Project on the topic of stones and minerals. Educational project “Pantry of the Urals”

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kalinin kindergarten"

Information and educational

creative project for children 4-5 years old

"Amazing Stones"

as part of the thematic week “Stones”

(from 07/11/2016 - 07/18/2016)

Pustobaeva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna

Project type: cognitive.

Project attribute: ecological.

By the nature of contacts: children, teachers, parents.

By number of participants: group.

By duration: short-term (week).

6. Subject of study: objects of inanimate nature - stones.

Main directions of the project:

Cognitive and research.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic.

Goals and objectives:

1. Introduce children to the properties of different stones.

2. Learn to identify the characteristics of stones, classify them on different grounds, learn to select precise definitions to characterize their features.

3. Learn about the diverse uses of stones by humans.

4. Introduce children to stones of natural and artificial origin.

5. Get acquainted with a new - modular - type of fine art.

6. Learn to create artistic images based on natural forms (pebbles).

7. Learn to construct buildings using basic drawings from stones.

8. Expand children’s understanding of Ural gems, nature and people of this region.

Methods used in the implementation of the project:

Research: observations in nature;

Visual: illustrations, photos, natural objects;

Listening to music;

Presentations, watching cartoons, reading fiction;

Directly organized activities (integration of educational areas)

Forms of organization for project implementation:

gaming activities: didactic, outdoor games;

artistic and creative activities of children and parents, pupils (plasticineography, paper plastic, creative competitions.);

labor activity (collecting stones on the kindergarten site);


Project resource support:

Methodological tools.

Visual material:

a) real and artificial stones, in illustrations;

b) printed board games on ecology;

c) didactic games on ecology;

Project implementation plan:

STAGE 1 – preparatory

Activities of a teacher. Children's activities. Interaction with family.

1. Selection of literature about stones: poems, riddles, proverbs, signs.

2. Determining the level of children’s knowledge about the variety of stones.

3. Creation of a subject-specific development environment on the project topic:

Invite parents to bring a stone craft for the mini-museum and brief information about the stone from which the craft is made.

Consultation for parents “Ural gemstones”, “Techniques for painting stones”.Appendix 1, 4.

Presentation “Visiting Emerald”.

STAGE 2 – project implementation

Day of the week

Forms of work



View and discuss the presentation "Visiting Emerald." The planet we live on has rock clothing. Where clothing is visible, there are many stones on the surface, and stone mountains rise. Therefore, stones can be found everywhere.

To form the cognitive activity of children when studying the properties of stone. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful designs on stone.

Artistic creativity “Berry” painting on stone

To introduce children to decorative design techniques and arouse interest in drawing in the style of mosaics. Learn to compose a multi-color harmonious composition based on a contour drawing. Improve visual techniques. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Experience No. 1. The most beautiful and the ugliest.Experience No. 2. Color.

Experience No. 3. The biggest and the smallest.

Introduce children to the variety of stones and how people use them, as well as the properties of different objects and materials.


Listening to music: S. Prokofiev “Dance of Russian Gems” from the ballet “The Tale of the Stone Flower”. Introduce children to the work of the Russian composer. Expand your horizons.


Conversation " World of stones."

Introduce the concepts of “collection”, “collector”, show the variety of stones in shape, color, size, texture; create conditions for emotional and aesthetic perception; be amazed by the amazing natural creations

Didactic game: " Describe the stone."

Teach children to classify stones according to their characteristics.

Experiment No. 4. The roughest and smoothest.Experience No. 5. The hardest or softest.Experience No. 6. The heaviest and lightest.Experience No. 7 . Color.

Experience No. 8. Sound.

Continue to introduce children to the variety of stones and how people use them, as well as the properties of different objects and materials.

GCD "Ural stones"


Artistic creativity (modeling + drawing) "Edible mushroom - inedible."

Develop and maintain interest in visual tasks. Promote the development of creativity in the process of performing a creative task using a variety of techniques and materials.

Topic: " These amazing stones."

Promote the development of dialogical speech, speech activity, enrichment of vocabulary,

Experience No. 9 stone and nail

Experiment No. 10,11, 12, 13 properties of stones

Continue to introduce children to the variety of stones and their properties and purposes.

Reading and discussing a fairy tale P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower".

Introduce children to the creativity of the Russian people. Learn to convey the content of a prose text in speech emotionally and expressively. Expand children's understanding of the variety of works that glorify the beauty of stone and people's respect for this natural phenomenon.

Develop skills and abilities to work with various stones as decorative materials,


Constructive creativity Topic: “What to build a house from?”

Develop an interest in the study of stones and the ability to study them. Activate speech and enrich children's vocabulary with words denoting the properties of objects: stone: hard, strong, heavy, does not absorb water;

Experiment No. 13, 14, 15, 16 properties of stones

Continue to introduce children to the variety of stones, their properties, and develop classification skills.

Reading and discussing a fairy tale P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower".

Continue to get acquainted with the work of P.P. Bazhov, his literary heroes.

Artistic and creative activity. Laying out contour drawings with pebbles.

Develop skills and abilities to work with various stones as decorative materials, develop imagination and a creative approach to performing work.

Didactic games with stones: “What’s extra?”, “Find a pair”, “Continue the row”, board and printed games “Living, inanimate nature”.

Development of sensory abilities and fine motor skills.

Ind. Job "Collect the pebbles"

Prevention of flat feet (at the request of children).

Creation of a mini-museum “Miracle of the Ural Land”.

STAGE 3 – final.

    Exhibition of creative works “Mushrooms in the clearing”.

    Collective composition, photo exhibition about children's creativity “Berry treat” (co-creation of parents and children).

    Exhibition “The Magical Transformation of Pebbles”

    Organization of a mini-museum “Miracle of the Ural Land”.

Project results:

1. Children understand the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans.

2. Mastered the norms of behavior in the natural environment and compliance with them in practical activities and in everyday life.

3. Show a positive attitude towards natural objects.

4. 65% of parents took an active part in the implementation of the project and realized the importance of this project for the comprehensive development of children.


In the Urals, rich in semi-precious stones, decorative and applied art - artistic stone processing - has developed since ancient times.

In the remote villages of the Urals, artisanal miners worked who found and extracted stone from the ground, and then processed it at home. This craft flourished in particular at the beginning of the 15th century, when the first stone processing factories appeared in the Urals.

The enterprises processed malachite, orlets, jasper, marble, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, serpentine and other stones.

The unique beauty of Ural stone, the rich variety and durability of the stone have made it indispensable for the crafts of making luxury goods and jewelry.

Malachite is one of the most beautiful minerals. The stone is bright, richly colored in various shades of delicate greenery. It is distinguished by a special, unique and infinitely varied, but only characteristic, pattern. Light polishing of a small cut of the stone is enough to highlight the natural beauty of the stone.

Rhodonite is a dawn-colored stone. In stone cutting, rhodonite rock is used - “eagle”. There are unusually beautiful specimens. Rhodonite - brings harmony to family relationships. It has the ability to ignite and support a person’s love for life. The stone helps to develop hidden abilities and talents.

Jasper is the most common semi-precious stone. The colors of the stone are varied not only in the main color, but also in various combinations of shades. Various impurities form an endless variety of intricate patterns on jasper. There are even jaspers with landscape designs. Jasper has special mysterious properties and was considered a reliable amulet.

Marble is a stone of restrained colors, but of various shades and color combinations. The stone is soft and is found everywhere in the Urals.

Rock crystal is an unusual transparent crystalline stone. Dazzling snow-white crystals fascinate with the brilliance of geometrically precise edges. Rock crystal crystals attract love, joy, luck and prosperity.

Lapis lazuli is a surprisingly bright stone the color of a blue starry sky with sparkling inclusions. This stone was called the "stone of heaven" and was one of the most expensive stones. In ancient times, people saw in it a reflection of the highest heavenly powers.

Serpentine is a green rock with a characteristic pattern, reminiscent of snake tracks. A very strong energy drink that gives a feeling of protection, mental balance and peace.

Dark Amethyst

Smoky Quartz

Ural emerald





All these stones were mined by ordinary people, peasants, and cut on primitive machines; some of them were taken to Yekaterinburg, where there were cutting workshops.
Products made from these stones are the calling card of the Urals.
They were almost untouched by time, fashion, or artistic style. These are boxes, key rings, paperweights, signets, cutting knives, pens, oval brooches, beads and similar little things. Vases, bowls, ashtrays and other products.

Appendix 2

Introducing preschoolers to folk crafts.

Summary of the lesson-conversation “Ural stones”

Preliminary work. Reading tales by P. P. Bazhov. Watching animated films based on the works of P. P. Bazhov. Learning proverbs and sayings about the Motherland. Organization of an exhibition of products and jewelry made from Ural gems.

Target. Raising cognitive activity in children, expanding their understanding of the world around them, in particular with the folk crafts of the masters of the Urals.


1. Introduce children to the collection of stones and products made from Ural stone

2. Expand children’s knowledge about the diversity and beauty of Ural stones

3. Develop children's cognitive activity

4. Activate the child’s speech,

5. Develop children's creativity


Collection of stones

Box of sensations

Exhibition of stone products





Multi-colored pebbles

Cardboard base with plasticine

Contents of organized children's activities

1. Introductory words from the teacher.

What is Russia for us? (Children's answers.)


But among the vastness of our country there is a wonderful land.

Find out what they call it by listening to the poem:

“They say about it (the Urals) that it is rich in stones,

And it is also famous for its craftsmen.

Who has been to the region

And I read Bazhov,

He will certainly stay with us.”

(L.P. Vladimirov).

That's right, well done! The Urals is our region, the region where we live, our Motherland.

The Urals have long been famous for their semi-precious stones.

I want to show you a collection of stones.

Admire the wealth of the Ural Mountains. Look how colorful they are

What names do these stones have? (Children's answers).

Educator: The unique beauty of gems inspired the Ural writer Pavel Bazhov to tell in the fairy tale “Mistress of the Copper Mountain” the treasures stored in the caches of the Urals.

What stone? Hard or soft, heavy or light, cold or warm, what is its surface?

Look at the stones, touch them, stroke them.

Examine the stones with a magnifying glass, tell us what you see (cracks, patterns, crystals)

And in terms of hardness, what are they? (solid)

And you know that not all stones are equally hard...

How can you determine the softness of a stone? (knock, squeeze, scratch)

So: having studied the stone, what did you learn about it? (it is light, shiny, hard).

Rhodonite - “eagle stone” in Rus' it was believed that if you put a piece of rhodonite in the cradle of a child, he will grow up healthy, strong, brave, vigilant like an eagle.

Jasper is “variegated”, this stone comes in different colors, green, white, brown. In the Urals, jasper stone has always been considered a symbol of true friendship.

Malachite is called the Russian stone.

Serpentine - why do you think it was called that? (its color looks like a snake)

Selenite is a stone mined only in Kungur.

All stones are different; they differ in color, shape, size and even hardness. This is the beauty that the nature of our region has created.

Why did we look at and study the stones? (to become stone masons)

How did stone craftsmen use the beauty and characteristics of stone in their works?

What can be made from stone?

Some craftsmen made various figures from stone; what stone did they use for this? (soft selenite)

Others used the beauty of the stone in jewelry (beads)

People who are true masters of stone crafts have learned to see the features of stone, its beauty and have managed to find the stone its purpose.

Let's try to be masters of stone crafts? Guys, do you want to become Ural craftsmen? (Children's statements.)

Educator: I suggest you take the path to the workshop along a winding mountain path.

Physical education minute: Children line up one after another and perform actions in accordance with the text.

We walk along the path, lifting our feet higher,

We are not afraid of obstacles.

Everyone is happy to meet someone new.

Step wider, walk bolder,

Turn right, turn left,


Admire it, lean in.

A mountain is visible ahead

It's time for us to hurry there

Things are waiting for us in the workshop

We are master guys.

Children approach the artistic and creative activity area. And now, guys, I invite you to the workshop, where you can show your skills and add your own jewelry to the collection. Children make decorations from plasticine and then examine the finished works and put them on display.

Educator: Did you guys like our conversation? What did you enjoy doing most?

Educator: The future of our country largely depends on you guys, on how much you love your Motherland, your native land, what good you can do for it when you become adults. This concludes our conversation. Thanks for the work.

Appendix 3

Lesson notes

in artistic and aesthetic education

"Ural Gems"

Program content:

    Introduce children to the beauty and diversity of Ural stones.

    Expand your understanding of the underground riches of the Urals.

    Instill love for the native land, cultivate a sense of patriotism.

    Develop children's creative abilities.

Equipment: Exhibition of stones, minerals and crafts made from Ural gems; magnifying glasses, plasticine, boards; wall physical map of Russia.

Preliminary work:

Prepare (with the help of parents) an exhibition of stones and crafts made from Ural gems;

Reading tales by P.P. Bazhov’s “Silver Hoof” and “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”;

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, what country do we live in? (Showing Russia on the map)

What is the name of the place in Russia where we live? (Ural - showing the Ural Mountains on the physical map of Russia)

We live in a beautiful region, not far from the Ural Mountains. These places have long been famous for their beauty and untold underground riches.

Listen to the poem:

Ural Mountains

On stone slabs,

They lead us

To the land of malachite.

To a land where you can't count

Precious stones,

To the country of hard workers

And kind people.

What works of P.P. Bazhov have we read? (fairy tales “Mistress of the Copper Mountain” and “Silver Hoof”)

What are these tales about? (about the riches of the bowels of the Urals, about semi-precious stones, about kind and hard-working people who used to live in the Urals)

What is skaz? Is this a fairy tale? (Pavel Petrovich Bazhov communicated a lot with workers who mined underground wealth, and transformed the legends that they told him into tales in which there is both truth and fiction)

Guess the riddles based on Bazhov's tales.

What was the name of the goat from the story? (Silver hoof)

What did the lizard turn into? (to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain)

What was the name of the cat in the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (Murenka)

What was the name of the girl in the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (Darenka)

What did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain give to Stepan? (malachite box)

Right! Well done!

Now let's come to our exhibition and look at the collection of stones and crafts made from them.

Coal and iron ore, copper and nickel, chromium and asbestos, gold and the famous Ural gems are mined in the Urals. (show)

Diamonds are mined in the Urals; this transparent stone is very valuable. It is very hard, almost eternal. It is so hard that it can (if sharpened) easily cut glass. Diamonds are used to make very expensive diamond jewelry.

The green stone is emerald. Not long ago, the largest emerald weighing 6 kg 650 grams was found in the Urals.

Selenite is mined not far from our city, in Kungur. Look how warm and beautiful this stone is. Various crafts are made from it.

And this is a coil. Why do you think it is called that? (looks like a snake, shimmers)

Let us make a lizard - the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. (children sculpt according to the diagram)

Who visited us

Who has seen our land

Won't forget, won't forget

Our rich Ural.

Appendix 4

    Stone painting techniques

One of the simplest painting techniques isstencil This technique is used to create repeating patterns and is widely used for painting various ornaments and borders.

If the image consists of several colors, use the corresponding number of stencils. The paint can be applied either with a brush and swab or with an airbrush.

Airbrush is a tool for precise dosing of paint sprayed under air pressure.

One of the advantages of airbrushing is very smooth transitions from one color to another (stretch marks), and a perfectly even coating of paint on any surface, even a complexly curved one. These advantages, as well as the ability to obtain lines of varying thickness and degree of blur, have made the airbrush technique one of the leading modern technologies in artistic painting.

Traditional techniques include"sgraffito" (Italian: sgraffito or graffito, literally “scratched”). The “sgraffito” technology consists of sequentially applying thin layers of plaster painted in different colors onto a wall plane and then scratching the pattern. The image made using the sgraffito technique is clear, without halftones, but has a pronounced relief.

3.1. Tips for painting on stones:

By painting stones and adding details to them with paint, you can create amazing things.

Not all stones are suitable for painting. Take the stone in your hands and see what it looks like. Some stones are too rough and difficult to paint, and some absorb paint like a sponge. For work, choose stones that are smooth. It is easiest for paint to apply to such stones.

Before you start painting, you need to prepare the stones. Rinse them thoroughly with water and let dry. Prepare a palette on which you will mix colors. Never let acrylic paint dry on your brush. This makes them hard and impossible to work with. Therefore, if you paint with acrylic paint, always leave the brush in water.

While working, wear old clothes or special aprons for creativity. If acrylic paint gets on your clothing, try scrubbing it off with an old toothbrush and soap before the paint has time to dry. Acrylic paint that has dried on clothing cannot be removed.

Cover your work area with newspaper. It will protect the table from accidental paint and will absorb a large amount of moisture if you accidentally knock over a glass of water. It is better for children to use a sippy cup.

If you make a mistake while working, simply wipe off the paint before it dries or let it dry and then paint over it.

    1. Materials for work:

Various types of paints: acrylic, gouache, watercolor. It is better to use acrylic paints; they create a glossy surface and do not require varnish. After drying, they are not washed off with water.

Acrylic paints for stone - they can be purchased at any art store, the main thing is to make the right choice (they are available for various surfaces - fabric, paper, wood, plastic, etc., glossy or matte, regular and aerosol). Such paints are more expensive than all others, but they have many advantages, such as brightness and purity of colors, ease of dissolution and mixing, and the ability to cover the color of the base when applying the next layer of paint. Acrylic paints for stone dry quickly, forming an indelible elastic film.

Various gels and felt-tip pens for decoration, to create special effects.

Brushes of various sizes. For a beginning artist, a set of pony or squirrel hair brushes will be enough. For acrylic paint, choose bristle brushes.

Synthetic brushes of different widths - natural ones are not recommended for use when working with acrylic paints, since acrylic has a detrimental effect on them. For small parts, toothpicks can also be useful.

Varnish for coating crafts. Transparent varnish for final processing of products.

Pencils for sketching. For light stones - a black pencil, for dark ones - white.

Suitable stones are light, smooth, flat, preferably round or oval. A more intricate shape can also be used to advantage by coming up with an appropriate image for the boulder. It’s good if you manage to select stones with a flat base that maintain a stable position not only on the grass, but also on smooth surfaces (for example, tiles). Porous stones may also come in handy - you can use them to make, for example, Dutch cheese.

Solvent for acrylic paints (rinse brushes after work, remove stains on hands, etc.)

Palette for mixing paints (if you first cover it with foil, then after the end of the session you will not need to use a solvent). If you don’t have a palette, take any surface that does not absorb moisture (plastic, polyethylene).

A damp cotton cloth or paper napkins (without dust) to blot the brush with paint - this way you can avoid blots on the stones. An old T-shirt or towel is suitable for this.

Polyethylene or newspapers to cover the work area.

Work clothes are the ones you won't be sorry to say goodbye to, because acrylic paints are very difficult to wash. A disposable cellophane raincoat is ideal.

    Stages of artistic painting on stone :

Step one: getting ready

Wash the stones with soap and dry (you can use a hairdryer). Dress in work clothes and lay polyethylene on the work surface.

Step two: prime

Treat the dried stones with a deep penetration primer, which is probably left in any house after renovation, and dry again.

Step three: draw the background

To avoid separately extracting liquid and exfoliated colored “flakes” from the tube instead of paint, be sure to shake the paint thoroughly before use by tapping the bubble on your palm. If you have not yet decided on a “character” for the stone, it’s time to do this, because it’s time to apply a basic background (for example, red for strawberries, blue for fish, green for a frog, and so on; for multi-color compositions, the base one will be the one that will be in the future will take up more space on the figure). To do this, dilute the appropriate color with water in a 1:1 ratio (it is better to use the cheapest brushes for diluting paints), and if necessary, mix the paints to obtain the desired shade. If you still have not been able to find light stones for painting, you should first cover them with a layer of light paint and dry them - this way the paints applied in the future will be brighter and more natural. After applying the main background, you should dry it for 10-15 minutes, which can be spent working on the next copy, if there is one.

Step four: painting with acrylic paint

Make a sketch for painting with acrylic paint on paper, and then with a thin, soft “simple” pencil on a stone blank. Think through the details. After this, you can safely begin painting in layers, each of which needs to dry for about a quarter of an hour. Finally, draw the outlines with the thinnest brush (the thinner the paint, the better). The resulting garden “sculptures” can be decorated to your taste with any available materials - sparkles, sequins, beads, which do not require glue to secure (an additional drop of paint will hold them in place).

Step five: dry the stones and dry yourself

We place the products under a warm radiator, our hands under the tap, and our brushes in the solvent to remove the remaining clogged paints from the bundle and from under the clip.

Step Six: Protective

We cover the dried masterpieces with a transparent varnish, which will add depth to the colors and protect the paint from damage and fading in the sun. Now you can safely carry the revived and “playing” stones into the garden, admire them yourself and surprise your relatives and friends, as well as take your neighbors on excursions. If you wish, you can place your creations in your home - they will perfectly decorate almost any interior.


A tastefully decorated plot is an island of nature near the house, increasing the value and livability of the home. Decorating my site with artistically painted stones will allow me to emphasize all the advantages of our site and hide its shortcomings, and maybe turn them into advantages. The design of a site, made in accordance with taste and lifestyle, can always indicate the individuality of its owner.

All this as a whole can create a unique living composition that combines the beauty of nature and the creativity of design art.

Painting on stone is a unique technique, as it is very simple, understandable and accessible.

The created stones will be a wonderful gift or decoration for your home interior, garden plot and will delight your loved ones for many years.

Appendix 5

Photo report on the project “Amazing Stones”

Irina Dobrynina

Project« The amazing world of stones»

1. Type project: educational

2. Sign project: ecological

4. By the nature of contacts: children, teacher, parents

5. By the number of participants: group

6. Duration: short-term (2 weeks);

7. Subject of study – objects of non-living nature – stones, minerals, crystals

Main directions project:

Cognitive and research

Speech development

Target project:

Creating conditions for joint and independent activities of teachers and students in the development of children’s cognitive and research abilities, the formation of children’s logical thinking


Contribute to expanding children's knowledge about the properties and features stones and minerals;

Develop cognitive activity in the process of conducting experimental research

activities and a sense of mutual assistance.

Expand children's vocabulary, form coherent speech when composing descriptive stories about stones and minerals

Encourage children to put forward hypotheses, develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions, and establish the simplest relationships and patterns in the phenomena of the surrounding world.

To cultivate a sense of beauty to see the diversity of the world.

Relevance project:

Living in a country rich in mineral resources, children have no knowledge of those around us stones and minerals. Introducing children to diversity stones helps you get to know the nature of your native land and country better. For centuries, our region has been famous for its mineral resources, which children and even adults, unfortunately, are not familiar with. But the Kirensky district and the Irkutsk region are rich in various minerals and minerals (mica, coal, sandstone, flagstone, lime, etc.)

Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, and promotes the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and respect for natural resources.

In preschool age, of particular importance for the development of a child’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering ways of practical interaction with the environment expands the child’s worldview and his personal growth. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in a preschooler the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the surrounding world and independently apply knowledge in practical activities. To help preschoolers establish cause-and-effect relationships in living and inanimate nature, developing in them a caring attitude towards the world around them.

Expected results:

Children learned to distinguish minerals and crystals and be able to name their features; keep an observation sheet, filling it out in symbolic writing; learned to work with a magnifying glass, tweezers and a glass slide; competently construct descriptive stories using adjectives in speech (pearl, coral, amber, etc.); a grown crystal that was placed in a collection that grew into a mini-museum;

Participation of children in all types of activities, involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten

Action plan:

1. Goal setting;

2. Development of the content of the entire educational process based on topics project;

3. Organization of a developmental, cognitive, subject environment;

4. Determining the directions of cognitive practical activity;

5. Organization of joint creative cognitive practical activities

Event plan project activities

Stages Collaborative work between teacher and children Goals and objectives

1 Information for parents about upcoming activities.

Selection of demonstration material on this topic.

Selection of fiction.

"Minerals" Children's Encyclopedia;

"How do they live stones» E. Chuiko. Expand parents' understanding of diversity stones and minerals of our region. Get interested in what's coming project

2 Topic: "Amazing stones"

Target: Introduce children to the diversity of the world stones. Consider and identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials

Subject: "We are geologists"

Goals: develop tactile sensations, recognize properties “by touch” substances: hardness, softness, buoyancy.

Learn to compare and distinguish substances according to their state.

Develop the ability to independently build a hypothesis before starting experimentation and compare it with the result.

Subject: "Minerals"

Goals and objectives:

Summarize knowledge about minerals; give children an idea of ​​the properties of magnets and how they are used in industry; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions; develop the ability to work in a team.

Application "We are building a house from stones» Target: introduce children to modular application. Arouse interest in creating the image of a stone house using visual and expressive means. Develop the ability to plan your work and carry out your plans technologically. Develop a sense of composition

Drawing by Design "Pebble Transformation" Target: teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms. Introduce different drawing techniques stones of different shapes. Improve visual techniques. Develop imagination.

Reading fiction

Fairy tale by I. N. Ryzhova “What the pebbles were whispering about”

P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Silver Hoof", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Poems, proverbs and sayings about stones. Target: introduce children to the works of Pavel Bazhov. Emotionally include children in the atmosphere "skaz", in listening to his lively dialogues that evoke good feelings. To develop children's imagination, the ability to imagine a fairy-tale hero and describe him.

Watching cartoons;

Based on the fairy tales of P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower" Target: Continue to introduce the work of P. Bazhov, his literary heroes.

Outdoor games: "We are rock climbers", "King of the Hill", "Find your stone" Target: Develop children’s motor skills and abilities, learn and remember the rules of the game. Play by yourself

View presentations: "World stones» , "Precious stones» Target: Develop cognitive interest. Familiarize yourself with the names of minerals stones

Didactic games with stones for the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills

What's extra? "

- "Find a couple"

-"Continue the series"

Board-printed games

- "Living and inanimate nature"

Role-playing games

- "In Search of Treasure" Target: Develop logical thinking, attention, visual perception, the ability to select an object by color, cultivate perseverance, patience, teach to put the material back in its place.

3 Designed a mini-museum « Amazing stones»

Conducted a quiz "What do we know about stones»

Exhibition "Products from stone» Target: Identify acquired knowledge about the proposed topic. Develop independence in choosing a topic you like and the ability to speak coherently.

Project type: group, information-cognitive-research. Project duration: 1 week. Project participants: children of the older group (5-6 years old), teacher.

Relevance of the project: Living in a country rich in minerals, children have no knowledge about the rocks and minerals around us. Introducing children to a variety of stones helps them become more familiar with the nature of Russia. Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, and promotes the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and caring attitude towards natural resources.

Target: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities of students.


1.Teach children research activities aimed at understanding the world around them.

2. Develop mental operations, be able to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, and activate children’s vocabulary.

3. To form children’s ideas about the variety and characteristics of stones.

4. Introduce children to the role of stones in human life.

5. Foster a caring attitude towards inanimate nature.

6. Develop emotional responsiveness, curiosity, and interest in a variety of natural resources.

Expected result:

*Children have formed ideas about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, knowledge about the benefits of stones in nature and human life.

*Have an idea of ​​how stones are mined and how they are used, and what minerals Russia is rich in.

*Demonstrate cognitive abilities: demonstrate the prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative.

*Translate ideas into creative activities.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1. Identifying children's initial knowledge about stones.

What do I know about stones?

Sasha: “Stones can be found in the ground, in the river.”

Misha: “All stones are hard.”

Lenya: “Stones are not made by human hands, that means they are nature.”

Olya: “They make different decorations from them.”

What do we want to know about stones?

Vika: “What kind of stones are there?”

Lenya: “What do people do with stones? Where did the stones come from?

Where can I find information?

Arseny: “You can look it up on the Internet”

Lena: “Look at different magazines”

Nadya: “I’ll ask mom and dad.”

Selection of demonstration material on this topic.
A collection of stones collected by children.

Stage 2. The joint activities of adults and children are carried out taking into account the integration of educational areas:

*Experimental activities. Lesson “We are geologists.” Purpose: to study the properties of stones. Tasks:

  • Clarify ideas about the properties of stones: hardness, softness, buoyancy, temperature.
  • Develop children's speech: describe the appearance of stones, consolidate the ability to clearly pronounce words; talk coherently and consistently about the subject using a table.
  • Develop the ability to independently build a hypothesis before starting experimentation and compare it with the result.
  • Introduce the profession of geologist.

Preliminary work: collecting various stones for the collection, reading and discussing fairy tales by P. Bazhov.

Equipment: a box with semi-precious stones, a letter, a model of a mountain, a stream, bags of sand (bumps), a container with water, illustrations of stone structures.

Handouts: stones according to the number of children, tables, pencils and colored pencils, magnifying glasses, coins. Work aprons, sleeves, caps.

TSO: laptop with illustrations of stone structures, radio tape recorder with sounds of a mountain river, music.

Vocabulary work: geologist, smooth, rough.

*Acquaintance with the surrounding world: examination of the atlas “Mineral Resources”.

*Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Didactic game “How many stones are in our collection.”

*Communication: children compose creative stories about stones; a child's verbal description of a stone.

*Artistic creativity: painting with watercolors on stones (children decorated the stones with flowers, some painted them in the shape of insects).

*Didactic games with stones to develop sensory abilities and fine motor skills.

*Plot-role-playing game “In Search of Treasure” (the game was played on the street).

*Safety: conversation “How to behave in the laboratory while working” (studying the properties of stones).

*Active game while walking: “Find your stone.”

*Reading fiction: fairy tale by I.N. Ryzhova “What the Pebbles Whispered About”, P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”, “Silver Hoof”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”.

*View a series of photographs “Structures made of stones”.
*Collaboration with family: selection of stones for the collection.

Stage 3. We created a set of large and small stones to develop fine motor skills. We designed a mini-museum “Amazing Stones”.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kalinin secondary school"

Stones. Unusual in the ordinary.

Completed by: Kolesnikov Semyon,

2nd grade student of MBOU "Kalininskaya Secondary School"

Head: Goncharenko L.M.



I. Introduction

II. Main part. My research on the topic “Stone. Unusual in the ordinary"

1. Questionnaire

2. How did stones appear on Earth?

3. Stories of stones

IV. Practical part. My collection “World of Stone”

V. Conclusions

VI. References

Choosing a research topic. I often bring home different stones from a walk. They can be found anywhere: on the streets of our village, on the banks of the Tasheba River, even in the garden. They are not similar to each other in shape, color, size, some are beautiful, others not so much, but they are all called in one word - stone. I look at them and think - probably each of them has its own name, its own story of appearance on Earth.

I wanted to know:

Where do stones come from? How many are there on Earth?

What are they called?Why are stones needed?

I tried to find answers to these and other questions in my work.

Purpose of the study. Find out the history of the appearance of stones on Earth, their properties and significance in human life.

Research objectives.

    Find and study literature on this topic.

    Find out what your classmates know about this topic.

    Find out as much as possible about stones (what they are, names, stories associated with stones, how they appeared on Earth, what benefits they bring to people).

    Collect a collection of stones that people use.

Research hypothesis. I can guess:1) stones surrounding a person may have unusual properties; 2) a person can use the various properties of stones for his own benefit.

Research methods:

    analysis of scientific literature;




Research results

To find answers to the questions posed, I asked my parents, read books on this issue, and surfed the Internet. Here are the results of my research.


I conducted a survey among my classmates. It was attended by

19 people. Age - 8 years.


Answered "yes"

Answered "no"

Have you collected stones?

If you collected it, then why?

13 people (answers: “for the collection”, “interesting”, “they are beautiful”, “for playing”, “for the aquarium”, “just because”)

6 people

Do you know the names of the stones? Write down the names.

17 people (most named 1-2 stones)

2 people

Do you know how stones appeared on Earth?

9 people

10 people

How does a person use stones?

11 people (answers: “in construction”, “for crafts”, “they make beads, bracelets”)

8 people

Do you want to know more about stones?

16 people

3 people

Conclusions: the guys know little about the world of stones, they want to learn more.

What is "stone"?

Man has been friends with stone for tens of thousands of years.The very first tools of ancient man were made of stone. Archaeologists still find stone knives, axes, needles, and spears in ancient burials. Therefore, one of the periods of ancient history is called the Stone Age.

In the dictionaryI found the meaning of the word "stone".

“Stone is a solid rock in pieces or a solid mass, as well as a separate piece, a fragment of such rock.”

There are more than 8,000 types of natural stones in the world.

How did stones appear on Earth?

Stones differ in color, appearance and properties because they were “born” in different conditions.

There are rocks that were “born” from magma - molten substance from the depths of the Earth. Magma could endurelava flows during volcanic eruptionsor it froze at some depth, not reaching the earth's surface. These are igneous rocks. This is how granite and basalt were formed.
Sedimentary rocks were “born” from fragments of other rocks. They were processed and brought by water. For example, sandstone, rock salt.

Rocks could be “born” from the remains of ancient plants and animals. This is how limestones were formed.

Stories of stones.

First stone: coal.

I found this stone in our yard. It is black in color, shiny, rough to the touch, hard, durable. The stone has one remarkable property - it heats up in fire, fills with a red flame, hot, like fire, and burns itself. This is coal.

Where did he come from?

It all started many millions of years ago, when the Earth was a kingdom of forests and swamps. Stepping on the forests, the swamp water flooded the entire ground around the giant trees, washed away their roots, the trees died and fell into the muddy swamp slurry. Over a long period of time, a thick layer of compacted plants accumulated underground. The remains of the trees rotted and turned into a brown mass - peat. Compressed by layers of earth, the peat gradually hardened, turned to stone and turned into stone - brown coal. And if brown coal underground was very strongly compressed, it gradually turned into black coal, and then into anthracite. This is the best type of coal. It burns with almost no smoke and produces a lot of heat.

When burned, coal produces a lot of heat. That's why man uses it as fuel.

In addition to heat and energy, coal has given us many other gifts: plastic toys, medicinal and aromatic substances, car tires, fishing nets, paints and varnishes.

On the map “Mineral Resources of Khakassia” there are black squares - these are symbols of coal deposits.

Not far from our village Kalinino is the city of Chernogorsk. It is called the city of coal miners. Chernogorsk got its name from the Black Mountain; it is a real coal storehouse. Coal reserves in the Chernogorsk deposit amount to hundreds of millions of tons. This coal will last for decades to come. And the reserves of the Beyskoye field are about one billion tons. In Khakassia there are also Izykhskoye and Askizskoye coal deposits.

Second stone: limestone.

I saw this stone at home when my parents were preparing for whitewashing. If you boil it, you get lime. And the stone itself is called limestone. Limestone is a white or whitish-gray stone and leaves white marks on the hands.

It is usually mined in quarries or open pits. People who mine limestone in a quarry work as if at the bottom of the sea. Of course, now there is no sea in this place, but it was many millions of years ago (then the continents, oceans and seas were located differently than they are now). Marine organisms died and sank to the bottom. From their skeletons and shells, layers of limestone gradually formed.

When large, even limestone stones are needed, they are cut out in a quarry with special saws. If small, uneven stones are needed, they are mined using an excavator.

This is a very useful resource. No construction project is complete without limestone. It is spent on the production of cement, which is needed to hold together building parts: bricks, slabs, blocks. Lime is obtained from limestone, which is used to whitewash walls and ceilings. Lime is also included in plaster. It is even included in glass.

Our republic has its own limestone deposits (they are indicated on the map by a white square with diagonals).The best of them are located in our Ust-Abakansky district (these are the Uybatskoye and Ulenskoye deposits) and in the Bogradsky district (Loshchinskoye deposit).

Third stone: marble.

And my classmate brought this snow-white beautiful stone to school. This is marble. The teacher said that marble is also limestone. If limestone sinks to great depths (for example, during an earthquake, volcanic eruption), then under the influence of high temperatures and enormous pressure it turns into beautiful marble.

Marble is very durable and hard. It surprises us with different colors and patterns. Marble polishes well. Polished, it becomes smooth and incredibly beautiful. Therefore, marble is used for cladding walls and columns in palaces and metro stations.

Khakassia has its own large reserves of marble (the symbol on the map is a rhombus with one diagonal). This is the Kibik-Kordonskoye field not far from the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, it isone of the oldest marble deposits in Russia. Marble from this deposit was used for cladding metro stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Limestone has another “relative” with which every schoolchild is familiar. We write and draw with them on the board and asphalt. Thischalk. It, of course, bears little resemblance to stone: it is less durable, easily breaks into pieces, and crumbles. But at the same time, chalk is our indispensable assistant at school.

Practical part . My collection "World of Stone".

With the help of my parents, I collected a collection of decorative and ornamental stones, which I called “The World of Stone.” I prepared a report about my collection, a slide presentation and spoke to my classmates, as well as at a school scientific and practical conference for primary school students.



Completed by: Maltovnik Ksenia

student of 4th grade "B"


Romanchikova Olga Mikhailovna

Purpose of the study : study the properties of minerals and their applications

Tasks :

  • study literature about minerals;
  • find out how minerals were formed on Earth;
  • how many different minerals there are;
  • learn how minerals are used;
  • study the properties of minerals in your collection;
  • introduce others to my hobby and interesting samples from my collection
  • expand your knowledge and understanding in the field of studying nature and its laws
  • take the first step in studying mineralogy using the knowledge of sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology

Relevance The study of minerals is due to their unique properties, the need to attract the interest of others in mineralogy, since the world of minerals has not been fully explored and is fraught with many mysteries.


Minerals are widely used in human activities.

Research methods :

  • literature study,
  • use of Internet resources,
  • survey,
  • observation,
  • research of samples from our own collection
  • mineral classification

Variety of minerals

  • The term “mineral” itself, as far as is known, was first used by a learned monk in the 13th century. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). In medieval Latin it meant “that which comes from a mine,” “fossil.”
  • Mineral(fr. mineral, from late lat. minera- ore) is a natural body with a certain chemical composition and crystalline structure, formed as a result of natural physical and chemical processes and is an integral part of the Earth’s crust, rocks, ores, meteorites.

Today it is known about

4000 types of minerals,

however only a few dozen

distributed on the surface of the Earth.

Study of minerals

  • The science that studies minerals is called mineralogy. She studies the composition, properties, structures and conditions of formation of minerals.
  • Mineralogy is one of the most ancient sciences.
  • The first descriptions of minerals appeared among the ancient Greeks. Mining contributed to the further development of mineralogy. Mineralogy actively uses the achievements of physics, chemistry and other sciences.
  • Thus, the mineralogical study of meteorites and samples from other planets made it possible to learn a lot about the history of the Solar system and

processes of planet formation.

Origin of minerals

In nature, minerals are found in pure form, but much more often they form compounds with other minerals.

Such natural mineral compounds are called rocks.

According to the method of origin, rocks and minerals are divided into igneous,



The main forms of mineral release in nature







The appearance of minerals is unusually different


Desert Rose



My collection

When collecting minerals, it is useful to know their basic physical, chemical and crystalline properties.

Each mineral has a characteristic set of these characteristics that help in its identification.

The easiest way is to describe the physical properties of a mineral, which our senses allow us to determine. For example, optical properties such as color and gloss are determined by eye.

The most important properties of minerals

These properties of minerals are easy

determined in the field.

  • SYNGONY - classification of crystallographic symmetry groups, crystals and crystal lattices
  • CLASS - division of minerals according to common features
  • FRACTURE is a characteristic of a mineral that describes the type of surface formed when the mineral splits.
  • SHINE - an optical effect caused by the reflection of part of the light flux incident on a mineral.
  • TRAIL COLOR - the color of minerals in a fine powder, serves as one of the diagnostic signs for identifying minerals and rocks.
  • HARDNESS. A mineral's hardness is measured by finding the hardest reference mineral it can scratch; and/or the softest reference mineral that scratches the given mineral.

  • Mohs scale(mineralogical hardness scale) a set of reference minerals for determining relative hardness using the scratching method. 10 minerals, arranged in order of increasing hardness, were taken as standards. Proposed in 1811 by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs

Mohs scale

In addition to the Mohs scale, there are other methods for determining hardness, but the different hardness scales cannot be unambiguously correlated with each other. Several more accurate systems for measuring the hardness of materials have been adopted in practice, none of which covers the entire spectrum of the Mohs scale.

Study of mineral properties

Minerals catalog












Sio 2

SrSO 4





(Mq.Fe) 2 SiO 4







CaSO 4 .2H 2 O




SuFeS 2


From colorless to blue and green









Transparent to yellowish

Stroke color



From dark yellow to green and purple

Glass and mother of pearl



Not smooth

Decoration, optics, radio engineering





Glass, silky

Japan, Brazil, India, USA, Hungary

during fireworks



Spain, Tunisia, Türkiye, Russia



Black with a greenish tint


Egypt, Pakistan, Russia

Mexico, Italy, USA, Spain, Greece

Copper Source

Chile, Spain, South Africa, USA

Minerals around us

  • The common salt we eat is a mineral that

geologists call halite.

  • In natural underground

deposits it occurs in the form

stone Very beautiful crystals

rock salt.

  • The mining of precious stones in Russia began in the middle of the 17th century: first, malachite storehouses were discovered, then reserves of amethyst, beryl, topaz, and many ornamental stones (agate, carnelian, jasper) were discovered.
  • Territory of the Russian Federation It is very rich in deposits of precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones; there are both minerals common throughout the world and rare, unique ones. For example, there were no analogues to Ural malachite - even though store shelves are filled with African and Asian malachite jewelry, in terms of quality and beauty they cannot be compared with Ural stones. And the deposits of charoite and some other precious stones in Russia are the only ones in the world.

Mineral protection

To protect the subsoil of the Southern Urals

In 1920, the Ilmen Mineralogical Reserve was created.

More than 270 minerals were discovered here, 17 of which were firsts in the world.

The Ilmen Mountains have not been fully studied. Scientists from all over the world come here in search of new minerals.

  • Amethyst Sverdlovsk, Magadan, Karaganda regions, Karelia, Angaro-Ilimsky iron ore district, Kola Peninsula, Sakha, Komi Republic.
  • Heliodor and aquamarine Chita, Taldykurgan, Sverdlovsk regions, Kazakhstan, Irkutsk region.
  • Emerald Sverdlovsk region "Emerald Mines".
  • Pomegranate Transcarpathia, Karelia, Sverdlovsk, Kamchatka regions, Primorsky Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, Western Transbaikalia, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Uvarovite Perm region, Primorsky Krai, Yakutia.
  • Tsavorite Primorsky Krai, Yakutia.
  • Jade Krasnoyarsk Territory, Komi Republic, North Caucasus, Koryak Highlands.
  • Ruby Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk regions.
  • Lapis lazuli Irkutsk region.
  • Nephritis Ural, Buryatia, Republic of Tyva.
  • Rhodonite Yakutia, Sverdlovsk region, Bashkiria, Buryatia, Khabarovsk region, Irkutsk region.
  • Tourmaline Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk region.
  • Chrysoberyl Sverdlovsk region, Karelia.
  • Chrysolite Taimyr district, Kola Peninsula.
  • Chrome diopside and charoite Yakutia.

  • On the territory of the region, deposits of non-metallic (mostly common) solid minerals have been explored, which are used or can be used in the construction industry, as mineral fertilizers in agriculture and as technological raw materials in industry. Mineral resources of the Penza region are represented by: raw materials for the production of building materials.
  • The geological collection of the Penza Museum of Local Lore includes 2058 storage units. It is based on receipts from the collections of the museums of the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, the Scientific Archival Commission of the Penza Province, and the Academy of Sciences. Employees of the Penza Museum of Local Lore A.A. made a great contribution to the formation of the collection. Shtukenberg, E.M. Pulkhritudova, A.N. Magnitsky, I.I. Sprygin. Its formation and description occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century. The collection was collected in the Sursky region, Russia and abroad. It has great scientific and practical significance. Teachers, students, schoolchildren turn to her. Currently, employees of the Department of Nature are conducting a scientific description of the geological collection that meets modern requirements.

Human use of minerals and rocks

Minerals, and therefore mineralogy, are of extremely great interest to industry, many fields of science and have important aesthetic significance. As for the economy, no matter what aspect we take, right down to the problems of the modern standard of living, any of them turns out to be somehow related to the use of minerals.

Application of minerals

Where are they used?

Chemistry and pyrotechnics

Examples of minerals

As fertilizer

Cinnabar, celestine, sulfur, realgar, halite, calcite, borax, anhydrite

Sylvine, sulfur, Chilean saltpeter, sylvite, carnallite, gypsum, apatite, wavellite

Fluorite, dioptase, quartz

Porcelain, ceramics and glass products

Fluorite, cryolite, cassiterite, strontianite, witherite, celestine, kyanite, wollastonite, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, etc.

In jewelry and as ornamental

Spinel, emerald, diamond, corundum (sapphire, ruby), chrysoberyl, charoite, serpentinite, rhodonite, azurite, malachite, turquoise, chrysolite, garnet group minerals, etc.

As refractories, acid-resistant and electrical insulating materials

Kyanite, brucite, chrysotile, colemanite, olivine, andalusite, sillimanite, pyrophyllite, talc, mica group, tridymite, albite, labradorite

In construction

In medicine and pharmaceuticals

Calcite, dolomite, gypsum

Magnesite, mirabilite, sassolin, colemanite, gypsum

In metallurgy

Dolomite, rhodochrosite, colemanite, vanadinite

In the nuclear industry

Celestine, stilbite, mesolite, laumontite, heulandite, etc.

Interesting mainly for collectors (may be used in the future)

Epidote, arsenolite, phosgenite, ledgillite, aurichalcite, artinite, boracite, crocoite, hübnerite, adamine, olivenite, staurolite, ilvaite, axinite, hedenbergite, augite

  • Minerals, stones, pebbles... they can seriously influence both the person wearing it and outside of it, both helping with the right stone and hindering with the wrong one. There are sets of stones in which enormous powers are hidden, used in magic both for the benefit of a person (healing, good luck) and for harm. Beautiful jewelry trinkets can turn out to be both a guardian angel and a killer demon for their owner or mistress.



One of the famous

historical stones, diamond (weight 88 ct), stored in the Diamond Fund of Russia in Moscow. The stone is engraved with inscriptions in Persian telling about its previous owners: in 1591 the diamond belonged to Burhan Nizam Shah II of the Mughal dynasty, in 1641 to Jahan Shah, in 1824 to Shah Qajar Fath Ali, ruler of Persia.

Diamond Fund of Russia is a unique collection of works of jewelry art from the 18th - 20th centuries. The collection of the Diamond Fund also includes samples of rare precious stones and nuggets of precious metals. The collection that the Kremlin Diamond Fund possesses today was started by Peter the Great.


After doing my research, I found that:

  • The inanimate world around us consists of minerals, like bricks;
  • about 4000 types of minerals are known;
  • the process of mineral formation occurs deep in the bowels of the Earth;
  • each mineral has its own properties;
  • the only mineral that can be eaten is halite, or table salt;
  • minerals are widely used in construction and industry;
  • Almost all known minerals can be found in the Urals;
  • widespread use of minerals can lead to depletion of reserves
  • You can look for minerals for your collection everywhere

  • Based on my research, we can conclude that our life without minerals would be much more difficult, the world of minerals has not been fully explored and is fraught with many mysteries; right under our feet you can find both minerals known to science and discover new ones.
  • I really want to visit the Ural Mountains, the Ilmen Mountains, and the Kungur Caves. I am very interested in minerals and stones. I will continue to collect a collection of minerals in order to better understand their secrets, because discoveries still await me when I study chemistry, physics, geography...

  • Ananyeva E.G., Mirnova S.S. "Earth. Complete encyclopedia." Moscow, Eksmo, 2007
  • Gural S. “Precious stones.” Moscow, Eksmo, 2010
  • "Stones of the world: the most beautiful and famous." Moscow, "Avanta.Astrel.", 2007
  • Farndon John "Precious and semi-precious stones, minerals and minerals." Moscow, Eksmo, 2009
  • Fersman A.E. "Essays on the history of stone." Tt. 1.2. Moscow, “Terra Book Club”. 2003
  • Fersman A.E. "Entertaining mineralogy." Leningrad, “Young Guard”, 1935

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