Anti-wrinkle masks with clay at home. Fast, effective and inexpensive

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

White clay masks cleanse pores well. © Getty Images

To understand what white clay is, just go to the pharmacy. It is sold there in the form of a white powder with a yellow or blue tint. The scientific name of such clay is kaolin, since it was first found in China, in the Kaolin area.

White clay is based on aluminosilicates, trace elements and mineral salts. And not only. Here is the list of main ingredients:

“This set of substances allows you to effectively absorb dirt and fight oily shine. As practice shows, white clay is one of the most gentle and delicate abrasives, ideal for skin prone to rashes and inflammation. Aggressive exfoliants are not suitable for such skin. The same cannot be said about kaolin. It acts extremely gently, but effectively.”

  1. 2


  2. 7

    nitrogen in a highly digestible form.

The effect of masks with kaolin is much more obvious if you use them on a regular basis. After such procedures, the skin becomes as if glowing from within, elastic and very soft to the touch. But that's not all. What else are clay masks made of?

Mechanism of action on the skin

Kaolin makes the skin firmer and more elastic. © Getty Images

Acting delicately, white clay improves blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen and increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Who is a white clay mask suitable for?

White clay masks are suitable not only for those who suffer from acne, oily shine and blackheads.

We call for action without fanaticism. And be sure to remember that the skin’s reaction to a homemade mask is unpredictable. In this sense, cosmetic brands deserve more trust. When developing a new product, they always strictly observe the proportions and check the composition for tolerance.

White clay mask: choosing recipes and products

There are many homemade recipes for white clay masks. © Getty Images

White clay mask for oily skin with aloe

Action: significantly changes the quality of the skin for the better, and also dries out pimples.


  1. 1

    1 tablespoon kaolin powder;

  2. 2

    2 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka;

  3. 3

    1 teaspoon aloe juice.

How to prepare and use:

    mix the ingredients;

    Apply a thin layer to the skin and leave for 10 minutes;

    rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin with lemon


  1. 1

    40 g white clay;

  2. 2

    half a lemon;

  3. 3

    20 ml hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare and use:

    mix clay, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide;

    apply a mask;

    After 15–20 minutes, wash your face.

Editorial opinion. Clay absorbs excess oil and reduces unwanted shine. But count how much time you will spend making the mask. And the alcohol in its composition is also very confusing - it does not have the best effect on the skin. With a ready-made mask, the process will be faster and certainly safer.

© Vichy

Charcoal, white clay and thermal water thoroughly cleanse pores, helping to improve skin texture.

© L'Oréal Paris

The mask contains eucalyptus extract. Suitable for all skin types.

White clay mask for dry skin


  1. 1

    20 g kaolin;

  2. 2

    30 ml milk;

  3. 3

    1/2 banana;

  4. 4

    1 egg white.

How to prepare and use:

    dilute the clay in slightly warmed milk;

    grate the banana on a fine grater or chop in a blender;

    mix the fruit with the clay mixture and protein;

    Apply the mask to the skin for 15 minutes.

White clay face mask for blackheads


  1. 1

    20 g white clay;

  2. 2

    20 g sour cream 10% fat;

  3. 3

    3 drops of tea tree oil.

How to cook and use

Pour white clay into the sour cream in a thin stream and mix with a wooden spoon until smooth, add tea tree oil and apply to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes.

Editorial opinion. Just imagine how much effort and time you will spend preparing such a mask. Skin care experts at L'Oréal Paris have created a clay mask that brightens and purifies skin in just 10 minutes. The soft formula ensures comfort during application, while the clay and charcoal in the composition cleanse pores and draw out deep impurities.

© L'Oréal Paris

The soft formula ensures comfort during application, while the clay and charcoal in the composition cleanse pores and draw out deep impurities.

Mask for reducing pores with Amazonian white clay Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque, Kiehl’s

© Kiehl's

White clay and aloe vera in the mask cleanse and soften the skin. Just 10 minutes - and your face is free from oily shine.

Anti-wrinkle white clay mask

Action: smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone.


  1. 1

    10 g dried nettle;

  2. 2

    10 g dried linden;

  3. 3

    20 ml boiling water;

  4. 4

    3 ml vitamin E;

  5. 5

    20 g 5 white clay.

How to prepare and use:

    pour dried linden and nettle leaves with boiling water for 30 minutes;

    strain the infusion and let it cool slightly;

Hi all!

Today we’ll talk about one of the popular components of modern industrial cosmetics and natural home remedies. And it's called kaolin. In this article we will look at effective face masks with white clay.

If you haven’t tried this amazing powder yet, then don’t hesitate, because it heals the skin at the cellular level, preventing life-giving moisture from evaporating from your epidermis.

Where is it mined, what is it rich in, what beneficial properties does it have, can it cause harm, what recipes exist for various facial skin problems based on white clay powder - you will find out the answers to all these questions below.

White clay, also known as porcelain clay, is a fine-grained white powder formed by the weathering of granite and other rocks over thousands of years.

It also has another name - kaolin, which comes from the name of Mount Kaolin or Kaoling in the eastern province of China, where it has been mined for centuries. It is in this country that it has become most widespread in many areas; famous Chinese porcelain is made on its basis.

But not only the Celestial Empire is the only place where white clay is mined; it also lives in ecologically clean areas:

  1. Bulgaria;
  2. Ukraine;
  3. Russia.

When combined with water, it forms a thick, silky and soft paste, which is very pliable and has a pleasant consistency. It contains a large number of minerals, including:

  • silica;
  • aluminum;
  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

Kaolin as a multifunctional agent

White clay is such a common natural substance that its uses are so wide that it simply boggles the imagination. Kaolin is present in mineral cosmetics, such as loose eye shadow, blush, and is used as a natural deodorant, in body soap, shampoos and hair masks.

It is even taken orally to treat many diseases. In Ancient Asia, face whitening was made from it, because snow-white skin was one of the fundamental factors of belonging to richer classes. It has been used to rejuvenate and cleanse facial skin since the time of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra.

So why is it added to face masks? Let's first figure out what skin types it is suitable for. This:

  1. dry;
  2. sensitive;
  3. mature;
  4. problematic;
  5. inflamed.

It would seem strange, it copes with completely opposite problems, but this is its nature, it gently dries out acne, but does not draw moisture from the skin. By choosing the right ingredients for your homemade mask, you can achieve any result you need.

The main properties and advantages of kaolin are as follows:

  • Soothes irritated and sensitive skin, eliminating redness.
  • It does not dry out the skin, but is quite effective against acne, blackheads and blackheads, and can be used even in the cold season.
  • Works as a gentle exfoliant, removing dead cells from the surface of the skin.
  • It has disinfectant properties that help heal acne spots.
  • Effectively removes dirt and oil from pores, subsequently narrowing them.
  • Makes the skin very smooth, any foundation glides on with a bang without clogging into the pores.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, which affects the rapid healing of the skin.
  • Helps whiten the epidermis, make it radiant, lightening age spots.
  • It has a rejuvenating effect and is able to remove toxins from skin cells.
  • Activates the production of your own collagen, giving the skin firmness and elasticity, eliminating premature wrinkles.
  • Normalizes the moisture balance in the dermis, has a slightly alkaline reaction, which does not harm the skin at all.

Well, that's enough, let's move on to the recipes.

The best face masks with clay powder

There are simply an incredible number of recipes for masks with kaolin, but I will list the most effective and efficient ones below. You can make them at home and get clean and renewed skin without signs of dehydration.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

This composition is effective against acne and any inflammatory processes on the skin, and also helps to resolve stagnant spots and eliminates blackheads. But be careful, peroxide is a rather aggressive component. This mixture is suitable only for oily skin.


  • kaolin (1 tbsp);
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp);
  • Tea tree EO (3 parts).

Pour peroxide over the white powder and stir until bubbles appear. Then add ether. Next, apply the resulting mixture to your face, preferably with a brush or cotton pad. We wait 20 minutes and wash off in the usual way.

Lemon mask

This mixture will help to significantly whiten the skin of the face, perfectly tightens pores and eliminates greasy shine and blackheads. Ideal for those with oily and problematic skin.


  • white powder (3 tbsp);
  • lemon juice (20 ml.);
  • warm water (2 tbsp).

Let's start preparing and using!

We dilute the clay in warm water and add lemon juice. Apply to facial skin and wait for about 15-20 minutes. Then we get rid of the mask.

You can watch another whitening mask recipe in the following video.

Honey mask

This composition is suitable for mature and aging skin that is losing its elasticity and firmness.


  • kaolin (2 tbsp);
  • warm milk (½ cup);
  • honey (1 tbsp).

Let's start preparing and using!

First, pour the clay powder with milk, then add liquid honey. Mix everything thoroughly and spread on the face for a third of an hour. Then we wash with water.

Vitamin mask

This mixture is perfect for dry skin types. Vitamins A and E are used here, each of which fights for youthful skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.


  • white clay (1 tsp);
  • (1 tsp);
  • warm water (1 tbsp);
  • tocopherol (8 parts);
  • retinol (8 parts);
  • Ylang-ylang EO (3 parts).

Let's start preparing and using!

First, mix both clays and dilute them with water. Then add vitamins and ether. The mask should resemble the consistency of rich sour cream. Now apply it to clean facial skin and wait 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with water as usual.

Chamomile mask

This composition is aimed at reducing acne spots. Perfectly soothes the skin and makes it matte, but at the same time moisturized.


  • white powder (2 tbsp);
  • chamomile decoction (3 tbsp);
  • macadamia oil (1 tsp);
  • EM of myrrh (3 parts);
  • Neroli EM (3 parts).

Let's start preparing and using!

Berry mask

The ingredients of this mixture work as a soft peeling; the composition is suitable for lovers of fair skin and those who want to have an even complexion.


  • kaolin (1 tsp);
  • (1 tsp);
  • strawberry (1 pc.);
  • kefir (1 tsp).

Let's start preparing and using!

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Grind the strawberries to a paste. Combine all ingredients and mix; if the consistency is too thick, add more fermented milk product. Apply to the skin and wait for 20 minutes. Then we wet the face and do a light massage, then rinse with warm water.

Wine mask

Since one of the components of the mask is wine, and this is alcohol, this mixture is therefore suitable for getting rid of acne. But honey will help soothe your skin without causing irritation.


  • white clay (3 tbsp);
  • aloe juice (½ tsp);
  • white wine (100 g);
  • honey (1 tsp).

Let's start preparing and using!

Heat the wine and add it to the white powder. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture and mix well. Apply to the face, preferably on inflamed areas, and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then wash off with water.

Secrets of application

Oh yes! This is the most important thing. After all, if you do something wrong, there will be no effect or negative consequences are possible. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following recommendations.

  1. The skin should be cleansed of cosmetics and natural oils.
  2. No metal when preparing the composition for the mask, as this material enters into a chemical reaction with its components.
  3. The mixtures can be diluted with warm water, mineral water and herbal decoctions; it is better to avoid citrus essential oils if you usually do procedures in the morning.
  4. Do not skimp on the mask, apply it liberally to the entire face, neck and décolleté, but exclude the eye and lip area.
  5. Try multimasking! That is, applying different types of clays to a specific area of ​​the face. The effect is simply wow.
  6. Make sure that the clay does not dry out on your face; periodically spray your skin.
  7. Lie down, be silent, calm down - the main conditions for the best effect of the mask.
  8. Rinse the composition off your face with warm water, after wetting the dermis.
  9. Don't forget to use the cream after the procedure.
  10. Make masks as often as your skin type allows, for oily skin - 2-3 times every 7 days, and for dry skin - once.

Harm and contraindications

White clay as a natural component has virtually no contraindications. But do not neglect a simple test to identify allergies. To do this, apply a little diluted clay or a ready-made mask behind the ear and observe the skin reaction. If a rash, irritation or itching occurs, please select a different prescription.

Also, white clay should not be used on open wounds, scratches or cuts. This can cause further inflammation of the skin. You should also be careful with various skin diseases, and even better, consult a doctor.

Be careful, leave the clay on your face for a maximum of 20 minutes, and if your skin is dry, then 5-10 minutes will be enough. Any clay, when completely dry, begins to draw out moisture, gradually dehydrating the epidermis.

That's all for me. I advise you to try white clay, perhaps you will like it the most. Select components, make mixtures, in general, create and apply. Use the gifts of nature for good.

Youth and freshness to you! See you!

Cosmetic clay has absorbed all the minerals and microelements that are essential for the beauty and health of the skin, due to which clay masks have an excellent antiseptic, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and tightening effect.

In nature, clay exists in different colors, this is due to its mineral composition. Hence, each type of clay combats different skin problems.

Blue clay - has a cleansing, brightening, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, nourishes, tightens pores, softens, tones, so is ideal for normal and combination skin.

Green clay - has cleansing properties, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, has a disinfectant effect, therefore it is recommended for oily and problematic skin. The only important argument against its use is the presence of rosacea.

Red clay - relieves skin redness, recommended for sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.

Pink clay – disinfects, smoothes, dries out inflammation, recommended for mature skin prone to dryness, inflammation and irritation.

Yellow clay is considered an ideal remedy for the care of dull and wrinkled skin.

Black clay - supplies the epidermis with essential trace elements and minerals.

In cosmetology, blue and white clay are most often used. Clay masks are especially necessary for oily skin, as they remove various impurities, excess fat, tighten pores, giving the skin freshness and smoothness, mattifying it and eliminating traces of inflammation. Clay perfectly exfoliates dead layers of cells, being an excellent alternative to peeling, and at the same time saturates the skin with the most important components for its health.

How to properly make face masks from clay.
Any mask, including one based on cosmetic clay, should be applied to a face that has been previously cleansed of dirt and makeup.

To dilute the clay, you need to use cool water. After adding water to the powder, mix everything thoroughly so that no lumps form. Ideally, the result should be a mass reminiscent of sour cream in thickness, that is, when applying it to the face in an even (not thick or thin) layer, it should not flow off it. Too thick a mass will quickly harden, and the skin will receive minimal benefit from it.

Clay masks should be prepared exclusively in glass, enamel or ceramic saucers, no metal.

The mask should not be applied to the area around the mouth and eyes, otherwise you will dry out this delicate and dry area.

After applying the mask, you need to lie down quietly, it is very important not to make any facial movements.

For oily skin types, keep the clay mask for no more than fifteen minutes, for normal and combination skin types - no more than ten minutes, for dry skin types - no more than five minutes. And yet, the mask should not completely dry out on the face, it will simply draw life-giving moisture from the skin, making it dry. Our task is different - to cleanse, relieve inflammation, moisturize, and provide microelements.

To remove the mask, simply put a damp cloth on your face and hold it for five minutes, and when the mask softens, remove the remaining composition from the skin with the same cloth. After applying the clay mask to the skin, it is important to moisturize with a good cream.

For oily skin, clay masks can be done twice a week; in other cases, one procedure every seven days is enough.

The mask can be applied only to problem areas, not necessarily to the entire face area.

The mask should be prepared immediately before applying to the skin.

Clay should be selected based on your skin type.

Contraindications to the use of clay face masks.

  • Individual intolerance to any components of the mask.
  • It is prohibited to apply the mask to the area around the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.
Classic clay mask for all skin types.
Cleanses away impurities, toxins and dead cells.

Mineral water without gas or ordinary purified water – 3 tbsp. l.

Dilute the clay with water to a homogeneous consistency, apply to cleansed skin and lie quietly: for those with oily skin - 15 minutes, normal and combination - ten minutes, dry - five minutes. Then moisten a cosmetic napkin in water, apply it to your face for a couple of minutes, and then remove the remaining composition with the same napkin. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Clay masks for oily skin, recipes.

Clay mask with talc and glycerin.
Dries, cleanses, mattifies, fights acne.

Glycerin – 5 g.
Green clay powder – 20 g.
Talc – 10 g.
Alum – 1 g.
Alcohol – 5 g.
Water – 30 g.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply to a cleansed face, avoiding the eyebrow area, around the mouth and eyes. Leave for fifteen minutes, remove the mask with a dry cotton pad.

Clay mask with milk and glycerin.
Cleanses, eliminates oily shine, dries.

Talc – 1 tsp.
Green clay – 1 tsp.
Milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and apply to the face, leave for fifteen minutes, remove with a dry cotton pad.

Clay mask with zinc oxide.
Dries, mattifies, cleanses, relieves inflammation.

Green clay powder – 10 g.
Zinc oxide – 2 g.
Talc – 25 g.
Water – a small amount for thickness.

Mix the ingredients and dilute with water until the consistency of sour cream. Distribute the mask onto a cleansed face, leave for fifteen minutes, remove with a dry cotton swab.

Clay mask with magnesia and zinc oxide.
Cleans, disinfects, mattifies, dries.

Green clay – 1 tsp.
Starch – 1 tsp.
Zinc oxide – ½ tsp.
Magnesia – 2 tsp.
Purified talc – 2 tsp.

Stir the ingredients until smooth. Apply on face for fifteen minutes, remove with a dry cotton pad.

Clay mask for dry skin.
Moisturizes, softens, relieves redness, gives velvety feel.

Honey – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – forty drops.
White clay powder – 1 tbsp. l.
Water – a little for thickness.

Heat honey in a water bath, add lemon juice and mix with clay. Add a little water to the mixture to thicken it. Spread the composition onto your face and leave for five minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. Lubricate the skin with moisturizing cream.

Clay mask for problem skin.
Cleans, disinfects, has an anti-inflammatory effect, mattifies.

Blue or green clay - 3 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 15 drops.
Alcohol – 30 ml.

Combine the ingredients into a creamy mass and apply to the face. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask with cool water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin.

Clay mask for blackheads.
Eliminates oily shine, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands, eliminates blackheads.

Vodka – 50 ml.
Lemon juice – ½ lemon.
Blue clay – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix vodka with lemon juice and dilute the clay with the mixture until it becomes thick like sour cream. Apply the mixture to the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream.

Clay mask for normal facial skin.
Cleanses, nourishes, smoothes.

Blue or white clay - 3 tsp.
Starch – 1.5 tsp.
Purified talc (or oatmeal) – 1.5 tsp.
Alum – 1 pinch.

Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture for fifteen minutes, then remove with cool water. Lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Whitening clay face mask.
Improves complexion, evens out, lightens age spots and freckles.

Egg white – 1 pc.
Salt – 2 pinches.
Cosmetic clay for your skin type – 10 g.

Combine everything into a homogeneous composition and apply an even layer on the skin, leave for fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. Clay masks with a whitening effect can be done more often (three times a week).

Clay mask with bodyaga for acne for all skin types.
Dries, relieves inflammation and redness.

Green clay – 2 tbsp. l.
Bodyaga powder – 1 tbsp. l.
Cold water for a smooth consistency.

Combine the clay with bodyaga and dilute with water until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the resulting composition to your face for half an hour, rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Clay mask with honey for acne for oily skin.
Relieves redness, reduces inflammation, cleanses, nourishes.

Blue clay (or green) – 1 tbsp. l.
Table salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Water – for thickness.

Dilute the mixture of salt and clay with water to form a paste-like mass, which is applied in an even layer to the skin (for combination skin, apply the composition to problem areas). Leave the mixture for twenty minutes, rinse with cool water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Rejuvenating clay mask for any skin type.
Cleanses, nourishes, softens, and has a pronounced lifting effect.

Cosmetic clay (depending on skin type) - 2 tbsp. l.
Milk – 3 tbsp. l.
Honey 1 tsp.

Dilute the clay with milk to a homogeneous consistency, add honey melted in a water bath. Mix everything and apply to cleansed skin, lie quietly: for those with oily skin - 15 minutes, normal and combination - ten minutes, dry - five minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

Cleopatra mask.
Smoothes the skin, tightens, improves the oval of the face, additionally nourishes, softens and cleanses the skin.

White clay – 2 tsp.
Green clay – 1 tsp.
Grapeseed oil – 1 tsp.
Peach oil – 1 tsp.
Mineral water without gas - to the desired thickness.

Dilute the clay with water until thick as sour cream, add oil. Distribute the finished composition onto the skin and leave until the mask dries and changes color. Rinse off the composition with cool water, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream. This mask should not be used on dry and irritated skin.

Clay mask with cucumber juice.
Brightens, tightens, refreshes, smoothes.


Cucumber juice – 2 tbsp. l.

Dilute the clay with cucumber juice, spread the resulting creamy mixture onto the face and neck and leave for fifteen minutes, then wash with cool water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream. In this recipe, cucumber juice can be replaced with parsley, strawberry, or orange juice, but then you should add another half teaspoon of lemon juice.

Scrub mask made of clay and oatmeal for all skin types.
Cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes, makes the skin smooth and soft.

Oatmeal (or oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder) – 2 tbsp. l.
Cosmetic clay for your skin type – 1 tbsp. l.
Whey – 1 tbsp. l.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Combine all ingredients. Apply to skin with light massage movements for two minutes, paying special attention to problem areas. After ten minutes, wash with warm water.

Clay masks for irritated skin.
Soothes, relieves irritation and eliminates redness, softens, vitaminizes, improves tone.

White clay – 1 tbsp. l.
Tomato juice – 2 tbsp. l.

Dilute the clay with tomato juice until it becomes thick like sour cream. Apply the composition to the skin and leave for fifteen minutes, then wash with cool water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Don’t be lazy, make clay face masks, your skin will thank you.

Hi all!

In my reviews, I continue to tell you about caring for my facial skin, because... I have enlarged pores, the presence of blackheads, and are prone to inflammation and breakouts in the form of acne.

My skin requires special care and only constant thorough care and cleansing give good results.

I especially love clay masks, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of my skin.

White clay is an affordable, cheap remedy that will transform you from a pimply frog into a princess with clear and soft skin. White clay is a fairly popular product in cosmetology; cleansing masks are made on its basis. In the most popular brands you will always find a cleansing face mask based on white clay, but you can make such a mask yourself at home, spending a couple of minutes on preparation and saving a decent amount of money.

White clay is suitable for all skin types; in addition to cleansing, it also gives the skin elasticity, velvety, enhances collagen production, which is very important in the fight against skin aging, and it also slows down the formation of wrinkles due to the microelements included in white clay.

White clay masks are suitable for any age category of women. There are now a large number of recipes for masks based on white clay on the Internet, where everyone can choose the most effective and optimal mask that suits their skin type.

In my review, I will tell you about the cleansing mask for blackheads, which has been my favorite in the fight for clear skin for several years.

I buy white clay only from one manufacturer, MedikoMed, I like it the most due to its good grinding, it does not contain pebbles and grains of sand, which are often found in white clay from other manufacturers.

You can purchase it at a pharmacy in your city or order it on the website [link], white clay from this manufacturer is not always available. Fortunately, this service exists and you don’t have to run to pharmacies looking for this clay.

The cost of white clay is 56 rubles.

Weight 100 grams.

Country of origin: Russia.

A cardboard package that holds two white paper bags with white clay.

On the back of the cardboard package there is a short description and how to use it.

It can be used not only on the face, but also used as a hair mask and taken in cosmetic baths to cleanse the skin of the body and give it tone and elasticity.

White clay is an excellent antiseptic. Perfectly cleanses the skin and hair, absorbing excess sebum and sweat gland secretions, dries the skin, and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

On the packaging we also see its composition, which contains:

white clay of high purity.

The clay has a medium grind, uniform consistency, which mixes well with water into a homogeneous mass. Its color is closer to gray than to white, but this is not the main thing.

Has a clay aroma.

For a mask against blackheads we need 1 tablespoon of white clay, water, lemon juice, and a few drops of lavender oil. First, dilute white clay with water in a 1:1 ratio, then add a few drops of lemon juice (about 3 drops) and 2-3 drops of lavender oil.

The result is a homogeneous paste, which we apply to previously cleansed facial skin, apply it in two layers for 15 minutes, during which time we periodically spray the mask with water from a spray bottle or apply a damp cloth soaked in water to the face. The main thing is not to overexpose the mask and not let it dry on the skin of your face.

The color of the pulp is not white, but green.

The mask should not be made in metal containers, because... There is a loss of beneficial minerals included in the mask. It is recommended to apply the prepared mask immediately and not to make it for future use, because this also leads to the loss of all the beneficial substances and properties of the mask.

I wash off the mask with cool water and wipe with a soothing toner designed for my skin type. It washes off easily.

The visible result from this mask will be after 3 procedures, but even after the first use, the skin of the face has noticeably changed, the skin of the face has become a tone lighter and the blackheads have lightened. The skin became matte, without an oily sheen, velvety to the touch, no dryness or tightness due to lavender oil.

This mask has an excellent cleansing effect and eliminates blackheads from the skin.

After the mask, pores noticeably narrow and the skin texture is evened out.

I make this mask once a week. It should not be abused.

White clay worked great on my combination skin and deserves all five stars!

Cosmetic clay is a natural source of minerals, it is a good doctor and a gentle peeling.

That is why it becomes an integral part of many medical procedures and cosmetic sessions - clay is used in food and drink, wrapped in it, baths, bandages and masks are made.

A special rock - natural clay works in two different directions:

  1. It absorbs sweat and dries out the skin.
  2. Kaolin, especially blue, removes a layer of dead cells, eliminates spots and peeling of the epidermis, heals wounds, the skin becomes soft, velvety, and beautiful in color.

Interest in clay has grown over recent decades. She gained such popularity for her healing abilities:

  • regenerate tissues,
  • absorb salts
  • absorb toxic substances and odors,
  • disinfect the surface,
  • advance cell aging,
  • nourish with the necessary microelements,
  • preservation of the environment for bacteria.

Using this mask twice a month stimulates metabolism, the production of elastin and collagen, the skin becomes elastic, and wrinkles disappear. Decoctions of herbs, dairy products, apple cider vinegar, cognac, glycerin, citrus juice, aromatic oils, honey, and other products can be added to clay-containing anti-wrinkle cocktails.

It is important to remember that to make the first masks, only white clay is used; they are diluted only with water, which will allow you to evaluate the body’s reaction to this product.

The effectiveness of different types of clay

Each type is useful: the properties of clay depend on the color and composition of minerals. The table shows the effect of using a mask with one or another type of clay:

Properties Clay
white/kaolin blue/ keel red/


yellow green/illite gray pink/ French
Smoothing out wrinkles +
Whitening + +
Anti-inflammatory + + +
Micronutrient nutrition + + + + + + +
Reduction of pigmentation +
Absorption of sweat gland secretions +
Improved blood circulation +
Acceleration of metabolism +
Detoxification +
Removing greasy shine +
Restoring hydrobalance + + +

Due to the different composition of substances, masks with different types of clay are not suitable for everyone. This palette will help you choose the appropriate clay color:

IMPORTANT. Kaolin is suitable for all women, but rare gray clay is only for those with dry skin types.

Anti-wrinkle clay masks - recipes

Regenerating mask “Zest”

Effect: heals, moisturizes the skin, improves its tone.

Purpose: for dry skin.

  • kaolin - 10 g,
  • grape seed oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • almond oil and sandalwood essential oil - 3 drops each.

Heat grape oil to 37.0 C, add essential oils, add clay. Apply with massage movements to places where there are wrinkles. Leave on face overnight.

Anti-wrinkle mask with burdock oil

Effect: nourishes the epithelium, smoothes wrinkles well.

Purpose: for all skin types.

  • 10 g white clay,
  • puree half a kiwi or apple,
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Mix clay, oil, fruit puree in a thermos, heating the products to 37 C. Apply the semi-liquid mass liberally to the face, leave for 30-40 minutes, wash with acidified water.

The first anti-wrinkle face mask

Effect: supports the natural functions of the skin, prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Purpose: for young skin.

  • 10 g illite,
  • 2 tbsp. l. wheat bran (soften),
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

Mix all the ingredients. Apply and wait half an hour.

Rejuvenating mask for any age

Effect: nourishing, moisturizing and tightening the skin.

Purpose: for dull skin, against wrinkles.

  • 10 g white clay,
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream 30% fat,
  • 0.5 tsp starch,
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice,
  • 1 tsp. softened honey.

Keep until the liquid dries completely. Rinse thoroughly with water and perform self-massage with patting.

ATTENTION. Although there is relatively little honey in this mask, remember that it is a strong allergen. Do a sensitivity test before choosing this recipe.

Oily-clay from crow's feet

Effect: restores and improves cell function, nourishes with microelements, against wrinkles.

Purpose: for young and mature skin.

  • 10 g gray, pink or red clay,
  • 2 drops rose essential oil,
  • 1 tbsp. macadamia or avocado oils.

Apply the prepared liquid in a thin layer along the massage lines under the eyes. Leave to dry for an hour, wipe off with a napkin, then wash.

Glycerin clay mask

Effect: normalization of the functioning of the exocrine glands, against wrinkles.

Purpose: for dull skin, with acne and other skin defects.

  • 1 tbsp. l. white clay,
  • 1 tsp. glycerin,
  • 1 tsp. passion fruit or sesame oil,
  • 1 tsp. water.

Gently mix the ingredients. Spread evenly over the surface, leave for a quarter of an hour, and wash. Next, use your favorite emulsion or cream. This procedure is needed every 3 days.

Mask “Clay Borjomi”

Effect: prevents inflammation, smoothes the skin, tightens pores.

Purpose: for problem skin.

  • aspirin – 4 tablets,
  • kaolin – 2 tablespoons,
  • ground coffee – 1 teaspoon,
  • mineral water "Borjomi".

Grind everything into powder and dilute Borjomi. You should get a semi-liquid mass similar to thick sour cream.

Mask "Aspirin Armor"

Effect: restores skin elasticity.

Purpose: for problem skin with dry areas.

  • aspirin – 2 tablets,
  • kaolin – 1 teaspoon,
  • water.

We prepare a thick paste from water, tablets and clay and water. The “armor” on the face remains for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the next day, and then exactly a week later.

Against the first expression lines

Effect: moisturizes, smoothes the skin, removes and prevents the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Purpose: against small irregularities

Composition: in equal proportions

  • avocado pulp,
  • almond oil,
  • kaolin.

Or a mask with the following components: in equal proportions - fish oil, olive oil, starch and black or red clay.

10 rules for working with kaolin masks

  1. Clay powder should be carefully sifted through a cosmetic strainer. This way we will remove lumps from the clay and saturate it with oxygen.
  2. It is preferable to prepare cosmetic mixtures in clay or glass containers.
  3. Check again: this type of clay suits your skin.
  4. Clay, like any other product, has expiration dates. Check the expiration date of the purchased kaolin.
  5. Apply the cosmetic product to well-cleansed skin - toner, micellar water, gel, milk or emulsion are excellent for this step.
  6. Do deep cleaning and steaming of pores before the mask no more than once a month.
  7. Kaolin masks are used at least 2 times a week.
  8. A clay mask requires a horizontal position from the body, so a comfortable chair or sofa is yours for half an hour. You should not talk, laugh, and move as little as possible: under the weight of the clay, the skin can be pulled back and wrinkled.
  9. Always wash off the kaolin mask with warm water - not hot or ice.
  10. Good mood and positive attitude usually brings more benefits and better color to our skin than any other remedy.

Clay-face mask: 10 “against”

With masks from this product, women treat the skin, heal wounds on it, tighten the oval of the face, remove the chin and nourish the skin with oxygen. And yet, one medicine does not always suit all patients, and clay is not always “good”:

  1. Individual intolerance and undesirable reactions to a new product have not yet been canceled.
  2. Open wounds and bursting pimples on the face are a recipe for infection. The mask should be put off for 5-10 days.
  3. It is prohibited to use this product due to the presence of a disease in a person, which is caused by an excess amount in the body of any component included in the clay of this color.
  4. You can’t make a mask if you plan to go outside right away, and it’s winter and minus 20, or autumn and strong winds. At home before bed is the best time for clay therapy.
  5. Clay has excellent cleansing properties, but it does not replace daily washing.
  6. Kaolin comes into contact with aluminum cookware - throw away the mask, it has lost its strength.
  7. The procedure is contraindicated if the woman has an elevated body temperature - above 37.5 C.
  8. You should not make such a mask a day after deep cleansing your skin.
  9. A fresh tattoo of an arrow on the eyelids, tattoo of eyebrows, Botox of the face will postpone the “clay mask” procedure for a whole week.
  10. A positive allergy test to clay or other mask ingredients forces you to abandon them.

Wrinkles bother women of any age and at any time of the day. Homemade kaolin masks are an opportunity to help yourself prevent the appearance of the first ones and smooth out existing wrinkles in comfortable, familiar conditions and at a reasonable price. All products are accessible and natural, and even children can prepare such masks.

useful video

Video recipes for anti-wrinkle masks with clay

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