copper wire, and you can combine wire of different thicknesses. Dolls on the frame can sit and stand, because the wire makes individual parts of the body movable. Keep in mind that the smaller the doll, the more difficult it will be to sew clothes for it.
Watch the video: dolls made from stockings

You can use nylon tights to sew characters from children's fairy tales, who will decorate the interior and become good.

Today, needlework occupies the minds of women more than ever. The thing is that in our consumer age the soul is drawn to warmth and comfort, and this is what things made with one’s own hands can give. Moreover, to create a magnificent craft, you do not always need to use some expensive materials. What every woman has is quite suitable, namely tights. Yes, yes, you can use them to make a bright and unusual craft - a doll. So, we will talk about nylon tights.

How to sew a doll from tights: necessary materials and tools

To make dolls from nylon tights, prepare, in addition to the main material, scissors, a plastic bottle, padding polyester, a needle and thread, doll eyes (you can buy them at a hardware store or cut them from an old toy), wire and wire cutters.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights: master class

Sewing dolls from perhaps you should start by making a frame from a plastic bottle:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle.
  2. Then wrap the cut bottle in a layer of padding polyester and secure it with thread, making a few stitches.
  3. Then you need to put a nylon sock on the bottle that is twice as long as the container itself.
  4. We begin to form the doll's face. First insert a small ball of padding polyester to model the nose.
  5. Then tie the top part of the tights and use a thread and a needle to create a bridge of the nose: drag the needle parallel to the floor and pull the thread a little.
  6. Then drag the needle and thread on the nose from the right and left perpendicular to the floor, thus forming two nostrils.
  7. After this, we create wings at the nose: drag the needle again into the same holes as when forming the nostrils, but you need to tighten a loop of thread on each side.
  8. Since we are sewing a doll from nylon tights, she definitely needs cheeks and a mouth. Insert more padding under the tights on both sides of the nose, on the forehead and chin.
  9. By dragging the needle, create a mouth with strips of thread.
  10. Then use a needle to tighten the lips.
  11. Using a tightening tool we form beautiful cheeks and chin.
  12. Then glue the eyes above the cheeks, use a drawstring to form the eyebrows and bring the eyebrows together above the nose.
  13. Now you need to give the doll’s face a completed look: draw the eyebrows, cheeks and lips.
  14. Since we are already making dolls from nylon tights, our creations must be neat. Therefore, hide the bottom edge of the tights inside the bottle. Hem the upper part, pull the thread and also hide it in the neck of the bottle.
  15. Now our craft needs to sew on hair. You can buy a ready-made wig in the accessories department, or you can make it yourself from woolen threads.
  16. Agree that in the master class, dolls made from tights should not be left without limbs, at least the upper ones. Therefore, we take out the wire and cut it into two long pieces and ten short ones.
  17. Then we bend the ends of the long sections into loops on both sides. Short sections only need to be folded on one side.
  18. After this, wrap each piece with strips of padding polyester 1 cm wide.

Designer toys are always appreciated. The limits of craftsmanship have no limits; their creative potential is extremely great. There is an interesting direction in needlework - making dolls from nylon. Toys made using this technology look realistic, original and attractive. This article will present a master class on a nylon doll for beginning needlewomen.

Preparation of material

Before you start work, you need to prepare the material. Making dolls is a special creative process. Craftswomen are convinced that the mood of the needlewoman is necessarily transmitted to the doll creation and is reflected at all stages of creation. Therefore, you need to be in a good mood, believe in your success, have positive goals and positive emotions.

Tools and materials:

  • nylon stockings (you can use tights, it is advisable that they do not have shine);
  • padding polyester;
  • wire for frame;
  • plastic bottle (you can use wire);
  • threads, needles, scissors, glue;
  • material and finishing decorative ornaments for clothing, gauze for a wig;
  • shadows, brush (for makeup);
  • knitting threads or artificial hair (for a wig);
  • eyes (ready-made or you can make them yourself).

It doesn’t matter at all whether the needlewoman has experience, if she follows the step-by-step instructions for dolls made from tights with her own hands, then she will succeed. And if in the future she likes this technique, then with each new toy will come skills and knowledge, interesting solutions, originality, zest, and exclusivity will be added.

The material for these types of toys must be prepared in a special way. Dolls made of nylon and padding polyester are quite plastic, they look more natural, and therefore you need to choose the material for them with special care.

Selection of padding polyester

The quality of the filler primarily determines the facial expressions and plasticity of the doll’s face. To keep the toy in shape, you need to choose a material with certain parameters.

Requirements for padding polyester: it must be uniform, loose, airy, spring well and not have tight rolling or stickiness. It is also necessary to pay attention to its elasticity and recovery after compression.

Nylon processing

Nylon stockings (tights) must be selected with a minimum amount of latex - no more than 3%, so that they have virtually no shine. New material needs to be processed.

Preparation of nylon:

The sewing material is completely prepared. This treatment improves the color of stockings, their strength, ductility and quality.

Step-by-step production of a doll

After preparing the material, you can start sewing the toys. The most difficult part is making the head and doll's face.

Head and facial expressions

The facial expressions and facial expressions of the doll's face will depend on correctly executed stitches and tightening. All knots and fastening of the thread must be done on the back of the head, that is, on the inside of the face.

Sewing steps:

Facial expressions are done using drawstrings and stitches, which are always placed on the wrong side of the face. For example, to make a doll smile, you need to lift the corners of the lips and highlight the cheeks.

It is always necessary to avoid creases and wrinkles in the nasolabial part of the face; this makes the face look senile, which is not suitable for young dolls and angels, but ideal for versions of Baba Yaga, brownies and other fairy-tale characters.

Torso toy

The toy body can be made in three ways: with wire elements, a bottle frame and a completely soft toy without additional reinforcements. The simplest method is a regular stuffed doll.

Mostly light colors and beige are chosen, although in some cases there may be brown and red shades. It depends on the focus and purpose of the toy.


With a bottle frame, the whole process occurs in the same way as with wire, only a reinforcing device is installed inside the pattern, after which the body will need to be filled with padding polyester.

It should also be remembered that before laying the filler, it must be fluffed so that it is more airy.

Hands and feet

Depending on the desired result you can sew a doll with motionless limbs, when the arms and legs simply go in one piece and are sewn to the body. There is a more interesting and complex option - with moving limbs (palms, fingers and feet).

A simple option involves making a pattern, sewing the parts and stuffing them with padding polyester. With a complex technique, the hands and feet are made separately.

Guidelines for sewing hands and feet:

In the future, they are simply sewn to the rest of the doll's handle.

Making clothes

Choosing clothes for a doll depends on the imagination of the needlewoman or the direction of the puppet hero. The craftswoman chooses the dress, pants, blouses, even hats and handbags for her creation independently.

In various versions, jewelry for dolls, beads, earrings and even items of various paraphernalia can be used: an umbrella, a broom, a magic wand. The decor for the toy can be made by the needlewoman herself or already purchased ready-made in specialized stores.

An important point in a doll's outfit is the combination of colors and the matching of the doll character. When creating angels, it is best to use white, silver or blue shades with decorations made of fluff, beads, nylon and other shiny and airy elements. Brownie or Baba Yaga will require brighter and more saturated colors and tones.

Hair making

Hair is of great importance in the general appearance of crafts.. If, according to the craftswoman’s idea, they are hidden under a headdress and only the bangs remain visible, then this is one approach. But the doll may have both a haircut and long braids; in such cases, it is necessary to make a wig.

A doll's wig is always glued or sewn to the head, meaning it is not removable. In doll practice, there are several ways to make hair: using knitting threads, artificial and synthetic hair, or animal hair.

Wig making technology:

As a result, the wig will turn out to be based on gauze, which can then be easily glued and sewn on, and something in it can be changed as necessary. In the future, the hair will need to be trimmed; if necessary, you can cut it and comb it or braid it and decorate it with a wreath, flowers and bows, a hat, a scarf - whatever will inspire the craftswoman.

Knitting thread technique

This option is much simpler than the previous one and is done faster. The knitting threads are distributed in strips, laid in several rows and stitched in the middle with a regular seam. The width of the strip should correspond from the frontal to the back of the head. The bangs are made separately, but only the threads are sewn on at one end, and not in the middle.

The doll's hair is attached in this order: first long hair, then bangs, which should be attached to the main mass perpendicularly. The hair is laid from the frontal part to the back of the head and sewn or glued.

There must be a gap in the middle. After securing the main part, the bangs are applied and also attached to the doll's head. When everything is ready, you need to trim the thread hairs.

For toys, you can also use natural fibers from animal hair, for example, long strands of goat hair. In this case, the hair will be silky, soft, fluffy and shiny. It is best to glue natural wool hairs in small bunches using the first method of making doll hair.

Making ears

Ears for a doll can simply be embroidered, unless, of course, it’s Cheburashka. In such a situation, they can be made using a wire frame, indicate the direction of the ear cartilage, make a winding from padding polyester, cover it with a nylon fabric, tighten it, use strings to designate the auricle of the desired shape, and at the final stage highlight the folds and lines with shadows. Then connect to the head.

Complete assembly of the toy

For every needlewoman, this is the most enjoyable stage of work. The toy already has its own character, it is expressive. At this very last step of the work, the master class on making dolls from nylon tights will be completed, and the craftswoman’s work will have its own life.

Assembly order:

  • Sew arms and legs to the doll's body; if the hands and feet were made separately, then they also need to be connected.
  • Dress up the toy.
  • Attach the head.
  • Mask all connecting seams and add the final design touches.

The toy is ready. A doll from tights can be made step by step with your own hands within a few hours; the most difficult thing about it is the expressiveness of the face and facial expressions. It is also necessary to understand exactly what kind of image the craftswoman wants to create, and to have an understanding of proportions.

This toy is made in the same way as a stocking doll. But since a cockerel is a bird, and a special one at that, the needlewoman will need to highlight when making the head beak area. This is done using ties and stitches.

Additionally, instead of hair, you will need to sew a comb to your head, sewn separately and stuffed with a small amount of padding polyester. At the bottom of the head you will need to make 2 beard pieces and sew them under the beak.

The wings can be made stuffed from material and padding polyester or using a frame using the technology of making a stocking doll. It is worth paying attention that the rooster always has bright plumage, so the details should be of rich colors.

It is advisable to make the rooster's paws from wire, wrap them with padding polyester, and separate the fingers with drawstrings. They can be painted bright red. Decor for the rooster: hat, saber and corresponding paraphernalia.

Toys made from nylon stockings look most expressive and realistic due to special technology, including plastic. A skilled craftswoman does not sew, but literally sculpts the face of a doll creature. This is a wonderful technique for making original and cute toys from nylon.

The nylon method is quite easy to learn and is suitable for beginner needlewomen. It is a simple and easy method that does not require expensive materials, a lot of time and special equipment.

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further words of the author

I posted a tutorial on how to make pens. There are a lot of tutorials on handles, but I want to show how to make handles that are not huge, like sledgehammers, but more miniature...

I take 0.75 wire and bend it like this (by hand, without any tools, I liked it better)


I twist it.


And then I pinch all the fingers with pliers so that the wire closes. Besides the big one, I pinch it a little.


The result is a pen like this. I stratify the pre-cut padding polyester in half.


And already, I begin to wrap the thinner one around my fingers


I reel one after another, not forgetting about the palm...


It turns out to be such a blank.


Then I pull on the stocking cut off from the tights (it’s better to take 20 denier claws). The tension should not be very strong. I tie a long thread around the brush, and then I’ll use it to stitch the handle.


I cut off the excess nylon, leaving the thread untouched...The back of the hand is shown here.


And I start stitching my fingers.


From the back of my hand I pass the thread under the padding polyester to the next finger.


When everything is stitched, I turn my thumb and start stitching the dimples...


When the entire palm is ready, I again begin to wrap the padding polyester of the finished handle around it and pull the pre-prepared, stretched nylon onto it and sew it to the hand. At the shoulder I simply tie it with thread.

Do you want an unusual collection of dolls for your baby, or maybe you have an idea for making a home puppet show? Do-it-yourself dolls made from tights are a great idea for realizing any creative idea. In every home it is easier to find a couple of unnecessary tights, and padding polyester can be purchased at a special store or taken from old things.

It turns out that you got an exclusive hand-made textile doll practically for free - after all, you will make it from something that would have been thrown away. We have selected a MK and a video tutorial on making – and more than one – for you in order to make it easier for you to learn. Using this principle, you can easily create a snowman, a hedgehog, or a Smurf - they will all turn out different, but equally cute. You can easily find patterns for making stocking dolls on the Internet.

The finished doll turns out to be very plastic and close to reality. We offer you a couple of master classes on creating do-it-yourself dolls using stocking technology.

Materials for the master class:

If you are a beginner in creating dolls, we suggest starting with the easiest thing - a baby doll made from stockings. This toy has a fairly ordinary shape, so it is well suited for learning how to work with nylon.

Master class, step-by-step process.

Gallery: stocking doll (25 photos)

How to make dolls from tights and a plastic bottle

Cut off the bottom particle from the bottle and wrap it with padding polyester. After this, we stretch a piece of nylon material onto the bottle, the length of which is equal to the length of the bottle. Let's move on to making the face. To do this, make a ball from synthetic padding polyester, insert it into a bottle covered with nylon and use a needle and thread to create a nose. After this, you can add more padding polyester to make the cheeks, forehead and chin. Glue on the eyes, embroider the mouth and give the doll the desired facial expression.

Pull the remaining part from the bottom of the tights up and through the neck. We secure the tights at the top with threads. Let's make our own hair from threads.

Hands are created from wire. We cut pieces for fingers, wrap them with padding polyester and gradually attach them. You need to wrap the entire handle from palm to shoulder, and then put a “skin” made of nylon material on it. Let's highlight the fingers with threads.

There is no need to sew legs for our doll, especially if you want to dress her in a long skirt. You can come up with clothes for your grandmother using tights yourself.

Plastic bottle frame Perfect for creating an unusual doll, a warmer for a teapot or a cap for a sugar bowl. You can make such a heating pad according to the previous master class; it is important to correctly calculate the length of the skirt.

Today, when creating products, mass production is often used and all dolls are similar to each other. That is why attention to handmade products is increasing. It is quite possible that children do not take care of toys from the store because they do not notice their importance, so parents can make some kind of toy from tights with their own hands together with the baby. Even if the thing won’t be perfect the first time, it will teach the child to appreciate the work of other people and help him unlock his potential in handicrafts.

DIY frame doll

Frame baby dolls made from stockings– this is the pinnacle of hosiery technology. These toys are pleasant even just to hold, they are quite plastic and look like real dolls. For their base, a wire frame thirty centimeters long is created. It consists of a twelve-centimeter loop for the head, a twelve-centimeter round body and sixteen-centimeter legs. Separately, we wrap the handles with tape and create loops at the ends of the legs for shoes.

First, you need to separately create the head and make the face of the doll. The head is created from a piece of tights, and then we pull together the individual particles with threads. The eyes are either embroidered or glued on. For hair, you can use threads or an old wig.

For a doll about fifty cm in size you will need 1.5 m of wire, from which we twist the frame.

The palms are created from pieces of wire wrapped in material. We'll put a piece of tights on top. We embroider fingers and nails with threads.

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