Salamander tattoo. What does the salamander symbol mean? What is the difference between the male version of the tattoo?

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

A tattoo in our time is one of the best ways to decorate your body, albeit forever. but if the design is chosen correctly, then the tattoo will delight you for the rest of your life. The main thing is to pay the master.

One of the common designs is a salamander. This is an amazing creature. In ancient Rome, salamanders were considered immortal and the most dangerous creatures in the world. In fact, this lizard has a strong poison, which, when bitten, paralyzes the entire nervous system, causing acute pain. The main enemy of these creatures in reality are snakes and fish.

The meaning of a salamander tattoo

Salamanders are called small dragons that have lost their wings, and therefore in tattoos many artists depict them with flames and wings. The meaning of tattoos is very diverse:

  • immortality and durability;
  • pride and courage;
  • desire for leadership;
  • confidence and calm;
  • strength and masculinity;
  • steadfastness of spirit and composure.

Moreover, in mythical teachings this reptile is a truly mystical creature. Scientists believed that it lives in the craters of volcanoes and can easily withstand flames of any strength, moreover, it extinguishes them. This is due to the fact that the lizard’s skin is amazingly cold.

Legends often say that these lizards live in fire. Modern writers mistakenly call them fiery and attribute to them the ability to kindle a fire anywhere. Accordingly, modern interpretations of this image have changed slightly. The lizard is no longer called a creature of evil and no negative qualities are attributed to it.

Who will it suit?

A salamander tattoo is suitable for both men and girls, since in ancient times the creature was considered asexual. But it needs to be filled by those whose character has real fortitude, courage and fearlessness. If you don’t find these qualities in yourself, choose a drawing with a simple, beautiful, bright lizard.

Usually those who belong to the fire element get a tattoo with a salamander, moreover, by spirit, and not by zodiac sign. This is such an ancient and mystical creature that its name is still shrouded in darkness and mystery. Everyone chooses the meaning of the image for themselves. In addition, you can stuff it while it is running or at rest.

Today, young girls and boys get tattoos without thinking about their meaning. And many tattoos have long lost their meaning in the modern world, except for tattoos of a criminal nature. It is unlikely that anyone would want to have the devil throwing coal with a shovel on their “fifth point” (which means “lowered” according to prison laws). Now all tattoos are basically considered artistic images on the body and nothing more. But true professional tattoo artists who know and love their job will definitely tell you that any tattoo affects a person’s character, not dramatically, of course, but it will definitely leave a special imprint. Therefore, when choosing a tattoo, you need to understand at least a little about their meaning.

Very common current tattoos depicting reptiles are lizards, chameleons, turtles, etc. But perhaps the most popular salamander tattoo, the meaning of which is a rather controversial issue. Some claim that this is the spirit of fire, a symbol of a mythical creature endowed with invincibility, durability and supernatural abilities that allow it to withstand the fire element. Other salamander tattoos are interpreted as a symbol of the fight against evil, unclean thoughts and hellish passions. A symbol of chastity and tranquility, a cold body (by nature the salamander has a low temperature), but a warm and loving heart.

In any case, if your choice fell on a salamander tattoo, its meaning is associated with a blazing fire. This suggests that you are a bright and charismatic person, like a “fiery warrior” or “lady firebird.” And if these qualities did not manifest themselves so strongly in you, after getting a tattoo they will intensify. Perhaps this will help you somewhere, you will gain confidence and strength in your own abilities, and on the other hand, there may be a tendency towards nocturnal life (salamanders accept the dark time of day and become more active at night), short temper, increased anger in their character can sometimes interfere in conflict resolution.

As they say, you can’t joke with fire! Likewise, you need to be careful with the meaning of a salamander tattoo. Have you ever watched the flames of a fire? They have so much light and warmth, different colors and some kind of magic. It was not for nothing that in ancient times they said that if you look at the fire for a long time, you can see a fiery salamander appearing and disappearing, releasing its long wriggling tongue. According to myths, salamanders lived in fire. Paradoxically, today hardly anyone has seen this in real life, but there is a belief that images of this “lizard-like” creature protects from fire. It can be assumed that people with salamander tattoos will have a talisman on their body, a so-called amulet against disasters and misfortunes.

In any case, there is also an aesthetic meaning to the salamander tattoo. Such a multi-colored tattoo on a woman’s tummy looks very beautiful, and when walking it gives the impression that the salamander is alive, as if it is moving and crawling.

It all depends on what thoughts and desires you go to the tattoo artist with. What do you want from a tattoo? Surely this mythical reptile was chosen for a reason. What it means to you personally is what you will see in the future!

In tattoos, as in modern art, the salamander is most often depicted as a small wingless dragon, surrounded by fiery tongues of flame.

Alchemists consider the salamander a unique animal because, according to them, it “lives in fire and feeds on fire,” it is called the spirit of fire, and its bite in ancient times was considered one of the deadliest. The ancients believed that this animal was capable of living in fire, because its body is always very cold, and its color also matches the color of the flames. In addition, in some works of Aristotle and Pliny, it is said that the salamander can even extinguish fire with the cold of its body.

The salamander was previously considered an asexual animal, so in medieval Europe it became a symbol of the fight against carnal passions and desires, and in Christianity - a symbol of chastity, virtue and perseverance of faith. Therefore, Francis I, the French king who developed arts and literature, chose the salamander as his emblem and royal symbol, carrying it under the motto: “I cherish good and drive out evil.” In Britain of the ancient and medieval periods, this animal meant military bravery and courage.

The salamander is one of the few vertebrates that have not lost the ability to regenerate, therefore the meaning of a salamander tattoo may contain the properties of rebirth and restoration, like a lizard tattoo. Another feature of the salamander was the interesting fact that it has a different number of toes on its front and hind legs.

Resistance to fire became the reason for the use of the salamander image as the emblem of fire departments and patches on firefighter uniforms. The salamander leads an evening and nocturnal lifestyle, avoiding sunlight and open areas, therefore it has become a symbol of calm and self-confidence, indifference and constancy.

The meaning of a salamander tattoo largely coincides with the meaning of a phoenix tattoo - a fiery immortal bird. Only the phoenix, in submission, commands the fire element, and the salamander embodies perseverance and invincibility.

German philosophy of the twentieth century gives us more interesting information about this animal; the fact is that it divides all nature and habitat into shells subordinate to the four elements. And if living organisms can live in water, in the air, and in the earth, then isn’t there an animal that could live in a shell that obeys the fourth element - fire? And the salamander, which can live calmly in fire, has become such a universal animal. Although the phenomenon of the fiery habitat of salamanders occurs very rarely in nature, so not everyone can see it live.

As you can see among animals for tattooing, the salamander deserves respect and attention due to its rare, unique ability.

It seems that not a single creature in the world has acquired myths to such an extent as the fire salamander. According to ancient scientists, this amphibian feels great where there is fire, and can even live in the mouth of a volcano. In fact, not everyone will be lucky enough to see a salamander on fire, although theoretically it is indeed resistant to flames. The lizard lives both in African countries and in the legendary Carpathian Mountains.

Salamander in different cultures

Alchemists trying to find the philosopher's stone saw it literally everywhere. The salamander was no exception. In their opinion, the amphibian, which has a unique poisonous breath, is able to maintain the desired temperature during the mysterious procedure. That is why the salamander was often painted in red.

Interest in the lizard did not fade away either in the Middle Ages or during the Renaissance. On medieval emblems, the salamander had already somewhat lost its infernal image, and became a symbol of the “fiery” struggle between good and evil. In the heraldry of Western Europe, this amazingly beautiful amphibian signified courage, perseverance and bravery. The coat of arms with a salamander was proudly worn by representatives of noble families.

The interpretation of the image of the salamander in Christianity is very interesting. Revered as asexual and symbolizing humility and chastity, the amphibian was almost a sacred creature. Given its resistance to fire, it, according to theologians, set an example of how exactly a Christian should fight the devil's obsession and temptations.

In modern culture, the meaning of a salamander tattoo is: courage, pride and leadership. Most often, a tattoo with the image of this amphibian is chosen by passionate and strong individuals - those who consider themselves a leader and are not devoid of healthy ambitions. Considering that the amphibian is active in the dark, it is not surprising that over time it began to symbolize conflicting oppositions: constancy and frivolity, dashing self-confidence and serene peace.

The salamander is revered as the spirit of fire. The most common depiction is of a small wingless dragon surrounded by raging flames. The salamander tattoo is equally loved by both sexes. Young ladies prefer to wear tattoos with this mythical amphibian on the inside of their arms, while men prefer to wear them on their shoulders and chest.

Photos and sketches of salamander tattoos

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Tattooing is now a separate art form. Modern craftsmen can fulfill any client’s wishes. A variety of styles, possibilities and colors for tattooing give freedom for the flight of imagination and the embodiment of any idea.

People often attach special meaning to the images they put on their bodies. A tattoo can tell about a person’s lifestyle and personal qualities.


A popular image is the salamander. Tattoos with a design of this amphibian can often be found on different people. The salamander is depicted in different versions and styles. The most common amphibian found on fire, and here's why:

  • in German mythology, the salamander is the spirit of fire;
  • according to Greek legends, it does not burn in fire;
  • but in Christianity this animal is considered a messenger of hell.


So what does the salamander depicted on its body mean? A tattoo with this creature has almost the same meaning as a phoenix tattoo. Only the phoenix, reborn from the ashes, symbolizes a person’s ability to recover from difficult trials of fate, but the salamander means that he can easily withstand all life’s difficulties. After all, this amphibian not only does not burn in fire, but can even live in it.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

In the case of a passionate, enthusiastic person, such a tattoo will emphasize personal qualities and tell others about them.

For those born under the “fire” zodiac sign, the “Salamander” tattoo is also suitable. The tattoo, the photo of which is presented in the article, will protect its owner and become a kind of talisman. The image of a salamander is especially suitable for Sagittarius. After all, this animal is considered the patron of this sign.

Bravery and courage

It must be said that salamanders are poisonous; poison is released from their parotid glands when they sense danger. Because of this, in the Middle Ages it was believed that what the salamander touched became poisonous and spoiled. They also believed that this was a small dragon that could grow into a huge fire-breathing monster. It was believed that the mysterious creature could destroy entire nations.

Therefore, bravery and courage, the ability to stand up for oneself, and will - all this is also denoted by the salamander. The tattoo is suitable for men who are courageous, confident in themselves and their abilities. Naturally, in the male version, the image of the salamander should be made more menacing, intimidating, spewing flame or passing through it. The image of a salamander on the arm, in the biceps area, made using the technique of realism, looks especially good.

What else could a Salamander tattoo mean?

Oddly enough, Christianity had a rather ambiguous attitude towards this creature. At some times, the salamander was considered a messenger of hell, while at others it was considered a symbol of chastity and true faith. The second symbolic meaning came from the fact that salamanders were considered asexual creatures. And since we know that in the Middle Ages Christianity preached renunciation of everything carnal, the salamander became a kind of symbol of a true believer.

The body will be decorated with a salamander

A tattoo (the photo on the shoulder blade shows it in all its glory) will look especially attractive in this place. Although you can get such a tattoo on the arm, shoulder, stomach and other parts of the body. You can design it in either black and white or color.

For a girl, a neat little salamander would be a good solution. The tattoo will emphasize sexuality and tell you that its owner is flexible, like a lizard.


A salamander tattoo can be done in any salon. Contact a good specialist using recommendations from friends or acquaintances. You should not take a ready-made drawing; let the tattoo artist make an original sketch. After all, a tattoo should reflect your personality.

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