Sale of property of bankrupt enterprises in Belarus. Property sold by the Belarusian People's Bank

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Limited Liability Company "Ischia" sale of company property

IVECO EUROTECH reg. No. AK 9371-7, year of manufacture. 2002, market value excluding VAT (20%) 86,292,000 BYN. rub.

KOEGEL SN24 P90 reg. No. A 8249 A-7 year of manufacture 2002, market value excluding VAT (20%) 55,121,000 BYN. rub.

IVECO 65C18 V reg. No. AM 3831-7 year of manufacture. 2009 market value excluding VAT (20%) 210,784,000 BYN. rub.

cost of vehicles excluding VAT

Sale of property

Name Price Price including VAT
Used cutting machine Wohlenberg 115 CUTTEC, 1996 (paper cutting machine). Contents: Software, screen, air cushion, Jogger (vibrating table) Baumann BSB 5, Side Lift (side lift) Baumann BA3, auxiliary tables - 3 pcs. 271 205 069 325 446 083
Used Rilecard TP-340 2003 (ring winding machine for calendar production) 204 593 298 245 511 958
Total: 570 958 040

Chips production line Ш12-КФЧ, manufactured in 198_, initial cost. 94,000,000 rubles, bidding step - 10% of the initial cost. Location of the auction item: Maryina Gorka. The deposit for participation in the auction for this lot is

94,000,000 rubles.

Packaging machine UM-2, manufactured in 2008, initial price. RUB 12,800,000, bidding increment – ​​10% of the initial cost. Location of the auction item: Maryina Gorka. The deposit for participation in the auction for this lot is

12,800,000 rubles.

Open bidding in the form of an auction. NPO "Food" (UNP 101222586)

The manager of the scientific and production limited liability company "Food Products" (UNP 101222586) - Private Enterprise "Getman and Partners" - the auction organizer notifies about the holding on May 22, 2014. at 10:00 a.m. at the address: Minsk, st. Slavinsky, 1, office. 215, – open bidding in the form of an auction (at an increased starting price) for the sale of the following property in single lots:

1) Building of a workshop for the production of mayonnaise and margarine, inv. No. 620/S-32799 – one-story permanent building with extensions, brick and block walls, total area of ​​the assessed object is 766.8 sq.m, volume 3067 sq.m, year of construction of the workshop building 1959, year of construction of extensions 2002-2009. Object condition: normal. Purpose: A building specialized for the production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco. Addition: asphalt covering, area 1186 sq.m. Sewage networks, inventory No. 620/S-32492 – length 715.1, cast iron, PE, ceramic pipeline, year of construction unused. Condition: satisfactory. Purpose: specialized public utility construction.

Initial cost. RUB 1,412,000,000 , bidding step – 10% of the initial cost. Location of the auction item: Dzerzhinsk. The deposit for participation in the auction for this lot is 141,200,000 rubles.

The deposit for participation in the auction is paid to the account of the private enterprise “Food Products” (account 3012100200017 in OJSC Technobank, code 182, UNP 101222586, purpose of payment: deposit for participation in the auction on May 22, 2014, lot No. 1). Payment is made from the date of this publication. to 05/21/2014 on Accepting applications by address. bidding from the present date. publications until May 21, 2014 from 9-00 to 18-00 hours. (except weekends and holidays); familiarization with the condition of the property at the location of the property, having previously agreed on a time by phone +375 29-6745810. The winner of the auction is the participant who offers the highest price for the lot offered for sale. The winner of the auction in current. 15 calendars days from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, pays the price minus the deposit.

For participants who are not recognized as winners, the deposit will be returned in cashless form within 3 days. from m-ta approved. protocol on the results of the auction. Persons who submitted applications to participate in the auction have the right to refuse to participate in the auction until 18:00 on May 21, 2014. If the auction is declared invalid due to the filing of an application for participation by only one participant, it is possible to sell this object to the applicant, with his consent, at the starting price increased by 5%.

Received as payment from insolvent borrowers, bankrupts, etc. subject to sale. In addition to debtors’ property, used banks’ own property is periodically sold: computers, office equipment, premises, etc.

Although lending institutions are not engaged in either production or trading, they strive to sell all such assets as quickly as possible and actively advertise for this.

Such transactions are absolutely legal, but understanding how and what kind of property banks acquire will be interesting and useful.

Where do banks get property to sell?

The main activity of banking institutions is directly related to lending.

A significant part of the loans that banks issue to individuals and organizations is secured by the collateral of the borrowers.

One of the sanctions against loan defaulters is confiscation of collateral.

The bank usually has expensive and highly liquid assets as collateral:

  • housing;
  • outbuildings;
  • production premises;
  • cars and trucks;
  • construction and agricultural machines (excavators, tractors, etc.);
  • equipment for various industries;
  • many other items that were the subject of collateral in the categories of “goods stock in warehouses” or “goods in circulation.”

The last item may include household appliances, shoes, and other goods.

Property confiscated by banks to pay off debts often continues to be called collateral, although it has already been transferred to the bank. Property returned from leasing is sold along with collateral. Periodic replacement of terms does not change the essence of the situation; everything happens according to the same rules.

How do banks sell property?

Typically, banks either transfer the seized property for sale to third parties, or it remains under arrest, in temporary storage warehouses, etc. And the bank is trying to sell it through advertisements, holding auctions, etc.

Banks usually sell property at prices below the market average for similar goods. There are several reasons for this:

  • the bank wants to get its money back as soon as possible;
  • the bank cannot provide the same conditions as professional sellers: assortment, service, etc.
  • seized property being sold may have different quality, defects and degree of wear;
  • if the bank has already received part of the loan amount from the borrower, then it is only interested in returning the outstanding balance, and there is no reason to insist on a high price.

All this contributes to lower prices for sold property.

Sales of collateral property in Belarus

The sale of collateral, or rather seized and confiscated property from bankrupts and defaulters, in the Republic of Belarus is professionally carried out by Belrealization CJSC. Banks are also actively putting their non-core assets up for sale.

As of mid-April 2019, credit institutions of the Republic of Belarus offered for sale:

Property for sale

residential real estate

commercial real estate



commercial real estate



production equipment

commercial real estate

warehouse and production facilities


production equipment

household appliances

commercial real estate

warehouse and production facilities

production equipment

household appliances

commercial real estate

warehouse and production facilities

car tires

residential real estate

commercial real estate

residential real estate

production premises

service station complex

commercial real estate

warehouse and production facilities

production complexes of various industries

commercial real estate

warehouse and production facilities


Belarusian People's Bank offers administrative premises at the address: Minsk, st. Myasnikova, 40-9

Price is negotiable

  1. Convenient location. Within walking distance of metro stations and public transport stops, large shopping centers and grocery stores, restaurants and cafes
  2. Parking spaces. Parking near the building
  3. Interior decoration. Interior decoration fully complies with modern standards
  4. Transaction security. Guaranteed legal purity of property and transactions
  5. Information. BNB-Bank provides information about the actual technical condition of the facility
  6. No intermediaries. You conclude a deal “directly” with the owner, without overpaying agents
  7. Transaction speed. Willingness to complete the transaction as quickly as possible
  8. Favorable conditions
Description of the property being sold:

Floor, year of construction

Fifth floor, 1999


Minsk, st. Myasnikova, 40-9

Office space

Separate entrance

Wall material

Monolithic foam concrete


electricity supply; central heating; water supply; sewerage; hot water supply. Telephone lines, internet

Belarusian People's Bank offers isolated premises at the address: Minsk, st. Yakubova, 2/2-5

Negotiable price, credit and leasing support

Advantages of the property being sold:

  • Convenient location. Public transport stops, grocery stores and green areas are within walking distance.
  • Interior decoration. The interior decoration fully complies with modern standards.
  • Parking spaces. Parking near the building.
  • Transaction security. Guaranteed legal purity of property and transactions.
  • Information. BNB-Bank provides information about the actual technical condition of the facility.
  • No intermediaries. You enter into a deal “directly” with the owner, without overpaying agents.
  • Transaction speed. Willingness to complete the transaction as quickly as possible.
  • Favorable conditions. BNB-Bank provides credit and leasing support to its clients.

Open Joint Stock Company "Belarusian People's Bank" will create an individual offer for you with the most flexible conditions. Will provide credit or leasing support for the acquisition of the presented real estate.

Retail space

Wall material

Gas silicate blocks

Type of implementation

Sale, rent

Partially leased

Separate entrance


Electricity supply, water supply, sewerage, telephone lines, high-speed Internet.


Open joint-stock company "Belarusian People's Bank" will create an individual offer for you with the most flexible conditions. Will provide credit or leasing support for the acquisition of the presented real estate.

Contact person:

Tsarenko Sergey Vladimirovich

Contacts for inquiries:

375 17 388 89 70
+375 29 762 78 72

Belarusian People's Bank offers agricultural estate created in Belarusian traditions (national style)

Price is negotiable, credit and leasing support

Description of the property being sold


Minsk region, Volozhin district, Kuchkuny village, st. Zaslavskaya 19, 21

The estate is located 25 minutes from Minsk (28 km from the MKAD), 3 km from the M6 ​​highway, 2 km from the MKAD-2.

Description of real estate objects

Residential house with an area of ​​201.2 sq.m., with an attic, a veranda, a log bathhouse with an attic, a guest house, a gazebo, a utility block, a garage, located on a land plot of 0.2111 hectares

One-storey garden house with an area of ​​61.8 sq.m., located on a land plot of 0.1025 hectares

Type of implementation


Electricity supply, heating - from the boiler (pellets, firewood), water supply - own well, sewerage, hot water supply


Open Joint Stock Company "Belarusian People's Bank" will create an individual offer for you with the most flexible conditions. Will provide credit or leasing support for the acquisition of the presented real estate.

More details about the terms of purchase:

Contact person:

Shirma Oleg Kazimirovich

Contacts for inquiries:

375 17 388 89 70

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