How to calm a baby when he is hysterical. How to calm a child during a tantrum: effective tips against attacks of children's anger

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Of course, the best way to calm a newborn baby is to feed him. But it is important to understand that crying is the way a child communicates about any of his problems, not just hunger. In the first two weeks, it is impossible to make any mistakes - everything you do is correct. Offer your baby your breast as often as you feel necessary.

Food is not the only way to soothe a newborn.

Starting from the 3rd week, try to calm the baby not only food. If the baby is gaining weight well, if after feeding he falls asleep happy, but wakes up crying half an hour later, he is unlikely to be hungry again. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding for any reason may subsequently cause the baby to:

— Falls asleep only with breast or bottle in mouth.

Eats little by little all day, and tends to do the same at night, respectively, he wakes up more often.

Eats little and often, which means it does not reach the fattier and more nutritious “hind” milk, which contributes to the baby’s sleepy state. “Hind milk” also balances carbohydrates (which “foremilk” is rich in), which means it reduces the likelihood of gases and colic, which also has a positive effect on restful sleep.

If very little time has passed since the previous feeding, and the baby is not happy, don't rush to feed again: check the diaper; make sure that the child is neither cold nor hot; remember when he slept - maybe he was awake for more than 2 hours?

Ways to calm a newborn.

Try one of these ways to calm your child:

1. Rock in a stroller or crib, walk around with your baby in your arms. Newborn babies they still remember the sensations they experienced in the womb when their mother moved. Rocking is familiar to babies and therefore soothing. But you should not rock the baby too intensely. In this case, the vestibular apparatus is stimulated too much, and the brain simply turns off its response to external stimuli. At this moment, the child goes into a stressful sleep, which allows him to protect his delicate nervous system, but does not bring complete rest and recovery, so necessary for the child’s body.

2. Play soothing music for newborns, white noise. Or simply turn on the water in the bath and bring your child closer to the stream of water. Monotonous, quiet, slow sounds are very effective and help quickly calm a newborn.

3. Boo, sing softly

4. Give a light massage with your fingertips, stroke the baby

5. Swaddle- many children at this age feel more comfortable and calm this way. This gives the baby a slight squeezing sensation - the same as they experienced in the stomach and calms the baby before bed. Choose clothes and diapers based on the fact that it is important not to overheat the baby. By the way, some children do not like swaddling from birth. And don't insist.

6. If the baby is older than 6 weeks and there are no problems with lactation, offer your baby a pacifier. Opinions and recommendations regarding pacifier use are constantly changing based on more and more research. But, in particular, there is an opinion that the pacifier not only satisfies the baby's sucking instinct, but also reduces the risk of sudden infant mortality in the first 6 months.

7. Combine methods. Swaddle your baby, turn on white noise, dim the lights and rock the baby on hands. Several methods together will help calm a newborn baby more effectively than just one.

8. If nothing works, feed again(if the baby made a couple of sucking movements and calmed down, it means that he was not hungry after all, and just calms down with his chest or a bottle)

If nothing helps calm your child

In a situation where within 10 minutes One way to calm a newborn baby isn't working, try another.. If you have “reached the boiling point,” let someone else continue to calm the child - dad or grandmother. If you are home alone and your baby continues to cry, place your baby in the crib and give yourself 2-3 minutes to catch your breath. Remember that the mother’s emotional state is perfectly read by the baby.

A woman who became a mother a few hours ago or is preparing for this does not yet imagine what difficulties she will have to face. when does he cry? Perhaps every parent has asked this question. In reality, there is no one right way. It all depends on what caused the baby’s behavior.

This article will tell you how to eliminate the crying of a newborn, how to calm the baby while crying.

Why might a child cry?

Unlike adult children, who can be capricious and demand fulfillment of their whims, a newborn baby cannot cry for no reason. The excited and restless state of the baby can be provoked by many factors. Pediatricians divide them into three main types: hunger, malaise or discomfort.

How to calm a newborn when he cries? In fact, everything is very simple. You just need to eliminate the cause. Make your baby feel comfortable. It is worth noting that methods that are suitable for some children cannot calm other children at all. So how do you calm a crying baby?

Change the baby's clothes

How to calm a newborn baby when he cries? Quite often, the cause of baby's dissatisfaction is the discomfort caused by wet diapers. If you do not use absorbent diapers, then your baby will need to change their rompers or panties after each bowel movement. Otherwise, the newborn's delicate skin will be severely irritated. Because of this, he worries and cries.

At the very beginning, the baby expresses dissatisfaction with the usual groaning. Gradually, the intonation changes, and the child switches to anxious crying. If you do not pay attention to this, a strong and demanding cry will begin.

When using good quality absorbent diapers, baby's delicate skin remains dry even after several bladder empties. However, this does not mean that diapers do not need to be changed during the day. Change your baby's clothes as needed.

Feed the baby

How can you calm a newborn so that he doesn't cry? Often a child's dissatisfaction is caused by hunger. The baby's small stomach cannot yet accommodate enough food. That is why the child asks to eat often and eats small portions. So, in the first days after birth, the baby needs only 20 milliliters of milk. Over time, this dose increases and by the end of the first month reaches 50-90 milliliters.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, then you need to provide him with the next portion of food on demand. When it comes to artificial feeding, then it is worth following the regime. The break between meals in this case will be 3-4 hours.

A child's cry when hungry is more like a demand. It is shrill, sonorous and sharp. At the same time, the child tries to grab with his mouth everything that is near his face: a corner of the blanket, a pen, a finger. As soon as you feed your baby, he will immediately calm down.

Rock the baby

If a newborn is crying, how to calm him down? Many children get used to motion sickness. New mothers are so happy about their new status that they simply do not want to let go of the child. This leads to the baby getting used to such conditions. The baby no longer wants to fall asleep in his crib on his own and asks to be held. In this case, the newborn may scream loudly, wave his arms, and yawn. However, as soon as the mother takes him to her, the baby instantly calms down.

Of course, it is very pleasant when the baby falls asleep in your arms and sniffles sweetly. However, this behavior can greatly hinder you later. The child will always ask to be held and will not want to sleep on his own. You will be forced to fulfill the whims of the little commander.

Give me some medicine

How to calm a newborn baby? The baby cries constantly, often due to colic. In this case, discomfort most often appears in the evening. Many doctors associate this disease with the mother’s diet. If a woman does not eat anything forbidden during the night, then during the day she cannot resist. Because of this, by the evening the child’s tummy begins to bother him. However, those babies who eat only formula often suffer from colic.

There are many ways you can help your child in such cases. It is worth noting that pediatricians highlight the drug method. Nowadays you have many options to choose from. These can be a variety of teas, powders for preparing drinks and suspensions. Among all the drugs, the following can be distinguished: “Plantex”, “Bobotik”, “Smecta”, “Sab Simplex” and so on. All of them must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Pay attention to your child

How to calm a newborn? The baby constantly cries due to lack of attention. If in the first days after birth the child mainly sleeps and eats, then by the end of the first month of life everything changes. Your baby's daily routine will change several more times in the coming months. At the same time, the baby will require more and more attention every day.

If the child is full, dry and does not want to sleep, then perhaps he just needs your attention. Exercise with your newborn. Lay him on his back and do some light exercises. You can also take your child in your arms and show him your home. Absolutely everything will be new and interesting for the baby now.

You can do a massage. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, you can turn to specialists. Talk to your baby. This has a very good effect on his development.

Give the baby a bath

How to calm a newborn when he cries? Most kids love to take a bath. In this environment, children feel as comfortable as possible. After all, the baby was in liquid in the mother’s tummy for nine long months. Take a bath with water temperature +36-38 degrees. If desired, you can add infusions of soothing herbs or special baby salt to it. Place your baby in the water and play with him for five or ten minutes. You should not leave your newborn in the water for long. The child may become overtired, and crying after water procedures will only intensify.

As an alternative method, you can use regular washing. This method will help calm a child whose crying has turned into hysterics. The water should not be very warm. Use liquid at room temperature.

Newborn sickness

How to calm a newborn when he cries? Perhaps the reason your baby is worried is because he is not feeling well? Take your child to the pediatrician. If the baby is capricious and crying all the time, then this is not normal. It is very rare, but it still happens that newborn babies get sick. The most common pathologies that develop in children of this age are stomatitis, thrush, and otitis media.

If your baby starts sucking on the breast or bottle, but then immediately stops and cries, then most likely he has otitis media or stomatitis. Treatment of these diseases must be mandatory. Recommendations for correction are always given by a pediatrician. Any self-medication can lead to unexpected consequences and reactions from the child’s body.

Often newborn babies suffer from intracranial pressure. At the same time, the baby feels quite good in a vertical position in his mother’s arms, but begins to cry a lot as soon as he is placed in a horizontal position. With such a pathology, you need to contact a neurologist. It is worth noting that intracranial pressure most often worries babies born by cesarean section.

Calm down yourself

How to calm a baby if he is crying? In most cases, new parents begin to panic when they cannot calm their raging baby. In this case, the child feels the anxiety of mom and dad. Because of this, the baby may cry even louder and more intensely. Often this situation ends in hysteria.

Try to exhale and switch gears a little. Take a break from your main goal - to calm your baby. Take the baby in your arms and walk around the room with him. Pat the newborn on the head and tell him how much you love him. Most likely, he will sense your calmness and begin to behave somewhat differently. Remember that this method only works if the baby is not hungry and does not have any pathology.

Some mothers experience extreme emotional changes during the postpartum period. Often it turns into depression and constant irritation. To prevent this from happening, you need to take sedatives. Their choice should be approached carefully, especially if you are breastfeeding.

How to calm a child when he cries?

How to help your baby when he is crying? If you have fed, changed, bathed your child, and also played with him, but he is still unhappy, then what should you do in this case? How can you calm a newborn? There are some practical tips. Remember that not all of them work for every child. Try to find something of your own. Surely one of the methods will seem useful to you.

  • Take the crying baby in your arms and bring it to the running tap. Often the noise of flowing fluid. This is the sound that babies hear in the womb.
  • Place your baby in the crib and turn on the hairdryer. Such noise, oddly enough, very quickly calms newborn babies. It is worth noting that this recommendation is not suitable for older children.
  • Many mothers advise swaddling a crying newborn. Indeed, this method can help in some cases. Newborn babies are used to being cramped. The thing is that there was very little space in the mother's womb. Finding himself in such conditions, the child feels more protected. Take a regular diaper and wrap your baby in it so that the arms and legs are pressed tightly to the body. The fetal position is sure to help calm your baby.
  • Place your baby on the bed and sit next to him. Sing your baby a calm song. In the first month, babies do not distinguish images very clearly, but they hear quite well. A mother's voice and a calm song can calm an agitated and crying baby.


You now know many ways to calm a newborn baby. Remember that with a small child it is necessary to visit the doctor regularly. In this case, you will be insured against the development of many pathologies. A healthy newborn baby will not cry for no reason. A child’s anxiety necessarily has some pattern. Learn to listen and understand your baby, who cannot yet speak. Health to you and your baby!

Newborn or infant up to 1 month

Reasons for constant crying in a one-month-old baby there's always plenty, and parents are not always able to quickly determine what exactly is bothering him.

Most often, babies cry when they need food or a diaper change, but there are a number of other reasons.

If your baby screams without stopping for a long time and you can’t calm him down, it’s important to first make sure that his basic needs are satisfied.

You should also measure his body temperature, examine his ears (it is important to press on the tragus: if the baby has developed otitis, after pressing he will start screaming more strongly), check for colic, and determine whether the room needs to be ventilated.

If there are no obvious reasons for an infant’s cry, nervous overexcitation can be suspected.

How to calm an overexcited baby if he constantly cries? Recommendations to eliminate nervous overexcitation in children under one year of age:

It is important to consult a doctor if the child cannot be calmed. A visit to the doctor is also necessary if the baby screams regularly for no apparent reason.

Hyperactive baby

It is important for parents to be patient and approach all the child’s demands from a rational point of view, and if necessary, consult a psychologist.

Whims can also be a way to test how much pressure you can put on your parents. Standard situation: hysteria in a toy store. If the parent, unable to bear the screaming, gives in and buys what he wants, the child will understand that it works, and then will throw a tantrum again.

Tips for calming down in similar situations:

  • don't change your mind. Stand your ground no matter what happens;
  • keep calm. Aggression may help to muffle a one-time hysteria, but it will negatively affect the child’s psyche;
  • suggest a replacement. Remind that the child has a wonderful new toy at home, tell him that you will play with him later;
  • Get out of the child's sight. A hysterical child needs an audience. If no one is around, he will calm down;
  • distract him. Works well with younger children. Show him his own toy, play with something.

If, for example, a child wants to go to kindergarten in his favorite light jacket, tell him that he will catch a cold because it is cold outside.

Sometimes visualization can help: say that you agree (be sure to emphasize that he needed to wear warm clothes, because it’s cold), and dress him as usual, and along the way, ask him a couple of times how he feels.

If he complains about discomfort, remind him that he should have put on a warm jacket, but he didn’t want to. Of course, this should be done in cases where it clearly will not threaten his health.

Before bedtime

Basic tips:

  1. An hour or two before bedtime, try to avoid active games, watching cartoons, especially long ones, films, and computer games. Such activities can provoke overstimulation, and it will be more difficult for the child to calm down.
  2. Follow your daily routine. If your child is used to going to bed and getting up at the same time, it will be easier to put him to bed.
  3. Create evening rituals. These rituals can be taking a bath (possibly with herbs), massage, eating certain foods, reading fairy tales out loud.

Even if your family doesn't have any evening rituals, reading a book or a gentle massage can help your child calm down. It is also important not to make a scandal in the presence of a child, not to raise your voice at him.

How to calm down a group of guys?

In kindergarten

How can a teacher calm mad screaming children?

A screaming crowd of children in a kindergarten sometimes it is difficult to calm even an experienced teacher, therefore, some teachers may resort to incorrect methods of calming (for example, loud screaming, insults).

  1. Keep children occupied and supervised at all times. If children have nothing to do, and there has been no change in activity for a long time, they can begin to entertain themselves. If the teacher leaves for ten minutes, leaving a crowd of children with an inexperienced student undergoing an internship, this can also lead to the children starting to run and scream: usually a group that is accustomed to their teacher and his way of working listens to him well.
  2. Pay attention to yourself. Speak in a calm voice, making sure it is firm, not quiet and not too loud. You can attract attention with the help of musical instruments (beat a drum, ring a bell, play a pipe). Immediately during the process, invite them to play and take control of the situation.
  3. Change your children's activities if they haven't changed for a long time. For example, if you delay going out for a walk and let children play on their own for too long, they may start running and screaming.

Avoid being aggressive, control yourself. If you are a new teacher, be patient: it will take time for the children to start listening to you.

In the camp

Children at a children's camp more mature and already have formed ideas about what is possible and what is not, so it is sometimes easier to find a common language with them than with younger children.

Basic tips:

  1. In order not to lose control of your children, it is important to ensure that they are always busy with something interesting. Offer them new activities often. It is important to take into account the age of the children: what will be interesting to pre-teens may seem stupid to teenagers.
  2. Let them run wild for a while to relieve internal tension, but make sure that the games do not go beyond the limits of adequacy.

    It is important to time the most active guys, and then it will be easier to maintain control.

  3. From the very first hours of communication with the squad, set the right tone and define the rules. Make sure your voice is strong, but not loud or aggressive.
  4. During calming, you can also use sound signals: many counselors have a whistle hanging around their neck for this purpose. If there is no whistle, you can clap your hands to attract attention.

It’s always easier to make decisions based on the situation, so teachers, including educators and counselors, It is important to be able to adapt to any circumstances.

How to calm a child and stop tantrums? Find out about it in the video:

A sleeping baby is a magical sight, akin to a miracle. And this picture seems especially implausible to those exhausted parents whose babies cry for no apparent reason, arching their bodies and screaming non-stop 24 hours a day. Do not despair! And don't beat yourself up - you're not a bad parent! You simply don’t know the ways that can rock even the most capricious child without depriving his mom and dad of clarity of mind, self-control and a sense of parental happiness. We will teach you how to properly calm your child.

From the very first words, it is worth noting that all the tips below on how to calm a crying child (namely, a baby aged 0 to six months) refer to those cases when the baby cries and screams “for no apparent reason” - that is, his tummy does not hurt (not bloated, not tight, can be easily felt), he is not hungry, not cold and does not need to change his diaper. Rather, these tips are for those tired and exhausted parents, in whose eyes the question is read: “How to calm a child who just likes to cry and yell?!”

How to calm a 0-3 month old baby? Put yourself in his position!

One of the world's most competent experts in the field of children's crying is American doctor, professor of child psychiatry, pediatrician Harvey Karp. For over 20 years, he has been teaching new parents effective ways to quickly soothe a crying infant. Dr. Harp's book, dedicated to these methods, has long been an undisputed bestseller in its segment. On the one hand, these methods are extremely simple, judge for yourself:

  • swaddling;
  • holding in a side position;
  • “white noise” or hissing;
  • rhythmic rocking;
  • sucking.

But refrain from being surprised and doubtful until you try all five methods in action. What is the essence of this technique? In his book, Dr. Harvey uses such an ambiguous concept in relation to newborn children aged 0 to 3 months as “ fourth trimester of pregnancy».

During this period of life, infants are in dire need of conditions that would closely replicate the mother's intrauterine environment. It is in such conditions that babies instantly calm down, instinctively gaining a sense of familiar comfort and safety.

Actually, Dr. Karp based his technique on this principle. For example, tightly swaddling a newborn simulates its presence in the mother's uterus in the last stages of pregnancy, where the baby becomes quite cramped. The position on his side is also the most familiar for him. Hissing sounds are the most familiar to the baby, because while in the womb, he constantly hears the mother’s breathing and the passage of fluids through her intestines. An unborn baby constantly experiences monotonous motion sickness (almost shaking) when his mother moves. And if you look at the ultrasound pictures, you will see that starting from the 24th week, while in the mother’s womb, the baby reflexively sucks his thumb.

Here is the nature of the origin of all five methods of effective motion sickness according to Harvey Karp.

And if you learn, using Dr. Karp’s tips, to imitate for your baby all these states that are most comfortable for him in the first months of life, then you will not have problems with how to calm your child. So:

5 magical ways of Harvey Karp, or How to calm a child:

Method 1: Swaddling. Of course, it’s not a good idea to keep your newborn tightly wrapped in diapers all the time. But if the baby is worried and cannot fall asleep for a long time, sometimes it is enough just to wrap him tightly in a sheet or diaper (it is necessary to swaddle him with his arms) so that the baby immediately calms down.

If your baby is often restless and has difficulty falling asleep, it makes sense to buy modern diapers that even dads can easily use.

Method 2: Side position. Place the baby on your arm or on your lap on its side so that it seems to fall slightly onto its stomach. Gently support your baby's head. This position can also be used in cases where the child suffers from minor colic.

Method 3: Rhythmic rocking (shaking). Holding the baby in a position on his side, begin to gently but rhythmically rock him from side to side. This method can be immediately combined with the next one - simulating hissing sounds.

See clearly how to properly hold your baby on his side and rock him:

Method 4: “White noise”. The idea is to play monotonous hissing sounds directly above the baby's ear. This is perhaps the most unusual of all the ways to calm a child put forward by Dr. Karp, but it works perfectly.

Method 5: Sucking. A pacifier is an excellent universal soother for a baby. With the same success, you can put your baby to your breast (if you are a nursing mother) or give a bottle with a small amount of formula.

In Harvey Karp's own experience, sometimes it is enough to use one or two techniques from this list to stop a newborn from crying and worrying. But often you have to use all five methods sequentially. However, according to the doctor, these simple methods, together or separately, help in almost 100 percent of cases.

Agree - this is literally a “gift from heaven” for those exhausted parents who, due to the constant crying of their children, are, figuratively speaking, on the verge of committing suicide...

4 ways to calm a baby over 3 months old

Dr. Harvey Karp's methods are good, but it is worth mentioning once again - almost all of them are suitable only for newborn babies. If you try to swaddle or “hiss” a six-month-old crying toddler, you are unlikely to succeed. To calm older children, you can try other methods. Moreover, in this case, the expression “how to calm a child” will not always be equal to the expression “how to rock a baby to sleep.” To calm down means, first of all, to distract from screaming and sobbing.

Method 1: Carry in a sling. Carrying in a sling, by the way, combines two points proposed by Dr. Harvey: rocking and swaddling, and if you add “white noise” to this list, for example, going outside with the baby, then it will immediately become clear why Children love slings so much. And if swaddling is only suitable for newborns, then you can carry a baby in a sling from time to time as long as you comfortably bear (literally) the weight of your baby.

Method 2: Switch your attention. Children older than 3 months already quite successfully and for a long time fix their attention on objects and sounds - they are especially attracted to bright colors and clear, loud sounds. Rustle bright paper or a bag, ring a bell, let them watch any commercial on TV. All these manipulations (especially the last one!) instantly capture the baby’s attention: he is distracted from the hysteria, begins to show interest and gradually calms down and calms down.

Method 3: Let the excess air escape. When crying, a child swallows a lot of air, which gives him very unpleasant sensations. Thus, the hysteria risks closing in a circle: the baby cries, swallowing excess air, from which his tummy begins to ache and he cries more than ever, swallowing air again and again. Therefore, as soon as the child begins to show anxiety or scream, take him in your arms and hold him in a column for a while - by burping out excess air, the baby will most likely calm down. And if not, use the previous method by trying to attract his attention with a bright toy or unusual sounds.

Method 4: Dance together. It may seem strange, but smooth dance movements can help you solve the problem of how to calm a crying baby. Take your baby in your arms, smile at him, talk to him in a soothing tone and move around a little - rocking him from side to side, up and down, humming a simple melody. When the baby stops crying, hold him to your breast for a short time (if the baby is bottle-fed, give him a bottle of water) or give him a pacifier. Most of the time it works!

While still in the womb, the child establishes a strong emotional connection with his mother, which helps him to detect any change in her mood.

This is why the newborn is extremely sensitive to the mother's condition. A sobbing child may become additionally nervous when he realizes that the mother is worried, confused, feeling helpless or irritated.

Pediatricians strongly advise approaching a crying baby in an even mood. If this is not possible (not every woman can remain calm in such an environment), it is better to ask her husband or another close relative who exudes confidence for help.

Unlike older children, a newborn will never scream unless absolutely necessary. There is always some reason for infant crying, even if it does not lie on the surface.

The screams and tears of an infant should not be ignored. Contrary to some beliefs, such crying does not benefit the lungs or strengthen character.

On the contrary, an incessant roar can shake a baby’s nervous system and undermine his trust in the world around him. Another undesirable consequence of prolonged screaming is a navel hernia.

Before figuring out how to calm a crying baby, you need to establish the source of children's tears. Experts identify several main reasons:

Initially, mothers do not yet know how to determine by the nature of their crying what exactly the little one wants. But after some time, different types of children's cry become distinguishable, since the volume, duration and intonation in each case will differ significantly from each other.

How to understand the cause of screams?

Usually a child cries because he is hungry, feels pain due to colic, or something (or someone) frightened him. In such cases, the newborn will cry very loudly, hysterically and incessantly.

Certain characteristics and signs will help determine which of the above factors is troubling the baby at the moment.

  1. A hungry baby cries quite loudly, intensely and for a long time. If you don’t approach him right away, he will begin to seem to choke. And after being picked up, he will immediately begin to look for the nipple.
  2. If the cause of a child's cry is pain, then you can hear plaintive notes in it. If the pain syndrome is sudden or sharp, the child will cry loudly and very loudly.
  3. Is fear a prerequisite for crying? Then the baby screams hysterically, starting abruptly and ending just as unexpectedly. Usually, when he sees his mother and feels the warmth of her body, he quickly calms down.

In other situations, the child begins to call his parents with inviting cries, that is, in this way he tries to draw their attention to his problem. The baby cries a little, then stops to evaluate the parent's reaction.

If the mother or father ignores the children's demands, then the screams will be repeated again and again at different time intervals. Usually the child does not calm down until the source of the discomfort is eliminated.

If you cannot yet determine the cause by the nature of the crying, trust logical conclusions. With an established diet, you can already guess when the baby is hungry, and in what situations he is simply bored.

The five-step system includes the following techniques, which are probably familiar to many mothers.

  1. Tight swaddling. The child, “shackled” in arms and legs, feels the same tightness as in the uterus. This helps to restore a sense of security and therefore calm him down.
  2. "White noise". Many newborns fall asleep well to the monotonous hum of household appliances. Such sounds copy the noise of the working organs of the mother’s body. You can turn on the hairdryer or hiss over the child’s ear yourself.
  3. Side position. Children usually sleep better on their backs, but they calm down faster on their sides or tummy when their face faces slightly downward. You need to place the baby on your lap sideways, supporting the head.
  4. Cautious motion sickness. Lay your baby down so that his head rests on your palms and his face looks down. You need to shake the baby rhythmically, lightly and not very sharply. This is reminiscent of the feeling that a mother had when walking.
  5. Sucking. Satisfying the sucking reflex is another effective technique. The newborn is given either a breast, or a pacifier, or even his own clean finger.

Harvey Karp talks about how to calm a baby under 3 months old, including in the video “Your Happy Baby.” Using the example of several infants, the author demonstrates the effectiveness of the five-step system.

How to calm a crying baby over 3 months old?

Karp's five-step technique really helps, but these techniques are no longer effective for older children. To calm, for example, a 6-month-old baby, you need to distract him, not swaddle him, and use other methods.

Another useful tip is to make the children's room more comfortable. Some sensitive children become tired of bright lighting or too many bright objects.

Calming a child before bed

Many mothers complain that it is extremely difficult to calm their baby down before bed. The main reason for children's crying in the evening is simple overwork.

Judge for yourself, during the day the child learns a lot of new information, meets various acquaintances or strangers. There are many events, and the nervous system does not always cope with their processing.

If a baby screams and cries in the evenings for no apparent reason, most likely he is very tired. It is adults who can fall asleep from fatigue, but the child becomes overexcited and, on the contrary, refuses to fall asleep and cries.

If your child does not want to calm down before falling asleep in the evening, you should:

  • give up excessive activity;
  • ventilate the room and bring humidity to optimal levels;
  • rock the baby a little in your arms;
  • lay down and provide a pacifier.

Achieving sound sleep allows you to follow a certain sequence of actions. For example, a mother feeds the child, bathes him in water at the optimal temperature, puts him to bed, reads a book or sings a lullaby. Usually the baby quickly falls asleep after this ritual.

It is important to understand that the issue of calming a newborn must be resolved individually. Rocking motion is suitable for one child, swaddling is suitable for another, and only dancing calms a third.

The task of parents is to study the preferences of their child and choose the most suitable method. However, it should be remembered that the baby has the right to cry, thus protesting against various “inconveniences”. Well, mom needs to be there, demonstrating her love.

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