Peeling dry facial skin at home. Peeling for dry and sensitive facial skin at home - a proven recipe

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Dry skin is highly sensitive and therefore any aggressive care treatments are prohibited. But cleansing it from the upper layer of the epidermis and dead cells is necessary! Cosmetologists say that peeling is also acceptable for dry skin types, but it must be carried out according to certain rules.

Read in this article

Why is skin peeling done?

Cleansing the skin is necessary to improve its nutrition, oxygen supply and increase regenerative abilities. The renewed epidermis begins to actively produce collagen and elastin - substances that lead to rejuvenation, improvement and elasticity of the skin.

After the cleansing procedure, the skin’s ability to absorb vitamins, microelements, and organic acids increases. Therefore, after peeling, cosmetologists recommend using masks and creams more actively.

Such complete nutrition automatically makes the skin healthier, returning its natural color and elasticity.

Often the procedure in question is carried out for the purpose of whitening the face. Indeed, some compositions of peeling products have a whitening effect: pigment spots become less pronounced after 1 application, and after 2 - 3 they disappear completely.

Peeling is so useful that it is performed not only on the face, but also on the scalp. This improves the condition of the hair, accelerates its growth, and helps eliminate dandruff.

Disadvantages of the procedure and possible complications

Despite the enormous benefits of regular skin cleansing, there are a number of disadvantages of the procedure:

  • This is necessary for competent selection of a specific peeling agent, time and frequency of the procedure.
  • When using acids, you need to strictly follow the dosage, as they act too aggressively on the epidermis. If the recipe and procedure algorithm are not followed, urticaria and cold allergies can rapidly develop.
  • A high concentration of cleanser or violation of the peeling time frame leads to burns.

In addition, even microscopic wounds that are invisible to the eye are a contraindication for peeling. Such skin lesions often become infected and inflamed, and treatment with specialized medications is unlikely to seem tempting to anyone.

Types of peeling for the head and face

Cosmetologists believe that the mechanical type of peeling is categorically not suitable for dry skin of the face and scalp. It implies an aggressive effect on the epidermis, which in this case leads to irritation, redness and even injury. But there are other types of cleansing procedures that will do the job perfectly and will not cause unpleasant consequences.

For dry sensitive

Among the professional cosmetics, we can highlight milk from the French manufacturer “Academie”. It contains jojoba plant wax, malic acid and aloe juice. The product is intended for daily care and can be used to get rid of decorative cosmetics.

To carry out cleansing at home, it is advisable to use fruit acids, but not in concentrated form, but natural ones. Apple, peach or blueberry chopped and mixed with oatmeal are excellent choices.

This product is applied to the face for literally 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

A distinctive characteristic of this peeling is that it simultaneously cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes sensitive dry skin.

A good option is a combination of barley flour, dry cream and olive oil. The proportions are arbitrary, but the result should be a mushy viscous mass. The product is applied to the face and can also be used to exfoliate the scalp – 10 minutes is enough to achieve the desired effect.

Dry sensitive skin will not tolerate friction, massage and too frequent peeling.

To learn how to make an apple facial peel at home, watch this video:

With this type of facial skin, the choice of peeling increases somewhat. Firstly, it will be possible to cleanse with the help of fruit acids - lactic, citric and malic. True, the product must contain some kind of softening ingredient - barley or oatmeal, cream or sour cream, vegetable oils.

Secondly, dry normal skin takes it well; it is carried out in beauty salons or beauty salons and is the safest option.

Thirdly, there are a lot of professional products that belong to the peeling category and are intended specifically for the skin type in question. For example, peeling from the Israeli company “GIGI” “Collagen-Elastin”. Apply it to cleansed facial skin, wait 3-5 minutes and then gently roll it with your fingers. This cleansing also has moisturizing and rejuvenating effects.

For the aging

Age-related changes in dry skin are reflected quickly, at an early age and quite pronounced. Cleansing procedures can correct the situation and provide the epidermis with normal nutrition and excellent hydration.

Fruit peels (with the exception of malic acid - it is too aggressive) and ultrasound procedures will be relevant for mature dry skin of the face and head. Cosmetologists recommend cleansing with sodium chloride for this type of facial skin:

  1. apply a sodium chloride solution in two or three layers to a cleansed and steamed face with a cotton pad;
  2. 5 minutes after application, cover the face with soap foam;
  3. 3. the process of rolling off dead and separated epidermal particles under the influence of the drug is carried out;
  4. The face is washed with warm water and treated with moisturizer.

Peeling mask: types and features

Cleansing masks can be made at home, but even with their gentle effects, you need to take into account the type and condition of your facial skin. To be sure that the procedures are safe, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. He will make the final choice and give recommendations regarding post-procedure care.

The simplest peeling mask is the process of rubbing the skin with cream or sour cream. Moreover, this procedure can be carried out every day in the evening. You can combine cleansing the skin of dust and decorative cosmetics with whey and then applying a mask.

Rolling agent based on fruit acids

Oatmeal should be mixed with any fruit or berry juice; you can use puree, but with one caveat - fruits/berries should not have coloring properties. The proportions of the ingredients are taken in arbitrary quantities, but at the end, after 10 minutes of “proofing,” you should get a mushy mixture.

Apply a peeling mask to previously cleansed and steamed facial skin, and after 10 minutes you need to roll it up with your fingers and remove it. This procedure cannot be carried out too often - a maximum of 1 time in 10 days, the course is 30 days. Then you need to take a break of 2 - 3 months and you can repeat it.

Aggressive peeling mask for dry normal skin

Mix lemon juice and olive oil in equal proportions, add ½ volume of ground coffee and the same amount of salt. Mix everything thoroughly.

The finished product is applied to the facial skin for literally 5 minutes, then a massage is performed for 3 minutes without any effort. Immediately after washing, you need to moisturize the skin as much as possible - apply the appropriate cream in a thick layer, wait 10 minutes and remove the remaining product with a cotton pad or napkin.

Such aggressive peeling can be carried out once every 14 days.

Peeling mask based on honey

1 tablespoon of warm honey is mixed with the same amount of wheat bran. Juice from ½ lemon is added to the mixture. There is no need to wait for the product to cool down; it is applied warm to steamed facial skin, and after 7 minutes it is washed off with warm water.

Honey peeling mask is an excellent option for mature dry skin, because bran improves its regenerative abilities.

It must be remembered that these products are best applied to the face in the evening. If this is not possible, then for 4 hours after the cleansing procedure, going outside, being in a draft or in a room with too dry air is strictly prohibited.

Chemical: is it worth it?

Yes, it's worth it! At least, that’s what cosmetologists say, although they insist on getting advice from specialists. Chemical peeling, even in a beauty salon, is carried out using fruit salicylic acid. And these are quite aggressive substances in themselves. But if a professional works with the face, he will be able to select the exact dosage and algorithm for facial cleansing even with dry skin type.

In addition, fruit peelings can be done at home. It’s easy to prepare a product for the procedure, and a competent choice of components and monitoring the skin’s reaction will make them absolutely safe.

To learn how chemical peeling is performed in a salon, watch this video:

When is the best time to carry out procedures?

The optimal time of day for peeling is the evening, before bed. And there are explanations for this recommendation:

  • the skin will have time to “calm down” after the procedure;
  • after cleansing, you cannot go outside for 4 hours; at night, this rule is easy to follow;
  • The peeling process is slow, and after it you need to apply a moisturizer;
  • Cleansing occurs best with a relaxed face, when the muscles are calm; such rest is possible after a working day before going to bed.

As for the time of year, winter is especially problematic for dry skin. Exposure to cold and wind, too dry air in the room adversely affects its condition. Peeling carried out under these conditions increases the risk of disruption of the water-fat balance in the skin, which is manifested by redness, inflammation, and peeling.

What to consider if you do it at home

For peeling dry skin at home, products based on fruits and berries are most often used. AND To avoid harm, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • malic acid is very aggressive and affects the deep layers of the skin - this fruit should be excluded;
  • A severe allergy can develop to citrus fruits - you need to convince yourself of its absence by applying a small amount of a peeling mask, for example, to the skin behind the ear;
  • honey causes redness - it cannot be used in masks for overly sensitive skin;
  • cleansing procedures can be carried out no more than once every 7 - 10 days, every 30 days you need to take a break for 2 - 3 months;
  • After peeling, you need to moisturize your face as much as possible - apply a thick layer of appropriate cream to it, and remove the excess after 10 minutes.

The advisability of peeling for dry skin of the face and scalp is a controversial issue. Some cosmetologists are categorically against it; some doctors of this profile allow the procedure. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body and skin, so with this type you should definitely visit a specialist and get recommendations from him - this will help achieve the desired effect and avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is exfoliation? Is it possible to use peeling when caring for dry skin? Indications and contraindications for the cleansing procedure. Homemade recipes.

The content of the article:

Peeling for dry skin is a procedure during which the top layer and dead skin particles are exfoliated and removed. The English name for exfoliation, literally “peel,” translates as “scrape” or “sand.” The method of cleansing the skin was used before our era, in Ancient Egypt, using acidified wine as an aggressive substance. The active ingredient of this peeling is tartaric acid. Allows you to get rid of the first wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, reduce pigmentation and the rate of age-related changes, eliminate acne (beyond the inflammation stage) and post-acne scars, increase the smoothness of the skin.

Description and composition of peeling for dry skin

It is traditionally believed that dry sensitive skin needs to be nourished and moisturized, but the removal of the top layer occurs automatically. This is a misconception - when caring for this type of dermis, peeling is one of the mandatory procedures.

Dry skin is a consequence of insufficient sebum production. But the replenishment of cosmetics is hampered by a dense layer of keratinized cells; it impedes the supply of nutritional and moisturizing components. A vicious circle arises: the surface layer cracks and peels due to dehydration, but it is impossible to free the sebaceous glands from impurities and nourish them - the slightest mechanical stress causes injury. Soft peeling removes “old” skin scales and releases healthy elastic tissue, stimulating the acceleration of peripheral blood supply.

Types of peeling for dry skin:

  • Moisturizing. Used for a constant feeling of tightness after washing or removing makeup. After cleaning, the skin cells are saturated with moisture, the membranes are sealed, and dehydration is eliminated. It is recommended to conduct sessions in late spring, before the heat.
  • Cleaning. Helps get rid of a layer of keratinized scales mixed with particles of dust and cosmetics, and the remains of opportunistic microorganisms.
  • Grinding. It is performed when the outer layer of the dermis is peeling or when there is increased pigmentation. During the procedure, aesthetic defects are eliminated.
There is another type of peeling for dry skin - therapeutic. It is done when spider veins, subcutaneous infiltrates, or severe swelling appear. They are carried out in a salon environment and contain medications.

Homemade peeling compositions for dry skin include:

  1. Berries with seeds - strawberries, raspberries, red and black currants, blackberries, wild strawberries. The berries contain mild abrasive particles and a complex of acids that help soften the stratum corneum: fruit, salicylic, glycine, aspartic. Salicylic acid is used as an additional ingredient to restore skin elasticity and eliminate dehydration (fluid loss).
  2. Fruits - apples, apricots, peaches, plums. These fruits also contain acids and a vitamin complex - mainly vitamin C. Apples and plums contain more acetic acid - the chemical effect is more pronounced. Apricots and peaches are gentler, which has a beneficial effect on hypersensitive skin.
  3. Dairy and fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Gentle cleansing occurs due to the content of lactic acid. Cottage cheese should be highlighted separately from this group - in combination with aggressive acidic ingredients, it provides maximum protection for delicate skin.
  4. Cane sugar. This product contains a high amount of glycolic acid. If cane sugar cannot be purchased, you can use grapes or sugar beets for glycolic peeling (the glycolic acid content in these products is lower).
  5. Raw potatoes, white cabbage, pumpkin. The products contain enzyme and peptide components. They prevent damage to the surface of the skin, saturate the upper layers of the dermis with useful substances at the cellular level, and normalize water and electrolyte balance. The same complex, only with a more pronounced effect, is found in exotic fruits - kiwi, papaya and pineapple.
  6. Carrot and cucumber. These vegetables stimulate cell regeneration and are used in the presence of microcracks and when the skin is prone to cracking.
  7. Honey. It has a restorative, cleansing, exfoliating and antimicrobial effect, and is a natural antiseptic.
  8. Cosmetic clay. For extreme dryness, it is recommended to use blue and green clay. Blue - stops the development of inflammatory processes and fights increased pigmentation, green - prevents dehydration and restores tone.
  9. Semolina, oatmeal or rolled oats, coffee grounds. These soft abrasive particles help remove the stratum corneum without causing injury.
The choice of peeling composition for dry skin depends on the main problems. The most effective action is provided by complex products that simultaneously improve the quality of the skin and accelerate metabolic processes.

Benefits of home peeling for dry skin

The main positive properties of home peeling are accessibility and painlessness. During the session, you can independently adjust the depth and time of exposure, and if painful sensations appear, interrupt the procedure. It is always possible to choose the method and composition that suits you, eliminating the development of allergic reactions.

Positive effects of peeling for dry skin:

  • The permeability of the upper layer of the epidermis improves, facilitating the saturation of cells with nutrients and moisture;
  • Peeling is eliminated (in 1 session), post-acne scars disappear;
  • The complexion is evened out;
  • The quality of the skin improves - the texture becomes smooth;
  • The development of age-related changes is stopped - the division of cells in the basal layer is stimulated.
If you choose the right composition, the duration of the effect will last 1-1.5 months, and only its owner will know that the skin is dry.

Contraindications to home peeling for dry skin

Contraindications to exfoliation with increased dryness of the epidermis can be divided into absolute and relative.

The absolute ones, when cleansing sessions cannot be carried out regardless of the state of the body, include:

  1. Chronic skin diseases with constant exacerbations - psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis;
  2. New growths in the field of processing;
  3. Cuperosis - vascular network or spider veins in the problem area, close proximity of blood vessels, which can cause pinpoint bleeding;
  4. Diseases in which symptoms may develop - clouding of consciousness, convulsions, surges in blood pressure;
  5. Hypertrichosis - increased hair growth;
  6. Oncological diseases.
Relative contraindications:
  • Very thin, dry skin with increased sensitivity;
  • Purulent-inflammatory process, including acne in the acute stage;
  • Herpes infection at the relapse stage;
  • Damage to the skin;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Dermatological diseases of infectious nature.
If you are allergic to the components of the composition, you can always find a suitable option for yourself - homemade cosmetics recipes contain a wide range of ingredients for hypersensitive skin.

Preparing for peeling for dry skin

Restoring moisture access to tissues with dry skin is carried out using superficial procedures, without complete removal of the top layer. To avoid injuries - swelling, redness, microdamage, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

Algorithm of preparatory activities:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to provide the skin with maximum rest for a week - refuse all manipulations with the face: cleansing, removing blackheads, etc. When individual flaky areas appear, they are simply moisturized as much as possible. If you have a cosmetic grinding machine at home, you can go over the defect using cosmetic milk as an aid.
  2. Throughout the week after removing makeup, cosmetic products containing glycolic acid are applied to the face. The body produces this acid itself, so there is no need to worry about irritation. Recommended creams with glycolic acid: “Lora”, “Azelik”, “D Oliva”.
  3. If you plan to peel with glycolic acid, use a daily moisturizer to prepare. Requirements for it - it must be completely absorbed without leaving a greasy film on the face.
Home procedures combine chemical (acid) and mechanical effects. Acid dissolves household pollution and the stratum corneum, and mechanical helps cleanse.

Which peeling is best for dry skin?

Choosing which remedy is better is possible only after evaluating the result. If dry skin after peeling has become soft, velvety, the feeling of discomfort and tightness has disappeared, we can conclude that this particular composition has a beneficial effect, and when you urgently need to put your face in order, it should be given preference.

Peeling for dry skin with oatmeal

Boiled oat flakes or flour act gently, gently clean off dead skin scales, and the auxiliary ingredients nourish and moisturize the skin.

Recipes for compositions with oatmeal:

  • Hercules and cucumber. Hercules flakes in the amount of 2 tablespoons are poured with boiling water and allowed to simmer for 5-6 minutes. The water is then drained off, leaving enough to create a mushy texture. Fresh cucumber is grated. Mix the porridge of boiled Hercules flakes with 2 tablespoons of cucumber porridge along with cucumber juice.
  • Oatmeal and milk. Oatmeal (2 tablespoons) or finely ground raw oat flakes in the same amount is mixed with thick heavy cream or sour milk until mushy and allowed to stand so that the abrasive particles swell and become softer. The mixture is ready for use in 10 minutes.
  • Oats and oil blend. Combine finely ground oatmeal, olive and castor oils, the proportions are equal. Before application, the mixture is heated in a water bath for 1 minute. The cleansing session is carried out before bedtime.
  • Hercules with carrots. Well-cooked rolled oats flakes, 2 teaspoons, pour carrot juice. You need to get a creamy structure.
If there is no “store-bought” oatmeal, grind oatmeal or dry flakes in a coffee grinder.

Peeling for dry skin at home with berries

Berry peeling combines mechanical and chemical effects on the skin. Strawberries contain a whole complex of acids - fruit, aspartic, salicylic, and the drupes play the role of abrasive particles.

Berry peeling recipes:

  1. Currants and strawberries. Mix a tablespoon of red currants and strawberries, add a few raspberries or blackberries, and mash into a puree.
  2. Strawberry milk. Mash 3-4 large juicy berries, pour in fat milk in the amount of 2 tablespoons (can be replaced with sour cream). Dilute to a mushy state.
  3. Strawberries with clay. To the composition made according to the recipe described above, add 1 tablespoon more milk and add 1 tablespoon of cosmetic clay. The structure of the mixture should resemble a thick puree.
  4. Blackberry-egg with coffee. Blackberries are mashed into puree - to make the composition you need 2 tablespoons of berry pulp. Add a tablespoon of beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of coffee grounds to it.

After applying formulations with blackberries, the skin darkens a little, so the procedure should be done in the evening.

Peeling for dry sensitive skin with honey

Honey is suitable for winter cleansing - it is a natural antiseptic and helps restore local immunity.

Recipes for compositions with honey:

  • Honey-oat. Mix a tablespoon of liquid natural honey and oatmeal. Beat the egg yolk separately, and only then combine it with the sticky mixture.
  • Honey-fruity. Combine a teaspoon of banana pulp and grated apple, add a teaspoon of cream, a tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of semolina. Let stand for 3 minutes so that the semolina swells a little in the fruit juice.
  • Honey-butter. Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and olive oil, heat in a water bath to body temperature, add a teaspoon of coffee grounds.
Honey for peeling can be combined with crushed oatmeal and sour cream.

If you need to quickly remove peeling, then simply wipe the skin with candied honey, adding a teaspoon of olive oil to it, without adding abrasive particles.

Peeling recipes for dry skin with coffee

If the skin is dry, only coffee grounds are used as abrasive particles.

Recipes for compositions with coffee:

  1. Coffee grounds. The coffee beans are ground finer than usual and the drink is brewed. The thickener is applied to the face before it dries.
  2. Coffee and milk mixture. Mix equal amounts of coffee grounds and full-fat milk or cream.
  3. Honey-coffee composition. Coffee grounds are combined with honey - in equal quantities.
  4. Coffee and curd composition. Well-cooked coffee grounds are whipped in a blender with fatty, non-crumbly cottage cheese in a 2:1 ratio (or mashed until completely smooth with a fork).
Coffee grounds are a fairly hard abrasive, so the interval between procedures should be at least 2 weeks.

Peeling for dry skin with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese contains lactic acid. By combining cottage cheese with abrasive particles, you can carry out an effective comprehensive cleansing.

Cottage cheese peeling recipes:

  • Curd and fruit. Mix a tablespoon of milk, full-fat cottage cheese and a teaspoon of orange and lemon zest.
  • Mixture of cottage cheese with exotic fruits. The action is chemical, a slight burning sensation is felt. A tablespoon of avocado pulp is combined with the same amount of fatty cottage cheese and a teaspoon of pineapple juice is added.
  • Honey-curd. Add candied honey to the dense, wet cottage cheese in equal volumes and mix thoroughly to obtain a granular paste.
  • Glycolic. Beat cottage cheese and cane sugar - 2 tablespoons each - with a blender until the consistency of a grainy paste.
When applying compounds with a chemical effect, you should step back from the eye area a little more than when using mixtures without components with pronounced activity.

How to do peeling for dry skin

The cleansing session begins after preliminary preparation of the face.

The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Wash using soap or soap foam. It is necessary to get rid of all remnants of cosmetics and household dust.
  2. Apply the homemade composition in a circular motion along the massage lines for 2-3 minutes, performing a slight rotational movement with your fingertips so that it is absorbed.
  3. After 10 minutes, the peeling is removed and washed off with water and detergent - first warm and then cold to close the pores. If an aggressive composition is chosen, then a neutralizer is used. When applying homemade compounds, a neutralizer is not needed.
  4. After removing the stratum corneum, the fresh surface layer is nourished with beneficial substances - external influences are not able to change the sebum production cycle. To nourish and moisturize, apply a nourishing mask - preferably an oil mask. If this step is neglected, the peeling effect will last no longer than 5 days.
  5. After removing the mask, they focus on their own feelings. If tightness is not felt, you can do without cream.
Peeling products should be alternated so that you do not develop a habit of the composition.

The frequency of the rejuvenating procedure for increased dryness is no more than once every 10-15 days. In order for the peeling effect to last longer, it is advisable to cleanse your face with hydrophilic oils before going to bed - if they are not available, use vegetable oils. After oil cleansing, wash with an infusion of medicinal herbs and only then apply a nourishing cream.

How to do peeling for dry skin - watch the video:

If you abandon the cleansing procedure, favorable conditions appear under the keratinized cells for increasing the activity of opportunistic bacteria and fungi. Regular facial care with excessive dryness with the introduction of peeling helps to achieve lasting results - completely get rid of peeling and inflammation, and stop progressive age-related changes. But you should not overuse home cleansing - this can lead to early aging.

Clean and healthy skin, a fresh complexion is what every woman dreams of. But not always and not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit a cosmetology salon. And this is not at all necessary. There are many recipes for home peelings for dry skin types, facial cleansing, with which you can get excellent results.

Cleaning is primarily about cell renewal. Peeling is a method of artificial exfoliation of the superficial epidermis. Such procedures will improve its structure and even out the tone of the face.

Regular use of properly selected peeling allows you to:

  1. Make skin more elastic.
  2. Gets rid of existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  3. Improve complexion.
  4. Make skin smoother.
  5. Get rid of acne.
  6. Reduce pigmentation.

Features of caring for dry skin types

Before you decide to cleanse your face yourself, you first need to determine what type of skin you have. For dry skin types, peeling is as necessary as regular moisturizing. Since without its use it is impossible to get rid of dead cells. It saturates cells with moisture, eliminates the feeling of tightness and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

If the skin is dry, which, as you know, needs special care, then a more careful approach will be required in choosing ingredients for cleaning. Not just any product is suitable for such skin, so you should choose more gentle recipes that have a mild effect.

Dry skin, unlike oily skin, needs peeling much less frequently. That is why, in such a situation, you should not use it more than once a week. Don't forget to check the ingredients for allergies.

What products can be used

To prepare peelings at home, natural products at hand are used:

  • Cottage cheese and cream.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Rice flour, semolina, oatmeal, coffee.

Types of home peelings

You can carry out mechanical and chemical peeling yourself.

Mechanical peeling– This is cleansing the facial skin using natural scrubs. For dry skin, during mechanical peeling, the composition should not contain large abrasive particles or absorbent substances. Fruit acids, semolina, oatmeal, and coffee grounds are considered safe.

Chemical peeling- This is the removal of dead cells using acids.

Chemical peeling is:

  • surface;
  • average;
  • deep.

It is safest to use a superficial peel at home. The composition of which is prepared on the basis of suitable means at hand and natural fruit acids. The following types of surface peeling are practiced: fruit, milk, almond, glycolic, salicylic. In such peeling compositions the concentration of acids is insignificant, so they do not injure the skin.

Homemade Recipes for Dry Skin


It contains 2-4 strawberries and full-fat milk. You need to thoroughly chop the berries and mix with milk. Apply onto the face with massaging movements and distribute evenly. This procedure has an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect.


Ingredients: honey, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and one chicken egg. This composition will provide an excellent nourishing effect and cleanse dry, sensitive skin without damaging it.


You need to mix olive oil, castor oil and oatmeal, 1 tablespoon each. Pre-heat the oil a little in a water bath. This product will gently cleanse the dermis and provide quality nutrition.


Take 1 tablespoon of full-fat milk or cream. Apply to the face with light massage movements.

With cosmetic clay

Mix cosmetic clay and cream, 1 tablespoon each. This recipe can be used at any time of the year. You can buy cosmetic clay at almost any pharmacy; it is very inexpensive.

To prepare homemade peeling compositions for dry skin, you need to use only fresh products. In any case, by preparing them at home, you get a natural and safe remedy. All that remains is to consider several options, from which you can choose the most suitable for yourself and alternate them to achieve the best result.

Watch a video about proper comprehensive care for dry skin types. Dermatologist gives advice

Have you noticed a deterioration in the condition of your skin, uneven complexion, a network of acne, wrinkles and peeling, although you regularly cleanse, moisturize and nourish your facial skin with lotions, creams and masks? You should carry out a peeling procedure to renew and regenerate the cells of the skin layer, ensuring unhindered penetration of cosmetics into the deep layers of the epidermis! From this article you will learn everything that should be taken into account when carrying out such manipulation on dry skin, get acquainted with the best recipes for preparing natural compositions so that the use of care products is as effective and harmless as possible!

What information will you find out:

What is peeling

Peeling results for renewal and regeneration of skin layer cells

Many people have read about the peeling procedure, but do not fully understand the importance of this manipulation. Without freeing the epidermis from a huge layer of dead, caked particles of the skin layer that do not allow it to breathe, receive proper nutrition and hydration, you are simply throwing money down the drain by applying expensive cosmetics every day that do not penetrate there!

Manipulation of exfoliation of the old layer of skin must be performed for complete renewal and regeneration of dry skin! treatments performed in salons are too aggressive for dry facial skin. It is preferable to use natural homemade compositions that gently and delicately cleanse the epidermis.

Who is this procedure indicated for?

  • uneven skin color, presence of age spots ;
  • peeling of the skin even after applying creams and masks ;
  • small acne, as well as a network of wrinkles;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness.

Contraindications for use

  • the presence of any inflammatory, allergic and infectious processes;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, burns, herpes);
  • many large protruding moles, warts;
  • oncological processes;
  • hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth);
  • getting a strong tan;
  • epilation.

Video: review of top peeling cosmetics

What to do before peeling begins

Any cosmetic procedure must be performed correctly, taking into account the sequence of actions aimed at preliminary preparation and skin care to obtain maximum results and prevent negative consequences.

Before applying such products, it is best to treat dry skin with heavy cream, olive oil, and any other composition based on natural lipids.

After peeling, you should wash thoroughly using warm water without soap (preferably boiled) and apply a thin layer of a suitable caring cream.

Affordable recipes for effective home peeling of dry skin

Facial peeling at home

  1. As a base, take finely ground coffee (can be used in the form of grounds), add milk cream, sour cream or any vegetable oil to it, mix everything to a thick paste and apply it to the face, gently massaging along the massage lines.
  2. Rice grains crushed in a coffee grinder (a teaspoon) are mixed with full-fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons), olive oil (1/2 teaspoon) and heated a little, and then applied to the face.
  3. Granulated sugar (a teaspoon) is combined with cream or olive oil (a tablespoon) and applied with light massage movements.
  4. Known for its gentle and effective cleaning, it consists of homemade full-fat yogurt and granulated sugar, taken in equal proportions.
  5. Make puree from fresh strawberries (take a tablespoon), add ½ spoon (teaspoon) of honey, 3 drops of almond oil. Mix the composition and apply to the face with light rubbing movements, massaging for 2 minutes.
  6. Take 1 apple and 3 strawberries, make a homogeneous puree from them, grinding them in a blender. The resulting mass is massaged into the skin for 2 minutes.
  7. Oatmeal, almond grains, taken in equal quantities, are crushed in a coffee grinder, olive oil and grape juice are added until a thick mixture is formed, applied to the face in a circular motion.
  8. For aging skin, a composition with lemon juice and purified water (filtered) will be useful. They are taken in equal proportions and, using a cotton pad, gradually applied (in several stages, as the previous layer dries) on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  9. Pink clay in the amount of ½ spoon (teaspoon) is combined with strawberry pulp and sour cream (1 tablespoon each). Apply to the face, massage and leave for 5 minutes.
  10. Grate the avocado fruit along with the peel on a fine grater and peel with this mixture. Even after such a procedure, it is saturated with a large amount of vitamins, microelements and acids, and becomes soft, firm, and elastic.
  11. Pre-washed orange peel is grated on a fine grater, mixed with starch, flour or semolina (take a tablespoon), diluted with full-fat milk or cream (for very dry skin).
  12. You will need 200 g of fresh pineapple pulp, liquid natural honey (2 tablespoons), and oatmeal to thicken the mass. After massaging, leave the composition on the skin for 10 minutes. It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, tightens and rejuvenates dry skin.
  13. Finely chopped coconut pulp is mixed with sour cream (a tablespoon of each) and granulated sugar (a teaspoon), applied to the skin, massaged and left for 5 minutes. This composition not only perfectly cleanses and nourishes, but also whitens the skin.

Fruit acids exfoliate as gently and deeply as possible, filling the skin with valuable vitamins and microelements during the procedure! It is best to exfoliate in the evening so that the skin recovers and adapts a little overnight.

By performing these simple manipulations, you can quickly renew capricious dry skin without going to salons and undergoing expensive, chemically aggressive peelings for dry skin! If you regularly carry out this procedure, you will notice in the mirror new, young, healthy, glowing with health and elasticity!

Video: Peeling dry facial skin at home: cheap and effective

This procedure for dry skin allows you to eliminate various defects on the face that often occur in people with this type of epidermis. Peeling for dry facial skin can be done both in the salon and at home. This procedure is quite simple, but requires some knowledge and skills, since it is very easy to damage problem skin.

Performing a peeling procedure for dry facial skin at home

Video peeling for dry skin:

Indications and contraindications

Peeling for dry skin can and should be done at any age. It helps not only eliminate defects, but also prevent the occurrence of various skin problems. If the skin is problematic, the procedure should be performed more often; if the dermis is relatively normal, it should be performed at least once a month. And you can learn about peeling the face and body in the fall.

Indications for the procedure are:

  • increased dryness and flaking;
  • wrinkles and pigmentation;
  • pimples, acne;
  • acne and spots from them;
  • yellowish skin tone;
  • flabbiness and laxity of the skin.

Facial peeling is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, the presence of a herpetic infection on the face, tumors, severe inflammatory processes, hypertrichosis.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should temporarily avoid peeling.

Types of procedures

There are several types of such procedures, which differ from each other in the composition of the products used and the effect they have on the skin.

Chemical peeling in the salon to moisturize and nourish the dermis To eliminate hyperpigmentation on the face, you can do kojic and.

They are contained in preparations that are used mainly in the summer. They are quite easy to work with. The skin after the procedure will be rejuvenated, clean, smooth.

You can prepare the cleaning product at home. To do this, mix oatmeal and cream in a 1:1 ratio, apply to the skin and leave for 7-12 minutes. Then you need to wash your face with warm water and lubricate your face with cream.

Cottage cheese peeling for thin and sensitive skin at home

For sensitive and thin epidermis, you can prepare a peeling from cottage cheese (4 tsp), olive oil (1 tsp) and rice flour (0.5 tsp). The mixture needs to be heated and applied to the face with massage movements. Afterwards, the face is cleansed with water and lubricated with a suitable cream (you can use fish oil, grape seed oil, etc.).

If any unpleasant sensations arise during the facial treatment with fruit acids, the product must be washed off and a soothing cream applied. In case of serious skin problems, it is better to carry out the cleaning procedure in beauty salons, where a professional will examine the face and select the best solution to the problem. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with fruit peeling for the face.

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