How often should you bathe a child under one year old - useful tips. When can you bathe a newborn? How many times should you wash a newborn baby?

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Babies love bathing. It gives the little ones the joy of movement and allows parents to fully toilet the child. This is extremely important for his well-being and the prevention of skin diseases. A baby's skin is more sensitive and delicate; its acidity (pH) is lower than that of an adult, so it is difficult to resist the effects of bacteria and fungi. Scuffs and diaper rash occur easily.

Also, children's skin contains a lot of water and little fat, which makes it easier for harmful substances to penetrate into their body. These features dictate the need for daily bathing, especially for children in the first six months of life. A water procedure, accompanied by cheerful conversations and songs, will not only harden and strengthen the child’s immunity, but also establish an emotional connection with parents.

When to start bathing

You can bathe healthy, full-term babies every day immediately after discharge from the hospital, being careful not to wet the umbilical wound so as not to cause inflammation, or after the navel has completely healed, when all the crusts have disappeared (on average, this happens in the second or third week of life). If you decide to wait for the navel to heal, during this period, wipe the baby’s skin, especially the folds, with a cotton swab moistened with warm water and baby soap, then use another cotton swab to rinse off the soap and blot the moisture from the baby’s body. Which tactic is better to choose is up to you. To be completely sure of the right choice, consult your pediatrician.

If you decide to wash your baby immediately after leaving the hospital, use boiled water. It is prepared and cooled to the desired temperature in advance. To disinfect water, use a solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve several crystals completely in a glass of warm boiled water. Add a few drops of the resulting solution to the bath until a faint pink tint appears. Be careful not to add too much solution, it can dry out children's skin and, in high concentrations, cause burns. Make sure that the unhealed navel is not immersed in water, and immediately after bathing, get it wet.

After the umbilical wound has healed, there is no need to boil the water for bathing. The bath is filled with ordinary tap water at the required temperature. It is not recommended to wash your child every day in herbal decoctions, mineral salts or potassium permanganate solution, since frequent use of these additives dries the skin and can cause allergic reactions. Use them only for medicinal purposes, after consulting with your doctor. If a child has skin problems (it is dry and prone to peeling), then it is better to use special bathing foams that already contain herbal extracts (chamomile, calendula) that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Where and what to swim in

In the bathroom or kitchen? Each family decides this issue individually, based on its living conditions. The main thing is that the room is draft-free. The optimal air temperature for swimming is about 24-26 degrees C, but not lower than 21 degrees C. The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees C (check with a thermometer, not your elbow!). Higher degrees can lead to overheating of the baby, he will begin to be capricious, and bathing will turn from a pleasant procedure into a whole problem. In colder water, the child will freeze, which also does not bode well.

Traditionally, the baby is bathed in a baby bath (galvanized metal, enameled or plastic, anatomical or not). It should be used only for bathing and not used for other household purposes (do not wash in it, do not soak clothes). It is convenient when she stands on a stable support, which allows her not to bend low towards the child, otherwise the mother’s back will get tired. Before bathing, pour boiling water over the bath. Of course, you can wash your child in an “adult” bath, but before each bath, be sure to treat it with regular soda or a special detergent intended for children’s baths.

Bath time

You can bathe your baby at any time of the day (try to do this together with your husband or grandmother to be on the safe side), but experience shows that it is best to carry out water procedures in the evening (around 20:00), before feeding, so that after it a well-fed and clean baby can sleep peacefully . At the same time, dads who work during the day get the opportunity to communicate with the baby and cuddle him. If the mother thinks that evening bathing excites the child before bedtime, then arrange “washings” in the afternoon. The duration of bathing changes with age. Newborn babies should bathe for only 2-5 minutes, and at 3-4 months - 12-15 minutes.

What to prepare for bathing your baby:

  • soft terry towel or a terry sheet with a hood;
  • baby soap in a soap dish or special bathing product newborns. Use only these special products to wash your baby. They have an optimal acidity (pH) for children's skin, which protects the skin from excessive drying, and contain softening additives - glycerin, lanolin, etc. It is recommended to use soap in small quantities and no more than 2-3 times a week. On other days, they simply bathe the baby in water;
  • Use it sponge or terry mitten made from soft natural materials, or you can soap the baby just with your palm;
  • baby cream;
  • a jar of cotton balls ;
  • water jug. Having filled the bathtub with water, scoop it out with a jug and place it somewhere nearby so that at the end of the bath you can rinse the child with this water, which has cooled down by about a degree. This procedure is an element of hardening;
  • hair brush with thick soft bristles or a comb with blunt edges;
  • water thermometer ;
  • thermometer for measuring air temperature ;
  • in advance, on a separate surface where you will dress the baby, lay it out clothes;
  • You can place special devices in the bathtub to support the child - a hammock, "slide" etc. They are especially convenient for the first days of bathing, while the mother does not yet have the necessary dexterity.

Don't forget to wash your hands with soap before bathing your child. Keep your nails short and remove anything (rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) that could scratch your baby. When everything is ready, undress the child. If necessary, clean your baby's bottom and carefully, slowly, lower him into the water. There is no need to rush or make sudden movements, as the baby may get scared. Try to do everything carefully but confidently, talking quietly to him or humming a song. Carefully lower the child into the bath, supporting the head and shoulders with one hand (for example, your left), and at the level of the buttocks and thighs with the other (right).

Water safety

When bathing, you need to remember about the baby's safety. In a supine position, his head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the child in the area of ​​the shoulder joint by the baby’s shoulder outer from you. This way you protect your child from accidentally slipping out and diving under water. With your free hand you soap the baby. When lying on your stomach, your baby's chest is on your forearm; the palm of the same hand holds the shoulder farthest from you. With your free hand, you lather the child and secure him in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Scented soap and fluffy towel

You need to wash sequentially: neck, chest, stomach, arms and legs, back and only then head. Lather carefully, using massaging movements, so that the foam does not get into your eyes. Thoroughly rinse the folds of the neck, armpits, groin, elbows and knees. Be sure to open and wash your clenched fists, where exfoliated skin cells accumulate and may cause diaper rash.

The head is also washed carefully so that the foam does not get into the eyes. If a child's eyes are pinched, he will remember this trouble for a long time and will be capricious when he gets into the bathroom. You should wash your hair with water every day, because babies tend to sweat a lot, and wash it with baby soap or a special bathing product once a week so as not to dry out the scalp.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question at what age you can start using baby shampoo. Some experts believe that up to a year you should wash your hair only with baby soap, others - that from 3-6 months of age you can use shampoo. But everyone is unanimous on one thing - shampoo should only be for children, designed taking into account the structural features of the child’s skin and hair. Such products have a mild effect and do not sting the eyes.

Tilt the baby's head back, holding it with your palm. Pour water over your hair from the face to the back of your head and apply a few drops of shampoo to your hair. Lather and lightly massage the skin. Gently rinse off the foam using washing movements in the same direction. You can wipe your face with a damp cloth soaked in boiled water. If seborrheic crusts (another name for gneiss) have formed on the scalp, they must be softened by lubricating them with baby oil approximately 1 hour before bathing, and removed during bathing using a fine-toothed comb or brush.

The baby's perineum should be washed with soap and water. To avoid urinary tract infections, children should be washed from front to back, especially girls. For girls, thoroughly and carefully wash all the folds between the labia; for boys, gently wash the penis (without moving the foreskin), the scrotum, and then the area around the anus. Now you can rinse (front and back) the baby with water from the jug, which has cooled by about one degree.

Immediately after bathing, wrap your child in a terry towel and pat dry. It is necessary to get wet and not rub - first the head, then the body. The folds of the skin must be dried especially thoroughly. The auricle should be dried with gauze or a thin scarf. Then remove the wet towel and place the baby in a clean diaper. Lubricate all folds of the skin with baby oil applied to a cotton swab. Treat the inguinal and intergluteal folds with baby cream or a special cream for diapers. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then after bathing it needs to be blotted. Then drop 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide from the pipette, and remove excess liquid with a gauze pad or cotton swab. Treat the navel with another cotton swab moistened with a solution of brilliant green. Dress your baby and don't forget the cap. Do not remove it until your hair is dry. Next, the baby can be fed and put to bed.

When bathing is already habitual

By six months, the baby is already accustomed to washing as a pleasant ritual and looks forward to it. Bathing can now last 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to reduce the water temperature by several degrees - to 32-28 degrees C. At this age, children master the skill of sitting, so it is advisable to provide the bath with a special rubber mat so that the child does not slip or a special seat for the bath. Then, in addition to washing, the baby can be given the opportunity to splash in the bath and play with rubber or plastic toys.

Under no circumstances should you leave your child unattended in the bath!

He may reach for a toy and plop face down into the water, he may try to stand up, leaning on the side and fall forward or backward, he may lean over the side of the bathtub, trying to reach a toy thrown on the floor... The consequences can be dire, from fear of water after a sharp immersion in it, to serious head injury.

When the child has had enough of playing, slowly start washing. Calmly and carefully pour water over the baby’s body, talk to him affectionately. The bathing sequence remains the same. Washing your hair can become difficult due to the fact that the child begins to show “character” and refuses to throw his head back, turns it in different directions and it is inconvenient for you to lather it so that the foam does not get into your eyes. When washing off foam from a stubborn person, water, even without detergent, can get into the eyes and cause unpleasant sensations in them (stinging). The baby will begin to rub his eyes with his fists, cry, and refuse to wash himself.

To prevent these “small” troubles, you can use special protective visors, similar to the brim of a hat. They fit tightly on the head and prevent foam and water from getting into the eyes. At 12 months (if this has not happened earlier), you can move on to bathing in a large bath. Bathing time increases to 20 minutes or more. Babies are learning to walk and will try to walk in the bathtub. Therefore, in order to avoid slipping, it must have a safety feature - a rubber mat. It is also better to lay a special mat on the floor of the bathtub so that you also do not slip on the wet floor.

Attention to the child during water games should be doubled.

He can not only “dive” under water, but also reach out to various cosmetics and taste them. All unnecessary objects within the baby's reach should be removed. The taps should be on the opposite side of the child and tightly tightened so that he cannot reach them and turn on the hot water. The baby's hair is washed last. He is already sitting in the bathroom, leaning back (on your hand) and throwing his head back. Avoid getting soapy water in your eyes and ears. The water should flow from the forehead to the back of the head. Those who are especially fidgety can continue to wear a special visor.

Bathing two year olds

By the age of two, bathing turns into a fun game. A child frolics in the water, plays with toys, launches boats and splashes water, so rubber bath and floor mats are still relevant. Bathing at this age is best done in the evening after a walk. The baby moves a lot, plays outside in the sand, on the grass and comes home dirty. The air temperature in the bathroom can drop to 21 degrees C, but the water temperature remains the same - 32-28 degrees C. The duration of bathing increases to 30 minutes, since most of this time is spent on water games.

A two-year-old child is very inquisitive, he imitates adults, and actively acquires new skills. From this age you can start teaching your child to wash himself. Let him help his mother wash himself. Give him a small washcloth, and he will be happy to soap his hands and feet. And you, in the same sequence as before (neck, stomach, arms, legs, back, head), lather it. Do not leave your child unattended for a single second; do not be tempted to think that the baby has already grown up and attention can be weakened.

At this age, you can already use baby bath foam and baby bathing gel for bathing. Do not put cosmetic salts in a baby's bath, as they can cause allergic reactions on the baby's delicate skin. The use of soap increases to three times a week, depending on the degree of soiling of the child. Bathing also ends with a douse of clean water several degrees lower than the water in the bath. You can douse your little one with water from the shower.

It is recommended to gradually reduce the temperature of the water for dousing by 1 degree per week, bringing it to 21 degrees C. This will serve as a powerful hardening factor. After bathing, the baby is covered with a large terry towel or put on a robe and dried, including the head and natural folds. You can dress the child in the room, dry his hair with a hairdryer and comb it. Now get him ready for bed.

If a child is afraid of water...

Pour warm water into a large bowl and let him play in it with toys - bright waterfowl ducklings, baby frogs, plastic cups with which you can pour water back and forth. Let him splash his hands, gradually forgetting about his fear. Invite him to wash his handkerchief, his favorite car, doll dishes, or his favorite plastic toy. Together with him, wash the doll’s head, emphasizing that the doll is not afraid and does not cry. Blow bubbles, etc. As a last resort, replace bathing with rubbing for a while. Wipe your baby with a wet diaper so as not to aggravate his fear. Try to bathe your baby in another room without pouring a lot of water into the bath...

Bath toys

The retail chain today offers a great variety of bathing toys, from classic ducks, boats, splash toys, mechanical wind-up animals that can “swim” to rubber books for the bath. Children are happy to catch fish in the bathroom with a fishing rod or net, ride bears in a boat, they like to pour water from a watering can on themselves, on you, on the floor...

When can you bathe a newborn?

On what day to bathe a newborn depends on the condition of the baby’s umbilical wound. Previously, it was recommended to bathe a child only after the umbilical wound has healed. Most often this happens in the first or second week of a baby’s life. Before, in order to “wash” the baby and remove food debris and sweat from his body, you had to use high-quality wet wipes or a towel soaked in boiled water. Nowadays, bathing is allowed from the second day the baby is at home, that is, on the 5-7th day from the moment of birth.

Only your pediatrician can answer the exact question of when you can start bathing a newborn after examining the child.

What water should I bathe in?

It is believed that it is better to spend the baby’s first baths in boiled water (again, this rule is valid until the umbilical wound heals). Prepare the required amount of boiled water in advance and fill the bath with it. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy a special bath for the baby. A well-cleaned adult bathroom with sodium bicarbonate (or simply soda) is also suitable.

However, keep in mind that you will have to bathe and hold both a newborn boy and a newborn girl yourself. And leaning over a large adult bathtub is less comfortable than leaning over a children's bathtub that can be placed on a table. Additionally, filling an adult bathtub will require more water. The water temperature for the first swim should be 36°C. Hotter water temperatures can burn your baby's skin.

What to add to water?

If the water is soft enough and boiled, adding additional products is not necessary. It can even become dangerous if your child is prone to allergies.

You can only decide which grass to bathe your newborn in through trial and error. If, after bathing in a series, you notice that the child has become more excitable and his skin is rough, you will have to stop using this herb. On the contrary, if after bathing in chamomile infusion, the child falls asleep better and behaves more calmly, then this herb is suitable for you, and you can continue to use it. However, leave these experiments for when the baby is a little older.

What cosmetic products should I use?

There is not the slightest need to wash a newborn with special detergents during the first bath. Also save various sponges and washcloths for later. A baby's skin is incredibly vulnerable, one contact with tap water can be enough for it to break out in a rash, and if you also rub it with a washcloth, you can be sure that you will have a sleepless night.

How to hold a newborn during the first bath?

With your left hand, support the child by the back of the head and back, and with your right hand under the buttocks and legs. Can only be supported with your left hand. You will develop the correct support intuitively during the bath itself.

Who should bathe a newborn?

The person with whom the baby spends the most time and whom the baby trusts. So the candidacy of a dad whom the child sees one hour a day is probably not the most optimal. But a father who spends a lot of time with the child can successfully replace a mother who is already tired during the day.

Duration of the first bath of a newborn

Pediatricians recommend up to 10 minutes. But, if the first contact with water frightens your baby, and the calm tone of your voice does not relieve his stress, the baby should be taken out of the water earlier. And if the child really likes it in the water, You can swim longer, provided that the water does not get colder than 32 degrees. (In this case, stock up on an extra pan filled with warm boiled water so that, if necessary, you can add this water during bathing).

First bath of a newborn and signs

  1. According to popular belief, you cannot swim in the same water where a newborn has bathed, otherwise he will get sick, and you cannot wash clothes in it.
  2. In ancient times, a silver decoration (but not a cross) was placed in the bathing water; it was believed that this would bring wealth.
  3. If the baby was bathed in the evening, the water was not thrown out until the sun rose the next morning.

Probably, the biggest controversy, fears and concerns among young parents are caused by such a seemingly harmless process as bathing a newborn.

At the same time, disagreements arise at literally every stage of this procedure. To avoid debate, discontent and misunderstanding, let's look at the entire process in detail, trying to find a logical explanation for each postulate.

When to start bathing

First of all, it is very important to know when you can start bathing your newborn. The timing of the start of water procedures for a healthy child depends only on the date of the BCG vaccination. You can start bathing your baby no earlier than one day after vaccination.

What time of day to bathe

Swimming can take place at any time of the day. However, traditionally, evening hours are chosen for this, when parents can pay maximum attention to the process.

In addition, evening bathing is also beneficial because the water “washes away” all the stress from the child, helps him relax, soothes him and significantly increases his appetite before evening feeding. By the way, this is a very important point - bathing a newborn should occur immediately before feeding.

How often to bathe

As for the frequency of bathing, it is clearly determined that the baby should be bathed daily, since this is not only important, but also an element of the so-called “soft” one.

How long to bathe

Water procedures should begin with 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the bathing time to 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to continue water procedures longer if they take place in a room, because the small amount of water that is in it will cool down during this time.

What to bathe in

Another question that should be resolved before bathing is where to actually bathe a newborn: in a baby bath or in a large bathtub. The following arguments speak in favor of a baby bath:

  • it is easier to keep clean;
  • One parent can bathe the baby;
  • the bath can be placed on a stand in such a way that participants in the process do not have to bend down low.

However, a baby bath is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, it takes up a lot of space, and secondly, the baby will outgrow it very quickly.

What to add to water

Then, when the “organizational” issues have been resolved, we move on to more important and significant points. Pediatricians have not come to a consensus regarding the need to boil water for bathing and add a solution of potassium permanganate to the font.

Therefore, these preparatory activities are left to the parents. If parents are calmer when the water in which their baby will bathe has been boiled, and the pale pink solution inspires confidence that the water is absolutely safe for the umbilical wound, then no one will convince them otherwise.

However, it should be remembered that the potassium permanganate solution is prepared in a separate container and only then, through gauze folded several times, is added to the bath. This is necessary to avoid crystals of potassium permanganate getting into the bath, which can cause burns to both the skin of the newborn and the mucous membranes of the eyes.

What to prepare for swimming

Before starting bathing, you should check that the room is heated to 22-24˚C, the water is at a temperature of 37˚C, a one and a half liter jug ​​is prepared, there is baby soap, baby oil and cotton swabs.

How to bathe a newborn

Let's move on to the bathing process itself. We undress the child in the room where the bathing will take place. We lower it into the water, holding the head and back with our left hand, and the legs and buttocks with our right hand.

We lower the newborn into the water carefully, holding it so that the head and shoulders are above the surface of the water. We rinse the baby’s hands and arms, then the feet and legs.

We pour water on the tummy, not forgetting to pay special attention to the cervical, axillary and inguinal folds. Once a week, wash the baby’s back with soap, turning him over on his stomach and lifting him above the water.

Using Soap and Shampoo

It should be emphasized that chemicals should not be abused. Two or three baths with soap per week are enough. In this case, you should choose baby soap with a neutral pH level. Instead of soap, you can use oatmeal, which is placed in a linen bag every time before bathing.

What to do after swimming

After bathing the newborn, rinse the newborn with water from a jug and place him on a diaper with a terry towel, not wiping, but blotting (you should start from the head).

Then we treat the folds with baby oil. If there is , . Next, we dress the baby, also starting from the head.

Cheat sheet for moms

You can bathe your baby one day after the BCG vaccination.

You need to bathe your baby before feeding.

The air temperature in the room is 22-24˚С.

Water temperature - 37˚С.

The first bath time is 2-3 minutes. In the future, 5-10 minutes.

Baby soap is used 2-3 times a week.

Shampoo is used from 3-4 months once a week.

After birth, a long-awaited child makes many changes in the life of its parents. Moms and dads, when faced with their child, are often at a loss, not knowing how to behave or what to do with a new family member. It is worth reassuring particularly nervous parents - such an emotional storm occurs everywhere, because they are faced with many questions regarding caring for the baby, especially if the child is their first. What to feed and when? How to calm down? How often should you bathe your newborn baby? All these questions swarm in our heads and give us no rest.

Clean baby

From this publication you can learn the basic rules of hygiene and also get an answer to the question of how often to bathe a newborn baby. Pediatricians recommend giving your baby a full bath every day. Some may find this advice strange, because why wash a child if he doesn’t get dirty? But at this age, water procedures not only perform the function of cleansing the skin of impurities, but also promote harmonious physical development, muscle relaxation, and relieve nervous tension in the child. In addition, water procedures are a great way to harden your baby.

The first "swim". When is the right time to start water treatments with your baby?

Many parents are frightened by the process itself, and the first bath turns into real stress for all participants in the exercise. The baby reacts very sharply to changes in the mother’s mood, so she must control herself and, if there are doubts about whether she will be able to carry out such a procedure on her own at first, it is best to enlist the support of a loving grandmother, a more experienced friend or a visiting nurse. They will be able to show you clearly, tell you the main details regarding the microclimate in the room and tell you how often to bathe a newborn baby.

The first swim is a baptism of fire. It is very important to provide for all the nuances and initially carry out water procedures correctly. The child in the womb was in an aquatic environment, so swimming is partly familiar to him, but another thing is that it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions as similar as possible to amniotic waters.

Many people argue about the first time at home, whether it should be done on the first day after discharge, what water will be best for the baby, what temperature in the room is most suitable.

And it is at this moment that the first generational conflict appears. According to the recommendations developed by leading pediatricians of the country and the world, the baby’s first acquaintance with water should be done on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital (an exception may be if the child was vaccinated on the same day). Previously, they actually followed a different tactic, and mothers carried out a similar hygienic procedure after the navel fell off. Of course, this is a purely individual question, and everyone has the right to independently decide how to care for their own child, but bathing immediately after birth is a normal process.

According to pediatric standards, the temperature in the room should be within +22 0 ... 23 0 C for full-term babies; those who were born a little premature should not be overcooled, so it is best to warm the room to +25 0 ... 26 0 C Water also has different temperature values. A healthy, strong baby will be quite comfortable at +37...38 0 C, while a premature baby needs to raise this value by a couple of units. But under no circumstances should you use too hot water. Overheating has a detrimental effect on the baby’s health, because his thermoregulation is not as developed as in adults.

The water is cold, from a well...

A lot of controversy arises not only about how often to bathe a newborn baby, but also what kind of water to use. There is no clear answer to this question. To be on the safe side, doctors advise using boiled water during the first month of life to disinfect it. By this time, the umbilical wound will probably have completely healed, and from now on it will be possible to bathe the baby in tap water.

If you are one hundred percent sure of the purity of the water, you can not boil it, but add a few granules of potassium permanganate to it, slightly coloring it pale pink. A concentrated solution can cause chemical burns to delicate skin, so under no circumstances should you use a lot of permanent potassium!

But herbal decoctions are a remedy that has been proven not only by time and many generations, but also approved by doctors. It is worth considering the different properties of herbs, since some dry out the skin (chamomile), some relieve irritation (chain, calendula), and others have sedative properties (mint, special soothing herbs). Before using them, it is better to consult with your local pediatrician or your doctor.

A little bit of good stuff

No matter how useful it is to swim, you need to know in moderation in everything. First of all, this concerns the question of how much to bathe a newborn. The first days are purely symbolic, and bathing takes no more than five minutes. But over time it can be made longer. And when the baby grows up, sits independently, is in the water with great pleasure and can play for a long time, then spending 20-30 minutes in the bathroom is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Important points

How many times to bathe a newborn depends on the season. It is impossible to ensure a stable temperature in the house all year round. It’s rare that anyone can boast of a warm home when it’s freezing outside. And if this is a problem for a child, he does not like such coolness, he gets very cold after swimming, it is not at all necessary to do water procedures every day.

In summer, to relieve the heat, you can splash in cool water not only before bed, but several times during the day. Many people are concerned that frequent bathing can dry out the baby's skin. But in reality this is not the case. The main thing is not to overdo it with detergents.

It is better not to use even specially designed children's soaps, foams and shampoos more than once a week, and after bathing you can use moisturizers.

Immediately after returning from the maternity hospital, young parents are faced with many questions regarding child care. The baby needs to be fed, put to bed, dressed and, of course, bathed. The latter causes a lot of difficulties and even fears for those who hold a tiny person in their arms for the first time.

Indeed, bathing a newborn baby is a responsible matter. After how many days can I switch to water treatments? How should a baby be held correctly so that both he and his parents feel comfortable and safe? What should the water temperature be? Do you need to bathe your baby every day?

How long can it be kept in water? Is bathing a boy and a girl different? As you can see, there are a huge number of questions – and all of them need answers. This is what we will do now so that the baby’s first bath will bring joy to all family members.

Since the first month after returning from the maternity hospital, the baby will still be the same fragile creature who is so afraid of harm, parents should definitely listen to all the recommendations of specialists.

To be more confident, it would be a good idea to invite your grandmother or someone who is well versed in the matter to the newborn’s first bath. However, this does not have to be done every time; let taking water procedures become your favorite family activity for at least the next two to three years.


The first bath of a newborn can take place on the very first day after returning from the hospital. Naturally, each case is deeply individual, so do not forget to discuss this issue with your pediatrician upon discharge.

Some parents believe that there is no need to take risks and immediately move on to water procedures, because for the first time the child found himself outside a relatively sterile environment, and even spent some time on the street, albeit short.

No matter what you decide, you will still need to treat your baby's belly button. Well, of course, you can’t wait a month before deciding to swim - pull yourself together, it will be very interesting!

Remember the important rules:

  • You should never bathe your baby immediately after eating. A sufficiently long time must pass - after two hours it will be quite normal;
  • the child must be in a good mood. There is no need to keep a crying or naughty baby in the water - this is bad for both him and you.

How often should you bathe your newborn? At first, the child is bathed every day. This is necessary for complete care of the baby’s skin; an important element is hardening, which occurs simultaneously. It will take more than one month before you can switch to bathing every other day - usually this happens somewhere after six months.

If necessary, bathing in the bath can be replaced by wiping with a damp diaper or sponge. It is important to carefully handle all folds. This usually happens in the first month if the navel does not heal well.

Also, an unstable life schedule can make adjustments to water procedures. In any case, always do what is best for the baby.

Of course, all of the above applies to cases when the child is completely healthy.

What do we need for swimming?

First of all, everyone understands that it is wrong to bathe a newborn child in a common bath; he should take his first water procedures in a special baby bath, which no one else will use except him. This is required not only for hygiene reasons, but also for your own convenience.

The first month of bathing will not last long, but the baby will need to be supported. You can purchase a special slide that holds it in the desired position. However, it is better to start using it after about a month, when the baby gets stronger. And it’s best to “move” into a large bath after a year.

The bath must be carefully looked after, washed after and before bathing, and doused with boiling water.

What else do we need? Of course, this soap and shampoo are for children. In the first month, it is already very important to wash the baby’s hair well. The shampoo should not irritate your eyes - choose the “tear-free” option.

A washcloth for a child under one year old should be very soft. Some people do without it altogether, and in the first month you can wash the baby with a piece of cloth or even cotton wool.

To prevent your newborn’s first bath at home from turning into constant running around for what you forgot to take with you, prepare for it in advance and think through all the points.

Many parents bathe him in a weak solution of potassium permanganate throughout the first month of his baby’s life. This makes sense, because this is how the water is disinfected. However, you need to monitor the condition of your skin - it can become dry. It is also very important that water with potassium permanganate does not get into your mouth.

Here you can remember herbs. For example, infusions of chamomile, calendula, and coltsfoot have long been added to newborns’ baths. These are all natural antiseptics and sedatives at the same time. You shouldn’t forget about herbs if your baby is overly restless and doesn’t sleep well.

Another important item is a water thermometer. Its temperature must be maintained at a certain level, which must be constantly monitored. We'll talk about this point a little later.

Don't forget to bring a convenient ladle with which you will water your baby, and a large warm bath towel.

So, a sample list is:

  • bath;
  • cosmetics for washing;
  • washcloth;
  • thermometer;
  • potassium permanganate, herbal infusions;
  • ladle;
  • towel.

After the maternity hospital, you will need to treat your child’s navel for some time until it heals completely and all the crusts come off. You should always keep everything you need ready for this. You also need baby cream, powder and diapers with clothes. Be sure to choose all of this in advance so that your baby doesn't get cold while you frantically rummage through the closet.

About temperature

As mentioned above, the correct temperature is very important. Indoors it should be no higher than 23, but not less than 20 degrees. This condition must be observed not only for babies, but also for children after one year.

The water temperature at first is about 37 degrees. Afterwards it can be gradually reduced, bringing it to 30-33.

What water should I bathe my newborn in? Initially only boiled. Cool it in advance to the desired temperature. After the umbilical wound has healed, you can start using tap water. Herbal infusions will help make it softer and disinfect it.

Bathing procedure

Let's talk directly about how to properly bathe a newborn baby.

To begin, the baby must be completely undressed. Let him lie like this for a while, talk to him, play, give him a light massage. These are a kind of air baths that every child loves very much. In addition, they are incredibly useful and promote hardening.

Then take the baby in your arms and gently gradually lower him into the water. In this case, the head should not submerge. It is recommended to hold it on the bend of your elbow.

However, this is not very convenient - it turns out to be a difficult test for any back and lower back. Therefore, each mother adapts differently. Most people support the head with their left hand and wash the baby with their right.

Boys and girls are bathed in the same way, paying great attention to the genitals and bottom. Actually, these are the only places that get dirty regularly at first; the rest of the body just sweats. However, both boys and girls should not overuse soap and shampoo.

It is enough to wash your hair once a week, and sometimes less often. Soap is also not for daily use, it is best to alternate - once with it, once or twice without it.

Be sure to monitor the condition of your skin while doing this. A girl's perineum must be thoroughly washed. To do this, it is best to use cotton pads. In a boy, it is necessary to clean the fold under the foreskin.

Use a sponge or hand to clean all folds of the skin - sweat accumulates in them and irritation may occur. For both girls and boys, clean the areas behind the ears, under the arms, and in the groin.

Water temperature is an indicator that must be monitored constantly. As soon as it starts to drop, add warm water or finish the water treatment.

After taking your baby out of the bath, dry all the skin thoroughly so that there is no moisture left anywhere. At the same time, the temperature in the room must also remain appropriate so that the child is comfortable. Newborns need to treat the navel, all babies under one year old need to treat the necessary areas with cream if necessary.

At the same time, you should not keep your child naked for a long time; dress him immediately, even if the temperature remains high, he can still freeze.

The time after swimming is the best time to eat. The baby is happy and relaxed, gets his dinner and calmly falls asleep. If he is over a year old, he is guaranteed to sleep through the night.

Duration of bathing

The first bath after the hospital lasts about 5 minutes. This time is enough to wash the baby, and the water temperature will not have time to change. Then each time the time can be gradually increased. Every month, children bask in the water for 20 minutes, and for about a year, when they confidently sit and stand, it’s already more than half an hour.

We answered the question of young parents about when to bathe a newborn. After some time, moms and dads master the procedure perfectly and begin to make adjustments themselves that will make the process more convenient and enjoyable.

How much to bathe an older child is also the choice of parents, because they know their child better. The main thing is to do this before meals and always in a good mood, because this is the task of parents - to make their boy or girl happy.

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