The best bead crafts for beginners. What you can make from beads with your own hands: videos and diagrams with descriptions What you can make from unnecessary beads

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Beading is a wide field of activity, here you can create completely different products: flat, three-dimensional. This article will tell you what you can quickly and efficiently make from affordable beads at home, And will show you how to do it yourself for beginners.

How can you make a wedding tree from beads with your own hands?

A tree created in the shape of a heart, which can be presented to a couple in love for a wedding or on any occasion. It is made only using beads and wire.

To weave it you will need:

  1. Thin wire;
  2. A coil of thick wire;
  3. Green beads;
  4. Pink beads;
  5. Yellow beads;
  6. Floral green paper;
  7. Fishing line;
  8. Clay;
  9. Heart shape.

Let's start weaving the product:

  1. The first element will be leaves. For them you need to put fifteen green beads on the wire and twist them into a loop, twisting the wire four turns, placing them in the middle. Then we collect fifteen more beads of the same color on both ends and again form loops by twisting the wire. Here are three leaves ready. And below we collect eighteen beads on both sides and again form loops. Now the first branch is ready. You need to make fourteen of these branches.
  2. We begin to weave the main part - roses. Here we will use pink beads. We make fifteen loops of fifteen beads each, but they must touch one point, then they need to be pressed together to make a flower. We flatten each loop separately a little on top and you get a beautiful rose. There are only seven of them you need to make.
  3. We tie a couple of branches with leaves to each small rose using wire. In this case, we do not cut the wire, but leave long ends.
  4. We create a heart from thick wire using bends and make a support at the bottom so that it can stand.
  5. We wrap the entire outline with floral paper and attach the flowers, distributing them evenly.
  6. The final element can be made from either fishing line or thin wire. To do this, we collect five green beads and twist them into a loop (you will need to make a couple of knots with the fishing line). And we make small sections of five such loops.
  7. Then we attach these green branches to the heart, between all the flowers so that they completely cover the space between them.
  8. Now we leave the product alone and proceed to the stand. Pour clay into a special heart shape, no more than ten centimeters, and wait until it hardens a little, that is, about ten minutes. Then we immerse our product exactly in the center and let it harden completely. After complete hardening, carefully remove the entire structure and, if desired, you can decorate it at the bottom using paints and remaining beads.

The result is such a beautiful product that fascinates with its beauty.

You can also string a large number of white beads onto a wire or fishing line, evenly placing large or medium beads between them, and process the resulting composition, wrapping it around the contour and passing between the flowers. And also glue cream-colored beads along the contour of the stand.

Trying to make a little bird in a master class

An excellent cute product that can be used both as a keychain and just a souvenir.

For weaving you will need:

  1. Wire;
  2. Yellow beads;
  3. Pink beads;
  4. Black beads;
  5. White beads;
  6. Blue beads.

We begin weaving the product.

The bird can be made in parallel weaving according to the following pattern:

Or as described below:

  1. We start weaving from the beak. It consists of six black beads and six rows (that is, one bead per row). The rows are made by crossing the two ends of the wire crosswise, passing through the beads.
  2. We line up further rows in this way: yellow with blue on top, and all the rest below.
  3. First row: three yellow and three pink.
  4. Second row: white, three yellow, white and four pink.
  5. Third row: white, black, three yellow, black, white and five pink.
  6. Fourth row: nine yellow and pink, four white, pink.
  7. Fifth row: seven yellow and eight white.
  8. Sixth row: a pair of yellows, a blue, a pair of yellows and nine whites.
  9. Seventh row: a pair of yellows, a pair of blues, a pair of yellows and nine whites.
  10. Eighth row: a pair of yellows, three blues, a pair of yellows and ten whites.
  11. Ninth row: a pair of yellows, three blues, a pair of yellows and eleven whites.
  12. Tenth row: a pair of yellows, a pair of blues, a pair of yellows and ten whites.
  13. Eleventh row: two yellow, blue, two yellow and eight white.
  14. Twelfth row: four yellow and six white.
  15. Thirteenth row: three yellow and four white.
  16. The fourteenth row consists of one yellow and a tail: four lines of eight beads each, as shown in the diagram.
  17. Now let's make the wings. Six blue lines of ten, nine, eight, six and the last two of five beads each. Then we take the yellow color and continue along the rows, in the following number of beads: 1-2-3-4. We thread the ends of the wire into the sixth and seventh rows from the top.

The beautiful bird is ready, and the result can be seen in the photo, along with the diagram.

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Beads have been known to people since ancient times. Needlewomen create unique jewelry from it. Often, a hobby turns over time into a source of additional income. Beadwork is very useful for children, as it develops perseverance, attentiveness, fine motor skills and imagination. Let's talk about how to create lungs step by step.


To get started, stock up on the necessary materials:

  • beads of the desired size, shape and color;
  • fishing line or wire for the base;
  • special needle;
  • clasp for creating bracelets or necklaces;
  • scissors.

Choose a place with good lighting where you can sit comfortably. It’s better to start with the easiest bead crafts. These are simple beads or bracelets for dolls and little fashionistas. Making them is not difficult: you just need to string colored beads onto fishing line or wire.

Fastening the clasp

Making your first bead crafts is easy and quick. The most difficult stage is attaching the fastener. There is a metal bow at its ends. Pass the fishing line through it and pick up 3 more beads. Now thread the thread through the last three beads of the product to make a closed ring. To be sure, pass the needle through it several times, then cut the fishing line and hide the ends inside the decoration.

If you select beads of harmonizing colors and string them on different pieces of fishing line, you can assemble three-dimensional products. Here you will need, in addition to the usual fasteners:

  • crimps (clamping fixing bead);
  • caps for beads (accessories that hide small flaws);
  • end caps (elements that hide the edges of the fishing line).

We collect all the pieces with beads strung on one edge together and carefully thread them into the cap. Pull it as close to the beads as possible. Now put on the limit switch. Slide the crimp into the groove of the end switch and press it with pliers. We cut off all excess and close the end cap. Threads with beads can be beautifully intertwined with each other. Then the second end is secured in the same way as the first. The carabiner is put on.

Elegant bracelet for fashionistas

Flat jewelry is one of the easiest bead crafts for beginner craftswomen. Let's try to make the product more complicated. We will need round beads, as well as elongated large beads. You can experiment with colors and materials. We tightly string beads onto the base. The total number of beads must be a multiple of five plus one extra. When everything is ready, the clasp is attached.

The edge is not cut, but is passed through the first bead and the clasp again several times. A bead is put on it. Next, we pass the thread or wire through every fifth bead in the opposite direction. In between, we string beads either below or above the main chain. The result is an elegant bracelet that can decorate a woman’s hand.

When working on your first products, listen to the recommendations of professionals. They will help you master the basics of beading in the shortest possible time.

  • Initially, give preference to larger beads.
  • Buy it separately for each occasion with a small margin.
  • Wire is easier to work with than fishing line. The latter requires a needle, although many needlewomen have learned to do without it.
  • Do not buy material with flaws or chips.
  • Choose lightweight bead crafts with clear patterns. Bulk products will take up a lot of your time and nerves. As a result, you will simply lose interest.
  • When starting work, cover the table with a cloth so that it is not slippery. Choose a color on which small beads will be noticeable. Pour the beads from the bags onto the fabric, but try not to mix the colors. Many people prefer to store beads in small containers, sorting them by shape, size, and shades.
  • Collecting overturned beads is a dubious pleasure. If this happens, stick double-sided tape to a small block. Go over the entire surface, and then use a knife to drop the beads into the box.
  • When starting to weave the decoration, leave an end of 7-10 centimeters to attach the lock.
  • If you are afraid of making a mistake with the length of the bracelet, leave the fishing line about 25 centimeters on both sides. This way, if necessary, you can lengthen the product.

Monastic weaving

Even a beginner can create beautiful and easy bead crafts. Let's master one of the basic weaving techniques, which is called “monastic” or “cross stitch”. With its help you can create interesting decorations and even print canvases. We'll start with the basics by making a wrist bracelet.

Follow the following instructions carefully:

  1. Place four beads on the fishing line.
  2. Pass the thread through the first bead, then through the next two.
  3. We string three more beads.
  4. We insert the fishing line into the fourth bead of the lower link.
  5. We pass it through the two upper beads of the product, getting a second cross.
  6. We continue to weave according to the same pattern until we obtain an even chain of the required length.

It's easiest to use one color. But it’s more interesting to play with different colors and shapes of beads.

Baubles for girls

As you can see, making bead crafts with your own hands is easy. Let's consider the simplest pattern of weaving baubles. To create it, you can use beads of different shapes, unusual beads. Estimate in advance the length of the product being manufactured, unwind the thread twice as much. Place a clasp and a large bead in the middle.

You need to string the same number of beads on both ends of the fishing line. How much exactly is up to you. Usually beads of a smaller size and a different color and shape are taken. Some needlewomen combine several types of beads. The main thing is that both threads have a symmetrical pattern.

After this, the ends of the fishing line are crossed and threaded through a large bead, the same as the very first one. The selected pattern is repeated until the bauble is completed. The result is products that are not similar to each other. The ancient Indians gave homemade baubles to friends. It was believed that friendship would last until the thread on the bracelet broke. You can continue the tradition by delighting your comrades with pleasant surprises.

Parallel weaving

Let's learn a technique that will help us make many fun and useful products. Having mastered it, you will understand how to make an easy craft from beads according to your own pattern. So, what is the essence of parallel weaving? It involves stringing beads in rows following each other. You will need a detailed diagram. Beads from the first two rows are collected onto one end of the selected base and placed in the middle of the fishing line or wire. Then the other end is threaded through the second row of beads from the opposite side.

The beads are tightly attracted to each other. Beads of the third row are strung on one end of the base, and the other end is passed through it in the opposite direction. Let's master this technique using the example of the "Lizard" craft. We will need a thin wire 40 centimeters long, some beads of any colors. The lizard can be bright, as in the proposed diagram. A more traditional choice would be green with brown and yellow accents. Make the eyes contrasting, otherwise the animal will appear “blind”.

Weaving a lizard

Let's start making beads from the tail. We string a bead of the selected color into the middle of the base, separate the ends in different directions, and thread them through the bead in opposite directions. We tighten it tighter. We put the next bead on either end of the wire, passing the second one towards the first.

In this way you need to collect 7 single beads, making sure that they lie flat. In the eighth row we string two beads at once, spreading the ends apart. We will weave a paw on each of them.

It is necessary to string 6 beads onto the ends. The wire is then threaded through the first three beads in the opposite direction. The remaining ones will be fingers, straighten them. We pull the paws tightly to the body and continue to work according to the parallel weaving pattern, collecting three rows of three beads each.

Then we make the upper legs and finish weaving the body. The head is made using both ends of the wire. The end result is a fun toy. If you attach a carabiner to the lizard, you can use it instead of a keychain.

Learning to draw diagrams

Light, beautiful bead crafts for children can be made using parallel weaving. These can be animals, insects, fairy-tale characters, transport, all kinds of objects. The resulting products will also delight adults in the form of a funny keychain or brooch. In the photo below you can see a ladybug, a smiley face, and a piece of watermelon made from beads.

However, other ideas may come to your mind. You know the technique, all that remains is to learn how to draw your own weaving patterns. Stock up on paper and colored pencils. Draw the silhouette of the future product. Use circles to indicate the number of beads in each row. They must be the same size. It is convenient to create diagrams on a piece of paper in a box. Now think about the color scheme. This is where pencils come in handy. Stock up on the necessary materials and get to work.

Easy crafts from beads for the New Year

The passion for beadwork allows you to create unusual gifts for loved ones at the lowest cost. Before the holiday, needlewomen create themed products. Let's make a Christmas tree and Santa Claus using the parallel weaving we have mastered.

The good wizard begins to be woven from the hat, increasing the number of beads by one in each row. It turns out to be a triangle. The face is made by stringing five rows of 7 beads each onto a wire. Here it is very important not to make a mistake with the colors in order to get the desired pattern. The beard consists of four rows, the number of beads in them successively decreases.

Making a Christmas tree is just as easy. We string a beautiful, bright bead - the top - onto the middle of the wire. The second row consists of three beads. Then we increase their number by two, reaching 13 beads in a row. We reduce the next row to 9 beads, and add five more rows, adding two beads in each. Make green the main color. In some places we dilute it with unusual, multi-colored beads. The trunk should be brown. To designate it, two rows of five beads are collected.

Winnie the Pooh for kids

Flat figurines of people and fairy-tale characters are easy crafts made from beads. For beginners, it won’t be difficult to make, for example, such a funny bear. This time we will choose fishing line as the base. The technique used is the same - first, two legs are made according to the diagram, each separately.

Then on the right foot the fishing line is cut and secured. We place the left leg on the table. We string a bead onto the right end and thread the line through the top row of the other foot. From the opposite side we take the next row, pass the fishing line through both legs and again through the first row of the body. We stretch the other end of the base towards it. We weave the body and head according to the usual pattern.

Ears and hands

Each ear of Winnie the Pooh is woven with one end of the fishing line. For the handles we take another thread. We collect one paw, then we pull both ends through the top row of the bear's blouse, securing the limb well. On the other side, a second handle is woven according to the pattern. The main thing is to pull the line tightly so that the legs do not hang separately from the body.

You will find many patterns for easy bead crafts on the Internet. There are bunnies, dolls, princes, mermaids, and puss in boots. You can create a whole puppet theater for children. If you want to come up with your own sketch of a man, follow the proportions. Otherwise, the product will look sloppy.

Easy crafts made from beads allow you to quickly master the basics of craftsmanship. Subsequently, you will learn how to create voluminous works and navigate complex schemes. The main thing is that handicrafts give you joy. Then everything will definitely work out.

If you want to make a brooch with your own hands, use beads for this. The same material will tell you how to decorate eggs for Easter and make a picturesque tree.

How to make a tree from beads?

As a result, it will turn out to be so refined and shimmering. For creative work you will need the following materials:
  • wire;
  • cut beads or green glass beads;
  • beads white and yellow or red and pink;
  • floss or silk thread;
  • floral tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • brown acrylic paint;
  • gypsum.
As a stand, you can use a suitable glass container, for example, a vase, a deep rosette or a candlestick.

The first tree element we will create is a leaf. For it you need to cut a piece of wire, string green glass beads onto it, using the French weaving method.

The diagrams will tell you how to weave beads using it.

For our leaf you will need a piece of wire about 30 cm long. Make a small loop at one end and twist the wire 3 times in this place.

From the other end, string beads for the central part of the sheet. There are 5 of them in this photo, but for our leaf we will need two pieces.

Start folding the wire almost in half, but not all the way. Insert three fingers of your left hand into the resulting loop and twist the wire in this place, as shown in the second picture.

As you noticed, the example has two columns of images. The right one will help make a round leaf, and the left one will help make it pointed.

Complete the element based on the hint in the left column, not paying attention to the numbering.

Now string 4 beads onto the upper end of the wire for our sheet. This row is considered the first. Bend the working end of the wire in this place so that it makes an angle of 45° with the central element.

Now bend the working end of the wire as shown in the figure number 9 in the left column. String 4 beads onto this part of the wire and twist. Now string 7 beads, twist the wire in this second top row and make the second bottom row, also stringing 7 beads.

Here's how to weave leaf-shaped beads. For beginners, diagrams will make it easier to understand the intricacies of the process. After you have made 50–100 similar blanks (their number depends on the size of the tree), start making flowers from beads.

They are made using the loop method. You will need to make blanks consisting of two circles, in the middle there will be 5 beads. Schemes will help you make flowers from beads.

Next, make a stamen for each flower. Cut a piece of wire, string 5-6 beads onto it, twisting the wire under each and leaving a distance of 1-1.5 cm between them. Insert these blanks into the middle of the flower.

Assembling the product

We start doing this from the branches.

Assemble the trefoil by attaching one leaf to the top of the wire, and two to the sides, stretching them out a little, pressing them on both sides with your fingers. Twist the wire with floss or thread. Make 3 of the same elements, connect them and also drape the wire with brown thread.

You will alternate such preparations with a flowering branch. For it you need to connect 2 shamrocks and 1 flower.

Now you need to assemble the main branches of the tree from beads. To do this, twist flowering branches and shamrocks in pairs. Then wrap the wire with floral tape.

Speaking about how to make a tree from beads, you need to tell that first you will arrange all the branches. Divide them into 2 or 3 groups, and then put plaster in the prepared glass container and place the branches in it.

Wait for the plaster to dry. To prevent the tree from leaning, place it for this time where there is no strong wind and no one will hit it.

After this, you need to give the texture to the trunk. Add PVA glue to the plaster, mix to form a viscous mass. Apply it to the trunk, giving it realistic irregularities and roughness. When this solution dries well, the beaded trees, or rather their trunks, are covered with several layers of acrylic paint, and then with varnish. Make sure that each previous one dries well, only then apply the next one.

Here's how to make a beaded tree. Now it can be placed in the most prominent place so that it decorates the house and delights the family and visiting guests with its irresistible appearance.

Faberge eggs for Easter made of beads

They can be made for Easter and decorate your home in this way. Such a handmade creation will be a wonderful gift not only for this holiday, but also for any other joyful event.
  • egg;
  • fireproof ladle;
  • candle;
  • glue “moment-crystal”;
  • PVA glue;
  • clip;
  • needle;
  • beads;
  • threads
First you need to carefully remove the contents from the egg. To do this, make a small depression in the center of its sharp end, for example, with a needle, and on the other side - a little larger. Holding the egg like this, blow out its contents.

Gently rinse the inside by blowing out the water. Now cover the small hole with a piece of paper. Cut the candle into pieces and melt it in a ladle.

Pour paraffin into the egg through the large hole.

Please note that as paraffin hardens, it decreases in volume. So after waiting, add it all the way to the top to fill the Easter egg.

Since the glue does not adhere to the paraffin, scrape off the excess mass with a knife and cover the hole with paper, which will adhere well to the still plastic, not completely hardened wax.

Using wire cutters, break off the curved top of the paperclip, thread the thread into the needle, making a knot. Place it on the center of the blunt edge of the egg and secure it with a paper clip.

Pour the beads onto a flat plate, string them onto this thread 10 cm at a time. Pump glue onto a small area of ​​the souvenir egg and lay the beads in a spiral.

When the thread comes to an end, cut it near the needle and glue it. Secure the end of the next thread with glue nearby and continue stringing beads.

To create a symmetrical pattern, start from the middle of the egg by adding colors in reverse order.

Here's how to weave an Easter egg with beads. If you have any materials left over, make one or more souvenirs. To do this, you can mix beads and string them in a chaotic order or make the upper and lower parts as such, and the central one from 2-3 symmetrically distributed colors.

Here is another simple version of bead weaving, for beginners and children it will not be difficult to make such charming insects.

How to make a butterfly from beads?

The following materials are needed for work:
  • wire, 30 cm long;
  • beads of different colors;
  • 2 dark colored beads for the eyes.

To work efficiently, good lighting is necessary. To prevent your eyes from getting tired, periodically do gymnastics for them. You can pour small beads into an empty candy box with a fleecy cloth at the bottom.

They will tell you how to make butterflies from beads.

String one light brown bead onto the central section of the wire. Then let the ends of the wire meet each other, put the next bead on them. The weaving pattern will help you understand how to make a beaded butterfly at this stage.

Continue creating the body in this manner until the lower wings. At this point, separate two pieces of wire, string 18 colorful beads onto each of them. Bend these sections into a drop shape as shown in the diagram, thread both ends of the wire through the fifth bead on the body, and the lower wings of the butterfly are ready.

String a light brown bead onto both ends of the wire; it will be the sixth bead of the body. Now separate the wire in two again, string 24 beads on the 1st and 2nd edges, bend these sections in the form of upper wings, thread the ends of the wire through the sixth bead of the body.

Weaving a butterfly from beads will soon be completed. For now we need to create her eyes. String a dark bead onto each end of the wire, twist the wire, and place one light brown bead on it. Twist the two ends of the wire together one last time, bending their edges in the form of insect whiskers, which are 5 cm long.

The diagrams also clearly demonstrate how weaving a butterfly from beads is completed. When you master this simple method of creating a beautiful insect, then you can move on to a more complex one. Schemes will also help you weave such butterflies from beads.

DIY brooches

The master class clearly explains how this beaded butterfly is made. For it you will need beads of orange, red, black and yellow.

Cut a wire about 30 cm long. Find its middle and string a black bead here. Twist and thread the next black bead onto the wire. Twist again, put on 2 beads, and then two more. The diagrams also clearly demonstrate how the body of a butterfly is made from beads.

In picture “b” you can see how to start creating her body. Diagram “c” demonstrates that you then need to tighten the wire so that the beads fit tightly to each other. Bring the ends of the wire up and bend them in the form of insect antennae.

Look at diagram "d". This will help create the top left wing of the butterfly. Also bend a piece of wire, string an orange bead on it, intertwine the two ends of the wire, string 2 orange beads in the second row. The third row consists of 3 pieces - in the center there is a red one, and on the sides there are two orange beads. Also focusing on the “d” diagram, you will create the entire left upper wing.

Then pass both ends of the wire through the body of the butterfly, bring them out through the other side and, based on diagram "d", create the upper right wing. Diagram "e" shows how to shape the upper wings. Now let's take care of the lower ones, we also begin to weave each of them from a corner.

For the bottom right, string first one red bead, then in the second row - two red ones. The third row consists of a red one, then there are three orange ones and 1 red completes this row. Once the bottom right wing is created, bring both ends of the wire through the body in the opposite direction and make the bottom left wing.

If you want to turn the butterfly into a brooch, then attach a snap pin to the back and you've got an elegant accessory for any outfit.

Another diagram will help create an insect of green or another color.

This is how a beautiful beaded butterfly is made. For beginners, diagrams, descriptions and photographs will help simplify this process, making not only insects, but also a three-dimensional tree, an Easter egg.

Watch the videos that clearly show how to make such interesting crafts:

Did you know that beads are considered a unique material from which you can create completely different crafts. Indeed, even the most unremarkable thing decorated with bright beads looks very pretty. In some cases, beads help things become festive.

It is better to make crafts from beads with children who have reached preschool age. Surely, girls and boys will love this activity. Therefore, in this article we decided to show you the simplest DIY bead crafts.

Bead weaving is a very exciting activity. Guys who start doing this kind of business first weave bracelets or little animals out of beads. But over time, children's skills improve. They begin to understand patterns and learn to weave more complex crafts. On the Internet you can see many patterns that are intended for all beadwork lovers. Using these patterns, your child will be able to independently make original gifts for their loved ones or elements of holiday decor.

Beads and simple crafts made from them

If you are planning to get into beadwork, then you should definitely look through all the bead crafts that you can make with your own hands. If we talk about the simplest crafts, then you should take a closer look at beaded animals. In general, buy bright beads and thin wire and start creating something interesting. To create animals, beads are usually used that have the same texture and the same color. However, not everything is so categorical here. There are exceptions in this case.

If your child is interested in beadwork, then offer him patterns through which he can make beautiful animals.

How to make a cute dragonfly from beads.

The dragonfly you see in the photo can be made by anyone who has only recently become acquainted with beadwork. In order to make such a craft, you must prepare:

  • orange and gray beads according to No. 11,
  • a piece of wire 50 cm,
  • a pair of voluminous black beads.

Work progress:

It is best to start such a craft by weaving the head. You should put a number of beads on the wire. But this should be done in the following order: first a large black bead, a gray bead, again a large black bead and then 3 gray beads. The beads should be placed in the middle of the wire.

The next step is to put 4 more gray beads on one end of the wire. You should do the same with the other end of the wire.

The next row must be woven in exactly the same way. However, on the next row you should put on 5 beads that are gray in color.

Now it’s time to make dragonfly wings. At this stage, you should put 26 beads on each end of the wire, which will be orange.

After that, the end of one wire with beads should be threaded from one side into a bead of the same row. The craft part needs to be tightened in order to create a wing.

You should do the same with the second row.

Now you have 2 wings ready. At this stage you should also weave another row of the body. To do this, use gray beads. These beads should be placed on one side of the wire. The second one should be threaded using counter weaving.

If you have woven the body, then you should weave a couple more wings from beads. This should be done in the same way as you did the first pair of wings. But remember here that for the second pair of wings you must already use 23 orange beads on each side.

Now you must finish your craft. And before weaving the body. Gray beads should also be used here. It should be strung in rows:

  • in the 6th row - use 5 beads,
  • in the 7th row - use 4 beads,
  • in the 8th row - 3 beads,
  • from the 9th row to the 21st row we use 2 beads.

Now it’s time to finish weaving the dragonfly. To do this, one end of the wire should be threaded through the penultimate row of beads. Both ends should be brought out to one side. We twist the ends of the wire and simply cut them off. See the progress of the work in pictures. Surely, you will be able to make a similar craft in a short period of time.

Beaded bracelets. We do the simplest ones with our own hands.

Basically, people like to weave various bracelets from beads. Therefore, if you are looking for bead crafts for beginners, then you should turn your attention to bracelets. And now we will offer you to make the simplest options.

If you decide to do something interesting, then you can weave an original bracelet. Moreover, you will need to spend a small amount of your time on this activity. To create a cute bracelet you need to prepare:

  • naturally the beads themselves, which will have different sizes and different colors;
  • memory wire,
  • small pliers.

So, first of all, twist the wire into a spiral. Your hand should fit freely into this spiral. You should make a loop at one end of the wire. For this case you will need pliers. Remember that such a loop will not be able to release beads from the wire.

As soon as the loop is ready, you need to place beads on the wire in a random order. This should be done until the wire is decorated with these beads.

If you have finished making your bracelet, then you should finish weaving the bracelet with a loop.

As a result, you may end up with such a cute bracelet that you will wear all the time. Girls will mostly enjoy weaving such bracelets. But boys can also join in such an exciting activity.

In conclusion

Here you could see all the bead crafts that you can make with your own hands. All these ideas are suitable for beginners. In general, create something interesting. This activity will definitely give you maximum positive emotions and a great mood.

Beads are one of the most famous materials that people use to create various jewelry, clothing, and decor. Beads have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, but to this day, they do not lose their relevance. Experienced craftsmen create real masterpieces from it, and today we will tell you in detail what you can make from these small beads with your own hands. So let's get started.

You can make all kinds of jewelry from beads: necklaces, chokers, bracelets, pendants, brooches, chains, hairpins, earrings, rings.

Accessories and items of clothing: collars, belts, handbags, clutches, openwork gloves, key chains

Decorative interior decorations: trees, flowers, beaded paintings, animal figurines, angels.

And many, many other items. Beginners in beadwork, looking at the work of experienced craftsmen, never cease to be amazed at the whimsicality of forms and imagination, and dream of creating something extraordinary. But it’s better to start with something simpler and get better at less complex products.

What can be made from beads: product diagrams for beginners

Bugle bead bracelet

One of the easiest decorations. It has a very simple scheme:

And to make it we only need 6-7mm glass beads and wire. As a result of simple steps you will get a bracelet like this:


It can be used as a decoration for flowers, a keychain or, if paired with it, as earrings.

To weave such a star, look at three patterns for weaving it.

First you need to make 5 diamonds using the two-thread technique, as in Fig. 1. Then, the diamonds need to be combined. To do this, you need to thread the wire through the first rows, and insert one bead between the diamonds. Take a large bead and insert it into the middle of the star (in Figure 2). Also, the diamonds are connected at the level of 4 rows, and 3 beads are inserted between them, as in figure 3. We get a cute star.

For weaving jewelry, it is best to use fishing line - it is stronger than many threads and easier to work with. Wire is suitable for weaving decorative elements, animals, and accessories, as it allows the product to keep its shape.

What can be made from beads, fishing line and wire? For example, a beautiful heart pendant.

Heart pendant

To create it, copper wire, about 1 mm thick, beads, beads, crystals, and glass beads of various colors are used. Following a simple pattern. We can make such a heart very quickly and then use it as a keychain, pendant or interior decoration:


The fishing lines make beautiful and stylish necklaces:

A necklace like the one in the photo is very easy to make. You just need to string beads of red shades onto 12 pieces of fishing line, the length of which is about 70cm. You need to make a knot at the ends of the fishing line so that the beads do not fall apart. Then, divide the resulting bead strands into 4 equal parts (three strands each) and weave a necklace according to the following pattern:

After the necklace is woven, special fittings are put on its ends - the clasps and the necklace are ready!

Extra beads

No craftswoman will ever complain that she has extra beads left. In a business like beading, there is no excess material. What can be made from leftover beads? If the remaining beads are not enough for something large, then the simplest option is thin and elegant threads of beads, for example, these:

The main thing to remember is that if we string only beads, such beads will look extremely boring, but if we add several beads of different sizes, in tone or in contrast, they will immediately sparkle differently.

You can make an original bracelet from lace and beads.

To do this you need to take a piece of lace:

And embroider flowers or an ornament on it (you can repeat the pattern of the lace itself), with beads.

You can attach a lock to the ends of such a bracelet, if available. Or sew thin ties from ribbon or lace.

We also invite you to watch a video master class on making stylish long earrings from beads. Happy creativity!

Video for beginners

Here is such a stylish birch:

Crocodiles in the form of keychains:


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