Skyrim Maiden Stone. Skyrim: Standing Stones

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Russian localization: Santera & DJ Kovrik


  1. Make sure you update Skyrim to the latest version. Otherwise, the mod may not work correctly.
  2. Do not use the mod with old saved games. Please, after installing it, start a new game.
  3. Updating the mod will only require overwriting the Data folder using the new data. Please note that the status of the mod is BETA and the author cannot guarantee that all new features will work.
  4. If you wish to use other mods, please read the list of compatible mods (below).
  5. Take a look at the additional files included in the archive if you wish to change any settings to suit your personal preferences.
  6. If you think you have found a bug, please check the Known Issues section before posting a bug. It may already be documented and a workaround has been proposed. And please make sure that this is not a bug in the original game.
  7. Sometimes, when you start a new game, it seems that some of the features introduced by the mod do not work correctly - until you save and load it again. The author recommends that when you start a new game, save it as soon as possible and load this save - then everything will be in order!
  8. The author recommends installing unofficial patches for Skyrim and Brawl Bugs Patch. They fix a lot of bugs. Otherwise, if you find a bug, you might think it was introduced by Requiem.
  9. Requiem does not require the installation of any software other than Skyrim (and some official addons, in particular Dawnguard). Just install Requiem as described in the instructions below and play!
  10. If you are using Skyrim Script Extender (for example, to run SkyUI), make sure it is the latest version!


The archive structure is optimized for installation using Wrye Bash.

  1. Copy the archive with mod resources (Requiem-v1-7-res.7z) to the "Data" folder of the Skyrim game.
  2. Open the Requiem-v1-7-ru.7z archive and copy the contents of the “01 Main” folder from the archive to the Data folder.
  3. The "02 Starting Skills Adjustment" and "03 Other" folders contain additional optional files, their descriptions can be found in the "---Docs" folder.
  • From the "02 Starting Skills Adjustment" folder, use only one file!
  • Open the Requiem-Bugfix-Update-v1.7.1-ru.7z archive and copy its contents to the Data folder, answer “Yes” to all requests to overwrite files.
  • Make sure additional esp files are loaded AFTER Requiem.
  • Everything should now work. If you are not 146% sure that a certain mod should load after Requiem (for example, BashedPatch), then place Requiem LAST in the load list. Requiem affects every aspect of the game, so anything that loads later than it will most likely break something. Remember this - and check the list of compatible mods below!

    1. Uncheck the box next to the mod in the download list. It is not recommended to use saved games created with Requiem connected after its removal.
    2. If you want to save space on your hard drive, you can delete the resources used by Requiem. This is especially easy to do using a mod manager.

    STRUCTURE - Features of Requiem

    To search for the necessary information in the text, use the combination Ctrl + F.

    The author cautions that the description below is somewhat shortened due to text length restrictions on the Nexus, but the most important features are described and are enough to give a good idea of ​​the modification.

    If a feature is marked *, this means that it can be modified using additional files.

    1. Level system
    2. Skills and abilities
    3. Magic - spells, enchantments, shouts, standing stones, shrines
    4. Combat and attributes
    5. Atmosphere of the game - objects placed in the world, user interface, trade, races, animals, vampires and werewolves, different settings
    6. Items - new and old items
    7. Bug fixes
    8. What happens next - direction of work
    9. Known issues and solutions
    10. Compatible Mods
    11. Incompatible mods
    12. Additional files
    1) Level system

    "For M"Ike, it doesn't matter whether someone is handsome or smart. All that matters is what he can do."

    M"Ike Liar

    Almost all level aspects of the game have become static:

    • Enemies and allies no longer change level (except for momentary companions). From the first level you will meet the same character as he will be throughout the game. It all depends only on the chance of meeting and a specific location in Skyrim.
    • Item generation is no longer based on player level (this includes merchant items, random trophies, etc.). You can find everything in the game, although the higher the quality of the item, the rarer it is.
    • Quest rewards no longer depend on your level.
    • The number of leveled castles has been reduced.
    • The damage dealt by traps no longer depends on your level. Now it is always deadly.

    For a more detailed look at the level of difficulty of enemies, pay attention to the list below:

    * Low-level enemies (which can be dealt with starting from level 1, IF you approach this matter correctly)

    • Animals (skeevers, mud crabs, wolves, bears, sabertooths, killer fish, horkers)
    • Bandits
    • Outcasts (if they haven't stopped being human yet)
    • Ordinary people
    • Skeletons, skeletons in armor (if they are normal size)
    • Baby Frost Spiders

    * Mid-level enemies (can still be dealt with at level 1, but requires skill and careful choice of tactics)

    • Soldiers and regular guards
    • Draugr
    • Most of the zombies
    • Witches/witches
    • Trolls
    • Ice ghosts
    • Spiders
    • Spriggans
    • Mammoths
    • Fire Atronachs
    • Ghosts
    • Giant killer fish

    * High-level enemies (virtually no chance of defeating without careful preparation)

    • Giants
    • Vampires
    • Dragons
    • Falmer
    • Dwemer mechanisms
    • Werewolves
    • Giant trolls
    • Giant mud crabs
    • Dragon Priests
    • Dremora
    • Zivilai
    • Frost Atronachs
    • Storm Atronachs
    • Elite soldiers (such as rulers' bodyguards)

    What does this all mean technically:

    All level lists have been changed so that all possible NPCs, items, etc. can appear, starting from the first level. The probability of occurrence does not depend on the level.

    Some of the leveled lists have been adjusted slightly to maintain atmosphere (for example, you'll now be more likely to encounter small crabs than large ones, and there will be more wolves than bears, more people without great skills than with them, etc.)

    Almost all NPCs have been changed. You can deal with simple bandits starting from the first level, if you just think a little about tactics. If you don't notice the archer in the dark corner, he will most likely kill you.

    Further, if you expect an NPC to have extraordinary skills, he will indeed have them. Thus, the guards guarding important people are excellent fighters, they will most likely knock you down with one click if your preparation is low.

    As for the dungeons, most of them are static, and the difficulty of completing them is difficult to assess. Roughly speaking, now everything depends on tactics and preparation. If you are well prepared, then there will be no global problems. If not, any dungeon may seem “impassable”.

    2) Skills and abilities

    "It looks good. Who knows, maybe with some practice you'll someday be able to forge even a legendary weapon..." - Upvor


    Overall, the impact of skill level is less than in the original game. Abilities are more important, and it is much more difficult to become a "jack of all trades."

    The player's skill is taken into account, but what your hero can do is much more important. If you do everything in a timely manner, that's good, but it's of little use if your hero can't use it properly. Examples:

    Blocking is effective, but only if you have acquired the appropriate perks. If not, you can, of course, block, but the damage you receive will be great, and your reserve of strength will be used up very quickly. If you invest in two ranks of the first perk, you will see a huge difference.

    Stealth movement is always possible, but if you haven't received at least a few abilities, your hero will be terribly clumsy. Even stealthy walking, not to mention running, will cause so much noise that enemies will come looking for you. The tramp of your feet will alarm even enemies far from you.

    And the same can be said about many, many things!

    The skill growth rate has been reduced, so you will progress more slowly than in the original game.*

    Most textbooks will increase the skill level not by 1, but not by much.

    All starting skills not modified by race selection start at 5, not 15.*

    The available number of lessons for trainers has been reduced to two (rounded to 3 per level)*

    Armor will increase the corresponding skill very slowly if you run or sprint.

    Blacksmithing now uses a new formula for calculating experience gained. You will receive more experience for the most valuable items, and much less experience for making ordinary equipment.

    Removing enchantment from items no longer increases enchantment skill (compensated by faster growth of the skill itself).

    Breaking a lockpick no longer increases lockpicking skill (compensated for by faster skill growth)

    Abilities (perks)

    You start with three skill points at level one so you can determine right away how to develop your hero.

    Skill trees have been completely changed, new perks with full descriptions have been added.

    The descriptions no longer contain numbers, they simply talk about the effects in the "old school" style to emphasize the role-playing nature of the game (this may sound strange, but rest assured, it is completely enough to simply choose the perks that best fit the description for your character) .

    *Night Thief: "You know how to avoid waking up your hosts during your late-night visit, allowing you to easily rid them of junk they don't need."

    *Fire -> Cremation: "Your fire spells literally fry your opponents, causing them to flee without looking back, writhing in terrible pain."

    *Regeneration (new ability in the alchemy tree): "By altering your body through the art of alchemy, you are able to quickly recover while completely immersed in water."

    *Masquerade (new ability in the Speech tree): “There is no role that you cannot play, the images you create are so convincing that few will be able to see through the deception.” (This ability allows you to become a member of a faction by wearing the appropriate attire.)

    You'll notice a huge difference in gameplay when it comes to weapons and their respective specializations:

    Swords will cut faster if you choose the appropriate perks, allowing you to actually rain down blows on the enemy, which is ideal for dealing damage with elemental enchantments or eliminating "unarmored" opponents. You will also find that using a sword to deal with an enemy in armor has become more difficult.

    Swinging a mace or hammer still takes a lot of time, but enemies can now have a very high armor class, and these types of weapons come in handy against an enemy wearing armor (and there are more of them).

    Axes are now a cross between the weapons mentioned above, the damage has been increased, but they are worse at penetrating armor than maces.

    Two-handed weapons receive more bonuses from perks than their one-handed counterparts. For example, specializing in maces allows you to ignore up to 50% of armor, and in war hammers - up to 75%, which is not surprising, since the latter weigh much more. However, two-handed weapons are harder to handle because you can't use a shield to protect yourself from arrows. So take care of yourself!

    You now need to invest more in trees and get better perks. For example: if a tree splits like an illusion and both branches converge on one common ability, you will have to learn all the perks in both branches to get the last one. Most of the higher abilities are further enhanced, so they can give increased effects or unique spells.

    Blacksmithing abilities (except Basic and Advanced Blacksmithing) now require the player to have books in their backpack that describe how to work with certain materials. These books can be found in the game world or from merchants. You won't miss books like this.

    To improve things made from certain materials, you also need blacksmithing abilities. Magic items can be upgraded as soon as you have the perk for working with the corresponding material.

    3) Magic

    "Consider yourself a wizard, huh? If you think you have the ability, you might want to consider joining the College of Winterhold..." - Farengar Secret Fire


    All existing spells have been changed to be combined with the general ideology of the mod (effects, graphical representation, names have been changed - for easier sorting - and much more).*

    Almost all spells improve as the player progresses in a given school of magic.*

    The cost of spells doubles if you have only a small reserve of strength left.

    Heavy armor increases the magic consumption for casting spells (to the point that it is impossible to cast a spell). However, battle mages can overcome this trait by investing in certain heavy armor abilities.*

    Light armor slightly increases magicka cost with each item equipped.*

    All summoned creatures have been improved.

    All magic projectiles travel twice as fast.

    Magic light (Light II) and all Wall (elemental) spells can create an unlimited number of wall sections/lights.

    Fire sparks (Flame), Electric sparks (Sparks), Icy wind (Frostbite) and all “Wall” type spells last a fixed time (3 sec.), then must be cast again. This is to prevent effects from being applied by quickly re-casting the spell).*

    Some low-level spells can only be obtained in Winterhold (for example, Heal/Self-Heal I or Flash Heal/Self-Heal II). However, they can be randomly encountered while wandering around the game world or when gaining abilities in the field of Restoration.

    About a hundred new spells, some scripted, some replicated. Most of it is only available in Winterhold.

    • Floating (25): Eliminates fall damage.
    • Muscle Transmutation (25): The caster strengthens the muscles of his arms, turning them into the likeness of stone. Significantly increased damage in unarmed combat.
    • Living Lockpick (25): Lockpicking improvement based on skill level and perks.
    • Absorb [attribute] (0-100): Drains target's health/magicka and transfers it to the caster (5 variations, from simple touch to multi-effect spells).
    • Lightning Speed ​​(100): The caster moves at incredible speeds, causing everything around them to slow to near immobility.
    • Aura of Detection (Rank III) (100): An instantaneous spell that reveals all creatures and even the bodies of the dead.
    • Telekinetic Unmasking (75): Removes the target's clothing and disarms them.
    • Telekinetic Blast (100): The caster unleashes a wave of telekinetic energy that breaks the bones of all targets in the area and throws them into the air. (+ 3 more attacking spells based on telekinesis).
    • Transcendence (100): Works almost like the Ethereal Shout (on yourself and on the target).
    • Body Transmutation (100): The caster attempts to transform the target into a blob of ectoplasm.
    • Summon Ghostly... (0-100): Summons a ghost of the corresponding creature (12 variations at the moment, including: dogs, crabs, draugr, werewolves).
    • Summon Swarm (0-25): Summons insects from Oblivion that poison enemies (2 variations).
    • Summon Ghost Horse (50): Summons the ghost of a unique horse, the fastest horse, completely invulnerable - it will not receive a scratch even if it falls from High Hrothgar. Having mounted a horse, the caster also becomes incorporeal - and thus invulnerable, although he himself cannot inflict damage at this time.
    • Spectral Arrow (50): Summon a summoned arrow and fire it at the target.
    • Teleport I (50): Works as a Return Mark.
    • Teleport II (50): Transports the caster to a chosen location, usable in combat, and even allows you to move through obstacles, it is only important that the target is in line of sight.
    • Summon Dremora Archer (100): Summons a Dremora Archer.
    • Summon Dremora Warlock (100): Summons a Dremora Warlock.
    • Electric Shake (25): Long-lasting electricity spell, can be strengthened by repeated casting (+2 additional lightning spells in different variations).
    • Magic Missile (50): An instantaneous projectile of pure magical energy that overcomes most mortal resistances (+2 higher damage and more lethal variations)
    • Poison Spray (50): Covers enemies in poisonous and corrosive slime (+5 additional poison spells in different variations).
    • Icy Grasp (50): On touch, targets take cold damage (+2 additional cold spells in different variations).
    • Lightning Cascade (100): The target is exposed to lightning for a period of time.
    • Fire Strike (100): Fire meteor that destroys everyone in the blast radius (+4 additional fire spells in different variations).
    • Darkvision (25): You can see in the dark. Disabled.
    • Magical Resonance (25): Works like Voice Throw, but is a spell.
    • Phantom Killer: Causes a humanoid to commit suicide. When cast with two hands, any living target can die of a heart attack.
    • Poison Resistance (25-50): Increases resistance to poison (self and target).
    • Healing Aura (25-100): Grants a small passive health regeneration for several in-game hours. Stronger versions protect against drain effects (on the target and on yourself) (+2 additional healing spells in different variations),
    • Dispel (50-100): Removes poison, disease, and temporary magic effects (on self and target).

    New and unique enchantments are available through certain enchanting abilities. A new mechanism has also been built that enhances the impression of the enchanting process.

    * Fire/Shock/Frost: The weapon causes elemental explosions that deal damage to all targets upon impact. When hit by an arrow, an explosion is created, causing damage to all nearby targets. However, the caster should be careful, because he, too, can be damaged in close combat if he does not protect himself from the effects of this element.

    * Spell Breaking: The weapon has a certain chance of dispelling the target's magic, in particular instantly killing the summoned creature.

    Many enchantments in the game have been changed, some have new effects.


    All shouts have been improved, so now, once you use your wits, you'll feel like you can literally tear enemies apart with your voice.*

    Shouts have received dynamic bonuses based on your actions:

    *Every 5 levels reduces the rest time between shouts by 2%, to a maximum of 20%.

    *For every six words of power learned, the player receives a 4% reduction in rest time between shouts, up to a maximum of 40%.

    *For every 100 uses of a shout, the player receives a 1% reduction in rest time between shouts, up to a maximum of 10%.

    standing stones

    All standing stones have been modified, mostly to give traditional effects. You will also now be faced with a more difficult choice: you will only be able to receive and exchange blessings from stones belonging to the guardian constellation you have chosen.*

    Those who choose the Mage will never be able to receive the blessings of stones other than Mage, Apprentice, Atronach and Ritual.

    * The mage grants 100 magic.

    * Apprentice grants an additional 300% increase in magic regeneration, but at the same time 100% vulnerability to magic

    * Atronach, in addition to the magic absorption bonus, grants 200 magic, but you are completely deprived of magic regeneration. At the same time, you will not be able to use food as a source of replenishment of strength or magic due to the curse of the burned belly.

    * The ritual increased the effect given in the original game.

    Those who choose the Warrior will never be able to receive the blessings of stones other than the Warrior, Lady, Lord and Horse.

    * Warrior grants 20% additional damage when using any weapon.

    * Lady grants double the rate of regeneration of reserve strength.

    * Lord gives 15% magic resistance and an original bonus to armor.

    * The horse gives 100 units of stamina.

    Those who choose the Thief will never be able to receive the blessings of stones other than the Thief, Shadow, Lover and Tower.

    * Thief gives a 10% bonus when using ranged weapons, one-handed weapons, pickpocketing, stealth movement and lockpicking.

    * For Shadow, the original effect has been increased, and you also make much less noise.

    * Lover gives you a Speech/Commerce bonus.

    * The tower increases the maximum carry weight by 50 units.

    If you haven't chosen a guardian constellation, you can do so later, or you can choose the Serpent, but other signs will then be unavailable! The choice cannot be changed, so approach this with caution.

    * The Serpent paralyzes the target for 5 seconds and deals 750 poison damage over 30 seconds once per day.

    Sanctuaries of the Gods

    Shrines only provide blessings if you haven't become a notorious criminal during your travels in Skyrim. The gods do not encourage illegal actions! Also, if you have done some good deeds, some gods may grant you great powers. For example, Mara's blessing will increase your health if you have completed the Temple of Mara quest. On the other hand, for certain actions, some gods may refuse to bless you. So, if you join the Imperial Legion, don't expect any favors from Talos. These effects may be permanent, so think before you stray from the righteous path.*

    4) Combat and attributes

    "The best technology is passed down by survivors." - Gaiden Shinji


    Difficulty is now constant: no effect from changing it.*

    The fight has completely changed. All weapons deal much more damage (even weapons from other mods), tactics have acquired a dominant role and can decide the outcome of the battle. If you simply rush into battle headlong, most likely it will end in your painful death, unless the hero is much stronger than his enemies.

    Many enemies now have more abilities and skills, making combat even more exciting. If you notice that someone is armed with a mace, then most likely he is well trained in using it, get ready for the fact that the protection of your armor can be penetrated!

    NPCs have become wiser. They know how to block blows, hit with a flat shield, attack more often and always use the best weapons available. There is an increased chance that they have medicinal tinctures with them and will use them if the situation requires it. At the same time, they may also have poisons with them - you’re not the only one who knows how to pick up spider venom! Opponents will also be much more persistent in pursuing your retreating protégé.

    NPCs will also beg for mercy much more convincingly. They say it, so they mean it. If you leave the enemy alive, he will run, consumed by fear.

    Many NPCs will run away earlier - as soon as their health reaches a critical level, without the player being seriously injured or paralyzed. However, some factions or races that are fierce in battle will take much longer to fight.

    Some animals will also run in fear when their health reaches critical levels. They will run for their lives, and you will have to chase them or leave them alone.

    Survival in a direct collision requires armor, unprotected fighters die in the blink of an eye, so the class of all armor is increased (the same applies to armor from other mods).*

    Heavy armor lives up to its name - it's hard to wear unless you've invested in a few perks in that area. It literally eats away at your stamina, increasing the "cost" of sprinting by 100% for each item equipped, and also increases the stamina cost of power attacks.*

    The upper limits for armor, blocking and resistances are now 95%, but don't be fooled by that high number. For the most difficult fights, this is simply necessary. You'll even want to go beyond this limit, as many in the gaming world have now mastered armor-piercing attacks.*

    Blocking is now more in demand. Not blocking in combat is almost suicidal unless you are wearing a second skin of pure steel, since many enemies can penetrate armor protection, even this may not save you from a terrible death. But don't even try to block unless you're trained to do so.

    You can try to dodge the blows, but it's not always easy, especially if your opponent is faster than you.

    Flat shield attacks have been significantly reworked. They do not stun the enemy by default, only if the enemy is currently attacking. Therefore, you need to choose the right time to strike with the flat. In the case of a quick attack, it is almost impossible to find such a moment; wait until the enemy is about to launch a power attack.

    Some creatures cannot be stunned by a flat strike.

    A flat blow that hits an archer always disarms him.

    A flat blow with a shield can even knock down an enemy, depending on many factors.

    You will now be dealt stun blows much more often. This can be avoided by doing one of the following:

    • You wear a full set of heavy armor, or a full set of glass or dragon armor, or have an armor class of at least 300.
    • You are undead, like a vampire.
    • You block the blow.
    • You are using the Magic Armor spell and have gained at least one perk in this area.

    Archers have become deadly opponents. Arrows fly much faster, NPCs aim better (although drawing the bow takes longer for an untrained shooter). The average person will be down after one or two hits from arrows, unless he is properly armored: a piece of metal or wood in your gut is not something you can easily digest.

    Warriors should remember that arrows can be blocked manually, but this requires a lot of skill and some luck. It wouldn't hurt to get a few perks in blocking, timing and angle selection. If you're feeling lucky, try positioning yourself so that your gaze falls 10-15 degrees to the right when you raise your shield - then it will be facing the archer, and you might even be able to deflect an arrow! But remember - you have been warned!

    You should know that heavy armor is almost impossible to penetrate from a distance, however, every archer receives a large bonus to armor penetration if the target is at melee range. Some types of light armor (elven, glass, dragon) also reduce damage taken from ranged weapons, but are not as effective as heavy armor.

    The distance at which you can sneak attack with a ranged weapon depends on your shooting skill. The novice shooter must get very close to deal extra damage. If the skill level is 100, the distance does not matter.

    Now NPCs no longer have an endless supply of arrows or bolts, they use what they have in their quiver. When the supply runs out, they are forced to either flee or, more likely, engage in close combat. So if you're up against archers, you can try to make them waste their arrows!

    In addition to the above, the damage you deal with ranged weapons depends generally on your skill and distance to the target. Don't think that you can become a perfect sniper without having the appropriate skill.*

    In addition, NPCs now also take longer to draw the bow.

    A melee strike while holding a bow/crossbow may result in the weapon being broken (unless it is made of metal), materials that can be reused are collected automatically. This applies to both the player and NPCs. That is, if you want to take a low-quality ranged weapon from an NPC, try to kill him in one hit, force him to shoot his stock and go into close combat, use a ranged weapon to kill him, or sneak attack.*

    The range of all melee weapons and slashes has been reduced.*

    Many important characters can now be killed if you hit them with weapons, but not with magic (characters involved in the main quest are not included in this list at the moment).*

    In general, all the enemies you encounter in battle have unique abilities:

    Particularly powerful mages can telepathically assess their surroundings, which means huge penalties for a sneaking player. However, the "Muffling Footsteps" enchantment or the "Silence" spell can completely eliminate this effect.

    Creatures that do not have anatomically vulnerable organs cannot inflict additional damage through a sneak attack (ghosts, most undead, machines, atronachs).

    Creatures that have shells or the like now have a significant armor class, meaning only an experienced warrior can break through the shell - or use magical effects.

    Creatures that use poisons against you (spriggans, falmers, spiders, chaurus, etc.) will “test” your resistance to poison upon a successful attack. If it exceeds a certain value determined by the type of creature, then the poison will have no effect on you. If not, you have a serious problem.

    The giants became VERY strong. Their powerful blows easily knock down anyone nearby. The only way to defeat a giant in close combat is with a lightning attack; another option is to make him fall by using the power of the Dragonborn's mind.

    Draugr are typical zombies, walking tanks that do not feel pain. They have very good resistance to physical damage, since the concept of critical damage to vital organs does not apply to them. The most effective weapon against them is one with a blade. It should also be mentioned that cold and electricity have little effect on them, but they are vulnerable to fire and silver. The last thing is worth remembering for the archer, since other arrows are practically useless against them.*

    Flame atronachs are composed of animated fire and molten lava. Therefore, it is practically useless to try to cause physical damage to them. In addition, when they die this way, they explode faster and with greater force, so you shouldn't even think about getting involved in close combat unless you have a clear plan.

    Trolls have impressive regeneration abilities: you can see how a wound inflicted by a two-handed weapon heals itself. Only massive damage can bring down such a creature, although some say that fire completely stops regeneration.

    Ghosts are virtually immune to all forms of physical damage, meaning they require weapons with unique stopping power. Magic is preferred, although silver-plated weapons can also play a role.

    It is extremely difficult to fight the mechanisms. They are highly resistant to all forms of physical damage, arrows bounce off surfaces without causing any harm, they are also immune to paralysis and poisoning, and boast a fair amount of resistance to fire and cold. Only a sudden overload of their electrical circuits can have a big effect. You can fight with conventional weapons, but the fight will be long! Yes, and we must not forget that these opponents are capable of boiling/baking you alive with hot steam and electrical discharges...*

    Dragons are truly fearsome creatures, protected by natural scale armor that has a high armor rating. They have fair health, good protection against the element with which their breath is endowed, although they are vulnerable to another element. Their bites tear to shreds everything that is not clad in the best possible armor. And they strike fear into the hearts of many! It is interesting to note that the color of a dragon indicates its preferences: so red/yellow use fire, white use cold, gray use both. Greens have now been completely changed, they now prefer close combat, exhale a poisonous cloud over a short distance and paralyze with a bite.


    Magicka, Stamina, and Health have become even more important as they provide passive dynamic bonuses. In general, they play the same role that attributes played in previous games. Magic replaced willpower and intelligence, reserves of strength replaced accuracy, partially endurance and speed, and health also reflected brute physical strength.

    The bonuses are very small at the beginning of the game, but when you reach a higher level and gain access to enchantments like Increase Health/Magicka/Stamina (which also affect bonuses), you will notice them!

    Below is a more detailed description of these bonuses:


    Every 40 points increases magic resistance by 1%, up to a maximum of 25%.*

    Every 40 points increases magicka regeneration by 8%, up to a maximum of 200%.*

    By default, the magic regeneration rate is half that of the original Skyrim. Running and sprinting will pause regeneration unless you have the Focus ability or are a vampire.


    Every 40 points increases damage in unarmed combat by 1.5 units, maximum 50 units*

    Every 40 points increases the damage done by weapons in melee (except for daggers - due to a bug in the original) by 1.4%., maximum 50%.*

    Every 40 points increases the maximum carried weight by 4 units, up to a maximum of 100 units*

    Health no longer regenerates naturally, even while sleeping. Sleep, however, restores full health if you are under the effect of Health Regeneration.*

    If your health drops below 30, it means you are wounded and crippled and your movement speed drops by 25%. The situation gets worse if you also have low energy reserves.

    Strength reserve

    Every 40 points increases archery damage by approximately 1.4%, up to a maximum of 50%.*

    Every 40 points increases movement speed by 2%, up to a maximum of 50%.*

    Every 40 points increases poison resistance by 1%., to a maximum of 25%.*

    Every 40 points increases disease resistance by 1%., to a maximum of 25%.*

    The rate of stamina regeneration is half that of the original Skyrim.

    Depleting your stamina during a fight is the worst thing that can happen to you if you have this mod installed.

    If you are hit by an arrow, weapon, or spell while your stamina is very low (in absolute terms), you will be stunned and stamina regeneration will pause for a short time. Additionally, with low Stamina you can't really block because you don't have the strength to parry or deflect blows. Movement speed is also very slow if you are running low on energy.*

    If your stamina is completely depleted, there is a high risk of simply dropping your weapon and shield, and the blows you land will be half as effective.

    Running (not sprinting) also consumes stamina (about 0.2 points per second) and pauses regeneration. Stop or walk to restore stamina. Or make sure you prepare yourself a nutritious meal...*

    Swimming also drains your stamina, depending on how much armor you're wearing.*

    Stamina consumption for sprinting has been significantly reduced.

    The increase in maximum carry weight when increasing stamina has been reduced.*

    If you have more than 200 health and stamina points each, and you quickly run up (sprint) to an enemy of about your size who is not wearing armor, you can knock him down. The same is true if you are wearing a full set of heavy armor.

    The ability to break the lock has been added to some unfortified doors and containers.

    When you "attack" such a door or container with a weapon (especially those made of wood or have padlocks), the corresponding script checks the player's force breaking ability (double health + stamina), and if this value is equal to or exceeds the limit lock strength, the container or door will open.

    Lock strength:

    • Beginner level - 300
    • Student level - 500
    • Adept level - 700

    Expert and Master level locks cannot be forced by force, regardless of materials.

    5) Atmosphere of the game

    "Do you know what the problem is in Skyrim now? Everyone only thinks about death." - Yon Son of Battle

    Manually added items

    The initial quest in Helgen received new content. If you look around, you will get information about the world you are in, little secrets and new things will help you survive in the next few minutes.

    Unique creatures (not reborn) were placed manually, some received names. Some creatures serve to maintain the atmosphere, others may have unique things or guard something especially valuable...

    Some quest-related locations contain additional items that will help you at the beginning of the game.

    Some quests have been changed and become much more difficult than in the original Skyrim. For example, opponents in the quests of the Daedra princes have become stronger.

    Many small changes in many cells (manually placed locks, changed items, etc.)

    User Interface

    The fashion uses a more “role-playing” font.* [Note. translation: at this stage, standard fonts are used in the Russian version]

    Many effects are accompanied by visual effects that you will see on the screen. So, poisoning leads to the fact that the picture seems blurry and somewhat greenish to you. Alcohol and some other substances and diseases have also received similar effects.

    The messages the player receives are written in first person and describe the hero's feelings and thoughts.*

    Loading screens only show things related to the game universe, no more hints or tips.

    If a player dies, a screen showing the hero's death is shown almost instantly - you no longer have time to look at the environment. If someone or something took your life without you noticing... Be more careful next time.*

    Removed messages about fast and automatic saving/loading.*


    The merchants will strip you to your skin unless you are skilled in the art of eloquence or master the magic of illusion.*

    Traders are more different from each other. Small villagers have less goods and gold, urban ones have more. The assortment also depends on the location, for example, alchemists in Markarth sell Dwemer oil, etc.

    Many merchants can be robbed - there are chests where they store most of their goods, although they are locked with master-level locks.


    Pickpocketing requires at least one rank 1 ability (this does not apply to Khajiit).*

    Hacking has become really difficult. Don't even think about opening a novice level lock without the right abilities, brute physical strength, or advanced magical assistance.*

    Many castles have been added to the game world.

    Wearing any heavy armor will make theft very difficult or even impossible.

    It is impossible to sneak around in heavy armor. Chances are, others will notice you before you notice them.

    Stealth changes:*

    • It became more difficult to sneak up.
    • Opponents' field of view has been reduced.
    • Enemies will look for you much longer.
    • Standing in the light means risking being noticed.
    • The influence of the value of the Stealth skill has been slightly reduced.
    • If the target is asleep, a successful sneak attack will send him to another world.


    Each race available to the player has different initial characteristics (health, stamina, magic, regeneration rate, unarmed damage, carry weight, speed, initial skill levels).

    Without at least one stealth ability, your character suffers huge penalties when trying to move around unnoticed. This does not apply to vampires, khajiit, argonians, wood elves or dark elves.

    If you lack at least one ability in the field of alchemy, all potions you create yourself will be very weak. This does not apply to Argonians, Bretons, Wood Elves, High Elves, or Dark Elves.

    Without at least one ability in the field of enchantment, all self-created enchantments will be very weak. This does not apply to Bretons, High Elves or Dark Elves.

    Many racial abilities have been changed and new ones added.

    * Argonians: 75% disease resistance, 90% poison resistance, strong stomach (allows you to eat raw meat). Racial ability - health regeneration. The reserve of strength is not consumed while swimming without armor. Bonus +10% to Light Armor, Hacking skills. Bonus +5% to Pickpocket, Stealth, Alteration, Recovery skills.*

    * Bretons: 20% magic resistance, Dragonskin only lasts 8 seconds but has 100% absorption chance, 10% increased power attack "cost". Bonus +10% to the Witchcraft skill. Bonus +5% to other magical skills and alchemy.*

    * Dark Elves: 65% Fire Resistance, Ancestral Guardian grants 95% Damage Resistance for 30 seconds. Bonus +10% to Destruction and One-Handed Weapon skills. Bonus +3% to all other skills.*

    * High Elves: 50% magic vulnerability, 10% increased power attack cost, 5% reduced spell cost, 10% more spell range, 5% more duration and power, faster passive magic regeneration . High Birth only lasts 30 seconds, but provides almost inexhaustible magic. Bonus +10% to all magic skills.*

    * Imperials: the “cost” of a power attack has been reduced by 20%, the “cost” of a sprint has been halved, a bonus to stamina, “Voice of the Emperor” grants an increase in eloquence for 5 minutes. Bonus +10% to the skills Speech, Recovery. Bonus +5% to the skills Destruction, One-handed weapon, Blocking, Heavy armor.*

    * Khajiit: Night Eye (on/off), increased damage in claw combat (25), 15% increase in speed, strong stomach, reduced fall damage, can open novice level locks without training or bonuses. Bonus +10% to all thief skills, the “cost” of spells is increased by 15%.

    * Nords: "The Dragon Within" allows you to scream for 5 seconds without causing the need to rest, 50% cold resistance, 25% electricity resistance, the "cost" of a power attack is reduced by 25%, Bonus +10% to the skills Two-handed weapons, Blacksmithing . Bonus +5% to Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Block, One-Handed Weapon skills.*

    * Orcs: strong stomach, "Berserk" lasts 30 seconds, but significantly increases the reserve of strength, the "cost" of a power attack is reduced by 35%. Bonus +10% to all military skills except Shooting.*

    * Redguards: 75% disease resistance, 75% poison resistance, "Battle Fury" lasts 30 seconds, stamina is restored even faster, slightly slows down time and protects against paralysis, the "cost" of a power attack is reduced by 20%. Bonus +15% to One-Handed Weapon skill. Bonus +5% to skills Blocking, Shooting, Smithing, Destruction, Alteration.*

    * Wood elves: 75% disease resistance, strong stomach, cannibalism (you can find “strange meat” on some enemies), the “cost” of a power attack is increased by 15%. Bonus +15% to Shooting skill. Bonus +5% to the skills Stealth, Hacking, Pickpocketing, Light Armor, Alchemy.*

    The initial maximum unmodified weight has been reduced to 85-125 units, depending on the chosen race.

    Most of the starting spells have been removed, only some races have them (Bretons, Dunmer, Altmer)*.

    The Strong Stomach trait also applies to Werewolves and Vampires, and can also be obtained by possessing Namira's Ring.

    Improved all race descriptions in the character creation menu.

    Several dozen pre-created characters have been added to the character creation menu.


    The horse saddle bag (with saddle) is available when mounting and dismounting a horse if you do not have anything in your right hand (the equipment menu appears).

    Horses can run fast for a long time and their speed has increased.

    Horses will avoid fights more often (except in some special cases).

    Horse Run: Weak and small opponents will be trampled if a horse rushes over them. Be careful while driving, now it is akin to driving a car. If you caused a collision, you are responsible for it!*

    Many animal factions have been changed, and animals can now show hostility towards each other, for example, spiders hunt rats.

    Many animals received different sizes, improved movements and underwent other changes.

    Many predators will not attack you when they are discovered, but only if you disturb them yourself.

    Don't expect to find anything other than fur, entrails, and other natural things on an animal's corpse. No gold, jewelry or other oddities. Can animals really feed in treasuries?

    Vampires and werewolves

    All werewolves now have constant claw damage and modified abilities (more health, slightly faster, resistance to stagger).

    If your hero becomes a vampire, he receives the typical vampire traits defined by this mod: 66% reduced damage from all non-bladed weapons (maces, war hammers, bows) and reduced fall damage. Additionally, the bonuses for the vampire have been increased (for example, increasing health now gives +300 health points). In addition, vampires regenerate health, have improved magicka and stamina regeneration, and an increased maximum carry weight. Most of the powers of vampires have also been changed, but being in sunlight has become much more dangerous, light can kill you if the amount of HP is less than the product of the current stage of vampirism by 100, and vulnerability to fire has also increased.*

    Miscellaneous Settings

    Ore veins provide a greater yield of ores.

    Fall damage increased.

    Fendal and Sven are excluded from the list of possible companions.

    Fast travel disabled. Use a cart, teleport, buy a horse. Or better yet, take a walk.*

    Time now runs slower (By default, 1 minute of real time is equal to 10 game minutes)*.

    Diseases are a terrible scourge. You should avoid infection and always carry a potion of healing from diseases with you or be sure that the gods have not turned their backs on you and are ready to give their blessing.

    The player's house is always locked if you leave it. (It's stupid to leave the door wide open, isn't it?)

    Triggers for Nord and Dwemer traps are no longer visible. You can only feel safe if you get the appropriate stealth perk. (You can change this setting as you wish if you install the Subliminal Traps mod.)*

    Many sounds have been replaced with silence, such as the sound of a critical hit, some sound effects when updating quest tasks, etc.*

    Most hostile NPCs now have shorter "names", and you won't be able to tell the difference between an incompetent and an arena champion. Take a closer look at the equipment, maybe it will give you a hint...

    Blood splatters on the screen when taking damage only remain for a few seconds.

    The blood on the weapon remains for several minutes and gradually disappears.

    Allies become enraged after being hit twice.

    Cleared dungeons remain like this, “respawn” does not occur. You can now store your items there, or even claim a conquered fortress as your new home (although in some cases you may run into problems, there is always the risk of another faction coveting the same fortress).*

    Random dragons appear less frequently.*

    And of course, Easter eggs! But rare and not contrary to TES traditions!

    6) Items

    "Some people call my goods trash. But for me they are treasures." - Belethor

    New items

    New weapons (selected items from Weapons of the Third Era)

    New armor (Selected items from Immersive Armors and other mods)

    New food (milk, water, crab meat, etc.)

    New hunting trophies (fat, hearts, claws, fur, meat, etc.)

    New recipes (sweet rolls, bread, new ways to smelt metals from scrap items or equipment)*, creating weapons in the forge, creating enchanted arrows and some unique ones available by taking perks

    New books (some from past Elder Scrolls games, others completely new and written by the author himself)

    New special items (such as the "weightless bag", which increases your maximum carry weight by 100 while in your backpack)

    Teleport Scrolls

    Most of the new items are included in trophy tables, assortment of shops, may end up in NPC duffel bags or can be created independently

    Hundreds of hand-placed items and treasures (the number is constantly increasing with each new version)

    Crafting staves at the forge

    * Depending on your enchanting skill and abilities, you will receive new recipes for creating magic staves from different materials. The better the material, the better the spell the staff can contain.

    The Advanced Smithing ability allows you to grind rubies, garnets and sapphires into red or blue dust at the forge, this dust can be used in alchemical experiments.

    Alchemists who have received the second rank of the Alchemy Knowledge ability can create special oils in the forge that act as poisons and deal elemental damage, and can also serve other purposes.

    Unfortunately, they only affect living opponents.

    Any character can now create a "healing poultice":

    This is not a very effective medicine, widespread in Skyrim. It is made from low alcohol (ale), cotton grass and blue mountain flowers. Used for applying bandages, but more effective. To create a poultice, you will need a recipe (purchased from alchemists or found on your travels) in your backpack and a tanning machine.

    Old items

    Questionable items such as skooma or black soul stones can only be bought (sold) from merchants with the appropriate reputation.

    Some items are cursed: once you equip them, troubles are inevitable - from reduced attributes to instant death, so be careful... Some curses only affect you if certain conditions are met. Examples? All the artifacts of Meridia, if you just touch them, will make the undead crumble into dust!

    Although not described in the game, gold now has weight. Find a place to store it...*

    Although not described in the game, arrows and bolts also have weight:*

    • Light (Rogue, Elven, Glass) weigh 0.1 units. each
    • Medium ones (iron, silver, steel, draugr, Nord) weigh 0.2 units. each
    • Heavy (orc, dwemer) weigh 0.3 units. each
    • Very heavy (ebony, daedric) weigh 0.5 units. each
    • "Handcrafted" ammo (including from other mods) and magic projectiles are considered light ammo

    All potions have modified effects and have been given different names to make them easier to sort.

    You can only take one potion of each type at a time, the effects of potions do not stack, and drinking a potion while the previous one is still active will only mean wasted product.

    All scrolls have become somewhat more useful. Think twice before selling!

    All staves have been changed.

    Some armor and weapons that were not available to the player became available and were placed manually in the game world (Greybeard robes, executioner equipment, etc.).

    Many ingredients and their effects have been changed.

    *The effects of Nirnroot are stronger than those of normal ingredients.

    * Daedra hearts have become extremely valuable ingredients:

    They make your health, stamina and magicka inexhaustible for 30 seconds, and can also be used to create a deadly poison that can fell even a dragon...

    Food consumed outside of combat restores magicka and stamina instead of health. Raw food, on the other hand, damages these attributes, unless you belong to the Beast Race (in which case you will receive a bonus from eating outside of combat).

    The effects of cooked food now last much longer, so it's not so annoying to waste time standing by the fire. Considering how the reserve of strength now “works”, it is wise to take some food with you on your trip and periodically drink and eat, which will allow you to quickly restore your reserve of strength.

    Many other items in the "miscellaneous" section have been changed - in price, weight or methods of use. Hunting has become a more profitable business, stealing and creating objects brings even more wealth.

    Artifacts have been completely redesigned, they have been given descriptions and effects that are more consistent with the essence of the role-playing game.

    * Dragon Priest masks are now worth considering as equipment, not to mention the fact that they extend their power to the wearer...

    * Daedric artifacts have become more similar to those powerful objects that we read about in books.

    Some examples:


    With it you can create soul tomatoes in a cauldron.

    Adds the following effects: Summon exploding burning dogs, summon exploding burning goats, strip, remove draugr hair, freeze, invisibility, invisibility plus paralysis, fear, burning, *secret effect*.

    Existing effects have been changed, charge absorption has been changed, etc.

    Ogma Infinium:

    According to the story, reading this book should give you the power of a demigod. In the original game you only got +30 skill points. This is not the case in Requiem.

    Instead of skill points, you gain 7 ability points with any choice.

    Depending on the choice, the hero permanently receives +200 points to his stamina, health or magic.

    7) Bug fixes

    “How do you know that there is a city of Winterhold? M”Ike didn’t see it with his own eyes. And you?" - M"Ike Liar

    Eliminated: “I stole the pants you were wearing.” Garrett never dreamed of this...

    Excluded: Enchanting/Blacksmithing/Alchemy upgrade cycle by increasing magical effects.

    Excluded: recovery/enchantment exploits.

    Many bugs of the original game related to assigned keywords have been fixed.

    Conjuration spells are not absorbed due to your own abilities, and the same is true for diseases.

    Some spells now work as intended.

    Some incorrectly placed objects are now placed correctly.

    Removed many footstep muffling enchantments related to stealth movement, as footstep muffling was unstable.

    You can wear hoops and masks along with hooded robes.

    The random vampire attacks introduced by the Dawnguard expansion have been disabled (perhaps this was intended, but it is strange to see vampires mindlessly destroying their food).

    Lots of minor fixes have been made, but you should still install the unofficial patches!

    8) Known problems and their solutions

    "The dragons didn't go away. They were just invisible and very, very quiet." - M"Ike Liar

    1) When using some spells and killing an enemy, strange black blocks occasionally appear. It is unknown why this happens.

    Known spells that cause this bug:

    Fire Blast (Incinerate)

    2) There are reports of a bug that either slows down the attack terribly or makes it super fast.

    99.9% of the time it's a loading order issue. Please load Requiem last unless you are 100% sure something should load later.

    Requiem uses an attack speed dummy to calculate if another mod does the same, the result will be a speed attack.

    3) Some players have noted a bug that unexpectedly resets stamina regeneration to zero, and the recovery rate does not return to normal.

    This can be fixed in the console:

    player.setAV StaminaRate 1.5 (for everyone except Imperials)

    player.setAV StaminaRate 1.8 (for Imperials)

    Sometimes the following solution helps: save the game in a new slot and load it immediately.

    4) Movement speed may not change correctly according to Stamina due to a bug in the original game (or property?), resulting in the need to perform certain actions (for example, drawing/putting away a weapon or entering/exiting sprint mode) for the changes to work ).

    5) Horse attacks sometimes result in too much force being applied to characters.

    6) A blue swirl effect sometimes appears on some characters.

    This is not a Requiem bug, the problem is caused by a conflict with other mods that use aura spells with the "Disallow Spell Reflect/Absorb" flag. At the moment there is a similar conflict with Footprints and Enhanced Blood Textures

    9) Known compatible mods

    "What does it mean to combine magic? Magic plus magic is still magic." - M"Ike Liar

    Please note that Requiem affects almost everything in the game, any mod loaded after it will certainly break something, although it is difficult to say what the severity of the consequences will be. Also note that even though a mod is listed below, that doesn't mean it works perfectly with Requiem, it just means there are no technical issues with combining the mods.

    • Almost all mods that improve graphics
    • Almost all mods that change only the animation
    • Almost all mods that improve the interface (SkyUI, for example)
    • Alternate Start - Live another Life
    • ASIS (I suggest that you do flag Requiem NOT to be affected by it!)
    • Auto Perk Stats Level
    • Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
    • Banks of Skyrim
    • Belua Sanguinare
    • Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships (before Requiem)
    • Better Vampires (before Requiem)
    • Brawl Bugs Patch (recommended)
    • Bring out your dead
    • Cerwiden Smart Follower
    • Character Creation Overhaul
    • Classic Classes and Birthsigns (use compatibility patch)
    • Cloaks of Skyrim
    • Convenient Horses
    • Deadly Dragons (after Requiem)
    • Deployable Traps
    • Dual Wield Parrying
    • Economics of Skyrim
    • Ely's Uncapper
    • Ethereal Elven Overhaul (use compatibility patch)
    • Extensible Follower Framework
    • Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
    • Fires Hurt
    • Get Snowy
    • Guard Dialogue Overhaul (before Requiem, worth watching!)
    • Harvest Overhaul
    • Horse commands
    • Hypothermia
    • Immersive armors (before Requiem)
    • Imps more complex Needs (after Requiem)
    • Interesting NPCs
    • Ishs soul to perk
    • Jaysus Swords (pre-Requiem)
    • Khajiit Speak (after Requiem; worth watching if your character is Khajiit)
    • Locational Damage (may have balance issues)
    • Lorecraft
    • Mighty Dragons (after Requiem)
    • Morrowloot
    • Move It
    • No Quest Items
    • Proper Aiming (after Requiem)
    • Radiance (before Requiem)
    • Realistic Lighting without Post-Processing (as they say, a very impressive mod, the darkness becomes even thicker, so it will delight those who love walking through dark dungeons)
    • Realistic Needs and Diseases (after Requiem, use the compatibility patch, highly recommended for those who want to get more benefits from their food intake)
    • Realistic Speed
    • Skytest (load after Requiem, but note it will have some effect on the difficulty level of random animal encounters)
    • Subliminal Traps
    • Tales of lycantrophy
    • The Choice is Yours
    • Sneak Tools
    • Ultimate Follower Overhaul (should load after Requiem, but possible side effects haven't been fully tested yet)
    • Unofficial Skyrim Patch (before Requiem, recommended)
    • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch (before Requiem, recommended)
    • Vilja in Skyrim
    • Warzones
    • Winter is Coming 2.0 (before Requiem)

    Requiem - additional mods:

    • Requiem - Rebalanced Potions Weight
    10) Known incompatible mods

    "There were once many butterflies in Skyrim. Now there are not so many." - M"Ike Liar

    Mods that add new monsters (like Skyrim Monster Mod): These mods are generally compatible, but there are a few things that can cause some pretty weird stuff if you use these mods with Requiem. Most of the creature templates from Requiems will not work with the new ones, and the leveling system and difficulty can vary greatly. So use at your own risk!

    • Skyrim Monster Mod
    • Skyrim Redone
    • Soul Gems Differ
    • Third Era Attributes for Skyrim
    11) Additional files

    In the main archive you will find a folder called "Optional Files". Everything else you need to know is documented there!

    This modification changes the effects of the blessings of all thirteen stones in Skyrim. Each sign imposes two enchantments on the character: passive - which acts only under certain conditions, and active - some can be used only once a day, others more often. Most abilities use new visual and script effects.

    Requirements: Skyrim Legendary Edition/Skyrim Special Edition

    Detailed Description
    1. Student
    Effect: Beginner's Luck
    Beginner level spells do not require magic, the rest are 15% cheaper.
    Talent: Void Seed
    Quickly restores the supply of magic, but it is also possible to deplete it.

    2. Atronach
    Effect: Distorted Magic
    Spells are more effective and cheaper, but magic is not restored in battle.
    Talent: Damage Affliction
    Reduces the cost of spells by half at the expense of your health.

    3. Lady
    Effect: Lunar Pet
    A ghost pet helps you in battle; its power grows with your level.
    Talent: Darkness
    Once a day, select a target that your pet will deal more damage to.

    4. Lord
    Effect: Royal Blood
    The strength of your attacks depends on your health level.
    Talent: Kneeling
    Once per day, you can knock down nearby enemies.

    5. Lover
    Effect: Eternal Love
    Once a day you are able to survive a fatal attack.
    Talent: Summon Lover
    You can summon the selected character to you.

    6. Mage
    Effect: Etherius Influence
    Casting spells restores your health and strength.
    Talent: Magic Shock
    You can interrupt someone else's spell and absorb some of their magic.

    7. Ritual
    Effect: Revitalization
    Those killed in battle side with you as long as you don't attack anyone.
    Talent: Energy Transfer
    Once a day, you can take over the target's health level, giving yours in return.

    8. Serpent
    Effect: Devastation
    Having entered into a duel, you and everyone around you will be deprived of some magic and powers.
    Talent: Surprise
    A target with full health will be paralyzed if it doesn't know you're nearby.

    9. Shadow
    Effect: Invigoration
    Increases your running speed in battle.
    Talent: Shadow Step
    You can instantly move behind the nearest target.

    Effect: Explorer
    Increases running speed outside of combat and opens nearby locations.
    Talent: Bottomless Bag
    You can store as many things as you like in another dimension.

    Effect: Decisive Strike
    Your attacks deal more damage to targets with a quarter of their health.
    Talent: Playing with Death
    Once a day you can bet on the death of your enemy.

    Effect: Caretaker
    You can open simple locks, and the average one - once a day.
    Talent: Dungeon
    Once a day, you can put nearby targets into a trance.

    Effect: Protection of Ysmir
    You ignore all damage at the start of battle.
    Talent: Star of Change
    Once per day, you can invert your current attribute levels.

    SkyUI users will be able to configure some plugin options.

    1. The plugin is compatible with mods that
    a) affect the growth of the powers of magic of different schools,
    b) add signs during the creation of the hero.
    2. Works with SkyRe if its stone module is disabled.
    3. Compatibility patch for Character Creation Overhaul is available.


    Q: How to remove a mod?
    A: Make sure your current sign is not a Lover. If your character has become immortal, enter in the console: "player.setessential 0" (without quotes). Cleaning the save is recommended.

    Previous changes

    in version 3.01:

    script optimization, mod menu (MCM) removed, SkSE no longer required)

    in version 3.04:

    - Renamed talent
    - Magic regeneration: the delay between teleportations has been reduced.
    - Influence of Aetherius: now increases the effectiveness of spells by 10%
    - Ascension: enhances the spells of one school of magic
    - Minor edits
    - Removed from the world for greater integration.
    added SSE version

    Publishing the translation on other sites is prohibited!

    What's new in version 1.07 ()

    • Updated version of the mod for both editions:
    • -IMPORTANT! Before updating, choose any sign except Warrior, Mage or Thief!
    • Now each of them affects the growth of all relevant skills by 10%.
    • -Tower Sign - the number of possible locations for treasures has been reduced.
    • 1.05: Added Lover's stone keywords to work with the Summermyst and Sacrosanct mods.
    • 1.02: Added follower mod versions. The in-game book, as well as the description of abilities in the manual and on the page, have not been changed (correspond to Aurora mod version 3.07).

    Throughout the world of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there are special constellation blessing stones that give our character various bonuses and unique skills. You can only keep one constellation stone active, but you can change them without any restrictions.

    List of constellation stones

    I suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of all these stones (there are 13 in total) with a list of bonuses and an indication of their location on the world map of Skyrim.

    Stones of the thief, warrior and magician

    These are the first constellation stones that you will encounter almost at the beginning of the game. Each of them accelerates the growth of skills of the corresponding archetype by 20%. You can find out which skills correspond to each of these roles.

    The stones are located near the road between Helgen and Riverwood.

    Atronach Stone

    Atronach Stone(The Atronach Stone) gives your character an additional 50 units of magic, 50% absorption of hostile spells, but the speed of magic recovery is also reduced by 50%.

    The stone is located south of Windhelm.

    Tower Stone

    Tower Stone(The Tower Stone) allows you to open any expert-level lock once a day. The stone is located between Dawnstar and Winterhold.

    Snake Stone

    Snake Stone(The Serpent Stone) allows you to paralyze an enemy for 5 seconds and inflict 25 units of damage; it can only be used once a day.

    The stone is located east of Winterhold.

    Horse Stone

    Horse Stone(The Steed Stone) increases the maximum carry weight by 100 and removes the effect of armor on movement speed.

    The stone is located northwest of Solitude.

    Stone Lady

    Stone Lady(The Lady Stone) increases the speed of health and stamina regeneration by 25%. The stone is located north of Falkreath on an island near the shore of the lake.

    Lord's Stone

    Lord's Stone(The Lord Stone) increases armor by 50 and magic resistance by 25%. The stone is located east of Morthal.

    Lover's Stone

    Lover's Stone(The Lover Stone) increases skill growth rate by 15%. The stone is located northeast of Markarth.

    Stone of Ritual

    Stone of Ritual(The Ritual Stone) allows you to resurrect all the dead around you, who will fight for you for 200 seconds. Can only be used once a day.

    The stone is located east of Whiterun.

    Shadow Stone

    Shadow Stone(The Shadow Stone) allows you to become invisible for 60 seconds once a day.

    The stone is located south of Riften.

    Guardian stones in Skyrim are a replacement for the constellations that we know from previous parts. Now constellation effects are no longer selected once and for all during character creation, but are activated using special stones.

    The first 3 of these stones you will meet during the mission “Before the Storm” (2nd task of the main storyline), on the way to Riverwood these are the warrior stone, the mage stone and the thief stone. When you activate any of them, a permanent effect will be imposed on you, speeding up the leveling of the corresponding skills by 20%

    If you forgot which stone you activated, or just want to see what effect is on you, open the magic window -> permanent effects -> and look there for a name starting with “Stone...”

    By using a new stone, it will replace the effect of the old one. There are no restrictions on the number of effects changes, or time.

    Table of all guardian stones, their properties and location

    Guardian stones




    On the map

    Warrior Stone

    The Warrior Stone

    Warrior skills are upgraded 20% faster.

    Mage Stone

    Mage skills are upgraded 20% faster.

    Near the road going southwest from Riverwood.

    Thief Stone

    Thief skills are upgraded 20% faster.

    Near the road going southwest from Riverwood.

    Lover's Stone

    All skills grow 15% faster.

    In the northeast of Markarth, just north of the Kolskeggr mine.

    Apprentice Stone

    The Apprentice Stone

    Magic is restored twice as fast, but the vulnerability to magic is doubled (attention! you will die from magic once or twice. The only use of this property is pumping up recovery and armor on weak monsters i.e. 2-3 wolves beat you, and you yourself just heal here x2 mana regen will really help you pump up quickly).

    Halfway between Morthal and Solitude, north of Fort Snowhawk.

    Atronach Stone

    The Atronach Stone

    50 magicka, 50% spell absorption, magicka recovery slowed by 50%.

    From the south of Windhelm, near the Black Ford (Darkwater Crossing)

    Stone Lady

    Health and stamina are restored 25% faster.

    North of Falkreath, south of Ilinalta Depths.

    Lord's Stone

    50 damage resistance, 25% magic resistance.

    East of Morthal and southwest of Dawnstar.

    Horse Stone

    100 to the carried weight, the worn armor weighs nothing.

    West of Solitude, north of Wolfskull Cave.

    Stone of Ritual

    The Ritual Stone

    By using the ability, all dead people near you will become your zombies for 200s. Can be used once a day.

    East of Whiterun.

    Snake Stone

    The Serpent Stone

    Paralyzes the enemy for 5 seconds and deals 25 damage. Apply once a day.

    East of Winterhold, on the shallows.

    Shadow Stone

    The Shadow Stone

    After using the ability, you become invisible for 60 seconds. Apply once a day.

    South of Riften, next to Nightingale Hall.

    Tower Stone

    Once a day allows you to open one expert-level lock.

    Halfway between Dawnstar and Winterhold.




    On the map

    If you have played The Elder Scrolls games before, you will remember that at the start you were given the opportunity to choose a constellation that provided bonuses throughout the game. But this rule is absolutely not applicable for the computer game called “Skyrim”. Signs, or constellation stones, are scattered throughout the vast map. Moreover, there are no specific directions on where to look for them. In this small guide you will learn where the signs are located, as well as what bonuses each of them gives.

    "Skyrim": guardian signs

    Before you go looking for a particular stone, you should understand that you can only get one bonus from the constellations. That is, if you want to change the sign and get an increase from it, then the previous one will cease to be valid. But thanks to fast movement, you can always return to one or another stone and activate the bonus from it. This will help increase some readings in the passage of the game "Skyrim".

    Guardian signs, which can be found at the very beginning of the journey, are located on the river bank, near the road from Helgen to Riverwood. There are three stones standing here. But only one of them can be activated at a time. Therefore, before making your choice, study the bonuses from each.

    Bonuses from stones

    The Mark of the Thief improves skills such as light armor, lockpicking, pickpocketing, stealth, speech and alchemy by 20%. The Warrior's Guardian Stone provides a 20% increase in the growth of the following abilities: one-handed and two-handed weapons, shooting, wearing heavy armor, blacksmithing and blocking. The Mage Mark increases the learning speed of skills such as destruction, enchantment, restoration, witchcraft, illusion and alteration by 20%.

    Before activating the stone, think about which path you want to take. For example, if you are trying to achieve success in military affairs, then choose the Warrior stone. And if you like spells and the subtle world of magic, then place your bet on the Mage sign.

    "Skyrim". Lover's Stone

    This sign is an excellent alternative to the previous ones, because thanks to it you can learn all the skills and abilities at once. But, instead of a 20% bonus, the experience increase will be 15%. You can find this stone northeast of the city of Markarth.

    Apprentice Badge

    You can find this stone in the swamps of Hjaalmarch, between Solitude and Morthal. This sign increases the speed of magic recovery by 50%. But at the same time, it makes the hero more vulnerable to enemy spells. So it is better to activate it for magicians who have seriously upgraded their skills of reflection and resistance.

    Mark of the Atronach

    You can find this stone in the tundra of Eastmarch, northwest of Mist Watch and slightly south of Skeleton Ridge. When the sign is activated, the hero's magic reserve increases by 50 units, and the ability to absorb magic damage increases by 50%. The negative effect of the stone is to reduce the speed of magic recovery by half.

    Tower and snake sign

    You can find the Tower Stone on the top of a mountain located between Winterhold and Dawnstar, north of Hoba Cave and west of the College. When activated, the hero will be able to open a lock of any difficulty level once per game day. At the same time, it makes it possible to paralyze one enemy for 5 seconds once every knock and inflict 25 damage to him. The sign is located northeast of the crash site of the Pride of Tel Vos and east of Winterhold.

    Sign of the Horse

    This stone increases your carrying capacity by 100 units. In addition, it allows you to move quickly in heavy armor even without leveling up the “Persistent Training” skill. You can find this sign to the west of Solitude. You need to go a little north from the Wolf Skull quest cave.

    Other signs

    The Lady's Sign, when activated, increases the rate of restoration of strength and health by 25%. The stone is located near Falkreath, a little south of the Ilinalta Depths location. The Lord's Stone gives a 25% increase in magic resistance. In addition, it increases damage protection (armor) by 50%. This sign stands on a mountain southwest of Dawnstar, east of Morthal.

    By activating the Ritual Stone, the hero will be able to raise all the dead to his defense once a day. You can find it east of Whiterun, on the road to Windhelm. The Shadow Sign allows the hero to remain invisible once a day for 60 seconds. You can find it in the south of Riften, one of the main cities. Remember that in the Skyrim game, signs are the easiest way to get some bonuses that will be useful in completing the game. So you should definitely start looking for them.

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