Project Dymkovo toy in a dhow. Project "Dymkovo toy"

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

What is Dymkovo famous for?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

And there is the love of people.

There is something of the rainbow in her,

From drops of dew.

There is something about joy in her,

Thundering like bass.

(V. Fofanov)

The folk toy has brought to us centuries-old artistic experience, through contact with which the child enriches and enhances the plastic, graphic and color expressiveness of his drawings and the results of modeling and other activities. The figurative structure of the toy, despite its depth and complexity, is open to the child’s perception, and therefore can be a good start in developing perception skills in general, which are necessary later when encountering professional art. Using objects of applied art, it is easier to teach children to look, examine, choose, empathize, respond emotionally to works of art, and find figurative words and expressions to convey their own attitude towards objects. Why was preference given to the Dymkovo clay toy when organizing the project? Due to the fact that the secret of a clay toy lies in the energetically warm and “strong” material - clay, given to us by nature itself. It was assumed that the children themselves would sculpt the toy, and the process of plastic shaping is of great importance for the general and artistic development of the child:

  • Enriches the sensory experience of preschoolers;
  • Harmonizes the work of the two hemispheres of the brain, coordinates the work of both hands, activates the development of fine motor skills;
  • Develops confidence in one’s abilities and a sense of one’s skill and significance (“I can” as a productive basis for the “I - concept”);
  • It influences the development of speech and provides a meaningful basis for the development of a child’s communication with adults and children of different ages.

Why did I choose the Dymkovo toy? Due to its enormous potential for both children and adults. This is expressed in the plastic completeness of the image (several skillful movements - and now a figure emerges from a lump of soft clay), the beauty of manual labor, and the vibrant, bright sonority of painted folk sculpture. These toys are especially diverse in theme, compositional options, multi-colored, the most advanced and technically sophisticated. The generality and completeness of the image, its plasticity, and the absence of small details ensure the accessibility of this type of art for preschoolers. It was also important for me that the Dymkovo toy personifies the traits of the folk (Vyatka) character: perseverance, love of life, openness, thoroughness. These toys create an atmosphere of joy, warmth and kindness. Almost any figurine fits easily into a child’s palm, and the child immediately has a desire to play with it.

Thus, the main project goals steel:

  1. To interest children in the history of the Dymkovo fishery.
  2. To form in children an idea of ​​​​a folk toy, to instill a love for it.
  3. Expand children's horizons through educational and artistic activities.

Based on the goals set, the project objectives were determined:

  1. Expand children's understanding of the Dymkovo toy.
  2. Introduce children to the history of the emergence of the Dymkovo fishery.
  3. To form children’s cognitive interests (familiarity with clay and its properties).
  4. To develop the artistic abilities of children, to cultivate aesthetic perception through familiarization with Dymkovo painting.
  5. Continue to introduce children to oral folk art.

Project participants : children of the middle group, parents of students, group teachers.

Project implementation timeframe : February - May.

Project product: exhibition of children's works "Dymkovo Toy".

Rproject implementation included four stages.

First stage of the project provided for determining the level of formation of preschool children's ideas about folk toys, the level of children's familiarity with oral folk art.

Second stage - project development. At the second stage, the importance of this problem was conveyed to the project participants. Methodological, educational and artistic literature, illustrative material on this topic were also selected. A variety of Dymkovo toys and attributes for children's play activities were selected. Material was selected for children's visual and productive activities. An action plan was also drawn up.

Third stage - project implementation. This stage was built on the basis of the integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Communication”, “Work”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”. Educational activities were carried out by the teacher during routine moments and in the process of organizing various types of children's activities. When implementing the project, the following forms and methods of working with children were used:

Game activity:

  1. Story games: “Shop”.
  2. Didactic games: “Find the same pattern” (development of visual attention, memory, thinking, learning to look at patterns and describe them); Cut-out pictures on the theme “Dymkovo patterns” (teaching children to assemble pictures from 4-6 parts, developing aesthetic perception).
  3. Games - dramatization using Dymkovo toys.

Productive activities:

Children's visual creativity is in many ways similar to what we see in folk art. Modeling from clay, salt dough, and plasticine becomes available already at an early preschool age, as well as drawing with paints and pencils. In these visual arts activities, the child follows the path of mastering shape and color. The Dymkovo toy can be used as a tool for telling fairy tales, for observation, and examination. It is clean, subtle, the form is given correctly, the colors are expressive. Observing these toys will make it easier for children to master form in clay and drawing. Along with clay, the children tried to make Dymkovo toys from salt dough, painted them with gouache paints and presented them to children attending the junior groups of the kindergarten.


  1. Decorative drawing “Decoration of a handkerchief”;
  2. Decorative drawing “Decorate your toys”;
  3. “Painting feathers for the tail of a fairytale bird”;
  4. “Adorn the skirt of the Dymkovo young lady”;
  5. "Dymkovo horse"
  6. Decorative drawing “Travel to Dymkovo”;
  7. "Dymkovo patterns".
  1. “Clay toys that children would love to play with”;
  2. "Cockerel";
  3. "Duck with ducklings";
  4. "Kid";
  5. "Ram - golden horns";
  6. Plasticineography “Dymkovo Dog”;
  7. Modeling from salt dough: “Bird”, “Fish”.

Communication activities:

The child learns his native language, first of all, by imitating the lively spoken speech of those around him. The treasury of the richest Russian language opens up before him in brilliant works of oral folk art. His perfect examples - proverbs, riddles, fairy tales - he not only hears, but repeats and assimilates them. The Russian language has developed a number of figurative expressions that are close and accessible to children; they are born in living colloquial speech, penetrate from fairy tales, songs, sayings, are separated from them, and become independent. For example: black horse, brown cow, scarlet color, poppy color, red sun, clear stars, bright moon, grass - ant and many other words and expressions are associated with national images, with phenomena of native nature.

  1. Acquaintance with oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes, poems, fables, proverbs, sayings, jokes, riddles).
  2. Use of fiction (reading Russian folk tales).
  3. Compiling stories from children’s personal experiences “My favorite toy.”
  4. Acquaintance with the history of the emergence of the Dymkovka fishery.

Experimental - search activity:

  1. Examination of Dymkovo toys, comparing them with other folk toys (Filimonovsky);
  2. Experimental study of the properties of art material (clay).

Formation of a healthy lifestyle:

Children's life has its own traditions. One of them, the most enduring, is the borrowing of games by children from each other, the younger generation from the older. Such games include: “Geese - Swans”, “Kite and Chickens”, etc. Who invented these games? When did they arise? This question can be answered: they were created by the people just like songs and fairy tales. For this reason they are called folk and are passed on from generation to generation. As educational practice shows, the traditional content of many folk games still satisfies the interests of children and answers their life questions. We can safely say that folk games influence the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, and physically strengthen the child.

Folk games:

  1. “By the bear in the forest”;
  2. "Geese - swans";
  3. "The Kite and the Chickens."

Round dance games:

  1. "Loaf".

Song creativity:

The richness of songs of the Russian people is great. Folk song enters the life of a child as the basis of Russian musical culture. Truthfulness, poetry, richness of melodies, variety of rhythm, clarity and simplicity of form are characteristic features of Russian folk songwriting. Along with the musical merits of Russian folk songs and music, they also contain those purely national features that develop the child’s character and feelings. The song reflects the breadth of Russian nature, its scope, gentleness and sincerity.

Russian folk songs:

  1. "Cockerel";
  2. "Cuckoo".

Forms and methods of working with parents:

  1. Conversation about the purpose of Dymkovo toys.
  2. Master classes for parents (features of modeling Dymkovo toys from salt dough).
  3. Filling out the album “My Favorite Dymkovo Toys” together with the children.

Fourth stage - presentation of the project. At this stage, exhibitions of children's works are organized:

  1. Exhibition of children's drawings.
  2. Exhibition of crafts made from salt dough.

The results of the project show that children enjoy the Dymkovo toy, its brightness, expressiveness and simplicity of form, and most of all the opportunity to create this image themselves. The pleasure obtained in productive activities is combined with the development of the child’s aesthetic taste, creative abilities, artistic skills and abilities. Benefit and beauty, vividly and figuratively expressed in the objects of folk craftsmen, become close and understandable to children's perception. And for us, educators and parents, children's drawings and crafts bring true aesthetic pleasure.

In conclusion, I would like to say that folk and decorative arts are an integral part of the educational process in kindergarten. Children see the wealth of imagination of the people, their skill, love of life, talent and hard work. This contributes not only to their aesthetic, but also to their moral education. Children learn about the world and are socialized in society.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 12 “Alyonushka” from the East.

Project activities in the senior group.

Topic: “Dymkovo toy.”

Conducted by: Educator:

Sautchenkova. O.N.

With. East.


“Let the child feel the beauty

and admires her, even if in his heart

images will be forever preserved in memory,

in which the Motherland is embodied"

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Subject: Dymkovo toy.

Project type: research, creative.

Project duration: short.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, teachers, parents of pupils.

Target: develop design and research activities in children, develop interest in Russian folk crafts using the example of the Dymkovo toy.


    introduce historythe origin and expressive means of the Dymkovo toy (color, content, alternation, symmetry and asymmetry in the pattern);

    develop sensory sensitivity (perception of color, shape, texture), fine motor skills, creative abilities of preschoolers,

skills to act collectively;

    to cultivate aesthetic taste, interest in the study of folk crafts, love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen;

Relevance of the problem:

introducing a child to his native culture should become an integral part of raising a child. National toys are objects that awaken a child’s soul for the first time, cultivating in him a sense of beauty and curiosity. In kindergarten, from an early age, children get acquainted with such folk toys as pyramids, nesting dolls, inserts, gurneys, rocking chairs, and fun toys. At preschool age, children begin to become acquainted with the decorative and applied arts of Khokhloma, Gorodets, Dymkovo, Kargopol, and Filimonov toys. The children are introduced to oral folk art, folk games and round dances. From age to age, the tasks of listening and reproducing folklore and perceiving the brightness of color images of folk and applied art become more complicated.

However, it is no secret that children’s ideas about Russian culture are fragmentary and superficial. Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to various types of decorative and applied arts and folk traditions. The conditions for introducing children to folk art using, for example, the Dymkovo folk toy are not sufficiently formed. In our village there are fewer opportunities to really introduce children to folk culture. Since there is no variety of exhibitions of folk applied art, there are no museums of Russian architecture, local history exhibitions, etc. Therefore, I decided that in order to increase the emotional state of children, cognitive activity, as well as creative abilities, it is necessary to carry out work to introduce preschoolers and their parents to folk art. - applied arts. After all, decorative drawing classes can teach children to perceive the beautiful and the good, and teach them to admire beauty.

Project implementation mechanism:

Forms of work with preschoolers:

    conversations about Dymkovo toys, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination

    examination of painting elements

    drawing the main elements of Dymkovo painting in order of complexity


    educational stories from the teacher

    slide view

    didactic games

    reading and memorizing poems and riddles about Dymkovo toys

    coloring of flat silhouettes of Dymkovo toys

    viewing illustrations, etc.

Interaction with parents:

    consultation for parents “The influence of folk crafts “Dymka” on the aesthetic education of preschool children”

    production of a folding folder “Dymkovo toy”.

Activities of the teacher:

    selection of literature about folk crafts "Dymka"

    illustrations of Dymkovo products

    production of planar silhouettes of Dymkovo toys

    creation of a mini-museum “Dymkovo Toy”

Project activity product:

    multimedia presentation “Dymkovo Toy”;

    literary and artistic material: poems about Dymkovo toys; historical information;

mini-museum “Dymkovo Toy”.

Project resource support:

    information resources (scientific and pedagogical literature on this issue);

    material and technical resources (multimedia equipment, didactic and developmental aids, games, books, photographs);

    personnel (preschool teachers, parents).

Time frames and stages of project implementation:

The project is carried out in several stages:

    Organizational and preparatory.

    Main (direct implementation stage).

    Final (effective, reflective).

Organizational and preparatory:

Identification of the problem and theme of the project, definition of the goal and main tasks;

Selection of fiction, illustrations, visual aids, musical accompaniment;

Development of notes on direct educational activities, conversation scripts;

Drawing up a project implementation plan;

Design of the mobile folder “Dymkovo Toy”;

Creation of the presentation “Dymkovo toy”.


familiarization with the history of the fishery;

Familiarization with the features of painting Dymkovo toys;

Making ornaments;

Painting paper silhouettes of toys.


Generalization of the results of the work;

Design of the mini-museum “Dymkovo Toy”.

Expected results:

children are active, inquisitive, interested in the emergence of Russian folk crafts;

highlight the characteristic means of expressiveness of the Dymkovo toy: elements of the pattern, color, combination of colors, composition of color spots, symmetry and asymmetry in the pattern, etc.;

sculpt products using a variety of methods and techniques;

independently and creatively apply the skills acquired in classes in independent artistic activities.

Project conclusion: As a result of comprehensive work to introduce children to decorative and applied arts, they developed a desire to learn more about the work of Russian masters.

Acquaintance with the works of folk artists and the history of crafts develops in children respect and love for the Motherland and the history of their people.

Folk art contributes to the development of moral, patriotic and aesthetic education, and develops the creative abilities of children.

Without children's knowledge of folk culture, a full-fledged moral and patriotic education of a child cannot be achieved.

Everyone needs beauty, but most of all, children need it.

Folk art, cheerful in color, lively and dynamic in design, captivates and enchants children and meets their aesthetic feelings.

Information resources

Knyazeva O. A., Makhaneva M. D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. – St. Petersburg. : Aksident, 1997.

V.V. Gavrilova, L.A. Artemyeva. Decorative drawing with children 5-7 years old. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

Vershinina N. Gorbova O. Acquaintance with the features of decorative and applied art in the process of didactic games. //Preschool education. 2004 No. 6.

Skorolupova O. A. Acquaintance of children of senior preschool age with Russian folk arts and crafts. – M.: Scriptorium, 2006.

Project “Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy” GBOU secondary school No. 1716 “Eureka-Ogonyok” Group No. 4 “Sun” Educators: Fokina N.N. Zykina L.I. In Dymkovo, beyond the Vyatka River... In Dymkovo, beyond the Vyatka River, Precious labor continues, Not looking for peace in old age, Glorious craftswomen live. There is red viburnum outside the windows, Steamboat smoke is moving, there is still damp clay on the table, A rough, unformed lump. An old woman sits on a low bench at her work. He sculpts a clay Vyatka toy,... no, he doesn’t sculpt, but he creates! Nice painted toy! Everything sings, it is artlessly bright, and one can see in it the youthful joy that has become the art of a craft. The purpose and objectives of the project is to promote the aesthetic education of preschool children and cultivate respect and admiration for the artistic skills of folk craftsmen of Dymkovo toys, to generalize knowledge about decorative folk art. Tasks: to study the origins of decorative folk art; consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic features of Dymkovo painting; develop the ability to create patterns according to your own design using a variety of brushwork in the image of familiar elements; develop aesthetic perception, sense of color rhythm, creative abilities; cultivate a love for the art of folk craftsmen. Implementation of the project: acquaintance with the history of the Dymkovo fishery; mastering the elements of Dymkovo painting; modeling and painting of Dymkovo figurines sculpted by children; exhibition of children's works in a group. Dymkovo toy Dymkovo toy is a decorative clay sculpture up to 25 centimeters high. It is molded from clay, fired in a kiln and brightly painted on a white chalk ground with tempera paints, gold leaf is used. Animals, horsemen (usually whistles), ladies in crinolines, gentlemen, fairy-tale characters, and everyday scenes are depicted. “Acquaintance with the history of the Dymkovo craft” The history of the creation of the Dymkovo toy The Dymkovo toy is perhaps one of the oldest crafts in Russia. It arose out of love for the pottery tradition of the Vyatka lands in ancient times. Dymkovo toy (Vyatka, Kirov toys), Russian folk art craft has long existed in the settlement of Dymkovo, which is on the outskirts of the ancient Russian city of Khlynov (later Vyatka, now Kirov). Vyatka is the name of this entire region. The Dymkovo toy has existed on Vyatka soil for more than four hundred years. Its origin is associated with the spring holiday Svistunya (“Whistle Dance”), for which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, and ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the fishery not only survived, but also received further development. The newcomers founded their village, Dymkovskaya Sloboda, on the low right bank of the Vyatka. After the flood, significant deposits of red clay were discovered here. This incident contributed to the development of first pottery and then toy making. This is how the Dymkovo toy was born - a unique phenomenon in folk art. The development of toy craft is associated not only with the discovery of clay, but also with an ancient custom. Toy manufacturing technology 1. To produce the Dymkovo toy, local clay is used, thoroughly mixed with fine river sand. It is collected in the spring after a flood on the Vyatka River and mixed with clean river sand so that it does not crack when fired. Preparing clay for work is not an easy task: it is chopped with a shovel, turned over many times, and filled with water. They shovel it again, previously they kneaded it with their feet. The finished clay is rolled into balls, from which pancakes are made and the basic shape of the desired toy is rolled up. 2. The figures are sculpted in parts, the traces of sculpting are smoothed out with a damp cloth to give the product a smooth surface. After complete drying, the toy is fired. No matter how hard you try, you won’t notice traces of the “lubricant”: with a sharp splinter, the craftswoman deftly cuts off excess pieces of clay, and with a damp rag she constantly “smoothes” the toy, and it turns out even, smooth, as if not made by hand, but cast in a mold. But the toy is not ready yet. After sculpting, it was dried for several days, then fired in a Russian kiln for 3-4 hours and cooled 3. The next stage of work, characteristic only of Dymkov, is “bleaching.” "Whitening" Color scheme, geometric pattern The toys were immersed in a solution of fine ground chalk diluted in milk and placed in a draft. The milk quickly soured, and a film formed on the surface of the product, the red clay turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting. We used white gouache. 4. They painted toys by mixing colors with eggs and kvass, and not two or three colors, as in other crafts, but a good dozen. Blue, yellow, green, orange-red minium, crimson fuchsin, black soot and other mixed ones: blue, pink, brown, decorated toys in a variety of combinations. ... We started painting with the lightest paint and ended with the darkest. The craftswomen had homemade brushes, made from splinters and rags, but one was sure to be a thin ferret brush - for painting the face. The patterns on the toys were inspired by traditional ones that go back to ancient origins: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots. But how many variants did the craftswomen know, in what combinations did they give! How they knew how to make colors sound against the matte whiteness of the background! And to top it all off, decorate it with shining diamond-shaped leaves of gold leaf, which made the toy more elegant and richer. The horse runs, the whole earth trembles. In a field of grass, an ant lies face down. Duck Marfutka is walking along Berezhka Duck Marfutochka is leading to swim. Each toy has its own individual pattern, pose, and color. And here are the Dymkovo ladies... Do you know what the elements of painting on a Dymkovo toy mean? It turns out that the blue wavy stripe is water, the crossed stripes are the frame of a well, the circle with a star-shaped center is the sun and celestial bodies. The geometric pattern consists of dots, straight intersecting lines, zigzags, circles, stars. The ornament can be single-color or multi-color, made in relief or convex. Each era, each nation had its own ornament. The painting of the Dymkovo toy is elegant and decorative. The same craftswoman does not have the same ladies; each has its own individual pattern, build, and pose. Let's look at the elements of painting... Didactic game “Russian patterns” Didactic game “Pick up a pattern” Fine arts corner in our group The Dymkovo toy is the most famous clay craft in Russia. It is distinguished by its extremely simple, clear plastic form, generalized silhouette, and bright ornamental painting on a white background. In the images of red-cheeked ladies, nurses, dashing horsemen, scenes of tea parties, fair festivities, cheerful carousels - the three-hundred-year-old traditions of Dymkovo art continue to live. The Dymkovo toy is only a hand-made art. From sculpting to painting, the process is creative and never repeated. No, and there cannot be two identical products. Each toy is unique and one of a kind. The Dymkovo toy is made from local plastic red clay with the addition of river sand. It is characterized by a simple geometric pattern of ornaments, paintings, and bright colors, in which there is a lot of red, yellow, blue, green, and scarlet. An exhibition has been set up featuring Dymkovo toys made by the hands of children together with the teacher. Conclusion Having studied the material for this project, the children and I learned that the Dymkovo toy originated in the settlement of Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now in the territory of the city of Kirov). Its origin is associated with the fun Whistler holiday. The children got acquainted with the works of folk artists and learned where colorful funny toys came to us from. The study of folk applied art is the basis for the further development of creative abilities, artistic taste and general artistic culture of preschool children. Children's arts and crafts activities using examples of folk arts and crafts occupy a special place in the system of aesthetic education in kindergarten. Literature 1.Papyleva V.S. "Project. Dymkovo toy. 2. “Decorative and applied arts for children.” Preschool education No. 3 – 1997, p. 21. 3. “The origins of creativity.” Tyumen. 1999 4. Maksimov Yu.V. "At the origins of craftsmanship." 5. Usova A.P. “Russian folk art in kindergarten.” Moscow. 1961

Project protection

Mikhailovka MKOU Secondary School No. 3« Dymkovo toy »

Project Manager: Slepysheva G.V., primary school teacher

Project goals:

To promote aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

To cultivate respect and admiration for the artistic skills of craftsmen, to generalize knowledge about the Dymkovo toy.

Create a collection of Dymkovo toys.

Project objectives:

Carry out research and creative work independently.

Discuss the work in a group, choose the best option for presentation.

Draw up and develop stages of work on each problem.

Problematic issues:

The birthplace of the Dymkovo toy.

What is the Dymkovo toy made from?

Characteristic features of the Dymkovo toy.

Sidorov Kirill

We all have toys at home. They are made of modern materials (plastic, rubber, fur). But along with them, folk clay and wooden toys are still very popular. In the hands of masters, a miraculous transformation of natural material into amazing creations occurs. The places where these masters live are called centers of folk crafts. There are many of them. Today we will introduce you closer to one of them - Dymkovo clay toys

Our journey begins at the Vyatka River. Once upon a time, a settlement appeared on the forested bank of the Vyatka River - a settlement. In the mornings, the housewives would light the stoves together, and curly smoke would cheerfully rise to the sky. This is probably why they called the settlement Dymkovskaya. For a long time, potters lived in Dymkovskaya Sloboda. They made dishes from local clay, as well as pipes and whistles. They will mold them and put them in the oven so that they become strong and delight everyone for a long time. That’s why the potters’ hearths smoked.

And whistles in the shape of animals and birds were not made just for the children’s amusement. In the old days, Vyatichi greeted Yarila, the god of the sun and fertility, in the spring with the cheerful whistling of clay pipes. That spring holiday was popularly called “Whistling”.

Glazunova Kristina

What is Dymkovo famous for?
With your toy!
There is no smoky color in it,
What grayness is gray.
There's something of the rainbow in her,
From drops of dew,
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass!

Dymkovo village

Smoke comes out of the pipes in a column
It’s like everything is in a haze.
Blue distances
And the village is big
They called it Dymkovo.

The history of the Dymkovo fishery and its present day still arouse interest among different categories of people, both researchers, collectors, and just spectators. And each of them asks himself the question: “What is the secret of the Dymkovo toy?”

Vladislav Lizun

Bright colors, geometric patterns, visual details and White background

Do you know why? It can be assumed that white background took the masters from the snow-covered fields. They sculpted toys most often in winter, when everything around was white and white. In those places the winter is long and there is a lot of snow. The master sits by the window, sees everything around in the snow, and he wants to make the toy as clean and white as snow. But the toys were made for the holiday, so they were painted with bright colors that stand out especially well against a white background. The Dymkovo toy delights with its splendor of forms, riot of color and cheerful imagination.

Igolkin Artyom

So we, 3rd grade students, decided to investigate what kind of clay toy this is? Can we make it?

To do this, we asked our parents to bring clay from our quarry. Of course, we students were not allowed into the quarry, but in the photographs we saw how clay was mined.

And so the work began!

First we brought large pieces of clay to class, then we put them in a container and filled them with water. It has been “ripening” with us for a long time!

Then we kneaded it. This was perhaps the most difficult work. We again set it to ripen for several days.

While the clay was being prepared, we did not sit idle. We had to work a lot and re-read books. We went to the school library to see our beloved Valentina Mikhailovna Kryukova. She told us a lot of interesting things about Dymkovo toys, and then came to us for a class hour. She told me what other toys there are...

Finally, the clay matured and became soft, like plasticine - the work began to boil………

Marina Zubkova

We rolled the finished clay into balls and started trying.

The ladies were better, but with animals and birds it was a bit difficult.

We set the finished work to dry closer to a warm place. Once the toys are dry. We started “whitening” them with acrylic paint, then drying them again. And only after they had dried, the most interesting work began - painting the toys.

Galina Valentinovna, our class teacher, told us about the elements of Dymkovo patterns and their color scheme. She showed us many photographs, tables, slides of Dymkovo toys.

Ykunkova Alena

Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.

Look how good she is
This girl is a soul
Scarlet cheeks are burning,
Amazing outfit.

Clay horses are racing
On stands as best we can.
And you can’t hold on to your tail,
If you missed the mane.

And so our toys lit up and finally became beloved. And you really can’t look at them enough. My soul becomes joyful and festive! And I can’t believe that all this is made of clay.

No wonder people say:

“A craftsman and a craftsman brings joy to himself and other people”

Dymkovo clay toy is one of the most striking and original folk crafts of the Vyatka region. For four centuries, Dymkovo toys reflected the life and lifestyle of many generations of craftsmen.

We carried out such an interesting and exciting research work in our class, but look at the result.

1. Introduction

They are sleeping by the highway

In the hoarfrost,

The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,

Bound by ice.

The snow is falling softly,

Blue smoke billows

Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,

It’s like everything is in a haze.

Blue distances

And the village is big

They called it “Dymkovo”.

Everyone there loves songs, dances,

Miracles - fairy tales - were born here.

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay.

All toys are not simple,

And magically - painted.

Snow-white like birch trees

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.”

Relevance of the project

Decorative applied art has long been famous for its traditions. Dymkovo toys include whistles in the shape of animals and young ladies, very beautiful and varied outfits.

National life has always been characterized by competition to see who has the most skillfully sewn shirt or the finer woven sundress; If you want to be known as a good groom, cut the house, not only firmly, but also well, don’t spare any effort on the carving. The secret of any mastery is, first of all,

patience and hard work.

The goal of my project is to get acquainted with the history of the Dymkovo toy: where did it originate, what are they for? Peculiarities of production and painting of Dymkovo toys. And also making it yourself.

Project objectives:

Study the origins of the Dymkovo toy.

Identify the variety of shapes of geometric patterns, colors

Learn to sculpt a Dymkovo toy

Expected results:

Create a Dymkovo toy. made with your own hands and invite parents to the exhibition-fair to evaluate the creativity of their children.

Project partners:

§ 4th grade student

§ Parents

Project implementation:

Stage I

Find out the history of the origin of folk crafts in Rus';

Find out where the funny and colorful Dymkovo toy came to us from;

Study patterns when painting toys;

Think over your pattern.

Stage II:

Select material for making toys;

Master the technology of making toys.

III stage – practical:

Making (modeling) Dymkovo toys;

IV stage – editorial:

Painting of the Dymkovo toy:

Creation of the presentation “Dymkovo toy”


A sufficient number of toys are sold in stores, but the most favorite is the one made with your own hands. It may not be so perfect, but children and adults like it. I got acquainted with the works of folk artists, found out where colorful funny toys came to us from.

II. The history of the creation of the Dymkovo toy.

The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest crafts in Russia; it has existed on the Vyatka land, in the settlement of Dymkovo, for more than four hundred years. Significant deposits of red clay were discovered here. The development of pottery began, and then the toy industry. This is how the Dymkovo toy in folk art was born. The development of toy craft is associated with an ancient custom.

For a long time, they have been making clay toys here - horsemen, ladies, and toys - whistles, depicting horses, deer, ducks, turkeys. People affectionately and tenderly call this toy “haze.” Where does such an amazing name come from? It turns out that clay toys were made in winter and early spring, when long preparations were underway for the spring holiday “Whistling” (“Whistle Dance”), which has pagan roots and

dedicated to the sun. During the festivities, “Svistoplyaska,” people brought small whistles with them and whistled on them all day long. Whistling was the main feature of this holiday. So it came to be that “in Vyatka they make whistling toys.” When the holiday was over, painted clay toys were placed on the windows. To burn the toys, the stoves were heated until late at night, and the whole settlement was in smoke, in a haze. This is where the name Dymkovo came from, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo toys

There is an old legend that tells how enemies once surrounded the city. The townspeople did not know how to save their lands from their enemies. But the Vyatichi turned out to be resourceful people. They came up with a “military” trick.

All the residents took clay whistles and unnoticed in the dark night

sneaked up on the enemies. And such a whistle was raised! The enemies were frightened, rushed about, it seemed to them that a huge army had come to the rescue of the townspeople, and they fled away in fear. Since then, the Vyatichi have celebrated their victory with a cheerful “Whistle”. Nowadays, craftsmen continue to make whistles in the form of funny animals. The ancient holiday has not been forgotten either.

2. What are Dymkovo toys for?

There are toys with which people play, and there are toys with which they decorate their homes and take care of them. A long time ago, thousands of years ago, people could not explain the origin of many phenomena. And the people believed that the figures of animals and people helped them protect themselves and their home from evil spirits. These toys are called amulets. The birds drove away

the forces of darkness brought light and joy. A female figurine with children protected the mother and children from misfortune and illness.


3. Revival of the Dymkovo toy.

The revival of the craft is associated with the names of A. A. Mezrina, a hereditary craftswoman who preserved the techniques of modeling and painting toys, and the artist A. I. Denshin, the author of the first monographs on the Dymkovo craft. In one of his books, he described in detail the complex technology of creating toys.

MEZRINA Anna Afanasyevna (1853-1938), Russian master of Dymkovo toys. She was born in the settlement of Dymkovo near Vyatka, now a district of the city, in the family of the blacksmith A.L. Nikulin. Since childhood, she helped her mother Daria Konstantinovna in the toy craft.

When the craft died out, she, the only one in the settlement, continued to make clay toys. In 1908, the artist A.I. Denshin became interested in her work, and wrote several books and articles about the fishery and Mezrina herself.

Mezrina’s works show a commitment to the traditions of the old Dymkovo toy makers. Her figures are monolithic, clear in shape, without fine detailing. As a rule, large, laconic ornaments are painted in muted colors. With her works, Mezrina interested her two daughters and some neighbors, who took up the forgotten skill. Together with them, she entered the Vyatka Toy artel in 1933. In 1934 she was awarded the title Hero of Labor. Her work has become a connecting thread between the past and future of the Dymkovo craft.

4. Features of the production of Dymkovo toys.

Clay toys were sculpted and painted only by women and children. The difference between this craft and other Russian folk crafts is that each toy is the original creative work of hand-sculpted and painted craftswomen, which exists in a single copy.

Toy craftswomen pass on their experience from generation to generation, and in this way the skill has reached our days almost unchanged. Of course, each artist brings something different, but the basic elements and symbols are unchanged.

The Dymkovo toy is made from local plastic red clay with the addition of river sand. Having mixed the clay with sand and water, kneaded thoroughly until a homogeneous mass was obtained. First, large main parts of the toy were sculpted from thick clay dough, and small parts were molded separately, which were then stuck to the main part. The fashioned toy was dried for 2-4 days at room temperature and fired in Russian

ovens. After cooling, the surface of the product was whitened with chalk diluted in milk. 6-10 colors were prepared for work. The toy has a simple geometric pattern of painting, a bright color, in which there is a lot of red, yellow, blue, green, and scarlet.

In folk art, art is always closely related to craft. The stronger

craft basis, the higher the performing skill, the greater the artistic value of the hand-made product. So the Dymkovo toy is a labor-intensive hand-made production, where everything was before

small items professionally organized.

5. Toy manufacturing technology.

l To produce the Dymkovo toy, local clay is used, thoroughly mixed with fine river sand. It is collected in the spring after a flood on the Vyatka River and mixed with clean river sand so that it does not crack when fired. Preparing clay for work is not an easy task: it is chopped with a shovel, turned over many times, and filled with water. They shovel it again, previously they kneaded it with their feet. The finished clay is rolled into balls, from which pancakes are made and the basic shape of the desired toy is rolled up.

l The figures are sculpted in parts, the traces of sculpting are smoothed out with a damp cloth to give the product a smooth surface. After complete drying, the toy is fired.

l Roll up the pancake and you will get a bell skirt for the lady.

l Fold the next two pancakes to create a head and torso.

l Gently “smear” the san and the head

Roll the sausage and divide it in half, then “smear it to the body.

Decorate the head with braids and the body with frills.

l Decorate the lady with frills, a kokoshnik or a hat.

6. Features of painting the Dymkovo toy.

How is the Dymkovo toy different from other toys? First of all, it is a snowy white background. An important stage of work, characteristic only of Dymkov, is “whitewashing”.

The toys were immersed in a solution of fine ground chalk diluted in milk and placed in a draft. The milk quickly soured, and a film formed on the surface of the product, the red clay turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting.

They painted toys not with two or three colors, as in other crafts, but with a good dozen. Blue, yellow, green, orange-red, crimson, black and other mixed colors: blue, pink, brown, decorated the toys in a variety of combinations.

We started painting with the lightest paint and ended with the darkest. The craftswomen had homemade brushes, made from splinters and rags, but one was sure to be a thin ferret brush - for painting the face.

The second distinctive feature of the Dymkovo toy is its geometric patterns, which go back to ancient origins: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots. But how many variants did the craftswomen know, in what combinations did they give!

And to top it all off, decorate with shining leaves - diamonds of gold leaf, which made the toy more elegant and richer.

What do the elements of painting on the Dymkovo toy mean? It turns out that the blue wavy stripe is water, the crossed stripes are the frame of the well, the circle with a star-shaped center is the sun and celestial bodies. The geometric pattern consists of dots, straight intersecting lines, zigzags, circles, stars. The ornament can be single-color or multi-color.

The same craftswoman does not have the same ladies; each has its own individual pattern, build, and pose.

Traditionally, female characters' eyes and eyebrows were first painted with black paint, and their hair was painted with the same black paint. Then the cheeks were flushed and the lips were drawn. The toy comes to life. At the second stage, the headdress is evenly painted with yellow or red paint and the jacket with another rich color. The skirt was painted in the most

last thing. The colors chosen were bright and contrasting: green, representing life and fertility, elegant red, a symbol of fire and beauty, and heavenly blue.

At the same time, the Dymkovo pattern uniquely captured the features of the natural coloring of animals; apples in the form of colored circles, rings, dots on horses, deer, cows and goats.

Wide and narrow multi-colored stripes drawn with the entire brush or its sharp end create a patterned grid reminiscent of the colors of tartan fabric. Small straight or wavy lines - snakes - are drawn along these stripes. Sometimes colored dots are placed on both sides of the snakes with a thin stick, evenly filling the entire strip. Often, solid colored stripes are replaced with stripes of dots and circles, decorated with two or three short strokes or double crosses. A mesh pattern of stripes and cells filled with circles, dots and

strokes. Colors are determined by the predominance of warm or cool colors. In the first case, the brightness of, for example, yellow, orange and red elements is enhanced by small elements - blue or green. In another case, the sound of blue, blue and green colors is emphasized by a pink, red or orange element.

The appearance of the Dymkovo toy reflects the nature of the places where these amazing works of art were born. Snow-covered snowdrifts are imagined, the whiteness of which is emphasized by blue shadows. In the cold, people's faces blush.

Against the backdrop of illuminated snow, the color of clothing sounds especially bright. The decoration of the toy is completed with diamonds made of gold leaf, glued on top of the pattern.

The toys have a cheerful disposition. Ladies and gentlemen show off their outfits, roosters and turkeys with their lush tails resemble a whole flowerbed, nurses show off their charming babies.

7. Making your own toy.

Now that the history, features and manufacturing technology and painting technique of the Dymkovo toy have been studied, you can begin making your own toy. I sculpted a lady.

Our young lady is beautiful

In a bright painted dress,

Red-cheeked, chubby,

Enjoy it, people!

I sculpted the lady as follows: every Dymkovo beauty is based on a “mortar”. This is a skirt that is also a good stable base.

We sculpt it separately from a clay ball, kneading it around the thumb until it looks like a bell. Its height should be slightly more than half the height of the finished figurine. With wet hands, smooth the surface of the part, making it smooth and removing cracks.

Then we sculpt the torso - a cylinder on which we will mark the chest, press it slightly at the waist and extend the neck. We carefully connect it to the skirt. We carefully smooth the joints with wet hands so that they are invisible and do not fall off after drying.

We sculpt the head in the shape of a ball. The face of the Dymkovo beauty is quite flat, we do not highlight the cheeks with bulges, do not form eye sockets and chin. An indispensable detail is a small snub nose, which is made from a tiny clay ball and carefully molded onto the face. The arms are molded from sausages and carefully attached to the body.

Our lady is almost ready. Nothing adorns a woman like luxurious

curls, a flirty hat or kokoshnik. I have a lady, so she has a beautiful kokoshnik on her head. I decorate the lady with earrings made from drop-shaped pieces of clay. On top of the skirt I make a beautiful apron, decorated with frills. Everything is carefully connected with wet hands.

Despite its apparent simplicity, sculpting figures is not an easy task. Our beauty must dry thoroughly. We paint the dried lady entirely white. After this, the product should dry well again. Now you can start coloring.

In modern home conditions, it is most convenient to use artistic gouache for painting and work with ordinary brushes of different thicknesses. Finally, you can glue small diamonds made of gold foil to it, imitating gold leaf.

A simple geometric pattern: circles, dots, stripes. The result is a bright and beautiful toy.

IV. Conclusion.

The Dymkovo toy is the brightest and most colorful representative of folk art.

The Dymkovo toy is the most famous clay craft in Russia. It is distinguished by a simple, clear plastic form, bright ornamental painting on a white background. In the images of red-cheeked ladies, nannies, dashing horsemen, cheerful carousels, the three-hundred-year-old traditions of Dymkovo art continue to live. The Dymkovo Vyatka toy has long become a folk sculpture.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, children played with these toys. Now they serve to decorate our home. We admire the cheerful and mischievous Dymkovo toy. The Dymkovo toy is only hand-made art - it is the original creative work of hand-made craftswomen, and exists in a single copy. From sculpting to painting, the process is creative and never repeated. No, and there cannot be two identical products.

Each toy is unique and one of a kind.


· Websites:

· Catalogs (for example: 15 craftswomen of Dymkovo toys)

· Kiseleva G. G., Shaklein S. P. Dymkovo toy at the turn of the century. Kirov (Vyatka), 2007

· Menchikova N. N. Vyatka folk crafts and crafts: history and modernity. Kirov, ed. "O-short", 2010

· Folk art of Russia. Tradition and modernity. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, ed. M. A. Nekrasova. Vologda, 2008.

· Russian artistic crafts, the most beautiful and famous. M., World of Avanta+ encyclopedias, ed. Astrel, 2010

· Traditional clay toy of the Russian North. Section Sh. Vyatskaya toy, M., 2009.

· Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational and methodological manual: St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2006***99*

· Folk holidays, rituals and seasons in songs and fairy tales: Collection of folklore materials - M.: ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2001

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