Palmistry and relationship numerology: how to find out how many marriages and children there will be? How can women tell by their hand how many marriages there will be? How to find out how many wives I will have.

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

People want to know a lot of things, including what the future holds for them. First of all, I am interested in the topic of marriage and love. The most asked question among girls in this area is: “When and how many times will I get married?”

In order to find out, it is not necessary to turn to sorcerers, fortune tellers and psychics; it is enough to identify those lines that can answer the question of interest. By looking at them, you can independently perform fortune telling and find out the number of children and marriages.

First of all, you need to know which line is responsible for the necessary information, as well as which hand will tell you about what is urgent, and which hand will tell you about what was or will be. In palmistry, there are two terms that determine the importance of a particular hand. One of them will always be dominant or leading, the other passive. As a rule, in right-handed people the right is dominant, in left-handed people the left is dominant. Which one to guess depends on what you want to know:

  • The dominant one will tell you what is happening in a person at the moment and provide a forecast for the future.
  • Passive will clarify the moments that influenced the course of life and talk about hidden talents.

By which one to guess

To find the marriage line, you need to find the Heart stripe, which starts under the little finger and ends between the index and middle fingers or on one of them. Above this strip, closer to the little finger, is the line that interests us.

In the relevant literature, the corresponding trait is called direct attachment or relationship.

Certain signs on it show:

  1. The number of connections that will greatly affect the psycho-emotional state. This is not necessarily the number of marriages according to the stamp in the passport; first of all, these are those connections that touched to the very depths of the soul. So, for example, entering a monastery will also leave an imprint on this trait.
  2. Closer to the straight line of the heart are those attachments that arose in the early stages of life.
  3. In order to clearly see the drawing, you need to slightly squeeze your palm.

Types of marks and their influence

The line on the hand responsible for relationships is possible in several options:

  • Long. This sign is responsible for a strong family that will last for many years. The chosen one sincerely loves you, and most importantly, he is faithful.

  • Wavy and/or with unclear boundaries. Looking at this symbol, you can understand what your relationship with your spouse will be like. In this case, they will be unstable, with frequent quarrels without certainty and mutual understanding. You will feel lonely.

  • A clear break - the relationship will end abruptly, but after a while it will resume with the same person.

  • The fork indicates several things. Firstly, this means that married people will not be able to find common ground and will gradually move away from each other - their connection will disintegrate. Secondly, a couple can stay together, but at the same time lose each other due to their inattention. Problems may arise in the sexual life of partners.

  • If the line continues after the fork, then the relationship will be restored after overcoming difficulties.

  • If 2 forks appear on one line, then this is interpreted as the end of the relationship due to betrayal with subsequent reunion. The initiator is the owner of the mark.

  • Thin lines nearby - there is a third person in life with whom there is a secret connection.

  • Ends with a cross. A dangerous drawing that has nothing positive. It will all end in divorce or something more tragic.

Determining the date

Palmistry also considers marriage from the perspective of time: when it will take place, its duration. Thanks to the location of the marks, you can guess the approximate date of the wedding.

To determine at what age you will enter into a legal relationship, you need to divide the distance between the stripe of the heart and the little finger into three conventional parts:

  • In the first third. If, while guessing, you find a line in the first third, this is a hint of early love that can develop into something more serious. In this version, palmistry defines marriage as early.
  • In the second third it indicates the period of life from 25 to 50 years. This is how old you will be getting married in this case.
  • The third part is responsible for the period from 50 to 75 years. In this version it will be a very late union.

Duration and quantity

Determining the number of marriages is simple - it all depends on how many features are located on your hand:

  • One indicates the appearance of one person in your life with whom you will spend your whole life. As a rule, he starts a serious relationship with you, as a result of which they go down the aisle.
  • Some. The symbol has different interpretations. This may be several spouses who expect either strong psycho-emotional attachments in fate.
  • Short - will capture a short-lived relationship that, even in a short period, left a huge imprint.
  • Long indicates a long, strong union.

If you notice that the trait of affection has suddenly disappeared from your hand, this does not mean that you will never have wives or husbands.

Such features symbolize only those connections that are imprinted in memory for a long time and carry enormous experience and emotions. Those alliances that were for the sake of profit will not be reflected in the palm of your hand.

The mystery of the signs

Some marks during fortune telling by hand can indicate the peculiarities of family life that will develop.


  • The usual straight line indicates that the family will be standard. Some problems will arise in it, but they will not bring with them a series of rash actions. This couple has no secrets.
  • Ends with an island at the end - warns of incest (connection between relatives). This often happens between blood brothers and sisters. To confirm or refute such information, it is worth looking at the Mount of Venus, where there is a duplicate or single mark.
  • The dash tends to the Heart stripe - this means that the spouse will be a high-ranking person, with a promising career and an excellent reputation. In this situation, the alliance will be important for all parties, but there will be no calculation in it.


As for how many children there will be, there are many direct signs that indicate childbearing. According to the most common version, these are vertical branches from the attachment trait. But they are very often confused with problems that arise in the family.

There can be many such lines, and they indicate potential, and not actual children. To predict your future you need to look at the drawing of both hands (passive - how much is destined, active - how much will be).

For couples who cannot conceive children, they are absent from the passive palm.

As soon as the interfering factors are overcome, a mark about the baby will appear on the right palm.

There can be many lines themselves, but you need to look carefully at the bright and clear ones, as they indicate children.

Finding out exactly who was born is very easy. A boy has a large stripe, a girl has a small stripe, twins have an icon similar to a V.

What is the name of the science of fortune telling by hand? Palmistry is the name of the science of palm fortune telling; the origins of this science must be sought in ancient Egypt. Then fortune telling by hand was very popular and existed as a science for the elite. Today it is available to everyone. First, a novice palm reader needs to decide on which hand to correctly examine the lines. The lines of your future marriages are on the active right hand. This hand reveals your outer shell, how people see you in real life. This is true for right-handed people. If you are left-handed, you should look accordingly on your left hand.

Where are the marriage lines on a person’s hand?

Now we need to correctly find the lines responsible for the marriage. The marriage line on a person’s hand is located (located) almost on the side of the palm under the little finger, as in the photograph, which can be enlarged with a mouse click. We are only interested in clearly drawn lines, because they are the ones that will tell us about marriage. Short lines speak only of affection. So, the number of clear lines you see is probably the number of serious relationships fate has in store for you. What else do the lines on the palm tell us about marriage?

How early will I get married?

When the marriage line on the hand is next to the heart line, then the marriage will be early. By the way, the heart line starts under the little finger from the very edge of the palm and comes to the long or index finger. A marriage line passing between the beginning of the little finger and the line of the heart will indicate that your marriage will happen at the age of 25 - 30 years. A line passing very close to the base of the little finger will tell us that a likely marriage will take place at a later age.
How can I tell by my hand if I will get married?
If in your palm the marriage line turns upward, then you will be a bachelor (bachelor) all your life.
Divorce line on hand
A downward line means that you will outlive your husband (wife). Divorce cannot be avoided if the marriage line bifurcates at the end. Moreover, the wider the fork is at the end of the line, the more discord there will be between people. The initiator of the divorce in this case will be the owner of the hand. A large fork on the marriage line will tell us about the scandalousness of its owner.
An island at the end of the line also means divorce. The difference is that it will be more emotional and will certainly end in irreconcilable hostility, courts and proceedings. If you see just such a sign on your palm, you are an emotionally sensitive person, and there is discord in your family. It is worth paying attention to the trait of divorce, which appears precisely during such periods of life. The divorce line should be looked for on the thumb. This is a small line extending down from the base of the thumb. If the marriage line is directed from the side to the center of the palm, but towards the end it loses its clarity, this means that feelings are gradually fading away. You may have to break up soon. The wavy marriage line is also important, showing frequent quarrels and troubles in the family.
Treason line on the hand in Palmistry
If a barely noticeable, thin line runs very close to the marriage line, this may mean the presence in your life of another love affair, in other words, a lover (mistress). Such lines, betrayals in palmistry, as a rule, should be considered on the inactive hand (left), since the active hand expresses the outer side of your essence, and the inactive hand expresses the inner emotional state of the soul. When the marriage line bifurcates, the top line continues to rush towards the center of the palm - this means that after separation your relationship is likely to continue. But a straight line, tending to the center of the palm and mixing with the line of success, can tell us that your marriage will certainly be happy and successful. The line of success is a line that starts at the bottom or middle of the palm and is directed upward to the ring finger.
Will the marriage be happy and successful?
By the marriage line on your hand, you can also judge the health of your partner, as well as whether your marriage is happy and successful. To do this, you should take a closer look at the clearly delineated marriage line and if there are small branches in the form of a herringbone on it, the health of your couple will be poor. If a branch goes from the marriage line to the so-called Mount of the Sun and intersects with the line of the Sun, this may mean that your half will be a successful and very famous person. Conversely, when the marriage line is directed downward and intersects with the line of the Sun, then you will lose your position in society by creating a marriage. You can find the Hill of the Sun, or the Hill of Apollo, under your ring finger. This mound, if present, symbolizes the success and self-realization of the owner of such a palm. The line of the Sun, also called the line of Apollo, the line of Success, the line of Luck, originates from the ring finger and can pass down the entire palm. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a pronounced line.
If a person does not have a marriage line?
It happens in Palmistry that a person does not have a marriage line at all, although he is married. This means one thing - a marriage of convenience. In such a marriage there is no place for love and tender feelings. As a rule, such a marriage is concluded to obtain some benefit for the partners. When the line looks like small consecutive nodules, marriage is simply contraindicated for such a person, since in marriage he will be unhappy and lonely. I'm sure by now you already have some answers to your questions regarding marriage, and how many of them you will have. And yet it is worth considering that palmistry only tells us about possible options for marriage, as well as the development of further relationships in marriage. Please note that in order to draw final conclusions, you need to consider and compare the signs on both palms. There are many other factors to take into account. Do not make hasty conclusions and do not rashly take measures to prevent undesirable events. For a deeper interpretation, it is better to contact a professional. He will analyze both hands, take into account all the influences and signs, and give you a competent answer. And of course, the future depends only on your choice, which will be made by you at a predetermined moment in life. This means that he is entirely dependent on you. The marriage lines on your hand will tell you how many partners fate gives you, but how many times in your life there will be a wedding, and how happy your family relationships will be is up to you to decide. And also do not forget that family relationships need to be built and maintained so that they are stable and happy, and no hand lines by themselves will ensure this.

Line of fate
The line of fate cannot be seen on every palm. This line is rare. It is directed vertically upward from the middle of the base of the palm, and crossing it, comes to the middle finger, and the starting point can be at different heights from the base. When it is visible on a person’s hand, it means that in a predetermined period of time he will be destined to realize his dream, to make a fateful decision. The line of fate can be used to judge the success of its owner in achieving various goals. Individuals who have it always make the right choice, make the right decision, and are accompanied by incredible success, luck and luck. Failures and troubles seem to recede before them. Fortune is the faithful companion of such a person. When gray days come into their lives, a hint seems to come from above.

How to determine how many children a person will have using fortune telling?
It may not be strange, but with the help of scientific fortune telling by hand, it is not difficult to determine from the palm how many there will be, or rather how many are destined for the fate of children. Moreover, using your hand you can even calculate the gender of your unborn baby, his health, the birth order of children, and even abortions and miscarriages. The left hand reflects the possible number of children, and the right hand reflects the real state of affairs. If you are left-handed, then vice versa. Pay attention to your palm, bend it a little to take into account the sharper lines that require our attention. I recommend examining the lines on the palm with a magnifying glass, since children's lines are not clearly defined. Without a magnifying glass, you probably won't be able to figure them out. There are several ways to determine how many children you will have based on your hand, since there are many different areas of palmistry. Each direction gives its own method of counting children. Methods for determining Determining the number of children along the lines of relationships. Let's find places where you can see the number of your serious relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, they are also called marriage lines, we dealt with them in the article “How to find out by hand how many marriages there will be,” you can look at the corresponding article and learn more about it.

Let me remind you that the relationship lines are located on the edge of the palm between the little finger and the line of life, parallel to the base of the palm, you can see them in the main photo under number 1. And the children's lines are those thin stripes that are located perpendicular to the relationship serifs and necessarily extend upward from them, therefore, it is not difficult to find out what kind of relationship these children will be from. Some have many child lines. “There can’t be so many children,” you say. This is because the number of notches are possible pregnancies, but due to progress in modern medicine, pregnancy may end in abortion or it will not occur at all due to the use of contraceptives. Unfortunately, women also experience miscarriages. Therefore, very thin, barely noticeable lines of children, having characteristic damage, will tell us about abortion and miscarriages. And our born children are the lines that stand out most among the rest. Long lines are boys, short lines are girls. If they have a V shape, it is a sign of Gemini. You can find out the age when you may have a potential child by dating marriage lines. For example, if the marriage line is located closer to the heart line, then this relationship most likely began at an early age from 16 to 25 years, so child lines extending from them mean the birth of a child during this period. 2. Signs on the life line. The serifs located on the palm of the hand in the form of a herringbone, which emanate from the heart line at its very beginning, also indicate the number of children. The number of dashes determines the number of children you will most likely have. You can see them in the figure under number 2.

3. The lines on the Mount of Venus will also help you determine how many children you will have from your hands. The elevation at the beginning of the thumb is the Mount of Venus. You should look for them there (number 3 in the figure) slightly below the base and almost perpendicular to the wrist. This is a favorite and well-working sign in palmistry. 4. Islands on the Family ring. The family ring encircles the thumb; small islands on this ring symbolize the number of children. This method came to us from Indian palmists. In India it is believed that small islands are girls and big boys. If a line emanates from the island and is directed towards the life line (in the figure it is number 9, the life line is 8), this will indicate the date and circumstances of the birth of the children. Because the life line can be divided into so-called age sectors. 5. Lines on the Mount of the Moon. These horizontal lines are located on the edge of the palm below the life line (number 5 in the figure). They are connected with the appearance of children as follows. The Mount of the Moon is responsible for projects, from this we can assume that the lines on it will indicate the number of planned children. 6. Lines of influence. Lines that point downward from the direction of life are called lines of influence. Short lines will tell you that your child is influencing you. As a rule, this influence of children on a person’s fate occurs in infancy. After all, it is at this age that children are inextricably linked with their parents. Using these lines, it is also easy to find out the child’s date of birth, dividing the life line into age sectors. 7. Lines on the fingers. Vertical lines on the middle phalanges of the middle finger and little finger are also responsible for the expected number of children to be born. These signs are used by oriental palmists and claim that these are the signs that indicate boys. Important points When determining how many children you will have based on the lines on your hands, and as people say, by palm fortune telling, it is very important to pay attention to the signs located on the children's lines. If you see a cross, an island or something similar on it, this may predict a miscarriage.

Male and female palms
There is also a nuance regarding who you are, a man or a woman, because by the palms on a woman’s hand we know how many children she will give birth to, but by the hands of a man, how many children he will sincerely love. In addition, in men, due to this feature, when determining the number of children using palmistry, the lines under the little finger can show not only their own children, but also adopted children and even nephews, provided there is great affection for them. And naturally, the number of lines on your palms, as well as all possible variations of your destiny, depending on your actions, changes with age, so check them more often, and especially if joyful events have occurred in your life, for example, a wedding.

If you turn your palm sideways, you will be able to notice that there is another line of marriage (love) above the heart line. The closer to the heart line the section is located, the sooner you will begin a close love relationship. How many of these dashes are there are so many unions you will have.

Signs and lines should be viewed on the right hand - this is more reliable. Not very strong love without sex is not reflected on the hand. In some cases there may be a thin or short line.

1. Three marriages

If there are three lines on your hand from the heart line, this means that you will have a serious relationship three times. You shouldn’t naively believe that they will all end up in a strong marriage. How to determine which relationships will be stronger? Look at the accuracy of the line, its length. This is important.

It is worth noting that if your first line begins immediately after the heart line, it means that you will begin to build relationships at an early age of 18-22 years. The second line is relationships at 25-28 years old. Third line - 33-38 years old.

2. Marriage with divorce

No matter how sad it may sound, divorce can also be determined by the hand. So, a line with a fork indicates that the union will not last long. There will be a divorce, and this procedure will not be without scandals and serious conflicts. Most likely, this will be due to a partner’s betrayal. Whoever has a fork in the road, it is his fault that the separation will occur.

3. Breakup or wedding?

If there is a fork in the beginning, then in all likelihood you will marry a person with whom you already had a relationship that ended in separation.

People have always been interested in the future. This is especially true for relationships with the opposite sex. Palmistry will tell you how a love relationship will develop along the lines of your hand. You can also find out, using fortune telling, how many marriages and children there will be. You don't have to be a professional palmist to master the prediction technique.

Marriage line on the hand

The furrows determine love unions in a person’s life. The stripes characterize attachments that have not reached real relationships. Each such line describes the relationship with a specific partner.

On the female left hand, the lines show how many connections are destined. On the right is the number of connections in fact. For men it's the opposite.

Relationship signs are also studied between the Mount of the Moon and the line of Fate. These are signs of influence that confirm the information of the main symbols of the relationship.

Attachment lines are changeable throughout life, so professional palmists look at them in dynamics.

Fortune telling along the line of Marriage

In palmistry, the number of marriages or serious relationships corresponds to the number of clear parallel stripes. Such grooves can be seen with the naked eye. They are clearly visible without clenching your palm into a fist. The depressions are felt with a finger.

It happens that the line is not just obvious, but straight and long. It is called the ideal line of love and does not affect other branches and signs. She predicts a long happy life with her beloved. If this line is broken, then a divorce or separation awaits the person. And after the break - reunion again.

When the streak of marriage begins with a fork, a person is faced with the destruction of the relationship at the beginning. The fork at the end predicts separation due to incompatibility, termination of the relationship at the initiative of the owner. The final blurry part is the gradual fading of feelings.

Curved marriage lines mean the hardships of family life, illness, and struggle. They may also have signs on them. They will predict the nature and characteristics of relationships.

Palmistry interprets them as follows:

  • - serious interference in love;
  • the presence of an island - enmity of the spouses;
  • star - selfish love, the owner is exploited;
  • - difficult family life with troubles, quarrels;
  • - physical, psychological violence from a partner;
  • period - widowhood due to an accident.

Fortune telling predicts the time of marriage. The distance from the base of the little finger to the Heart line is divided into three equal parts of 25 years. Whichever band falls into, at approximately that age the owner will have a close relationship.

A fuzzy, blurry, barely noticeable stripe on the hand speaks of a short-lived love. She doesn't have much significance in fate.

A double line indicates the presence of two connections at the same time. The length, depth, and straightness of the strips will help determine which one is stronger.

Line of children on hand

Children's signs are vertical small lines. They start from the marriage line and go up. Children are also shown signs:

  • strokes on the Mount of Venus at the base of the thumb;
  • horizontal lines
  • Christmas trees at the beginning of the heart line;
  • sticks on the life line.

More often the signs are on the female hand. For men, they mean a strong love for children or a desire to become a father.

On the right hand, along the lines you can learn about children in the present and future, taking into account life circumstances. The left hand shows potential. But it is not always used.

Fortune telling for children

By the number of stripes you can determine the number of children. If they are on the edge of the palm, then their owner will become a parent early. The distance between the strokes shows the difference in age between the offspring.

If the lines are poorly distinguishable, they predict miscarriages and abortions. Unborn children can be identified by faint lines.

Fortune telling by lines will help you find out the gender of the child and determine the possibility of having twins:

  • a long, noticeable stripe - a boy;
  • short, thin stroke - girl;
  • A V-shaped sign above the marriage line means the appearance of twins.

According to another interpretation, inclined furrows are predicted for the heir. Direct - heiress.

A cross on a children's strip predicts an accident: injuries, accidents, operations. Conflicts between parents and children are predicted by the stroke crossing the child’s line. Multiple strikethroughs indicate health problems or a complex character. Wavy baby sign - health problems from birth.

There are people without signs of love. The absence of lines means that the owner will not have close, spiritual relationships. The connections will be prudent and selfish. Such a person is more interested in work than in family life.

The presence of multiple child signs does not necessarily imply the birth of all heirs. These are opportunities that may not be used during your lifetime.

The absence of any indication of children does not always indicate infertility. This is an indicator of reluctance to have a child.

Many of us have heard about palmistry - a science that can determine the character and destiny of a person by the pattern of the palms. We know that using the lines and accompanying signs you can trace the course of life and unforeseen turns in it, as well as learn about your calling, innate inclinations, main obstacles and illnesses. But how can you tell by looking at your hand how many marriages and love affairs there will be in life? It turns out that this is also possible. Let's look at how to determine the number of marriages based on a person's hand, or more precisely, the number of significant emotional attachments that will eventually develop into marriage.

Lines of affection

These lines should be looked for on the edge of the palm next to the Mount of Mercury (under the little finger and above the Heart line). It should be clarified right away: they will not give accurate information about how many official marriages there will be, or at least civil ones. If the emotional attachment is strong, it will appear on the hand as a line, but people may not live together or marry.

On the other hand, arranged marriages may not be displayed by such lines, since there is no strong attachment in them. However, in many cases, a clear line of affection will indicate marriage, since it is a logical continuation of many love relationships.

In addition, the number, length and clarity of these lines can be influenced by the type of character of the owner of the hand. How amorous and “attaching” is a particular person by nature? The first may be characterized by multiple lines on the edge of the palm, but this will not mean multiple marriages. The second is often embodied in pronounced lines, since a person tends to experience deeper attachments than other people.

Quantity, length and sequence

If there is only one mark, everything is simple: in life there will be one long-term relationship and, most likely, one marriage for life. Two lines can indicate two marriages or one significant romance and one marriage. If there are several marks on the hand (three or more), they represent different novels, the most significant among which will have the greatest length and clarity.

The order of relationships must be determined from bottom to top: the lowest ones are considered the earliest, and the rest go in order of priority. If the 2 lines run very close to each other, it is quite possible that during this period you will feel a strong attraction or attachment to 2 people at the same time.

To find out when a particular relationship will begin, you should mentally divide the gap on the edge (from the Heart line to the base of the little finger) into 2 parts. Most often, the middle indicates an age from 33 to 36 years. All marks below it reflect relationships before this age, and those above - after. By dividing each of the segments, you can create a kind of scale on which it is easy to see the approximate time of the beginning of each relationship.

Thickness, clarity and color

Palmistry believes that the quality and duration of a relationship is indicated not only by the length of the line, but also by its clarity. A clearly defined line speaks of deep and strong relationships, strong affection, and sincere interest. If such a mark comes clearly and deeply, but begins to weaken towards the end, this shows that at some stage the feelings may fade away. It is good if the lines are clearly defined and clearly defined, but their excessive thickness is not a positive characteristic. In the photo of some hands you can see very wide lines of attachment: as a rule, they are observed in people whose strong attachment is abused by their partners, using feelings for their own interests.

In addition, palmistry believes that the color of the line of affection indicates the temperament of the love relationship. It is usually associated with the temperament of the owner of the palm. So, in passionate and energetic people, affection marks are red, while in a more reserved person they can be pale pink or white. Dark purple lines sometimes indicate excessive passion, possessiveness and a tendency to dominate.


  1. In the photo of some hands you can see a line with a fork at the end (two diverging ends). This indicates the withdrawal of partners. The further apart the “teeth” of the fork are, the greater the distance will be. A certain percentage of cases foreshadow divorce.
  2. A “tassel” at the end is also a negative sign. There is a danger of a complete loss of mutual interest, weakening of feelings and destruction of relationships.
  3. The interpretation of a star can be twofold, depending on its location. If an ordinary straight line ends with a star, this indicates the destruction of feelings and relationships. But if a branch stretches from the marriage line to the hill of the Sun, ending with a star, this indicates a marriage with an outstanding personality.
  4. If you look closely, you can see the so-called marks of children on the marriage line. The lines of children are vertically running straight lines, the number of which corresponds to the number of children predetermined by fate. On a woman’s hand there are marks of children who are destined to give birth, on a man’s hand there are marks of children whom a man will love and raise (in the latter case, you can also see the lines of adopted children).
  5. In addition to vertical straight lines, small branches are often visible on the marriage line. You also need to look at them carefully to understand how happy this marriage promises to be. Ascending branches signify happy events, love and understanding. The interpretation of descending branches is negative: these are quarrels, scandals and various family troubles.
  6. In some cases, palmistry can determine the sign of widowhood: not necessarily the early death of a partner, but simply the fact that you will outlive your significant other. To correspond to this interpretation, the marriage line should bend strongly downward at the end, tending to the line of the Heart.
  7. If breaks are visible on the marriage lines, the relationship will be destroyed due to some outside interference.

For many people, fortune telling is an irresistible temptation, especially for girls and about their personal lives. Palmistry is a complex and voluminous science, but quite feasible and accessible to almost everyone, therefore, if it is not possible to consult with a qualified palmist, it is better to read your hand on your own than to use the services of charlatans and gypsy fortune-tellers, especially since fortune-telling itself is not difficult: you only need attention, good lighting and accessible instructions in pictures. This way you can easily figure out where the main marks are and what they mean.


Finding out the meaning of the marks on your hand is not all. It is necessary to combine the elements of information into a whole picture and decipher it correctly. This will require logical thinking, but even more - intuition. Palmists, scientists and astrologers know: no matter how much you analyze, real insight appears suddenly, as if out of nowhere. This is even more true when it comes to personal relationships and emotional connections: in order to correctly hear the subtle strings of the soul and put them into a single picture of fate, intuitive insights will be required.

It is necessary to get into the habit of meditation before you start reading the hand. You need to close your eyes and breathe calmly, concentrating on the empty spaces between thoughts. It is necessary to turn to the higher powers in which you believe (God, the Universe, Guardian Angel, etc.) with a request for help and guidance, for example: “Guide me and help me see the truth.” Afterwards, you need to look at the hand drawings, without trying to explain everything with your mind: you should wait for insight, it will definitely come.

Don't be upset

No matter how many negative signs you read on your hand, remember one thing: tears will not help your grief. By observing hand drawings, you can see how they change (sometimes very quickly), which means that most situations and omens can be corrected.

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