A biochip for cancer diagnostics, a cloud medical record and cleaning bacteria: a review of Skolkovo projects was held in Arkhangelsk. Universal body cleansers or my vegetable detox Can I drink milk?

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Specialists from the young American company AOBiome are actively promoting the idea of ​​abandoning the traditional way of caring for the skin with soap, shampoos, and so on, and replacing all this with treating the body with Nitrosomonas eutropha bacteria. Scientists claim that these microorganisms, which reproduce and feed in an ammonia environment, can moisturize and effectively cleanse human skin, as well as get rid of some skin diseases and eliminate the smell of sweat.

This ability of cleaning bacteria has already been proven by employees of an American company, the founder of which demonstrates their effect by personal example, having not taken a traditional shower for more than 12 years. Scientists from AOBiome believe that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were widely distributed on human skin in the past, feeding on ammonia in sweat. However, with the development of the trend of “ideal cleanliness” of the body, with the use of the latest hygiene products, there are sometimes no traces of sweat on the body, and, consequently, the favorable environment for the nutrition and reproduction of microorganisms has been destroyed. It was these bacteria that provided previous generations of people with clean skin, deodorization, and also prevented the development of pathogens that cause inflammation and redness of the skin.

Currently, this hypothesis is being put forward by the founders and employees of the AOBiome company. For convenient and high-quality application of the product to human skin, a special aerosol has been created, called “Refreshing cosmetic aerosol AO+”. Studies have shown that corporation employees who use this spray and take a regular shower no more than twice a month do not suffer from any viral or skin infections, their skin is clean, moisturized and healthy. When you find yourself in the company of these people, you do not feel any foreign odors; there is not the slightest hint that the person does not shower and looks dirty.

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Everything useful is nearby!

Pay attention to ordinary products that can be bought at any market and which cleanse the body much more powerfully than any medicine and at the same time are not capable of harming it.

1. White cabbage

Cabbage is rich in a huge amount of dietary fiber, which binds heavy metals and toxins and is removed from the intestines. Organic acids contained in cabbage have a positive effect on digestion and stabilize microflora. Cabbage also contains a rather rare vitamin U, which kills dangerous substances and takes part in the synthesis of vitamins and even heals ulcers.

How to use: you can fresh or pickled or even in the form of juice.

2. Red beets

Red beets are the body's No. 1 cleanser. Beetroot contains fiber, copper, phosphorus, vitamin C and a number of useful acids that improve digestion and kill putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. It also contains the lipotropic substance betaine, which makes the liver better rid of toxins. Beetroot rejuvenates the body due to folic acid and quartz.

How to use: boiled, can be in borscht or as a salad or in the form of juice.

3. Garlic

One clove of garlic contains more than 400 useful components that cleanse blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and kill glioblastoma multiforme cells that cause cancer. Also, the elements included in garlic destroy the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and stomach ulcers. Garlic has an anthelmintic effect and kills diphtheria and tubercle bacilli.

How to use: fresh, preferably in a crushed state.

4. Onions

The most important thing about onions is that phytoncides, which are stored in essential oils, can kill most bacteria and fungi in a few seconds. Onions help improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, improve appetite. Onions also contain a huge amount of sulfur, which neutralizes and destroys everything harmful in the body.

How to use: fresh, in salad or as an alcohol tincture, and also as a cosmetic mask (for acne and acne).

5. Apples

Apples improve appetite, stimulate the production of gastric juice, and relieve constipation. Thanks to pectin and fiber, apples stabilize the functioning of the entire digestive system. Apples also destroy pathogens of influenza A viruses, dysentery, and Staphylococcus aureus.

How to use: fresh and only with the skin (this is important!), also in the form of juice and grated pulp, or you can cook compote.

6. Cranberry

Cranberry is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics and antiviral agents. It cleanses the genitourinary system of dangerous bacteria. Helps fight the formation of cancer cells and cleans blood clots and plaques in blood vessels.

How to use: cranberries are eaten fresh (can be with sugar) or in the form of fruit drink and juice or jam.

7. Carrots

Benefits of carrots: Carrots contain many flavonoids and beta-carotene, which improve liver function.
An excellent source of vitamin A.
Carrots are rich in fiber. Improves the gastrointestinal tract.
Has an anthelmintic (anthelmintic) effect.
Promotes healing of wounds and burns.
Strengthens the immune system. Protects against viruses.
Perfectly restores vision. Prevents the development of night blindness and cataracts.
It is recommended to consume this root vegetable for pregnant and lactating women.
Prevents cancer. Good prevention against cancer.
Good antioxidant. Removes deposits of toxins from the intestines, promotes the formation of normal microflora.

How to use: in order for vitamin A, beta-carotene and calcium to be absorbed, you need to consume carrots raw with a small amount of vegetable fat.

8. Sea kale

The rich iodine content helps cope with thyroid diseases and replenish the supply of this element in the body. In addition, iodine is a kind of preventative against cancer. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women.
The alginates included in the composition allow you to cleanse yourself of radionuclides, pathogenic bacteria and toxins.
Fatty acids promote the breakdown of cholesterol plaques, and this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and hypertension. It is known that even smokers who consume kelp daily have good vascular condition.
Preventing blood clots is another miraculous property of seaweed.
The algae leaves contain substances that resemble hormones in their chemical composition. They help cope with age-related changes in the body and the development of sclerosis.
Seaweed helps normalize digestive and metabolic processes and accelerate metabolism.
In addition to all of the above, it significantly improves memory and brain function in general.
It is taken as a vitamin supplement and immune stimulant.

How to use: Laminaria in powder form is sprinkled on side dishes, salads, meat and fish dishes. You can use dry kelp instead of salt. In addition, to relieve hunger, powdered cabbage is useful in between meals. The recommended dosage of powdered seaweed is 1-2 teaspoons per day, washed down with water.

9. Lemon and lime

They can be added to many dishes: they season fish and salads. Vitamin C, which is abundant in citrus fruits, is officially recognized by scientists as the most important vitamin involved in detoxification. Vitamin C makes toxins and wastes water-soluble and easily removed from the body with excess fluid.

10. Green tea

Green tea is rich in plant-based antioxidants, which help remove toxins and cleanse the body.

11. Nuts

Nuts contain a lot of arginine - this is the main amino acid of the body, which stimulates the functioning of almost all organs and systems. It is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate liver cleansing.

Intestinal probiotics - beneficial bacteria in the form of tablets, powders, capsules - are already widely used to treat various diseases. Many scientists believe that this approach is the future. The development of new antibiotics is a very expensive undertaking, and resistance to them develops after some time. In addition, along with pathogens, medications also kill beneficial microflora. And, according to various sources, it is responsible for 70 or even 90 percent of immunity. Curing bronchitis and getting diarrhea, thrush and acne is not cool at all. If we release an army of those “for us” against nasty bacteria, there is a chance to solve the problem and not create a new one.

But microbes that are friendly to us live not only in the intestines: they are in the ears, on the nose, in the groin - basically everywhere. The health of the skin may depend on how well they work. It is logical that drugs began to appear to care for beneficial bacteria outside. I tested one of these, Mother Dirt, for myself.


My set consists of shampoo, face and body foam, and the actual AO+ mist spray, which contains Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria. These babies feed on ammonium, which the body produces when we sweat. The other two products are bacteria-free. It’s just that their detergent components do not damage the skin microbiome.

The bottles were sent to me in a package with cooling blocks (I ordered from the USA, but the company offers international delivery). Then there is no need to store the product with AO+ mist bacteria under special conditions. Well, only if you have extreme heat or cold in your apartment. The Mother Dirt website even explains that the bacteria in the spray will easily survive an X-ray at airport security, but it’s better to take the jar in your hand luggage. A dog will survive traveling in luggage, but your pet bacteria may not.

The manufacturer writes about shampoo and universal face and body wash that they eliminate impurities, but do not kill beneficial bacteria.

However, any soap or shower gel without antibacterial substances like does not affect skin microbiota.

Microbiologist, Doctor of Microbiological Sciences, blog author Mygutmatters Karina Pokusaeva explains: “Antibacterial agents affect our skin microbiome in the same way as antibiotics affect intestinal bacteria. They contribute to the emergence of antibiotic resistance (they simply stop acting on pathogens), confuse our hormonal levels, and have a carcinogenic effect. In fact, we don't need antibacterial soap at all. The usual one can remove all pathogenic bacteria by 99 percent, and the good ones are simply washed off and immediately after water procedures they begin to multiply and restore their colony on the skin.”

That is, in essence, Mother Dirt wash and shampoo are ordinary skin-safe products for $15 each. Whether the price is justified is up to everyone to decide.


Before, during use and after. Since I'm not much of a beauty blogger, I didn't think of taking photos in the same light.


You can use both the washbasin, also known as shower product, and shampoo as usual. That's what I did. There is information on the company's website that some people can even do without hair conditioner, but not all. I tried skipping balms and masks several times. But my long curly dyed hair did not appreciate this approach. No disaster happened, just the curls were coarse and disheveled - quite expected.

While using the shampoo, I visited my hair specialist twice - she had no complaints about my scalp. Mother Dirt shampoo did not cause irritation, it washed my hair well - until it squeaked. In combination with the usual conditioner and care products, this is a normal product. Although, again, the question is the price. For $8 I buy shampoo that is just as good.

Exactly the same story with the cleanser. Since I haven’t bought something frankly terrible for a long time, I come to the conclusion that approximately all cleansers in the middle price category are the same. I can’t say that after switching to face & body cleaner from Mother Dirt, my skin looked particularly bright. However, it didn’t get worse either, which is a lot. And the product itself is pleasant to use - it whips into an airy foam, it does not have the nasty chemical smell of some ocean breeze or patchouli, God forgive me.

The most interesting part is the AO+ mist, a spray that can be applied to clean skin of the face and body or over your skincare products, several times a day if you want.

I am so in love with pro- and prebiotic gut products that I was hoping to see a difference from the first use. I was waiting for magic: that my skin would magically get rid of all imperfections, glow, stop getting oily and get rid of blackheads and small rashes forever. But, alas, no miracle happened - neither on the first day, nor after 2 months of use. Hyaluronic acid and peels work much better for me than funny bacteria.

You can also treat particularly sweaty areas with the spray - armpits, groin, feet.

I received the parcel in the middle of summer, so I decided: just go for a walk, no more deodorant. But here it should be noted that I am not only brave, but also not the most sweaty person in the world, so I didn’t notice a fundamental difference.

And then I gave my bacteria an extreme test. In the best traditions of commercials, I smeared one armpit with regular deodorant, and sprayed the other with AO+ mist. And in this form she went on a 6-hour car journey - in the heat, when neither air conditioning nor open windows could help.

Well what can I say. Not a single remedy worked 100 percent. By the end of the trip, covered in dust, flies and crumbs , I smelled a little on both sides.

In general, you expect a little more from a product that costs $49.


The creators of Mother Dirt say there's science behind their cosmetics. Once upon a time, the bacterium Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria naturally populated our skin, but now, due to the aggressive components of cosmetics, we are forced to apply them specifically. True, the research the company refers to is carried out by a Cambridge startup Aobiome , in fact, the history of the Mother Dirt brand began from this laboratory. But we could not find any other studies confirming the benefits of AOB for the skin.

The idea of ​​colonizing the skin with beneficial bacteria is interesting in itself. How feasible it is today is not very clear.

“Probiotic cosmetics work. But like oral probiotics, it works on a very individual basis. We don’t know what our skin lacks – bacteria A or I. If everything is fine with A and us, and we also add them to the cream, there will be no effect,” explains Karina Pokusaeva. She thinks a probiotic beauty product might be worth trying if you have eczema, for example. But it will be much more important and effective for the skin to solve the problem from the inside.

“There are many studies that show that with dysbacteriosis on the skin - atopic dermatitis - a person’s intestinal microflora is also disrupted,” says the microbiologist. – We know that the intestinal microflora greatly affects all body systems and that many dermatitis and eczema are treated by taking probiotics orally. By improving the intestinal microbiota, we thus stimulate the immune system, thanks to which external problems go away.”

But Karina does not recommend mixing cream or lotion made from intestinal probiotics at home. Still, the temperature inside the body, to which our little helpers are accustomed, is higher than on the surface. There is a high chance that bacteria on the face will quickly die, decompose and irritate the skin. Do you need it?


It is quite possible that Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria, like other beneficial bacteria, is sufficient on my skin and additional ones are not required. I don’t have any problems, terrible dryness or oiliness, I used antibacterial cleansers maybe 20 years ago, and even then not for long. I feed my intestinal microbiota in a variety of ways, I like to add something healthy for it and sauerkraut, so the colonies of bacteria in the intestines successfully support my immune system. Therefore, I did not feel any special effect from probiotic cosmetics.

I suggest waiting until there is more science behind probiotic skin products. In the meantime, use it only if there is a problem that all other proven means have not dealt with. And, most importantly, take care of your microbiota from a young age!

Photo: Cilantro

Written By

Olena Islamkina

My name is Olena, and I am the leader of the keto sect. Self-proclaimed, of course. She is also a journalist and biohacker. In 2012, I accidentally discovered a keto diet for myself and suddenly lost a few extra pounds, got rid of migraines, allergies and acne, became energetic and productive, balanced and happy.. But the topic of the ketogenic diet quickly crowded out of my mind. blog vaccinations, GMOs and exercises for strong buttocks, and I myself completed several courses and became a specialist in keto nutrition. I really want as many people as possible to know: healthy food should be tasty. And delicious food can be medicine and a biohacking tool. Because a healthy lifestyle is not what it seems.

While some people, taking advantage of all the benefits of humanity, buy deodorants, soaps and gels for future use, other enthusiasts are trying in every possible way to prove the harm of these substances and call for abandoning them altogether. One of these is the American David Whitlock, who, according to him, has not washed for twelve years, and his body is cleansed with the help of special beneficial bacteria.

Nowadays, any woman knows that proper skin care using all cleansers and moisturizers allows her to look healthy. This is the norm both for facial skin and on the site http://female-online.rf/krasota/uhod-za-kozhej/uhod-posle-pilinga.html everything is clearly demonstrated, and for any other part of the body, since daily human the skin is renewed at the cellular level and it is necessary to rid a person of these rough skin particles.

However, in our time there are also enthusiasts who believe that washing is harmful to the human body. One of these admirers of the “unwashed Middle Ages” is the American David Whitlock, who put forward a theory about the dangers of frequent body washing. According to this theory, during each wash of the body, bacteria beneficial to humans are washed away. And these same disease bacteria are able to independently absorb all the dirt and sweat that settles on human skin.

Moreover, in order to speed up this process of bacterial eating dirt from human skin, it is necessary to “add” special nitrifying strains of bacteria to the person. It was the drug with such unusual bacteria that was invented by the American scientist. And to completely cleanse the skin, you only need to apply a special “Ointment-Mud” product to the skin in the morning and evening, which will absorb those negative substances (urea and ammonia) produced by the human body. Whitlock has been experimenting with such an unusual skin cleansing for twelve years now, during which he has never taken a shower or used soap products.

It is worth noting the fact that the theory about the dangers of frequent and general washing has ancient roots. The most striking example known to all of us is the Chukchi. Many Chukchi did not wash for years, afraid to wash away their luck, strength and health. The inhabitants of Tibet suffered no less. And even now, most Tibetans also do not like to wash and do it about once a year.

Growing vegetables and fruits in our garden beds without the use of chemical fertilizers, we naively believe that eating from our garden beds has only one benefit. However, as research shows, almost all summer cottages contain unacceptable amounts of pesticides, which summer residents themselves are not even aware of.

During the Zvorykin session of the youth forum on Seliger, a graduate student at the Institute of Biology of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Liliya Anisimova, presented the world’s first biological product, which can already effectively (up to 98%) neutralize toxic substances found in soil and water.

For cleaning, seven strains of destructor bacteria are needed, which together can neutralize the pesticide by breaking it down into carbon dioxide and water. The bacteria themselves are completely non-toxic and non-pathogenic, so their use is safe for humans and animals. Unique bacteria were isolated from contaminated soils of industrial zones of Ufa: struggling for survival, these organisms learned to decompose toxic substances. Researchers studied the characteristics of each strain and were able to remove the bacteria in the laboratory.

“The mixture of seven strains of bacteria will be sold in powder form, which can be easily diluted in water. You just need to water the area with the resulting solution, and after 2-3 weeks the toxic substances in the beds and in groundwater will disappear. A package of the new powder weighing 50 g, which will cost approximately 150 rubles, will be enough to clear a 6-acre area of ​​pesticides by 94%,” said Liliya Anisimova. There are no direct analogues to its drug.

However, its innovation will be much more useful for industrial companies that want to clean up their territory. In Russia, there are more than 2,600 large industrial chemical enterprises, the processing products of which are concentrated in groundwater and soil. Research commissioned by the Ministry of Natural Resources revealed that near industrial zones the concentration of harmful compounds in soil and water exceeds the maximum permissible norm by 10,000 times. Not only the lands of the enterprises themselves were considered dirty, but also most of the territories adjacent to them.

Even if the dacha is far from a plant or factory, this is not a guarantee of cleanliness. According to official statistics in Russia, 45% of the territory allocated for agriculture is contaminated with pesticides in concentrations tens of times higher than the maximum permissible concentration.

Anisimova’s innovation lies in the fact that a single preparation has been invented for cleaning both soil and water. Having poured the powder into a personal reservoir, you can safely use purified water for irrigation and drinking. It can also be used for water supply systems in cities. This market may become the main market for the drug.

“The potential Russian market for biological products in monetary terms is 1.2 billion rubles. The total costs for the full cycle of production and sale of the drug amount to several million rubles, says Liliya Anisimova. “Such a low production cost is explained by the fact that the production of a biological product does not involve the use of scarce and expensive raw materials; the drug can be produced using waste from meat processing plants.”

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