Food themed minions birthday party. Scenario

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

For a successful party, it is important to think about entertainment for guests in advance. Especially if these guests are not older than the girls from the cartoon you have chosen. This will not only bring pleasure to the children, but will also ensure the safety of at least part of your interior!


Skittles. Children love this competition for accuracy and striking power. You will need 6 pieces of 2-liter bottles. Paint them with yellow paint, after it dries, cover the bottom of the bottle with blue. Print or draw eyes, glue a smile to the bottle and the skittles are ready. Bottles can be filled with water for stability.


Photo session in the “Box of Shame” Remember, at the beginning of the first part in the orphanage, the evil teacher put the guilty children in the “box of shame”. This box is nothing special, and you can easily make something similar with your own hands. A TV box is ideal for this. And what funny photos everyone will have as a memory after this holiday!


“I’m twisting and turning, I want to confuse.” This is a favorite game for children to develop their powers of observation. From disposable cups with the bottom cut off and a balloon stretched over them, you can make these funny caps. The goal of the game is to guess which cap the minion is hiding under.


Catch a Minion. Paint the eggs in Minion style. Divide your party guests into teams of two. Members of one team stand at a distance of about a meter from each other and, on the command “let’s go,” throw an egg to their partner. Then each team takes a step back and they throw the egg back. After each throw, the participants take a step back. The game continues until at least one team remains with a whole egg. To prevent children from getting dirty, boil the eggs in advance.


Get the Moon Nominate one of Gru's children and give him the white ball. Gru must run and try to escape from other players. Other players try to catch Gru and tag him. If the player succeeds, he or she receives the ball and becomes the new Gru.


‘Is this Annoying?’ All participants line up. One by one, each of them makes the most annoying noises he or she can think of (just like Agnes in the movie). Appoint a jury to choose the most annoying sound!


Do What I Say Gru gives the children a simple command, accompanied by the phrase: “Gru says” (pat yourself on the head, jump on one leg, rub your stomach, sit down, etc.). The command must be carried out only if Gru has said the key phrase. If the participant makes a mistake, he is eliminated. Continue the game until there is only one child left.


Return the glasses to the Minion. Draw or print a Minion on a large piece of paper. Prepare several Minion glasses by gluing double-sided tape to their back surface. The child, blindfolded, must attach the glasses to the Minion, in the place where they should be.


Don't forget about symbolic gifts for guests. These could be themed CDs, coloring books, toys or sweets.

You should start preparing the party with invitation cards. Their style may be
the most diverse, and the basis will be any image of yellow men.


On the front of the invitation, you can write all the Gru rules from the first movie. (Don't cry, don't whine, don't laugh, don't giggle, don't sneeze, don't make other annoying sounds). On the reverse side, place information about the holiday.


Have your child make their own invitations. The degree of your participation in preparing invitations certainly depends on the age of the baby. For example, together you can paste over soap bubbles in the style of minions.


You can buy ready-made invitations that your child will be happy to sign. Pour some fun confetti into the envelope.


Using yellow and blue frosting, make themed cookies or cakes. Pack them in boxes themed after the upcoming party. Information about the holiday can either be placed inside or written on one side of the box.

At a minion-themed party, the main thing is a cheerful mood. You can create it using decorative tricks.


Simple yellow and blue balloons can also turn into Minions. To do this you will need adhesive colored film. We cut out glasses from silver-gray film, from a white eye socket, and from a black spectacle frame. Don't forget the Minion's mouth, with its tongue hanging out or a toothy smile.

You can draw the faces of the Minions with regular markers.


Themed balloons. Attach bouquets of balloons to chairs around the table, make a garland or distribute balloons throughout the area where the party will take place - this will absolutely ensure a festive atmosphere.


Using yellow and blue fabric, you can easily transform your front door. Cover the top 2/3 of your front door with yellow fabric and the bottom with blue. From black construction paper, cut out a mouth, a glasses strap and black eyes. From white - cut a circle along the outside of the eyes. Glue it all onto the yellow fabric and you will see a giant Minion for yourself! Make sure you cut a hole for the doorknob so that guests can enter.


You can hang decorative flags on the wall - also with Minion faces - on the flags you can write the name of the birthday person or simply the inscription “Happy Birthday”.


Blue and yellow pom-poms hung around the house undoubtedly look very flattering and will bring a “cartoon” atmosphere to your party.


The tablecloth on the table can be yellow or blue. Napkins are of a contrasting color (if the tablecloth is yellow, then the napkins are blue - and vice versa).


Use a marker to draw Minion faces on the yellow disposable cups. If you glue plastic eyes to the glass, the impression will be complete.


Blue disposable utensils wrapped in a yellow napkin look very stylish. Make black themed napkin rings by gluing Minion eyes to black ribbon.


You can place pet bowls on the table and fill them with sweets (this is what Gru tried to feed the girls the first day he brought them home from the shelter).


Conceptually, beakers and flasks filled with drinks of different colors look on the table (like in Grew’s laboratory). Come up with names for the drinks and write them on paper tape glued to the container. Don't forget to fill one of the flasks with anti-gravity!

In the Minions style with interesting and fun competitions, he or she will definitely enjoy it!

In this article you will find a “Minions” birthday script with themed competitions and descriptions of props.

Welcome to the World of Minions!

The host (mom or dad) welcomes the children gathered at the holiday and informs them that they have found themselves in the fairy-tale world of minions! And since today is a wonderful holiday - Birthday, the Host offers to congratulate the birthday person in the real Minion language!

To do this, he gives the children a card. Each card says Happy Birthday in funny Minion language. But since none of the kids speak Minion, he suggests playing them a game. Each participant will take turns reading a congratulation to the birthday boy, and all other children, including the birthday boy himself, must quickly shout out the same congratulation in Russian! The one who shouts out first receives a sweet gift.

Greeting cards in the minion language

    1. “I wish you all happiness!” - per. I wish you happiness!
    1. “Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart!” — per. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
    1. “Carrot Lovers and Big Luck” - trans. Love-carrots and great luck!
    1. “Happy Birthday to you!” — per. Happy Birthday to you!
  1. “All the stars are para tu!” — per. All stars for you!

If someone doesn’t have enough cards, the Leader can invite the kids to come up with a congratulation together, using children’s imagination and amusingly distorting the words.

A short lesson in Minion language

The presenter offers to learn a few words from the Minion language and asks the children to repeat the words after him.

Hello sounds like "Bellow" by analogy with the English "Hello". While “Pupay” sounds, it’s similar to the English “Goodbye”. Thank you - “Tenk yu”, similar to the English “Fenk yu”.

The presenter invites everyone to say together to the birthday boy: “We love you” in Minion - Tulalilu ti amo!

Fun photo shoot: I'm a minion

A photo session with transformation into minions will also be a fun activity for children. The main idea of ​​the photo shoot is to depict the minion from the picture as closely as possible.

For the photo shoot, you will need to print out several pictures of funny minions, prepare the necessary props for each child minion: namely, what the minions are wearing or what they are holding in their hands.

And if you prepare minion caps or even masks for children, the children will undoubtedly be delighted!

Minion Dance

After this, the Presenter invites the kids to warm up a little and dance a simple minion dance to the video. The leader can learn simple movements in advance and show the movements to the children during the dance.

You can find one of the simple Minion-style dances in advance in Yandex or YouTube, it is called “Best Minion Dance 2”A” school No. 20, Sarov”

Find the minion treasure

The host offers to go on a small interesting journey to find minions - a delicious sweet cake.

For this competition, you need to hide in advance and hang on the wall in different places in the room where the birthday party will take place, several funny pictures of minions.

The kids' task is to find each picture and answer the question about the minions on the other side of it, with hints from the Leader, of course.


    1. How many eyes do minions have?
    2. How many minions are there in total?
        1. Average height minion?

  1. How many types of hairstyles do minions have?
  2. What do minions love most?

Answers: 1) 1 or 2; 2) 899; 3) 55 cm; 4) 5; 5) Bananas.

The last answer to the question: "Bananas" is a clue where to look for the treasure. Those. where the bananas are: on the table or in the refrigerator. There the kids will find their sweet treasure - the Minions cake.

"Happy Birthday" in Minion

What's a birthday without the song "Happy Birthday to You"? And if you sing it together in funny squeaky voices, it will be much more fun! Therefore, the Leader invites the children to sing in such squeaky and squeaky voices as they can.

A great idea would be to use helium balloons for a song. Then there will simply be no limit to laughter and fun!

What other games can you play at such a birthday?

To the famous Monopoly with Minions with BananaBucks and Minion figures.

Operation from Hasbro is a very interesting game where children need to carefully perform an operation on the minion Stewart: remove all the objects that have fallen into him. If you act roughly, a beep will sound and the light will come on.

Your child’s Minions style will undoubtedly please the birthday boy, and the invited children will remember your unusual Holiday for a long time!

When preparing for a birthday, they often use invitation for guests, sometimes they are also called invitations. It is in the invitation that the most important information is indicated: date and time of birthday, place and contacts. You can read more about the invitation. It is usually sent approximately a week or two before the specified date so that guests can plan their time. And you can just leave it as a keepsake.

We suggest you do DIY invitations and print out templates with three Minions for a birthday in the style of Minions or Despicable Me. This is one of the most popular themes for a children's birthday boy. Just download the templates and print or send via instant messengers.

Majority invitation templates they print 4 pieces on an A4 sheet, this is an invitation in A4 format and its approximate dimensions are 9*13 cm. And lately, more and more often they are not even printed, but simply sent to messengers or via phone. In this case, it is better to use a portrait invitation template so that guests do not have to turn the phone over or enlarge it.

Invitation card for a birthday in the style of Minions in three versions and with the reverse side with the text of the invitation. Print on A4 sheet - 4 pieces, double-sided printing. To complete by hand, the reverse side must be printed on matte paper.

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Are you also interested in this total fashion for comical yellow men? Then we suggest you organize a party in the style of minions - a holiday that will not leave any of the guests indifferent.

Today we will tell you the best way to organize a Minion-themed party and how to quickly decorate the interior without worrying about the details!

Invitations and costumes

Of course, if you are already organizing a theme party, then it is best to do it in full. That is why we suggest sending out comic invitations with funny yellow faces to your friends. The basis for the invitation can be any image of the characters from the cartoon “Despicable Me” :).

If you can’t imagine how to dress for such a party, we suggest considering several clothing options. Believe me, making a minion costume is much easier than you think :).

For those who are poorly prepared, you can come up with this style of clothing. By the way, this idea can be used as a ready-made idea - let the guests not prepare costumes, but you give them such funny helmets.

You can make original hats using our instructions.

Home interior and snacks

Decorating your home can be done quickly and easily thanks to our templates, which you can download here.

Eyes and glasses, faces and overalls - all this can be glued onto glasses, balls and pieces of furniture, creating fancy shapes and images.

But these funny bottles will delight your guests :).

They are easy to make. And don't forget to use templates.

But you can feed your guests both ordinary and original signature dishes in the Mignon style.

Minion shaped cake.

Show your imagination and your evening will no longer be ordinary!

Looking for baby shower ideas? you can find interesting ideas for decoration and treats for kids!

All children love unusual and cool characters. It is not surprising that today’s very popular minions from the cartoon “Despicable Me” were no exception. A birthday in the Despicable Me style attracts not only the opportunity to hold a themed celebration, but also the brightness and unusual design, which implies a predominance of blue and yellow colors.

Number of guests– 5-10 people

Time– 1.5-2 hours

Approximate age of the birthday boy– 4-8 years

Venue– apartment, cafe, dacha

Decorations for indoor (outdoor areas):

  • blue and yellow balls in bundles;
  • yellow balls with eyes and glasses glued to them;
  • blue and yellow flags;
  • minion portraits;
  • yellow and blue dishes, you can use disposable ones, and, for example, glue eyes on cups;
  • small minion figures on thick cardboard for table decoration.

Holiday menu

Such a celebration does not require any special delights; it is enough to prepare something that children will eat with pleasure: fried sliced ​​potatoes, baked chicken legs, ham and cheese sandwiches, vegetables, fruits. To create the necessary “Despicable Me” atmosphere, you can make minions out of bananas - simply draw eyes and panties on the fruit. Cakes with yellow cream should also be decorated with eyes. And the highlight of the program, of course, will be a cake in the shape of a cute minion.

Game program

The script is based on the theme of the cartoon, and for competitions you need to prepare in advance:

  1. Plastic bottles with images of minions pasted on them.
  2. Several balls.
  3. Small minions made from Kinder Surprise eggs must be filled with notes with tasks.
  4. Plastic (disposable) tablespoons.
  5. Several bunches of bananas, shawls or scarves.
  6. Balloons, small funnels, starch, plastic eyes.
  7. Minion dance music.
  8. Pinata "Minion" with gifts inside, sticks.

A Despicable Me style birthday script can be used to organize a party for both a boy and a girl.

Presenter: Hello, my dears, my good ones, my brave ones! Today is the birthday of the birthday boy. You can't imagine what a special day this is because we will have fun, surprises and sweets. But first I have to tell you something. Having heard that you were going to have a lot of fun, the insidious villain Gru hid a whole mountain of gifts that I had prepared for you. Plus, he sent his loyal minions here to stop us from getting to the surprise! Guys, are you ready to go ahead and still take what is owed to us?

The guys shout: “Yes!”

Presenter: So it's time to go! So, I see the first goal - a whole army of minions is standing in our way. Come on, which of us will be the most dexterous and defeat them with one blow?

Children take turns throwing balls at bottles with pictures of minions. Basically, this game is an interpretation of bowling, where you also try to knock down all the pins with one throw. If necessary, children can be given several attempts.

Presenter: So, we defeated these minions. But I hear cries for help! What is this? Ah, now we have to save them!

The children are divided into two teams and given plastic spoons. You need to run to a chair, take a spoon in your mouth, put a minion made from a Kinder Surprise egg into it, and bring it to the team without dropping it. Kids are warned in advance to hold the rescued weirdos tightly and not give them to anyone.

Presenter: Phew, it’s good that we saved these kids, because without them we won’t be able to move forward, and there are gifts waiting for us! Did you know that the minions in your hands are unusual? By opening them, you will receive a task that needs to be completed.

Participants take turns opening their testicles and reading out what they need to do. Then, the children complete tasks: make a funny face, show how minions walk, pop a balloon with their butt, shout “crow”, etc.

Presenter: I like that you are so cheerful and humorous; in the fight against evil there is no other way. And now we need to get some bananas so that the minions can help us and tell us where to go to find gifts.

A relay race is planned here. You will need two teams and two chairs with bananas on them. The goal is to get to the chair and bring the banana, but you need to do this not just like that, but by jumping with your legs tied in a scarf.

Presenter: Did you jump? We will rest until the minions refresh themselves a little with what you managed to bring. And to make it more fun, I suggest making your own weirdos.

Children sit at the table and are given balloons, funnels, spoons, and starch. You need to pour starch inside the ball until it is full. Then you need to tie the future minion well and draw eyes on it. If there are plastic eyes (you can buy them in the handicraft departments of stores), then they are glued. Adults advise and help.

Presenter: Oh, how pleasant these minions are to the touch, and how cute they turned out. It seems to me that after this we should finally be allowed to see the gifts!

Minion dance music starts playing

Presenter: Oh, do you recognize these sounds? I realized that we need to learn the dance in order to get to our cherished goal.

The dance itself can be seen in the cartoon. However, no one forbids you to come up with your own movements. The main thing is that they are not very difficult and all children can easily repeat them.

Presenter: I'm already so tired! But I hear an unusual rustling. Yes! We're there! Let's run quickly!

The children and the presenter run to the next room (clearing), where a piñata in the shape of a minion hangs. You can make it using the papier-mâché technique using balloons, newsprint and glue. When the oval-shaped “blank” dries, the balls inside burst, and sweets and small souvenirs, for example, figurines of cartoon characters, are poured into it. The outside of the piñata is covered with colored paper, preferably corrugated, so that it looks like a minion. The children take sticks and begin to beat the unfortunate man. The action continues until gifts start pouring in on the kids.

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