Greeting card to school. School pictures for children

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Happy birthday school!
We congratulate you!
And a piece of heart
We give from ourselves.

How to make a "Happy Birthday School" greeting card! We offer a simple and quick option with our own hands.

First, select the text of the congratulations (see below). There are quite a few pictures for this request. The most beautiful backgrounds can be found in school presentation templates or school presentation templates. Download the picture in full scale.

Let’s take, for example, this picture as a basis. In Word, enter the text of the congratulations in a beautiful font in the right place on the page. We print it on a white sheet and complete the remaining elements and color it with pencils. This is roughly what happens. The background of the board is green (badly scanned).

To complete the drawing, you can choose the simplest school-related objects that are easy for children and adults to draw: a bell, a globe, books, flowers, etc.

Texts of congratulations "Happy Birthday, school!"

The glare of the sun in the windows,
The desks are strictly in a row.
Happy Birthday, school, -
Joy for the guys!
You teach a lot
You give a lot
So that we become better
You bring light to the masses!
We sincerely wish
On this bright day
Happiness! Congratulations!
Let laziness disappear
Troubles and worries
They'll be gone forever!
And don't be strict with us,
After all, we love work

It's a nice day at our school
We are not too lazy to study in it
Congratulations to our school
We are glad to see her every day
Let's study with all our hearts
We'll gain a lot of knowledge
We will always be proud of her
And then when we leave.

We congratulate the school on its birthday!
We send her our warm greetings!
We wish the school hundreds more years
Lead children to the teaching of light.
Director, teachers and head teachers
We wish you joy, patience and good luck!
Let within the kind walls of our native school
The geyser of knowledge is always hot!

Whatever holiday the school celebrates, be it Teacher’s Day, March 8, September 1, there are always posters and drawings hanging on the gates of the educational institution and within its walls, depicting the school building at crucial moments in its life. In the background there may be photos or pictures of children or teachers. The traditional plot of the picture is either a school, where beautiful students with flowers are walking, or a building, against which there are images of students in school uniforms and teachers who are creating something together, working, creating.

What are they?

On our website you will find beautiful colorful pictures on the theme “Teacher’s Day”, images of elementary school students, graduation, etc. Pictures and photos of the school will help you create an attractive poster for any school holiday. If you are a teacher, now you don't need to cut out pictures of an elementary school student, teacher, building and other elements of school life from books and magazines. Pictures and photos of “School” can be printed from our website and then used in work.

The blog contains images not only of students or teachers. Here you can find illustrations of interesting and touching moments from the children’s lives. These are pictures, photos of the school on the theme of graduation, the first arrival at school, the first children's pranks, achievements, victories. Children really appreciate it when teachers are able to emphasize their merits to others.

Selection of materials

How can they be used?

If September 1 is coming soon, you can create a poster or presentation on the topic “Our School.” It is recommended to hang the poster in the hall, corridor or classroom, and beautiful pictures of a student or elementary school teacher leading first-graders to a lesson can be included in presentations for the first lesson.

If you want to unite the kids, show them an excerpt from presentations on school topics, start conversations about how good it is to be a united friendly class, how it will help in life, and ask a student to tell what thoughts and impressions he had after watching one of the presentations. Surely they will have a positive attitude towards their classmates.

If graduation is coming soon, the pictures will definitely help to adequately decorate the classroom and hall where the presentation of documents will take place. If March 8 or another holiday not directly related to school topics is coming soon, the illustrations will still be an excellent addition to holiday greetings to teachers.

Download pictures from our website and use them in school practice, for children's creativity. With their help, your school will gain new colors.

Komarovsky on the topic


1. Day of Knowledge
2. Catchphrases of this day
3. Songs for the Day of Knowledge
4. Old (Soviet) postcards of the USSR
from September 1, Happy Knowledge Day

(Postcards of USSR artists: L. Pokhitonova, L. Manilova, I. Iskrinskaya, V. Chetverikov, V. Zarubin, E. Gundobin, O. Yurasova, V. Sachkov, N. Vigilyanskaya, S. Godyna, N. Golts, R . Dostyan, A. Kanevsky, T. Grudinina, I. Lobova, O. Shanetsky, A. Burtsev, T. Varlamova, T. Narskaya, V. Kraposhin, T. Ozhegova, G. Khramtsova, O. Trendeleva. from September 1 will be suitable as: congratulations to a first-grader, schoolchild, student, teacher, teacher, child, family. Beautiful greeting cards from the last century. Postcards from September 1 with images of animals, children, cartoon characters. Old postcards of the USSR, Soviet postcards, retro. , hand-drawn cards, September 1, Knowledge Day)

Day of Knowledge

Day of Knowledge has been celebrated on September 1 as a public holiday in the USSR and the Russian Federation since 1984, on the basis of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days”, as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 No. 9724-XI "On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days."

For first graders this is First Bell holiday, but in general, a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, primarily for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and lecturers. Originally day September 1, after it was given the status of a state holiday, it was still a school day: the holiday in schools began with a ceremonial assembly, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other lessons. Now schools only hold ceremonial assemblies and other festive events, at which special attention is paid to first-graders. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without lines (a formal meeting is held for freshmen, but senior students study), but this does not diminish the solemnity of the moment.

On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers and congratulate them on the start of the school year. The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on Knowledge Day. Various educational institutions are visited by district administrations, city and country leaders.

Catchphrases of this day

  • For the first time in first class.
  • It all starts with the school bell.
  • Knowledge is power (“Knowledge itself is power”) - Francis Bacon; also the motto of the magazine “Knowledge is power”)

Songs for the Day of Knowledge

1. (Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky)

Write different letters with a thin feather in a notebook

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school...

2. “First-grader-first-grader” (From the film “Morning without marks”) (Words by Yu. Entin, music by V. Shainsky)

First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday.
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.

3. (Words by I. Shaferan, music by E. Hanka)

Load more and more of us
For some reason they became
First grade at school today
Like an institute.
The teacher asks us
With X's of tasks,
Candidate of Sciences and that
Cries over a task.

Either there will be more, or there will be more,
Or there will be more, oh - oh - oh...

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Collection of old (Soviet) postcards of the USSR
from September 1, Happy Knowledge Day (35 cards)

Artist L. Pokhitonova, 1985.
Description: plums, fir branch with cones, forget-me-nots, pumpkin, apples, birch branch, rowan bunches, berries

Artist L. Pokhitonova, 1983.
Description: maple leaves, autumn

Artist L. Manilova, 1978.
Description: hare, bear, primer, animals, teddy bear, bear, bunny, bird, bird, leaves, autumn

Artist I. Iskrinskaya, 1965.
Description: hare, bear, animals, bear, teddy bear, bunny, pencil, maple leaf, autumn, school

Artist V. Chetverikov, 1982.
Description: girl, schoolgirl with a bouquet of flowers, hare, bear, animals, bear, teddy bear, bunny, school

Artist V. Chetverikov, 1980.
Description: girl, schoolgirl, children, Pinocchio, bear, animals, bear, teddy bear, doll, ball, toys

Artist V. Sachkov, 1976.
Description: children, schoolchildren, boy, girl, students, flowers

Publishing house "Fine Arts". Artist T. Varlamova, 1989.
Description: autumn, cloud, rain, rowan, leaves, rainbow, calculator, sun, musical instrument, bugle, flag

Artist T. Varlamova, 1985.
Description: train, notebook, pen, fountain pen, ruler, flowers, flowers

Publishing house "Fine Arts". Artist A. Burtsev, 1981.
Description: animals, teddy bear, teddy bear, bear, hedgehog, hedgehog, mushrooms, apples, pear, basket, rowan, scales, school, briefcase

Publishing house "Fine Arts". Artist T. Narskaya, 1981.
Description: cartoon characters, Pinocchio, Pierrot, Malvina, bouquet of flowers, schoolchildren

Artist T. Ozhegova, 90s.
Description: animals, hare, briefcase, school, student, schoolboy, birds, trees, duck, pond, leaves, autumn

Publishing house "Fine Arts". Artist T. Grudinina, 1989.
Description: schoolchildren with flowers, students, school, boy, girl, children, dog, animals, autumn

Old (Soviet) USSR postcards from September 1 “First time - first grade!”

Artist V. Chetverikov, 1985.
Description: Dunno, cartoon characters, mushroom, fly agaric, leaves, autumn

Artist L. Manilova, 1984.
Description: Pinocchio, children, first graders, schoolchildren, school, rowan, birds, rooster, tit

Publishing house "Fine Arts". Artist O. Shanetsky, 1976.
Description: teddy bear, teddy bear, bear, animals, first grader, primer, rowan, leaves, autumn

Publishing house "Plakat". Artist G. Khramtsova, 1983.
Description: first graders, school, students, schoolchildren, girls, boy, flowers, leaves, rowan, autumn

Publishing house "Plakat". Artist L. Manilova, 1980.
Description: girl with a bouquet of flowers, first grader, schoolgirl, cartoon characters, Pinocchio, ABC book, Dunno

Old (Soviet) postcards of the USSR with the Day of Knowledge "Hello, school!"

Artist L. Manilova, 1981.
Description: Pinocchio, ABC book, golden key, children, boy, girl, schoolchildren go to school, flowers, hare, bunny, animals

Artist O. Trendeleva, 1985.
Description: schoolgirl, flowers, student, girl, briefcase, school, home, sun

Old (Soviet) postcards of the USSR with the Day of Knowledge "September 1 - Day of Knowledge"

Artist V. Chetverikov, 1986.
Description: girl, boy, schoolchildren, students, children, bouquet of flowers, school, bear, animals, bear, teddy bear

Artist V. Zarubin, 1988.
Description: cartoon characters, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, bear, teddy bear, animals, teddy bear, hare, piglet, honey, ABC book, bouquet of flowers, pencils, leaves, autumn

Old (Soviet) postcards of the USSR with the Day of Knowledge "Happy new school year!", "Happy new school year!"

Artist V. Zarubin, 1980.
Description: children, schoolchildren, boy, girl, bouquet of flowers, school, bell, leaves, autumn

Artist R. Dostyan, 1960.
Description: girls, boys, schoolchildren, students, children, school, pioneers, flowers

Publishing house "Ministry of Communications of the USSR". Artist V. Kraposhin, 1984.
Description: animals, hare, bunny, ABC book, school, mushrooms, snail

Old (Soviet) postcard of the USSR on Knowledge Day: Poems on a postcard

Agniya Barto. Poems for children.

Lyoshenka, Lyoshenka,
Do me a favor
Learn, Alyoshenka,
Multiplication table.

Lyoshenka answers:
- You ask more,
I'm unconscious
I'm a laggard.

Lyoshenka, Lyoshenka,
Do me a favor...

They even babysit him at school
And respect at home.
...It never changes
This is the position.

Artist N. Golts, 1956.

Description: girls, boys, schoolchildren, students, children, school, pioneers

Old (Soviet) postcards of the USSR from September 1, pictures of Knowledge Day

Artist N. Vigilyanskaya, 1964.
The inscription on the postcard: “The pioneer studies diligently, is disciplined and polite”
Description: girl at the blackboard, children, schoolchildren, girl, student, school

Artist E. Gundobin, 1954.
Description: children, schoolchildren, boy, girl, students

Description: boy, schoolboy, student, pioneer, children

Artist A. Kanevsky, 1973.
Nikolay Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."
Description: girls, boys, schoolchildren, students, children, school, pioneers, flowers, teacher (teacher)

Artist S. Godyna, 1956.
Description: girl, student, excellent student, children, schoolchildren, school

Artist I. Lobova, 90s.
Description: bear, bear, teddy bear, primer, animals, mushrooms, autumn

Old (Soviet) postcard of the USSR from September 1, Happy Knowledge Day "Congratulations!"

Artist I. Iskrinskaya, 1966.
Description: nesting dolls, briefcase, primer, school, pencil, pen, fountain pen

Old (Soviet) greeting card of the USSR on Knowledge Day,
from September 1st "Congratulations!"

Artist O. Yurasova, 1985.
Description: animals, hare, bunny, briefcase, rowan, school, leaves, autumn

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