How to make surprises. What kind of surprise can you give a guy - just like that or for a special occasion? Cookies with warm words

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Contemporary art, primarily feature films, is a whole storehouse of opportunities and options for doing an unusual thing and surprising your husband. But a more interesting path in this direction will be independent fantasies, which should be based on knowledge about the spouse. As a result, an unexpected surprise should be distinguished by several important qualities at once in order to emphasize the enthusiasm of each individual person.

Features of the other half

Before you begin to implement the plan, you need to once again remember all the important characteristics of the recipient of the surprise. A modest and undistinguished husband is unlikely to like his wife’s extravagant behavior, if she also used to be always caring and sweet. A romantic surprise is ideal for this type. After the husband returns from work, a note should be waiting for him with an invitation to a memorable place or cafe, restaurant, club.

If a man has passion, a relevant option would be to organize a city quest, where the main gift would be a quiet family evening with the woman he loves. A joint dinner can also be prepared in advance: choose a theme or cuisine from one of the exotic countries for preparing the dishes yourself.

Before doing this, ask friends and family to decorate the room in the desired style. Even the most sophisticated husband will like such a romantic surprise. An active young man who loves extreme sports, who is not averse to trying many of them on himself, can be given a parachute jump, a flight on an airship or a hot air balloon, or a subscription to a wind tunnel.

General principles for most spouses

Many men are sports fans, so a ticket to a football, baseball or other sports game will help in making a decision.

It’s even better to buy a countermark for a concert of a famous performer, a theater performance, a comedy show or a banal movie. In this way, the woman will make it clear that she supports and understands you. It’s also good to play on your sense of humor: recite a poem of your own in a humorous manner or draw a funny collage, even if you have no painting skills, this will turn out even more comical.

A surprise gift can light up a relationship with new colors. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn everything into a quarrel. You need to carefully consider your plan of action and choose the perfect moment. After all, if there are troubles at work, then there is clearly no time for happy moments. On the other hand, this may distract your loved one from problems. It is important not to cross the line. A pleasant massage, a delicious dish and the right mood are the best options in this situation.

Five ideas for a modern woman for her wedding anniversary

Nowadays it is more difficult to give unexpected gifts every time, as there is practically nothing to do with it. On the other hand, with the advent of technology, the Internet and the mobile phone, the opportunities to surprise your husband on his anniversary have also increased. But all the advice that can be found on the Internet or learned from friends quickly becomes outdated, and in most cases is suitable only for one particular evening without vivid long-term sensations. Here are five great options that are unique and different:

  1. If the action takes place near the sea during vacation or the couple lives on the coast on a permanent basis, you can arrange a yacht trip or diving. The disadvantage of this proposal is its inaccessibility to the middle class and its connection to a specific territory of the venue.
  2. A short excursion into the history of relationships will help to create an album with photographs. It’s better to present everything in an artistic manner with game elements.
  3. Flash mob. The most difficult project to complete, but the emotions will last much longer out of all five proposed options.
  4. A declaration of love and an offer to become spouses again on the part of a woman is a real surprise for her husband. If this is too pretentious a style for a loved one, then a little theatricality will do: a simulated performance, a small parody or presentation in a humorous poetic form.
  5. A limited budget can be compensated by an outing into nature along the river bank, a picnic on the hill). A sunset and a delicious dinner are the perfect gift.

Birthday with benefits for the body

Currently, in almost any city, especially a large metropolis, discounts are available for birthday people in shops, entertainment and sports facilities. In clubs or bowling alleys, a party in the youth American genre would be an excellent option. You can time the holiday to coincide with a trip to the cinema to see a big new release or a hit of the season. A good solution would be to choose a modern spa salon or a similar establishment. It is better to order your choice, taking into account the man’s preferences: a tea ceremony according to the custom of one of the Asian countries, peeling, massage, sauna or body wrap.

But the most unexpected and joyful surprise gift is sending your husband, fully prepared and with all the necessary accessories, to the bathhouse with friends. In the meantime, your husband will have fun, your friends will help you prepare a grand dinner and celebrate the special occasion in the company of guests.

Musical impromptu

If time is running out and you can’t organize anything interesting, a good option would be to change the ringtone on your beloved man’s phone. A congratulation from an animated film or a famous movie is ideal; you can also take advantage of the help of pop stars and their vocal masterpieces. Crocodile Gena, F. Sinatra and others are capable of surprising even the most experienced person. It won’t be difficult to do this, but it will not only give a lot of emotions to the birthday boy, but will also lift the spirits of the whole company sitting at the table or relaxing in a restaurant.

Classics of the genre

Recently, a handwritten postcard has rightfully returned to the Olympus of the best congratulation gifts. In the message you can express your thoughts, which would be banal to say out loud. A declaration of love, a wish for anything, the revelation of a secret... In this case, you don’t have to think about how to inform your husband about your pregnancy; the surprise through a postcard will also be unexpected. He will make a happy young man do incredible things. In addition, it is good to save colorful messages, and then remember, based on wishes, during what period of life together certain things were important. Sometimes reading postcards not only brightens up a cloudy or boring evening, but also brings back forgotten emotions and experiences.

If your beloved spouse is forced to work on this day, then placing small postcards in the pockets of clothes will help make even this state of affairs joyful. And in the evening the act will be perfectly complemented by a box with a surprise. Regardless of the specific thing, it will become an even greater reason for happiness.

Gift selection

To give preference to one or another gift, you will have to rack your brains a lot. Guessing the specific desire of a beloved man is not as easy as it seems at first glance. But determination and a set goal will help you cope with the task. There are many tips for the perfect gift. Almost all of them are based on the character traits and areas of interest of a loved one. The first step is to exclude clothing, perfumes, toiletries and other trivialities from the scope of potential gift items. If you don’t have time to think, a surprise box is perfect.

You can put some trinket there. At the same time, it should be memorable or interesting for the spouse. Here are several gift options that will suit almost every type of man:

  • Paired An excellent option with a pink color inside for the wife, and with a bluish-blue color for the husband. In addition, your own family photographs placed on the outside will complement the entire decor. In this case, a woman’s photo must be applied to a man’s cup, and vice versa.
  • Certificate for participation in a test drive of an amazing car (for car enthusiasts). Most car dealerships regularly offer this type of service to consumers.
  • If the couple is abroad as tourists, you can surprise the husband as a guide. A gift copy would be a good option. In another case, a colorful panorama from photos of countries where you would like to go on vacation on your next vacation would be suitable.

Fishermen and office workers

For those who like to sit with a fishing rod near the river, a good option would be tackle or accessories for this hobby. You just need to understand the hobbies of your beloved, and specialized stores in your hometown will offer the entire range of necessary products. A surprise for a husband in the form of a tie can be made for a spouse who practically cannot do without this item of clothing and loves to wear it.

Bibliophiles and gamers

If you give a book to a loved one, it is better to do it in more than one copy. For example, buying three or four brochures, and even five would be an excellent option. For people who spend a lot of time at the computer, a game disc or a subscription to the online version of the entertainment is suitable. Such a surprise for your husband is available if you have the Internet.


In principle, there are not so few options for gifts. Ashtray - for smokers. Camera - for those who like to capture family life in digital form. Bath accessories - for those who regularly visit such an establishment, meet with friends and celebrate memorable dates and holidays in the steam room. Sometimes women wonder how to tell their husbands about pregnancy. A surprise of this kind is an intimate side of the life of people in love. Therefore, it is better to do this in a calm, quiet environment, remaining face-to-face with your spouse, so that no one can interfere with the good news.

Everyone, without exception, loves surprises, because it always gives life interest, new meaning and a bright mood. What is more pleasant - receiving surprises or making them? Of course, the answer depends on who is doing the surprise, and to whom you are doing it, on the mood and the upcoming date. For example, if a loved one’s birthday is approaching, then you really want to surprise him. What if we are not talking about surprises for holidays and celebrations, but simply about cute things that can surprise a loved one on an ordinary day? Are you able to just arrange an unexpected evening or a whole day for a guy, rejoicing and enjoying new experiences together?

How to understand what will be a surprise for a guy?
Girls often ask how to surprise a guy, but you can answer this question yourself, just remember what your loved one loves, what he prefers, what he has long dreamed of and would like to accomplish. For example, if he dreams of a collector's edition of all of Pushkin's works, then he can find such a publication from second-hand booksellers, buy and give a book to his loved one at a certain period of time (per week or month). The guy will be very happy, because he dreamed of such a gift.

Try to listen and watch your lover more - he will definitely tell you what would be an interesting and desirable gift for him. Having found out what he dreams of, you can buy this thing and present it to the guy; he will certainly appreciate this step. A licensed computer game, a T-shirt with the image of your favorite band, a ticket to football or a concert, a radio-controlled car or a helicopter - all this can be a wonderful surprise for a guy. And if such a gift is presented not just “in hand”, but unexpectedly and interestingly, the young man will be very happy.

What surprise should you give a guy if you have money?
If we are talking about a young man’s birthday or another important date, you can not only give him a gift, but also spice it up with a small and interesting surprise.

  1. Extreme vacation. You decided to make a pleasant surprise for your boyfriend and ordered two tickets to an ATV race, a hot air balloon flight or a parachute jump. A gift is a surprise in itself: interesting, unusual, memorable. But you can present it even more interestingly. Book a taxi for your boyfriend, tell the taxi driver where to go, but don’t reveal all your secrets to the guy. Let it remain unknown to him where he is being taken. You can meet him not at the actual place of the future action, but a little further from it. Then, right in the car, blindfold the guy and lead him to the gift awaiting the two of you. Believe me, such a surprise will be remembered for a long time!
  2. Box with a surprise. It was already mentioned above that it is necessary to follow the guy’s preferences and, if possible, give him what he wants, and not what is recommended on women’s forums. However, how to add some zest to a gift? Very simple: you will need a large box, several balloons filled with helium and your gift itself. Place a gift at the bottom of the box; you can also add a greeting card or a note of recognition. Next, fill the box with helium balloons and close it. Your boyfriend will open the box and balls will fly towards him - it will be unexpected and fun!
  3. A trip to the Turkish bath. If you want to surprise a guy, then this option will be very successful, because it can combine a surprise, a pleasant time together, and great memories for a long time. The point is that you book a room in the bathhouse, decorate it with many candles, take with you a bottle of wine and two glasses, his favorite sweets. You deliver your loved one to their destination by taxi. And you should meet him naked in the jacuzzi. Well, isn’t this a surprise that can conquer any man?
How to surprise a guy with a surprise if you don’t have money?
Lack of money for super-expensive parachute jumps or renting a bathhouse is not a problem at all. Even without much investment, you can make a surprise for your beloved guy, which he will remember and carry in his heart for a very long time.
  1. Do-it-yourself thing. If you don’t do handicrafts (knitting, embroidery, macrame and other modern hand-made things), an amazing gift for a guy would be something made especially for him. For example, if you have never picked up knitting needles in your life, then a knitted scarf or a pair of cute socks will be something very expensive and unique for a guy. You can also embroider a picture for your loved one or make a felt toy.
  2. Quest. Quests are an interesting and always exciting thing, and your boyfriend will certainly be interested if you surprise him with a quest. Hide a gift you bought or made yourself in your apartment or on the street (for example, in a park where you often walk), and place a lot of notes with tips on how to get to the gift. When doing this on the street, be careful, because someone not very conscientious may get their hands on your gift if you do not hide it very well. However, you are guaranteed an interesting pastime!
  3. Give yourself to him! No matter how long you have been in a relationship with a guy, such a surprise always causes a storm of emotions and delight. “Giving yourself” can be done in different ways, here are a few options.
    • Does your boyfriend like sweets: fruits, chocolates, cakes? Then it's time to really pamper him! Buy everything your boyfriend loves - from his favorite candies to exotic fruits. Before your loved one arrives, decorate your body with these sweets and wait for him on the spread bed. When your boyfriend returns home, he will be truly shocked, because no one expects such a surprise!
    • Everyone has seen Hollywood films more than once in which a beautiful and seductive girl emerges from a huge cake. And more than once you could hear from the guy: “Wow! I would like that,” but you didn’t pay attention to these words. It's time to fix it! You can do without a huge cake; it’s better to replace it with a large box. Decorate the box the way you like: ribbons, gift paper, bows. A huge bow across the entire box is a must! Place the inscription “Pull the string” on the top. Before the guy arrives, you need to “pack” into a box, and when he pulls the rope, which should be in your hands, you will appear from the box in the image that you choose for yourself. You can add musical accompaniment to this, for example, take the remote control for your DVD player with you in the box, and turn on the music when the guy pulls the rope.
These are not all the ideas for surprises that can be implemented, because to surprise a guy you need inspiration, imagination and, of course, love! Invent, implement, paint your relationship in bright colors, and long and happy years together are guaranteed.

Can't figure out how to please your husband? Did you know that men love surprises no less than women? And you don’t have to wait for a reason to surprise your beloved man. You can give a gift to your loved one just like that. In addition, an unexpected gift will certainly diversify an ordinary day, lift your spirits, and perhaps ignite desire and passion in a man.

Increasingly, many of us are faced with problems of how to make a surprise and whether we will like it. And most importantly, the gift should leave a lasting impression.

We offer you several options that can be easily implemented. The only thing is that you know exactly what surprises your man likes.

1. Surprise your husband in the form of a quest

If your boyfriend (husband) really likes detective stories, investigative films, and search-based games, then there is no doubt that he will highly appreciate your quest, because a pleasant surprise will await him at the end.

You choose the scale of the quest yourself. If you are willing to spend a lot of time on preparation, then for example, you can use places that are significant for both of you in the quest: the place of your first meeting, your first kiss, your favorite restaurant, and even a bench in the park where you like to sit in the evenings. In addition, you can arrange a surprise in those places where you found yourself in funny and sometimes delicate situations. If you are not a fan of large-scale preparations, then you can create a home quest!

Firstly, this way you can show how many interesting things you have at home, and secondly, hint at the need to improve your everyday life.

As you know, to create a quest you need to use little clues that will help you find the next place where the note will be found. To create them, you can use various creative approaches: from colored pieces of paper to phrases and hints that only you two know. Each new place will only increase his interest, and with each new discovery he will want one thing - to complete the quest with victory!

Most importantly, the prize does not have to be expensive. Those emotions and memories that will overtake him during the search will be much more valuable.

2. If you can’t choose a gift for your husband for his anniversary, then the best gift should be a video created by you

Of course, such a surprise for your beloved man will require quite a long preparation from you because, firstly, you must shoot the required number of videos, secondly, select photographs that would show him in various life situations, and thirdly, pay great attention installation.

The main condition is that a man needs to prepare such a surprise unnoticed.

It is worth noting that if you decide to arrange such a surprise for your husband, then all your efforts will be adequately appreciated. In addition, your creation can then be reviewed more than once in a less formal, cozy home environment.

3. Don't forget that you can prepare a romantic surprise.

Such a surprise for a man will require little expense, because it is not necessary to purchase an expensive gift. For example, you can organize a walk in the park, which will end with dinner or a picnic.

Naturally, the picnic option is more suitable for warm summer days. After a long walk in your favorite park, you can retire to a secluded place. But do not forget that in this case you will need the help of friends who will prepare everything in advance, and you and your significant other will be able to have a pleasant time.

But in winter, after a walk, you can warm up in some cozy restaurant. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that you think through the menu in advance and order a table. And rest assured that he will definitely enjoy such a pastime!

4. But you can create an original surprise for your other half.

If your loved one loves sweets, this option is definitely for you. Here there is no need to restrain the flight of your imagination on the topic of what kind of surprise you can make: cake, pancakes, chocolate, pie, muffins.

At the moment, there are many options for making such a gift come true. Of course, you can do this at home yourself. But now there are a huge number of specialized culinary studios, where, under the clear guidance of professionals, you can create culinary masterpieces!

If you are worried that you won’t be able to make a gift with your own hands, you can contact special stores where they create sweets to order.

The texts and wishes on them depend on what your man prefers most: football, cars, books, etc. Definitely, such an unexpected surprise will cheer up and surprise your sweet tooth!

5. You should not exclude so-called “standard” gifts from the list, because you can create something exclusive from them.

True, such gifts can hardly be called a surprise, because they are most often expected. This does not mean that they should be abandoned. After all, these are practical, necessary gifts.
If you decide to give your guy such a gift, you can be sure that it will definitely be used for its intended purpose.

Of course, you understand that we are talking about men’s kit: a razor and cosmetics, socks, underpants.
In addition, many of the men are avid collectors, and it is obvious that each of them wants to be replenished with new items. Some people collect stamps, some collect knives, and others are interested in alcohol and exclusive coins.

Choose a gift to suit your man's taste and he will remain grateful to you.

It should be noted that now there is a wide range of opportunities to create exclusive items from standard items and gifts. For example, in a workshop, knives can be personalized, and for alcohol, you can create original packaging.

Remember that you can create something exclusive from any thing! You just have to want it!

6. A gift can be not only exclusive, but also extreme.

If you are tired of the daily routine and want a huge adrenaline rush, then you can invite your significant other to feel like a Formula 1 racer by organizing a kart competition. You can arrange pair competitions, or you can invite friends.

You can also give an extreme sports fan a helicopter flight or parachute jumping.

Various types of lessons can also be interesting: fencing, rock climbing, etc. In general, everything you have enough imagination for. After all, men love extreme sports!

7. Don’t forget about homemade surprises.

The simplest surprise ideas for your beloved man are gifts made with your own hands or using your existing talents.

If you sing well, you can record a song dedicated to your loved one. If you are a great dancer, give your boyfriend a little “spicy” show and you can be sure it will be highly appreciated.

If you know your man's taste preferences, you can cook his favorite dish, or make your loved one dinner in the style of the country that your other half likes.

8. What man would miss the opportunity to attend the event of his dreams?

Does your significant other like football, hockey, handball or basketball? Do you know exactly which club he supports, and this is the team that comes to your city? Give your man tickets and his gratitude will know no bounds!

The same can be said about the concert of your favorite artist, who by lucky chance happens to be not far from you. You can keep your man company, or maybe give him a little freedom, and next time he will show the same care for you.

It is worth emphasizing that it is not so important how long you live together: a month, a year or decades. You can please someone at any time.

After all, the unplanned pleasant things that you do for your beloved man are a way to show him your attention, as well as to warm up the relationship, making it closer and more tender.

A bold, creative gift, made with love, thought out to the smallest detail, will be accepted with pleasure, even if it seems ridiculous from the outside. After all, every man will appreciate how much effort and time was invested in this gift.
Give gifts with love!

In contact with

If you at least sometimes make online purchases (AliExpress, SportMaster, Bukvoed, Yulmart, etc.), then you should know about a great way to save money and even make money.

Instead of waiting for surprises from life, which may not always be pleasant, it is better to take everything into your own hands and prepare it for yourself. mangift or erotic surprise.

A surprise is first and foremost a sign of attention. It doesn’t matter how serious your relationship is or what stage it is at: pleasant surprises will always please a person. Not only the recipient, but also the giver will receive pleasure from them.

The art of choosing and giving gifts

Gifts are one of the most enjoyable aspects of a couple's relationship. By making a present, you demonstrate that you didn’t just spend money, but, first of all, showed intelligence.

A lover of expensive alcohol can be presented with a bottle of whiskey or cognac, on which, instead of a label, there will be your photograph or some original inscription, for example, “Intoxicated with you,” etc.

If your boyfriend has a favorite band that will be performing in the foreseeable future, give them concert tickets. You can go to the concert together, and if it takes place in another city, it will also be a little romantic trip.

A young man may like your declaration of love when you involve friends or random passers-by on the street. Ask them to take a photo with the sign “Masha loves Seryozha” and arrange it in the format of a collage or a short video clip.

An extreme gift for the most daring and risky - flying on a paraglider or hot air balloon, riding an ATV, playing paintball, etc. Blindfold him and bring him straight to the scene.

When you decide to make a surprise for your man, remember: even the most modest guy will be doubly happy if the gift has erotic overtones.

  • Subscription for sex or blowjob. You make tear-off coupons (the number can be any) and give them to the man, explaining that he can use them at any moment. But be prepared to quit work if he wants sex in the middle of a weekday.
  • Blowjob marathon. Give him a week of blowjobs in the most unexpected places in the city. Monday - at the cinema, Tuesday - in the car, etc.
  • Erotic prank. Your acting talents will be needed. The situation must be domestic, you are naked or in provocatively revealing underwear. Call him, for example, to peel potatoes. He will come into the kitchen with a dissatisfied look, and there you are, beautiful, but with an expression on his face like, “Well, how long will I have to wait for you?” He may start pestering you, but you are adamant and pretend that you don’t understand what’s going on. It's like he's the only one who sees you naked. Then you will focus on the circumstances.
  • New underwear will please not only you, but also him. Tie a lush bow on yourself and jump into his bed.
  • Erotic calendar. Sign up for a photo shoot and take 12 photos according to the number of months of the year. For December, dress up in a Snow Maiden costume bought in a sex shop; for July - wear a wreath of meadow flowers and nothing else, etc.

By the way, when choosing an erotic surprise, some girls make mistakes because they rely on their own feelings. That is, if you get it when he kisses your nipples, then similar actions towards him may not necessarily please a man.

A modern woman lives at a very fast pace, managing to do thousands of things in a day, and in this bustle she sometimes forgets about the most important thing - her Beloved Man, or rather, that it’s time to... no, not feed him, but pamper yourself with something romantic, exotic or extreme!

It's time to surprise your loved one for absolutely no reason, just to spice up your daily routine, refresh your feelings, or thank your “hard worker” and breadwinner for your efforts and care!

And if there is a real reason and there is a holiday ahead - Valentine's Day, February 23, his birthday, even more so, it's time to think about it!

And then the question arises, how to do this and how can you please and surprise a man?

In this review, we tried to collect the most complete collection of ideas for organizing pleasant and interesting surprises for your beloved man.

Surprise idea for a man No. 1: “Rest day”

If you know for sure that your chosen one has worked hard and is physically and mentally exhausted, do not drag him on a romantic ski trip (of course, this is great, but not this time), it is better to bathe him in your care.

Let him sleep, bring coffee to bed, download his favorite movie, cook dinner according to his mother’s recipe, in the evening - a warming bath and massage, and at night - kind words in his ear.

It will definitely be appreciated, but how exactly, try it and find out!

Surprise idea for your loved one No. 2: “Extreme”

If, on the contrary, the husband has a sedentary job and a routine has become firmly established in his life, a shake-up is needed: paragliding, an ATV race, a group outing for paintball.

The thrills experienced together will bring joy to both!

Surprise idea No. 3: “Meeting with friends!”

Knowing that in the evening there will be a broadcast of a match with your favorite team on TV, secretly invite his friends to visit you, buy beer and snacks and go (!) to visit your friend. Or buy scarce tickets to a stadium or rock concert! It’s even cooler if you book your loved one and a couple of friends a table at a strip club!

Such a “feat” will be remembered, trust will pay off, and friends (and this is very important!) will be “envy”!

Surprise idea No. 4: "Pedigree"

This surprise idea for your loved one- especially good for family men. From time immemorial, men have been concerned about procreation and are sensitive to their surname; now many connections have been lost, and the history and roots of many families have been forgotten or lost. Work hard, search, collect information, then beautifully design and present the history of your betrothed’s family.

Such interest and serious attitude towards his surname and family will evoke a response of gratitude in the heart of his loved one, and besides, it will be useful for your children!

Surprise idea No. 5: "Sign of goodwill"

We should not forget that the mother-in-law who is unpleasant to us is the beloved mother of our betrothed, and enmity with her “tears” his heart. Take a step forward - invite your loved one's mother to visit, cook her favorite dish, be a kind and cordial hostess and give them the opportunity to chat about their favorite topics.

It is difficult to take the first step, but it will help, peace in the family, gratitude and love for your spouse! Again, this is a good role model for children.

Surprise idea No. 6: “Fulfillment of a cherished dream"

Every man has a favorite activity or hobby: car, fishing, hunting, tourism, computer, TV, etc. - anyone associated with him will be appreciated. There is a danger of not guessing correctly (with a gun, spinning rod, etc.) - you can ask friends for help or simply give a gift certificate to a specialized store.

It will sound like a dream come true if you usually resist your betrothed’s hobby, suddenly you organize it yourself and with an open heart let you go on a long-awaited fishing trip!

If your sweetheart likes to sit near the TV, sign up for an extended package of your favorite cable TV programs - every time he picks up the remote control, he will remember with a kind word! It will not go unnoticed if you make a photo book about his (!) trip somewhere.

A respectful attitude towards your other half’s hobbies will make you closer and dearer!

Surprise idea No. 7: “The sky in diamonds”

If funds allow, then buy a piece of the Moon or another planet and add a super-powerful telescope to it so that your loved one can show their “plot” to friends! If you don’t have such funds, then you can have a picnic on the roof under a natural starry sky or make a “Starry Sky” out of luminous stickers or a compact projector (sold in holiday stores), and on it show him a “new constellation” with the name of your loved one. Or launch a note into the starry sky on balloons declaring your love for him!

It's touching and beautiful - you'll enjoy it yourself too!

Surprise idea #8: "Treasure Hunt"

Think over and organize a quest - finding a gift: place notes throughout the house (you can also do it in nature), which will step by step bring you closer to victory. Only here it is important that the “treasure” is adequate to the intrigue, and the prize found is definitely pleasant for him (a long-awaited item, a ticket to the stadium, a loved one who wears only a drop of perfume, an ultrasound of his unborn son, about whom he does not yet know, etc.). P.).

And then the boyish joy of your loved one from participating in the adventure is guaranteed!

Surprise idea No. 9: “An evening just for two”

Every woman in her life has heard something like this: “my best gift is you.” And this is truly a very valuable gift, but it is important to decorate it beautifully. It's best to have a themed party. For example, in Japanese style: a low table with sushi and sake, sakura branches, and next to an obedient, wise geisha, or in oriental style: hookah, belly dancing and your favorite concubine. You can arrange it on the basis of the “Anniversary Harem”, only present it in such a way that you are ready to be different for him, so that he feels like the owner of the harem and give him a basket of fruits with different wishes.

Striptease, Thai massage, the arrival of a “nurse” will be especially impressive if it is well prepared.

Such surprises refresh relationships and greatly flatter the pride of the men you love!

Surprise idea No. 10: “Total romance”

Strong and courageous halves are often much more romantic than ladies think, they just don’t always show it. They will definitely be touched if they receive a tender handwritten (!) letter - unexpectedly, for no reason - with words of love, and most importantly, gratitude.

Be sure to write why you appreciate him: specific actions, character traits, daily worries! Or write a lot of small notes and let him find them all day: on the bathroom mirror, in his pockets, in the glove compartment of the car, in his purse, in a folder, etc.

Don’t be shy to show your love and you will definitely receive it in return!

Surprise idea No. 11: “Fireworks for your loved one”

Give your loved one a fireworks display! Just don’t be stingy - not a fake one, but a real one - these days you can choose with various special effects that reflect some individual characteristic of the chosen one. And it won’t hurt to shout or whisper words of love in your ear through the noise of the fireworks.

Organize a bright, beautiful fireworks display in honor of your loved one and a fireworks display of emotions is guaranteed!

Surprise idea No. 12: “Share your smile!”

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