Graduates celebrate. Prom traditions in different countries

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Graduation ball is the most exciting event that any student looks forward to, because in addition to saying goodbye to school, on this day he says goodbye to childhood and enters adulthood. Since time immemorial, graduation parties have been held beautifully, solemnly and on a large scale, because every effort was made to ensure that graduates remember such a wonderful day for the rest of their lives.

history of the holiday

Graduations were held during the reign of Peter l. The first graduates were students from the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were inventive in organizing the event. They ordered rings from the masters, on which symbols were applied, which were a specific sign. This sign helped to recognize each other after many years when meeting. It should be noted that the fair sex initially could not attend such a holiday, that is, a kind of discrimination reigned. The appearance of noblewomen at such a holiday became possible only in the 19th century, but going out into the world was a kind of show - parents tried to find gentlemen for their daughters.

The amazing tradition of holding graduations was interrupted in 1917, but already in the 30s it was resumed, but, naturally, there was no trace of the previous scope. Now the fiery speeches of teachers who released schoolchildren into life, whom they remember as first-graders, have become an indispensable attribute, but it should be noted.

The tradition of holding graduation ceremonies was interrupted during the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday June 22, 1941, schoolchildren celebrated their graduation from school. Many young men, who were dressed in beautiful suits, and girls in evening dresses, went to the front in the morning to fight for their country. After the war, graduation parties began to take place as a farewell to a carefree life. A wonderful tradition has emerged: to greet the sunrise with the whole class on the city embankment.

In the 70s, proms suffered another revolution. Beautiful evening dresses were replaced by the recently banned miniskirts, bright makeup and chemistry, because the main goal of the graduates was not to say goodbye to school time beautifully, but to outshine their friends and become the most beautiful. As a rule, organizing such a holiday cost parents a lot of money, because to organize a beautiful holiday they had to spend up to 45 rubles - and at that time this money was simply exorbitant for most families.

In the 90s, it was chic to hold graduation on a boat, which parents rented for graduates. A table was set on deck with a variety of treats, and live music or a collection of favorite songs were chosen as musical accompaniment. The musical accompaniment of the event also underwent a change, because the beautiful waltz was replaced by youth music.

Today, to organize a graduation party for their children, parents no longer spend 45 rubles, but several thousand rubles. A beautiful hairstyle, stylish clothes, shoes, paying for the establishment where the celebration will take place and the limousine that will take the graduates to the banquet hall costs a tidy sum. In addition, it is customary for many schools to give memorable gifts from the entire class at graduation and, as a rule, they also cost quite a bit of money.

How is graduation celebrated today?

Graduation is a kind of reward for students who have graduated from an educational institution and want to celebrate such a joyful holiday on a grand scale.

Today, organizing a graduation ceremony should be approached in advance, because many graduates book institutions six months in advance, pay for the reservation, and therefore, if you do not take care of choosing a place in advance, then you may simply not be able to find it.

Modern youth make great efforts to ensure that their holiday is fun, unconventional and memorable for the rest of their lives, because they perceive graduation from school as a kind of end to their torment, not taking into account that they have an adult life ahead of them, which is by no means carefree.

Many students will have another graduation in their lives to celebrate the completion of their highest academic graduation. It should be noted that not everyone goes to college for one reason or another, so many parents and their beloved children try to organize a creative, large-scale, beautiful, fun and filled with an incredible atmosphere graduation, which will be remembered as one of the best days.

The tradition of holding a graduation ceremony at their home school has already faded into the background, because many graduates choose as a place for such a celebration a cafe, a restaurant, a night club that is rented for the whole night, or a ship, where you can set a luxurious table on the deck and relax listening to live music .

The room in which the celebration will take place is usually decorated beautifully and originally with the help of beautiful arches made of balloons, flowers or fabrics. In addition, tables are set, on which, in addition to delicious dishes, sweets and juice, there are also alcoholic drinks.

The means of transport on such a day are limousines that perform a given route or minibuses, which can comfortably accommodate graduates, parents and teachers.

In most cases, parents and teachers are present at the graduation, but they do not sit at the same table with the graduates, but at a separate table or in different rooms, so as not to embarrass the youth.

To create a fun atmosphere, it is customary to invite a host who will develop the evening program and coordinate it with the main organizer of the evening. The presenter also coordinates all competitions in advance so as not to put students and invited parents and teachers in an awkward position. The highlight of the evening can be a guest star who will perform your favorite youth songs or show program.

It is customary to invite a videographer and photographer to the holiday, who will present holiday photographs and videos that graduates will watch and remember themselves.

The evening usually ends with festive fireworks on the street late in the evening, when it is dark outside, or with the launching of burning balloons.

There is another option for the development of events, but it is chosen by those graduates who do not like the official parts of the event and prefer to relax without their own parents, who sometimes do not allow them to spend time as they would like.

Since the graduation party falls in the summer, very often graduates prefer to rent gazebos in the forest, where they can organize barbecues and a delicious table. Some people prefer to rent apartments, dachas or country houses for a few days, where they can have fun relaxing in company and spend the night in rooms.

There are also classes where students are one big friendly company that prefers to relax away from their parents. Of course, this option to celebrate is quite expensive, but many people prefer to choose it: they go to a warmer place, where they will be able to have fun, swim to their heart's content and visit all the local entertainment venues.

How graduations are celebrated abroad, who sews dresses for Norwegian graduates, and why graduation in Australia is in November.

Graduation in Polish

A graduate from Warsaw, Agata Antoszyk, said that in Poland, the graduation ceremony takes place exactly one hundred days before the main final exam. For the celebration, an expensive and luxurious hall is rented, for example, in a five-star hotel. Graduates come to the ball in elegant clothes, and the girls wear red garters under their dresses. Alcohol consumption at the ball is limited - graduates are allowed to drink only one glass of wine.

According to tradition, the ball opens with a solemn polonaise - a traditional Polish dance that is taught in Poland from childhood. This dance-procession has long opened court balls, and the first couple always included the owner of the house with the most important guest. At school parties in Poland, the host is the school principal.

American graduation

In the United States, as in Russia, it is not customary to save money on school graduation, says Alevtina Kochkina, head of the department for outsourcing of government agencies at Intercomp.

Parents of American graduates spend significant amounts of money to celebrate graduation: renting a luxury limousine, buying a chic suit for a boy or an elegant dress for a girl. In America, graduates always come as a couple to the holiday, because the main event of the evening is the ball, at the end of which the king and queen are chosen.

Alcohol is officially prohibited at American graduations: by law, the sale and consumption of alcohol in the United States is prohibited until the age of 21.

Similar traditions - limousines and chic outfits - exist in many European English-speaking countries, for example, Great Britain, Ireland and Canada.

Australian graduation

Australians dress more modestly for prom than their mainland counterparts. Boys come to the holiday in formal suits, and girls in long dresses.

Cars for graduation are rented in groups to save money. There are known cases when, instead of a limousine, yesterday's schoolchildren used unusual transport: from a simple village cart to a fire truck, a tractor or a luxurious vintage car.

The attitude towards alcohol in Australia is calmer than in the USA - children who have graduated from school are allowed to drink a little, but within reasonable limits.

Often graduates go abroad to celebrate graduation, for example, to Bali or Thailand. By the way, since Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, their dates are all “inside out”: the Australian school year begins in February, and graduation, accordingly, at the end of November.

Graduation in Norwegian

Norwegians respect their traditions - this is also reflected in the way they celebrate graduation. In both small and large cities, it is customary to come to the ceremony in national clothes, says Muscovite Ksenia Shilova, who graduated from school in the Norwegian city of Sogndal.

At the ceremonial part of the graduation, young men wear traditional costumes, depending on the region of residence. And the girls come in dresses that are sewn by hand, most often with the help of their mother or grandmother. Dresses are decorated with silver clasps and chains, and one of the main elements of the outfit is a handbag. A girl will wear such a dress for holidays throughout her life, altering and decorating it in a new way.

After the ceremony, graduates go for a walk, but not in dresses, but in sportswear! Usually it is ordered specifically for graduation and consists of sweatpants, a T-shirt and a sweatshirt with the school logo. Every Norwegian is proud of his school and tries to demonstrate this in every possible way, so the uniform continues to be worn in everyday life even after graduation.

Also, a colorful illustrated album is being prepared for the gala event, like a glossy magazine, where each graduate is dedicated to a separate article. They approach its creation creatively: there are many photographs on the pages of the album, short biographies of graduates and various funny incidents from their school life are described there. The album also contains a “love map”, which shows who dated whom during their studies.

Graduation in Chinese

Among the most interesting graduation traditions are Chinese ones. Chinese schoolchildren, after passing their exams, breathe a sigh of relief and begin diligently tearing up notebooks, notes and textbooks - in general, everything that did not allow them to live in peace throughout all the years of study. The torn waste paper is then thrown out of the windows, so the streets of Chinese cities on these summer days look like roads covered with paper snow.

Latin American Graduation

Most Latin American countries adhere to Western traditions of celebrating graduations: beautiful expensive outfits, school proms, noisy parties in bars and discos. Brazilian graduates also choose the king and queen of the ball, and Cubans, for example, after the formal part in the school hall, go to the beach and party there until the morning.

Graduation in Japanese

The most modest graduations are in Japan. The Japanese generally do not have celebrations after finishing school. They come to the graduation ceremony in casual uniforms, most often dark in color. According to Kochkina, when the official part of school ends, the children go home and have a tea party with their families.

Graduating from school, college, lyceum, or gymnasium is a milestone of extreme importance, a transition to a new stage of life, or rather, as they say, entry into adulthood. And the festive finale of a long school stage is the graduation party. They prepare for it carefully, starting with festive clothes and ending with the organization of the second day of celebration.

In different countries of the world, of course, this day is celebrated in different ways, which greatly influence the way of celebration. traditions, bringing national flavor to this event. Let's see how graduations are held in other countries of the world, let's go...

1. In Australia Schoolchildren celebrate the end of tenth and twelfth grade. According to tradition, it is customary to arrive at the prom in unusual vehicles. We are not talking about luxury cars here. Graduates have to use a lot of imagination to surprise their classmates. Australian graduates can come to the ball in a fire truck, a tractor or even a wheelbarrow.

2. In South Africa the end of the school year falls at the end of the calendar year. The month of graduation ceremonies is November. Since in some areas schooling is still exotic for Aboriginal people, a whole family with elders and babies often comes to the graduation party, in their ethnic costumes.

3. In Sweden The prom begins with a celebratory champagne breakfast. Each graduate's outfit (for girls this is a white dress, and for boys - a suit) is given a white cap, on the lining of which everyone can sign as a souvenir. At the end of the formal part at the school, graduates go outside and throw these caps into the air. After which yesterday's schoolchildren get into cars with open bodies, decorated with birch branches, turn on loud music and drive around the city. The holiday ends at home, where the children invite many guests. At the same time, for young Swedes, graduation party is also an occasion to receive practical gifts given to them by invited guests.

4. In Norway graduates dress up in funny overalls of different colors depending on their future specialty. Thus, red overalls indicate economic specialties, blue ones for those who will go to university.

5. According to Indian Traditionally, the main event of the prom is the speech of the school principal. At the same time, each student receives a small printed booklet as a souvenir, which contains addresses, dates of birth and small comments about each of the graduates. A special “literary committee” is in charge of compiling the booklet.

6. In Poland instead of prom they celebrate a holiday stodniowka, which is held one hundred days before the end of school. The celebration begins with a compulsory polonaise dance, in which the first couple is the school principal and one of the graduates. Afterwards, the real fun begins with dancing and singing. If the holiday is celebrated at school, then graduates compete in creativity and creativity in decorating the hall. It is no less popular among Polish schoolchildren to celebrate this event in restaurants, pubs and clubs. There is a dress code: for boys there are three-piece suits or even tuxedos, and for girls there are evening dresses.

7. Graduation in America one of the most romantic. Preparations for the ball begin well in advance. At the beginning of the last school year, the graduating class selects members of the organizing committee, which will come up with a theme for the ball (for example, "Hollywood" or "Moonlit Night"), hall decoration, competitions. Graduates begin to think about dresses, hairstyles, makeup, bouquets and accessories. This event turns out to be no less troublesome for young people, because they are supposed to arrive at the prom in a limousine, and they also need to purchase a flower, which they will attach to the dress of the girl they will be accompanying. According to American tradition, the girl cannot come to the ball without a companion. He should come pick her up by car ( most often it is a limousine), give flowers, accompany you to the place of celebration and take care of you all evening. Violation of this law threatens public censure. At the same time, you can invite to the ball not only one of your classmates, but also from the lower grades or university. The main condition is that the inviter must be a graduate. If a couple could not be found, graduates come in groups of several people. The school part of the ball ends choice of King and Queen, which, as a rule, become the most popular and beautiful graduates. Afterwards, all graduates go to restaurants or hotels, where they continue to celebrate until the morning. Two days later, graduates receive certificates.

Do you remember your prom night...? Of course, not a single person will forget such a grandiose event in his life!

And for a bonus, watch the thematic video Basta - Graduation (2016), maybe you will remember your school love...

A prom or a noisy party dedicated to the end of school is truly one of the most important, extraordinary and emotionally intense events in the life of every person. After all, you must admit that we all come from school!

Preparing for graduation is marked by a whole range of feelings: it is troublesome and joyful, touching and pleasant at the same time. Graduates who will very soon become former classmates, excited parents along with the class teacher, strict but fair teachers understand that this event is not just the end of the school year. Rather, a sentimental and, at the same time, magical moment, consisting of many seconds of a cheerful mood, slight sadness and anxiety from parting with an expensive school, a favorite team and anticipation of something new, hitherto unknown.

School graduation is a symbolic end to one of the significant periods in the life of every teenager, a kind of transition into a new adult life. For parents, this is a reason to be a little sad and, at the same time, rejoice for the child’s success, in anticipation of future victories. For teachers, it is a reason to be proud of their former students.

There are many thoughts in the air: reflections on what has been achieved, prospects and plans for the future. And also on the eve of the celebration, undoubtedly, a lot of questions arise: what outfit to choose, what should the hairstyle be, where to hold the celebration, etc.?

In order to gain fresh, and sometimes bold ideas and ideas, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the traditions and nuances of how graduation is celebrated in different countries of the world.

Celebrating graduations in other countries: interesting facts

Before we start getting acquainted with the traditions of graduation parties on other continents, let’s remember how farewell to school life goes in Russia.

It should be noted that our tradition of celebrating the end of studies - graduation - originated in the 18th century.

Modern high school students begin to celebrate graduation, usually in the second half of June. On the appointed day, within the walls of the home school, certificates and rewards for special efforts in studies are solemnly presented, parting words from the school management and, no less enthusiastic, speeches of gratitude from graduates are heard.

It is customary for girls and boys to come to the event, observing the evening dress code. But this is not a strict condition.

After the official part, the teenagers continue the unofficial celebration in a pre-rented restaurant (cafe). The concept of the prom, in addition to the banquet, includes dancing and, if desired, a possible entertainment program. The event budget is not limited. The celebration ends, according to tradition, with the meeting of dawn, and, with it, the symbolic beginning of adult life.

How is graduation celebrated in different countries, for example, in Europe, the Far East or North America?

American teenagers begin preparing for the “promo” long before the event itself. Parents do not interfere in this process, except from the financial side, paying for expensive outfits, hairstyles, boutonnieres and limousines. During the last academic year, the future graduate must find a partner, otherwise it is not accepted.

The graduation takes place in an atmosphere of relaxed fun: with competitions and dancing, but this does not exclude supervision from the teaching staff. At the end of the evening, former students choose the king and queen of the ball: the most popular and beautiful young man and girl of the party. In general, everything is as shown in American youth films.

  • Australia

Interestingly, in Australia, school graduation falls at the end of November (due to the difference in the poles of the earth's hemispheres). Australian graduates are less pretentious about their appearance. Often girls are dressed in evening dresses (without pathos), and guys are in formal suits. But they are very sensitive to the choice of vehicle in which to arrive at the gala event. There were times when he was replaced by an ambulance, a luxury retro car or a tractor!

  • Sweden

Swedish graduates start celebrating their graduation from school in the morning. The dress code is festive (strict suits for boys and light dresses for girls). Moreover, having a glass of champagne and strawberries accompanied by solemn and nostalgic speeches by the director and teachers is a holy of holies! A mandatory attribute of each graduate is the presence of a white headdress - a special cap on which everyone can leave their wishes.

Then you will have to ride in a bus or limousine around the city to the noisy cheers of your former classmates. This whole procession, smoothly “dissolving”, flows into an evening dinner with family and guests invited for the occasion. It should be noted that it is obligatory to give the graduate things that are practical for everyday life, since after graduating from school, Swedes begin to live separately from their parents.

  • Japan

But Japanese graduates are models of restraint and devotion to strict traditions. No noisy parties, inappropriate fun and, especially, “strong” drinks. The strict look of the school uniform, the restrained speech of the school principal, the official presentation of matriculation certificates and home tea with close relatives.

How to forever remember the touching moments of your prom?

Perhaps there is something in common that unites all graduations in the world - this is the desire to stop the moment and capture the best fragments in memory!

Fortunately, modern incredibly cool technologies in the field of photography and printing give us this opportunity! And the mega professional team of RHINODESIGN is the best specialists: photographers, designers, layout designers who approach their work with love and creativity. They know how to find the key to each Client, embodying his wildest ideas and ideas in the most relaxed atmosphere.

You can place an order for the production of a graduation photo album in Moscow and other cities of Russia and the CIS countries on our website by clicking “Leave a request”.

We produce only “live” shots that will help you preserve the most vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions of the prom!

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