I constantly quarrel with my girlfriend. Frequent quarrels with a girl, what should I do? If we constantly quarrel with a girl, what should we do?

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

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Thank you Egor Your lessons are great!
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4 chosen

Quarrels are a nasty thing. Especially because they have a habit of growing and multiplying at incredible speeds. It seems they had a fight over untidy socks or unwashed dishes, but in the process they said so many interesting things to each other that they practically closed their path to reconciliation. How often do partners get offended at each other and don’t talk for a long time, not because of the subject of the quarrel itself, but because of what was said during the process. But it all started because of some little thing. Let's think how to avoid these unpleasant little things and prevent them from growing and multiplying.

Why do we constantly quarrel?

What do constant quarrels mean? Are they talking about serious problems in the relationship? Not always, it calms psychologist Maria Pugacheva. The reason may be in the characters and temperaments of the partners. If they are both accustomed to setting aside their rights, expressing themselves and controlling any matter, minor clashes cannot be avoided.

“However, oddly enough, such an alliance can be very strong, because each of them actually values ​​the strength, brightness and pressure of both themselves and their partner, and is not particularly worried about such a situation. As a rule, in In such quarrels, bright negative emotions are thrown off one by one, and then the same bright positive emotions are experienced together, which immediately cover up all the bad things.”, explained the psychologist.

But there are other situations when behind a petty quarrel lies deep discontent. For example, a wife nags her husband for an unclosed tube of toothpaste, but in fact she doesn’t like the fact that he doesn’t help at all around the house. Or she makes a scandal because her husband returned late from work, although in fact she worries that he pays little attention to her. In such cases, minor quarrels are symptoms of more serious problems that need to be dealt with so that the relationship does not deteriorate completely.

There is also a very sad situation - when love has ended in a couple, and people begin to openly irritate each other.

Look to the root

Consider whether there is a deeper reason for your constant quarrels. Not a small thing, but a major dissatisfaction that does not allow you to sleep peacefully and behave in a friendly manner. Analyze your feelings and ask your partner to do the same, and then calmly discuss the accumulated problems.

E it will most likely not be easy. I still remember with horror the most difficult conversations that began with the words of my young man: “Now tell me what fundamentally doesn’t suit you about me”. But, since that young man later became my husband, we can assume that they were still quite effective. When all the problems are clear and discussed, it will become clear how to solve them, what can be changed, and what will have to be accepted.

“Perhaps it will be possible to reach an agreement through some compromises: “I close my eyes to this and this in your behavior, and you don’t find fault with me on this and that issue.” Peace in the family can be restored if the spouses come to the conclusion that they are mutual more expensive than anger over shortcomings. But it may also happen that the only right decision is separation. At least this way everyone will have a chance to find a truly happy and harmonious relationship, and not suffer for the rest of their lives."– says Maria Pugacheva.

How to avoid?

But even if trivial quarrels do not have a serious underlying cause, they can really ruin the mood. Let's think about how to avoid them. Maria Pugacheva assures that Simply holding back your emotions is not the best solution. “This will only worsen the situation and make the relationship more and more tense,”– says the psychologist.

But you shouldn’t “pour” them on your partner either. Maria Pugacheva advises do not show emotions, but talk about them. “If you calmly and kindly explain to your “other half” what you don’t like about him and describe your emotions, this will be a powerful incentive for him to change for the better. At the same time you must definitely list a couple of those traits for which you love and respect him. And if you show emotions - get offended and raise your tone, you will only achieve exactly the same defensive response, and the matter will not move forward."– explained the psychologist.

I will add a number of techniques that allow you to end a trifling quarrel before it begins. All tips are self-tested.

  • Before you speak (or rather, shout), slowly count to ten. It's a banality, of course, but it works. After all, the first reaction is usually the most emotional and rarely the most thoughtful.
  • Find out when you and your loved one have “bad” and “good” hours, do not start any discussions during the “bad” ones. At different times of the day we can be more or less vulnerable. It depends on various factors. Some are better left alone in the morning, others in the evening, some react sharply to everything when they are hungry, and almost everyone snaps if they are very busy. For example, the hardest time for me is morning. If I am hurt at this moment, the reaction can be unpredictable: I can cry, scream, or even throw something. My husband realized this a long time ago and only makes fun of me, calling me "morning monster" But it is not suitable for serious problems.
  • Together with your partner, come up with some kind of signal to end the quarrel. For example, a funny word or phrase - bombina kurgudu, quakozyabra or anti-sausage. If during a quarrel someone utters a conditional word, this means: “That’s it, time out, I’m starting to get excited, we’ll discuss the problem later.”
  • Turn the conversation into a joke. Humor generally greatly extinguishes anger. Sometimes I try to continue to be angry in such situations, but a treacherous smile creeps onto my face against my will. At the same time, I remember how much I love my husband for his sense of humor.
  • Speak in a whisper. The main problem with quarrels is that they are a vicious circle. You raise your voice, your husband raises it, you raise it even more... and so on. As a result, both scream and no one hears each other. Try to behave exactly the opposite - speak more quietly. The partner will have to listen, and he will unconsciously also switch to a whisper. But it’s quite difficult to swear seriously in such a tone.

Have you ever encountered such a problem in a relationship? How do you prevent quarrels?

How to stop quarreling over trifles?

There are disagreements in every family, you cannot do without it. Everyone quarrels: children, teenagers, parents, wives and husbands. Every time there is a reason for the dispute and its consequences. The worst thing is if quarreling occur between husband and wife, gradually developing into a serious conflict.

It often happens like this: a young family solves everyday difficulties and simply lives. And quarrels seem to appear out of nowhere.

For example, a husband goes to another city for work and calls his wife every day.

And then for some reason the calls become less frequent, he makes friends with whom he has fun. His wife, naturally, expects at least a call from him in the evening, but he simply forgets about her.

Just think, I didn’t call her, I’m just tired! - that’s what my husband thinks.

And it won’t even occur to him that the girl will be upset to such an extent that she won’t be able to sleep all night.

How could he go to bed, and even turn off the phone, without talking to me and asking how I was doing?! – the wife will worry all night.

Of course, she would call him in the morning herself and ask him what happened. But different thoughts will pop into her head, and not all of them will be pleasant. The husband does not understand what the claims are against him, and the wife is offended.

Then mutual grievances will begin, they will interfere with the relationship, and it remains to be seen how it will all end, because trust will begin to disappear.

At first glance, it will seem that there is no serious reason for the quarrels. But the “center of conflict” in this case will be the husband’s behavior. He does not want to understand that his inattention to small things offends his wife. She remembers him and will never go to bed if she doesn’t know how his day went.

A woman may not be interested in her husband if she no longer has the same feelings for him. Therefore, as soon as her husband forgets to call her or at least send her an SMS, she, by her logic, understands everything unambiguously: he has a new hobby, and now he doesn’t need her!

A husband, if he finds out about such women’s thoughts, will not even understand on what basis they appeared in principle. But do not forget that a woman lives by love and for the sake of this feeling, but for a man everything is different. If you don’t know how a man loves, be sure to read this interesting information.

But a woman can make mistakes, because men are structured completely differently, and their logic is very different from women’s. Therefore, the most important thing to do is to simply talk and find the cause of the conflict. Otherwise, the wife will come up with so many things and spin them in her head...

In this case, there was a cooling of relations between the spouses, since they both live at a distance from each other. And now both are rethinking their family life and getting used to it.

When quarrels in the family begin for no apparent reason, simply because of trifles, then a serious problem lies at the heart of these conflicts. For example, there is a closed topic between a husband and wife that both do not want to talk about.

Maybe some old grudge from many years ago, or even the fear of losing each other. The husband forgot about this long ago, but the wife did not!

If a wife does not trust her husband, and he does not believe her words, this can also be a cause of disagreement.

When you realize that a quarrel may soon begin, ask yourself a simple question: what exactly are you trying to achieve? What exactly do you want? Why You Need It?

Remember that any quarrels in the family are a snowball. Once they start happening on a regular basis, no one knows what consequences this may lead to in the future. And these consequences can be serious, up to a complete breakdown of relationships and family breakdown.

You, of course, know that it is easier to put out a fire before it breaks out.

In any dispute, one word spoken with anger in a fit of anger can ignite your ordinary quarrel into a global conflict, when a calm conversation turns into shouting.

And that’s all, here all the insults that the spouses have inflicted on each other in recent years will be remembered. Words spoken in a fit of anger will remain after the quarrel is over. It will be very difficult to forget them. And they will then become the cause of the next quarrel. The result will be a vicious circle when in a family one conflict begins to feed another.

Therefore, do not forget one simple rule: always think what you say. Don't put each other down with words. After all, they can hurt the person you love more than a knife. And such a “weapon” that you plant in a person’s heart will cause an incurable wound.

It will, of course, drag on over time, but the heart will be more vulnerable than before.

And you will no longer be treated with the same trust as you once were.

And who is to blame for this? Only you, because you were too cruel to your significant other.

A heart that is hurt by a loved one in this way can not only hurt, it can be torn apart along with your soul. Many women know about this, but men don’t even suspect it.

And then they wonder why his wife leaves him for someone else. Any woman has a limit of patience, after which there is no return to previous feelings.

During a conflict, you cannot cross certain boundaries if you do not want a complete break in the relationship in the future. You cannot humiliate a person, call him names, compare him with others.

For example, a wife shouts at her husband: “Everyone’s husband helps with the housework, but you just sit in the garage with your friends, your hands won’t fall off if you at least take out the trash!”

Why do this, what will you achieve by doing this?

It’s better to talk to your husband in a calm atmosphere and explain to him how hard it is for you to carry not only children, but also the entire household, and at the same time go to work and perform all the responsibilities around the house.

A man cannot be such a blockhead as not to understand this!

Simple human conversation always brings results.

Children, if they happen to be nearby at such a moment, will receive psychological trauma, and then this will affect your life.

The reproaches with which spouses attack each other gradually kill love. Are you constantly reproached and accused of something? You naturally become defensive.

An invisible wall appears between you, which gradually becomes so thick that it is impossible to hear behind it what they are trying to tell you. What kind of love is there?

The abuse that spouses exchange can not only affect their relationship, but it will certainly affect their children. Your children will perceive this pattern of behavior in the family as normal, and then transfer it to their spouse when they grow up and start a family themselves.

Any quarrel does not exist on its own. It is a consequence of a problem that is hidden deep, deep. Tension gradually builds up between husband and wife, and instead of just talking, they quarrel.

For example, financial issues, jealousy or misunderstanding are the reasons why you are constantly nervous. Because of money problems, a man loses all desire to have sex, he becomes bitter and may even yell at his wife.

If you don’t like the way your husband treats you, tell him, explain clearly and intelligibly “on your fingers” what is very important to you and what you would like to receive from him. Most likely, for a man, everything you tell him will be a revelation.

After all, something like this had never even occurred to him. He'll be surprised when he finds out!

During quarreling both people who participate in it behave according to strange rules that they themselves came up with. For example, wife ready to shout out all my complaints, and husband suddenly falls silent and simply refuses to speak. He believes that everything is useless and no one hears him. Or the wife begins to remain silent, and she does this for several days in a row.

One of the spouses is ready to apologize for being wrong. And the other one is not going to do this at all. The stubbornness of the husband may clash with the exact same stubbornness of the wife, especially if she or he happens to be melancholic.

The temperaments of the spouses are of great importance, because, for example, a choleric person starts half a turn and will never ask for forgiveness. And period!

If you find yourself in a situation that you don't like, and you both understand that things can go far, you need to urgently take action.

Think about this simple question: why are you quarreling?

There is a good reason for this, and it lies in your relationship. If you are afraid or don't even know how to talk to each other, try smoking a peace pipe. You need to sit down next to each other and talk in order to pull out the problems that have been accumulating inside both of you for years.

If there are conflicts in the family, it means that the spouses are hiding something in their souls from each other.

As long as any problem is hushed up, it will destroy your relationship from the inside. No problem - quarrels will disappear, because there will simply be no reason for them.

Learn to give in to one another, there is no need to prove that you are right with foam at the mouth. Try to treat each other more tolerantly, forgive and do not be angry with your loved one.

If dissatisfaction arises, tell us about it right away so that the problem does not go inside you and take root of resentment for many years. You even need to be able to be offended without destroying your relationship. Love can always melt the ice between you, you just have to fight and not offend each other.

We quarreled, which means we urgently need to make peace in order to return to good relations.

You can always fall in love with your spouse again, but to do this you need to try a little and work on your relationship.

December 28, 2014

How not to quarrel with a girl? In fact, quarrels arise in any couple. Some couples have more, some have less. Many people don’t understand why everything was so good, and now there are only quarrels. This is because people at the beginning of a relationship hide their negative qualities and show more positive qualities. That is, they wear certain invisible masks. But over time they relax. And character begins to emerge. Then the man and the girl suddenly start to dislike something, or they simply have different opinions and the inability to compromise and give in leads to quarrels. As one great man said: “a person who wants to create a happy family must be able to flatter and compromise.” So, what is a quarrel? After all, in order to fight the enemy, you must first understand him. And so litter is a negative emotional outburst. How to deal with this? Let's consider several options:

Frank, in-depth communication – you should communicate more openly with your significant other. No matter what you are mistaken and can understand that your conversation is frank, then in a frank conversation you do not hesitate to name each other’s negative qualities. That is, you know your negative qualities, for example, you are sloppy, or nervous, or hot-tempered. And when a girl doesn’t tell you about these shortcomings, but tells you that everything is fine with you, then most likely this is not a frank conversation. She's just flattering you.

Give in - you need to understand whether this or that misunderstanding of each other is worth a quarrel? Or might it be better to give in? If you are 5 minutes late for a date and you see that your girlfriend is already nervous, it is easier to apologize than to tell her that this is your first time, and she has already been late 10 times. I repeat, you need to give in, but within reason. If you give in a lot, then most likely the girl will climb out on your head and dangle her legs. It is unlikely that you will enjoy such a union.

Be able to discharge yourself - you must be able to put your negativity somewhere. Namely, you don’t need to bring negativity from the outside world into your relationship. Well, let’s say a trivial situation - you are dating a girl, and before that you were scolded by your boss at work. You come on a date already turned on, and then the girl has her own problems. This situation can lead to conflict. Therefore, before coming to your beloved, you can talk about it to your friends, or go in for sports. For example, doing pull-ups. And stress will be relieved and health will improve.

What to do if the conversation is conflictual? – if you know that you and your girlfriend are about to have a conflict conversation. Then you must understand that it is very important to find the right time for such a conversation. It is advisable to choose a time when you are in a state of calm. It is advisable to prepare for this conversation and find arguments that will confirm your point of view. So that the girl can understand why you think the way you do and not the way she does. She will be very pleased that you did not hesitate to explain yourself and most likely your opinion will be in line with your general opinions.

My advice to you: Try and don’t be shy to communicate more with the girl. Try to consult with her more on this or that situation, but you make the decisions. You are a man. And you must be decisive. Girls love confident and decisive guys. But it is still necessary to inform the girl and talk about certain decisions.

This question brought you to my blog for a reason. Frequent swearing leads not only to frustration between a guy and a girl, but also to serious crises in relationships. There is probably no couple who doesn’t swear at all. In a relationship, in some situation, certain disagreements arise that need to be resolved. Your point of view does not coincide with the point of view of your girlfriend. There are no people who would agree on everything and would agree with each other’s every whim. Even if there are such people, then all the same, their desire to be the main one in the relationship, or simply whims or a sense of pride and power in a couple, will ultimately lead to these very quarrels.

Over the years, a man and a woman must get used to each other. This can be compared to the gears with teeth in a watch mechanism. When people start dating, they circle around and don't even touch. But the relationship is getting stronger and these gears begin to rub against each other. The man has his own teeth with unique patterns, and the woman has her own. They cannot immediately begin to rotate in one beat, like in a watch mechanism. With every quarrel, these teeth break, this is called “grinding in” in a relationship. In the end, the couple begins to understand each other in almost everything and quarrels become less common than at first. The two gears rubbed against each other and formed identical patterns. This pair has been ground in and passed the test. Such a couple can only expect a happy future together in the future. I also recommend reading the article What do our wives want from us?

But people are different and their character is different. There are couples in which the guy is the clear leader in the relationship and has a very complex character. And the girl, on the contrary, is very soft and vulnerable. After every quarrel, the girl begins to harbor resentment and have a hard time experiencing these moments. In such cases, you should try to avoid quarrels without good reasons and try to resolve everything peacefully and without shouting. Over time, all this will pass when the couple gets used to each other. But so that this time does not lead to big problems in relationships and unnecessary tears of the girl, you need to adhere to certain rules.

So, how to stop arguing with a girl?

1. Try to listen to the girl and understand the whole essence of her problem and dissatisfaction. Women like to speak not directly, but to come from afar. This is their essence and nature. There is no need to get angry about it, just try to listen to her and understand.

2. If some dispute can be avoided without a scandal, you should not miss this opportunity. Just sit down and talk. Learn to find compromises in any disputes if you have not come to an understanding of each other on this issue.

3. Everything old remains in the past. Get this into your head and your girlfriend's. There is no need to trample the same swamp several times, this will only lead to unnecessary grievances and frayed nerves. Live in the present and discuss only the present.

4. During quarrels, it often happens that the girl begins to cry. Many guys behave incorrectly in such situations and begin to put further pressure on their beloved, proving that they are right. This will only make the situation worse. Use your power and hug your girlfriend and caress her trying to calm her down. This will express your true masculine strength in this situation.

Now you know, how not to argue with a girl. I hope these tips are useful to you. Learn to do without quarrels and not get on the nerves of yourself and your loved one. If your chosen one is truly special, then all your efforts aimed at her will return to you with interest.

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I disagree. I am categorically against swearing, shouting and quarreling, especially in public places. I can’t understand when we women managed to learn how to swear with men while walking along a busy street? When did you agree to put on ugly masks of grumpiness on your beautiful faces and justify their presence? A woman may be beautiful in anger, but only when she is silent. At this moment, her eyes, throwing lightning, are truly attractive. Don’t you think that these eyes, reflecting anger and alluring in their own way, are quite enough for your companion to understand you? The mouth and the entire oval of the face in negative emotions are ugly.

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