Facial mesotherapy action. Cosmetic procedure of mesolifting and facial mesotherapy

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Some cosmetic procedures come to the beauty industry from a completely different story, as they say, appearing due to an ordinary case. This is what happened with the now very popular facial mesotherapy, the idea of ​​which was literally taken off the tip of the needle 60 years ago by the French doctor Michel Pistor. He unsuccessfully tried to extinguish an asthma attack in a deaf patient with intravenous anesthetic injections, and, in the end, intuitively gave him an injection in the parotid region. The spasm stopped. And he was sick for the first time in his life! – I heard the sound of a church bell. Then, when treating deafness with injections, Pistor noticed an improvement in the condition of the skin in patients with eczema of the auricle.

The doctor had (and then confirmed) the assumption that subcutaneous injections into the mesoderm (the middle layer of cells lining the surface of the body and the mucous membranes of many organs) provide not only a strong therapeutic, but also an aesthetic effect.

Today, Pistor’s ideas are confirmed by extensive medical practice, which has identified the main advantages of mesotherapy as a method of launching skin rejuvenation processes and its prevention:
› Complex effects (general skin rejuvenation, solving problems in local areas, activation of local blood circulation, acupuncture-type effects for mechanical violation of the integrity of the skin);
› Physiological (transdermal administration of “cocktails” of biologically active substances - medicinal allopathic and homeopathic compounds, plant extracts, vitamins and antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, other substances that are well absorbed by the body and promote the production of collagen and elastin, forming strength and elasticity skin tissue);
› Long-term effect (subcutaneous dosed administration of “cocktails” allows you to create a reserve of organized storage of certain substances, which ensures the results of injections for a long time);
› Low trauma, no pain (injections are made with the thinnest needles that penetrate 1.5-2 mm under the skin; if the pain threshold is low, special anesthetic creams are used);
› No strict age restrictions (facial mesotherapy is recommended for women over 30 years old);
› Low risks of side effects and complications;
› Good compatibility with other cosmetic procedures and treatment methods (a course of injections is often preceded by peelings, lifting, laser);

Cosmetological facial improvement: solving problems in specific areas

Cosmetologists at the RTH clinic specialize in facial mesotherapy, since this service is in greatest demand in Moscow based on the number of requests. The procedures help solve such women's (and, often, men's) problems as:
› Dry and oil-free skin;
› Loss of facial muscle tone, flaccid skin
› Oily skin with enlarged pores;
› Presence of facial and age wrinkles;
› Progressive ptosis – pathology of displacement of the skin on the face, blurring of its contours;
› Cuperosis (unhealthy redness of the facial skin associated with dilation and fragility of blood vessels);
› Swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
› Scars, scars;
› Decreased skin elasticity (decrease in turgor);
› Consequences of acne (post-acne).

The main areas in which local injection is carried out:
› Wrinkles on forehead
› Eyebrow wrinkles
› "Crow's feet"
› Cheekbones and cheeks
› Nasolabial folds
› Perioral wrinkles
› Wrinkles on cheeks
› Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth
› Puppet lines
› Lip contour

Features of facial skin rejuvenation and prevention procedures

Michel Pisor himself formulated the basic principle of injection effects as “Peu, rarement au bon endroit” (“Rarely, little and in the right place”). This means a certain frequency of procedures, precise dosage and precise localization of microinjections.

The last two points completely depend on the skill of the cosmetologist. RTH clinic specialists independently select the composition of “cocktails” for each patient, based on his individual physiological characteristics and problems, which is considered the highest class of work. And for their introduction, they use an exclusively manual method, which provides the best results. Although mesotherapy procedures are quite short-lived (20-25 minutes), multiple, meticulously calculated micro-penetrations require a firm but very sensitive hand and fine motor skills. Professionals have been developing such skills for years.

The guarantee of results is ensured by the high qualifications of our doctors (all have a higher medical specialized education, work experience of at least 5 years) and modern material and technical equipment of cosmetology rooms. All drugs used in the clinic have passed state certification.

Regarding the postulate “rarely”, you need to understand that mesotherapy does not give an instant result, since it is not focused on it in principle. It is its cumulative effect that is strong, for which it is recommended to take the procedures in a course order (5-7 visits). And no more than once every six months.

Unfortunately, they don't work. It is impossible to say that this is bad. After all, it is precisely due to the fact that the skin does not allow the components that make up the creams to penetrate into itself that our body resists the negative effects of the environment. And since it’s not possible to penetrate this way, experts have found a workaround that is 100% effective and it’s called mesotherapy. What is it and where is it used - that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Mesotherapy procedure

Mesotherapy is a technique that is based on the introduction of a variety of active components and biologically active substances using injections and more. In cosmetology, this principle came from medicine, where it has been used for a long time and quite successfully. Only a highly specialized specialist can perform the mesotherapy procedure, because this requires the appropriate knowledge. Otherwise, the procedure will have no effect.

Types of mesotherapy

There are two variations of the procedure:

  • Manual.
  • Hardware.

Manual mesotherapy, as the name implies, is performed manually by a specialist. All active substances are administered using a syringe with a very thin needle. The injection is carried out pointwise, since it is important to ensure that the useful components reach the problem areas and the most sensitive places, for example, the eyelids and corners of the mouth.

The hardware type, also known as the non-injection type, is carried out using a special gun, which simultaneously treats large areas, injecting drugs at a very fast pace to a given depth. In this case, the patient feels virtually no pain at all.

Before the procedure, a test should be performed. For these purposes, the specialist applies a few drops of the substance used to the patient’s shoulder and waits for some time. If no negative reaction occurs, then the specialist begins the mesotherapy procedure. Which particular method of work is chosen depends on what result you want to get in the end. Of course, the strength of the effect depends not only on this, but also on the age of the patient, her and individual characteristics. However, it is better to entrust the choice of a specific method of influence to a specialist.

Mesotherapy: indications

Many people are accustomed to considering mesotherapy as a procedure to get rid of hated wrinkles and for rejuvenation, but this is not the only thing that these sessions can “cure”. Among the indications, experts include problems such as:

  • , i.e. baldness;
  • the presence of keloid scars, as well as atrophic and hypertrophic;
  • the appearance of dilated blood vessels on the face;
  • impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands: excessive dryness of the skin or, conversely, oiliness;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • dermatological problem: acne, dermatoses, seborrhea, pigmentation, etc.;
  • fat deposits, for example, in the area of ​​breeches, hands, etc.;
  • spread out oval face, appearance of bags and bruises under the eyes, double chin.

For each problem, a competent specialist will be able to select the active ingredient or cocktail, as well as prescribe the number of necessary procedures that will help you forget about the problem.

Mesotherapy: contraindications

Despite the high efficiency and almost complete safety of the procedure, it still has a number of contraindications when it is better for the patient to refuse sessions, namely:

  • poor immunity;
  • perinatal period;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • kidney diseases, as well as gall bladder problems;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the administered formulations;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • breastfeeding.

Therefore, it is ideal to visit a therapist before making an appointment with a cosmetologist and undergo an examination to identify possible diseases that are on the list of contraindications.

Facial mesotherapy

To work with the face, specialists use several cocktails and single preparations. Typically this is:

  • Hyaluronic acid. This substance acts as a general framework for tissues. The component is included not only in the dermis, it is also found in bones, cartilage and other places in the body. The composition is identical to the natural substance to minimize side effects and increases the percentage of skin susceptibility. Hyaluronic acid can be administered as an independent component or in combination with other components.
  • Phospholipids. These elements are present in cell membranes; their main purpose is to ensure the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Silicon and magnesium salts. They seriously increase skin tone, strengthen it and help normalize metabolic processes.

Various vitamin cocktails, lipolytics, antibiotics and many other substances are quite popular in the mesotherapy procedure. In general, modern cosmetology has more than two hundred variations of cocktails that can be used in mesotherapy. Each of them has its own area of ​​influence, designed for a specific skin type and problem.

By the way, it is now quite possible to do safe mesotherapy procedures at home. For this purpose, special kits and devices are sold that even a beginner can handle. One of these useful things is the simplest mesoscooter. In essence, it is a simple roller with thin needles on the surface. They can be of different lengths and sizes, so you need to purchase them as a set so that you can work on all areas of the skin. For home use, experts do not recommend choosing rollers whose needle length exceeds 0.5 mm. This will prevent damage to the blood vessels. We'll talk more about this a little later.

Eye mesotherapy

Most often, hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin in the eye area, which helps smooth out wrinkles and make the skin more youthful. More specifically, what results can be obtained from such a procedure are:

  • elimination of crow's feet that do not return for up to three years, that is, until the hyaluronic acid is completely removed;
  • relieving swelling, provided that this is truly a cosmetic defect and not a consequence of internal ailments;
  • it is quite possible to achieve some correction of eyelid ptosis;
  • under the influence of active components, bags under the eyes and dark circles disappear.

Experts call the following “symptoms” indications for the procedure:

  • the appearance of crow's feet;
  • the appearance of bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • darkening of the lower eyelid;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • the appearance of age-related changes on the skin in the eye area.

However, it is worth remembering that if the problem manifests itself due to malfunctions in the body, then the resulting effect may not be as pronounced or may be completely absent. In any case, it will be short-lived, so you must definitely find out the reason for the changes and try to correct the root of the problem.

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to remember about the existing contraindications, which include: diabetes mellitus, circulatory problems, cancer, perinatal and lactation periods, infectious diseases. If you neglect this, you can experience the whole range of negative consequences.

Nothing terrible happens during the mesotherapy process, however, despite the pain relief procedure, some women note that they still experience pain. So be prepared to be patient. Everything takes place in several stages:

  1. To begin with, complete removal of cosmetics from the patient’s facial skin is organized.
  2. The entire surface of the facial dermis is treated with a disinfection solution, and then an anesthetic composition is applied. There is no need to worry about pain, but unpleasant sensations may appear the next day when the effect of the anesthetic wears off.
  3. The specialist begins to inject the drug in the direction of the wrinkles. The depth of injection with a needle depends on the depth of the wrinkle itself, and the dosage of the drug is determined by a specialist individually for each patient.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the patient is allowed to relax.
  5. Half an hour after all manipulations, the skin is re-disinfected and a soothing mask or cream with a similar effect is applied.
  6. The final stage is a consultation, where the cosmetologist informs the patient about her further actions and proper skin care for a quick recovery. To obtain a lasting and maximum effect, a repeat session may be scheduled after a couple of weeks. Ideally, undergo three to seven procedures, depending on the initial data.

Mesotherapy for hair

Yes, yes, you heard right, mesotherapy can be carried out for the purpose of hair treatment. In this case, injections with different components are injected into the scalp. In this way, diseases of the dermis of the head are treated and the hair itself receives many useful substances. No serious pain is felt if the procedure is performed by a specialist and uses high-quality drugs, but the effectiveness of this treatment method is very high. Mesotherapy for hair is a universal way to save your curls from loss, solve the problem of excessive oiliness and act on dormant follicles.

So, what can you achieve by using mesotherapy for hair:

  • accelerating hair growth;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • nourish the follicles with useful substances;
  • make hair strong and shiny.

Considering this effectiveness, we can say that the indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • profuse hair loss up to the stage of baldness;
  • split ends;
  • slow hair growth due to damage due to bleaching, taking various medications, etc.;
  • dandruff;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • ringworm;
  • damaged hair structure;
  • early appearance of gray hair.

Contraindications for hair mesotherapy procedures are similar to those for other types. Additionally, factors such as menstruation, mental illness, and scalp inflammation are included.

This procedure for treating hair and scalp is not only highly effective, but also has a minimal number of side effects. There are no age-related contraindications. Therapeutic cocktails penetrate deep into the skin and help restore hair, making it beautiful and healthy. Unfortunately, one or two procedures are not enough to get a noticeable result. You need at least a month of full-fledged treatment, but the health of your hair, you see, did not deteriorate in one day. The process of hair loss stops, as a rule, after the first course, which lasts eight to ten sessions, while the curls themselves acquire shine and become soft and pliable. However, in order to consolidate the result and generally obtain it in full, several courses will be required, which usually lasts for a year.

The main recommendations that must be followed after the session are not to wash your hair or take a shower for ten hours, as well as to strictly prohibit prolonged exposure to the sun and going to the solarium for at least two days after mesotherapy. And within 12 hours you cannot use styling products or do any care treatments for your scalp.

Non-injection mesotherapy

The gentle version of the procedure does not involve injections, which is why it is loved by many women. Of course, its effectiveness is somewhat lower than that of injections, but still it is not small. Everything happens roughly as follows:

  • First, a special composition is prepared, which includes vitamins and other useful ingredients;
  • the prepared cocktail is distributed on problem areas;
  • At the final stage, the areas with the applied composition are treated with a special device, which allows the active components to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Which cosmetic unit will be chosen depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. This can be a laser, magnetic devices, ion, or cryo. The big advantage of this mesotherapy is its absolute painlessness, the absence of traumatic effects on the skin, which prevents the appearance of swelling and other side effects. The duration of the sessions varies, but on average it does not take more than half an hour.

Depending on the indications for the procedure, courses are determined. For example, intensive requires 3-10 procedures with an interval of ten days, and fixative is prescribed per procedure for a month.

Non-injection mesotherapy allows you to get rid of many problems, namely:

  • eliminate bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • smooth out small wrinkles and reduce deep ones;
  • tighten the skin;
  • eliminate dry skin;
  • remove stretch marks;
  • make the oval of the face clearer.

How effective non-injection mesotherapy will be directly depends on the type and type of cocktail with which the work will take place, as well as on the professionalism of the master. A lot depends on the efforts of the patient, because you need to prepare for the procedure. Three days before the scheduled session and the same period after it, it is strongly recommended:

  • do not drink alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks;
  • protect the body from sunbathing;
  • stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • do not visit swimming pools and saunas;
  • do not take medications.

Non-injection mesotherapy also has its contraindications, namely:

  • perinatal and lactation periods;
  • inflammatory processes in the body and on the dermis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • infectious diseases.

Mesotherapy: before and after photos

Below are photographs in which you can clearly see the effectiveness of the procedure. However, it is worth remembering that the severity of the effect depends on many factors: the qualifications and experience of the specialist performing the procedure, the characteristics of the patient’s skin and body, the drugs and methods used for mesotherapy. Therefore, the effectiveness can be either less or more pronounced.

Home mesotherapy

The cost of mesotherapy is high and few people can afford it. What then, give up the opportunity to be beautiful? No way! You can organize a beauty salon right at home, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. Of course, you will have to give up injections, because you can’t do them to yourself, especially without the appropriate education, but simple home sessions will give good results, especially if they are regular. Let's look at the options for carrying out the procedure that are available for home use.


Electric current acts as a conductor for nutrients and useful substances. But what is important is not how strong the voltage will be, but what the pulse frequency will be. After all, only when the frequency reaches the desired level do the components of the applied composition begin to penetrate into the skin. This mesotherapy technique helps:

  • fight fine wrinkles;
  • eliminate cellulite;
  • stop hair loss;
  • remove pigmentation;
  • get rid of scars left by acne;
  • eliminate rosacea;
  • get rid of acne.


If you are one of those people who endure discomfort during procedures without any problems, then you can use iontophoresis to get rid of cosmetic defects. The positive effect of such procedures is due to the effect of current on problem areas. At the moment of a slight electric shock, the cell membrane becomes porous, i.e. more susceptible, for the same reason there is an activation of biochemical reactions occurring inside the cells. The penetration depth is about 2-5 mm.

Using this procedure you can:

  • remove bags under the eyes;
  • reduce the number of wrinkles;
  • make acne less noticeable, and over time completely get rid of the problem;
  • even out skin tone, make it smoother and more elastic;
  • significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • nourish the skin with vitamins.


This is a therapeutic technique based on the simultaneous action of cosmetics and ultrasound, which allows useful and effective substances to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin. In the field of cosmetology, devices are used that emit waves with a frequency of 16 kHz. The energy emitted by the device is converted into heat and helps warm the skin, enhances lymph flow and microcirculation, and reduces the level of inflammatory reactions. Such ultrasound can penetrate to a depth of 6 cm. Under the influence of such an aggregate, a kind of storage of useful substances is formed in the skin.

The mentioned procedure is indicated for the purpose of:

  • eliminate cellulite;
  • reduce existing wrinkles;
  • eliminate acne;
  • smooth out scars;
  • enhance collagen production.

In specialized stores you can purchase a device for such a procedure. The cost starts from 3,000 rubles.


A very convenient device, if you can call it that, which is inexpensive. It is very easy to use, and most importantly, such a session does not take much time and shows good results. In appearance, this is a miracle of cosmetology - an ordinary roller with a handle and needles. Its operating principle is as follows:

  • the micro-injections produced trigger the regeneration process of frame fibers, i.e. collagen and elastin;
  • Due to micro-punctures, nutrients previously applied to the skin can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Repeated tests have proven the high efficiency of this device. In this way, women manage to get rid of stretch marks on the body, wrinkles, cellulite, scars, and stop hair loss. When using a mesoscooter, two types of cosmetic preparations are used:

  • Concentrates. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the dermis and removes wrinkles. The fight against age spots is organized with the help of ascorbic acid. But to give the skin elasticity and tighten it, you will need concentrates of collagen and elastin.
  • Cocktails. They are used to get rid of a complex of problems. Hyaluronic acid and peptide complexes help to even out the relief and moisturize the dermis. To get rid of cellulite and smooth out the body contour, formulations with L-carnitine, seaweed extracts, hyaluronic acid and bioextracts are used. Amino acids, vitamins, eutrophics and arnica extracts are used to treat hair and slow down the process of hair loss.

Experts recommend carrying out such procedures no more than once a week in courses of at least five procedures. You should stop sessions only when you are completely satisfied with the results obtained. If you use the mesoscooter correctly and according to the instructions, then there will be no side effects.

Mesotherapy: reviews

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are a variety of reviews about the mesotherapy session, where there are some who are completely dissatisfied, who think that money was thrown away, and those who found their salvation in these sessions. However, regardless of the general opinion, almost everyone does not like the fact that injection marks (small red dots) remain on the skin. Although they will go away soon, it is unpleasant to see such a defect on the face. But alas, this cannot be avoided. Some patients note that the procedure is painful, which is why even anesthetic gel does not help. A serious disadvantage of mesotherapy is the high cost of the procedure, because several sessions and courses are needed. Rarely, but still there are side effects, namely severe swelling. However, there are still more people satisfied with mesotherapy. As users of the procedure note, all promises are 100% justified. However, all this applies to mesotherapy of the face and skin around the eyes.

As for hair mesotherapy, the picture is almost the same, but there are practically no side effects. The result is quite overwhelming; mesotherapy saved many from baldness. What do patients complain about? All for the same cost, which comes out to about 3,500 - 4,500 per session, of which you need at least 10. Those who went to the session say that the sensations are not pleasant: the skin sometimes burns, stings and itches very much, in addition The injections themselves are also painful. But when the beauty and integrity of your hair is at stake, you can be patient.

Many are faced with the problem of finding a suitable experienced specialist, because in order to conduct such sessions you need to have the appropriate knowledge. By the way, especially brave people purchase injection formulations, special syringes with a thin needle and carry out the procedures on themselves. This is justified by the fact that vitamins for such purposes are cheap, but the effectiveness is high. Of course, such amateur activity is highly discouraged, because possible negative consequences can have irreversible consequences. Be careful and contact only specialists.

Mesotherapy: video

The moment a woman notices a new wrinkle in the mirror, it seems to her that the whole world around her is collapsing, because those around her notice how she inevitably ages. In psychology, this is called complexes, which can lead to depression. In search of salvation, some buy creams, some resign themselves, and others go to a beauty salon.

And one of the miraculous procedures is mesotherapy - a mega-popular rejuvenation technique today, which incorporates the most innovative developments in cosmetology in order to delay the aging process at least for some time.

Mechanism of action

Before you go to sign up for a procedure, which is still quite radical, you need to study as much information as possible about it, find out what it is, and understand whether this rejuvenation technique is right for you. After all, it has features that are not acceptable to everyone.

  1. According to medical and cosmetological terminology, mesotherapy is the subcutaneous administration of active drugs that have a powerful effect on cellular processes.
  2. The effectiveness turns out to be very high, but it is by no means instantaneous: a magical transformation after one injection will not work: you will have to undergo a full course of rejuvenation, which includes more than one session. The dosage of one injection is too tiny for aging to truly recede.
  3. A huge number of innovative techniques within facial mesotherapy can solve any cosmetic problem. For the most timid there is even.

Based on these features, one can imagine, at least superficially, what this rejuvenating procedure is. Some people will be immediately put off by the word “needle”; others will understand that all this requires a lot of financial resources. One way or another, almost 15% of women after 35 years overcome their aversion to injections and undergo beauty injections, since the fear of impending aging turns out to be stronger. If you are one of them, it is worth considering the features of this technique in more detail.

Through the pages of history. Mesotherapy was first used by the French physician Michel Pistor in the mid-twentieth century (1958). At first it was used exclusively for medical purposes as a pain reliever.


First of all, it’s worth finding out what effect mesotherapy has on facial skin, so that your expectations don’t diverge too much from reality. The result obtained depends on many circumstances. In particular, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the method, as well as the skill of the cosmetologist. If the procedure was carried out according to all the rules, many cosmetic defects that previously prevented you from living in peace will finally disappear into oblivion. Clinics offering this rejuvenation technique emphasize its amazing effectiveness:

  • age and facial wrinkles are gradually smoothed out;
  • dry skin is moisturized, oily skin ceases to suffer from excess subcutaneous sebum;
  • noticeably narrow;
  • saves from post-acne, gradually dissolving them;
  • the skin becomes firm and elastic again, as in youth;
  • the oval of the face becomes clear and prominent;
  • the double chin disappears after completing a full course of mesotherapy;
  • spider veins go “deeper” and become almost invisible;
  • goes away completely or its lesions significantly decrease in volume, including facial mesotherapy can be prescribed for acne;
  • complexion becomes fresher and more natural;
  • bright and large ones are bleached to match the complexion;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks on the face fade and cease to be noticeable;
  • With the help of mesotherapy, the skin can be prepared or, conversely, restored after surgery, laser resurfacing, chemical or mechanical peeling.

As can be seen from this impressive list, the anti-aging effect is just one of the many advantages of this unique procedure. In fact, not a single cosmetic flaw of yours can withstand the pressure of such active ingredients contained in magical meso-cocktails. By the way, they get under the skin in different ways. It is the method of penetration of drugs into the dermis that underlies the classification of facial mesotherapy.

Interesting fact. Mesotherapy even has its own motto, formulated by its discoverer Michel Pistor: “Peu, rarement au bon endroit.” A French phrase that translates to “Rare, few and in the right place.” Decoding is extremely simple. “Rarely” because the procedure is performed no more than once a week; “little” - the injection is calculated in tenths and hundredths of a milliliter, “in the right place” - the drug is injected into the problem area.


Oxygen facial mesotherapy is a type of non-injection technique

Mesotherapy in cosmetology is represented by different rejuvenation methods, which depend on how exactly the prescribed drug gets into the layers of the dermis. There are several classifications.

Depending on the needle application

  • Injection/invasive

In their pure form, such meso-cocktails are used very rarely. As a rule, depending on individual indicators, they are mixed with each other. And mesotherapy with lipolytics is generally used for the face extremely rarely, since most often it is prescribed for weight loss of problem parts of the body.

  • Homeopathic mesotherapy

Homeopathic medicines are also selected purely individually, but their composition is exclusively herbal. On the one hand, today all cosmetology is slowly, but trying to move towards the naturalness of its components - and this is pleasing. On the other hand, a homeopathic mesococktail may not always suit the patient. In addition, plant extracts in its composition often cause allergies.

Sometimes mesotherapy cosmetics are divided into other groups, depending on the effect it has on the skin:

- vascular cosmetics - improving the general appearance and health of the epidermis;

— vitamins - skin nutrition;

— lipolytics - facial slimming;

- eutrophic action - lifting.

Mesotherapy products on the modern market are presented in a huge assortment, among which it is easy to get lost, but a cosmetologist will not allow this. He must understand them well and, after a certain examination, will prescribe the necessary drug - on an individual basis, taking into account the age, state of health and the depth of the cosmetic problem of his patient. And, of course, you need to know when facial mesotherapy is indicated for use, and in what cases I do not recommend doing it.

We help you choose. Do you suffer from a double chin, which reveals not only your age, but also your desire to eat heavily in the evenings? In this case, be sure to agree to mesotherapy with lipolytics such as Dermastabilon, Revital Celluform, Aqualix, MRX - they have proven themselves well in this market.


Since facial mesotherapy is designed to solve certain problems that have arisen with the skin, it is necessary to follow the indications that will allow you to achieve the desired result. Before going to the clinic, carefully look at your reflection in the mirror and make a list of the shortcomings that you would like to correct. If they match the ones below, beauty injections will definitely come in handy:

  • and (not quite neglected) wrinkles;
  • dry and oily skin types;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • loose, fuzzy oval face;
  • acne;
  • often prescribed for rosacea as the most effective way to get rid of spider veins;
  • used for scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • gentle preparation and restoration of the skin after facial surgery, laser resurfacing, chemical or mechanical peeling.

Everyone who dreams of using mesotherapy for facial rejuvenation is interested in the question at what age it is indicated. If a lifting effect is needed, then after the first signs of aging appear (crow's feet, eyelid ptosis). For some, they appear at 25, and some encounter them only after 35. If they appear too clearly and cannot be eliminated with regular creams, it’s time to go to the clinic. And the first thing that awaits you there is a check for contraindications.

Useful advice.- one of the most capricious skin diseases, which greatly spoils the appearance of the face with capillary networks and stars. Not every procedure can cope with it. So, cosmetologists say that when treating it, mesotherapy with vascular-strengthening drugs is indispensable.


There are several diseases and health conditions that may worsen or cause side effects after beauty injections. In a good clinic, the procedure begins with finding out whether the patient has any contraindications to undergoing it. To do this, the cosmetologist carefully studies the history of her illness, prescribes several tests, may take a skin scraping, and conducts a survey.

This is a very serious issue that needs to be taken seriously. Facial mesotherapy is contraindicated if the following diseases are detected:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the meso-cocktail;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • feverish condition;
  • simultaneous use of medications;
  • decreased immunity;
  • uneven skin texture, which can interfere with the targeted administration of the cocktail: large ones, papillomas, ulcers, open wounds;
  • severe skin diseases that require complex treatment: psoriasis, eczema;
  • any problems with the circulatory system, especially hemophilia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

One of the most controversial issues is whether mesotherapy is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. There is information that specific laboratory tests have not been conducted on this matter. However, cosmetologists strongly do not recommend doing beauty injections during these periods.

No one will give accurate information about how deeply the active components penetrate and in what body processes they can participate. Any foreign substance in the placenta or mother's breast milk can adversely affect the baby. Therefore, it is better to avoid the procedure during these months. If no contraindications have been identified, you can safely go to the clinic.

According to statistics. 85% of negative reviews about facial mesotherapy and complications after it are due to non-compliance with contraindications. Don’t let yourself be driven into this percentage number - be sure to undergo a preliminary examination.

Stages of the salon procedure

To prevent the procedure from causing fear of injections, you can first watch a video where specialists give beauty injections right in front of the camera. Sensitive ladies who cannot look at this can be advised to simply first study the information about what stages they will have to go through in order to become several years younger.

I. Preparatory stage

  1. Interviewing the patient, studying her medical history, laboratory testing. Identification of contraindications.
  2. Study of skin characteristics, scraping of the epidermis (not always). Identification of indications.
  3. In accordance with the identified indications, select a meso cocktail.
  4. Allergy test.
  5. Discontinuation of all oral medications.

II. Injection stage

  1. Makeup remover
  2. Deep cleansing of pores.
  3. Disinfection.
  4. Local anesthesia.
  5. Marking for punctures.
  6. Injecting / applying a cocktail to the face and exposing the skin to ultrasound / magnetic waves / current, etc. - it all depends on which technique was chosen.
  7. Soothing mask.
  8. Evaluation of the first results.

III. Recovery stage

  1. Familiarization with the rules of rehabilitation after facial mesotherapy.
  2. Their implementation.
  3. Constant medical monitoring of the patient’s skin for a week.
  4. The next series of sessions so that the course is completed completely. Usually the question of how many procedures are needed in total is decided on an individual basis. The average number is from 5 to 10, depending on the complexity of the problem and the characteristics of the skin.

If everything went well, don’t forget to ask your cosmetologist after the last session how often to do facial mesotherapy at your age. This will also depend on the type of procedure. Non-injection, for example, acts quickly, but not for long, so after just six months a new course of rejuvenation may be required. The results of the invasive method are more stable and can last up to a year, or even more. If, after all, salon procedures of this type scare you, you can trust your own hands and do something similar at home.

FYI. The anesthetic creams used as an anesthetic are “Emla”, “Lighn Dep”, “Deep Numb”, “Dr. Numb".

Features of the home procedure


Not trusting clinics and doctors, women strive to be independent cosmetologists. The bravest ones take an insulin syringe with a very thin needle, buy a pharmacy meso cocktail and inject the drug under their skin. Such mesotherapy is unlikely to be useful: rather, on the contrary, the wrong puncture site and unprofessional dosage of the drug can cause many side effects and complications. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a special device - a mesoscooter.

Brands of mesoscooters

The mesoscooter is a nozzle with a roller at the end, which is studded with short needles. They massage the problem area. The result is minifractional facial mesotherapy. The cost of such muscle stimulators starts from 3,000 rubles, and it is very difficult to name the highest level - ad infinitum.

The most popular today are:

  • Perfect Photo Poration (Japan);
  • Beauty Iris Gezatone m708 (France);
  • Gezatone m9900 (USA);
  • Micro Needle Roller System, Mesoderm Eyes E008, tianDe (South Korea).

Before using a mesoscooter on the problem area of ​​the face, apply a meso-cocktail to the skin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Pharmacy cocktails

Find out in advance about the effect of the drug you are going to use for home mesotherapy. Each of them is aimed at eliminating a single cosmetic defect. And only after that, purchase the product you like. The range of serums offered allows you to choose the most optimal option for almost any skin type.

  1. Concentrated meso cocktails
  • hyaluronic acid (lifting, rejuvenation);
  • vitamin C (whitening);
  • or (elasticity);
  • minerals, vitamins (nutrition);
  • acids (peeling, restoration);
  • plant extracts (healing, regeneration);
  • medications: dihydroergotamine, L-carnitine, thioctic acid (treatment of skin diseases);
  • extracts of animal origin (restoration of damaged tissues);
  • peptides (rejuvenation);
  • placentex (cell regeneration).
  1. Ready meso cocktails
  • Blessie Anti-Aging - lifting meso-cocktail;
  • EGF-AFGF 3 - a drug for scars and scars.

When choosing a cocktail for home mesotherapy, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist which of these drugs will be most suitable for eliminating your problem.

Step by step instructions

Home mesotherapy with a mesoscooter is a simple procedure. Absolutely everyone can cope with it. Even if there is fear of this needle roller, the discomfort can always be eliminated with the help of anesthetic topical pain-relieving solutions.

  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. Disinfecting the roller of a mesoscooter with medical alcohol.
  3. Treatment of the face with an anesthetic (you can take iceocaine, benzocaine, dicaine).
  4. Applying meso-cocktail to the problem area.
  5. Massage with a mesoscooter (3-5 minutes, depending on the sensations and volume of the area).
  6. Repeated disinfection of the mesoscooter.
  7. Applying a soothing mask (this can also be purchased at the pharmacy).
  8. Half an hour later - apply nourishing cream.
  9. It will be possible to repeat mesotherapy no earlier than in a week. Even better - in two.

To carry out facial mesotherapy at home yourself, you need determination and self-confidence. You need to understand that this is not just a relaxing procedure: the needle roller will not give you pleasure. However, the effectiveness over time should please you. If, of course, everything was done correctly. The rehabilitation period is of great importance when, some time after the injection, you need to adhere to certain skin care rules.

Cosmetology educational program. The Blessie Anti-Aging ready-to-drink cocktail includes highly concentrated hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10 - both substances are famous for their ability to quickly rejuvenate the skin. The cost of a 10 ml bottle is from 620 to 700 rubles.

Rehabilitation period

Women must understand two things: firstly, the meso-cocktail produces a real revolution at the cellular level; and secondly, the epidermis is damaged during injections. Accordingly, the skin experiences enormous stress after such stress, and it needs help to recover from all this. The rehabilitation period is usually 2-3 days, but its rules apply to 1 week after the session. According to medical recommendations, after mesotherapy you cannot:

  • visit places with high air temperatures and ultraviolet radiation: baths, solariums, saunas, beaches;
  • go to the pool and swim in public places;
  • overly active in sports and any physical activity in general;
  • abuse nicotine;
  • drink alcohol after mesotherapy (it can enter into a chemical reaction with the meso cocktail and cause multiple side effects);
  • use a generous layer of makeup, especially at injection sites.

All care for renewed skin comes down to these simple rules. You can also add constant cleansing of the face (washing with a light, PH-neutral film) and. But all this can be done only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist who performed mesotherapy. Otherwise, side effects and complications cannot be avoided.

Interesting fact. Women leading a bohemian lifestyle often declare that after facial mesotherapy the next day they do not limit themselves to either smoking or alcohol - and this does not give any side effects. There is no need to listen to such statements. Firstly, they were very lucky that there were no complications. Secondly, already 3-4 months after the full course of procedures they will again have to go to the clinic for repeat procedures. Alcohol and nicotine significantly reduce the effectiveness of mesomedicines.


In some cases, the consequences of mesotherapy do not meet the expectations of clients, but very much disappoint them. The causes of complications can be very different:

  • the most common side effect is bruising after mesotherapy, which indicates rupture of blood vessels under the skin due to needle penetration; in a couple of days everything usually goes away, if not, you need to consult a specialist;
  • it happens that bruises indicate the doctor’s unprofessionalism;
  • hyperemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • often occurs: this reaction is usually caused by hyaluronic acid: if it does not go away within 2-3 days, it may be an allergic reaction to the injected drug;
  • spread of an infectious or inflammatory focus;
  • about 60% of women after the procedure feel papules on the face after mesotherapy - peculiar seals under the skin, the reasons for their formation are non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period or an incorrectly chosen puncture technique;
  • exacerbation of certain chronic diseases;
  • skin infections: necrosis, staphyloderma, streptoderma, abscesses;
  • scars are also quite common traces of mesotherapy if the needles entered carelessly and skin restoration occurred at too slow a pace;
  • atrophy of the facial muscles;
  • post-traumatic lymphostasis;
  • lupus erythematosus, .

These complications are not encouraging and force you to return to the clinic again and again. To avoid such a protracted rehabilitation period, you need to follow all medical recommendations. You should not think that all of the above consequences haunt everyone who agrees to this procedure. These are isolated exceptions, but you need to be aware of them and warn them. Side effects are one of the significant disadvantages of facial mesotherapy, but we should not forget about its advantages.


Mesotherapy in action - “before” and “after” the procedure

There are a number of factors that force women to go to clinics again and again for beauty injections, no matter how painful and dangerous it may be. The advantages of the procedure are obvious:

  • small needle sizes that do not injure the skin too much (and the non-injection method does not suffer from this at all);
  • minimum doses of active drugs;
  • non-toxicity of the administered meso-cocktails;
  • no age restrictions;
  • long-term results (from six months to 5 years).

But every coin has two sides. And before the procedure, do not forget to look at its shortcomings.


There are also disadvantages that balance out the advantages. These include:

  • discomfort and pain during needle insertion: after anesthesia, the skin will still have to move away from the punctures;
  • unpleasant side effects in the form of bruises and swelling in the first 2-3 days after mesotherapy;
  • risk of complications;
  • the course includes several sessions, so you will have to visit the clinic again and again;
  • and each procedure “costs a pretty penny,” as they say;
  • not everyone sees results after the session.

Facial mesotherapy does not harm the female body. However, all these shortcomings force women to turn to other rejuvenation methods.


Is there a worthy alternative to mesotherapy today that would be no less effective?


The question often arises: what is better - mesotherapy or Botox, which are similar in rejuvenation techniques. The American drug, injected locally during Botox, perfectly smooths out wrinkles of any depth. However, it is toxic, according to recent research. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend injecting more natural meso-cocktails under the skin.

Mesotherapy is an excellent opportunity to restore facial skin to its former freshness, elasticity, beauty, slowing down the inevitable aging processes for some time. You can turn to it starting from the age of 25-26, if the telltale rays of “crow’s feet” have already appeared from the corners of the eyes (in more detail, he will talk about the peculiarities of treating the skin around the eyes). This procedure is so multifunctional that against almost any cosmetic problem it has an effective and powerful weapon in the form of mesococktails and serums that restore youth. Are you looking for an anti-aging product to look stunning at your age (no matter how many there are)? In this case, do not be afraid of “beauty injections” and be sure to experience their amazing effect for yourself.

Over the past decades, modern cosmetology has made great strides in the development and implementation of techniques aimed at restoring lost youth and beauty. Dozens of hardware and injection methods have appeared on the skin that can achieve noticeable improvement and rejuvenation. The most widely known is mesotherapy, which helps turn back time and get rid of cosmetic defects of both the face and body.

Mesotherapy, what is it?

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical modeling of the face and body based on subcutaneous injections. The composition of the drugs included in the injections is selected taking into account the specific problem and individual characteristics of the patient. The technique is unique in its ability to locally influence a specific area without affecting the entire body.

Delivering vitamins, nucleic acids and amino acids directly to their destination helps achieve noticeable positive results thanks to the high concentration of drugs. The introduced active substances are able to remain in the skin for some time and trigger the processes of regeneration and healing. Water balance is restored, proper blood circulation is established, and proteins necessary for the production of fibroblasts are supplied. Microtraumas caused by skin punctures cause additional collagen formation, giving the skin elasticity.

As a result of a course of mesotherapy, the skin returns a healthy color, scars are smoothed out, and wrinkles become less pronounced.

History of the method

The term “mesotherapy” itself came to us from France more than one hundred and fifty years ago. It was introduced by Dr. M. Pastor, who discovered that injecting the medicine directly into the affected area gives excellent results. Since the drug is delivered through injections into mesodermal tissues, the treatment is called “mesotherapy”.

In cosmetology, this technology began to be used relatively recently - only in the eighties of the last century did French academicians introduce mesotherapy as an alternative medicine. Over the past thirty years, mesotherapy has become widespread throughout the world and has gained unprecedented popularity due to its excellent results.

Types of mesotherapy

The technique is actively developing and there are several types of mesotherapy. They differ in the methods of delivering the drug to the skin and have various contraindications:

  • injection;
  • non-injection;
  • oxygen

Injection (classical) mesotherapy

During the procedures of the most common classical technique, the doctor administers the drug by subcutaneous injections with a depth of two to five millimeters. The specialist independently regulates the depth of the punctures and the volume of drugs administered during mesotherapy.

It is possible to carry out the procedure using a specially designed injector that carries out injections. The settings of this vibration device allow you to reduce or increase the amount of substances injected and the depth.

Non-injection mesotherapy

Non-injection mesotherapy is devoid of any unpleasant sensations - there is no need to pierce the skin. Active substances intended for rejuvenation and treatment are applied to the treatment area. An electromagnetic field is created, which increases the permeability of the skin by more than four hundred times. The drug gains the ability to penetrate to a depth of two millimeters and remain there for healing and regeneration of the skin.

Oxygen mesotherapy

This technique also does not require the use of a syringe. The drug is injected into the skin under the influence of a stream of oxygen supplied under high pressure. This helps the substances overcome the protective properties of the skin and instantly penetrate the upper layers. Since the technology differs from the classical one in its absolute painlessness, it is very popular. Contraindications for its use are minor due to the absence of punctures of the skin.

Composition of meso cocktails

The composition of meso-cocktails used during the procedure is individual to solve the patient’s specific problem. If therapy is carried out to combat cellulite, then the main substance will be a lipolytic; to eliminate wrinkles and tighten the face - drugs that stimulate neocollagenesis; for acne – immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory.

Most often, injections include:

  • vitamins and homeopathic substances;
  • glycolic acid;
  • extracts of various plants;
  • collagen and elastin;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • L-carnitine and thioctic acid.

Indications for mesotherapy

Since our skin creates a protective barrier for the penetration of any substances from the outside, it is almost impossible to achieve rejuvenation or treatment with the help of creams. The maximum they are good for is eliminating excessive dryness. Mesotherapy can achieve excellent results by penetrating substances into the dermis, so the range of indications for its use is quite wide:

  • dry skin;
  • acne, scars;
  • rosacea;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • mimic and deep wrinkles;
  • loss of a clear oval face;
  • obesity in problem areas;
  • manifestations of cellulite;
  • fresh stretch marks;
  • warts;
  • hair loss.


There are not as many contraindications for mesotherapy as, for example, for most hardware techniques:

  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • allergies to the drugs used;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

The effectiveness of mesotherapy

Substances used for subcutaneous injections can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. After the full course, a healthy complexion is restored, bags under the eyes disappear, and the oval of the face becomes clearer. With the help of compositions aimed at stimulating regenerative processes, a reduction in fine and deep wrinkles is achieved, the skin becomes more elastic and toned.

The technique is also successfully used for figure correction. After the procedures, there is a decrease in the fat layer in problem areas and the elimination of cellulite. It is possible to achieve a lifting effect and eliminate sagging skin after a sharp weight loss. Mesotherapy reduces the severity of stretch marks and scarring of the skin.

Photos before and after mesotherapy procedure

Possible complications

Most often, the procedure causes a relapse of herpes activation. Another common complication is an allergy to vitamin C, which is often included in injections. Other side defects more often occur due to low qualifications of medical staff or neglect of hygiene rules after the procedure.

Injecting drugs too deeply can cause vascular damage, which will make itself felt by the appearance of a hematoma. Infection at puncture sites can lead to the formation of purulent abscesses and even the development of sepsis. Allergies to injected substances cause itching and swelling.

All these troubles can be avoided if you choose a clinic and specialist with great care. Also, you should not neglect your doctor’s recommendations for skin care after the procedure.

After mesotherapy, it is also possible to expose the body to temperature changes and stress. That is, for a while it is better not to strain yourself in the gym and avoid visiting the bathhouse and sauna.

Duration of mesotherapy course and retention of results

The full course involves from 4 to 10 sessions, which depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the problem. It is recommended to conduct no more than one to two sessions per week. In the future, you can take maintenance courses - no more than two sessions per month.

The results become noticeable after the third or fourth session. After the full course, the effect of mesotherapy increases for another two months. Typically, the resulting effect lasts up to a year - this largely depends on your lifestyle and additional care.

Average prices

The price for one session starts from 1,500 rubles and averages 2,000 – 3,000 rubles. Thus, the course will cost from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. The cost is quite high, but do not forget that you are paying for skin rejuvenation at the cellular level. And how much you are willing to spend on eternal youth is up to you.

Facial mesotherapy
Facial care after mesotherapy
Does it hurt or not?
How many procedures are needed?
Body mesotherapy
Drugs used
Mesotherapy - a method of weight loss?
After the procedure
Combination with other methods

The rhythm of modern life dictates its own rules: the result is needed quickly and it must be noticeable. This is why mesotherapy has become such a popular procedure.

Why is mesotherapy needed?

On the path of its development, cosmetology faced a problem: most substances from which one could expect a noticeable effect, after being applied to the skin in the form of creams or masks, do not penetrate into those layers of the skin where their action is necessary. Moreover, they are not able to penetrate the subcutaneous fat.

This is due to the fact that the main function of the skin is to protect the body from the penetration of any substances from the environment. And our skin copes with this function successfully.

The solution to this problem was mesotherapy- a method based on the introduction of various biologically active substances into the body by injection. It came to cosmetology from medicine, where it has been used quite widely for a long time.

Is every injection considered mesotherapy?

Of course not. Mesotherapy is not synonymous with injections, it is the science of the effect on connective tissue, nervous, humoral and immune systems, achieved both through the mechanical effect of a needle on nerve receptors, and through the pharmacological action of the drugs used.

A doctor who knows the method of mesotherapy is not just a competent cosmetologist with a “light hand”. This is a specialist with deep knowledge in the field of dermatology, pharmacology, and reflexology. Only a doctor who understands how components mixed in one syringe interact with each other, what will happen in the human body after their use, and that introducing a drug into one area of ​​the skin can have an effect in a completely different area of ​​the body, is able make mesotherapy truly effective.

What is administered using mesotherapy?

All mesotherapy products are produced in ampoules containing active substances or combinations thereof. There are drugs produced specifically for mesotherapeutic use in cosmetology. There are homeopathic remedies. There are complexes containing vitamins, microelements, biostimulants, antioxidants, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, and plant extracts. There are also medicines used in traditional medicine for intradermal and subcutaneous use. The doctor’s ability to select drugs, the use of which by mesotherapy will be optimal in each specific case, is practically unlimited.

The quality, sterility and safety of the mesotherapy products we use are confirmed by state certificates; all of them have been tested by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Effects of mesotherapy

The results obtained after mesotherapy consist of the following effects:

  • Pharmacological effects. With the help of injections, the doctor has the opportunity to introduce the desired drug in an exact dose into those parts of the body and to the depth that are necessary to solve a specific problem. If the goal is to eliminate local fat deposits, the introduction of substances whose action is aimed at activating the processes of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat molecules) is indicated. If the goal is to fight wrinkles, you need products that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Improving local blood supply. When performing mesotherapy, skin receptors are stimulated by a needle, and in response to such irritation, a local improvement in blood microcirculation occurs. If it is necessary to significantly improve blood circulation, it is possible to administer drugs with appropriate pharmacological effects.
  • Stimulation of cell renewal. Driving a needle is a microtrauma. In response to it, healing processes are launched in the area of ​​damage, and the growth of new, young cells is stimulated.
  • Opiate effect. The nervous system reacts to needle pricks and releases endogenous opiates into the bloodstream, designed to eliminate possible unpleasant sensations and give a mild state of euphoria.
  • Reflexogenic action. When performing mesotherapy in reflexogenic areas of the skin, an effect similar to acupuncture occurs.

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