Do you need medical education for laser hair removal? All about laser hair removal

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Before we talk about the cabinet equipment, we remind you that laser hair removal is a medical procedure. Therefore, in order to legally provide a service in a clinic or beauty salon, you need to obtain a medical license.In 2017, a special letter from the Ministry of Health dated January 11, 2017 N 17-2/66 appeared on this matter

The nomenclature of medical services was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 27, 2011 N 1664n and includes the medical service “Depilation” with service code A14.01.012 and the medical service “Epilation” with service code A14.01.013, at the same time the service “waxing” ", "sugar hair removal (sugaring)" are not included in the specified nomenclature.

Therefore, you need to start by looking for a premises that meets the standards for obtaining a medical license or find a premises with an existing license.More information about obtaining a license can be found in the text of the law on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for providing medical care to the population in the field of cosmetology”Regulatory documentation can also be found in our section ““. The basic rules and regulations for equipping a laser hair removal room are described in 2 documents:

“Sanitary norms and rules for the design and operation of lasers SanPiN No. 5804-91.” M.: Information and Publishing Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, 1993.

GOST R 50723-94. Laser safety. General safety requirements for the development and operation of laser products.

What do they write about there?

The rules and regulations were created by Soviet doctors. SanPin No. 5804-91 tells who has the right to work with lasers and how often they need to undergo a medical examination, a lot is written about safety, protective equipment and is supplemented with first aid instructions.

All this is worth studying, despite the fact that the text seems outdated. You will learn about the most important of these documents below.

Choosing a room for a laser hair removal office

Basic rules to follow:

Wet spot. This name for the sink can be seen in many advertisements for renting space for a beauty salon.

Sufficient lighting. The standards are prescribed in SNiP II-4-79. The cosmetology room belongs to the premises of the first group (the highest precision). therefore there should be natural and artificial lighting.

Air. The room should be well ventilated. It is advisable to use air conditioning and an exhaust ventilation system. This is necessary so that the laser does not overheat and lasts longer.

Heating. The indoor air should not be allowed to cool down in winter. If the water in the laser cooling system freezes, it will lead to breakdown and the device cannot be saved.

Fire safety. The law requires that you have a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in your office. In addition, floors must be made of non-flammable electrical insulating material. Also, they cannot contrast in color with the walls.

There should be no shiny surfaces in the office. Patients should not be seen in a room with glossy tiles or a mirrored ceiling. All surfaces must be matte so that if a laser flash hits them, it will not be reflected.

If there is a mirror in the office, then it is covered with non-flammable blinds, but in general it is better to remove it.

The room matches. What should you buy for your office?

In the office where the doctor is going to provide laser hair removal services there should be:

Beauty chair or couch. You should not use dark covers, since the first time a laser flash hits you, a light spot will remain.

Dielectric mat. For safety reasons, the doctor must stand on it while working with the device.

Sun blinds. By the way, blinds are hung on mirrors or other shiny surfaces. They must be fireproof.

Safety glasses for cosmetologist and patient. They usually come complete with a diode laser. You can also choose safety glasses on our website.

Consumables for patient and device: shoe covers, napkins, gels.

Regulatory documentation is located in the section

Does a sugaring master need a medical education?

In recent years, a wave of panic has swept across the Internet regarding the fact that hair removal was classified as a medical service, according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development “On approval of the Nomenclature of Medical Services No. 1664 N.” In this order, “Carrying out” has code A14.01.013 and is located between “A14.01.011 Removal of sebum” and “A14.07.001 Care of the patient’s oral cavity in intensive care conditions.” The letter “A” includes “medical services, which are certain types of medical interventions aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, medical rehabilitation and having an independent complete meaning.” It is obvious to any reasonable person that the person providing these services must have a medical education.

This order directly prohibits the activities of the majority of individual entrepreneurs who have completed courses in one of the companies that sell products for medical treatment, but do not have a medical education. There is something to panic about.

And so, by Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 N 1166-st, changes were made to OKUN (All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population), namely, the household service “019338 Cosmetic tattooing (art tattoo, permanent makeup), body art, earlobe piercing, cosmetic comprehensive body skin care, hair removal using cosmetics.”

For hundreds of thousands of home-based cosmetologists, this order sounded like a pardon. Can! It is possible to legally provide “hair removal services” without having a medical degree!

And they were wrong. Still, the situation when a lawyer (or a person with a legal education) becomes a cosmetologist is quite rare. See for yourself:

Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 N 1166 does not prohibit or permit anything, it simply makes changes to OKUN.

OKUN also does not prohibit or permit anything, it is simply a classifier, a directory of types of services.

Order No. 1664n dated December 27, 2011 “On approval of the Nomenclature of Medical Services” has not been canceled,
in its current version (as amended by the “Order” of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 28, 2013 N 794n), everything remains “as before.”

Conclusion: nothing has changed, “Epilation” is a medical service that requires a medical education from the person providing it.

But what about the fact that hair removal was included in the list of household services?, you ask. Where does it say that any household services can be provided without appropriate specialized education, licenses and other conditions?
An illustrative example: in order to legally provide the household service “016201 Construction of individual houses”, you need to join an SRO (self-regulatory organization), paying an entrance fee of several hundred thousand rubles and providing information that among your employees there are certified design engineers and builders.

After all, it's just smart. After a week-long course at the Horns and Hooves training center, will a girl be able to correctly identify contraindications to the procedure for each specific client, distinguish a papilloma from a wart, and understand what to do at the first symptoms or painful shock?

Galina 08/28/2017 Voluntary insurance prof. is the doctor's liability from an unintentional error resulting in harm to life and health, when determining the diagnosis, carrying out treatment, choosing methods and medications, is it useful for the clinic? What actions of a doctor are defined by the court as an error and how is its commission proven? How likely is the situation that, if all the requirements for the provision of medical services by the clinic are met, the conflict situation will be regarded by the court as a doctor’s error? How often are such claims satisfied? Current legislation provides for compensation for harm only in the case of provision of services of inadequate quality; if a medical error is made without the fault of the organization when providing services of adequate quality, the patient is not entitled to financial compensation (maybe I’m wrong). In this case, voluntary insurance is a useless tool. Is there now an obligation for a medical organization to insure the life and health of a patient at its own expense?

Anzhelika 05/29/2017 Good afternoon! Please tell me if a pharmacist with 5 years of experience in a pharmacy can train to become a cosmetologist. And be able to work with proteins like botulinum toxin?

Polina 05/29/2017 Good afternoon! Is it necessary to install online cash registers for individual entrepreneurs (cosmetologist and manicurist), as I understand it, we provide household services, sales of cosmetics, etc. are we not doing?

Nadezhda 05/15/2017 Good day! I have a secondary medical degree. education in the specialty "Obstetrics". Certificate dated 2013 in the same specialty. I'm planning to train as a nurse in cosmetology. Based on the results of training (288 hours), the training center issues a state-issued certificate and certificate of advanced training, but does not issue a diploma of professional retraining. Will I be hired with such a set of documents?

* The calculations use average data for Russia

200 000

Starting investments

200 000 - 250 000

90 000 - 150 000

Net profit

4-8 months

Payback period

Hair removal is a popular business niche in the beauty and health sector, the demand for which has increased significantly in recent years. You can open an office that provides depilation services if you have 300 thousand rubles.

Any woman strives to be as beautiful as her financial capabilities allow. Even in Ancient Egypt, a hairless body was considered a sign of youth and perfect beauty. At the same time, the history of hair removal began, a procedure that has become commonplace in the 21st century for most women and some men. Some people prefer to remove hair at home, but only professional hair removal can get rid of hair efficiently and for a long time, so more and more people are turning to hair removal offices and salons.

The demand for a service can be judged by the number of offers. In Russian cities with a population of over a million (except for Moscow and St. Petersburg), on average, more than 450 organizations offer hair removal and depilation services: beauty salons, cosmetology studios, medical clinics, and so on. And this is not counting private masters. In the 15 largest cities of Russia, on average, for every 10 thousand population there are 4 companies providing such services. That is, this is at least one company per 2.5 thousand residents.

Number of companies providing hair removal/depilation services in 15 largest cities in Russia*



Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod





*according to 2GIS data as of April 20, 2018

How to register a hair removal and depilation business

To open an hair removal and depilation office, you need to register an LLC. An individual entrepreneur is suitable only if the entrepreneur has a doctor’s diploma and 5 years of work experience in his specialty. The hair removal room must have a medical license. Medical licenses are issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development for a period of five years. The organization submits an application and a package with the following documents:

  • Charter, constituent agreement.
  • Certificate of state registration of the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Certificate of registration of the organization with the tax authority.
  • Goskomstat codes (93.02. Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons).
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A document confirming payment of the license fee for consideration of an application for a license.
  • Title documents for non-residential premises: lease agreement, certificate of ownership.
  • Floor plan of non-residential premises.
  • Explication to the floor plan of non-residential premises.
  • Documents confirming ownership of equipment or other grounds for using equipment (for example, inventory cards).
  • Certificates of quality of medical equipment.
  • Registration certificates for medical equipment (if the equipment was produced and acquired by the organization later than 2000).
  • Contract for maintenance of medical equipment.
  • Diplomas, certificates, certificates for specialists (senior and (or) paramedical personnel).
  • Documents confirming higher medical education in the field of healthcare from the head or deputy head of the licensee organization, documents on additional professional education, as well as certificates of a specialist in the specialty “Healthcare Organization and Public Health”.
  • Order on the appointment of a person responsible for medical activities.
  • An employment contract, a work record book of an employee appointed responsible for medical activities, confirming the presence of at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards and rules of medical activities.

Since obtaining a license is a process that requires knowledge of bureaucratic intricacies, many applicants resort to the services of law firms. The cost of these services is about 40 thousand rubles in the regions and about 100 thousand rubles in Moscow.

Many people wonder whether a license is needed for depilation services that do not destroy hair follicles (on the Internet, depilation is often classified as a household service, citing regulatory documents of the Ministry of Labor). The answer is necessary, since depilation is included in medical activities according to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 No. 1664n “On approval of the range of medical services.”

What do you need to start a sugaring and waxing business?

People come to the hair removal office to become more beautiful, to devote time exclusively to themselves, and let the whole world wait. This procedure is intimate and sometimes painful. In order for the client to relax, feel comfortable and confident, it is recommended to create a favorable atmosphere with the help of a beautiful interior. It makes no sense to rent a large room; the office should be small but cozy.

Standard furniture used for hair removal rooms are cosmetic couches and chairs, costing from 10,000 rubles. A cosmetic table will cost 5,000 rubles. To carry out the procedures, you will need various consumables, for example, disposable sheets, blankets, towels, caps, spatulas, etc. To fully equip a depilation room, including a reception area, waiting area, work accessories, signage, etc., you will need from 190 thousand rubles. If we add to this amount funds to pay for three months of rent, investments in cosmetic repairs and lighting, as well as advertising, then the starting threshold for entering the business will be an amount of 300-350 thousand rubles.

Approximate list of equipment for a hair removal room



Reception area

Reception desk

Administrator chair

The waiting area

Coffee table


Depilation room equipment

Cosmetology couch

Table for cosmetic products

Chair for the master



Work accessories and materials

Sugar paste


Bandage strips

Employee form

Tools, swabs, napkins, gloves

Additional expenses

In the modern beauty industry, several methods are used to remove unnecessary hair. Sugar depilation (or sugaring) is hair removal using a special paste. This method has no serious contraindications. The effect lasts about 20 days. Sugaring paste costs about 1,000 rubles per kilogram. Before the procedure, talc is used for sugar hair removal (250 rubles per 150 grams) and cleansing lotion (400 rubles per 200 ml); after the procedure, a cream that slows down hair growth is applied to the skin (400 rubles per 200 ml). Epilation of legs up to the knee using sugaring costs 450-1000 rubles, legs along the entire length - 1000-2000, armpits - 300-500 rubles, bikini area - 600-1800 rubles. Caramel and chocolate depilation works similarly to sugar depilation. A large selection of hair removal products is available in professional cosmetics salons and online stores.

Cost of sugaring and waxing services





Sugaring of the upper lip

Waxing, upper lip

Sugaring of the chin

Waxing, chin

Sugaring of armpits

Waxing, armpits

Sugaring of thighs

Waxing, thighs

Shugaring shins

Waxing, shins

Sugaring of feet (completely)

Waxing, full legs

Sugaring of the bikini area (classic)

Waxing, bikini (classic)

Sugaring of the bikini area (deep)

Waxing, bikini (deep)

Full hand sugaring

Waxing, full arms

Sugaring of arms up to the elbow

Waxing, arms up to elbows

Sugaring buttocks

Waxing, buttocks

Back sugaring

Waxing, back

Belly sugaring

Waxing, belly

Lower back sugaring

Waxing, lower back

Another common method of depilation is waxing, it is sometimes called bioepilation. Wax can be in cartridges (price for salons is 150-160 rubles per 100 ml). To prepare the cartridge for operation, special vertical heaters are used (1,200 rubles). Warm waxes can also be packaged in 400 and 800 ml jars. The cost of a can is from 400 rubles. A can heater will cost 2,000 rubles. To remove hair in the bikini area and under the arms, hot waxes are required (price 1000 rubles per kilogram). Film waxes are suitable for any area of ​​the body. The cost of a jar is about 1000 rubles for 800 ml. Auxiliary cosmetic products that are used to prepare the skin for depilation, as well as after the procedure, are preparatory gel, cleansing oil, cleansing lotion, post-depilation serum, post-depilation emulsion. The cost of the product is 400-700 rubles per bottle. The cost of waxing is approximately the same as the cost of sugaring. A training course in waxing and sugaring costs about 10,000 rubles in educational centers and takes several days.

For one depilation room, the actual turnover will be 200-250 thousand rubles. Taking into account wages to employees, fixed and variable costs (rent, advertising, Internet, household expenses, consumables, electricity), net profit can be 90-150 thousand rubles.

What do you need to start a hardware hair removal business?

To get rid of unnecessary hair on the body for a long time or permanently, hardware hair removal is used.

Electrolysis is the destruction of the hair follicle by electric current. Each hair is processed separately. The procedure is long and sometimes painful, and is contraindicated for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, pregnancy, skin diseases, and cancer. Currently, there are several methods of electrolysis: thermolysis, electrolysis, blend method, flash method.

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The cheapest electric epilator costs 15,000 rubles. The price of expensive models reaches 200,000 rubles. Such devices are able to select programs depending on the thickness and structure of the hair, automatically initiate an electrical impulse when it enters the hair follicle, have a special microchip that allows you to record dozens of different hair removal programs, prevent tissue burns associated with incorrect needle insertion, and have programs for post-epilation patient management. The cost of a minute of electrolysis is 18-25 rubles. Anesthesia is paid additionally (200-300 rubles).

Laser hair removal is the destruction of hair follicles using laser radiation. This method is only suitable for black hair. Contraindicated for pregnant women, diabetics, people with skin diseases and cancer. The price of a laser epilator starts from 200,000 rubles. The cost of hair removal varies depending on parts of the body, for example, forehead hair removal will cost around 800-2000 rubles, and leg hair removal 8-14 thousand rubles. There are also differences in price between men's and women's laser hair removal: the latter is cheaper. Spot laser hair removal is also possible at the request of the customer. One flash is estimated at approximately 100-150 rubles.

Cost of laser hair removal services





Upper lip



Upper lip

Nose (wings of the nose)

Full face

Eyebrows, interbrow area

Full face


Full neck

Back/front neck area

Full hands

Hands up to the elbow

Hands up to the elbows

Full hands

4 000 - 6 000

Summer is approaching. Every woman dreams of permanently getting rid of unwanted hair on the face and body, as well as the problem of ingrown hairs and irritations. Are you tired of razor or wax? Karina Musaeva, chief physician of the LazerJazz laser cosmetology clinic, will tell you what is the myth or truth about laser and elos hair removal.

The LazerJazz Clinic is the only clinic in Moscow where all 5 types of laser hair removal of the latest generation are presented: Candela alexandrite, Light Sheer diode laser, Elos Plus, neodymium Cynosure, the world's first multiplex (neodymium + alesandrite) Cynosure.

Karina Musaeva, chief physician of LazerJazz:

“Our clinic is the only one in Moscow that offers all types of laser hair removal of the latest generation that exist on the market: alexandrite laser, alexandrite + neodymium, diode and elos. The effect of the procedure occurs faster, which means you save your budget and time.”

What is the difference between hair removal and depilation? Who is it suitable for? What is more effective?

It is necessary to differentiate between depilation and hair removal. Depilation is the removal of the hair shaft located above the surface of the skin: these include shaving, tweezing, chemical hair removal, waxing, sugaring, electric depilatory, threading. But the unwanted hair continues to grow, and it's a lifelong "struggle."

Depilation methods essentially always injure the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis; in defense, it increases the layer of dead cells, which leads to unpleasant consequences: ingrown hairs, post-traumatic pigmentation (dark spots at the site of ingrown hairs and irritation), roughening of the skin.

Laser hair removal is the most modern and patient-friendly method of radical hair removal on any area of ​​the face and body. One procedure removes up to 10-25% of unwanted hair and immediately solves the problem of skin irritation and ingrown hairs. The laser beam rejuvenates the skin in the epilation area, removes pigmentation and even thin dilated capillaries.

The procedure itself, for example laser hair removal of legs, in our clinic takes no more than 15 minutes. And even after the first procedure, hair does not grow for more than 1 month.

Is it true or not that any hair removal methods lead to more active hair growth in the removal area?

Hair covers 95% of our body. Hair can be core - hard, thick, or thin and transparent - vellus, which is the majority on our skin.

If you use depilation methods (shaving, waxing, sugaring, etc.), the vellus hair becomes longer and darker. That is, you essentially visually enlarge the area for depilation using these methods, which is what is associated with the myth that hair can become larger after depilation.

Laser and ELOS hair removal have the opposite effect: they completely destroy the entire hair structure - from stem cells, which can lead to follicle regeneration, to the hair body itself. With each procedure, they become thinner and more transparent, they stop growing, and you will also notice how the quality of the skin has improved - the pores have narrowed, the skin has become more elastic and silky.

What is the principle of laser hair removal based on? It is safe?

The principle of laser hair removal is taken from cybernetics. A laser is a beam of concentrated light of a certain wavelength and intensity. The laser target is only the pigment of the hair or the microscopic capillaries that feed the follicle. The laser beam, as if through a tube, moves to the hair follicle, heats it and destroys it.

The laser beam for hair removal operates at a precisely specified depth - 755 nm-1064 nm, which is 9 times thinner than human hair. That is, the hair removal laser cannot “reach” the lymph nodes, muscles and bones. This is one of the stupidest myths!

According to research by the US Skin Cancer Foundation (the most authoritative source in the world in this field), modern devices not only do not cause skin cancer, but also prevent it by normalizing the functioning of melanogenesis - the production of pigment. These data were confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Why is one laser hair removal procedure not enough?

Hair has its own growth cycle: 2/3 of the follicles “sleep” in the skin, about 10-30% of the hair is in the growth stage - those are visible above the skin. The hair growth cycle is about 1.5 - 3 months. The laser affects only the hair pigment - this is the principle of its operation.

Therefore, during 1 laser hair removal procedure, up to 30% of hair can be permanently removed, but this percentage is individual for each patient. That's why laser hair removal is not a one-time procedure, but a course one. At least 4-15 procedures are required, depending on the zone and other indicators.

Is laser hair removal long and painful?

No, this is also a very big myth, which is most likely due to the fact that modern laser equipment is very expensive, so the devices are not updated everywhere. Modern laser devices from world leaders work faster and more painlessly than waxing and sugaring, not to mention electro-hair removal, which lasts for hours.

At the LazerJazz clinic, complete leg hair removal takes 15 minutes. Deep bikini - 5-10 min. Face - 3-5 min. The laser spot does not affect each individual follicle, but a certain area at the highest speed: about 3-10 flashes per second!

Modern laser devices are equipped with patented pain relief systems: for example, freon (micro-freezing during each flash), contact cooling, vacuum, blowing. According to patients, the laser procedure is more comfortable than wax hair removal.

What is the best way to remove unwanted facial hair?

If you shave, pluck, or wax, the hair becomes darker, coarser, and longer. These areas have sensitive skin, and you are guaranteed constant irritation. Wax - in 80% of cases leads to burns, the skin becomes pigmented, a dark stripe appears, which further emphasizes unwanted hairs.

Laser hair removal on the upper lip takes only 3 minutes and costs about 2000₽ You are guaranteed to get rid of both hair and complexes in 8 months. With the help of a laser, in our clinic we also carry out laser eyebrow design, both for girls and for men who want to get rid of the “unibrow”.


Yulia Grebenkina, creator of #BEAUTYINSIDER:

“I have already said more than once that laser hair removal was my best beauty decision of 2015. And I continue to think so - I had 8 procedures with the alexandrite laser at the Lazer Jazz clinic, the hair grows on my legs and armpits much less. For the first time I went on vacation without a razor. There are still a lot of blond hairs left, but in 2016 I plan to get rid of them completely.”

Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova, creator of #BeButterfly:

To be brief, the clinic has everything I need and value! Polite and competent staff, beautiful interior, affordable prices, convenient location and visible results. Now I’m doing laser hair removal of a bikini - it took me a long time to decide on it, but now I regret that I waited so long: the process is going well - almost 80% was gone in 6 sessions!”

Is it possible to perform laser and Elos hair removal in the summer?

Yes! It is a big myth that laser and ELOS hair removal cannot be performed in the summer. The only restriction: come for the procedure 10-14 days before tanning and 10-14 days after. If you epilate before sunbathing, your skin will be incredibly smooth and silky throughout your vacation, which is something that no other known hair removal method can provide.

We perform hair removal not only on tanned skin, but also on those with dark skin - mulattoes, for example. In this case, hair removal using a neodymium laser, for example, is perfect.

How many laser hair removal treatments are needed to achieve the effect?

Hair on different areas of the face and body has a different growth cycle. For example, hair in the bikini and armpits, as well as the fuzz on the face, are hormone-dependent areas, that is, in these areas there is more active hair growth than on the legs or arms, for example. Definitely, at least 4-12 procedures.

Here's how laser hair removal works at LazerJazz in the summer:

How to choose the right doctor and the right laser?

Give preference to a medical institution where laser cosmetology and hair removal is the main specialization. More like a clinic, not a beauty salon. The institution must have a medical license to carry out this activity.

Find out that the appointment should ideally be conducted by a dermatologist or cosmetologist, and not by an esthetician or a nurse (those specialists without a higher medical education). The doctor must not only have certification to work with a specific laser, but also a state diploma of advanced training in laser cosmetology, which is quite rare.

And also keep in mind that not all your favorite doctors who are excellent at injections and even plastic surgery are proficient in lasers. Everything needs its own specialization. The more types of lasers for hair removal in a given institution, the higher the individual approach and the higher the efficiency.

Education that gives the right to work with lasers:

  • 6 years medical academy
  • 1 year internship
  • 576 hours specialization in dermatocosmetology
  • 144 hours laser therapy
  • Certification for each laser model
  • Constant participation in trainings and international conferences

Our doctors are beauty experts from leading magazines and TV channels.

Lazerjazz - the best prices in Moscow for laser and ELOS hair removal You decide what the final cost of the procedure will be.

Our system of subscriptions and discounts allows you to receive the course as a gift!

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