Photos of pareo. Options for tying a pareo for the beach: original outfits in the photo

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Methods for tying a pareo for the beach include simple tricks that any girl can master without much difficulty. It is impossible to imagine a summer look without a beautifully tied pareo - some wear it as a sundress dress, while others make it into a kind of skirt, and there are even those who manage to create a stunning top from this piece. Do you also want to know all the intricacies of this unusual art? Then you have come to the right place, we will tell you how beautifully, fashionably and correctly to tie and wear this trendy item this summer. You can see how to tie a beautiful pareo for the beach and going out into the city in the photos and videos on this page.

How to tie a pareo beautifully - methods with photos

Before learning how to tie a pareo, we advise you to decide on a suitable material, because this largely determines how your combination will look and what intricate little things you can make from it. How to tie a pareo beautifully - the methods will be shown with photos:

A bright scarf with an unusual pattern or print, made of chiffon, thin silk or cotton. There are a lot of wearing options now. Therefore, the pareo is no longer limited to the scope of an accessory, but is present in the beach wardrobe of fashionistas as an equal member of a beach suit. The sizes of the scarf vary: the longer the material, the more wardrobe items it can reproduce.

Also, when choosing a style and element of clothing, you should take into account the proportions of your figure in order to look chic on the beach in any outfit: someone wants to hide their hips, someone wants to visually look taller, while others want to emphasize certain charms of their figure.

How to tie a pareo - you can watch the video

As we have already said, there are many ways to tie a pareo. We want to start with large scarves, with which you can create unusual beach sundresses with a bright and interesting pattern. Open shoulders will add a special charm to your summer look. In the video at the end of this article you can see how to tie a pareo beautifully, but for now, another portion of photos:

The easiest way to tie it is to wrap it around yourself and tie it in a tight corner at chest level. In such an outfit there is no shame in walking from the hotel to the beach, and the most daring fashionistas can even wear it for a walk around the city on a hot summer day. Just be careful - you are unlikely to be able to avoid attentive male gazes. For the beach, pair this charming sundress with a straw bag, a wide-brimmed hat (so your face doesn’t burn) and flip-flops or other shoes that are comfortable for you.

For a walk in the city, you can wear fashionable gladiators with lots of ties, a bright handbag with a long strap and your favorite glasses.

But there is also a more modest option with a loop around the neck - a similar pareo sundress holds up much better than the first option, and also covers the neck (albeit a little) and visually lengthens the figure, thanks to the triangle formed near the neck. In order to acquire such a miracle in your wardrobe, you only need to cross the upper ends of the pareo on your chest and tie the wide ends at the back of your neck. Or you can roll them into flagella and also tie them around your neck. It’s not a shame to wear such an outfit to a cool beach party, just don’t forget to choose the right accessories: flat sandals with comfortable Velcro and bows on the sides, bright plastic and wooden jewelry. The look will be completed with a small plastic clutch, which can easily fit a minimum of cosmetics and a phone.

If your choice is a huge pareo, for example 110*240, you can create a dress that will look no different from what can be found in almost any store. Due to the large area, you will only have to work a little more with the material. Wrap the fabric around your chest so that you can cross the sleeves to the left under your armpit. After this, one end is pulled forward and the other to the shoulder on the right side along the back. The edges are tied on the right shoulder in the form of a bow or several complex knots. If you don’t understand something, we recommend that you refer to the pictures below or watch videos that explain the entire system step by step.

You will have no equal in such self-made beauty anywhere, I assure you - many will not even understand that this is just a large scarf. Pair with stylish gold sandals to create the perfect look for an evening out.

How to tie a pareo beautifully - look at the photo

A small pareo can make a wonderful skirt for a beach outing. You just need to imagine a little. The easiest and fastest way to tie a pareo beautifully is to wrap a scarf around your waist and tuck the upper end tightly into the already formed skirt. If you are afraid for the safety of this item of clothing, then you can add a colorful brooch of an unusual shape (by the way, we recommend trying this idea for the pareo sundresses they created). We usually tie a scarf in this way when we only need to walk a short distance to the beach - there and back. And in this outfit you can often find the indigenous inhabitants of hot countries who live near spacious beach areas. Usually in this version they leave one of the legs open - they get a skirt with a slit of their own making. Very sexy and interesting option for a summer wardrobe. Let's see the result in the photo:

You can make a shorter skirt - you just need to fold the scarf in such a way as to create the length you need. And then we also wrap it over the hips and tie both ends into a knot (on the side or in the middle - as you wish). Probably the most beach option of all, so it should have appropriate accessories: a straw hat and a small beach bag, flip-flops or other comfortable beach shoes.

If you want to stand out among the crowd of similar large-sized scarf skirts, create it from two at once, preferably contrasting with each other. Stylists are very fond of bright colors this summer, so we suggest choosing blue and orange, preferably with patterns. Otherwise, everything is very simple - tie the first scarf at the waist on one side, and wrap the second one in the same way, but on the other side.

In the photo below you can find out how to create a stretch skirt from the same scarf:

Ways to tie a pareo for the summer season

Methods for simply tying a pareo for the summer season also include less exotic options. The last, but no less rarely used option is a top, which can be easily obtained from even a small size pareo. A scarf size 90*220 is best suited for this: it is thrown over the shoulders and the ends are crossed over the chest so that they completely cover it. The ends are tied behind the back. Or you can make it a little more complicated: the scarf is folded in the same way, only it is placed on the collarbones, and the ends are brought together behind the back and then transferred back to the chest.

If you urgently need to find a top for an elegant evening skirt, then the following method of tying a pareo for the summer will serve as a real salvation for you. Choose a scarf measuring 140 by 140 and fold it in half in the shape of a triangle, wrapping it around your chest so that the fold is on top. The side ends are placed back under the armpits, then crossed on the back. Then the ends are directed forward again, passed under the armpits and the ends are twisted into plaits, which are then secured to the neck.

  • two pareos of contrasting shades will make an excellent beach option if the first scarf is placed on the left side so that its middle is under the armpit and tied on the right shoulder. Do the same thing with the second scarf, only on the other side.
  • Using two contrasting fabrics and a scarf pattern, you can create an elegant evening look for sleepless summer nights. A pareo with a pattern is tied and the resulting collar is put on the neck with a knot at the back, and a plain scarf is pulled behind the back, then brought under the arms and tied at a beautiful angle at chest level.
  • Or you can learn from the traditional method, which is used by almost all residents of faraway Polynesia. They hold one of the upper corners at chest level, and wrap the second under the armpits so that the other corner is behind the left shoulder. After this, the ends are tied on the shoulder.

Watch another video on how to tie a pareo beautifully:

A serious debate broke out in our editorial office about whether this thing, a pareo, is a good thing. I believe that you should not ignore this piece of fabric, but just learn how to wear it. The advantages of a pareo over other things that can replace it (dress, tunic, towel) are undeniable.

A flowing fluttering translucent pareo turns a girl walking along the beach into a nymph who has emerged from the sea foam, the waves echo her steps, the wind blows her hair, and the sun flirts with her, reflecting and sparkling in the lenses of her glasses. Such a picture, you see, cannot leave either men hungry for female beauty or women on the beach indifferent.

1. Learning to choose a pareo

Surely many of you will say that finding a beautiful pareo is extremely difficult. I agree. That's true. In addition, buying one of these can cost a pretty penny. So I would suggest doing something smarter. We go to a fabric store and buy a piece of 1.5 * 1.5 m, you can take more, taking into account the fact that natural fabric, of course, will shrink a little after the first wash. Choose two or three fabric options that suit your appearance and

Let one piece be plain, the second - brightly printed, the third - heavier, white with fringe - it will come in handy on cool evenings. Finish the edges with an overlocker and voila! You have three wonderful pareos for your vacation. When you return, you can sew them into something else or save them for next year.

2. Sew a pareo-tunic

If you are a needlewoman or you just have a sewing machine, then you can sew an improved pareo-tunic from a piece of fabric. There are a lot of patterns on the Internet. Most often it is enough to simply make a slit in a square piece of fabric for the head and sew a little of the sides to make sleeves. See for yourself.

3. Sew on the straps

The easiest and most interesting way to transform a pareo and make it really comfortable is to sew straps, ties or a belt to it. Let's see how this can be done.

4. Tie knots

There are two or three well-known techniques for tying a pareo. It doesn't look very good this way...

Here are some examples of how the right knots can turn a pareo into a stylish outfit.

5. We use a pareo as a stylish accessory: a bag or a headband

Don't limit yourself to the familiar. Make a hat, a bag out of a pareo, throw it on a sunbed... Try it. For inspiration, I will give a few successful, in my opinion, examples.

Remember the important rules:

  • Avoid cheap synthetic fabrics with frankly vulgar prints.
  • Prefer noble tones to bright ones: turquoise, white, rich green, red-pink suit almost everyone.
  • Consider height. If your legs are not the longest on the beach, then tie a pareo like a long skirt. By “cutting off” your shoulders and legs from the knee, you visually shorten yourself very much.

The pareo appeared in tropical regions and came to us not so long ago, but today it is difficult to imagine summer and, in particular, a beach holiday without it.

The main advantage of a pareo is its versatility, because it can easily be turned from a simple scarf into real beachwear - it just depends on how you tie it. This accessory will also help to correct your figure, hiding its flaws and drawing attention to its advantages. This practical and stylish wardrobe item will attract attention to its owner on the beach. Let's look at some options for tying a pareo.

Tying options

The simplest and most popular way to use a pareo is to tie it in the form of a skirt. To make this accessory into a skirt, simply place it on your hips, bring the ends together and tie them into a knot. This option is comfortable and always effective.

According to the classical method

The classic way of tying turns this wardrobe item into a truly elegant dress for the beach. To do this, wrap it around your back, place both ends in the center of your chest, twist them, cross them and place them behind your head, tying a bow around your neck. You can also wear this accessory as a dress without harnesses. To do this, tie the ends of the pareo behind your back if its length allows, or on your chest if it is not long enough.

You can wear a pareo more elegantly by tying its ends on one shoulder and leaving the other flirtatiously slightly open. Place one end of the scarf on your left shoulder, pull the right corner under your arm and pass the pareo forward across your back. Wrap the accessory around your body and tie the ends over your left shoulder. This asymmetrical effect looks very interesting.

If you want to highlight your tanned legs, try turning it into a skort. Tie the ends behind your back, pass the scarf back between your legs, and then tie the ends in front on your stomach.

For a short pareo, a simple method of tying it on the chest is suitable. Hang the accessory around your neck, align its ends and place it on your chest. Then they should be brought behind the back and all four ends of the scarf should be tied.

You can also wear this wardrobe item as a swimsuit. To do this, drape its narrow part over your chest and tie the ends at your back. Pull the free leading edge between your legs. Take the corners of the fabric in your hands, pull them forward along the waistline, then tie them over your stomach so that the fabric hugs your body.

Another option for using a pareo as a swimsuit is to wrap it from the back around the waist with the narrow side, tie the upper ends on the stomach. The lower ends should be passed between the legs and tied in a knot on the back, raised above the chest.


For this option you will need two scarves measuring approximately 140x140. Throw the first scarf under the right armpit and tie it on the left shoulder. The second scarf is thrown on the left under the armpit and tied on the right shoulder in the same way.


You will need two pareos measuring 140x140. Place the first scarf over your chest and tie the upper ends at the back so that it rests on your neck. Tie the second one on top of the first one so that the knots are placed directly above the chest.

"Evening Breeze"

Wrap a pareo measuring 115x300 around the chest so that its short edge is located in the middle of the right chest. Pick up the right side and twist the fabric into a rope on both sides. Then tie the ropes so that the fabric fits tightly to the body. After this, twist a small rope from the longest edge in front and pull it back under the armpit, throw it from back to front and pin it with a pin or brooch.


Wrap the scarf around your body, leaving the top end of the fabric in front above your chest so that it protrudes just above the main edge. Tie the free edges at the shoulder.


Fold the pareo in half so that the back is about 15 centimeters longer than the front, and fold it over the front. Then the scarf should be applied to the back, pinched under the arms, and tied above the chest with a main knot.


This option appeared and became widespread in the capital of French Polynesia, where, for the first time, girls began to tie a pareo in such a beautiful way. Hold the scarf vertically and tie it behind your back, wrap it around your body and pull it so that you have a spreader on one side. Tie a scarf at your hip. This option for using a pareo also involves the presence of a belt with rivets or shells.


Place the pareo on your back, wrap it around your body, then tie the ends over your breasts in a strong knot or simply cross them and bring them behind your neck, tying a knot at the back of your head.


Hold the scarf not in the center, but at a slight angle to your body, and wrap yourself in it. Then tie the pareo on your chest so that one end is long and hangs freely. Bring this end over your shoulder, throw it behind your back and tuck it into a scarf that fits tightly to your body.


Another exotic option for tying a pareo, which is ideal for the beach. Wrap yourself in a scarf, holding it vertically, so that its edges meet at the sides. Tie the top corners above the chest, then gather enough fabric and tie the scarf at the side, at waist level. You can change the model a little by tying the top knots on the shoulder, and not above the chest.

Bora Bora

Hold the scarf vertically and tie the ends at the front above your chest. The bottom corners can be turned up, put on a strap and tuck them into your belt.


Tie the scarf at the front, leaving one end free. This end at the front should be tied into a fancy shape and secured with a decorative buckle if desired.

How to shape your figure using a pareo

When choosing this item of clothing, before learning how to tie a pareo in an original way, you should study your body type.

Girls with extra centimeters in the hips and bellies should prefer a light, opaque scarf. It is best to tie it diagonally - this will hide problem areas and look slimmer.

Pareos made of thick fabric are suitable for girls with small breasts; they can be tied in the chest area with a small knot.

Short ladies should take a closer look at zebra print scarves with vertical stripes. This will make it possible to visually “stretch” the figure.

How to choose?

Choosing this accessory is not at all difficult, be sure to pay attention to the following details:

  • uniform density of the material (small holes and stretch marks are unacceptable);
  • even cut (the scarf should have an even rectangular shape without elongated edges);
  • high-quality coloring (clear and well-printed pattern);
  • finished ends.

Useful video

The thinnest pareo for the beach can protect the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and, in addition, replace a stylish summer outfit. It can have different variations and color shades, so every girl can easily choose the right option for herself.

Pareo 2017

Fashionable pareos 2017 can be very diverse. At the peak of popularity are models made of thin or thick fabric, elongated and shortened versions, as well as a transformable pareo, from which you can create several trendy outfits at once. Depending on how you tie this product, it can be used not only for relaxing on the shore of a pond, but also for a walk along the embankment, meeting friends or even a romantic date.

Fashionable beach pareos

Thanks to the wide variety of beachwear options, every representative of the fair sex can look perfect in any situation. Although most girls choose the usual pareo scarf, in reality, there are many other types of this cape that allow you to create stylish and sexually attractive looks.

Fashionable beach pareos

Knitted pareo

You can knit a beautiful and original knitted pareo for the beach yourself, and you don’t need any special needlework skills to do this. In addition, it can also be purchased ready-made, since a huge number of fashion brands produce these comfortable and attractive products, additionally decorated with rhinestones, beads, lace and other methods.

Pareo with straps

Initially, the pareo for the beach did not have straps, since it looked like an ordinary scarf. You could tie it, thereby getting something like a dress, skirt, top or even overalls. Meanwhile, over time, the shape of this thing has changed noticeably. Designers have come up with many different methods and tricks to make summer pareos as convenient and comfortable as possible.

So, today on sale you can often find pareos with ties that act as straps. With their help, the scarf is securely fixed on the shoulders, so its owner does not have to worry about the safety of her outfit. In addition, such ties allow you to adjust the length and height of the robe, thereby making it suitable in height and size.

Pareo mesh

An almost weightless mesh pareo for the beach allows young and slender girls to demonstrate to others all the charms of their young body. This item is not recommended for overweight women, as it draws attention to problem areas and presents them in an unfavorable light. In addition, the mesh can cause an uneven tan, so wearing it on the beach during periods of maximum ultraviolet ray activity is highly not recommended.

Meanwhile, this product is extremely popular among young girls and older women. The black pareo, which is a mesh with a large number of small cells, looks especially good. In this outfit, you can safely go for a walk along the embankment, complementing it with comfortable flat sandals and original ones.

Pareo with sleeves

Beautiful pareos can have different features that bring them closer to dresses. Thus, some models are additionally equipped with sleeves, which in most cases are created from special cuts of fabric. This detail has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is appreciated by the fair sex. Thus, sleeves allow you to hide plump arms and protect delicate skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Long pareo for the beach

The maxi pareo for the beach is extremely comfortable. It protects the maximum area of ​​the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, so it is often chosen by fair-skinned girls who can easily get sunburned. In addition, most of the fair sex like the feeling that occurs when a long women's pareo made of chiffon or silk flows over the body, obeying the breath of the coastal breeze.

How to tie a pareo?

There are a great many ways to tie a pareo. If desired, this thing can replace a stylish and attractive dress, a fashionable summer skirt, a cropped top or a light cape. Depending on what tasks are assigned to a pareo for the beach, it can cover most or minimal part of the body from the sun, or be used directly while swimming.

Pareo dress

A long pareo for the beach in most cases is tied in one of several ways that allows you to get a fashionable dress. This can be achieved in various ways, for example:

  • The easiest way to turn a maxi pareo into a dress is to wrap it around the body, bring the ends out from behind the back and tie them with a knot in the chest area. Girls and women value this method of using this item not only for its incredible simplicity and convenience, but also for the fact that it can be used to visually enlarge the breasts and make them as attractive as possible to members of the opposite sex;
  • A pareo dress for the beach can be obtained in another similar way - wrap a piece of fabric around the body in the same way, and fix its ends on the neck. This option can visually increase height, but, in addition, it also has a significant drawback. Thus, a pareo dress with straps wrapped around the neck should not be worn by beautiful ladies with a double chin. This attire will only draw the attention of others to the problem area and make it a subject for discussion;
  • some girls choose an interesting method called “evening breeze”. It involves securing the scarf with one wide strap located on the right side. If there is a sufficient area of ​​material, it can be created from pieces of fabric twisted into a rope, and in other cases - from the main material and a large brooch;
  • The maxi pareo can also be tied over the shoulder. Using this method, you get a sophisticated and elegant outfit;
  • finally, from two scarves of the same size you can create a beautiful pareo dress for the beach that will not go unnoticed. To do this, they need to be folded diagonally and tied with a tight knot. After this, the resulting structure must be attached to the body so that the knot is just below the navel, and the upper edges should be thrown over the shoulders and tied at the back of the neck. It is best to make a bow from the middle ends at the level of the lower back. This way you can get an exquisite and original outfit, especially if you take two pieces of fabric that are noticeably different from each other in style and design.

Pareo skirt

The most common way to wear a pareo is to fix it at hip level. This results in a comfortable skirt, which can have different lengths depending on the original size of the scarf. This outfit is absolutely not suitable for visiting a cafe or restaurant, since the upper part of it remains practically naked, however, it can be safely used for a walk along the embankment or relaxing on the shore.

Pareo tunic

Some methods of tying a pareo allow you to get a beautiful and original tunic from it. So, for example, for this you can use any method for creating a dress, only in this case the free ends of the scarf must be left hanging freely. In addition, you can create this item of women's wardrobe as follows:

  1. Place the piece of fabric at the back and pull the ends forward.
  2. Twist the ends slightly, bring them behind the neck and tie them in a knot.

Depending on the length and size of the material, when using this simple but very original method, you will get a beautiful crop top, a comfortable tunic or an elegant dress. This thing looks especially good when its length reaches approximately mid-thigh. You can complement it with elegant sandals with straps wrapped around the foot, flat slides or high platform sandals.

How to tie a pareo on your head?

A beach pareo can also be used to protect your head from the scorching sun. A small scarf, approximately 90 by 90 centimeters in size, is best suited for this. You can make a turban-like headdress out of it by following the following sequence of actions:

  1. Fold the square of fabric diagonally or make a triangle out of it in any other way.
  2. Place the triangle on your head so that its apex is on your forehead.
  3. Cross the two remaining corners on the forehead and tie with a knot.
  4. Straighten the resulting ends and hide behind the “turban”. For decoration and better fastening, use.

Pareo top

A short pareo can be wrapped around the body to create a stylish, attractive and comfortable top. To do this, girls and women use different methods - with fixing the ends of the scarf around the neck, in the form of a bow located behind the back or in the chest area, and others. Depending on the length and size of the material, the top obtained in this way can only cover the bust and expose the waistline, or it can reach the level of the hips.

In this article I would like to talk about how to properly wear such an essential summer accessory as a pareo. Even on the beach you can create interesting images, creating them with the help of pareos.

Pareo is always popular in many countries, which is not surprising. This wardrobe detail, which came to us thanks to the fashionistas of Southeast Asia, is simply irreplaceable on the beach, when the body is protected from the scorching rays and the image has a zest. But the latter is only possible if you tie the pareo correctly.

How to tie a pareo beautifully for the beach?

  • One of the most common and easiest options is skirt. To bring it to life, you just need to put the fabric on your hips and connect the ends, tying them with a knot
Pareo skirt - elegant and tasteful the knot of the pareo skirt can be located in the middle Pareo skirt - bright and stylish Pareo skirt - light and elegant
  • If you want to emphasize your legs, tie an accessory in the form shorts. To do this, first tie the ends at the back, then bring the fabric forward and tie a knot on the stomach

IMPORTANT: The fabric should be transferred not to the sides, but between the legs.

  • It will look unusual pareo top. Fold the fabric, place it symmetrically over your shoulders, and then cross the ends so that they cover your chest. Bring these ends behind your back and tie. Alternatively, you can tie it in the front

Pareo-toga - airy version

Ways to tie a pareo: photo

  • You can decorate the pareo in the form of a kind of cape by simply tying it on the chest and leaving the main fabric to fall freely. This node was named "Hawaii"
Pareo tied in Hawaii knot Pareo with a Hawaiian knot - easy and unusual

A pareo tied like Hawaii can be small in size.

Bright red pareo tied like Hawaii Pareo-Hawaii will look great regardless of the color of the accessory The Hawaiian knot on the pareo can be noticeable A pareo tied in a Hawaiian knot looks like a cape. A pareo tied with a Hawaiian knot looks very airy Pareo tied in a Hawaiian knot goes well with jewelry
  • You can cross the corners of the pareo on your chest, but do not tie them in a knot, but carefully tuck them into your swimsuit
This is the version of the Hawaii knot that you get if you carefully tuck the pareo

Pareo tied like Hawaii, but without a knot
  • The knot looks beautiful not only in the middle, but also from the side
  • « Assol"- and this knot is tied on one shoulder. The main fabric of the pareo is wrapped around the figure

We can see the Assol knot on the pareo on the left

The Assol type pareo fastening looks quite interesting
  • You can just tie it ends of the pareo on the wrists- it will turn out quite unusual

How to tie a pareo like a dress?

  • Pareos make quite interesting strapless dresses. For example, Samoa knot It is a pareo attached to the back, which crosses over the chest. The ends are tied at the back of the neck
A pareo tied with a Samoan knot is indistinguishable from a dress.

In the blink of an eye, thanks to Samoa, an ordinary pareo turns into a bright outfit
  • Tahiti knot similar to the previous option. The difference is that before you bring the edges behind the neck, they need to be tied in a knot at the chest.

  • If you have a lot of time and creativity, you can try tying an accessory using many small nodules

How to tie a pareo video for plus size people?

Women often use pareos not just as an elegant accessory, but also for visual correction of their figure. People who are overweight in the hips and abdomen may tie a scarf at the waist. In this case, the nodule should be located slightly above the abdomen.

IMPORTANT: The pareo must be positioned diagonally.

If you want to add variety to your beach look, you should use the examples of tunics from the following video. Try to create such tunics from your pareos.

How to tie a pareo on your head?

Pareos can be used to make not only capes, skirts, tops and dresses, but also turbans. This option is both stylish and will protect you from the scorching sun. Take a pareo dimensions approximately 90x90, and make the following combinations:

  • Fold the fabric into a triangle. Place it on your head so that the apex of the triangle is on your forehead
  • Now take the two remaining corners, cross them on your forehead and tie them in a knot
  • Straighten the resulting ends, hide them behind the resulting turban. You can use a brooch for decoration and better fastening

A turban made from a pareo is both interesting and will protect your head from the rays

How to tie a pareo: video

It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times - with the help of video instructions you can create excellent combinations of pareos.

A real woman can even create an interesting image from an ordinary piece of fabric, which is a pareo. Sometimes you get quite interesting dresses, shorts and tops that are indistinguishable from ordinary ones. And ladies don’t even need to explain that a pareo skillfully masks figure flaws.

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