Feng Shui gifts for a pink wedding. Pink wedding: traditions, signs and rituals for a happy family life

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

It is commonly called a pink or tin wedding. Therefore, its symbolism is appropriate.

Long-standing traditions

The Pink Wedding is a ten-year test of fidelity and love. The period is quite long. On this day, the newlyweds are given bouquets of roses, and a tin spoon is placed in their pocket, with which they need to walk until the evening, and before going to bed, place it under the pillow. The festive table also involves some traditional set of dishes. For example, fried poultry in pink sauce is a must. And the wedding bed is showered with fragrant rose petals. But it is not at all necessary to do all of the above exactly. You can exchange tin spoons and treat everything with humor. But we should probably celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Whatever you say, marriage is a titanic work, and it’s worth rejoicing at a job well done!

What a holiday

Organize a “Pink Wedding – 10 Years of Happiness” celebration. Invite your friends and family, set the tables with pink tablecloths and wear pink wedding suits. Sit at the head of the ceremonial table and kiss with pleasure. Competitions and charades, practical jokes and festivities will bring a lot of pleasant impressions to all participants in the celebration.

Are there any other options?

An alternative to repeating the wedding scenario could be any other pleasant event on that day. You don’t have to invite a large crowd, but celebrate your 10th wedding anniversary with just your household or just the two of you. Take your children on a long-planned trip or please the whole family with a big purchase of something grandiose. In any case, this holiday should bring more tenderness to each other, more attention and romance. Believe me, your children will be happy to repeat such moments in the future!


If we turn to old traditions, it has always been customary to celebrate 10 wedding years with gifts. For example, a husband had to give his companion a chic bouquet of 11 roses, ten of them red (a symbol of love and passion) and one rose white (hope for a happy future). The wife congratulates her husband and presents him with a decorative butterfly made with her own hands from dried petals, straws and fabric. Beliefs say that it is butterflies that attract and keep a man in the house. It turns out that such a gift is a woman’s desire to make her family strong.


If the holiday fell during the warm season, then it was customary to hang a wreath of fresh roses on the door that day. He scared away evil spirits from the house. It was believed that the rose was kind to a good person and prickly to those who came to harm. The wreath remained on the gate until completely dry, then it was put into the barn and stored there until the next season.

Great advice

On this day, spouses can exchange tin rings. Engrave on the inside of the rings, for example, an oath of fidelity or wishes to each other. Commemorative anniversary medals and coins are also suitable. This tradition dates back to the 18th century; such coins were exchanged on the most memorable days, for example, an engagement or the birth of children. Doves and roses framed by hearts will bring you good luck and a great mood on this holiday!

Ten years after the official marriage, the couple celebrates a tin or pink wedding. There is a lot of controversy over the correct name for the anniversary. In order not to waste time on a difficult choice, celebrants can combine these two symbols, celebrate the anniversary in an original way, and an interesting, funny scenario will help them with this.

Preparing for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate the tenth anniversary of marriage on a grand scale - this is the first round anniversary of the wedding, but the choice of how to celebrate the anniversary still remains with the spouses. In order for the event to be perfect, the heroes of the tin celebration must draw up a list of guests - good, beloved people who themselves will make the day unforgettable. Separately, think about the presence of a child or children if they appeared at the time of the tin anniversary celebration.

Then comes the drafting of the script. Tin anniversaries must warn guests in advance if they are going to organize a themed celebration with a dress code. Send out invitations several weeks in advance to give guests time to prepare. At this big celebration, it is important to have a photographer who will capture the tin celebration in photos and videos.

Watch the video that will help you make unique invitation cards with your own hands:

Decoration of the celebration venue

The issue of decor depends on which symbol the celebrants of the day chose. Combining pewter and pink decor can create an interesting decoration for a banquet hall. For example, the table can be decorated with figurines of tin soldiers, and the fabrics decorating the room (napkins, curtains) can be found in a beautiful silver shade. Several bouquets of beautiful roses on the table, a pink tablecloth, and other elements of this color will add tenderness to the celebration.

Tin anniversaries will have to show their imagination when choosing the design of the celebration.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

The ideal musical accompaniment will be live sound. If the heroes of the tin celebration are not limited by finances, it will be possible to invite a good group playing calm, melodic instrumental music. Otherwise, tin anniversaries can independently select a playlist for the event.

Scenario for a tin wedding

The scenario for a cheerful tin anniversary will help the heroes of the occasion to properly plan the timing of the event. A professional presenter can implement it.

It all starts with the words of the host, who whispers into the microphone while the guests have not yet taken their seats:

– Hello, dear guests! I will speak quietly because the tin celebrants are heading our way right now! They don't realize that I have prepared a little surprise for them... Everyone approach the entrance and make a corridor with the same number of people on both sides.

Guests become a corridor.

– Now take these small cups...

The presenter and assistants distribute containers with rose petals to the guests.

– When the couple walks through the corridor, I want you to shower them with flower petals, and then applaud them warmly. All clear? Fine! Then let's wait for the heroes of the occasion.

A few minutes later, the tin celebrants appear, whom the guests shower with petals. Then everyone takes their seats, and the presenter takes the floor.

– I want to greet you, (names of spouses)! On this day you celebrate a wonderful, beautiful date - ten years of marriage. Ten years is already a long time, so I ask the guests to once again give applause to the heroes of the day!

The guests applaud.

– As you know, the symbol of this celebration is tin. The peculiarity of this metal is that it is all strong, but flexible. So you, dear spouses, after so many years have become more flexible, learned to understand each other well, give in and compromise. This is an important skill for a young family. By continuing in the same spirit, you will definitely celebrate both your silver and gold wedding!

The presenter pauses.

“But you may have noticed that the hall is decorated not only with pewter decorative items and the shiny silver color of the metal, but also with another, softer shade. The second name for the tin anniversary is a pink wedding. This romantic symbol suggests that even after ten years spent together, you can still maintain a tender relationship, just as you always treated each other reverently. So let's drink to the fact that you will be accompanied by tin flexibility and love like a rose!

The heroes of the tin celebration drink with the guests. The host takes a break while the guests try the first courses.

– Dear tin celebrants, you have already reached the stage where the hard part of the journey has been completed. Surely there were quarrels, omissions, differences in views that separated you, but you managed to resist these troubles. So that you continue to fight evil forces, I want to give you souvenirs. First to you, (husband's name).

The host approaches the hero of the tin celebration.

– I give you, (spouse’s name), a tin spoon, which you must put in your pocket and carry all day, and then hide under your pillow. This spoon is a kind of talisman that will protect your family and bring good luck. Save it as a souvenir and keep it at home so that the tin wards off evil spirits and serves as a reminder that there is a way out of every situation if you know how to be flexible.

Then the presenter turns to his wife.

- To you, (name of the hero of the tin celebration), I give a symbol of femininity, beauty, rebirth - a beautiful rose. This flower will remind you that despite the sometimes prolonged cold, spring always comes, which melts the snow, nourishes the earth with rain, and it is reborn.

The presenter hands the tin wife a beautiful rose hairpin. Then he turns to the hero of the occasion:

– (Spouse’s name), look after your beautiful wife like a rose. If you water a flower and fertilize it, it will grow well and delight you with its beauty every day. Tell her pleasant words more often, which are so necessary for lush flowering!

Then the host takes out a huge bouquet of roses and presents it to the hero of the occasion in tin.

Music sounds, guests give gifts to the tin spouses. These can be tin souvenirs, as well as other things. It would be good to give high-quality bed linen, kitchen appliances, and other household goods. Leading:

– Couples who have lived together for ten years are worth their weight in gold. And even though the golden wedding is still far away, a solid foundation has already been laid. But sometimes it is so important to remind each other of that wonderful day that marked the beginning of family life! The heroes of the tin celebration and I decided to hold a ring exchange ceremony that would bring back a feeling of freshness in attitude.

The presenter presents tin rings on the pillow.

– Beautiful (wife’s name), do you agree to continue your journey with your loved one, overcome adversity, share joys, love him no matter what?

- Agree!

– Do you, (husband’s name), agree to follow your beloved along the road of life, holding hands, forgiving weaknesses, being proud of your virtues, loving more than anything in the world?

- Agree!

– Well, I solemnly declare you a wonderful couple who can do anything! Dear heroes of the day, after our small ceremony, I would like to hold another wedding ceremony. Remember the first song you danced to as husband and wife? I want you to repeat that wonderful dance! Guests, support the heroes of the day!

The guests applaud the heroes of the tin celebration, who dance a wedding dance. When the tin spouses sit down, the leader says:

– The official part of our event is coming to an end, but the holiday is not over yet! Finally, I want to say a little congratulations. Dear spouses, I wish you happiness, which is truly visible in your eyes, to live in perfect harmony for many, many years to come. Let everyday life be as great as this holiday! Bitterly!

The heroes of the tin celebration kiss.

– And now I will be happy to give the floor to the guests, who are probably eager to say toasts.

The presenter passes the microphone, the official part of the tin anniversary celebration ends.

Competitions for 10 years of life for spouses

Several fun competitions that will help brighten up the congratulatory scenario:

  • Dance. A must-have anniversary competition that will give guests a chance to have some fun. An arbitrary number of participants gather, the task of the contestants is to dance as unusually as possible. The most active participant in the competition wins.

  • Diapers. Several pairs of participants are required - a man and a woman in a pair. The man sits on a chair, the woman stands next to him. The presenter gives each couple a bag with a changing kit - diapers, a cap, etc. The woman must swaddle her man faster than her opponents. The fastest team wins.
  • Connecting thread. You will need two long ropes for two teams, the participants of which become a line. The contestants' task is to quickly tie one circle of rope around themselves, passing the end to the next contestant. The team that quickly connects itself with a connecting thread wins.

A tin anniversary is an event that will allow spouses to look at each other again, have fun, and escape from everyday worries. A cheerful scenario will help the tin celebration to take place in an original way and will ensure that the holiday will be remembered for a long time by those present.

The couple have been together for 10 years. This is a serious date: life together has been established, the most pressing financial problems have been resolved, the child is growing up, and maybe there is a second baby or on the way.

If the question arose about a gift for this special date, this, without a doubt, means: husband and wife walk hand in hand with dignity, they have learned to hear and understand each other, they strive to please their other half, especially on such significant occasions!

This strength and at the same time flexibility of the joint relationship, achieved by 10 years of marriage, is reflected by the symbol of this anniversary - tin. The second name of the holiday - pink wedding - suggests that passion and romance should not leave a relationship, despite a solid marital experience. Sometimes the definition “amber wedding” is also used, probably with a hint that time, like the sea, smoothes soft substances, turning them into hard jewels.

As many as three symbolic directions allow you to approach the choice of a gift with virtually no restrictions. But sometimes the apparent abundance of choice causes indecision: sometimes it is easier to choose from ready-made options. The main thing is that you think about this question: this guarantees that the heroes of the occasion will definitely receive your love and attention along with the gift. This article will help you come up with ideas.

The husband gives the gift first

On this day, let the husband wake up his beloved with a kiss and present her with a bouquet. According to tradition, it should be roses: the queen of flowers for the queen of hearts! The unspoken rule speaks of a bouquet of 11 flowers: one scarlet rose for each year spent in love, and one white rose as a sign of the purity of future intentions.

A gift for your wife for 11 years of marriage can be presented in both tin and “pink” styles.

Tin gifts for the wife

Gifts for wife in “pink” style

This anniversary theme is more suitable for women. Remind her of romance by giving her gifts in pink, as well as in the form of this wonderful flower - a symbol of passion. Sprinkle the bed with rose petals, add them to your bath water, treat yourself to rose petal jam - and your wife will remember her tenth wedding anniversary with admiration for the next ten years, at least.

What else can you give so pink?

How to adequately congratulate your husband on his 10th wedding anniversary and what to give him as a gift

A wife deciding what to give her husband for his 10th wedding anniversary has a slightly more limited choice, since pink is considered a woman's prerogative. Therefore, in order to comply with the symbolic “regulations”, you will have to give preference to tin. But, if you show creativity, then the pink style can be served with the right “sauce”.

"Tin" gifts for husband

Men's gifts “a la rose”

Of course, giving a man a pink thing, even for an anniversary, is not always appropriate. However, some gifts related to the rose or pink color will not raise doubts about their masculinity and may well be presented to a loved one.

  • Rose wine - a good spirit has always been considered a great gift for men, and uncork a bottle together at a romantic dinner for the two of you.
  • Painting in a rosewood frame. Instead of a painting, there could be your wedding photo or a collage made by your wife with her own hand.
  • Notebook “50 reasons why I love you”, decorated with roses: in this version, light femininity will not cause male protest. Or a container decorated in an appropriate style, filled with notes folded and tied with pink ribbons: that’s something to do for the whole evening!
  • Tear-off “wish fulfillment” forms printed on pink paper. The principle is this: tear off the form and use the wish written on it. Ideas can be found on the Internet, from “My wife lets me go fishing with an overnight stay” to “Erotic massage.”
  • A beautiful tie can be in shades of pink.

Well, if you tell your husband: “I bought you a gift, wait, I’ll put it on now!”, and appear in a charming pink negligee, he most likely will not mind!

Gifts for two at once

Spouses can exchange such gifts or receive them from guests and loved ones. Using similar things, the spouses will become even closer, and the memory of a wonderful date will remain with them for a long time.

  • Engraved tin rings. There aren't many wedding anniversaries that allow you to give rings, so this can be a beautiful tradition. Let the tin ones be followed by the silver and gold ones...
  • Tin spoons. Tradition says that with the gifted spoon in their pocket, the spouses should go through the entire evening, and then put it under the pillow: such a ritual will give flexibility and generosity to the relationship. Well, then the spoons can be used for their intended purpose.
  • Paired glasses. Today you can buy incredibly beautiful exclusive glasses made of tin, which can be accompanied by an elegant decanter.
  • Double bottle. 2 bottles of any festive drink (preferably champagne or rose wine) need to be beautifully secured with a pink ribbon or a special tin device. It won’t be possible to pour two of them at once, but the way to present alcohol will be recognized as original.
  • Souvenir medals specially made for a tin wedding.
  • A blanket poncho, under which it will be so pleasant for two lovers to warm up, can be a cozy pink shade.
  • For walking together in the rain, use an umbrella designed for walking hand in hand.

It will be useful for the family! What to give friends for a pink wedding

Family gifts, intended to please everyone living in the home of the celebrants, can be presented by parents, guests, and friends. Perhaps the spouses, instead of pleasant little things, will prefer to buy a new useful thing for the house, which will become a gift for both of them. Below is a list of what you can give to your friends for a pink wedding.

An unforgettable pink evening. We give emotions

Gifts that “you can’t put in your pocket” are becoming more and more popular, but they are remembered much longer than mortal items. We are talking about gifts and impressions. They are good for any holiday, but when the anniversary is themed, it’s worth trying a little and connecting the gift with the theme of the celebration, then it will be even nicer.

For a tin (pink) wedding, spouses who are in dire need of a joint romantic event can be presented with:

  • Certificate for participation in a master class on painting pictures, casting tin figurines, making jewelry, chocolates, artificial flowers, etc.
  • A trip to the Botanical Garden during the rose blooming period.
  • Theater tickets. You can choose a repertoire that reflects the theme: Strauss's opera "Der Rosenkavalier", the play "Rose and Cross" based on A. Blok, the musical comedy "A Rose with a Double Fragrance". Or you can go with your children to watch “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” at the theater for young spectators.
  • Visit to the SPA salon: choose a program with rose petals, massage with rose oil, stone therapy.
  • You can order a “pink” dinner at a restaurant or prepare it yourself for your loved one. All dishes will correspond to the holiday style: ham, salads using beets, pink fish. cherry ice cream, pink champagne jelly with berries, strawberry mousse, cake or pastries with pink icing, marshmallows. And, of course, rose wine!
  • Or maybe the spouses will want to please each other with another honeymoon? What if you buy a tour to the “pink city” in Jaipur, India (where pink is a symbol of hospitality)? However, any route would be perfect for traveling together.

Loving spouses can end the festive evening on a bed strewn with rose petals: let romance not leave the union, sanctified by a whole decade of marriage!


The pink wedding is celebrated ten years after the wedding day. This is the first truly serious anniversary, a round date. Such an impressive figure speaks of the stability of the marriage and the strength of the union. Family life has already become familiar, the spouses have become as close as possible, they delve into each other’s affairs, literally breathe the same air. Most spouses already have children by this time. How to celebrate a pink wedding so that the holiday is memorable, brings a lot of bright impressions, becomes happy and unforgettable? It is worth preparing for a pink wedding in advance. Of course, it is best to pay attention to organizing the holiday for your wife. Surely the spouse will already remember the wedding date, but imprinting a magnificent holiday in his memory is not superfluous. May the anniversary year turn out to be a joyful and positive milestone, leading to many more years of happy family life.

Symbolism of a pink wedding: tin and roses, flowers and metal
The pink wedding itself becomes evidence that the spouses did not choose each other by chance. 10 years have already passed, and together, loving and creative, they decided to celebrate the anniversary of family life. The two main symbols of a pink wedding are tin and roses.

Tin is a strong and soft metal
It is no coincidence that tin became a symbol of a pink wedding.

  • Two components. This metal breaks down into two simple substances. The basis of a family is two loving spouses. Of course, most families consist of more than just a couple, but it is the husband and wife who celebrate the anniversary.
  • Solders. Tin is used to solder other materials. And the union of lovers has already been welded together quite firmly, because it has withstood a considerable period of time.
  • Soft. With all its properties, tin can also be soft, delicate, and pliable. This can be understood in two ways. People know how to compromise, spouses take into account each other’s interests, so their union is not afraid of minor problems and troubles. At the same time, the softness of tin also reminds of possible threats to marriage: the metal is not strong enough to save you from strong shocks and obstacles. For example, after 10 years, a new passion may well flare up when the child has grown up, feelings have become a little less vivid, and the need for unknown sensations has arisen. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the family even after the tin anniversary.
Of course, it is not by chance that this wedding is called a tin wedding. It is this symbol that reveals the date from different angles, allows you to look at the anniversary a little more seriously and comprehend it more deeply. Be sure to find more than one tin decoration, several souvenirs made of this metal, so that they take their rightful place at the holiday.

Custom: we celebrate a tin wedding correctly, with tin
There is a long-standing custom that our distant ancestors knew. During the celebration of a tin wedding, the wife and husband need to carry a tin spoon in their pockets. Sure, your dress may not have a pocket, but figure out a way to wear a little tin spoon on your clothes while celebrating your pink wedding. Hide it in the folds of the dress, sew on a tiny pocket. Give the same spoon to your husband.

According to ancient beliefs, it is the tin spoon that becomes a symbol of well-being, mutual understanding in the family, and prosperity. It should bring happiness to two lovers.

Roses and rosé
Years go by, but family life has not yet become so familiar that we begin to forget about the color pink, romance and passion. The couple are still quite young. A delicate rose symbolizes love, bright feelings and impressions. At the holiday there must certainly be roses and things and outfits in pink tones.

  1. In pink. A pink wedding should be celebrated not only brightly, cheerfully and solemnly, but also thematically. Remember about the symbolism, do not waste time searching for tin souvenirs and accessories. Of course, special attention should be paid to everything pink. You can choose different shades, from scarlet and coral to burgundy and lilac, but be sure to make the overall color scheme pink. Imagine that complete strangers came to your celebration. They should immediately exclaim: “Oh, it’s a pink wedding!”
  2. Outfits. Nowadays it is customary to brightly emphasize the symbolism of a pink wedding with outfits. It is important to think over the costumes of the spouses, as well as to designate a dress code for all guests and relatives.
  3. Husband and wife. If you want to celebrate a pink wedding in a really bright way, you should choose catchy and stylish outfits for the spouses in advance. It’s great if the wife does this. For your husband, it is best to choose a light suit, white or grayish-bluish, with a pearl tint. A pink tie will go perfectly with it, as well as a pink scarf, which should show a little from the breast pocket. For a wife, the ideal outfit is a pink dress, matte or glittery, trimmed with lace or beads. Costumes should simultaneously remind of both the wedding and the symbolism of the anniversary.
  4. Relatives and children. It is also best to dress children in pink. Boys just need some kind of accessory in a given tone, for example, a tie, while girls will be delighted with pink dresses. Relatives also need to stick to pink tones in their outfits.
  5. Guests. But guests can already be more free in their costumes, however, they also need at least one pink accessory, a piece of clothing.
When you go out together with such a “pink” company, to a restaurant or an amusement park, all attention will be focused on you! It's like you're celebrating a wedding again. It’s worth capturing your pink wedding in a photo - the guests and heroes of the occasion will look simply gorgeous, and you won’t even have to write an inscription on the album. Naturally, it's a pink wedding!

Decorating the room
If you decide to celebrate a pink wedding at home, you should also take care of decorating the rooms. Of course, the main color here will be pink. True, it’s also not worth doing everything exclusively in one tone, otherwise the freshness of perception will quickly be lost. Combine pink with white, lilac, shades of purple and scarlet, you can add greenish and yellow tones.

As decorations you can use:

  • table napkins;
  • embroidered and lace napkins for furniture;
  • furniture covers;
  • bright tablecloth;
  • balloons (best places: on the wall near the table, above the entrances to rooms, apartments);
  • souvenirs, soft toys;
  • figurines;
  • candlesticks and candles themselves;
  • lamps.
Please note: when planning a party for the evening, you can make excellent use of different types of lighting, focusing on candles and lamps. Scented candles of fancy shapes and pink shades, spectacular lamps on the walls and tables will perfectly emphasize the symbolism of the celebration and create a pleasant atmosphere.

The main decoration of your holiday is roses. They can be of any shade, but at least one bouquet of pink flowers must be present.

Festive table at a pink wedding
And you can make your holiday table pink too! Just think over the menu in advance so that the dishes “balance” each other and do not greatly undermine your family budget. The table should not be too overloaded, but gourmet dishes are also required - at least in small quantities. Here's what would be appropriate on your “pink” table:

  • chicken with pink sauce - take the recipe and cook it yourself;
  • different types of red fish: pink salmon, trout, salmon (you should prepare appetizers from them);
  • red and rose wines.
It is better to decorate the table with bouquets of pink, white and red roses. Bouquets of short-cut flowers look original and elegant: they are more neat and the buds look more impressive.

Where to celebrate a pink wedding?
Each married couple will choose their own option. Some people are most impressed by a celebration in a cafe or restaurant. The spouse will be completely freed from the need to cook and wash dishes. True, such a holiday on “neutral territory” certainly needs to be supplemented: it is worth celebrating the anniversary at home, for example, alone with your husband. There you can unleash your creative potential and capture the imagination of your loved one!

A great option is to celebrate a pink wedding in nature. You can go to the country, rent a cottage, put tables right on the street. The ideal place would be the bank of a river or lake, or a forest.

Pink weddings are celebrated in private at resorts and hotels. Fans of active recreation will be happy to go to the tourist base.

And, of course, a great option for celebrating a pink wedding is a romantic dinner, where the spouses are alone, enjoying exclusively each other’s company.

Celebrate your pink wedding brightly and romantically!

The chords of Mendelssohn's march died down and family life began. Each year binds the spouses more and more tightly, which is emphasized by the names of the wedding anniversaries: chintz, paper, leather, linen, wood... And in 10 years, what kind of wedding will the couple have? And how to celebrate this day so that it becomes the starting point of a new, even happier period of marriage?

The ten-year anniversary of marriage has two names. The first option is romantic: a pink wedding. The second is more brutal: tin. And this is symbolic, because the first ten years, passed hand in hand, is already a serious period of testing a relationship for the strength and at the same time flexibility inherent in tin, and for the ability to maintain romance and passion, which symbolize beautiful roses.

Rose thorns are considered a symbol of disagreements, disputes and any other troubles that a husband and wife have overcome in the process of “grinding in” their characters. They approached their first family anniversary as more tolerant, able to negotiate and make informed decisions, respecting the opinion of the other half, and therefore truly loving, mature people. Of course, such a date should not go unnoticed.

Gifts for 10th wedding anniversary

How to celebrate the first 10 years of marriage depends on the choice of the spouses. Whether it’s a quiet evening for two or a reason to gather all your family and friends, the celebrants of the day should not be left without gifts. Expensive exclusive or budget symbolic - with the right choice, they are equally capable of pleasing a married couple and remaining a reminder of the first round date of family happiness for many years.

The double name of the first family anniversary significantly expands the scope for imagination when choosing gifts and congratulations. The definition of “pink” is associated with both the royal flower and the color pink, and “tin” requires a similar embodiment in the material from which the gift item is made.

So there can be any number of ideas here - humorous, practical, original, but most importantly - deeply symbolic.

Gift for wife from husband

This is an excellent reason for a man to conquer his wife again, showing all his tenderness and care, especially if for some reason this has been lacking in the relationship lately. A gift for a wedding anniversary is an expression of gratitude for all the good things that happened during the passed part of life’s journey.

Roses should be an indispensable accompaniment to a gift. It is believed that there should be 11 of them in a bouquet for such a day. This is a symbol of ten years lived and a happy future, which is certainly ahead of a couple who has successfully overcome the first serious milestone. Therefore, the 11th flower in the bouquet should stand out with its brightness or dazzling whiteness. The remaining 10 roses may or may not be pink, the main thing is that they match the color preferences of the spouse.

The ideal gift for a woman on such a day is jewelry with stones of any shade of pink or red. Such a gift will emphasize the solemnity of the moment and will remind you of this day all your life. You can also choose a quite elegant decoration from tin.

A worthy reminder of this event in the future can be a box presented by the spouse in a pink design or tin design.

There are as many ideas for gifts for your loved one in pink colors: from a car to a scarf. The choice depends on the budget, the desire to surprise, knowledge of the needs and desires of the spouse:

  • digital technology (cell phone, pink casing);
  • cozy terry robe;
  • quality wallet;
  • table lamp, etc.

The first anniversary together is also a worthy reason to repeat the honeymoon. Such a gift will impress any woman and bring a lot of unforgettable impressions to the couple.

Gift to husband from wife

Men can also receive jewelry as a gift, if we are talking about cufflinks, a ring, a tie pin or a cigarette case with discreet red or pink stones.

Options for tin as a gift for a loved one are also varied; their choice depends on preferences, which, over 10 years of marriage, of course, have become well known to a loving wife:

  • chess set with tin pieces;
  • personalized spoon, cup or beer mug with engraving;
  • souvenir tin soldiers;
  • camping set of dishes.

Even if what one partner, according to the other, wants to receive as a gift, does not fit into the pink or pewter design, you can give it as a gift without fear if you design the packaging in the “pink anniversary” style.

For example, a gift certificate to a certain store can be presented to a loved one in a beautiful envelope with roses.

Tin is not the most common material for gift items, but if you think about the wedding anniversary of your loved ones in advance, you can easily find:

  • elegant figurines, candlesticks and other interior items;
  • cutlery;
  • glasses, mugs, cup holders;
  • trays, plate stands;
  • amulets with symbols of family and marriage.

Metal objects can be equipped with an anniversary or personal engraving - this is always nice. However, the choice of gifts in the theme of roses and pink is much wider:

  • a large family photo album or an expensive photo frame;
  • home textiles (towels, tablecloths, bed linen);
  • blanket, blanket;
  • painting;
  • dishes, vase, etc.

You can give, in general, any gifts if you pack them according to the occasion, decorate them with a wreath of roses or a miniature flower arrangement.

How to celebrate a tin (pink) wedding

For some, a candlelit dinner for two is enough to feel the mystery of a special date, and that’s wonderful! But many still prefer to share their joy with family and friends, inviting to a pink wedding both those who were with them on the wedding day and those with whom fate brought them together during their family life.

It is even possible to re-register a marriage at the registry office. This will not be marked with a stamp in the passport, but a storm of feelings is guaranteed.

In addition to a home celebration or an evening in a restaurant, this could be a trip to nature, going to the theater, going to the cinema or bowling, or a barbecue in the country. The main thing is a festive mood, and it will be created by the appropriate surroundings with a predominance of pink color or the same elements in the clothes of the “newlyweds” and guests, as well as in the interior (tablecloths, napkins, decor).

The couple can even spend the evening again in wedding dresses, but in pink tones. And a lot of fresh roses in bouquets, garlands, and compositions are simply irreplaceable for the atmosphere of this day.

And even the treat must at least partially carry the symbolism of the event: rose wine, meat with pink or red sauce, salmon fish, sandwiches with red caviar or ham, rose jam and, of course, a wedding cake with cream roses - the menu can be adjusted following a flight of fancy. And the table setting will be successfully complemented by tin items.

Entrusting the evening to the toastmaster or doing it on your own is actually not so important; in both cases, the main thing is sincere joy and a common desire to make this day bright and heartfelt.

Congratulations for spouses

Just like on the same day 10 years ago, guests wish the couple happiness and give gifts. This ceremony is usually held at the beginning of the wedding evening. Guests need to take a responsible approach not only to choosing a gift, but also to the text of the congratulations. It should not be banal, hackneyed, incorrect and must concern exclusively this couple.

It is important to emphasize that this first anniversary means successfully overcoming the most difficult period in building a strong family. Now the spouses fully understand and accept each other and are ready to move on with their loved one.

Congratulations can be either oral or beautifully written. It could also be a wedding poster, a photo collage or a humorous collective wall newspaper, to the creation of which each guest will have a hand.

Comic competitions and quizzes on how spouses know each other will diversify the course of the evening. And you can end it, according to wedding tradition, with a romantic dance of the heroes of the celebration.


Knowing what kind of wedding is in 10 years and how it is celebrated in our country, you can start preparing for the important event in advance. And then the pink-tin anniversary will become a new link for a pair of loving hearts, and the memories of it will warm at any turn in life’s path.

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