Do I need to cleanse my face in the morning? Ways to cleanse your face at home

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Most people spend a lot of time doing all sorts of treatments to improve the appearance of their skin. Whether it's a sudden flare-up or an ongoing problem, acne is the last thing you want to worry about before your upcoming school prom or wedding. To keep your skin clean, you need to systematically care for it. Fortunately, there are many tips that can help you quickly improve its condition.


Using products purchased in a store

    Buy everything you need. If you want to improve the condition of your skin in a short time, the best solution is to go to the store and study the range of products. Although out of desperation you will want to buy the most expensive product, it is not always better than what is more expensive. For a week-long cleansing course you will need:

    • Good cleanser.
    • Chemical peeling.
    • An astringent or alcohol-free toner (depending on skin type).
  1. Apply cleanser. A good cleanser will effectively remove dirt and bacteria from your skin. You might want to visit a dermatologist for a facial, but a supermarket cleanser can do the job just fine. Squeeze a little cleanser into your hands and rub onto your face for one minute. To distribute the cleanser evenly, apply it in small circular motions. Rinse your face with hot water after applying the cleanser evenly.

    • If you don't have a cleanser on hand, use antibacterial soap as an alternative.
  2. Exfoliate your skin. While a cleanser fights bacteria on your skin, an exfoliator will help remove all the dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling smooth. This step follows after washing with a cleanser. This exposes cells that require exfoliation. There are several ways this can be done:

    Use a facial toner. Tonic is used to further cleanse the skin and tighten pores. A good toner will help restore your skin's natural pH balance and is used after cleansing and exfoliating. The toner can be applied with a cotton swab. Like previous products, the tonic can be used:

    • If you have oily skin, an astringent toner will help remove excess oil, keeping your skin clear. Astringent toners often contain alcohol and salicylic acid and can be purchased at a pharmacy or store.
    • For dry skin, use alcohol-free toners. The use of astringent toners threatens to dry out the skin, as it lacks natural oils. Consult a dermatologist if you are unsure about choosing the right toner for you.
  3. Repeat the skin cleansing procedure twice a day for a week. If you want to improve your skin condition, perform treatments twice a day, in the morning and before bed. This will not only double the number of times you clean, but also keep your face clean while you sleep.

    Home care

    1. Wash your face with hot water every morning. You may want to try one of the at-home skin care methods before purchasing a beauty product, especially if money is at stake. Washing your face is a surprisingly effective way to cleanse your face. To remove dirt from your pores more thoroughly, you can open them with hot water. Use a face towel dampened with water. The water should be hot, but not too hot so as not to cause pain.

      Prepare a sugar-based facial scrub. Most likely, you already have everything you need at home to make a scrub at home! You need to mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. After stirring the mixture, add another tablespoon of sugar and stir again. Drain any excess water from your sugar mixture. After this, pat your face with water and apply the scrub to each cheek, massaging in circular motions for one minute.

      Prepare a lemon-based facial toner. If you choose to take care of your skin at home, you can make a great toner with lemon. After washing your face, squeeze out 10 drops of lemon juice and apply it to your face. Smear the drops over your face and wipe off after a few seconds. This will remove any remaining dirt on your face that you couldn’t wash off while washing your face. Make sure you don't get lemon juice in your eyes. If used incorrectly, you may experience painful irritation from lemon juice. Apple cider vinegar can be a great toner alternative if you don't want to use lemon juice.

      Complete the procedure by wiping your face with an ice cube. This will complete your procedure. Ice will close your pores and thus prevent dirt and bacteria from entering your skin, leaving it clean. Think of this step as patching an airlock; you opened the pores, removed the dirt, and now you need to close the pores to seal the results.

      • If you don't have ice cubes on hand, wash your face with cold water, although this won't be as effective.
    2. Repeat the above steps twice daily for a week. By doing this twice a day, you will double your progress. Well-groomed skin before bed is just as important as well-groomed skin in the morning.

      Take care of your skin regularly. By the end of the week, even if your skin isn't perfectly clear, you should still see noticeable results. Now you don't need to apply these treatments as often, although if you have problematic skin that is prone to inflammation, we recommend repeating these treatments at least once a week.

Today is an important and very useful article about how to properly cleanse your facial skin every day.

At least, I systematized this information for myself for a long time, experimenting on my own face((, since before the advent of the Internet and the new “generation” of books and magazines, it was almost impossible to find something intelligible on the topic of washing.

For some reason, this topic was avoided. Why - it’s impossible to know, perhaps the process of washing was not considered so important and, in general, everyone cleansed the face the same way - they washed with soap.

Later I asked my friends how they cleanse their face in the evening? I received different answers: I remove with milk..., foam..., gel..., soap... these options did not suit me, I tried washing with foam, and milk, and gels, but there was no system as such, and I can say that I liked the end result, it was also impossible.

And only with the advent of new literature and access to Internet knowledge, I finally discovered schemes for how to , how to properly remove makeup from your face in the evening and how to wash your face in the morning.

I am sharing these methods with you, I hope that the information will be useful.

How to properly cleanse your face every day step by step

Have you noticed how many products are intended for “cleansing”? Well yes, huge. These include tonics, foams, creams, oils, micellar water, and soap, in the end.

And there are so many of them because the washing system is also not just one and all these products need to be combined with each other in order to choose the most suitable washing method.

Cleansing your face in the morning

Despite the fact that we slept peacefully at night and during this time we hardly had time to get dirty, our face still needs to be cleaned, since the sebaceous glands produced sebum during the night, and there may be remnants of night cream on the skin, so all this needs to be removed.

We carry out cleansing in two stages:

  1. Step one - wash your face. For this we use either
  • foaming gels and foams, mousses, soaps (products that need to be washed with water);
  • , apply it to a cotton pad and wipe your face.
  1. Step two - remove any remaining detergent:

Rinse your face with plenty of water or wipe it with tonic.

For me, this point should look like this: rinse your face with water and wipe it with tonic.

Because: both gels/foams/mousses and micellar water MUST(!) need to be removed from the face, because all these products contain surfactants, which, having done their job - having cleansed the skin of the face, must be completely removed from it washed away.

That's it, morning wash is completed))

How to properly cleanse your face before bed

The evening cleansing procedure is more difficult because, in addition to the same sebum and remnants of day cream, there are now decorative products on the face: makeup base, foundation/BB/CC cream, powder, blush, etc.

And it will not be possible to completely remove them from the face with the help of foams and mousses because they are intended for washing, and NOT for removing makeup.

The best way to remove makeup from your face

Please note that most of the impurities accumulated on the skin during the day are fat-based; according to cosmetologists, “like dissolves like,” so for evening cleansing you need to use fat-based products.

What do you need to remove makeup in the evening?

  1. Fat-based products to choose from: cosmetic milk; cosmetic cream/sour cream; regular or hydrophilic oil; oil balm.
  2. Makeup can be removed with non-greasy products, but they will not be as effective. This is: micellar water and gel, but not foaming, but melting.

Scheme on how to properly cleanse your face before bed

Stage No. 1

We cleanse our face with a product that is specifically designed for removing makeup.

Let me remind you again - milk, cream, sour cream, butter, balm, micellar water.

Stage No. 2

We wash ourselves with a product that is intended for washing.

These are: foam, gel, mousse, soap (in specially designated cases).

Stage No. 3

We wipe our face with tonic.

In principle, you can stop at point number two and start applying care products, but, in my opinion, a tonic is still necessary, not only because I love tonics as a product in general, but also because you:

  • remove the remnants of not-so-healthy tap water from your facial skin;
  • restore the level of ph balance of the skin;
  • check whether the cleansing procedure was carried out well.

The most important thing to remember when cleansing your face in the evening:

Removing makeup and washing your face are two different rituals, and for evening cleansing you need BOTH of them in that order.

That is, after carrying out the procedure with a cleanser, you will not be able to sufficiently remove makeup, some of it will still remain on the skin, as the product of the sebaceous glands will probably remain, especially for those with oily skin, and repeated use (on the third, etc.) once) the use of foam or gel will not bring any benefit to the skin, but it will easily dry it out.

That is, you can wash your face with foam/gel/micellar water in the morning or if you haven’t used decorative cosmetics during the day, but these products won’t be able to thoroughly remove makeup.

A control point for the quality of skin cleansing is the cleanliness of the cotton pad after toning the face; it should be clean and not wash off the remnants of cosmetics.

Based on these rules developed. More about them in the next article.

I hope I conveyed the essence of the question; if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer.

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Dermatologists agree: the skin of the face must be cleansed twice a day: morning and evening. You may ask: why so often? The fact is that even in a closed room, particles of dust, dirt and bacteria flying in the air settle on your skin. What can we say about street pollution? In addition, the skin itself constantly produces sweat and sebum. Mixing with settled dust and dirt, they contribute to the active proliferation of bacteria. As a result, we get rashes, irritation and peeling. In addition, regular neglect of cleansing leads to the appearance of hated blackheads.

Therefore, the skin requires effective cleansing. In the morning and evening, evenly distribute the cleanser on the skin with light massaging movements for 1-2 minutes, but do not rub. Then rinse with water or remove with wet wipes. The water should not be cold or hot. To achieve the best result, wet skin should be blotted with soft absorbent wipes or left to dry. During any facial treatment, it is best not to apply too much force, rubbing or pulling too hard on the skin.

Circadian rhythms

In the morning, it is enough to use a light cleanser or even just wash your face with water and wipe your face with a tonic. But evening cleansing is a more important matter. It starts with removing makeup with milk or lotion. Under no circumstances should you leave makeup on your face overnight. After this, another cleanser (foam, gel or mousse) removes the remaining makeup remover, as well as sweat and sebum. Finally, you need to wash your face with water.

Try not to neglect any of these stages, including makeup removal. Because, as experts joke, no one takes a shower in a raincoat: so we shouldn’t wash our face with makeup on our faces.


There are also holistic skin care systems that involve the daily use of gentle exfoliators. They prevent clogging of pores and rashes, making the skin more delicate.

Only clean skin can fully absorb nutrients from creams and serums.

To the very depths

In addition to daily superficial cleansing of the skin, of course, a deeper one is also required. For dry sensitive skin, one peeling procedure every 10 days is enough, but it is better to give preference to gommage and enzyme peeling. For oily skin, a scrub and, again, enzyme peeling are suitable, which in this case can be done up to twice a week. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that obstruct skin breathing and also clears clogged pores. “At the same time, excessively intense, aggressive “peeling” of the skin leads to the appearance of microcracks and scratches, which further increases peeling after a few days,” warns Olga Ibrakova, a dermatocosmetologist at the Anti-Age Clinic “New Life”.

“All skin cleansing procedures should be meaningful, regular and using high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics, individually selected according to skin type,” recalls Natalya Kolenko, a dermatocosmetologist at the Kraftway clinic.

For a cleanser to be effective, it must remove both fat-soluble substances (makeup, sebum, cream) and water-soluble substances (sweat).

The most traditional and “ancient” way of cleansing the skin is washing with water. But for dry and sensitive skin, tap water can become an additional source of irritation; in this case, it is better to use boiled or mineral water, as well as special cleansing micellar lotions. Cleansing milk, mousse and foam are also suitable for dry skin. For oily skin, the texture should be gel; you can choose a special soap (for example, ichthyol).

People with problematic combination skin often use medicated antibacterial soap to cleanse. Alkaline soap disrupts the acid balance and kills beneficial microflora on the surface of the skin. It is not recommended to use such products more than once a day (and it is better to use them in courses).

There was an error

It is not recommended to wash your face hastily, as it is very important to carefully remove any remaining cleansers from the skin. If some of the surfactants remain outside, they can react with the components of creams applied after washing and lead to allergies.

Improper cleansing can cause skin problems. Dissolution of the hydrolipid film and damage to skin cells by aggressive detergents can lead to disruption of the barrier function of the skin, make it dehydrated, defenseless against various microorganisms, open access to allergens and irritating substances, and disrupt the natural process of renewal of the epidermis. Damage to the skin barrier can trigger the development of various skin diseases.

In addition, very active use of cleansers (more than twice a day), the use of several types of products at once, and their incorrect combination are harmful. All this leads to overdrying, dehydration, flaking of the skin, and a constant feeling of dryness and tightness. And in the long term, it accelerates the formation of wrinkles.

Good prognosis

“Any skin needs proper daily care, and only in this case can you count on maintaining its good appearance and physiological condition,” says Natalya Kolenko. Cleansing the skin is an important stage in preparation for subsequent care or application of decorative cosmetics. Only clean skin can fully absorb nutrients from creams and serums. Therefore, you need to approach the skin care stage carefully and responsibly. It is necessary to choose cleansers for yourself in accordance with the age, type and condition of the skin; it is also necessary to remember that the cleanser must effectively remove impurities, be completely washed off from the surface of the skin, not penetrate into the deeper layers and be non-toxic. When the skin is cleansed correctly, it begins to glow from the inside, looks even and smooth. There is a feeling of freshness and lightness. “When the skin is cleansed and well-groomed, it is healthy, so the aging process begins later and proceeds more slowly,” Olga Ibrakova sums up.

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As a child, even girls do not want to wash their face in the morning and evening and do it only when their mother forces them. As they get older, they realize that taking off their makeup after a long day is one way to relax and relieve stress. We can say that skin care begins with washing, but as it turns out, negligence in this matter can harm us and cause premature aging of the skin and the appearance of acne.

We are in website learned about the intricacies of daily washing and were surprised to discover that many of us do it incorrectly. In this article, our readers will find professional advice and recommendations from cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Basic rules

  • To really cleanse your skin, start with your hands. Wash them thoroughly with soap to remove dirt and oil, rather than carrying it all into your cleanser and onto your face.
  • Many girls make one of two common mistakes: they remove makeup with a special product, but then do not wash their face, or, on the contrary, they use a cleanser without removing the makeup first.
  • Say no to reusable sponges: Even if you wash them every night, they will harbor bacteria that won't do anything good for your skin.
  • Many dermatologists advise washing with your hands to reduce trauma to the skin, because microcracks and excessive friction can lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles. Merinda Joy, who works with many Hollywood stars, recommends do it this way: apply the cleanser to moisturized skin using circular massage movements, without pressing too hard on your face. Don't forget that our skin is covered with fine hairs, and circular movements will help the product penetrate into the pores underneath.
  • For extra exfoliation, experts advise use not sponges, but disposable cloth napkins or washcloths (nowadays you can easily buy cheap sets of such products). Use gentle movements to remove any remaining product from your face, then put the towel or rag in the wash and throw away the disposable napkin.

Which product to choose

For dry lotions and milk are suitable for the skin.

For fat And combined- gels and foams.

For mature And sensitive- foam.

Try to find a product that does not contain alcohol, but contains glycerin and niacinamide. If your skin acne prone, look for salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide in the composition. But if you have oily skin, don't use such products every day. Such skin can also be overdried by cosmetics, and then it will begin to secrete even more oils, thereby worsening the acne situation.

Water and towel

One beauty channel shared video, which shows in detail the washing process that many girls in Korea use. The main advice is this: treat your face as if it were your child. That is, the pressure on the skin should be minimal. This is what a gentle way of washing looks like:

  • Moisten your face with water.
  • Squeeze out the required amount of product and lather it, but not on your face, but on your hands. If you use foam, there is no need to do this.
  • Very carefully and gently apply the product all over your face.
  • Make massage movements with your little fingers: you won’t be able to press too hard and injure the skin. In addition, the little fingers will help you go over the face in more detail.
  • Rinse off the product, but do not rub your face with wet hands. Instead, take water into your hands and gently pour small portions over your face.
  • Do not blot your face with a towel. Instead, you should dry your hands and massage your face a little.
  • While your face is damp, apply toner or thermal water.

Do you remember to wash your face in the evenings? What skin products do you use?

Isn't it wonderful that you can cleanse your facial skin without resorting to the help of cosmetologists? If you follow everything we recommend in this article, your skin will be just as clear, but your budget will be significantly replenished without unnecessary expenses.

You know that there is dirt, germs and bad ecology around us. Because of them, every month we have the desire to go to a salon for facial cleansing, but we can’t always do this, so we have compiled a step-by-step guide on how to deeply cleanse your facial skin at home so that you don’t have to go to a cosmetologist.

  • A facial cleanser that suits your skin type
  • Cleansing milk/foam
  • Facial scrub
  • Face Steamer/steamer (or use a saucepan after boiling water in it)
  • Tonic
  • Moisturizer
  • A face mask that suits your skin type
  • Rose water
  • Cotton fabric
  • Blackhead Remover Tool
  • Hair band/hair band
  • Ice cubes or ice water
  • Soft towels

Step-by-step guide to cleansing your face at home

Step 1 - Cleanse

Wash your face. Take some foaming face wash (or cleanser) and gently lather onto your face and neck. Rinse off with warm water.

Dry your face with a dry and clean towel.

Apply cleansing milk evenly onto your face and then dry thoroughly with a cotton cloth to remove any residue. This method also unclogs pores.

Step 2 - Scrub

After removing the dirt, it's time to do a mechanical cleansing and remove dead skin cells from your face, because they clog your pores and make your face look dull.

Wet your face a little and apply the scrub in circular motions. Press down on the skin, but not too hard. Massage your face with the scrub for a few minutes. Rinse off the scrub and dry your face with a clean towel.

Scrubbing relaxes and prepares the skin for the next steps in the facial cleansing process. You can use an oatmeal scrub or a sugar scrub, both of which can be made at home.

Step 3 - Steaming

It's time to steam your face. You can use a special steamer if you have one. Or you can take a bowl of water and bring the water in it to a boil.

Bend over the bowl and cover your head with a cloth/towel. Hold your face a few centimeters from the hot water and sit there for about 5 minutes.

Now grab a blackhead remover tool and get rid of those nasty clogged pores for a long time!

Splash cold water on your face or rub with an ice cube to soothe your skin and close your pores. Dry your face with a dry cotton cloth.

Step 4 - Face Mask

This is the best part. The mask will calm you down and give you much-needed rest while nourishing your skin. The advantage is that you can quickly make a face mask at home. It’s just important to choose the one that suits your skin type.

If you have oily/combination skin, then choose a mask that absorbs excess oil from your skin and keeps your pores clean.

If you have dry skin, then a moisturizing mask with fruit extracts will suit you.

Face masks soften and improve skin tone. Apply it to your face and keep it on until it dries - this will take about 20-30 minutes.

Wet a few cotton pads and place them on your eyes for relaxation.

Finally, wash your face with cold water and pat dry with a towel.

Step 5 - Toning

Use a toner to balance your skin's pH levels. Apply it onto your face with your fingertips and until dry.

An easily accessible and economical toner option is rose water. Cucumber juice is also a great option.

You can store their liquids in regular bottles and spray them on your face whenever you need it. Tonics seal pores, refresh the skin and maintain this freshness.

Step 6 - Moisturize

The last step is the most relaxing and enjoyable. Apply moisturizer to your face and massage it into your skin using gentle pats.

Let it absorb naturally on your face. You will notice your skin feeling soft to the touch and looking brighter and refreshed.

Use cream or lotion, depending on your skin type. A non-greasy gel or cream is a good option for those with oily/combination skin. Oil cream works great for people with dry skin.

Now let's see what the experts say.

  • Wash your face every evening before going to bed. The skin breathes well at night and you wake up with well-nourished and beautiful skin.
  • For effective cleansing, always choose beauty products that work well with your skin type. Otherwise, the whole process will be in vain.
  • Do not use the product if it irritates your skin.
  • Keep your tools and towels clean and disinfected.
  • It is best to use folk remedies: creams, scrubs and masks.

Benefits of facial cleansing

  • Cleanses your face and makes your skin healthy and glowing.
  • Nourishes the skin and promotes proper blood circulation.
  • Provides protection to the skin from acne, scars and blemishes.
  • Reduces tanning.
  • Rejuvenates the skin and makes it less oily and sweaty.

Experts' answers to readers' questions

What is the difference between just washing your face and cleansing your face?

Facial cleansing includes a gentle and relaxing massage in addition. Special procedures are also added, such as nourishing masks, gels, steaming, etc.

You can do a facial cleansing once a week.

Are there any side effects?

No, there are no side effects - unless the cosmetic products you use are not suitable for your skin type, then allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, it is better to use folk remedies, because then you will know exactly what recipe was used to prepare what.

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