The seventh month of life - educational games for the baby. Educational games for children aged seven months Games and toys for children aged 7 months

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Based on the physical skills of your baby, parents should come up with certain games for development and select toys. At this age, many children are already sitting, albeit unsteadily, some are crawling or standing against a support, so it is very important to determine for yourself a play area where you will work with your child.

Educational games for 7 month old babies

Simple story games are suitable:

  • give the child a toy in each hand and offer to take the third one;
  • cover the toy with a diaper and offer to find it;
  • put small items in a large box or jar;
  • all finger games, “Ladushki” and others;
  • games with pyramids and large cubes.

How to properly develop a child at 7-8 months?

Parents must understand that it is necessary to develop both mental abilities and physical and psychological ones. The concept of how to develop a child at 7 months must necessarily include games, exercises, walks, communication, and household procedures.

We list the most suitable developmental activities for children 7 months old:

Psychologists at this age recommend not limiting the child’s development and offering him, in addition to toys, any safe household items. For example, in the kitchen you can entertain your baby by inviting him to play with dishes, plastic bottles with caps, bowls with lids of different sizes, cereals, pasta, etc. Walk more often and lead an active and varied lifestyle. The main thing is to be with the child all the time in order to share with him the joy of learning about the world.

At four months, your baby is still very tiny, but has already learned a lot. He is increasingly showing curiosity, which means it’s time to start developing it, which, however, is very easy for any loving mother to do at home, without anyone’s help.

Baptism involves great responsibility and an important part of the spiritual education of a child. Today, parents think about the true purpose of godparents, and therefore often realize that they do not see suitable candidates among their circle. Then the question arises, is it possible to do without godparents?

At 8 months, the baby is already quite smart, understands a lot, can do a lot, and certainly wants to learn even more. Exploring your apartment turns into a restless run on all fours through absolutely every corner of your home! Let's look at what needs to be done with a baby at this age.

By the end of the baby's first year, parents can happily boast of their baby's numerous achievements. In just 11 months, the child has simply changed and grown amazingly, and now he is already a real little person! Let's look at what eleven-month-old babies can do.

How to develop a child at 7-8 months: what games, toys and educational activities do children need at this age?

The first six months of your baby’s life have flown by in a flash. Your child’s successes make you happy more and more often, and development work becomes more noticeable and effective.Today we will talk about what activities are suitable for a 7 month old baby.

The baby's conservative principles are becoming more and more obvious to the mother - the child shows reluctance to eat from a new plate, listen to a different lullaby than the usual mother's lullaby before bed, or begins to protest against fixing the toy on the other side of the stroller. Repeat and consolidate completed exercises and games more often, sing your favorite songs and nursery rhymes - this will create a favorable atmosphere for introducing new types of activities that await him this month.

At 7-8 months, the baby’s character is actively developing - the mother may notice that the child becomes attached to his toys and things, and may resist some changes in diet or games

Different but wonderful kids

It is worth clarifying and recalling that not all seven-month-old babies develop in the same way. Some at this age are actively trying to stand up with support and are already sitting on their own, while others are still happy with the lying position. Don't worry - it's all about the temperament of each child, and not at all about the level of physical fitness and speed of development. Curious children, who initially show great activity and mobility, master new skills earlier than their peers: they learn to roll over, crawl, sit up, and walk.

Your child’s lack of desire to sit down should not bother you - continue to do the exercises regularly and very soon you will see the invaluable benefits of such exercises. By 8 months or a little later, the child must learn to sit up on his own. To be calm and remove all suspicions, just visit a neurologist for an unscheduled examination.

Development of motor activity

  • Buy rubber toys for your child. so that he has the opportunity to chew and gnaw on them. You can buy such toys at any pharmacy.
  • Feel free to send your child to explore the apartment. Don’t worry about possible dirt: developing your own immunity is an important condition for a full life.
  • Place your baby on his stomach often. if he does not show dissatisfaction. Strengthen your baby's legs more often by placing him on the floor or on your lap, holding him by the armpits.

Stimulate the desire to crawl by using brightly colored toys, and if attempts to crawl fail, use your hands to support the legs from behind so that the child can push off with his legs and move forward. The optimal distance to remove the toy is an outstretched child's hand, but so that only the tips of the fingers reach the toy. Continue the exercise until the child reaches the toy.

Object manipulation

It’s good to put together a special box with items and toys for your baby. The child will be happy to explore the contents of the box, laying out objects, and over time he will learn to put everything back. Such a box will interest the baby for 1-2 years. Here are some examples of what should be put in a magic box:

  • Household and household items. It will be interesting for a child to touch, sort through and sort spoons, cups and plates made of wood, plastic or metal. Knocking and throwing, performing various manipulations - all this is very necessary and useful for the child.
  • Wind-up toys. Such toys will be doubly interesting to the baby if additional functions are added to their mechanical winding: sound, light. For example, a dog turns its head, and a duckling quacks.
  • Mirror. Of course, the mirror must be plastic and safe. With its help, the child will be able to “find himself” in this world.
  • Rubber squeak toys. With their help, the baby will develop and strengthen his fingers by pressing on toys and making them make sounds.
  • Toys on a string. Small wheeled gurneys can be pulled by a string and watched as they move forward. Show your child how to play with a car or train - he will definitely love it.
  • Developmental centers. Large play centers with large buttons and keys are needed to teach your baby simple but useful actions: hitting, pulling, shaking.
  • Mobiles. Show your child how the performance of one action “pulls” the following: for example, they pull one object, and another is set in motion. You can attach various toys to such mobiles. Learning the effectiveness of one's actions occurs by attracting or grasping objects.
  • The simplest rattles will help develop the sense of touch. Encourage your child to take the rattle and hold it in his hand for about 2-3 minutes. Make sure that the work of the fist is accompanied by the correct positioning of the fingers: the thumb is opposed to the rest, and the toy touches the palm.
  • Toys and objects with different surfaces will develop the tactile sensitivity of a child's palm. Toys with different physical properties form orientation and research activities. You can use sensory kits that are made from improvised materials - cereals, nuts, pebbles. Allow your baby to explore new things and objects more often.
You can come up with a variety of toys from household items - everything is limited only by the imagination of the parents. There are also similar kits on sale - for example, a sensory garden

Formation of the skill of coordinating sounds and objects

Try to call your baby by name more often, using different intonations. Help him learn to distinguish not only the intonation color of the voice, but also listen to the speech itself to distinguish individual sounds and words, in order to teach him to connect words and objects together.

You can play the following games with your baby:

  • “Where is mom?” - such a game will help teach a child to look for a father, mother or woman according to an adult’s word.
  • “Where is Lala?” - a simple and interesting game that will teach you how to find an object that mom moves to a new place every time. For example, a Lala doll can be placed on a shelf or fixed on a crib or playpen. Let the child find it with his eyes, then bring the baby to the doll. You can accompany your actions with the words: “Where is our doll? Ah, here she is Lala. We found our Lala doll."
  • “Where is the light?” - you can find the light in a playful way by turning light fixtures on and off in the evening. When lighting a lamp, lampshade or chandelier, repeat the words: “Where is the light? Oh, no light. Where is the light? Oh, here it is! Over time, the child will learn to quickly find an object when you ask “Where?”
  • Books. Study together interesting books with pictures of animals, objects and people.

For boys and girls 7 months old, you can choose different game options. The male half will be more happy about playing with cars, while the female half will be delighted with animal figurines and elegant dolls.

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“Everything about the child,” -

How to develop a baby at 7 months

Every mother wants to raise her child to be a genius and help him master the world around him. The latest fashion trends advise starting to conduct educational activities for your baby literally from the cradle. How to help a child in this complex process, what techniques and toys to use?

What to do with a 7 month old baby?

Developmental activities for children 7 months old

Since the child’s hearing and vision are fully formed, it is necessary to develop and stimulate them. Take several cups of different sizes, bringing each of them to your mouth, say the baby's name or any familiar word. The spoken word will sound different, which will arouse the child's interest. It is important to diversify your vocabulary; the more sounds you pronounce to your baby, the faster he will begin to repeat.

Give your child objects that change shape, such as a dense balloon filled with water or sand. Tactile study of the subject will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, and therefore stimulate the development of speech.

What can you teach a child at 7 months?

In addition to learning to crawl and walk, it is necessary to develop other skills in the child. For example, look for objects. The baby does not yet understand that if an object is not visible, then it continues to exist. You can hide your favorite toy so that only its edge remains visible, for example, cover it with a diaper.
Seeing a familiar toy, the baby will grab it and hold it by the visible part, but will gradually understand and learn to pull out hidden objects.
By the same principle, you can hide small objects in your hand, clenched fist, and let the baby try to find the lost item. If your child has difficulty finding his way, you need to help him.

What toys does a 7 month old baby need?

There are many things you can do to keep a 7-month-old child occupied, the main thing is that the process is educational and interesting, and brings pleasure to the child and mother. You should not immediately burden the child; you need to focus on his desires and skills.

I was mostly outperformed by women aged 40-50. I was embarrassed to ask myself. Once a colleague and I were traveling to work on the same minibus and she asked the young man to give me his seat, so he said: Why should I? I didn't do it. , but give way)))

Lydia on Saturday at 20:20

Postpartum depression is a common condition in women (especially in the last 20 years). If you can't handle it yourself. Visit a doctor, and not necessarily a psychotherapist. There is an excellent obstetrician-gynecologist Maria Vladimirovna Tregubova (works at the Center for Traditional Obstetrics). She is engaged in postpartum recovery of mothers, an osteopath, a kinesiologist. I highly recommend it to everyone!

Olga on Saturday at 16:17

We were also taught to breastfeed in the maternity hospital. But with my first child, my breastfeeding disappeared already at three months - they didn’t put it on my chest at birth, they only gave me postpartum feeding, and they put it on me incorrectly. and then it took its toll - improper attachment, underfeeding, and then underweight. And we’ve just started with the second one - but it seems like everything is going according to plan)))

DOLL Hello! Now a daughter has been born. I am breastfeeding, but for some reason now I have become lazy about sucking from the breast, I have to pump and bottle feed. At night we also eat, about every 3 hours

Thanks to physical activity, the world for a child has become much wider and more diverse, however, his development does not stop there and very soon, even parents will not catch up with their curious child.

Developing color perception

If the baby does not crawl, diversify his life in the crib with toys, this could be a carousel over the crib or rattles on a string. In addition, you can make such a toy with your own hands - take thick cardboard and draw or stick bright pictures on it, such a toy will distract the baby for at least 5-10 minutes and will contribute to the perception of shades.

Establishing social contact

Hide your face behind the diaper; if the baby takes it off, cover yourself with the diaper again. Do this until the child turns to you using his voice. The baby will quickly understand the essence of the game and will deliberately shout to his mother to show her to him. The purpose of this game is to help the child make conscious contact through communication, even in his own language.

A similar game can be played with a toy that the baby plays with. Take the item from the child and wait for the moment when he asks her to return it. Return the item with words of praise.

Getting to know prohibited things

Place toys in front of the baby, including scissors, a needle, a button and a package of medicine. When the child reaches for a prohibited item, say in your voice and with a head movement, “No, you can’t.” When the child reaches for the toy, say “yes, you can” by nodding your head. A nod of the head should be accompanied by a smile, and a negative answer should be accompanied by a stern look. Thus, the child will learn to distinguish and understand the parent’s “do’s and don’ts” even before meeting dangerous objects.

Increasing vocabulary

Pay attention to your child’s favorite toy and start the exercise with it. Show your child the toy and say its name, for example, “this is a bear.” Repeat the name of the toy several times, then place it in front of the child among other toys and say: “Where is the bear?” The baby will pull his hand towards the bear or show you with his eyes where the toy is. So, the game can be played every day with different objects in different rooms of the house. Gradually, the child will pronounce the words learned in this way consciously and more often.

Meeting other people

From this age, the child can be left for 5-10 minutes with close relatives whom he has seen before. At the same time, he must understand that the parents are in another room. To prevent him from getting scared, let him know your presence with your voice. Contact with other people provides valuable communication experience and an understanding that people communicate differently.

How to develop a child at 7 - 8 months - motor skills

The child learns to judge the size and shape of an object and then adjust its hand grip to grasp the object. This skill develops from birth, but now it becomes most noticeable. From this age, he learns to catch large objects from a short distance, and then smaller objects. In addition, children really like to play “Cinderella” - sorting peas and beans together with their mother.

Spatial thinking

Offer several types of logic sorter toys, children's "fishing" toys, and wooden insert puzzles. Finger painting with paints or in the sand is good for eye-hand development.

Encourage self-care

The development of a child at 7-8 months should include self-care skills; encourage the baby’s desire to do something on his own. For example, at this age he can hold a bottle himself and drink from it, hold a spoon, and put toys in place.

Developing imagination

To do this, we will go to the bathroom, where we will not just bathe, but build entire castles from delicate foam and draw designs with our fingers. Don't forget to prepare bath toys - a duck, a boat, a small bucket.

Physical activity

These games are suitable for babies who crawl. If your child has not yet mastered this skill, don’t worry, some kids skip it and immediately get on their feet.

1. Play tag with your child; it greatly improves mood, develops body muscles and has a positive effect on social development.

2. Use a small board that will be raised at an angle of about 15-20 degrees, and place pillows before the “break” of the board so that the child does not hurt himself. Climbing a board can be compared to conquering a mountain peak, if your child succeeds.

3. Organize an “obstacle race” on the way to the desired toy. Place chairs and pillows in the path of the object to encourage your baby's body and spine to move in different directions, creating healthy spinal curves and the ability to manipulate their own body.

How to strengthen a child’s muscles if he does not crawl:

1. Give your child as much free space as possible.

2. Get a massage or ask your doctor to prescribe a course of strengthening massage.

3. Visit a pool intended for children under one year old.

Parents of a seven-month-old child notice changes in their baby literally every day. This is no longer the same helpless newborn who could only lie, sleep, eat and cry. By seven months, the baby has grown noticeably and is already a full member of the family. He communicates a lot, moves a lot, eats more than just breast milk and is constantly learning new skills. What has the baby learned by the age of seven months and how can parents stimulate the further development of the toddler?

Physiological changes

  • The child’s muscles are increasingly strengthened, allowing the baby at 7 months of age to hold his body in a sitting position and crawl, as well as stand while holding onto support.
  • The development of the right hemisphere occurs more intensively, so the child may more often use his left hand rather than his right one, but this is not at all a sign that the child will be left-handed.
  • A 7 month old baby has fully developed vision and hearing. The baby turns even in response to a low sound and perfectly sees objects that move quickly.
  • At seven months of age, many babies begin to erupt their first teeth. In some toddlers, parents may notice only one of the lower incisors, and in some babies, the two lower front teeth have already appeared and the upper ones are about to “hatch.”
  • Due to the introduction of complementary foods, the baby's stool changes - it becomes more rare (usually once a day) and thicker, and its smell is more pungent.

Physical development

Although each baby develops at its own pace, based on the indicators of all children of a certain age, normal limits were determined, exceeding which, either more or less, is a reason for consultation with a pediatrician. We have collected the main indicators for 7-month-old babies (both average and marginal) in a table:

You can use a calculator to calculate norms for your child. The calculator is based on height and weight standards from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Height and weight calculator

The seventh month of life brings the baby a weight gain of approximately 600 grams and a height increase of 1.5 to 2 centimeters. The baby's head circumference, like the chest circumference, becomes larger by 0.5 cm. Note that the chest circumference in healthy 7-month-old children always exceeds the head circumference.

What can the baby do?

  • Seven month old babies are already sitting and crawling perfectly. At the same time, some kids are already trying to sit up on their own, but most toddlers do not yet have this skill. Seven-month-old babies crawl in different ways - some move on their tummy, some manage to crawl only backwards, while others get up on all fours and quickly move, rearranging their legs and arms.
  • Many toddlers of this age can already stand, holding onto a strong support with both hands. And some babies even step with their legs, taking their first hesitant steps at the support. At the same time, the child has learned to stand up by pulling himself up by a support, but he still cannot sit back down and calls his parents for this.
  • A seven-month-old baby can already hold various objects well in his hands, even if the toy has an irregular shape. A baby of this age can play with toys for a long time. The baby discovers their properties with interest, closes and opens them, throws them, rearranges them, tastes them and performs other actions.
  • A seven-month-old baby is learning new tastes by trying complementary foods. The child has learned not only to eat from a spoon, but also to drink from a mug, while an adult helps the baby hold the mug. But a baby at this age is already quite capable of holding a bottle on his own, and if it falls, he is able to pick it up.
  • The child understands the parents' speech well. Upon request, the baby can show some parts of the body and familiar objects that are in the same place. The child realized that the hidden object does not disappear forever, but is simply not visible. The baby also knows his name and the names of his relatives. The baby is most attached to his mother and may cry from her absence.
  • The baby's babbling becomes more complex, the baby pronounces more and more syllables and the baby pronounces many of them intelligently.

When determining whether a child is sufficiently developed at the age of seven months, parents should understand that each baby develops according to its own personal schedule, however, there are skills that a 7-month-old baby must certainly have.

The following points should be a reason for a visit to the pediatrician:

  • The baby does not roll over.
  • Doesn't sit on his own.
  • Does not explore objects with his mouth.
  • Doesn't bang the toy on the table.
  • Does not follow the moving toy with his eyes.
  • Doesn't pronounce syllables.
  • Doesn't attract mom's attention and doesn't show emotions when communicating with mom.

Watch the following video by Larisa Sviridova on baby development at 7 months. You will learn what is especially important for the psychological development of the baby.

Development activities

Encourage your baby to crawl, as this stage of development is considered very important. Let your baby have comfortable clothes and the opportunity to try his hand at the floor. Help your little one by arranging her favorite toys and turning them into an achievable goal.

How to protect the baby at these important moments, see the program by E. Komarovsky.

  • To develop coordination, sit the baby on your leg and rock it, and dad can throw the baby up and down.
  • Invite your little one to play tug-of-war, using a bright scarf for this game.
  • Hide the toy under the blanket in front of the child and invite the baby to find it. Your baby will also love watching how small toys “hide” in your palm.
  • Teach your child to point at the object being spoken with a finger, wave “bye” and clap his hands. Give your baby clear tasks, such as showing the teddy bear, opening a box, or picking up a spoon. Introduce your child to the word “no,” but it should only refer to real dangers.
  • Play music at different tempos for your baby, and you will notice that with slow melodies the child will calm down, and with a fast rhythm he will start dancing.
  • Don't miss out on opportunities to develop your baby's fine motor skills. For activities, you can use homemade bags with different fillings, finger paints, games using fingers (“horned goat”, “magpie-crow”), toys with buttons and much more that the child can feel, press, pull, touch and squeeze.
  • Keep talking to your baby about everything you do to help your baby's vocabulary increase. Name the toys you show your baby. Always call the baby by name, and also show photos of your relatives, voicing their names.
  • Walk with your baby not only during the period when the baby should be sleeping, but also while he is awake to give the baby the opportunity to observe nature.
  • You can use Doman cards for studying with little ones.
  • Buy children's books for your baby that have thick pages. Let the baby independently turn the page and look at the bright pictures, while you read the poems.
  • Introduce your baby to other children by inviting them to visit or chatting on walks. Let the children watch each other.
  • During bath time, add a few toys that can float to the bath.

From the video SvitMam. tv you will learn why crawling is very important for the physical development of a child. Do exercises with your baby and enjoy his success.


Every morning a 7-month-old baby begins with hygiene procedures. The baby is washed, his nose and ears are cleaned if necessary, his nails are trimmed, combed, and his teeth are brushed (even if they don’t exist yet). A daily evening bath has also become a habit and helps the baby relax before a night's rest.

The range of gymnastic exercises at seven months of age expands. You can help the child get to his feet, bend and unbend the baby’s legs in a supine position, turn the baby in different directions, holding his hand, do exercises to develop coordination, and many others. In this case, gymnastics and massage are usually carried out in the first half of the day.

As soon as the baby has learned to sit confidently, you can introduce the baby to the potty, but you don’t need to have any special illusions about the speed of mastering it (children begin to control their bladder and intestines by 18 months or even later), nor do you need to force the child to sit there for a long time. Let the baby be on the potty for up to 10 minutes, with the best time to choose time for disembarkation after sleep.

Daily regime

Children of 7 months sleep about 15 hours a day, while some babies continue to sleep three times a day, and some toddlers have already switched to two naps a day. The duration of night sleep is 9-10 hours, and daytime sleep is about 5 hours. When sleeping 3 times a day during the day, as a rule, one of the rest periods is longer, and the other two are shorter (up to an hour).

It is recommended to walk with a 7-month-old child twice a day for at least 2 hours. Only under such unfavorable weather conditions as rain, severe frost or wind, can you stay at home with your baby. In warm summer weather, a baby can spend up to 6 hours outside every day. The walk can be planned for the baby's naps or so that the child stays awake outside for a while.

The diet of a seven-month-old baby includes 5 meals, between which 3 and a half to 4 hours pass. The amount of food a 7 month old baby needs per day is calculated based on the baby's weight. The body weight of the baby must be divided by 8. The resulting amount of food is divided by the number of feedings. On average, a seven-month-old child eats 1000-1100 ml of food per day. The serving per feeding is approximately 200-220 ml.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

What games can you play with a child from 6 to 8 months.

In the period from 6 to 8 months, your child clearly controls his posture when sitting, stands up in a crib or playpen, holding onto the fence, and actively crawls. The baby has formed his first attachments and has an anxious reaction to the appearance of strangers in the house. The baby masters simple imitation games and imitates adults in their actions (mirror reflection). “Babble speaking” develops, the child begins to listen to the speech of adults, can manipulate two objects, knows how to transfer a toy from hand to hand, learns to place objects into each other, and depicts the operation of simple mechanisms.

Note to parents

❧ From early childhood, carefully observe your child’s behavior, and you will see something that will allow you to cope with age-related crises relatively easily and painlessly in the future.

❧ To establish contact with your baby, you need to put yourself in his place. And to better understand a child, you need to look at the world through his eyes, play his games.

❧ Among the toys that you buy for your baby, there should be simple toy tools and mechanisms so that you can show the child how they work.

❧ Instilling positive, good things in a child helps him gain confidence and better adapt to the world around him.

❧ The baby gets bored with toys quite quickly, and satiation occurs. Therefore, they should be separated and periodically replaced with others.

Educational games for children from 6 to 8 months

Who is faster

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements, emotional contact, competitive spirit, adequate perception of defeat.

: various toys, whistle.

Progress of the game: the competition participants are the baby and the father, the judge is the mother. The mother shows the baby the toy and places it at a short distance from the child and the father with the words: “Where is the bear (or other toy)? Let’s get to the bear,” blows the whistle, giving the start. The baby and dad begin to move towards the toy, during which it is necessary to encourage the baby. After the child reaches the finish line first, praise him by clapping your hands: “Well done.” Once the baby reaches the toy, it is left to play with it independently. After the game the toy is put back in its place.

It is worth noting that the child does not always have to be a winner, but even if he loses, you need to calm him down and praise him so that the game remains positive and failure is not perceived as a disaster.

The elephant shakes its head: yes, yes, yes

Goals of the game: receiving an affirmative answer to an adult’s question, developing verbal communication.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toy elephant, blanket.

Recommendations: if dad and mom pretend to be a family of elephants, the child will join the game much faster. Caution: if the child is not in the mood, put off the game, otherwise your actions will give rise to duality of feelings in the baby if his desires do not coincide with the answer that you expect from him.

Progress of the game.

1st option: Dad or mom sits on the floor with the baby, on a spread blanket. Dad shows the baby a toy and imitates how an elephant shakes its head: up and down, up and down. At the same time, he asks the question: “What does the elephant say?”, and answers this question himself: “The elephant says “YES” - up and down, “YES” - up and down”:

The elephant shakes its head

Up and down, up and down,

What will he say today?

Up and down, up and down,

"YES" says today

Up and down, up and down.

Then dad invites the baby to say “Yes” together with the elephant, shaking his head up and down. In the future, resort to this game when an affirmative answer is required from the child: “Shall we go for a walk?”, What does the elephant say - “Yes,” etc. The game requires an emotional upsurge.

2nd option: If possible, all family members play. In advance, a fairy tale is told about a family of elephants: once upon a time there lived an elephant father, a mother elephant and a little elephant son. When the baby wanted to eat, he asked his dad: “Do you want to eat?” And dad answered, shaking his head up and down: “Yes,” “Yes” (at this point in the fairy tale, dad portrays a big elephant and shakes his head, saying “Yes”). Then the baby elephant ran to his mother and asked her: “Are we going to eat porridge?”, and the mother answered affirmatively: “Yes” (the mother, pretending to be an elephant, shakes her head and says “Yes”). Mom and dad sit down at the table and ask the child: “Do you want to eat?” The baby, like a baby elephant, answers, nodding his head up and down, and mom and dad say: “Yes,” “Will you eat porridge?” - "Yes". One recommendation: you can play using this fairy tale when the child is hungry, then what happens will correspond to reality. Depending on the situation, come up with other versions of the tale: elephants go for a walk, elephants go to sleep, etc.

In the future, the child will give answers to your questions in the form of shaking his head up and down, which means “Yes.”

Hide and seek (or “Where are you?”)

Purpose of the game: development of the skill of collective play and emotional contact.


Progress of the game: sit in a circle, use a little counting rhyme to determine who will drive:

One day a mouse came out

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mouse pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a strong ringing sound.

Get out of the circle!

Hide first with your baby so that he learns the rules of the game. The one who is looking comments on the results of his search: “Where is everyone?”, “No under the bed and no behind the curtain,” “Found it, hurray!”

The child can also look for those who are hiding. At first, you can use your voice so that the baby becomes interested and tries to look for you; later, abandon this technique and watch what he does. After the baby has found you, praise him: “You found mom (dad), what a great job.” Be sure to pick up the child in your arms, throw him up, and hold him close.

Blacksmith. Telephone

Purpose of the game: development of purposeful actions at the request of an adult.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toy hammer, toy telephone.

Progress of the game.

Blacksmith. Take a toy hammer in your hands, depicting the work of a blacksmith, and say:

We hit the anvil,

We are forging bells!

The bells are ringing,

The bells are ringing:

Knock, knock, knock, knock,

Let's hit at once!

Here, here, here, here.

Give your child a hammer and show him how to use a hammer. The child knocks with a hammer, and you repeat the sentence, ending the poem with the words: “Knock, knock, knock, knock...”

Next, ask your child to show how a blacksmith works. When he starts knocking with a hammer, say: “Knock, knock, knock, knock.” At the end of the game, praise the child and put the hammer back.

Telephone. Using a toy phone, show your child how to use it, dial a number, imagine how the phone rings (if the toy does not make similar sounds), explain to your child when to pick up the phone: ringing - picked up the phone - HELLO...

For this, use Korney Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone” (or any other poem at your discretion), read it in person, place the necessary accents in your voice.

— My phone rang (Ring-n-n-n-n).

- Where?

- From a camel.

- What do you need?

- Chocolate.

Watch how the child plays the game independently. If the phone does not have a ringer, sound the ringer yourself. At the end of the game, be sure to praise the baby and put the phone back in its place together.

Let's clap our hands

Goals of the game: consolidation of purposeful movements in response to the request of adults, development of a sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game: at the end of any game, when you praise your child for his achievements, end the praise with the words (the options can be very varied): “Sasha (child’s name) played well today, well done, let’s show how well he played? Let's clap our hands: “Good job, well done” (clap your hands in time with the syllables). The baby quickly adopts your movements. In the future, ask the child to show how he played today, ate, slept, walked, etc. This game, which takes place on an emotional level, creates a good, joyful mood. Clapping your hands can also be used to express joy: “Hurray! Dad has come”, “Hurray! Let's go for a walk", "Hurray! Let's play."

2 toys

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movement, ability to manipulate two toys, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: bright squeaking toys, blanket.

Progress of the game: put the child on the floor, on a spread blanket, sit next to the baby, put several toys next to him, let the baby choose one of them and start playing, quietly remove the rest of the toys. Give your child a “new” toy, offer it either from your free hand or from your busy hand. If the baby lets go of his toy and reaches for a new one, try to offer him the object he left behind, either from the side of the free hand, or from the side of the occupied one. Repeat the steps until the baby learns to transfer the toy from the occupied hand to the free one in order to take another toy. When your child completes the task, praise him for his diligence. Observe how the child will behave if at the beginning of the game you do not remove the unselected toys, but leave them in the baby’s field of vision and attract his attention with their squeaking sounds. See how he uses his free hand independently. After playing, all toys must be returned to their place.

Tumbler, Vanka-Vstanka

Purpose of the game: development of movement coordination, group play skills

Necessary materials and visual aids: blanket, pillows.

Progress of the game: Spread a blanket on the floor, put several pillows on it, place the child on the blanket and sit next to him. Gently push the child so that he falls onto the pillows, while cheerfully say: “Masha (child’s name), like Tumbler, fell on her side, look how quickly she got up,” then again quietly push the child onto the pillows:

Tumbler will not get tired

Lies down, gets up,

He will lie down and get up.

Praise your baby for getting up quickly and being so tireless.

For boys, use the name of the toy Vanka-Vstanka.

Vanka, get up,

We will ask

“Aren’t you tired, Vanya?” we ask.

Vanya lay down, Vanya stood up,

But I'm not at all tired.

Pretend that you also fell when the baby touches you, this will cause him a storm of delight, the joyful mood that is created in the game is the key to mutual understanding between you and the child.

One of the most important and special periods in the life of parents and baby is the first year of the child’s life. This time period is characterized by a huge number of events that will never happen again - the first smile, the first laugh, the first tooth...

With each month, the child not only gets older, but also acquires new skills and abilities. Parents not only observe from the outside the most interesting process, but also strive to help the baby in its development. One of the most important stages in the development of an infant is considered to be the age of 7 months. During this period, the baby learns to communicate with people around him and tries to play his first word games with mom and dad.

That is why many new parents are interested in which soft toys up to one year old are best to choose for exercising with their baby. What to do and what not to do? How to develop a child at 7 months? More on this later.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

We will answer each of the above questions in turn. First of all, you need to know what a child can do at 7 months. At this age, the baby already has quite a lot of different skills and abilities. It is worth listing the main ones:

  • knows how to crawl quickly enough in all directions;
  • is learning or already knows how to sit down independently;
  • knows how to stand up while holding onto support;
  • can, without much difficulty and effort, change the position of the body from a sitting position (for example, from a sitting position, the baby can lie on his back or tummy);
  • learns or knows how to do a side step.

At 7 months, the child’s cognitive and speech development also undergoes serious changes. The baby already reacts to the actions of adults and their mood. In addition, the baby carefully observes the phenomena occurring around him and tries to react to them in his own way. At this age, a small child begins to be actively interested in other people, contact them, using gestures and babble. It is at 7 months that the baby begins to play various games with adults: “Peek-a-boo,” “Ladushki,” “Crow-Belobok,” etc. In addition, the baby begins to realize his attachment to loved ones and tries to gain attention through whims or tears, responds well to praise. By this age, a small child knows several words: “mom,” “dad,” “baba,” etc., and reacts to the word “no.” Every day the baby becomes more interesting and pleases his parents with new skills.

How to develop a baby at 7 months?

Parents can help their child explore the world around them. During this period, the baby will benefit from various moving exercises, finger games and classes for the development of speech activity. “Smart” toys will help in the development of the baby: a baby piano, a xylophone for babies, a drum, hammers, etc. Common household items are ideal for playing with a small child: spoons, pots, food containers.

What toys are suitable for a 7 month old baby?

The ideal items for activities with a 7 month old baby are rubber toys. Teethers will also come in handy. After all, for most children, their first teeth begin to appear between six and eight months.

Musical soft toys will also help parents diversify their child's leisure time. The baby can crush toys and conduct tactile exploration. Thus, he will develop an understanding of the concepts “soft-hard”. Soft rattles containing dried fruit seeds are ideal for developing fine motor skills.

When the child is 7 months old, parents can think about buying a tumbler and a pyramid. It is best to give preference to pyramids made of cups. They will come in handy not only when assembling the toy, but will also be needed for further games in the sandbox. In addition, the use of such pyramids minimizes the risk of injury and bruises.

You can try to show your child some simple tricks. As a rule, such fun brings babies into complete delight. You can use wind-up toys that will help the child develop such a quality as observation.

Musical toys

Musical toys will also have a beneficial effect on the development of a small child up to one year old. Suitable for playing with your baby:

  • Pianos and other multifunctional music centers with many different sounds and bright buttons.
  • A hammer with pegs in a stand, made of plastic or wood.
  • Musical soft toys.
  • Rattles, rattles, etc.

At this age, you can give your baby a drum to try out. Even the most ordinary saucepan, spoon or ladle is suitable for playing with the baby. Audiobooks will not be superfluous. Although many experts in the field of child development claim that it will be better if it is the parents who read to the child.

Educational games for 7 month old babies

Let's answer one of the most popular questions. What games are best for a 7 month old baby to use in practice? Activities that develop the ability to navigate in space will not be superfluous. Suitable for these purposes:

  • household and household items;
  • toys on a string;
  • rolling toys, wind-up toys.

The game “Peek-a-boo” is very interesting for kids. As a rule, the baby smiles or even laughs out loud during this fun. “Peek-a-boo” helps improve the baby’s ability to communicate with other people. Games for a 7-month-old child with pictures depicting objects familiar to the baby will be useful.

Experts in the field of child development at this stage of the baby’s development recommend using various objects to develop the child’s tactile sensations, as well as fine motor skills. Balls, cubes, cones, and balls on a string are suitable for these purposes.

You can play simple games with a small child under one year old.

  1. "Where is mom?" - a game that will help your child distinguish between relatives and close people externally. In addition, repeated repetition of names will contribute to the development of the baby’s speech skills.
  2. "Where is Lala?" - an exercise with which a baby learns to navigate in space, and also gains the skill of finding an object that an adult periodically moves to a new place. It is best if all the actions of an adult are accompanied by words and explanations.
  3. "Where is the light?" - a game for a 7-month-old child, which causes a real storm of emotions in most babies. The essence of the game is that the baby needs to find the light when turning on and off various lighting devices. All actions must also be accompanied by verbal comments.

A variety of games will help develop a small child up to one year old and establish a strong emotional connection with him.

Finger games

Finger play for 7 month old babies is one of the best activities. They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills, intelligence and speech. The big advantage of such games and exercises is that there is no need to use additional tools.

For seven-month-old babies, games can overlap with massage movements. This brings additional benefits to the baby's body. Many parents are interested in what games to keep their 7-month-old baby occupied. It is very important that these games are interesting and engage the child. Adults need to pronounce words as clearly and melodiously as possible. With the baby you can play the game “Woodpecker”, during which the right hand represents a woodpecker, and the left appears in the form of a tree. Mom or dad (or another adult) says the following words:

The woodpecker is hammering the tree: “Knock! Knock! Knock!”

All day long in the forest there is: “Knock! Knock! Knock!”

Parents need to understand that finger play activities should be systematic.

What physical exercises are beneficial at this age?

Physical development is of great importance for the normal and fulfilling life of a seven-month-old infant. For a child at this age, squats will be very useful. They have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby's abdominal muscles. Games to develop crawling skills will be very useful. You can play “catch up” with your baby or captivate a small child with an interesting and bright toy.

Developing the baby's active speech

The role of games and exercises on the development of a baby’s speech is important. For parents of children under one year old, experts in the field of child development strongly advise calling their baby by name as often as possible, while experimenting with intonations. New mothers and fathers need to try to pronounce individual sounds and words clearly and correctly. This will help your baby learn to connect words and objects together.

To focus on your baby’s speech development, you need to follow a few tips. Starting from six months, parents need to use as many words and sounds as possible when communicating with their child. It is better if these words are not very long. They need to be repeated several times in order to cause the baby to react back to the adult’s speech, and as a result, achieve the effect of imitation.

You need to talk to your small child as often as possible. It is recommended, during a kind of dialogue with the baby, to allow him to periodically touch his mouth while pronouncing words and sounds. While walking, you can comment on all the phenomena and objects you see.

It is very useful to use onomatopoeic words and sounds when communicating with a seven-month-old baby. They will be the first ones the child utters in the future. It is worth considering that onomatopoeia can be used not only to sound animals and birds, but also all surrounding objects and phenomena.

New mothers and fathers need to realize that all children develop differently, according to their own individual “schedule”. Not everything always depends on physical or mental development. Very often everything is explained by the temperament of a small child, the characteristics of his character.

The task of parents is not to teach the child a new skill or ability (everything will happen in a timely manner), but to provide support and assistance in mastering the world around him.

Moms and dads need to safely send their baby to explore a room, apartment or house. There is no need to panic or worry because the house has not been thoroughly cleaned or because there is dust. The development of natural immunity is an important condition for normal development and a full life.

It is necessary to encourage the baby to actively crawl, or even better, walk, holding onto a support. Bright objects and toys, various rattles and rattles are suitable for these purposes. The distance at which the toy can be removed from the child should not be greater than the baby’s outstretched arm. The tips of children's fingers should touch the object.


The first year of a newborn baby’s life is a very important period not only for the child, but also for his parents. This period of time is filled with many emotions, events and new phenomena. The first six months fly by in a flash. The most interesting thing begins from the seventh month of a child’s life, because by this time the baby has already mastered many skills and abilities, he is gradually becoming independent. He distinguishes between adults, reacts to ongoing events and phenomena in a unique way, and strives to understand the world around him.

That is why almost all parents are wondering how to develop a child at 7 months, how to help the baby develop basic skills and how to make the process of learning about the world around him as accessible, interesting and meaningful as possible. There are other interesting questions as well. For example, what educational games to use for 7-month-old children.

Regular games and activities with your baby will not only contribute to the rapid intellectual and emotional development of a small child, but will help establish a very strong emotional connection between parent and baby.

For a seven-month-old baby, various physical exercises, finger games and activities to develop speech abilities will be useful. Most experts argue that an abundance of toys does not guarantee better learning. Most often, babies show extraordinary ingenuity and imagination and use common household items for play: pots, spoons, as well as various objects that make a ringing and loud sound. By the way, the attention of a seven-month-old baby can be captured by any objects that can rattle and make noise, and for quite a long period of time. Some babies are delighted by the sound of a moving stool or chair.

Even ordinary daily walks will benefit your baby. The main task of parents is to communicate with their little child as often as possible, explaining in simple phrases the essence of current events and phenomena. Particular attention should be paid to bright objects: flowers, grass, trees, etc. Animals and birds can attract the baby’s attention. At this age you can go for a walk to the playground. Of course, the child is still too young to play with other children, but it will be very interesting for him to watch older children.

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