Is it possible to bring down a child’s temperature to 39? Komarovsky. Does your child have a high fever? - trying to shoot down

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Only after my daughter had the flu did I come across a very interesting article by Dr. Komarovsky, a pediatrician with extensive experience.
He claims that the usual and well-known method of reducing fever - rubbing the child's body with vodka, alcohol or vinegar solution - can be very dangerous for the child. There are known cases of death of children.
In addition, in this article he explains in simple language how to behave before the ambulance arrives if your child suddenly has a fever.

And here is the article itself:
The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives
Increased body temperature

An increase in body temperature1 is the most typical manifestation of not only ARVI, but also any infectious disease. The body thus stimulates itself, producing substances that will fight the pathogen.
The main one of these substances is interferon. Many people have heard about it, if only because it is quite often prescribed by doctors in the form of nasal drops. Interferon is a special protein that has the ability to neutralize viruses, and its amount has a direct relationship with body temperature - that is, the higher the temperature, the more interferon. The amount of interferon reaches its maximum on the second or third day after the temperature rises, and that is why most ARVIs end safely on the third day of illness. If there is not enough interferon - the child is weak (cannot respond to an infection with a high temperature), or the parents are “very smart”: they quickly “brought down the temperature” - then there is almost no chance of ending the illness in three days. In this case, all hope lies in antibodies, which will definitely put an end to the viruses, but the duration of the illness will be completely different - about seven days. By the way, the information provided largely explains two facts: it answers the question why “unloved” children get sick for three days, and “favorite” ones - for a week, and on a scientific level explains the folk wisdom regarding the fact that treated flu goes away in 7 days, and untreated - in a week.
Each child is individual and tolerates fever differently. There are children who calmly continue to play at 39 degrees, but sometimes it is only 37.5 °C, and he almost loses consciousness. Therefore, there cannot be universal recommendations regarding how long you should wait and after what number on the thermometer scale you should start saving.
The main thing for us is the following.
When body temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air.
Two required actions:
1. Drink plenty of fluids - so that you have something to sweat.
2. Cool air in the room (optimally 16-18 degrees).
If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small.
When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. The skin temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs increases. And this is extremely dangerous!
You cannot use so-called “physical cooling methods” at home: heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. In hospitals or after a doctor’s visit, you can, because before (before physical cooling methods) doctors prescribe special medications , which eliminate spasm of skin blood vessels. At home, you need to do everything to prevent spasm of skin blood vessels. That's why

Cool air, but warm enough clothes.

Particles of heat are carried away from the body by evaporation of sweat and thus the body temperature decreases. Several methods have been invented to speed up evaporation. For example, place a fan next to a naked child; rub it with alcohol or vinegar (after rubbing, the surface tension of sweat decreases and it evaporates faster).
People! You can’t even imagine how many children paid with their lives for these rubbings! If the child is already sweating, then the body temperature will drop on its own. And if you rub dry skin, this is madness, because through the delicate baby skin, what you rub with is absorbed into the blood. Rubbed with alcohol (vodka, moonshine) - alcohol poisoning was added to the disease. Rubbed with vinegar - added acid poisoning.
The conclusion is obvious - never rub anything. And fans are also not needed - the flow of cool air, again, will cause a spasm of the skin blood vessels. Therefore, if you are sweating, change your clothes (change them) into something dry and warm, and then calm down.
The higher the body temperature, the more sweating, the warmer the room, the more actively you need to drink. The optimal drink for a child of the first year of life is raisin decoction. After a year - dried fruit compote. Tea with raspberries dramatically increases the formation of sweat2. Therefore, you must be sure that you have something to sweat with, which means that before the raspberries you need to drink something else (the same compote). But in any case, raspberries should not be given to children under one year of age.
If he overdos it, I will, but I won’t, then it’s better to drink anything (mineral water, herbal decoctions, tea, viburnum, rose hips, currants, etc.) than not drink at all.
Remember - fluid is needed to prevent blood from thickening. And any drink will get from the stomach into the blood only after the temperature of the liquid is equal to the temperature of the stomach: given cold, it will not be absorbed until it warms up, given warm, it will not be absorbed until it cools down.
Conclusion: you must strive to ensure that the temperature of the drink used for drinking is equal to body temperature (plus or minus 5 degrees does not count).
There are, and quite often, situations when an increase in body temperature is poorly tolerated by a child. Sometimes an increase in body temperature is dangerous for a child because he has some kind of disease of the nervous system, and high body temperature can trigger seizures. And, by and large, a temperature above 39 degrees, which lasts for more than an hour, has no less negative effects than positive ones.
Thus, we can distinguish three situations when the use of medications makes sense. I repeat once again:
1. Poor temperature tolerance.
2. Concomitant diseases of the nervous system.
3. Body temperature is above 39 degrees.
Let us note right away: the effectiveness of any medicine decreases, and the likelihood of adverse reactions increases significantly if the above two main tasks are not solved - the proper drinking regime is not ensured and the air temperature in the room is not reduced.
Paracetamol is optimal for use at home (synonyms - dofalgan, panadol, calpol, mexalen, dolomol, efferalgan, Tylenol; it is advisable to have at least one of the above in candles). Paracetamol is a unique medicine in its safety; even exceeding the dose by 2-3 times, as a rule, does not lead to any serious consequences, although this should not be done deliberately. There are few drugs comparable to it in terms of ease of use - tablets, chewable tablets, capsules, suppositories, soluble powders, syrups, drops - choose what your heart desires.
Some useful information about paracetamol.
1. The most important thing: the effectiveness of paracetamol is very high specifically for ARVI. In case of bacterial infections or complications of the same ARVI, paracetamol helps for a short time or does not help at all. In short, in case of any serious infection it is not possible to achieve a significant reduction in body temperature with its help. This is why paracetamol should always be in the house, because it helps parents correctly assess the severity of the disease: if after taking it the body temperature quickly drops, then with a high degree of probability we can conclude that there is nothing wrong (more terrible than ARVI) in the child. But if there is no effect from taking paracetamol, then it’s time to make a fuss and not put off seeing a doctor.
2. Paracetamol is produced by hundreds of companies under hundreds of different names in dozens of forms. The effectiveness of the drug is determined primarily by the dose, and not by the release form, the beauty of the packaging or the commercial name. The difference in price is often tenfold.
3. Since paracetamol is one of the drugs that are most often used without the help of a doctor, you should know how to use it (paracetamol). Doses are usually indicated on the packaging.
4. Paracetamol is not a treatment. Paracetamol reduces the severity of a specific symptom - elevated body temperature.
5. Paracetamol is not used as planned, that is, strictly according to the clock, for example, “1 teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day.” Paracetamol is given only when there is a reason to give it. High temperature - they gave it, returned to normal - they didn’t give it.
6. Paracetamol should not be given more than 4 times a day or for more than 3 days in a row.
In any case, parents should be aware that self-use of paracetamol is only a temporary measure to allow them to calmly wait for the doctor.

1. In order to make it easier for you to perceive this information, I strongly advise you to re-read the section “Temperature conditions in a child’s room” in the chapter “Principles of child care and their implementation.”

2. For the curious, I note: not a single pharmacological agent can even approximately compare with raspberry decoction in its ability to activate sweating.

Every parent should know what can and cannot be done if the baby suddenly develops a fever. Wrong actions will not help, but will only aggravate the condition. The following are recommendations from pediatricians that will help you not get confused and alleviate the condition of a child whose body temperature has risen.

How should you measure temperature in young children?

The child should have his own thermometer, and not the one used by other family members. Before use, it must be treated with alcohol or washed in warm water. In sick children, the temperature is measured three times a day.

Children's thermometers are an individual thing

You need to make sure that the room is at an optimal temperature and that the child is calm and not wrapped up. If he has just had a bath or eaten, you need to wait half an hour or an hour. This measure is due to the fact that due to hot water and drinks, body temperature can increase by 1-1.5 degrees. To measure in the mouth, special nipple thermometers are produced, and for the armpit or groin fold, you can use a regular thermometer.

What should parents do if their child has a fever?

If the measurements show 38.0 0C, and the baby feels satisfactory, he is mobile, does not complain about anything, and does not have chronic or other diseases, you don’t have to worry yet. It is enough to measure the temperature once every 30 minutes, and if it rises to 38.5 0C, you need to call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, you must give syrup, suppositories or another antipyretic drug approved for use in children.

Temperature norms for children of different ages

First aid consists of putting the child to bed, but not wrapping him up, even if he is shivering. Give plenty of fluids and regularly ventilate the room so that fresh air penetrates. You can do cool compresses and rubdowns.?

The main danger at elevated temperatures: seizures

Febrile seizures are a serious complication that occurs due to fever. They manifest themselves in different ways: the child throws back his head, freezes, limbs twitch, eyes roll up, breathing becomes weak and intermittent. The jaws may clench - in this case, you should not try to unclench them: there is a risk of causing harm.

Important! As soon as parents notice that their child is having seizures, they should immediately call an ambulance.

The duration of febrile seizures varies, sometimes they stop and resume after a while, so you can’t hesitate.

It is not necessary to reduce the temperature to +38

Features of fever in various diseases

In infectious diseases, during teething and in other cases, a change in temperature is accompanied by various symptoms.

Infectious diseases

In the first days, the infection in a child may be asymptomatic, making itself known only by a high temperature. Some signs of the disease, for example, a reddened throat, parents are not able to detect during a visual examination. Thus, if the baby has a hot forehead, but there is no snot, cough or headache, this is a reason to consult a doctor or call him at home.


This condition is characterized by increased salivation. The child does not want to eat because putting food in his mouth causes him pain. This disease usually develops in young children. If you suspect stomatitis, you need to carefully examine the baby's oral cavity: white plaque and ulcers on the mucous membrane are a sure sign that medical help is required.

Before the specialist arrives, you can rinse your mouth with chamomile or sage infusion or furatsilin solution. The patient is given drink without restrictions, but you should abstain from hard, spicy, sour, salty and hot foods. Food can only be given in the form of warm puree.

Aphthous stomatitis in a child


With this pathology, the throat turns red and becomes covered with small ulcers. Antibacterial agents are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account what virus caused the pharyngitis.


This is a form of Coxsackie infection. Typical clinical picture: tonsils, arches and throat mucosa are covered with whitish blisters. The patient complains of pain when swallowing. Antibiotic therapy is ineffective, but the doctor may prescribe other drugs.


The disease is diagnosed mainly in children over 2 years of age, less often in one-year-old patients, and extremely rarely in newborns. Treated with antibiotics. It manifests itself as a sore throat, redness of the mucous membrane, purulent plaque and fever.


Parents need to be very careful with this disease, because delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to complete or partial deafness. You can suspect otitis media by the fact that the baby is holding his ear, rubbing it, and crying. Fluid comes out of the ear, but not always. Frequent symptoms are runny nose, sore throat, cough. Older children complain that their ears are ringing. Treatment of otitis is complex: tablets, physiotherapy, antibacterial drops.

Otitis media causes high fever in a child

Roseola (exanthema)

Children aged from 9 months to 2 years are affected. According to statistics, the infection develops in 70% of children. Its occurrence is caused by the herpes virus, which is present in the body of almost every person. The onset of the disease is characterized by a change in temperature to 38.6–40 °C. Such indicators persist for 3 days or longer.

When palpated, you can notice an increase in the submandibular, occipital and cervical lymph nodes. When the temperature returns to normal, the skin becomes covered with pink spots of different diameters. After a few days they disappear. Roseola occurs without complications; antipyretics are prescribed by the pediatrician.

Inflammation of the urinary tract

In addition to fever, bladder and duct infections may cause swelling of the legs and face. To determine what the child is sick with, the pediatrician prescribes a general urine test and sometimes a blood test.

Non-infectious causes


Symptoms of hyperthermia are increased sweating, rapid breathing, and palpitations. Possible loss of consciousness. You need to call a doctor immediately. Before his arrival, the child is undressed to the waist, or at least his clothes are unbuttoned, laid down so that his head is raised, and wiped with a damp towel.

If the patient has lost consciousness, give him a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to smell.


The temperature may rise during the period when baby teeth are being cut. This happens in children aged 4 months and older. up to 2.5 years. The thermometer does not rise above 38.5 °C, so there is no reason to panic. If the baby is mobile, active and not capricious, you can do without a doctor.

A teething baby grabs and pulls various objects into his mouth. Upon visual examination, swollen gums are visible, after a while the tops of the teeth appear. At this time, increased salivation is observed, the baby refuses his favorite food.

Teething is often accompanied by fever

To prevent gums from hurting so much, they are lubricated with a special gel, and at high temperatures (above 38 °C), if it is accompanied by lethargy, they are given a remedy that can bring it down to normal levels. Effective antipyretics - Nurofen, Viferon suppositories, Paracetamol. It is better for children to be in bed at this time. Drinking should be warm and plentiful.

☝Usually the tooth cuts through 2-3 days, after which the baby’s condition returns to normal.

Side effect after vaccinations

The temperature may rise after DPT or preventive vaccination. As a rule, it lasts for 24-36 hours. You should not be afraid that the temperature is rising: this indicates good immunity. There may be other symptoms: pain at the injection site, mild swelling. Komarovsky recommends giving an antipyretic drug once, without waiting for the thermometer to reach febrile levels. You should not cool the child with wet wipes, because you can accidentally touch the vaccination site.

☝☝☝An increase in temperature that does not go away for more than 2 days should be a cause for concern.

The child may have an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold, so you should show him to the doctor as soon as possible.

Ways to lower temperature in children

Not all medications can be given to children from birth. Paracetamol is considered the most effective and harmless for children. The doctor can also prescribe products based on it: “Calpol”, “Efferalgan”, “Panadol”. These drugs are available separately for children and adults. Giving a child medications intended for adults is unacceptable.

More effective antipyretics are Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, and Viferon suppositories. As a rule, the temperature rises in the evenings, and medication is given at this time. Overwork should not be allowed during this period. If the baby’s condition does not improve within 2-3 days, you need to call a local doctor at home. This applies only to those situations where the elevated temperature is not accompanied by other symptoms, and the child has already been examined by a specialist. Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance or a pediatrician immediately.

☝☝☝Important! Aspirin should not be given to children: it causes side effects and complications, including hepatic encephalopathy, bleeding and an allergic reaction.

In case of vomiting, when it is difficult to give a tablet or syrup, it is recommended to use suppositories. They have no contraindications, they are suitable for children of any age and act instantly. Antipyretic suppositories for children: “Genferon”, “Cefekon”, “Efferalgan”, “Viferon”.

Drugs that should not be given to children

For various reasons, some medications are not used in pediatrics.

  1. Phenacetin, antipyrine, amidopyrine are not given to children due to many side effects.
  2. Preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid thin the blood, provoke bleeding, and cause allergic reactions.
  3. Analgin and other drugs based on metamizole sodium inhibit hematopoietic processes, lead to allergies, and can cause loss of consciousness as a result of a drop in temperature to critical values.

✖All of the drugs listed are not used for home treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

In any case, as soon as the temperature rises, the child needs to be examined by a doctor. He will prescribe further treatment. Whether it will be enough to take medications that can lower the fever, or whether other methods of therapy will be required, only a specialist can decide. If necessary, antibiotics and drops in the nose or ears may be prescribed.

You should not hesitate to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • the thermometer shows numbers from 39.5 to 40 oC;
  • despite adequate treatment, body temperature does not drop for 3 days;
  • there is no positive dynamics;
  • other symptoms have been added (nausea, diarrhea, cough, redness of the skin, rash);
  • the child's general condition worsened.

When a high temperature persists for a long time, a series of tests must be done to adjust the prescribed therapy.

Call an ambulance at temperatures above +39

Worsening of the condition may be a sign of the body's reaction to strong drugs. In this case, you need to choose other medications. The baby may feel unwell even if he has chronic diseases, which tend to worsen due to fever. In this case, the child refuses to eat and drink, his skin becomes dry, his urine becomes dark, and there is no sweating.

Symptoms for which you need to urgently call an ambulance at home:

  • going limp;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • intermittent, difficult breathing;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • severe anxiety;
  • convulsions.

In these and similar cases, prolonged elevated temperature indicates that the child needs to be treated in a hospital. It is unacceptable to hesitate and wait.

The use of antipyretics for low-grade fever

In most cases, it is necessary to sharply reduce the temperature when the temperature is above 38.5-39 ° C, because there is a risk of seizures. But sometimes it is not forbidden to give antipyretic drugs even at lower levels.

List of situations when you should give medicine:

  • age up to 2 months;
  • there have previously been cases of seizures provoked by elevated temperatures;
  • have heart or vascular disease;
  • there are disorders of the nervous system;
  • The temperature has risen due to overheating.

Additional symptoms

It rarely happens that a fever in a child who is sick is not accompanied by other symptoms. The most common of them are described below.

Redness of the larynx

A red throat is a sign of a childhood infection of a viral or bacterial nature. The symptom is observed in scarlet fever, tonsillitis and some other diseases affecting the nasopharynx area.

No need to wrap up when there is a temperature

Runny nose

When a viral infection affects the nasal mucosa, a runny nose appears. Other troubles are added to it: cough, difficulty breathing through the nose, sore throat, weakness, poor appetite.

Cold feet and hands

White fever is a condition in which the extremities are cold and the skin is pale. Cold feet when a child has a fever is a consequence of vasospasm. The clinical picture is complemented by chills. The child's breathing becomes difficult and difficult. To eliminate symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to apply rubdowns or any wet compress. Before the doctor arrives, you can only rub your arms, legs and whole body with your hands. No-spa can relieve spasms, but it can only be given in consultation with a doctor.


☝☝☝Febrile temperature is a common cause of seizures. In children under 6 years of age, they can occur at temperatures ranging from +38°C, and if there are neurological disorders, then at lower levels.

Seizures are characterized by involuntary twitching of the limbs, flexion and extension. The child's skin turns blue and he does not respond to external stimuli. In this case, the baby should be laid so that the head is raised and turned to the side. Before the ambulance team arrives, the patient must not be left unattended for even a second.

Diarrhea, vomiting

A rise in temperature accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is a sign of an intestinal infection or food poisoning, not necessarily of poor quality. In young children, the digestive system is not well developed, so even benign food can provoke pathological symptoms. Also, vomiting in combination with fever often becomes a sign of acetone syndrome or meningitis.

Abdominal pain

Pain and pain in the abdomen in combination with an elevated temperature is a reason to immediately call a doctor. Perhaps the baby has appendicitis, an exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, or another pathology. In this case, every second counts.

No additional symptoms

A child without symptoms may have a fever in three cases:

Infectious kidney disease;

Teeth are being cut;

The disease (any) is just beginning, and the body is trying to fight.

Blood, urine or ultrasound tests will help confirm the presence of the disease or make sure that it does not exist.

What to drink and feed the child?

Drinking should be given in large quantities, but not forcefully. The following drinks are useful: compote, fruit drink, tea, herbal decoction. Liquid is needed to replenish its loss by the body, since at high temperatures a lot is lost through sweat. Food can be given little by little, as much as the child can eat, but not overheated, but slightly warm.

Raspberry tea from temperature

Treatment with folk remedies

To increase sweating, it is recommended to give cranberry juice or tea with berries. Just keep in mind that in children under one year old, cranberries can cause allergic rashes. Also, it should not be used for any diseases of the digestive system.

Children who are not prone to allergies can be given tea with raspberry jam or berry juice diluted with warm water.


You can only wipe with warm water. Her temperature is measured with a special thermometer: the readings should be 2 degrees lower than the child’s body temperature. Wet rubbing can reduce the heat by 1 degree. Cool water should not be used: the feeling of cold will provoke vasospasm. Also, do not use solutions of alcohol and vinegar for wiping: their fumes are harmful to children.

Most often, those parents who are closely faced with the problem of severe hyperthermia in their children call a doctor to their home.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by high fever, sometimes developing up to thirty-nine degrees.

In general, babies tolerate this difficult condition well, but if a serious illness occurs, there will also be accompanying symptoms that complicate it.

The most common symptoms include migraine, chills, or respiratory symptoms. Only a doctor can decide on the treatment of the baby, but parents should clearly know how to bring down the temperature of 39 in the child before his arrival.

Most often, significant hyperthermia in a child develops due to:

  • Bacterial infection;
  • introduction of viruses into the body;
  • respiratory infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic reaction;
  • teething;
  • overheating;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • oncological diseases;
  • immune response to vaccination, etc.

These factors cause a strong fever in the baby, which reflects a sharp activation of the body’s defenses.

Should the temperature be brought down to 39?

The vast majority of domestic and Western pediatricians are of the opinion that when hyperthermia reaches an alarming level of 38.5 degrees, then there is no point in waiting for further developments.

It needs to be lowered. Otherwise, various serious complications can occur, the most common of which is a seizure.

In the case of a serious infectious or inflammatory disease, the question of prescribing antipyretic drugs should be decided only by the attending physician.

If there is no particular danger or, conversely, the pediatrician has not arrived yet, and the thermometer readings increase by more than 39 degrees, then they need to be reduced.

To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand that a significant increase in temperature is a direct reflection of the body’s resistance. It is the heat that helps him actively fight the infection.

However, its manifestations that are too strong can have a negative impact on the baby, completely robbing him of his strength and leading to dehydration.

How can we bring down a child’s temperature of 39 and help him survive this serious condition? First of all, you need to provide him with a large amount of liquid.

To prevent dehydration, you should constantly give your baby water.

Various fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks or decoctions of medicinal plants are well suited for this. The drink must be tasty, otherwise a sick child may refuse it due to poor health.

It is better to give him liquid from a spoon or a convenient bottle. When parents are confused because their child has a temperature of 39, Komarovsky believes that this is the only way to bring it down.

The famous children's doctor Komarovsky also recommends, if hyperthermia develops, to replenish the lost balance of electrolytes in the body. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of microelements. In such a case, raisins, figs, dried apricots and other dried fruits will help.

According to Komarovsky’s advice, it is strongly recommended to give the child a drink that has cooled down, but still retains heat. Therefore, before you start treating it with diaphoretics, you first need to provide the child’s body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

If only the baby’s forehead is hot, but his legs and arms are cold, this indicates the development of a negative vascular reaction.

In this case, you should know that it is permissible to give a child at a temperature of 39 degrees antispasmodics (Drotaverine or Papaverine) in a pediatric dose, clearly indicated in the instructions for the drug.

It is imperative to open the window completely and achieve significant cooling of the room where the patient is lying. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the thermometer in it should show no more than twenty, or at most twenty-two, degrees.

This helps balance the body's thermoregulation with the help of the air inhaled by the baby's lungs and the air released by them. In addition, it is worth making the air stream wet.

It is advisable to wet the curtains, place a large basin of water in the room, or place a damp cloth everywhere.

Increased body temperature in a child - Emergency care "Doctor Komarovsky School"

  • There is intense heat, which has already exceeded thirty-nine Celsius and is approaching forty degrees;
  • diagnosed with heart disease;
  • there is vascular pathology;
  • there is a tendency to seizures, etc.

All this puts him at significant risk. The heat, which has reached 39.9 degrees, no longer brings any benefit to the body, but causes coagulation of proteins, of which the human body largely consists.

In addition, it creates a significant burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

If the fever develops significantly, you should know that you can quickly bring down a child’s temperature of 39 by wiping with water at room temperature. It is not advisable to add any substances to it.

You need to remove everything unnecessary from the baby to avoid overheating. You should leave him in cotton pajamas or a nightgown made from natural fabrics. It is better to cover it with a light sheet.

You should not allow your child to run or scream if he is in an excited state, but it is also undesirable to force him to bed.

Any nervous and physical stress will only increase hyperthermia. It is necessary to sit him in a comfortable place, read to him or distract him with something interesting.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child?

It is possible to reduce the manifestations of fever with the help of appropriate medications only if the child’s temperature of 39-39.5 is not brought down by rubbing and drinking.

It should be remembered that for children under 5 years of age, suppositories, syrups and suspensions are preferable to tablets.

There are special medications, which include syrups, suspensions or tablets. They contain the appropriate doses:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Syrup or suppositories with Nurofen;
  • Candle with Viferon;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Calpole;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan or Cefekon in the required dosage.

They should be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the medicine. These are effective drugs that can reduce fever for a fairly long period. In addition, they produce an operational effect.

The safest choice in this case is Paracetamol.

It quickly helps bring down the temperature, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions, and also does not have a noticeable effect on the hematopoietic system and the central nervous system.

The dosage in tablets for fever in children from 3 to 6 years is 800 mg / day.

From the age of 6, the permissible dose is multiplied by 1.5-2. The minimum interval between medication doses is 4 hours.

If the temperature does not decrease, the tablet can be given again. If the child’s temperature remains at 39 even after repeated doses, then other medications or home remedies are used.

Ibuprofen-based medications also help quickly relieve fever, but they are less effective in providing other benefits to the body.

However, their advantage is that the antipyretic effect lasts for a very long period. The child should also take them no more often than every six hours.

For patients aged 3 months to 2 years, suppositories, syrup and suspension are used in accordance with the instructions. And for children over 3 years old - tablets.

The dosage is 10 mg/kg body weight at a temperature of 38.5 - 39.2, and if the temperature is below this indicator, then 5 mg/kg. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 30 mg/kg body weight.

How not to lower the temperature

Many parents are horrified when they see numbers on a thermometer that stop at thirty-nine degrees. Therefore, they lose their heads and begin to do things that only worsen the child’s situation.

It should be noted that in medicine, elevated temperature is divided into:

  • White, when there is a hot forehead, and the palms and feet are cold, while the face is pale;
  • red, when the heat covers the whole body.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in different ways.

  • In the first case, it is not recommended to massage the child’s limbs, completely undress him, or apply wet and cool lotions to his body. The baby’s condition is due to vascular insufficiency and these measures will only strengthen it.
  • When red hyperthermia is observed, these actions can help, since in this case vascular spasm is not observed; on the contrary, they are dilated.

If a child’s temperature is persistent at 39 and does not react to anything, then you should not rub the baby with an alcohol or vinegar solution, as it contributes to dehydration of the body and negatively affects the condition of the skin.

If there is a large amount of the substance, or if there is damage to the body, it can enter the bloodstream and cause even more damage.

Also, you should not give your child hot drinks with raspberries, linden or honey, and then wrap them tightly.

In this way, parents cause a diaphoretic effect and at the same time clog the air exchange, preventing the thermoregulation system from working at full strength.

In addition, plant substances help create a diuretic effect, which, together with the diaphoretic effect, creates all the conditions for blood dehydration.

Many parents panic when they see that their child’s temperature is 39.4; they don’t know how to bring it down. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that one should not strive to eliminate the heat by any means.

Medicines prohibited for use by children

Under no circumstances should you give your baby drugs such as Amidopyrine, Analgin, Antipyrin or Phenacetin.

They are contraindicated for a child’s body, otherwise intoxication is quite possible, which will make the patient’s condition critical.

  • Since babies often have a fever, parents should be prepared for this and know the basic measures that should be taken to help them.
  • Even if the child is still an infant, the mother needs to prepare in advance for what she can and should do if he develops hyperthermia, since she will often have to deal with such a problem.
  • And, of course, self-medication when a young patient develops a fever is simply unacceptable. All necessary therapy is carried out only by a doctor.

What to do if the temperature does not go down to 39

There are also cases when everything has been tried, but hyperthermia does not disappear. Therefore, if a child’s temperature does not drop to 39 degrees, then this is a signal that specialist help is needed.

An urgent call to the Ambulance is necessary when:

  • The heat increases;
  • the child does not eat anything;
  • he refuses to drink;
  • he is getting worse;
  • his limbs twitch;
  • the child constantly vomits;
  • he has severe diarrhea.

If you do not call an ambulance in time, a seizure, cardiac or vascular failure, or organic brain damage may occur.

These symptoms indicate serious metabolic problems, rapid approach of dehydration, as well as the presence of dysfunction of internal organs, and most likely the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.

While the medical team has not yet arrived, it is advisable to wrap the child in a wet sheet for about five minutes. Then he should be dried and dressed in a dry nightgown.

You also need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, because they are the ones that indicate the presence of a certain disease. High temperature is only one of them and in itself cannot give a specialist a complete answer to the question of what the child is sick with.

What to do if the temperature does not decrease after taking an antipyretic? — Dr. Komarovsky

Cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever. The situation is unpleasant, but understandable. And if all this is missing, and the temperature has risen. High temperature and nothing else.

Situation: you touched your forehead, it seemed hot, but there was nothing else. Scary and incomprehensible. If you have a fever and you don’t understand why the fever is high, it won’t hurt to contact a person who should understand it better than you. In situations of high fever, you often have to consult a doctor.

Contents of the article:

High temperature and overheating of the child

This morning, the mother suddenly discovered that the child had a high temperature. Why did you start measuring temperature? Because my forehead was hot to the touch. You took his temperature, his temperature was 38. You took him to the doctor. And the doctor declares: the lungs are clean, the throat is not red, the nose is dry, I don’t see the cause of the temperature. Every mother finds herself in this situation, sooner or later. You cannot raise a child without this situation arising: there is a high temperature, but there is nothing else. What to do? What will you do? See how long it will last. The mother suspects that the child is overheated. Although 38 is a bit high for overheating. As a doctor, I will say that 38 for overheating is normal, and for our country it is more than normal. Then we gradually begin to list lists of those diseases that cause high fever without any symptoms. Indeed, one of these conditions is overheating, which often occurs in the summer. And the younger the child, the more relevant this topic is.

What causes high temperature?

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of high fever without symptoms in summer is overheating, and the rest of the time - viral infections. What are the rules for treating a viral infection? Moistening the nasopharynx, humidifying the room, ventilating. These are the rules for the treatment of viral respiratory infections. The main rule of treatment is to create conditions where the child can cope with the infection on his own.

When to see a doctor if you have a high fever?

Of course, if we are not in the country, we are in the city, then we will immediately go for help. Doctors' calls not to self-medicate and to consult a doctor when the temperature rises are absolutely fair, because a dangerous disease with specific symptoms can begin with a slight increase in temperature. But in 50% of cases, when the child’s temperature rises, mothers do not go to the doctor. They always wait a few days. Therefore, we will now try to formulate rules for when there is no point in waiting, when you definitely need to see a doctor.

  1. No improvement on day 3 of illness.
  2. Lack of normalization of temperature on day 5.

What do you mean not better? When it was 39, and on the third day it was 38, then this is an improvement. And if it was 38, and on the third day it was 38.2, then you urgently need to see a doctor.

And on day 5 the temperature should be normal.

If the mother does not see symptoms when the temperature rises, this does not mean that they do not exist. There are symptoms that a mother cannot see in principle; only a person with a medical education can see them.

Therefore, an incomprehensible situation is a reason to contact a doctor.

Temperature and nothing else.

Temperature 37.5, cough and snot - definitely a viral infection. But the temperature and nothing else is a viral infection, but what kind is not clear. If you have the opportunity to see a doctor, do so. What will happen next? Most likely, if the mother did not see the symptoms, the doctor will not see either. And when a doctor says the phrase “I don’t see anything,” then in the eyes of our average person he seems like the wrong doctor, a bad one. Well, what kind of doctor is this, who has been trained for so many years, cannot make a diagnosis when there is a fever, and he honestly admitted it. Therefore, the mother will go with the child to another doctor, who will say: “Oh, your throat is a little red.” But I must admit that in 30 years of treating children, I have not seen a neck that is a little red, a little blue, a little green, or a little purple. All the necks are a little red. Advice for mothers: occasionally look into the mouth of your healthy child so that you understand what kind of throat your child should have normally. And when the doctor says a little red, you will say the same as always. And it will be easier for the doctor.

How to bring down the temperature.

At what temperature do you need to take some measures? Measures need to be taken when your child is really unwell. If the room is hot, the room is dry, the child does not drink, the child is not healthy, then we need to help the child fight the increase in body temperature. Another question is that for our mother to fight a rise in temperature is to run to the pharmacy and give the child a sweet syrup. And to fight a high temperature means ventilate, humidify, give water and do everything to ensure that there is cool air in the room.

Causes of high temperature.

The causes of high temperature are infectious and non-infectious. The most common non-infectious cause is overheating. It is in our country, when a child is wrapped in 5 clothes, and in winter in 10, that overheating is the main reason for a rise in temperature without symptoms. Therefore, think about what the temperature is in the room, how many diapers the child is wearing, whether you were running in the heat. However, very often a fever is just an infection. Infections can be viral or bacterial. Viral infections go away on their own, but bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Moreover, bacterial infections are accompanied by specific symptoms. If a child has otitis media, then the ear hurts, and if a child has a sore throat, then his throat hurts. And if there is fever and diarrhea, then this is an intestinal infection. And if there is an elevated temperature and a characteristic rash, this is chickenpox. There is one bacterial infection that is not accompanied by any symptoms in children. This is a urinary tract infection. Those. If the child simply has a fever and there are no other symptoms, then a clinical urine test is very necessary.

How can a mother distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one?

With viral infections, the child’s skin is bright, pink, and with bacterial infections, it is pale. If 39 and the ears are red, you don’t have to fuss, but if 37 and the child is lethargic and pale, then a doctor is urgently needed.

Temperature and nothing else are, as a rule, not dangerous. But do not neglect seeking medical help; together with a doctor you will be much stronger.

Causes of temperature in infants according to Komarovsky

An increase in body temperature in a child is typical for ARVI, but also for any viral disease. An increase in temperature ensures stimulation of the body, as well as the production of elements that can effectively fight the pathogen.

Children's perception of temperature rise varies. Some people are not bothered at 39°C, while others faint at 37.5°C. This determines the lack of clear recommendations regarding actions to save a child when his body temperature reaches a certain value.

Other reasons for an increase in a child’s body temperature include teething, stress or nervous shock, excessive hypothermia, or overheating in the sun.

Komarovsky: fever, cough in infants

A child’s cough in combination with a high temperature indicates that the child is exposed to a cold virus or some kind of infection. In addition, the following reasons are possible:

  • entry of viruses and bacterial infections into the child’s respiratory tract;
  • the occurrence and initial stage of development of allergic or infectious diseases, in particular bronchial asthma;
  • acute form of irritation of the bronchi with chemicals, in particular paint or gasoline;
  • severe overheating of the child’s body due to an allergic reaction.

Depending on the established cause of the cough, ways to eliminate it are determined.

Cough in an infant without fever, Komarovsky

Komarovsky identifies two main types of cough: allergic and infectious. In addition, the doctor says that with the help of coughing, the child’s body eliminates the infection that has entered it. A child may have a hard time with his parents purchasing fresh perfume or a new means of cleaning the house.

If a child’s cough without fever is caused by intestinal infections, it will go away on its own. The main point in this case is the separation of sputum from the bronchi. It is necessary to constantly ventilate the child’s room and give him plenty of water. Also, do not overfeed it.

A dry cough without fever is much more dangerous than a wet cough. But both should not be left unnoticed. For high-quality sputum discharge, it is necessary to use special means. However, only a doctor has the right to prescribe such treatment methods. You should consult a specialist if the cough lasts more than three weeks.

Komarovsky: runny nose, fever in infants

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in an infant in combination with a fever occurs due to a decrease in the level of his immunity. Simply put, the child’s body suffers from a lack of resources to resist pathogenic bacteria that block its nasal passages. In a child, they are quite narrow and therefore a minor viral infection is enough to cause a runny nose. In this case, the child is guaranteed to have a runny nose at an elevated temperature.

According to Komarovsky, a runny nose in a child with a fever can be the result of a strong temperature difference in the child. There may be a strong separation of sweat when the child’s body overheats, and the result will be a decrease in the protective function of the child’s body. Hypothermia can also harm a child.

A runny nose with fever can also be the result of allergic reactions. In this case, the face may swell, tears will flow, and severe itching will appear in the nose.

High temperature in infants, Komarovsky

A sharp increase in a child’s body temperature most often occurs due to exposure of the infant to viral and infectious diseases. In addition, the temperature may rise as a result of teething in the child, severe nervous shock that he is experiencing, as well as an allergic reaction or the consequences of stress.

Komarovsky advises parents not to panic if their child’s body temperature suddenly rises. A baby's high body temperature indicates that his body is working normally. There is no need to immediately try to solve the problem by using fever reducers. Fever itself is an effective protective mechanism of the child's body.

First of all, you should give your child plenty of fluids. Compotes made from dried apricots and dried fruits are best suited for this. A child’s drink must be heated. According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is necessary to saturate the child’s body with fluid, after which sweat production should be stimulated with the help of hot drinks.

The result will be profuse sweating of the child. The heat transfer from the baby's skin surface increases. Eventually your body temperature will drop.

Komarovsky: baby has fever without symptoms

In some cases, mild fever is a normal reaction of the child’s body to external irritating factors; in other situations, there are certain dangers. The reasons for fever without additional symptoms should be known to parents in order to monitor the situation and make the right decision.

The reasons for an increase in temperature without additional symptoms may be the following:

  1. Overheating of the infant's body. This may be due to the baby being in the sun for a long time or in a stuffy room, his clothes being too warm, or as a result of long, intense games with him. In this case, the child’s body temperature may increase to 38.5°C. The child should be placed in the shade and unnecessary clothing should be removed. If the cause of the high temperature is overheating, its value will be restored within an hour.
  2. A baby's body temperature may increase as teething occurs. In such a situation, it is possible for the temperature to reach 38°C within three days. The situation can be eliminated by using special gels to reduce fever, stopping intense games, as well as drinking plenty of heat and drinking.
  3. Impact of the virus. Without symptoms, the situation is observed only on the first day. If the temperature reaches high levels due to the effect of a viral infection on the child, after three days the child begins to have redness in the throat, he coughs and has a runny nose. You should not rush to lower your baby’s body temperature with medications. It is necessary to guarantee the child constant access to fresh air, wet wipes, a constant ambient temperature of 22°C and plenty of drinking. No need to take antibiotics.
  4. Consequences of vaccination. In some cases, the child’s body shows an individual reaction to the administered vaccine. It is possible for an infant's body temperature to rise to 38.5°C, after which it lasts for three days.

Measures must be taken individually, depending on the situation. It is recommended that if a baby’s body temperature rises, consult with a competent doctor and prescribe adequate measures, if necessary.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if a child has a high temperature, the child should be provided with conditions in which his body will lose heat. This happens when the air inhaled by the baby warms and sweat evaporates from the baby’s skin. The doctor recommends following two conditions for children with fever:

  • providing cool air in the room. It is best that the temperature in the child’s room is between 16-18°. The child should wear warm clothes to avoid spasm of his blood vessels;
  • the child should drink a lot. As a result, he will sweat and his blood will not clot. Raisin decoction is best suited for infants; if the child is a little older, dried fruit compote is recommended.

If the child does not want to drink at all at the moment, it is best to find a suitable drink for him later. To quickly absorb the liquid you drink, the child’s body temperature should be approximately equal to the temperature of the liquid itself.

Komarovsky: how to reduce the temperature of a baby?

Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that each child is individual and does not tolerate high temperatures in the same way. Therefore, it should be knocked down using various methods. One child can play fully when it is 39°C, another faints at 37.5°C. Therefore, there cannot be precise recommendations as to when exactly a child should be given a fever-reducing medication.

Komarovsky does not recommend rubbing a child with alcohol or vinegar. Sweating itself leads to a decrease in the child’s body temperature. Rubbing causes an additional risk of intoxication of the child’s body with alcohol or acetic acid.

Also, in order to avoid spasm of the child’s blood vessels, Komarovsky does not recommend increasing the evaporation of sweat using a fan. The child just needs to be put to rest and dressed in warm clothes.

Dr. Komarovsky advises reducing the temperature with antipyretic drugs in the following cases:

  1. The baby does not tolerate increased temperature well.
  2. The risk of seizures increases with concomitant pathologies of the infant’s nervous system.
  3. When the child’s body temperature exceeds 39°C. There will be more benefit than harm.

Dr. Komarovsky calls Paracetamol the best way to lower a child’s body temperature. It is completely safe to use and comes in many forms.

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