Advice for beginning genealogists. How to find out your family up to the seventh generation? Scheme of family relationships up to the seventh generation

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

The influence of seven generations of ancestors on the fate of descendants

Generation No. 1 is ourselves.
It is, of course, connected with the Sun - the center of our planetary system, the source of energy and the symbol of life.
Indeed, unlike the cold planets, the star called the Sun is in constant thermonuclear boiling; it literally “seethes,” throwing into space powerful prominences and the solar wind that permeates the entire solar system.
In a word, the Sun is alive, which means it is connected with the generation of the living, and not just the living, but the young, whose ebullient energy and desire to shine can be likened to the Sun.
So, it all begins personally with us, who are the first generation in the seven-step pyramid of the genoscope.

Generation No. 2 is our parents, there are two of them, i.e. pair.
Fathers and mothers are connected with the Earth's satellite, the Moon, which has a huge influence on the formation of the emotional world. The unconscious, instinctive, reflexive manifestation of a person is subject to the influence of the Moon, the change of its phases and the movement of the night luminary along the zodiacal circle.
Everything that is laid down in childhood: habits, direct attitude to the world and adaptation to it, emotional perception - we owe this to our parents.
Some people, in whose horoscopes the influence of the Moon prevails, remain big children in adulthood - emotional, touchy and capricious.
Naivety and infantilism, which manifest themselves in adulthood, are a negative consequence of excessive love and obsessive parental care.
The second generation is extremely important for the formation of personality, its sensitivity and adaptation in society. If the genetic relationship between children and parents is broken, then a person, even if talented, will not be able to adapt to this world.
The possibility of unhindered communication with kindred spirits, the ability to find the right solutions in the world around us are absorbed, if not with mother’s milk, then certainly formed in the first years of life under the direct influence of parents.

Generation No. 3 is our grandparents - 4 people.
The planet Mercury is associated with this generation, which is in charge of the spheres of communication, learning, and information exchange.
From their grandparents, people adopt intellectual capabilities, perceptive abilities, talents, and many behavioral characteristics.
It turns out that more important genetic information is passed on through generations than directly from parents. If one of the grandparents was engaged in science, teaching, or literature, then one can expect the manifestation of talent or scientific abilities in the grandchildren, but not in the children, because it is known that nature rests on the children of geniuses.

Generation No. 4 - great-grandparents - 8 people.
This generation is under the celestial patronage of Venus, a planet whose large cycle is exactly 8 years.
The fourth generation is considered the middle of seven generations, and therefore great-grandparents are considered the guardians of harmony and balance.
Concepts such as love, joy of life, and attachment to material wealth are associated with Venus (the fourth generation). It is believed that material assets, earned through honest labor or inherited, need to be strengthened and increased.
If the ancestors of the 4th generation were rich, then their descendants will pass on the ability to earn money, but if they sinned financially, then this sin will fall on the successors of the family and will not allow them to become rich, no matter how much they want it.

Generation No. 5 - great-great-grandparents - 16 people.
The fifth generation is associated with Mars, which is associated with willpower, energy, passion, the ability to achieve a goal, and win.
Mars is the impulse to action.
Without will, energy, passion, we cannot achieve anything in life. It is from the generation of Mars that military qualities, determination, and readiness for action are passed on to descendants.
Lack of will, cowardice or cruelty, unmotivated aggression can be a continuation of the sinfulness of the ancestors of the 5th generation.

Generation No. 6 are the grandfathers of our great-grandfathers. There are 32 of these ancestors. The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter - the planet of power, authority, spirituality and worldview. Numbering 32, each of them is represented as a totem or also symbolically represented as one of the 32 teeth. Teeth that fall out early indicate a breakdown in connection with this generation. This means that the connecting thread of time was not just interrupted, but the connection of real generations, the historical connection, was interrupted.
In the sixth generation, an invisible connection is established between a person and the national spiritual (including religious) egregor. The ancestors of the sixth generation contain enormous collective (egregorial) forces; they can become for us connecting links in the chain of transmission of traditions, commandments, true knowledge and teachings.

Generation No. 7 is the great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers.
A total of 64 people. The generation most distant from us in time is associated with the planet most distant from the Earth - Saturn. Just as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other celestial bodies remain invisible to the human eye, the influence of the ancestors of the 8th, 9th and 10th generations on humans is also practically indistinguishable.
Only descendants of noble families, of which, of course, there are very few, can know anything about the life of ancestors who lived more than 200 years ago. This connection indicates the problems of the seventh generation; from them one can see predestination, real fate, fate, destiny, internal law and the true duty of a person.
This is the most serious generation.

So, 7 generations (126 people) influence our lives as follows:

The 1st generation is ourselves, our “I”, Ego, as a starting point. Associated with the energy of the Sun.

2nd generation - parents (two, i.e. a couple). Associated with the energy of the Moon. They are the ones who shape our immediate environment, our emotional attitude to the world, and our health potential. It is also an opportunity for further adaptation, the ability to find one’s place in life. It has a particularly strong effect on people with a strongly pronounced Moon.

3rd generation - grandparents (4 people). They convey to us the ability to perceive, intellectual capabilities, talents, as well as communication skills and the ability to communicate.

4th generation - great-grandparents (8 people). They shape love scenarios in our destiny, the ability to live in harmony, as well as the level of material well-being.

5th generation - great-great-grandparents (16 people). Gives us passion, will, aspiration and the ability to win. The other side of the coin is aggressiveness.

6th generation - the grandfathers of our great-grandfathers (32 people). Reflects in our destiny the connection with traditions, teachings, principles that we adhere to in life. It also bestows social elevation.

7th generation - the great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers (64 people). It is this generation that points to fate, fate, destiny in our destiny.

Interesting fact: external resemblance to parents - if a child looks like his father, it means he has a stronger genetic connection with his ancestors, and if he is more like his mother, it means he is free from many family problems and is more independent in his choice.

You need to know your family tree not just for history, but in order to better navigate both the present, the present, and the future, which is a direct reflection and continuation of the past.

Knowing as much as possible about ancestors is the task of every person who wants to choose his own path in life.
The merits of good ancestors can become an excellent example for choosing the correct personal development, while knowledge of unresolved problems and sins of not the best representatives of the family tree will help to avoid repeating their mistakes and aggravating the negative karma of the entire Family.

The traditions of many cultures on the planet recognize the enormous influence of ancestors on the fate of their descendants. This is easily explained by modern genetics, but religious treatises clarify that not only the color of a person’s eyes, the shape of his ears and the timbre of his voice depend on his ancestors, but also whether he will be happy in life and what kind of energy he will pass on to his children. In connection with this aspect, references to seven tribes (generations) are very common.

The ancient sages believed that it was the seven generations of ancestors that played a decisive role in fate. Many centuries and even millennia ago, those who wanted to do the greatest evil to their enemy cursed him to the seventh generation. This was the most terrible curse of all time, among many nations. In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, a case is described of the curse of the descendants of Tantalus to the seventh generation. This was the punishment for infanticide.

Teachings of Zoroaster

The rationale for the deep significance of the connection between seven generations of the clan is set out in the “Book of Ancestors” of the great founder of the world religion of Zoroastrianism. The Persian prophet Spitama Zarathustra (or Zoroaster) described the so-called Faravahar family tree (in another reading Fravahar). This concept itself is the central symbol of Zoroastrianism as a religion. Fravahar was depicted as a disk with wings, which symbolized the Guardian Angel or the winged Sun.

The family tree was also depicted in the form of a circle, in the center of which was the person himself, that is, the descendant of the family currently living on earth. From this point, the branches of the family tree - the ancestors of a given person - diverged in different directions. There were 7 tiers in total, including the central point, or the first generation. The Persian sages believed that a person must know all his ancestors up to the seventh generation. This determines many aspects of a person’s life, character and makes it possible to predict his future.

Fravahar family tree

It is quite simple to imagine and describe the 7 tribes of the Fravahar tree. They look like this:

1. The first generation is myself, living today.
2. The second generation is my parents, consisting of 2 people.
3. Third - my grandparents (four).
4. Fourth - great-grandparents (8).
5. Fifth - great-great-grandparents, great-great-grandmothers (16).
6. Sixth - grandfathers of great-grandfathers (32).
7. Seventh - great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers (64 persons).

Of course, now few people know all their ancestors up to the seventh generation. But for people in ancient times this knowledge was of enormous importance. It is not without reason that even in Russia in the Middle Ages and later times, people from aristocratic circles devoted so much time and effort to confirming their ancestry. This made it possible to confirm the purity of blood, as well as prove the validity of claims to family wealth.

In Ancient Persia, the compilation of the Fravahar family tree had a deeper, mystical and even religious meaning. Each generation of the clan was associated with a certain element and its energy. So the first knee(s) directly interacts with the energy of the Sun. The second (parents) - with the energy of the Moon, which affects our health, immediate environment and emotions.

The third generation - grandparents - pass on to us intellectual potential, talents and communication skills. The fourth shapes the love scenario and material well-being in our lives. The fifth knee supplies us with will and assertiveness. If there was an inflection along this line, then these character traits can turn into aggressiveness.

The sixth knee affects position in society, social elevation. Perhaps the most important role is played by that very seventh generation, to which numerous great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers belong. They determine what is called fatum, or Fate. This is why it is important to know your ancestors up to the 7th generation: our present and future are written on it, like on tablets.

There is an interesting study by Italian criminologist and psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso, in which the scientist tried to recreate the family trees of famous killer maniacs. He discovered that each such individual had many criminals and people with a high level of aggression in his family. Fortunately, not only bad qualities are inherited, but also talents. This can be observed in the examples of many artistic families.

Probably, many would like to know more about the history of their family: where did they live, who were they, what did their ancestors do? How did their destinies develop during the eras of wars and revolutions? Local historian Nikolai Sapelkin told where you can go to restore the history of your surname and who, before the advent of registry offices, registered those born, died and married.

From the Battle of Kulikovo to collectivization

Yuri Golub, “AiF-Chernozemye”: Nikolai Sergeevich, where should you start researching family history?

Nikolay Sapelkin: First of all, you need to find out: is there a place on planet Earth where a family lived for a long time? If the parents came to our city from another part of the country, the grandfather was in the military and changed places of service, and the great-grandfather and great-grandmother met at a Komsomol construction site, it will be difficult to find a clue. We need to try to throw a bridge back to the 19th century: then the mobility of the population was low.

Having found out which locality your family comes from, you need to find out - for example, via the Internet - what the administrative-territorial division was then: what exactly was the name of the village, which district and which province did it belong to? After this, you can contact the state archive of the region.

The main document for genealogy research is revision tales. Back in the time of Peter I, it was decided to determine the tax base and conduct population censuses: until the 50s of the 19th century, ten audits took place.

It turns out that we are starting our research from the middle. Having found your last name, you need to try to restore the connection through the patronymics of your grandparents or great-grandfathers or use documents from the 20th century. In 1916-1917, an agricultural census of the population took place - although not in all provinces. Ancestors could be drafted into war, be collective farm activists.

You can look at census materials from the 70s-90s of the 19th century. You need to pay attention to the insurance statements: the property of all residents of the Russian Empire was required to be insured against accidents, primarily against fire. In this case, you can find out not only the name and patronymic of the head of the family, but also a description of the estate: the house and outbuildings.

At the same time, metric books are being studied. Of course, they are not 100% preserved, especially in our region. These are records of civil status - baptisms, weddings, funerals - that were kept in parish churches.

This way you can restore a clear pedigree up to the middle of the 18th century - the times of Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna. Class books will help you go deeper - but only if your ancestors were service people. For example, we know about the inhabitants of Voronezh from the census books of 1615, 1649, etc. They are stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. So you can bring the genealogy to the beginning of the 17th century and even look into the 16th century.

You can go further - it depends on stubbornness and luck in the safety of documents. Let's take the village of Nizhnyaya Chigla, Talovsky district. According to it, all metric books and audit tales of the 19th century have been preserved. The village was founded in the late 40s of the 18th century - the residents were transferred to the Bityug River from the Khatuntsevskaya volost of the Moscow region (now the village of Khatun, Stupinsky district). This volost was a royal one, and before that a grand ducal one, and census books were kept there from the very end of the 14th century. You can build a family tree for ordinary peasants since the Battle of Kulikovo!

The nobles had personal files that are in archival storage - any representative of a noble family can find out everything about their ancestors. True, there were not many nobles in the bulk of the population. Descendants of commoners can use the personal files of educational institutions.

“We hit the governor with his forehead...”

— How far have you been able to trace your own ancestry?

— In 1593, my distant ancestors were recruited for service in Yelets. The Yelets fortress was just being built then; the first documents date back to this year, and the Sapelkins appear in them. However, this surname was found in our area many decades earlier. But few people had surnames back then - service people received them for some original feat.

My ancestors had land in the Zasosensky volost of the Yelets district and served there until the construction of the Belgorod abatis line in the middle of the 17th century. A border appeared, the need for a garrison disappeared, and people began to settle. Some of the Cossacks went to the villages of Utkino, Kazachye, Yuryevo on the Don. My ancestors ended up in the village of Orekhovo near the city of Zemlyanskoye. The appeal of Fyodor Sapelkin and his comrades to the Zemlyansky governor about the allocation of land has been preserved. And 300 years later, I was born in the village of Orekhovo.

— Often the whole village has one or two surnames, and neighbors call each other by nicknames. How to distinguish your own?

- Of course, seeing your name in documents is not enough, this is just preparatory material. To find ancestors, you need to build a clear line - to understand who was born from whom.

History comes to life

— In the 20th century everything turned upside down. How not to lose a “thread” in the cycle of events?

— There are documents of the volost or village council - ancestors may appear in them if they were employees of the administration. Since the mid-20s, many villagers joined cooperatives. The next layer of documents is related to collectivization. True, despite the fact that today they often talk about dispossession, there were not so many victims.

If a person has been persecuted under criminal or political charges, this can be established through the archives of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the state archive of socio-political information of the Voronezh region, where files of political prisoners declassified in the early 90s are located. Unfortunately, during the war the archive suffered damage; not all documents were evacuated.

— You have been working with archival documents for more than 20 years. Are there valuable finds or even discoveries?

- What more! Once I was studying the history of the Cossack family from the village of Borshchevo. It was possible to find out a clear ascending pedigree from 1615, but in 1711 it suddenly ended - the surname disappeared from the village. But in 1692 it was found in the south of the Voronezh region, in the Donetsk Cossack town.

At first I was puzzled, but then, while studying church history, I learned about the confrontation between St. Mitrofan and the Cossacks of the Don Army region. When the saint arrived in Voronezh, one of his tasks was to ensure the provision of the diocese, and the richest was the Cossack monastery in the village of Borshchevo. The Cossacks did not want to share the income. A lawsuit ensued - the monastery was ruined, the villagers were expelled and new monks and residents were brought in. So the residents of Borshchevo ended up in another place, but they didn’t live there long either. In 1708, tsarist troops destroyed almost the entire population of the Donetsk town for supporting the uprising of Kondraty Bulavin. But the heroes of my research survived - their descendants still live in Voronezh and other regions of the country.

It was fascinating to explore the life and history of the family of Mikhail Obolonsky - one of the largest Russian horse breeders, head of the Voronezh commercial bank and a member of the city duma. The man also enjoyed great authority among the peasants - for example, my grandfather was friends with him.

Everything is lost. What to do?

An 85-year-old resident of Voronezh, Sergei Timofeevich Gulyaev, contacted our editorial office. He was born in 1933 in the village of Voznesenovka, Davydovsky, now Liskinsky district, but he doesn’t know what date or month. They lost the meter, but my mother forgot - she only said that the beets were being harvested then. Is there any way to find out his real birthday?

— All facts of birth, marriage and death are recorded in the registry office books. Even if a birth, marriage or death certificate is lost, based on the entry in the book, you can restore the document or change it by indicating the correct date. If the required registry office book was not taken away during the war, it is impossible to find out anything. But my experience shows that the registry office books have mostly been preserved.

Until 1918, the functions of civil registry offices were performed by religious organizations - they kept metric books. But in this case, the baptism took place already in Soviet times, so the recording could only be made privately with some priest. The chances of finding her are very low.

I came across these lines from an ancient sage. Miner's Day passed, a wonderful sunny day, when the names of the awardees were heard near the new city monument to miners. These are today's respected Berezov surnames. I am not a historian or researcher. But I became curious. Here, for example, are the names of miners who distinguished themselves in their work, published by colleagues on the eve of the miners' holiday, and how they are connected with the history of our city. I had an interesting document in my hands - “ List of names of artisans and workers of the Berezovsky gold mines of 1795 - 1811" And what? You will be surprised, I found there the names of leading workers, mine, as well as friends and acquaintances...

I met with the compiler of the “List”, Deputy Chairman of the Ural Historical and Genealogical Society (UIRO) Yu.V. Konovalov and asked the founder and first chairman of the UIRO to tell him how in demand the activities of Yuri Vitalievich and his colleagues in society were.

According to some signs, people have become more interested in the past, and not at the level of the entire country, but much more narrowly, within the framework of their family, their surname. Are they really tearing off the fruits of your research and creativity?

To tear it off is too much, but modern Ural residents have a great interest in their roots, their ancestors. And we feel it physically, the workload is growing, the number of requests from inquisitive people who would like to know about the past of their family, about their ancestors, is growing.

The bibliography of your books, articles and speeches in periodicals is, judging by the information on the Internet, one and a half hundred units. These are the ones recorded on the site. One of them is “List of names of artisans and workers of the Berezovsky gold mines 1795 - 1811.” Is this some kind of preparatory material?

Sort of yes. I was preparing him for a local history conference that took place in Berezovsky. But this list was compiled in 1998. And I now have a very interesting list of surnames ready with reference to Berezovsky from an earlier time. I think the residents of Berezovka will be curious about it. This is a formal list of the Berezovsky gold mines for 1755. I can’t help but quote in the original what is stated on one of the archival sheets: “A named list of managers, foremen, under-steiers, clerks and mining servants located at the Berezovsky plant, Pyshminsky and Berezovsky gold mines, who in which years and the time of entry into service which and which who is in rank and where they are posted, and what kind of souls a man has, and in the current real ranks, who receives salaries from what year and why per year.”

Yeah. The text itself, both in content and vocabulary, speaks eloquently about a bygone time. What draws us there? Why are we returning there? Some more often, some less often...

One can answer sacramentally that, they say, interest in one’s roots is always alive in a person’s soul. But the interest does not end there. Strong pedigree traditions in our Fatherland have been developed over thousands of years, they were relied upon when creating families, they were followed when mastering a profession, entering the service, going, say, into science, starting a business, becoming entrepreneurs. Such continuity can be seen especially where solidity and reliability were needed... But people sometimes entered into culture and art contrary to family traditions. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s father was a mining general, and he became a great composer. And such examples, as well as the opposite ones, are countless.

- But not everyone has generals and great composers in their roots...

So that's not what we're talking about. By turning to genealogy and studying one’s roots, a person learns his place in the family, in life, and in the world around him. Those who today create their genealogy, independently or with our help, are by no means engaged only in private affairs. Historical knowledge is enriched through such individual search activity. The initial impetus could also be simple curiosity: what is the history of my family, clan, surname. Where are we from? And the answers to these questions may turn out to be the most unexpected.

For example, I am still surprised that the famous writer Vasily Shukshin, a native Siberian from Altai, while studying the history of his family, his roots, discovered that their surname originates from the banks of a river somewhere in central Russia...

Well, he made a small discovery for himself. But studying the genus is a scrupulous and, in general, endless task. If you have already decided to do this, try to get your children and grandchildren interested and interested in it too. Down and Out trouble started. You won’t even notice how a lot of research material will accumulate, many names will be discovered, and even your “own” geography of settlement of your family will appear. This is where the problem arises: how to correctly apply this information so as not to make a mistake or miss anything.

- And so until the seventh generation?

It would be nice. In our Fatherland, it was a rule of good manners to know the history of a family, of a kind, well, at least up to this level. It was as if it wasn’t even discussed and lived somewhere in the subconscious. When they talk about losses in our culture, the loss of this knowledge is also from the area of ​​cultural losses. But it is noticeable that interest in genealogy and genealogy is awakening at a new level.

Isn't this a tribute to fashion? In the old days, they used to say that even those from the party nomenclature who had “worker” written down in their origin, if only given the chance, would list themselves as nobles.

Well, the “freedom” has come, but registering as a nobleman or buying titles, as was actually the case at all times, is a matter of taste and color... You have to prove it. But according to my observations, people who engage in genealogy on their own initiative set themselves a different task than growing a “precocious” family tree. According to some estimates, this is mainly done by representatives of the “middle class”, educated people who want to know themselves. But they attract others to themselves with their passion...

In this regard, I would note that the “Immortal Regiment” action for the Victory Day, which swept across the country, did not grow out of nowhere. It was initiated and brought to life by such passionate people who care about their past. And it is characteristic with what enthusiasm people responded and supported this idea. Someone, perhaps, took a fresh look at an old photograph in a family photo album, someone remembered a family legend. Even while preparing for this action, people who had not even thought about it took the first steps towards understanding their ancestry.

After the conversation with you, I, inspired by the ideas of studying genealogy - fortunately, I found my last name in the list - decided to begin my own research. Where should I start?

I could give a lot of recommendations and links to manuals and sources that you, in fact, can find yourself, either in libraries or on the Internet. But first, think about it, do you know your relatives well, are you well versed in family ties, do you have any idea what kinship is? You can answer the question what a family line is: ascending, descending, collateral, etc. What is consanguineous and uterine kinship? Kinship by marriage and close spiritual kinship (by baptism and wedding rites)? Who are “coca” and “jailed mother”? And there are also ancient related names, such as “great aunt” or “stroy”. I would first recommend mastering the topic at this level, and then moving on to archival data. I wish you success! This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

The rooms are so hot that non-contact thermometers begin to lie Irina Romashkina Memories of evacuation, delicious Russian food and examinations:
KP Ekaterinburg
07.02.2020 Rosstat has published data on the shortage of doctors and health workers in Russian regions.
07.02.2020 On February 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the right of minor children to housing when their parents divorce.
Between the lines

Most do not remember the names of third-generation ancestors - great-grandparents, not to mention distant and more complex connections. Although such knowledge would help to get to know yourself better, expand the world and the circle of your loved ones.

Our article will help correct the omission. In it we will tell you how and where you can find out your ancestry for free by last name and other data, find distant relatives online and create your own family tree.

Why do you need to know about your ancestors?

This information will strengthen your connection with your family and give you something to think about. Genealogy is important for the following reasons:

  • Health. It’s not for nothing that doctors ask about the presence of certain diseases. Having before your eyes the example of grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandparents, it is easy to track the main diseases that appear with age and prevent their development. And also assume difficulties that your children may have.
  • Fate. Every person is a product of upbringing. The main models that determine our lives are those that we adopted from our parents. Therefore, the stories of moms and dads about your and their childhood, values ​​and relationships within the family will shed light on the reasons for the formation of many of your beliefs and will help you find a direction for changing yourself and your life for the better.
  • Community. The process of searching for information about your roots brings you closer together. People who are aware of a commonality with someone are not alone. They always have brothers, sisters, nephews who are like them and able to understand.
  • Understanding yourself and those around you. If most of your paternal or maternal relatives have a technical mindset, have worked and are working as engineers, programmers, technologists, you can also discover similar abilities in yourself, start looking for priority areas for self-development, and prefer the business to which you have always been drawn to an unloved profession.
  • Building self-esteem. This aspect is especially important for young children. They sense community much more keenly and feel more confident when they have something to be proud of, when they can admire their relatives and cite them as an example. Stories about worthy deeds of family members are very useful for shaping a child’s personality.

Stories about ancestors, their strengths and ways of life help to better understand the world. The actions of these people are assessed differently, through the prism of unity. Everything good and bad that concerns loved ones evokes more vivid emotions: pride, admiration or surprise, confusion, disappointment. The experience of someone who is related to you by blood has a much stronger influence on your attitude.

Knowing your blood ties is useful from a practical point of view. Maintaining relationships with people from other cities and different professions can be a good reason and help for travel, a source of new impressions and acquaintances.

Therefore, even if you are not looking for famous ancestors and prefer to be proud of your own achievements, information about your family in its entirety will be useful to you.

What does a surname mean in terms of pedigree?

This information will help you determine the class, profession, distinctive feature or place of residence of your ancestors. People named themselves according to certain characteristics. For example:

  • By the names of birds or animals: Sorokin, Orlov, Zaitsev, Kozlov, Lebedev.
  • By occupation: Melnikov, Ponomarev, Rybakov, Plotnikov.
  • By father's name: Vasiliev, Fedorov, Egorov, Ivanov, Nikitin.
  • By territorial characteristics: Sibiryak, Donskoy, Kareltsev, Ufimtsev.
  • Highlighting one or another feature of appearance: Belousov, Shcherbakov, Nosov, Ryzhkov.
  • By nationality: Polyakov, Tatarinov, Grekov.
  • Some surnames appeared in the process of Russification: Sarkisovs, Kalnins.
  • By the name of Orthodox holidays: Trinity, Assumption, Preobrazhensky.

The latter were often referred to as clergymen and were usually associated with a parish headed by a priest. There were also “seminar” gender designations. They were assigned to those who graduated from an educational institution, and were invented based on the names of birds, animals, plants, the names of saints and philosophers, and transliterations of words from Latin. Such formations often ended in “sky/-tsky”.

For peasants engaged in waste farming, surnames could change when changing activities. An excellent example is the story of the Ryabushinsky merchant family. The founder was Yakovlev - named after his father. But in the course of his activities, he received the right to be called first Rebushinsky, and then Ryabushinsky. At the same time, his brothers on his father’s side were called Stekolshchikovs.

The boyar and princely dynasties were named on a territorial basis, indicating the lands that belonged to them: Tver, Tyumen, Meshchersky, Yeletsky. Jews also often used place of residence as a basis for designation.

How to find out your family's ancestry by last name

The surname gives a lot of clues, but it is impossible to find out about your roots based only on this information. It’s easier to start searching when the information is not limited to just this data. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to organize the further process.

First, study the family archive (photos, documents, awards) and talk with your mother, father, grandparents. For further research, the following data is most important to you:

  • Full name of the person. For women, a maiden name is important.
  • Date and place of birth. If we are talking about a deceased person, we need information about the place and date of death.
  • Parents' full name.
  • If a person was born before the revolution - class.
  • Religious affiliation.
  • Moving for permanent residence to other cities by year.
  • Education. Where was it obtained?
  • Place of work. For military personnel - place of service.
  • Prizes and awards received as a result of professional, scientific or educational activities.
  • Full name and date of birth of the spouse and children.

For clarity, attach several photographs or images at different ages to the personality card.

Another important aspect is the systematization of information. The number of people on your lists will increase exponentially with each generation. Even if you study only your direct ancestors, by the seventh generation there will be 126 people or more.
Keeping written records at this point will be difficult. It is more convenient to use electronic databases: Access or Excel. Or download and install special programs, whose functionality allows you to assemble materials on the history of the family as simply and clearly as possible. Examples of such software: Genbox Family History, Genopro, Ages, “Tree of Life”.

How to find your family's pedigree by last name: a review of useful online services

Most sites that offer to tell you about your ancestors based on last name are scams. But there are specialized resources that will be useful in the search process.

Many programs for creating a family tree, if you have access to the Internet, check the information of other users of this software and send a signal if there are matches. Such programs include Family Tree Builder, which is an offline version of MyHeritage.

  • MyHeritage. Israeli site with 60 million users. It allows you to structure information in various ways, distinguishes faces in photographs and understands mobile device codes. The version for use in the Russian-speaking space has some shortcomings due to poor-quality Russification: the “patronymic” field is missing, files are not always loaded correctly, and there are sections of texts in English.
  • FamilySpace. This resource, intended for designing a family tree, competes with social networks in terms of functionality. Here you will find city directories, address books, lists of students and honorary residents of various localities, census results and other useful information.

You can also find many companies online that offer paid assistance in researching your roots. They conduct research in archives and on Internet resources based on the collected information about your ancestors. The received materials are compiled into a family tree or book.

How to find out your family's pedigree on the Internet for free

  • - contains data about captured, missing or dead soldiers from the Second World War. For most of those listed, the year and place of birth are indicated. Here you can find information about where he lived by the last name of your grandfather or great-grandfather. It also often contains the names of those who received notification of the death of a serviceman. Thanks to this, you will clarify the fate of your ancestor and find out the name of his father, mother or wife.
  • - individual pages of this site do not have a beautiful design and convenient structure, but here you will find a lot of interesting information on genealogy, practical advice on working with archives and building connections with new relatives. The resource has a well-developed knowledge base, allows you to search for people by region and last name, and contains data from federal, departmental and regional archives in Russia and neighboring countries.
  • Those looking for victims of repression will find the resources “Last Address” and “Everyone’s Personal File” useful. And also and
  • - state public historical library. Contains many reference books useful to those interested in the pre-revolutionary era. Here you will find memorial books for each province, in which people who held more or less important positions are recorded, starting from land surveyor. Thanks to the directories “All Petersburg” and “All Moscow”, this resource will help people whose relatives lived in either of these two capitals.
  • Google Books will search for your ancestor by last name in scans of reference books and other publications digitized and posted in various Russian archives.
  • Find information about Holocaust victims in the Yad Vashem database and on the website

How to find out your family's pedigree and find it in the archive for free

Before starting your search, it is worth studying various guidelines for conducting such research, as this is a long process that requires patience and the right approach.

  • Remember: you will be dealing with a government organization that exists to provide information services to authorities and ordinary citizens. The primary responsibility of such institutions is to ensure the safety of documentation. Responding to requests from individuals is not a priority. Therefore, a reaction to your letter may take several months or six months.
  • To simplify the process, you need to clearly understand what exactly you are looking for and what documents usually contain such information: birth records, household registers, house books, audit reports, confessional statements.
  • Working with real papers is also technically complex. Paper deteriorates greatly over the years, so you will have to be especially careful when using documents.
  • You may have problems understanding what is written. Typewritten texts appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century; before that, papers were filled out by clerks. When diving deep into history, you will have to deal with handwritten materials.

If you do not conduct all the research yourself, it is difficult to find out information about your ancestry for free in the archive, since its employees do not charge payment only for social and legal inquiries. These include certificates and documents relating to:

  • Salary.
  • Military service.
  • Participation in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.
  • Peacekeeping activities.
  • Work experience.
  • Received education.
  • Elections to elective positions.
  • Healing and rehabilitation.
  • Receiving honorary titles and state awards.
  • Persons who suffered as a result of the actions of German troops during the Second World War, or victims of repression.

Subject to the subject matter, a fee may be charged if required:

  • Urgent execution of the request (1-5 days after application).
  • Copying or reissuing a certificate to replace one lost or damaged due to the applicant’s fault.
  • Production of several duplicate documents.

Searching for thematic, bibliographic, genealogical information is a paid service. Therefore, before contacting the archive, find its website, make sure you have the necessary documents and read the price list.

Archive staff will help you find information if your request contains the following information:

  • Full name of the citizen or name of the institution requesting the data.
  • Return address.
  • A clearly formulated topic: what exactly do you want to know, what data do you already have.
  • Region and search period. It is pointless to search for a specific person using all the materials, but the request to find information if limited by area and time frame is doable.

If your request does not contain this information, they will not be able to answer it. Also, do not rush and demand information about the entire family at once. Progress your research gradually, person by person.

If there is no response to your letter for a long time, it is worth calling the archive and checking whether your request has been received. And then call the employees several more times and find out how the search for information is going. In some cases, this reduces the time it takes to wait for a response.

Studying a family tree is a fascinating process, reminiscent of a detective investigation. Having gone through all its stages, you will learn a lot about yourself, your ancestors and the history of the country.

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