Abortion (termination of pregnancy) - complications and consequences. How does pregnancy termination occur with medication? Is it possible to do it with medication?

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

The most gentle way to perform an abortion is medical termination of pregnancy. It is practically safe for the health and emotional state of a woman. To carry it out, drugs are used that provoke the expulsion of the fertilized egg.

What is medical abortion?

The term “pharmabort” usually means the artificial termination of an ongoing pregnancy using medications. The method completely eliminates surgical intervention. During this procedure, the patient takes pills in the presence of a doctor. Under the influence of the components of this drug, the death of the embryo occurs. This completes the first stage of medical abortion.

After a certain time, the woman takes another drug. Its components provoke increased contractile activity of the uterine myometrium. As a result, the rejected fertilized egg is expelled and an abortion occurs. This procedure has a number of advantages relative to other methods (curettage,):

  • no trauma to the uterus;
  • rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • low risk of complications;
  • does not require anesthesia.

Medical termination of pregnancy - timing

When answering a woman’s question about how long a medical termination of pregnancy can be carried out, doctors say 6-7 weeks. Pharmaboration can be carried out no later than 42–49 days from the moment when the first day of the last menstruation was noted. At the same time, the effectiveness of this procedure decreases over time, and the likelihood of complications increases.

Doctors say the optimal time for medical abortion is up to 4 weeks. The fertilized egg does not have time to securely attach itself to the uterine wall, so it is rejected and released better and faster. In addition, the hormonal background has not yet been fully established, the restructuring of the body has not been completed, so it will be easier for it to return to its previous state, before pregnancy.

Medical termination of pregnancy - contraindications

The main indication for such an abortion is the desire of the woman herself. However, not all pregnant women and not all cases can undergo a medical abortion. In addition to the time frame indicated above, there are other contraindications to the implementation of medical abortion:

  • history of allergic reactions to medications;
  • liver failure;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • pathological bleeding;
  • active inflammatory process in a woman’s body;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • suspicions of;
  • oncological processes;
  • lactation process;
  • administering corticosteroid therapy;
  • disorders of the blood coagulation system.

How does medical abortion occur?

Talking about how the pharmabort is performed, the doctor explains the stages of the procedure. Beforehand, a woman needs to undergo a short examination, which is prescribed on the day of treatment:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus;
  • microflora smear;
  • blood test for syphilis.

After receiving the results, an exact time is assigned when a medical abortion will be performed, the timing of which is indicated above. During the second visit, the doctor talks with the woman again, clarifies the seriousness of her intentions, and whether she has changed her mind. The patient is then given a drug, which she drinks in the presence of a doctor. Under the influence of the drug, endometrial growth stops, and the muscle layer begins to contract. The woman is observed for 2–3 hours, after which she leaves the clinic.

The patient is given a tablet of another drug that stimulates uterine contractions. It is taken after 36–48 hours, as directed by the doctor. Under the influence of the drug, the dead embryo is expelled out. Only after this is the medical abortion considered complete. A woman records bloody discharge.

Medical termination of pregnancy - drugs

A woman, even if she wants, cannot carry out a pharmaceutical abortion on her own - pills for its implementation are not sold in the pharmacy chain. When performing a medical abortion, drugs are used with a high content of hormones, so they are issued by a doctor in a medical facility. To carry out medical abortion, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antigestagens– suppress the effect of natural gestagens at the receptor level. A representative of this group is Mifepristone, Mifegin. For pharmaboration, 600 mg of the drug is used.
  2. Prostaglandins– enhance the contractility of the uterine myometrium. Most often from this group they use Mirolut. 400 mg of the drug is prescribed. Taken 36–48 hours after the antigestagen.

How do you know that the pharma abortion was successful?

Complications are possible with any medical procedure, so women often ask doctors how to understand that a medical abortion was unsuccessful. In order to exclude possible violations, after 14 days the woman must visit the clinic and undergo a control ultrasound. The doctor must make sure that the fertilized egg and its remains have completely left the uterine cavity. They examine the organ itself, determining its size. In a woman, the doctor clarifies the nature of the discharge, the presence and severity of pain. Often, after a pharma abortion, the test is positive - this is due to altered hormonal levels.

Menstruation after pharmaabortion

Normally, menstruation comes after pharmaabortion within 28–30 days. Taking abortifacients has virtually no effect on a woman’s hormonal background, so menstruation is not disrupted. However, in some cases there is a change in the volume of discharge: it can be scanty or excessively abundant. Thus, a small amount of discharge after medical termination of pregnancy may be due to:

  1. Small dilatation of the cervix during an abortion means that fragments of the fetus cannot come out normally, accumulating in the uterine cavity.
  2. Incomplete abortion - the fertilized egg is not completely rejected, and the fetus continues to develop.

Bleeding is observed within 2-3 days after pharmaabortion. Normally, it lasts up to 10–14 days. The fertilized egg is separated in parts, so the discharge lasts a long time. Their volume exceeds the number of menstrual ones. You need to be careful about the volume, making sure that they do not go into . Signs of such a complication are:

  • a large amount of blood released from the vagina - in half an hour the sanitary pad (“maxi”) is completely saturated;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • increase in the number of heart contractions;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Sex after pharmaboration

After the pharmaabortion has been carried out, the doctor explains to the woman what not to do and what rules to follow. At the same time, special attention is paid to intimate life. Doctors do not recommend that women have sexual intercourse until the bleeding stops. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection of the reproductive system. On average, the period of abstinence should be 2-3 weeks from the moment of abortion.

Pregnancy after pharmaceutical abortion

A properly performed pharmaceutical abortion does not affect reproductive function. after such an abortion, pregnancy is possible already a month later, in the next menstrual cycle. Considering this fact, doctors strongly recommend protection. Often women regret what they did and want to get pregnant again. In addition, there are cases when the termination was carried out for medical reasons, so the woman wants to quickly become pregnant again.

The reproductive system needs time to recover, so you need to refrain from planning a pregnancy for 6 months from the moment the medical termination of pregnancy was carried out. During this period, doctors recommend using. In this case, it is better to give preference to mechanical ones (condom), since the use of hormonal agents can affect the hormonal background.

Medical termination of pregnancy (pharmabortion) is not a method of birth control, but a serious medical procedure that can lead to various kinds of complications. Its essence lies in the fact that a woman must take hormonal pills at a set time to perform a medical abortion and provoke the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity.

According to WHO, such an abortion is recognized as the most gentle method, but it does not always give a guaranteed result. As the gestational age increases, the effectiveness of the procedure decreases significantly.

If a woman wishes to terminate a pregnancy, preference is always given to the most effective methods - medication, or (for example, curettage is ideal in the presence of a placental polyp).

Can I have a medical abortion at 7 weeks, 8 weeks or later? The best option is 14 days after the delay. The reason is that after 6 weeks the fertilized egg is already quite well attached to the wall of the uterus, so the likelihood of its preservation increases. For example, if a medical abortion is performed at 8 weeks, its effectiveness rarely exceeds 88%.

Contraindications and indications

There are no strict indications for medical abortion. The woman must decide for herself whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

Relative medical indications for its interruption are:

  • diseases that threaten the full development of the baby;
  • severe genetic, somatic, infectious diseases;
  • taking medications that can cause deformities and disrupt the full development of the fetus.

Social indications:

  • minor age;
  • rape;
  • absence of husband;
  • disability I or II in an existing child;
  • serving time in prison.

With such a fairly serious procedure as abortion, the main contraindications to terminating a pregnancy with the help of medications will be:

  • allergy to drugs used for abortion;
  • fibroma or;
  • severe renal or liver failure;
  • Availability ;
  • diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • anemia;
  • taking blood thinners;
  • high blood pressure, etc.

What is the procedure

In the usual understanding, medical termination of pregnancy is not like an abortion: a woman comes to the clinic, takes pills under the guidance of a doctor, and then she simply begins to have heavy periods, during which the fertilized egg is expelled along with the blood.


At the first appointment, the gynecologist explains to the woman all the contraindications, risks, possible complications and how a medical abortion is done in general terms, as well as what to expect after it.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics

Before taking this step and deciding on a medical, vacuum or other type of abortion, a woman must undergo a fairly large number of studies:

  • General (clinical) blood test , urine, (human chorionic gonadotropin), the level of which in the early stages is evidence of pregnancy. An ECG test is also taken for syphilis (RW).
  • Ultrasound . During an ultrasound examination, the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus is confirmed, ectopic pregnancy, as well as tumor formations of the uterus and ovaries are excluded.
  • Examination by highly specialized specialists . Their consultation is necessary if a woman has any serious illnesses. It may also be necessary to adjust the intake of medications regularly taken by the patient in order for the drugs for medical termination of a developing pregnancy to be effective.
  • Checking the blood coagulation system . For this purpose, a coagulogram is usually prescribed, because if the blood does not clot well, then severe bleeding may occur after a medical termination of pregnancy.

Direct preparation for abortion

If during a medical examination and laboratory diagnostic examination no contraindications were identified, the doctor gives the following recommendations:

  • For a week, eliminate alcohol, smoking, taking anticoagulants and some other drugs.
  • On the day of taking the first dose of the drug, food should be easily digestible.
  • For the entire period of the abortion (3-6 days), care should be taken to ensure that if the woman’s condition worsens, someone will take care of her and run the household.

How is a medical abortion performed?

How is a medical abortion performed in a private or public clinic?

The procedure takes place in 3 stages:

  1. At the doctor's office.
  2. At home.
  3. Follow-up visit to the doctor.

In the doctor's office, a woman who decides to have a medical abortion takes 3 tablets of mifepristone (600 mg) in the presence of a gynecologist, and then remains under his supervision for 2 hours.

Typically, before sending the patient home, the doctor gives her misoprostol tablets containing prostaglandin, leaves her his contact information and schedules the next visit to the clinic. This is done because he needs to observe how the woman’s abortion proceeds, whether the medications have the desired effect, and whether possible complications develop.

At home, after 1.5-2 days, the patient takes 2 tablets of misoprostol (400 mcg), which enhances contraction of the uterine muscles. During the period of termination of pregnancy, some women experience severe pain. In this case, you should use medications to relieve pain.

How many days can a medical abortion last? On average, up to 6-7 days. It is at this time that blood loss is most significant and discharge is abundant.

A follow-up examination is scheduled on days 3 and 7-14. If, according to ultrasound and hCG analysis, the pregnancy has persisted, vacuum aspiration or classic curettage is performed.

What to do after a medical abortion

If a woman who has recently given birth had a medical abortion, until how many weeks can she breastfeed? According to most experts, you need to refrain from breastfeeding for 2 weeks, because the drugs used for medical abortion pass into breast milk, and their effect on the baby’s body has not been studied.

In general, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Avoid strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting during bleeding.
  • For the first month after a medical abortion, in case of menstruation, use only pads and temporarily abandon tampons and menstrual trays.
  • During the entire period of vaginal discharge, you should not take a bath, go to the pool, etc.
  • Until how many weeks is sexual rest indicated? Sex after a medical abortion should be postponed for 3 weeks - 1 month. After termination, a new pregnancy can occur immediately with the resumption of sexual activity. Therefore, it is important to use.

It is impossible to predict how the reproductive system will behave after a medical termination of pregnancy has been performed: for some, during the next menstruation, the chest and lower abdomen hurt more than usual, for others, menstruation lengthens, etc.

In general, changes in the cycle are rarely observed, and if the abortion took place without complications, then the pattern of blood discharge during menstruation after it is the same as it was before the medical termination of pregnancy.


Although medical abortion is considered the least dangerous procedure, it can lead to a number of complications:

  • Failed abortion . This condition occurs if the procedure is performed for more than 6 weeks, as well as when taking medications that reduce the effectiveness of mifepristone.
  • Incomplete abortion . In this case, fragments of the fertilized egg remain inside the uterus, which can lead to various negative consequences, including death. An incomplete abortion can be suspected when bleeding suddenly stops, when a fragment of the fertilized egg clogs the cervical canal, as well as when there is a sharp increase in discharge during termination of pregnancy with the help of medications.
  • Failure in the hormonal system . Pregnancy is a hormonal change in the body. Therefore, even in the early stages, its interruption causes a failure of this system, which can be perceived by the body as a stressful state. For example, as a result of this, after an abortion performed with the help of medications, breast pain may occur, menstruation may be disrupted, or chronic diseases may worsen.
  • Complications associated with taking medications . After taking medications during a medical abortion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, fever, general weakness, and hot flashes occur. Dizziness, a sharp drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and allergic reactions are also possible.
  • Uterine bleeding . Heavy bleeding can lead to significant blood loss, including loss of consciousness. Therefore, if bleeding at home during a medical abortion increases and exceeds the expected volume of blood released, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Can a placental polyp occur after a medical abortion? Unfortunately, yes, if all particles of the fertilized egg have not been removed.

How to avoid complications

To avoid complications, including the appearance of a placental polyp and excessive bleeding, you should undergo a thorough examination on the eve of medical termination of pregnancy. At the same time, there is no need to hide the facts of the use of any drugs, the presence of a placental polyp after a previous medical abortion, as well as serious diseases that may become a contraindication to the procedure.

The decision to terminate a pregnancy by medication or any other method should be weighed, taking into account all the pros and cons, and not made based on emotions. It is also important to take into account the possible psychological consequences.

Pros and cons of medical abortion

Obvious advantages compared to other types of abortion:

  • minimal trauma to the walls of the uterus;
  • abortion can be performed already from the first or second day of a missed period;
  • rapid recovery;
  • when carried out early, the effectiveness is 95%.

Possible disadvantages of the procedure:

  • high risk of bleeding;
  • preservation of pregnancy in 5-22% of cases (depending on the duration of pregnancy);
  • a large number of contraindications.

What is better for a placental polyp: medical abortion or curettage? In this case, curettage, because during this procedure it will be removed.

Medical termination of pregnancy is not a method of birth control - there are contraceptive methods for this. However, if certain circumstances arise as a result of which a woman decides to have an abortion, this method will be the most gentle. To minimize the risk of possible complications, you must undergo an examination and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

I like!

Medical abortion is a gentle and gentle alternative to surgical intervention in cases where the pregnancy is undesirable. Early periods, up to 6-7 weeks, are the best and optimal time for non-surgical abortion using the tablet method.

So, you discovered that your menstruation was delayed by several days, you took a test and it showed two lines... A wonderful event in a woman’s life, but sometimes, due to reasons, it can be unplanned at the moment. There is no need to rush - think everything over carefully, discuss it with your partner, and only then make a final decision. Remember, this is your choice and only you are responsible for its consequences.

A woman can make an appointment and terminate a pregnancy at the clinic at her own request only within the strictly limited time frame. They are clearly regulated by law and the limit for medical abortion is 12 weeks. At the same time, a woman has the right to choose the method that best suits her; there are three of them:

  1. Surgical (operational) method,
  2. Vacuum (operational, minimally invasive) mini-abortion,
  3. Medical abortion (pills).

What is medical abortion?

The essence of this non-surgical method is as follows. In the early stages, the development of pregnancy depends on the hormone progesterone. Under its action, the uterus is in a state conducive to the acceptance and development of a fertilized egg. Therefore, the use of mifegin (mifepristone) - a progesterone antagonist - leads to the termination of pregnancy, increased uterine contractility, dilation of the cervix and promotes the separation and expulsion of the fertilized egg.

Of all the existing methods of terminating pregnancy in the early stages, medication is the best, because it is done without surgery and is therefore as safe as possible. So, for example, in 2005. The World Health Organization (WHO) has included Mifegin (mifepristone) in the list of essential medicines. But it should be borne in mind that these drugs are used only in medical institutions and under the supervision of a doctor. Independent use of illegally obtained pills of unknown origin in order to terminate a pregnancy at home is fraught with very sad consequences!

Duration in weeks

  • Medical termination of pregnancy - up to 6 weeks
  • In preparation for surgical curettage - up to 12 weeks.

Medical abortion can only be done in the early stages - up to 49 days from the first day of the last menstruation or up to 42 days after its end. The non-surgical method is most effective for up to four to five weeks, while the fertilized egg is weakly attached in the uterus, and the woman’s hormonal background has not completely adjusted to bearing the fetus. In some cases, taking into account the results of the preliminary examination, short periods of conception and the presence of indications, it is possible to have an emergency abortion on the day of treatment.


  • suspicion of ectopic;
  • chronic adrenal insufficiency;
  • therapy with corticosteroid drugs;
  • individual pharmacological intolerance;
  • hemophilia, grade II-III anemia, hemorrhagic syndromes;
  • use of anticoagulants (heparin);
  • pregnancy caused by an IUD;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitals in the acute stage;
  • severe forms of bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • enteritis, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • prosthetic heart valves, endocarditis in the past.


  • smoking women over 35 years old (more than 10 pieces per day),
  • asymptomatic uterine fibroids,
  • sutures on the uterus after surgery,
  • hypertonic disease,
  • breastfeeding - stop for 14 days after taking the drug.

Possible complications

The main consequence after a medical abortion is the complete or partial absence of the abortive effect - from 5% to 15% and depends on the patient’s individual response to the drug. With a longer period, the number of complications increases. Of them:

  • from 1 to 3.5%- cases of ongoing pregnancy,
  • from 3 to 7.0%- incomplete expulsion of the fertilized egg,
  • from 1 to 4.5%- bleeding requiring intervention.


  • painful sensations - 25-45% of cases;
  • moderate cramps in the abdominal area;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • rare cases of rash, urticaria;
  • rare cases of migraine, malaise;
  • attacks of fever, dizziness, chills;
  • increase in temperature (up to 37.5C).


By the way, our clinic has been carrying out medical abortion with Mifegin (France) or Mifepristone (Russia) tablets since 2001, according to the standards approved in Moscow, with a Certificate of Conformity attached to the drug packaging! Make an appointment for a medical abortion by calling the clinic or online on the website around the clock.


1. Preliminary part.
Since tablet abortion has time restrictions, as well as a number of contraindications, the woman must undergo a preliminary examination on the day of treatment before starting the procedure. To do this, a gynecological ultrasound of the pelvis is first performed to confirm the presence of intrauterine pregnancy and its duration. This is followed by a consultation with a gynecologist regarding this method, contraindications, possible complications and course options and expected results of the procedure. Examination on the chair and taking recommended tests. Allowing time to make a final decision.

2. Taking a drug for medical abortion.
If the decision to terminate an early pregnancy with pills is confirmed, an agreement is signed to carry out this procedure, take Mifegin or Mifepristone in the presence of a doctor, draw up a schedule for taking pharmacological support drugs and control visits to the clinic. After 36-48 hours, misoprostol derivatives (“Topogin” or “Mirolyut”) are taken in a dosage according to the drawn up regimen.

3. Dynamic control.
After 3-4 days, the first ultrasound is performed to monitor the progress of the procedure. On the same day, preventive measures (drip) may be recommended, and if necessary, correction of the regimen taking into account the test results. If your blood factor is Rh negative, and your partner is positive, it is advisable to vaccinate with anti-Rh immunoglobulin to prevent Rh conflict during subsequent pregnancy

4. Control of the result.
After 12-14 days, a second control ultrasound is recommended to clarify the final result. If the result is positive, a program for preventing the consequences and complications of pill abortion may be offered (see details below).

The cost of early pregnancy with pills

The price of a medical abortion in Moscow in different medical centers may vary. With us, it depends on the weekly period, the chosen drug (France or Russia), as well as the option - standard or “all inclusive”. If you want to find out in detail what services are included in this or that option, click on the appropriate link below.

Medical abortion pills are intended to terminate early pregnancy up to 12 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period. The less time has passed since conception, the easier a medical abortion will be and the fewer consequences the procedure will leave.


What is medical abortion? How to reduce risks?

Medical termination of pregnancy is an induced abortion without surgical intervention. In this case, medications are used that stop the vital activity of the embryo and expel the fertilized egg.

Tablets are produced with different compositions of the active substance and different principles of action on the body. Therefore, you cannot select such remedies yourself - this is done by a gynecologist. The doctor focuses on the timing of pregnancy, the age and weight of the patient, the number of previous pregnancies, a history of miscarriages, contraindications, etc.

When deciding to have an abortion, even if it does not involve surgery, a woman must understand that the use of pills that cause a miscarriage, which is exactly how a medical abortion occurs, is stressful for the body. But in the case of correctly selected medications, there will be no major health problems in the future. The only way to reduce the risks is to see a good doctor and strictly follow his instructions.

Types of pills for medical abortion

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, there are various medications that provoke an artificial miscarriage. They are divided into three groups:

  1. Used within two days after unprotected sexual intercourse(Postinor, Escapelle). The effectiveness of the drug is 95% if taken within 24 hours after sexual intercourse. The drug stops working after 72 hours (3 days), so the medication is intended exclusively for emergency termination of pregnancy.
  2. Drugs for early termination of pregnancy(up to 42 days from the date of the last menstruation). They can be used both as emergency contraception and to terminate an existing pregnancy (Mifegin, Mifolian, Zhenale). This option is the safest and provides the maximum guarantee for interruption.
  3. Antiprogestagenic drugs for medical abortion from 42 to 62 days from the date of the last menstrual period (Mifepristone, Misoprostol, Pencrofton). Russian doctors try not to perform a medical abortion after 42 days of pregnancy, as they believe that the procedure will cause great harm to the body, because the patient has to take a large dose of medication. In addition, the percentage of interrupt effectiveness decreases. This is due to the fact that for long periods of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy takes place in conditions of reliable attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Medicines that cause miscarriage contain antiprogestogens, which block the production of female sex hormones progestogens. The drugs are not sold in pharmacies and are used only in hospital settings, where the gynecologist can control the expulsion of the embryo from . The longer a woman's pregnancy, the lower the likelihood of an abortion. At week 7, efficiency decreases to 93%, at week 8 - to 88%.

By European standards, medical termination of pregnancy is permissible up to 12 weeks. But even there, for a period of more than 6 weeks, it is carried out only in medical institutions due to severe bleeding caused by endometrial detachment. Therefore, to the question: “At what period is abortion performed with pills?”, one can answer that in Russia the procedure is performed up to 6-7 weeks.

What are the differences between abortion drugs?

The general principle of action of medications to terminate pregnancy is based on changes in hormonal levels characteristic of the pregnancy period. As a result, the embryo is rejected and expelled from the uterine cavity. The differences between the drugs are based on the active substance acting on the fertilized egg.

Based on this, drugs are divided into two groups:

  1. Antagonists (opposite) of progesterone(Mifegin, Mifepristone, Zhenale). Progesterone is a steroidal (physiologically active, powerfully and versatilely acting) sex hormone produced by a woman’s ovaries in large quantities during pregnancy. It helps prepare the body for conception: it makes the endometrium softer, relaxes the muscles of the uterus, and reduces immunity so that the female body does not reject the male egg. Progesterone antagonists are either artificial or natural: synthetic - progestin (progestogen), natural - progesterone.
  2. Prostaglandins(Misoprostol, Dinoprost). It's physiological active substances that stimulate process of embryo rejection. They act on the smooth muscles of the uterus, provoking its contractions. Used to terminate pregnancy between 16 and 23 weeks.

Characteristics of drugs for abortion

Name of medicine

Active ingredient


How does it affect


Mirena, Norplant, Microlute

750 mcg levonorgestrel

Changes the structure of the endometrium, prevents the embryo from attaching to the uterine wall

Manufacturer, price

Gedeon Richter (Hungary), price 305-375 rub.


100 mg mifepristone

Used for emergency contraception for up to 3 days, does not change hormonal levels

Manufacturer, price

Izvarino Pharma. Russia. Price: 250-310 rub.


Mifepristone, Genale, Agesta

200 mg mifepristone

Stimulation for spontaneous miscarriage

Manufacturer, price

JSC Pharmsintez Russia. From 1500 rub.

Mifolian, Mifeprex

200 mg mifepristone

Blocking the action of the hormone progesterone

Manufacturer, price

EXELGYN Lab., France. From 3000 rub.



200 mg misoprostol and 200 mg hypromellose

Used in conjunction with Mifepristone to eliminate pregnancy up to 56 days

Manufacturer, price

Beijing Zizhu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., China. From 2000 rub.



200 mg misoprostol

Increases uterine tone and leads to smooth muscle contraction

Manufacturer, price

Pfizer, Belgium. From 1900 rub.



50 mg mifepristone

Blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level

Manufacturer, price

NizhPharm, Russia. From 6289 rub.

10 mg mifepristone

Used as a method of postcoital contraception

Manufacturer, price

Mordovia. From 163 rub.


Pencrofton, Mifepristone

200 mg mifepristone

Promotes embryo rejection up to 42 days from the date of the last menstruation

Manufacturer, price




200 mg mifepristone

Blocks the action of progesterone, terminates pregnancy up to 42 days

Manufacturer, price


Enzaprost-F, injection

Dinoprost, Prostin F2 Alpha

5 ml prostaglandin dinoprost tromethamine

Termination of pregnancy at a late stage of 16-20 weeks

Manufacturer, price

SANOFI-AVENTIS, Hungary. From 3500 rub.

Prostin F2 Alpha


5 ml prostaglandin dinoprost tromethamine

Causes uterine contractions, dilates the cervix, increases blood pressure

Manufacturer, price

Pfizer, Belgium. From 2000 rub.

What means of medical abortion are used in Russia and the CIS countries

Let's look at several drugs that are officially approved in Russia and neighboring countries.


Postinor -emergency contraception No. 1 in the post-Soviet space. The drug produced by the Hungarian company Richter Gedeon is approved in the CIS.

This is a very powerful remedy that has many side effects. It simultaneously affects the menstrual cycle and the structure of the uterus. Postinor does not have a direct abortive effect, but only prevents pregnancy itself after unprotected intercourse, therefore taking it later than 2 days after conception is useless and dangerous.

How to use. Postinor is taken as follows: it consists of two tablets, each of which contains 750 mcg of levonorgestrel (a synthetic progestogen that inhibits the production of sex hormones by the pituitary gland). The first tablet should be taken the next morning after a stormy night, maximum - on the evening of the third day (until the division of sex cells has occurred and the embryo begins to form). After 12 hours you need to take the second tablet, otherwise there is no point in taking Postinor.

Operating principle of Postinor. Synthetic progestogen inhibits the maturation of follicles, thereby shifting the monthly cycle. Cervical mucus also thickens, preventing sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity. The structure of the endometrium changes, it becomes looser and thicker, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • pros. Despite the great risk to a woman’s health, Postinor has an important positive aspect. If pregnancy does occur (due to improper use of the pills, vomiting after use, another sexual intercourse after using Postinor for the first time), then the pill will not have a negative effect on the development of the embryo, unlike some other drugs for emergency termination of pregnancy.
  • Minuses.Postinor has a lot of contraindications. This method is suitable only for healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle. Due to the fact that the drug inhibits ovarian function, it can cause dysfunction or cyst formation. It is forbidden to take Postinor more than once per cycle, otherwise you can cause an ectopic pregnancy.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in women suffering from uterine bleeding, epilepsy, heart disease and breast tumors.

Important!Postinor is a medication for emergency protection, so it can only be used in a desperate situation. 3 weeks after taking the tablet you must to make sure that pregnancy has not occurred. If the results are suspicious, you need to do .


Escapelle is similar in principle to Postinor. The active ingredient in this drug is levonorgestrel, an analogue of the sex hormone progesterone, which suppresses ovulation. Cervical mucus becomes thicker and denser, and the endometrium becomes looser. The effectiveness of Escapel is 97% if taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

If the medication is used later than indicated in the instructions (72-90 hours), the effectiveness of the contraceptive effect will decrease to 84%.

How to use. Escapelle consists of one tablet, the second should be taken only if, after taking the first, vomiting occurs, or another sexual intercourse takes place.

The pros, cons and contraindications are the same as for postinor.

Important!Both Postinor and Escapelle are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. They are not abortifacients, i.e. cannot terminate an existing pregnancy. Their task is to prevent the fertilized egg from fixing in the inner surface of the uterus. If implantation has already occurred, the drugs are ineffective.


Agesta is also a Russian-made emergency contraceptive drug. The drug contains 100 mcg of mifepristone. The effectiveness of use within 3 days after sexual intercourse (rape) is 99%.

Agesta inhibits the maturation of the egg and also changes the structure of the mucous surface of the uterus, so that the embryo will not be able to implant.

Advantages and disadvantages.

  • pros. The drug contains a moderate dose of a steroidal antigestagen, so it has no serious side effects. Menstruation usually occurs in the same month.
  • Minuses. The unavailability of the drug can be considered a disadvantage, because it is sold mainly in the capital.


The Russian-made drug Zhenale (Izvar-Pharma LLC) also contains 100 mcg of mifepristone, and has a similar effect on the woman’s body. It prevents the fertilized egg from growing into the endometrium.

How to use.Zhenale is effective for three days after sexual intercourse. You need to take 1 tablet (10 mg).

pros. The drug is of non-hormonal origin, so it does not disrupt the monthly cycle. Due to this, secondary infertility does not occur, and it can be used by minors in case of rape.

Minuses. The effectiveness of the tablets depends on body weight. At normal weight, the effectiveness of the tablets is 99%. For overweight people - 65%; for very overweight people - 33%. Increasing the dosage does not improve the result.

Contraindications.Severe diseases (renal, liver failure, anemia, cardiac pathologies), previous course of hormones and drugs that reduce blood clotting (artofen, heparin, aspirin, diclofenac, anticoagulants), intolerance to mifepristone, breastfeeding.

Important!Alcohol neutralizes the effect of Genale. If menstruation does not start within 10 days after taking the medicine, you should .

Which is better: postinor, genale or escapelle?

To answer this question, there are several things to consider.

  • Postinor and Escapelle contain hormones, so their effectiveness is higher than Zhenale.
  • Zhenale lasts longer than postinor and escapelle. Zhenale is also effective on the third day after unprotected sex. Postinor or escapelle will help only in the first day.
  • After taking Postinor and Escapelle, delays in menstruation and uterine bleeding occur more often.
  • Hormonal medications increase the likelihood of .

In all cases, if there is a delay in taking any drug, you need to contact a gynecologist, undergo a pregnancy test and, if necessary, dowithout delaying deadlines.

Means for medical abortion for up to 42 days

, - medications for abortion. They have the same active ingredient mifepristone, so the principle of action of the drugs is the same. Distinguishes between drugs:

  • Price difference.The drugs cost differently, since Mifegin is produced in France, and Mifepristone in Russia or China.
  • Probability of counterfeit. It is believed that Russian drugs for medical abortion are more often counterfeited, so women are more confident in the French Mifegin, which passes customs and other control points.
  • Efficiency. According to reviews from doctors, Mifegin is more effective in the early stages. Mifepristone is more suitable for inducing labor. As an abortifacient, it has lower effectiveness.
  • Side effects. Patients claim that Mifegin has less pronounced side effects.


The Mifegin analogue Ginestril has a lower dose of the active substance, and therefore has low effectiveness as an abortifacient. It is used more in cases where, due to improper use of emergency contraception, a complete abortion did not occur, but the woman received a large hormonal load. In this case, she is recommended a lighter drug, Ginestril, which will complete the expulsion of the fertilized egg. But as an independent abortifacient, Ginestril is ineffective.


The drug Mifolian containing mifepristone is also an antiprogesterone. It belongs to a new generation of medications compared to Mifepristone, and therefore has fewer side effects. At the same time, Mifolian is less effective as an abortifacient. Experts noted that in 5% of cases, after use, a woman continues to develop pregnancy, in 7% of cases it is interrupted, but the fetus is not expelled, and in 3% severe bleeding is observed, requiring surgical intervention.

A huge disadvantage of the drug: in the case of an ongoing pregnancy, the drug has a negative effect on the embryo, so you will have to have an abortion.


Pencrofton also contains a high dose of mifepristone and is used both as an emergency contraceptive and for terminating an existing pregnancy. Doctors often recommend this drug to patients for medical abortion, but use it only in medical institutions. It has a significant drawback - it causes severe bleeding.

Cytotec, Misoprostol

Cytotec or Misoprostol are similar in their action. Misoprostol is a placental hormone, and Cytotec causes uterine contractility. They cause an artificial miscarriage, thereby terminating the pregnancy. These drugs are recommended for abortion before 42 weeks because the drug causes uterine bleeding.

Medicines for abortion up to 62 days

Medical termination of pregnancy is permitted up to 12 weeks or 74 days, but pregnancy in medical institutions is not terminated for medical reasons no later than 62 days from the date of the last menstruation. At the 12th week, the production of progesterone in large quantities stops, so almost all pharmaceutical abortion medications based on progesterone blockers become ineffective. In addition, after the 12th week, the formation of the placenta, which is responsible for the life support of the fetus, is completed.

Starting from the 7th week, special prostaglandin-based products are used for medical abortion. These are active substances whose main purpose is to ensure vital processes. Thus, in men, prostaglandins stimulate sperm motility, in women they provoke contractility of the uterus during childbirth, in newborns they block blood flow in the umbilical cord and dilate the arteries. A lack of prostaglandins makes labor difficult, and an excess provokes premature birth.

Prostaglandin-based abortion drugs are used exclusively in medical settings. They stimulate the contractility of the uterus, causing contraction of the myometrium. The cervix softens and opens, stimulating the expulsion of the fetus. Such strong medications are used in special cases if a woman has or tests showed . Still, there is a danger of uterine bleeding and other complications.


The drug Enzaprost-F has the active substance prostaglandin dinoprost, which affects smooth muscles. Prolonged rhythmic contractions contribute to the death and expulsion of the fetus. As an abortifacient, the drug is injected into the amniotic sac. After a certain time, another dose is administered to stimulate uterine contractions.

Prostin F2 Alpha

The drug Prostin F2 Alpha has a similar effect on the body, but it is based on the active substance prostaglandin F2-alpha. Injected into the amniotic sac to stimulate smooth muscle contraction. Leads to termination of pregnancy at 16-20 weeks.

The doctor closely monitors the patient for 48 hours. If expulsion of the fetus does not occur, a mechanical termination of pregnancy is performed. The drugs are not used if a woman has asthma, uterine fibroids, heart or blood pathologies.

Why are mifepristone-based products so popular?

Preparations based on mifepristone, Mifegin, Mifepristone, , Pencrofton, Mifolian, block the production of progesterone, the female sex hormone, secreted in large quantities from the moment of fertilization to the 12th week. Progesterone is responsible for relaxing smooth muscles, facilitating implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. Mifepristone inhibits progesterone production and causes the production of prostaglandins, which stimulate uterine contractions. As a result, the cervix dilates and rhythmic contractions of the uterus push out the embryo.

The advantages of the drugs include:

  • efficiency 98.6%;
  • no need for anesthesia, as with an abortion or ;
  • eliminates the possibility of infection, the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes and scars;
  • the uterine cavity is not injured;
  • abortion is carried out without the risk of secondary infertility;
  • the woman does not have great psychological trauma, as after a surgical abortion;
  • with the right If you follow the instructions, bleeding and severe pain will not occur.

How are drugs used to terminate pregnancy in an emergency?

Emergency contraceptives suppress estrogen production, so they do not induce abortion, rather than preventing pregnancy from occurring. The active component of Postinor, levonogestrel, inhibits the maturation of the follicle and at the same time affects the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium. It becomes so loose that even if the egg is fertilized, the zygote will not be able to implant. In addition, the denser and more viscous mucus of the cervical canal prevents sperm from penetrating inside. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the speed of its use.

If the pill is taken 24 hours after intercourse, pregnancy will not occur by 95%. If three days have passed, the effectiveness is halved.

Postinor is taken in two doses: the first time as soon as possible after sexual intercourse, and the second tablet 12 hours later. The advantage of emergency contraception is that the menstrual cycle remains virtually unchanged, which is very important for young girls. However, they should not be applied regularly, maximum 2 times a year.

How are medications for medical abortion based on progesterone blockers used?

Medicines based on mifepristone and misoprostol are used in two stages: the woman takes the first tablet in the presence of a doctor. If she does not experience pain or bleeding, she goes home. The second time he comes to the gynecologist 2 days later for an examination.

If the process of expulsion of the fetus is slow, the pregnant woman is given a second tablet, possibly of a different or the same drug. The abortion should be completed within 2-3 days. In case of severe bleeding, a woman goes to the same institution at any time of the day. After 14 days she goes to the appointment again. The doctor makes sure through an ultrasound that the fetus has been expelled. If the pregnancy continues, the woman is offered a surgical abortion.

Where to get a medical abortion in St. Petersburg

Honey termination of pregnancy can be carried out in. We use only certified drugs. The cost of the procedure includes an appointment with a gynecologist, an ultrasound to determine the stage of pregnancy and abortion pills.

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy, which is carried out without any surgical intervention - vacuum aspiration or cleaning of the uterus. This type of abortion has been practiced since 1985, but in Russia it is only gaining momentum. Not many people can afford it due to its high cost. But it is not always too expensive; there are options on how to save money without harming your health.

So, it will be much cheaper to terminate a pregnancy if you find a clinic where the domestic drug Mifepristone is used for this procedure. It doesn't have to be a highly touted clinic in the city center with famous doctors, expensive appointments and tests - all of which add to the cost of an abortion. In Russian regions you can find an option for about 5,000 rubles. In large cities it is more expensive, but not significantly.

Benefits of the procedure

But it’s worth it, since there are essentially no negative consequences of early-term medical abortion. Some difficulties may arise due to incomplete miscarriage. But this happens in literally 2-3% of all procedures. But the woman does not have stress due to gynecological manipulations, which are very painful if without the use of high-quality anesthesia, there are no consequences for the reproductive system (future pregnancy), since there is no inflammatory process and the cervix is ​​not injured.

Indications and contraindications

pill abortion), where to start? From a visit to a gynecologist at a clinic that provides this type of abortion service. Not every clinic has a license for this. Your doctor must make sure that you are within the range of pregnancy limits for a pill abortion. And this is a maximum of 6 weeks. The period is determined not by simple calculation from the first day of the last menstruation indicated by the patient, but by the results of an ultrasound examination. The doctor sees the size of the fertilized egg and its location. Medical abortion is possible only during intrauterine pregnancy, and not due to the use of an intrauterine device (IUD).

But even if the pregnancy is due, the doctor may refuse the service if:

  • a woman is over 35 years old and smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day (high risk of cardiovascular pathology, which increases even more after taking a strong drug for miscarriage), with severe hypertension;
  • with low blood clotting;
  • with renal or liver failure;
  • intolerance to drugs used for abortion (active ingredients Mifepristone and Misoprostol).

Relative contraindications are poor smear analysis, negative Rh factor (the issue is resolved by administering anti-Rh globulin after an abortion to prevent Rh conflicts in subsequent pregnancies), and sexually transmitted infections in the acute phase.

Doctor visits

At the first visit, the doctor conducts an examination, which we wrote about earlier. And if no contraindications are identified, he tells the patient in detail about medical abortion, what happens after taking the pills, what is normal and what is not. How to behave, can you take painkillers and what kind. Usually leaves your phone number for emergency consultation if it is needed after taking the drug.

Next, he gives out 3 tablets of Mifepristone. After this, the woman stays at the clinic for a short time and goes home. The doctor warns her that she may experience cramping pain and bloody discharge from the genital tract. This is the norm. Of the painkillers, it is better to give preference to Paracetamol, as the safest in this case. It does not interact in any way with the abortion drug.

But miscarriage occurs after taking Mifepristone only in a very small percentage of women. And after 36-48 hours, the woman should visit the doctor again to receive Misoprostol tablets. She also takes them in the presence of a doctor and stays in the clinic for 2 hours. Then he goes home.

After taking this drug, cramping pain and bleeding intensify. The fertilized egg and its membranes are rejected. The endometrium comes out of the uterus in clots. Heavy discharge can last up to 3 days, and moderate discharge, as during menstruation, can last up to 14 days. Urgent medical attention is only required for severe bleeding. When two or more sanitary pads get wet in 1 hour. But this is rare.

And finally, the third visit after 10-14 days. The doctor performs an ultrasound examination to make sure that the miscarriage was complete. Otherwise, you will have to do vacuum aspiration. Even if the embryo continued to develop and the woman changed her mind about having an abortion. Since the drugs had the most negative impact on the child, he will not be born full-fledged.

After a miscarriage

What happens to a woman’s body after a medical abortion, when can she conceive a child again? At once. 75% of women ovulate in the first menstrual cycle after an abortion. That is, fertility is not affected. Moreover, the child can be left behind, since medications taken 2-3 weeks before conception will no longer have a negative effect on him.

But if pregnancy is not included in the plans, reliable contraception is needed. Doctors recommend oral contraceptives or the installation of an intrauterine system.

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