The cause of dandruff has begun. Burdock oil for dandruff

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Every healthy person renews the stratum corneum of the skin once a month. However, for a number of reasons this process may accelerate. That's when dandruff appears.

Seborrhea, or dandruff, is a process in which there are too many exfoliated skin particles on the surface of the head. When the number of such scales exceeds the norm, they “decorate” clothes and bring with them many inconveniences such as itching and redness, a serious problem arises.

Dandruff can be contagious. That's why You should not use other people’s combs and other hygiene items. scalp.

It’s just impossible, especially if you’re only self-medicating. Important problems and based on it, select .

It is believed that the root of the disease is the activity of a special fungus due to a number of reasons. But in reality everything is not so simple. It is necessary to consider all possible options for the occurrence of seborrhea. And it’s worth starting with the most basic.

A sebum production disorder is something that causes either too much or too little sebum production. In the first case, the skin becomes too oily, clogged pores and acne appear, and oily dandruff then appears on the head. In the second case, the skin lacks hydration, it dries out and flakes off more. it's the same leads to dandruff formation.

Normally, sebum creates a protective layer on the skin and prevents microorganisms, including fungi, from developing. When some kind of failure occurs and these processes are disrupted, fungal activity may increase.

Hormonal levels, especially in women, are very unstable. Any stress, changes in diet, or in the environment can lead to its disorders.

Ages 14 to 25 a stable hormonal background of the body develops. It is during this period that seborrhea can develop. Due to the constant shift in the balance of hormones, the process of sebum production may also be disrupted. Therefore, problems with the skin, including the scalp, appear. The same thing happens in pregnant women.

Such problems also occur in adulthood., both in men and women. In this case, before treating symptoms such as seborrhea imbalanced hormones should be rebalanced.


The main factor that causes dandruff is the excessive activity of the fungus Malassezia Furfur on the surface of the skin. It is this that leads to the appearance of “snow” on clothes. How does this happen?

Excessive sebum production creates a favorable environment for microorganisms. This fungus thrives in such an environment. And when it begins to multiply quickly, it irritates the scalp. The renewal cycle of scalp cells, which do not have time to properly exfoliate, accelerates. And this manifests itself in the form of dandruff.

Its reproduction is also influenced by the predominance of male hormones in the body.. Immunity disorders due to poor nutrition, stress, and illness can also cause seborrhea.

There are many reasons for the development of fungus. They are mainly associated with disruptions in the immune system and hormonal levels as the root cause.

But not only the reasons listed above affect the appearance of white scales. Many skin diseases can also cause them.. But in this case, we are still not really dealing with dandruff.

For example, psoriasis. This chronic, non-contagious disease causes silvery, clearly defined scales to appear on the skin in different places, which itch and peel off. If there are lesions on the scalp, hair loss may begin. It also occurs for various reasons, but they are often much more serious than seborrhea.

With dermatitis and eczema, the skin also becomes red, itchy and flaky.. But the external manifestations are different from dandruff. Another thing is that dermatitis and eczema can underlie the appearance of seborrhea. Then, having cured this root cause, you will get rid of dandruff.

Other factors

In addition to the main reasons listed above, a number of additional ones can be identified. These include:

  • unsuitable water and care products;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals obtained from food;
  • violation of hair drying conditions and caring for them;
  • presence of hereditary diseases and predisposition to the appearance of seborrhea;
  • permanent being under stress.

The appearance of signs of seborrhea is always based on internal or external causes associated with improper care. It is important to find out in each specific case what leads to its development, and based on this, select treatment.

Symptoms and types of dandruff

The symptoms of seborrhea are always approximately the same:

  • the appearance of skin flakes;
  • skin redness;
  • in some cases - a violation of the integrity of the skin, the appearance of acne and scratching.

All this indicates the presence of a seborrhea problem.. However, we should not forget that the course of the disease is always individual. Also exists depending on the root causes.

Let's look at them in order.

You should not let the course of the disease take its course, because this is fraught with the appearance of more serious problems in the form of baldness and infection of the body with various infections.

Identifying the cause of each type of seborrhea requires comprehensive studies of the body.

Dandruff treatment and what can help

It is important to distinguish the symptoms of seborrhea from other diseases. And in order to find a solution to the problem for each specific case - you should consult a dermatologist and trichologist. A complete examination of the body will reveal the root cause and will eliminate it and its consequences in the form of dandruff.

These can be hormonal drugs if the general background is disturbed, as well as drugs aimed at the problem.

A special diet and vitamin and mineral supplements are also prescribed. A external manifestations are removed with the help of hair and skin care products.


It is useful not only to relieve symptoms and treat the body from the inside, but also to undergo some procedures.

  • For example, it dries out the skin, which is useful for oily seborrhea.
  • helps improve blood circulation and destroys fungus.
  • And it can even boost immunity.

So, if the doctor has prescribed you to attend these procedures, you should listen to his opinion and go through them completely. They will not only relieve dandruff problems, but also improve the overall condition of the scalp and hair.

Traditional methods of treatment

Phytotherapy– a good aid for getting rid of dandruff. This method is time-tested and has proven itself on the positive side.

For example, Essential and natural oils work well for oily seborrhea in the composition and as additional components to care products.

Rinsing your hair with a variety of herbal decoctions also helps get rid of the effects of seborrhea. Herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, calendula and others work best.

Sea salt and apple cider vinegar as mask components help exfoliate the skin, destroy fungus and its manifestations. But the main thing here is not to harm yourself, so the holding time on the hair must be strictly observed.


In order to prevent the recurrence of seborrhea, you can use both special care products such as hair masks and.

It is important to choose prevention methods that work in a particular case. However, too strong drugs should not be used without a doctor's permission.

Features of the use of medicated anti-dandruff shampoos

When choosing hair care products for dandruff, it is important that they contain the following substances:

  • – fungus-killing substance;
  • - a product with similar properties with a big advantage - it does not become addictive, unlike the previous one;
  • – an exfoliating component that also prevents the reappearance of dandruff;
  • – exfoliating and skin cleansing components.

At the beginning of treatment, the frequency of use of such shampoos and hair products is at least twice a week, then it is reduced to once every 1.5-2 weeks.

Scalp hygiene

When washing, you should use products suitable for your hair type. The frequency of washing your hair is at least once every two days. Pillowcases and towels need to be changed regularly, and ideally, the pillow needs to be replaced. It is also useful to comb your hair with a fine comb and massage the scalp when applying care products and masks.

If your hair is not very dirty, you can get rid of dandruff much faster. That's why it's like that it is important to monitor their hygiene.


So, there are many reasons for the appearance of seborrhea, as well as ways to treat it. The main thing is to find the root of the problem and, in accordance with it, select methods for getting rid of dandruff. With a competent approach and following all the instructions of the treating specialist, this delicate problem will quickly become a thing of the past and will never return.

For adults, dandruff is almost natural. Approximately every month, the upper stratum corneum of the skin changes; old scales are separated from the epidermis.

However, this natural phenomenon can also be the cause of other, serious skin problems. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between a normal physiological process of the body and a disease.

It is worth noting that dandruff in children is extremely rare, unlike in adults. When the body functions properly, skin cells appear in the basal layers and move towards the upper ones.

During the entire journey, about 25 days, they become thinner, dry, and in their keratinized, completely dead state, invisible to the human eye, fly off the head when washed.

If the renewal process is accelerated to 7-10 days, the cells do not have time to reach their completely dead state and appear in the form of noticeable white plates that stick to the hair and each other.

With dandruff, the scalp may itch, but there should be no redness, and especially no bloody wounds; this is a sure sign of other, more serious diseases. Their presence can only be confirmed by a specialist: a dermatologist or trichologist after passing the necessary tests.

If the color of the skin scales is not white, but yellow, then this is another form of dandruff - oily. It happens that the sebaceous glands work more intensely than necessary; in this case, sebum forms a sticky surface on the hair roots, which is why the yellow color appears on the scales.

Symptoms of dandruff

When dandruff flakes appear, all the symptoms of scalp irritation are observed, which appears due to the microorganism Malassezia globosa. In response to it, natural sensations arise for the entire skin of the human body:

  • dry skin;
  • red pigmentation;
  • enhanced exfoliation.

The very first sign of dandruff is itching. A more obvious sign, the appearance of a large number of white scales on the surface of the hair and clothing follows closely behind (see photo above).

Causes of dandruff

The occurrence of dandruff can indicate some kind of malfunction in the human body. There are many reasons for the appearance of dandruff, but it is customary to single out a group of the most common:

  • dry skin;
  • seborrhea;
  • fungus;
  • hormonal changes;
  • stress and diets;
  • decreased immunity;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

One of the most common causes of nasty white crusts on the scalp is dry skin. Winter is the ideal time for the manifestation of such a disease.

In cold weather, a person consumes less liquid, blow-dries his hair more often, uses heaters, all this leads to damage to the scalp and hair.

Getting rid of dandruff with medications

At home, medications from the pharmacy will help you quickly get rid of dandruff.

  • A proven, effective product, Nizoral shampoo. It contains an active substance that reduces the growth of harmful microorganisms that contribute to the development of seborrhea-based dermatitis. The product is applied to a wet head with massaging movements. Duration of application is no more than three minutes. Then the hair is washed with shampoo and water at room temperature. The entire process must be repeated twice a week for a couple of months.

  • Sebazol shampoo will help eliminate dandruff. It has antimicrobial and antifungal effects, eliminates the main causes of the disease by targeting the affected areas of the skin. Used for dandruff, seborrheic. Regular use prevents recurrence of the disease and improves the overall condition of the skin. Apply with foaming movements to damp hair. Duration of application is 5 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly with water. To effectively combat dandruff, remove causes and treat it, it is used in two stages. The first is the removal of symptoms. Apply twice a week for one month. At the second stage, the result is consolidated and prevention occurs. Apply for a month once a week.

  • Lotion "Bifon" is a completely natural product, contains panthenol, which eliminates excessive dryness of the skin, and other active substances to achieve an antifungal effect. The product is easy to use and does not require rinsing. Apply to hair using rubbing movements. For reliable results, it is necessary to apply several times a week for a month.

  • To eliminate dandruff, “Tar + Tea Tree” shampoo is suitable, it soothes itching, eliminates flaking, restores the sebaceous glands of the head and their normal functioning. The shampoo is rubbed in circular massage movements into damp hair, then washed off with warm water.

  • An effective remedy for treating dandruff is Sulsena paste. Its main active ingredient is selenium disulfide. It normalizes the process of cell formation, eliminates dandruff symptoms, and reduces the growth and reproduction of fungi. The paste is applied to wet, clean hair with gentle massage movements. After 4 hours, the paste must be washed off with warm water. Treatment lasts 3 months twice a week.

All drugs are medicinal, therefore, when using them, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, and even with a quick positive result, treatment should be carried out to the end in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Getting rid of dandruff with folk remedies

Time-tested folk remedies will tell you how to get rid of dandruff at home. Their composition is based only on natural plant substances.

  • Tincture of calendula flowers. If dandruff is oily, you need to apply the tincture to the hair roots two or three times a week. After application, it is important to wrap your hair in a towel. Rinse off after half an hour with water at room temperature.

  • Nettle infusion. Nettle should be infused for 24 hours before use. Ingredients of the tincture: one glass of boiling water, a tablespoon of nettle leaves, previously finely crushed. Treatment must be continued for 3 months twice a week. The tincture is rubbed into the scalp; there is no need to rinse your hair.
  • Dairy products will help you easily eliminate your dandruff problem at home. Kefir, yogurt and even curdled milk when applied to the surface of the head, it prevents flaking. And if you add a pinch of pepper to these products, you get an effective antifungal agent. It is better to use a ground product. The mixture is prepared from two tablespoons of pepper and 150 grams of fermented milk product. The finished product is applied to the base of the hair, after which the mask must be left for an hour, then thoroughly washed with shampoo.

  • Burr oil. It will help you quickly cope with the problem of dandruff and its unpleasant symptoms at home. The oil is gently rubbed into the scalp using massage movements and left for an hour. After a while, the hair should be thoroughly washed with shampoo. Treatment is carried out for three months several times a week.
  • Olive oil. Regular olive oil, slightly heated and brought to room temperature, will be an excellent assistant in the fight against dandruff. It moisturizes dry skin, obviously preventing flaking, and will glue exfoliated scales, which will slow down their loss. The oil should be rubbed in daily before bed. To keep the bed clean, hair is covered with a film or bag. In the morning, wash off the oil with shampoo, and rinse your hair with warm water.

  • Regular baking soda. Inexpensive, accessible to all means to combat dandruff. Soda has an excellent antifungal effect, and its fine texture allows you to remove tiny particles of scales stuck in the hair. To use this product, just add a tablespoon of the product to a portion of shampoo and wash your hair as usual. In addition, it will help restore the fat balance of the scalp.

  • Lemon juice. Lemon juice helps regenerate the acid balance of the scalp, which leads to the elimination of white scales and the cessation of itching. Works well in combination with it coconut oil, it has an antibacterial effect and eliminates fungi. To prepare a mixture of lemon juice and coconut oil, you need to maintain the proportions of 1/5, adding coconut in a larger volume. The product is applied to the hair roots for half an hour, after which it is washed off with water and washed thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Henna. To treat early manifestations of dandruff, this remedy will be effective; in later stages of the disease, other, more effective remedies are needed. Henna has an antifungal effect on the scalp and eliminates excess fat. To prevent hair color from changing, it is necessary to perform treatment only colorless henna. To eliminate dandruff, a mixture is created: a teaspoon of henna mixed with the same volume of tea powder, lemon juice and hair oil. The resulting substance is applied to the hair and then washed off with shampoo.

Dandruff in a child: safe folk remedies

Dandruff in a child, as mentioned above, occurs extremely rarely and is caused by a malfunction of the body. To effectively eliminate white crusts, you need to identify the problem in the baby’s health, and then begin local treatment.

To eliminate skin diseases, you need to introduce the required amount of fiber into your diet:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery.

Also create comfortable conditions for sleep and relaxation.

If white crusts appear in children, the answer to how to get rid of dandruff at home will be folk remedies. They are safer for the child’s body than analogues from pharmacies.

Among the most effective means:

  • Infusions of mint, anise, parsley and nettle.
  • Vegetable oils:
    • linen;
    • olive;
    • grape

After applying them, it is necessary to rinse off the substance with thick shampoo foam.

  • Tincture based on cedar oil, flax and almond oil:
    • add a tablespoon of green tea, eucalyptus and marjoram leaves to the heated oil;
    • the mixture is infused in complete darkness for about two weeks, stirring once a week;
    • the finished mixture is applied while bathing, putting a shower cap on top;
    • after 15 minutes, the head is thoroughly washed with shampoo and warm water (instead of shampoo, you can use decoctions of chamomile, nettle or calendula).

Even small efforts to treat dandruff will not take long. Both herbs and shampoos based on them, as well as pharmaceutical drugs, are effective.

If the problem persists for a long time, do not delay going to the doctor for advice.

Prevention of dandruff

In order to prevent a disease such as dandruff on the head and maintain healthy hair for as long as possible, it is enough to follow simple rules of hygiene and monitor the functioning of your body.

By following a number of simple rules, you can forget about this unpleasant disease.

  • Healthy eating. The whole body will benefit from reducing the consumption of fatty, sweet and fried foods, and giving up large consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and carbonated drinks.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Normal water consumption for an adult is 1.5-2 liters per day. This helps cleanse the body and normalize its functioning.
  • Hygiene. Don't let anyone use your combs, and don't use someone else's.
  • Proper care. Refusal from frequent use of fixing gels, sprays, mousses and other cosmetics in favor of healing masks will benefit the scalp and hair.
  • No, stress and lack of sleep. Anxiety, irritability and fear greatly undermine the functioning of the body, as does lack of sleep. They lead to a decrease in immunity, disruption of processes that support life, and the emergence of various diseases that a strong, healthy body could easily cope with.
  • General practitioner, gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist. I carry out preventive measures for complications in the digestive system after long-term therapy with NSAIDs and blood-thinning drugs.


Dandruff is one of the common scalp pathologies that leaves unpleasant marks on hair and clothes. However, dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem; it is, first of all, a disease caused by various factors. To cure, you first need to determine the cause of its appearance, and then select the right scalp care. So why does dandruff appear?

  • Symptoms
  • Visible white flakes of exfoliated skin on clothes, hair, shoulders, comb, headdress.
  • Itching and irritation of the scalp.
  • Brittleness and dullness of hair.

Red spots, large scales and yellowish crusts on the skin (such signs of dandruff appear with a long course or progression).


Dry skin


The most common cause of dandruff, especially in winter. It is at this time of year that people drink less liquid, use heating equipment, and often dry their hair with a hairdryer, which causes the scalp to dry out, causing dandruff.

As a result, excess skin cells die and, sticking together with fat, form large visible flakes of dandruff. The reasons for the rapid proliferation of the fungus are: oily scalp, long-term diseases of internal organs, immunodeficiency, stress, Parkinson's disease.

Hormonal changes

Age-related changes greatly affect the secretory function of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, during puberty, teenagers often develop dandruff along with acne, just like pregnant women and women experiencing menopause.


The formation of dandruff may be associated with a dysfunction in the secretion of oil on the skin of the face and scalp. With increased function of the sebaceous glands, sebum begins to be actively produced, provoking the occurrence of oily dandruff. Their weak work leads to insufficient sebum secretion, and the surface of the scalp dries out, which contributes to the occurrence of dry dandruff.

Thick, oily seborrhea is characterized by a deterioration in skin elasticity and an increase in the size of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The channel of the sebaceous gland is blocked by dead particles of the oily epithelium - dandruff, which is why comedones appear on the surface of the scalp. The hair becomes coarse and dull, and constantly contains greasy flakes of dandruff.

Oily liquid seborrhea provokes the formation of a porous crust on the head. At the same time, the pores expand, become noticeable, and sebum is secreted especially abundantly. The appearance of the hair deteriorates significantly, the strands stick together, and the surface of the head looks very greasy, sloppy, an unnatural greasy sheen and yellowish dandruff flakes appear.

Seborrhea can also cause hair loss because the sebaceous secretion changes its composition and loses its protective properties. Ulcers appear on the scalp and bacteria multiply, affecting the hair follicles.

With dry seborrhea, the release of sebum to the surface is significantly reduced. Dry flakes of dandruff abundantly cover the surface of the scalp. Most often, dry seborrhea affects people with reduced immunity.

Disruption of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of dandruff on the head can occur for the following reasons:

  • hard water;
  • shampoo, conditioner and conditioner, not according to hair type;
  • frequent hair dyeing or perming;
  • constant drying of hair prone to dryness with a hairdryer;
  • frequent use of a styler, hot rollers, which expose the scalp to high temperatures;
  • lack of minerals, vitamins A, E, D, B, poor nutrition, abuse of fatty and spicy foods;
  • excessive nervousness, susceptibility to stress and depression;
  • hereditary immune diseases.

Other reasons

In addition to the problems described above with the function of sebum secretion, there are a number of other factors that cause dandruff.

Seborrheic eczema is rarely the direct cause of dandruff, but if this disease affects the scalp, then it is quite possible that dead skin flakes will quickly form in this area. The difference between seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea is that the latter is a pathological skin condition, and eczema is a chronic disease.

Psoriasis is a skin disease in which thin, scaly particles of dry skin, including dandruff, form. Psoriasis does not often appear on the scalp, but it can be an additional factor in the formation of dandruff.

Contact dermatitis, caused by hypersensitivity of the scalp to shampoos, gels, masks, lotions and other hair cosmetics, contributes to the appearance of dandruff. Contact dermatitis and dandruff often result from overuse of styling products and coloring products.


Depending on the condition of the patient's scalp, treatment therapy will include:

  • Medications. If dandruff is accompanied by a fungal infection of the skin, antifungal medications are prescribed, which include ketoconazole. If the cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, then antihistamines are prescribed; they have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also reduce irritation and itching.
  • External means– ointments, creams, shampoos, sprays. Depending on the active ingredient, anti-dandruff shampoos improve the exfoliation process, destroy fungal infections, remove dead skin cells, and also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. They may contain antifungal components (zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole), keratolytics (lactic or salicylic acid), sulfur, tar, ichthyol. Therapeutic shampoos are Sebozol, Dermazol, Nizoral, Keto plus, Tar shampoo, Algopix, Fitoval, Friederm zinc, Friederm tar, Vichy for dandruff.
    Ointments and creams relieve irritation, itching, reduce sebum production and eliminate skin flaking. Medicinal ointments against dandruff include Sulsena paste 2%, Sulfur-salicylic, Hydrocortisone, Dermazol, Nizoral.
    If dandruff occurs, it is recommended to use Panthenol as a therapeutic spray. This drug reduces irritation of the scalp and also promotes rapid tissue restoration.
  • Physiotherapy. Depending on the condition of the scalp, the doctor may prescribe, as an additional treatment, physiotherapy such as ozone therapy (has a drying effect), cryomassage (used for severe itching and redness of the scalp), Darsonval (improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blood flow and dries out the skin), mesotherapy (provides hair nutrition).


Scalp hygiene

    Personal items such as washcloth, comb and hats are for individual use only.

  • Cosmetics and shampoos should be selected according to your hair type.
  • All personal care items should be kept clean and replaced as needed.
  • Wash your hair with warm water and whenever it gets dirty.
  • When drying your hair with a hairdryer, it is recommended to set the device to a gentle mode (warm air).

Diet and drink

Adequate and proper nutrition plays a major role in the prevention of various skin diseases, including dandruff. To avoid unwanted changes in the scalp, it is necessary to give preference to foods that contain a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins - cabbage, tomatoes, cheese, fish, liver, walnuts, beef, legumes, dairy and fermented milk products, greens. You also need to limit the intake of foods that contribute to the appearance of dandruff - spicy, sweet, fatty and salty foods.

To normalize metabolism and prevent dandruff, it is recommended to drink enough fluid, depending on age and body weight, from 1 to 2 liters per day.

Stress and immunity

Various stressful situations and weak immunity negatively affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the quality of the skin. These factors can provoke the development of dandruff, so it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Folk remedies

When dandruff appears, hair needs to be intensively nourished, so traditional medicine recommends using nourishing, exfoliating and moisturizing masks:

  • Thoroughly mix 1 egg yolk, 10 milliliters of olive oil, 5 milliliters of lemon juice and 10 grams of honey. Rub the treatment mask into the hair roots in a circular motion, then cover your head with a towel or hat and rinse with warm water after 40 minutes. This anti-dandruff mask must be done at least 2 times a week for 30 days.
  • Mix 50 milliliters of kefir, 1 egg yolk and 10 milliliters of olive oil. Apply the resulting mass to the scalp and leave for 1 hour, then rinse and thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. The folk remedy against dandruff should be used 2 times a week for 2 months.
  • Mix 5 grams of castor oil, 2 grams of salicylic acid and 100 grams of vodka. Rub the finished product into the scalp with light circular movements and leave for 2 hours. The medicinal lotion should be applied every other day until the dandruff completely disappears.
  • Mix 10 grams of castor oil, 5 grams of birch tar and 100 grams of vodka and apply to the scalp 1.5 hours before washing. The product should be used 3 times a week until recovery.

Decoctions made from beet juice, nettle or calendula help exfoliate the skin, and also relieve itching and irritation. It is necessary to rinse your hair with such decoctions after washing your hair.

What causes dandruff? This problem worries 30% of the world's population. To fight it, you need to know the reason for its appearance.

What is dandruff

A person undergoes regular renewal of skin cells. Dead cells are constantly being pushed out by new ones. This process involves the peeling off of old cells from the top layer of skin.

Dandruff is just small scales that have flaked off from the skin. The frequency of renewal of skin cells in a healthy person is no more than a month. Scales appear that are small in size and few in number in terms of quantitative composition. For this reason, they are difficult to notice.

When there are any negative changes in the body, the process of skin renewal intensifies. This happens every 9-11 days. Many scales flake off from the surface of the scalp. They stick to each other and peel off in large, noticeable blocks. This is why dandruff appears on the head.

The waste products of the fungi Malassezia restricta and Malassezia globosa cause rapid cell renewal. Every person has this type of fungus. But they begin to cause inconvenience only when their number exceeds permissible limits.

Active proliferation of fungi provokes dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. They begin to either secrete excess secretion or produce very little. For this reason, there are 2 types of dandruff:

  1. If dandruff is oily, then it has large scales. They stick to each other and to the strands. The hairstyle quickly takes on a greasy, sloppy look. The skin is itchy.
  2. If oil production decreases, the skin becomes dry and peels off easily. Dandruff particles are small and concentrated mainly in the forehead and crown area. In most cases, this is accompanied by itching.

Dandruff is a fairly common chronic disease that occurs on the scalp.

This disease is not dangerous to human health. It just causes significant inconvenience.


Dandruff on the head in adults and adolescents is easily recognized. It consists of white flakes of dead skin that stand out clearly on hair and clothing. The scales are accompanied by itching and sometimes a feeling similar to dry skin.

A special type of dandruff, called neonatal seborrheic dermatitis, occurs only in babies. It always disappears on its own during the first year of a child's life.

  1. Possible stressors that provoke accelerated proliferation of fungi leading to the formation of dandruff:
  2. Systematic overexertion and stressful situations can negatively affect the skin and scalp.
  3. Due to a lack of vitamins (A or B), the presence of fatty and hot dishes on the menu (that is, poor nutrition), dandruff may appear.
  4. Ailments of the digestive system, for example, dysbiosis.
  5. Dry skin is the most common cause of the disease. This leads to the fact that it appears more often in winter. During this period, the room is filled with more dry air, and the person consumes a minimal amount of liquid.
  6. Wrong approach to caring for strands. This is expressed in washing your hair too often or, conversely, washing your hair rarely. In the first case, the natural lubricant (sebum) is washed out, and the skin dries out. If you don't wash your hair often enough, dead cells will appear and accumulate on your skin. They mix with fat and stick together, turning into large flakes.
  7. Dandruff on the scalp can occur due to poor blood circulation. To improve it, you need to massage your head or take a contrast shower.
  8. Seborrheic dermatitis (oily and irritated skin) is a common cause of dandruff. The disease affects all areas of the skin, replete with many sebaceous glands: eyebrows, the area near the nose and behind the ears, the groin and chest area.
  9. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease. During its development, rapid division of cells located in the upper layer occurs. This leads to the accumulation of many dead cells at the hair roots. They form dense shiny flakes. In most cases, psoriasis develops on the skin of the knees, elbows and torso. Sometimes it spreads to the scalp.
  10. If the occurrence of pathology is associated with the use of new hair care products (shampoo, hair styling or coloring products), then this is contact dermatitis. It appears due to increased sensitivity of the skin to this drug. If you stop using the allergy-causing product, the dandruff disappears.
  11. Rapid proliferation of yeast-like fungus. The reasons for the increased spread are not completely clear. There are stressors that provoke its accelerated reproduction. They are due to:
  • presence of oily skin;
  • changes related to hormonal status;
  • the beginning of menopause;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • constant stress;
  • long-term ailments of internal organs;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • immunodeficiency.

Factors in the development of dandruff

The disease can occur in any person. Some stressors increase the likelihood of its occurrence. These include:

  1. A number of diseases. Patients suffering from immunodeficiency, neurological diseases, or those who have suffered serious conditions (patients with strokes or heart attacks) are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis. As a result, dandruff may appear.
  2. Poor nutrition. If the menu does not contain a sufficient amount of unsaturated fats, zinc, and B vitamins, there is a possibility of developing pathology.
  3. Age limits. Dandruff often begins at a young age and lasts until middle age. But this does not mean that it cannot develop at an older age. Dandruff is not usually observed in children.
  4. Increased oiliness of the scalp. The Malassezia fungus feeds on fats produced by the sebaceous glands. Excessively oily hair favors the appearance of dandruff.
  5. Floor. Men are more likely to suffer from this disease. Male sex hormones play a decisive role in its development. Men's sebaceous glands are also much larger than those of the fairer sex. This is the main reason for a greater predisposition to dandruff.


By following these tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing dandruff:

  1. Learn to control yourself in stressful situations.
  2. Take proper care of your hair.
  3. Reduce your use of chemical hair styling products to a minimum.
  4. Try to eat right, eat foods with essential minerals and vitamins.
  5. Get regular sun exposure and fresh air.

In most cases, it is quite difficult to get rid of dandruff completely. The treatment process itself is long. But almost always the disease begins to be controlled.

If a mild form of the disease appears (not associated with dermatological or neurological pathologies), then to eliminate it it is enough to reduce the level of oily skin. You just need to change the shampoo to one that will not irritate the skin.

For more complex cases, special medicated shampoos can help. Experts recommend taking complex external antifungal agents.

Beautiful hair not only indicates that it is carefully cared for, but also indicates healthy skin. Unfortunately, quite often the situation is overshadowed by dandruff on the head - a problem from which every third person suffers today.

Some painstakingly fight the disease every day, others are looking for more radical ways to get rid of dandruff forever. But both of them are tormented by the same questions: what to do if a lot of dandruff appears on your head, why did this happen and how to get rid of it?

Causes and symptoms

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor always makes a diagnosis first. The same is true in the fight against dandruff: first you need to find out the reasons for its appearance, and then get rid of the “snowflakes”.

The prerequisite for the occurrence of dandruff is a microorganism Pityrosporum ovale, which lives on the skin of almost every person and normally does not cause any trouble. But sometimes its activity rapidly increases, and it is this process that leads to the appearance on the head of the well-known symptoms of dandruff - white flakes.

So what affects the activity of the fungus, forcing the sebaceous glands to work in an enhanced mode?

  • Poor personal hygiene

If you rarely wash your hair and at the same time abuse hairsprays, mousses and other styling products, the appearance of dandruff is quite natural.

  • Incorrect use of shampoo

It is very important to choose the right shampoo and conditioner so that you don’t have to choose anti-dandruff products later. Remember: shampoo is chosen for the scalp (dry, oily, etc.), and balm is chosen for the hair type. If you have oily hair, it doesn't necessarily mean your scalp will be the same. Another important point: regardless of the type of shampoo, always rinse it off completely.

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