Adoption and guardianship: what is the difference. The difference between guardianship and adoption: features, advantages and disadvantages Guardianship and adoption

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Our life is filled with various unforeseen situations. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that children in families may be left without parents for various reasons. In such cases, the question arises about the future whereabouts of the child. Fortunately, many kids have relatives who are eager to help. They are the ones who need to know well: how to behave and what to do in the current circumstances. There are two forms of control over orphans. Below we will talk about the difference between guardianship and adoption.

Guardianship is a form of placement of a child who is left without parents in other families, provided that he is not yet 14 years old. This concept can also be used in relation to adults declared incompetent by court. Control over a person who is considered competent, but whose actions must be monitored (drug addicts, etc.) in order to avoid trouble, is called guardianship.

Orphans are given care to the families of relatives, or to all interested citizens who have passed a special check. In turn, the guardian receives a monthly cash benefit. Its size at the beginning of 2019 is approximately 15.5 thousand rubles. The amount varies in different regions in its own way.

When a teenager reaches the age corresponding to the restrictions, guardianship automatically becomes trusteeship. The main disadvantage of guardianship: if the person replacing the parent while the child was in the family did not fulfill his duties well, then upon reaching the age of 18 the ward may be left without proper security in material and property terms. But at the same time, the guardian is obliged to report for the funds spent every month and provide checks to the guardianship department.


Adoption is a form of placing a child in a foster family as a child. Adoptive parents acquire full authority over their adopted children. In families, relationships develop between the substitute parent and the adopted child, similar to those formed between children and natural parents.

The main law of adoption is the Family Code. When deciding to adopt a child, you need to know that the main criterion is the age between the adoptive parent and the adoptee; it should not be less than 16 years old. Along with this condition, you need to provide a number of documents:

  • statement of desire to adopt an orphan;
  • own autobiography;
  • income certificate;
  • document confirming the availability of your own home;
  • a certificate stating that there is no criminal record;
  • health certificate;
  • a statement of consent from both future parents (but a single person also has the right to adopt, only he needs to provide a copy of the birth certificate);
  • marriage certificate.

To register both adoption and guardianship, you need to contact the relevant authorities at your place of residence.

The difference between the two concepts

Based on this information, we will draw clear conclusions about what is the difference between one form of control over a child and another.

  1. Time frame. Adoption is permanent, unlike guardianship.
  2. Payments. Adoption is not encouraged in any way by the state, while a certain equivalent is paid for guardianship.
  3. Reporting. Guardianship requires strict financial reporting to the state. Adoptive parents may be monitored by the relevant authorities on an unplanned basis to check living conditions.
  4. Saving personal data. Adoptive parents have the right to change the first, middle and last names of their adopted children, while guardians do not have this right.
  5. Acquiring full parental rights is only possible through the adoption process.
  6. Terms of termination. Guardianship is terminated under certain circumstances discussed above, adoption - only by court decision, in the event that parental rights are deprived.
  7. Legal aspect. Adoption is carried out within the framework of the Family Code, by court, and the establishment of guardianship is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law, by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  8. Disposal of property. Guardians have the right to use it only in the interests of the person under their care.
  9. A full-fledged relationship develops between the adopted and new parents, which differs little from the interactions between a child and biological parents.

These points define the main differences between two identical concepts, the difference between which, in fact, is quite large.

Similar features

Besides all this, there are similarities between guardianship and adoption. Adoptive families must comply with generally accepted rules, which are:

  • caring for living conditions and food;
  • correct disposal of property rights;
  • moral, ethical and spiritual education.

Thus, we found out how two concepts that are similar in nature are similar and different. What to choose - a person decides for himself, based on his own goals. In any case, every child should grow up in affection, care and understanding.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is individual.

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Pros and cons of the main forms of placement of abandoned children: adoption, guardianship, patronage and foster care.

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Adoption - legally the child becomes your own. Upon adoption: Adoptive parents are not deprived of parental rights; in any case, the adoption is canceled.

Children who need the attention of adults may find themselves adopted or under, which is the difference between guardianship and the Family Code.

The Constitution states that every person has the right to a family, where, first of all, he can find his parents. The orphanage does not provide proper education: only confidential contact with a loved one will give the child a chance for a decent life and harmony. It is possible to adopt or establish guardianship over other people's children. Both cases have their own nuances.

Guardianship is a way of arranging for the upbringing of minor children who are left without parental care; it is a form of representation of human interests if they are incapacitated after a court decision has entered into force.

Guardians actually accept a child into their family and are responsible for him, however, they have a number of restrictions that are related to the disposal and property of the ward.

Adoption is a form of placing a child left without parental care as a natural child into a family. The adoptive parent acquires a full range of responsibilities and parental rights. The procedure is regulated by a number of legal aspects that must be followed. Children to be adopted must be under 18 years of age, adoptive parents must be 16 years older.

Comparison of two legal concepts

Both processes of raising children resolve the issue of neglect of children who, for one reason or another, have lost their biological parents. A citizen who takes on the responsibility of raising children is burdened with a wide range of restrictions and rights. However, there is a difference between legal processes.

It is possible to register the adoption of a child at any age up to the age of majority, if the person being adopted is over 10 years old. It is installed both over a young child (up to 14 years old) and at any age.

The adoptive parent acquires a full range of parental rights, accepts the child into the family, and is given a family surname. Guardians have significantly limited rights, this applies to the disposal of the child’s property. In addition, the guardian is required to report to government authorities every year, while the adoptive parent is relieved of such obligation.

Remuneration is provided for, it amounts to several thousand rubles per month. Adoptive parents do not have the right to count on such compensation, since they assume all responsibilities for raising the child. Guardianship is automatically terminated when a person reaches 14 years of age or on the basis of a court decision. only after deprivation of parental rights.

Guardianship and adoption - differences

  1. The period of raising a child. Guardianship is a temporary phenomenon, limited both by legal requirements and provisions in the agreement (if any), the adoption procedure is permanent.
  2. Legal consequences. In fact, the adoptive parent becomes the parent of the children; the guardian retains the same rights as before the procedure.
  3. Financial question. Guardianship can be carried out on a paid basis, the adoption procedure can only be free of charge.
  4. The difference is in the report. Guardians must submit annual reports to the relevant authorities, and adoptive parents can be checked by special services.
  5. Personal information of the child. During the process of establishing guardianship, the child’s former personal data is retained; after adoption, it may change.
  6. Acquired parental rights occur exclusively through adoption.
  7. Termination. Guardianship is terminated in cases provided for by law, regardless of the wishes of the parties; adoption takes place exclusively by court decision if parental rights are deprived.

Nuances of adoption

The following citizens are not considered adoptive parents:

  • incapacitated or partially capable;
  • deprived of parental rights;
  • citizens who were previously adoptive parents, and adoption was abolished through their fault;
  • are or have been registered or treated in a drug addiction or psychoneurological dispensary;
  • abuse alcohol and drugs;
  • do not have a permanent place of residence and permanent finances;
  • other citizens if their interests conflict with the children's interests.
When adopting, preference is given to relatives; couples who are adopting multiple siblings; citizens of Russia; married couples. The consent of the child is required for the adoption procedure; cases are excluded when, due to health or age, the child cannot express his opinion.

The consent of the guardians/trustees is required for adoption; this consent can be obtained by decision of the guardianship authority or in court (if the adoption is formalized in the interests of the children).

A court decision on adoption is made taking into account the state of health, family and financial situation of the adoptive parents, the reason for adoption, the state of health and personality of the child, the period during which the adoptive parent has already cared for the child, and the attitude towards the adoptive parents of the children.

A judge cannot deny adoption to citizens on the basis that these people already have or can give birth to their own child.

The benefits of adoption are:

  • Allowing the child to feel like a full member of the family.
  • Retention of all relationships and inheritance rights, including after reaching adulthood.
  • The possibility for the child to receive the adoptive parent's surname, change his name, patronymic and, in some cases, date of birth.
  • Adoptions longer than guardianships require the approval of a judge.
  • The state provides practically no assistance after the adoption procedure, with the exception of the provision of postnatal leave and government payments after the birth of a child.
  • Tighter requirements for applicants for adoptive parents, their financial situation, living conditions in comparison with other formal arrangements.

If we talk about how guardianship differs from adoption, it turns out that few citizens know this difference. People who have never tried to foster someone else's child find themselves at a disadvantage when faced with bureaucratic procedures. Therefore, before making a choice, you should consider all the details.

What is this

Guardianship or adoption are ways to place a child who has lost his parents into a family. These two forms of raising children are different from each other, although at first glance the difference is not visible. The differences primarily lie in the legal rights of adults who take custody of a minor.

As for guardianship, this is one of the forms of trusteeship. The procedure can be carried out not only by a court decision, but also by a decision of the relevant guardianship authority. One of the main differences between such guardianship and adoption is the monetary reward.

If we talk about how guardianship differs from other forms, it is termination. The difference between guardianship and adoption is that the guardian can lose his rights for various reasons. This may be the achievement of a certain age by the pupil, a decision of the relevant body, etc. If citizens become adoptive parents, then only the court can deprive them of this right.

It follows that adoption means the transfer of parental rights. A man and woman who adopt a minor become his parents by law. Only the court has the right to provide the opportunity for adoption and to deprive the rights if the parents fail to fulfill their responsibilities.

Rights of guardians and adoptive parents

To understand what is better - guardianship or adoption, you should understand the rights of persons who take in other people's children. As a guardian, a citizen has the right:

  1. Receive all necessary payments and benefits.
  2. Keep the property of the ward until he reaches adulthood.
  3. Contact government agencies on behalf of the student.
  4. Represent his interests in court.

These are the basic rights granted to guardians of minors. Interestingly, the same rights are granted to adoptive parents. They are also obliged to provide the persons being adopted with maintenance and to take care of their health and moral development. But persons who have chosen between adoption and guardianship over the former have much more rights. For example, they have the right to change the child’s first or last name, prohibit communication with other relatives, etc.

Information: in the event of a divorce, adoptive parents are required to pay alimony for a minor and be responsible for his actions.


So, child guardianship and adoption are different forms of parenting. But there are restrictions that do not allow all citizens without exception to take on such responsibility. It is prohibited to issue guardianship or adopt children to the following categories of citizens:

  1. Persons who are incapacitated or have limitations.
  2. Previously deprived of parental rights.
  3. Released from the duties of a guardian or trustee.
  4. Those with disabilities or serious health problems.
  5. Not having sufficient financial resources to raise a child.
  6. Persons without a fixed place of residence.
  7. For those who have a criminal record under certain articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  8. Foreigners in same-sex marriages.

The court or guardianship authority will refuse if such facts are discovered.


Knowing the difference between adoption and guardianship, it is much easier to choose the necessary method of placing a child. Guardianship and adoption have a number of differences, including:

  1. Period. The adoption is permanent unless the court rules otherwise. But guardianship is always a temporary phenomenon.
  2. Legal aspects. The guardian performs only some of the functions of the parents, while the adoptive parents are the parents in fact.
  3. Finance. Guardianship is more profitable, since the state pays a monthly benefit. Adoption only provides for the payment of a one-time benefit and the opportunity to receive maternity capital.
  4. Reporting. Guardianship authorities always monitor the actions of guardians. And even more than that, they are forced to provide reports. Adoptive parents are also checked, but control over them is not so strict, and they do not need to write reports.
  5. Personal information. Since the guardian is only a temporary parent, he does not have the right to change the child's data. The adoptive parent, having the rights of a parent, can give the minor his last name or patronymic.

When choosing a form of device for a minor that is different from the others, you should take into account all the nuances.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The pros and cons of these ways of raising someone else's child often help you make the right choice. When it comes to guardianship, you should consider the following advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Full custody is only possible until the child turns 14 years old. Then he becomes partially capable.
  2. The guardian is obliged to provide the pupil with the opportunity to communicate with relatives.
  3. Until the age of 14, he can carry out any transactions on behalf of the child under guardianship.
  4. Receives benefits from the state.
  5. Can independently determine methods of raising a minor.

Adoption also has its good and bad sides. The advantages include:

  • providing the child with a full-fledged family;
  • preservation of inheritance rights to the property of the adoptive parents after the person reaches the age of majority;
  • the opportunity to give the baby your last name:
  • relatives of the adoptive parents become relatives of the baby;
  • The secrecy of adoption is protected by law.

Another thing is the disadvantages of adoption. These include the following facts:

  • it takes a long time to formalize, since the procedure is carried out with the help of the court;
  • all responsibility for the baby falls on the adoptive parents;
  • there are many requirements for candidates, especially in financial terms;
  • difficulties with choosing a child.

Knowing how child custody differs from adoption, you can have no doubt about your choice. Much lies in the good attitude of an adult towards the child he is going to raise and vice versa. In addition, the opinion of children is taken into account if they have already reached 10 years of age.

Despite all this, many choose adoption. Naturally, for this you have to go through a complex procedure, since candidates are selected very carefully. But adoptive parents are parents, especially if the child does not know the truth. There are fewer requirements for guardians, and after a person reaches the age of majority, their services are no longer needed.

In Russia, every year thousands of children are left without adult care, including with living parents. For the harmonious development of personality and integration of a child into society, he needs his own family, where he can find his mother and father. Orphanages do not provide a good education: only close contact with a loved one can give the new generation a chance for a decent life, simple human happiness. You can either establish guardianship over someone else's child or adopt him. Which form is better and what to choose in a particular situation?


Guardianship– a method of providing care for young children (under 14 years of age) left without parental care, a form of representation of the interests of a citizen who is incapacitated due to a court decision that has entered into force. The guardian actually accepts the child into his family and has a high level of responsibility for him, but has a number of restrictions related to the disposal of the ward’s property.

Adoption– a form of placement of children left without parental care into a family with the rights of a natural child. The adoptive parent acquires the full range of parental rights and responsibilities. The procedure is regulated by a number of legal aspects that are mandatory. The child to be adopted must be under 18 years of age, and the adoptive parent must be at least 16 years older than him.


So, adoption and guardianship solve the problem of neglect of children who have lost their biological parents for one reason or another. A person who takes on the work of raising a child is burdened with a wide range of rights and restrictions. However, there is a difference between the concepts, and it is very significant. You can adopt a child of any age – up to 18 years old; if he is over 10 years old, his consent will be required. Guardianship can be established both over young children (under 14 years old) and over an incapacitated person - regardless of his age.

The adoptive parent acquires the full range of parental rights, that is, he accepts the child into his family and can give him his own surname. The guardian's rights are significantly limited, mainly regarding the disposal of children's property. In addition, he must report annually to government authorities, while the adoptive parent is exempt from such obligation.

For guardianship of minor children, a remuneration is provided, which amounts to several thousand rubles per month. The adoptive parent has no right to count on such compensation, since he assumes all obligations for raising the child. Guardianship is automatically terminated when the child reaches 14 years of age, or based on a court decision. Adoption can be canceled only in case of deprivation of parental rights.

Conclusions website

  1. Duration. Guardianship is a temporary phenomenon, limited both by the requirements of the law and the provisions of the agreement (if any), while adoption is permanent.
  2. Legal consequences. The adoptive parent actually becomes the child’s parent, the guardian remains in the same relationship as before the action was committed.
  3. Reward. Guardianship can be carried out on a paid basis, adoption - only on a free basis.
  4. Reporting. The guardian must annually submit a report to the relevant authorities; the adoptive parent can only be checked by special services.
  5. Preservation of the child's first and last name. When guardianship is established, the children's previous personal data is retained; upon adoption, it can be changed.
  6. Acquisition of parental rights occurs only upon adoption.
  7. Termination procedure. Guardianship is terminated in cases provided for by law, regardless of the will of the parties; adoption is terminated only by court decision in the event of deprivation of parental rights.

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