What to do with a one-year-old child. Developing a 1 year old child What to do with a 1 year old baby

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

It seems like he was recently born, he was lying so helpless, crying, and then they already noted it! One-year-olds are no longer those fragile, delicate creatures that are brought home in an openwork envelope from the maternity hospital, they are full of determination and desire to explore (conquer) this huge world, because so many interesting things await them!!!

In general, children's curiosity and activity can only be envied, although if adults also had a quiet hour during the day, then we could do the same, and so... A grown-up baby is determinedly exploring this world, full of energy and thirsty for new experiences. But my mother does not have any increase in this energy, which cannot be said about urgent matters and household chores. There are fewer and fewer free minutes, but the child needs more and more attention, kindergarten is still far away, and my head has already run out of ideas on what to do with a one-year-old child. But you can’t always come up with everything yourself, right? Now we have our dear “okay Google”! So, activities for the baby at home: how to distract, entertain and at the same time teach - our topic at the moment.

Develop or distract?

One year can be considered a turning point in the development of a baby, because he masters a new level, turning from a baby into a child who can walk, pronounce the first words and sounds, touch objects, and become so independent. A new world, a new reality has opened up before him, he looks at things from a different angle and will be able to reach them himself. Of course, mom takes a direct part in learning new things: she helps, explains, and tells.

The importance of developing key skills at this age (motor skills, learning new words, objects, colors, etc.) also determines the type of activity with a one-year-old toddler. And if he is still too young for full-fledged study, then any acquaintance with something new occurs in the form of a game. Whatever activity you come up with for your beloved chubby, it will definitely bring benefits and educational notes.

It is important to keep in mind that one-year-old children are still too young to play together with their peers. They enjoy the company of other kids, but they are not able to organize their leisure time. Therefore, mom is a real lifesaver.

Cooperative games

These types of developmental activities require that both mother and baby are fully involved in the process and do something together. Any kind of modeling or drawing should not be offered due to the child’s age being too young: such activities are relevant by the age of 2 (although you can try painting with finger paints). Let's look at something that will interest even mom!

1. We study the properties of objects

In a playful way, children can be shown talking about the properties of water, temperature, dimensions, texture and colors. Your imagination will help you find suitable materials and objects, and you don’t have to use toys, but you can get by with improvised means and ingenuity.

For example, the properties of water (cold, warm, wet) can be shown using ice cubes and a sponge. Take a glass of warm water and a pipette, freeze ice cubes (the water can be tinted with colors to make it interesting, and you can also learn the colors). A cold ice cube is placed on the table, you can touch it and make sure that it is really cold. Now we pour warm water over this cube with a pipette and... miracles, it begins to melt, turning into a colored puddle!! There is no cube, but there is some water that you can splash with your palms! We remove the puddle with a dry sponge and... it disappears! (A surge of emotions is guaranteed!)

Big-small, high-low, far-close can also be studied with the help of toys and improvised objects.

2. Learning colors

If you have food coloring and an extra pack of pasta, you can invite your child to play with a homemade sorter. Pre-color the pasta (not boiled) with paint and invite the child to put the pasta, say, red in a glass, and yellow in a plate

3. Draw on palms

A one-year-old baby cannot yet handle a brush, but he can already draw with his finger. Special finger paints are designed just for this, and are absolutely safe and easy to wash off. When drawing on your baby’s palm, accompanying the process with a funny nursery rhyme or rhyme, show what his fingers are called. As a souvenir, you can leave a colored print on paper and hang it in a frame.

4. Soap bubbles

Even adults love them, and small children are truly delighted with them: they laugh contagiously and catch them with their hands. Give your child such pleasure, and if you have a dog, it will be twice as fun (they are funny at catching them too!)

5. Roll the ball

It is difficult to keep a baby who has just learned to do sedentary activities for a long time: he should run! If there is a small bouncing ball, then teach your child to kick it with his foot, throw it up and to the side. Build a mini bowling alley from plastic bottles, a football goal from a toy box and enjoy the game! As an alternative, you can use inflatable balls (just don’t inflate them too big, so as not to burst and scare the little one), and the more there are, the funnier and more fun it will be to play!

6. Books and nursery rhymes

useful from a very early age, because joint activities can be calm. Take a large cardboard book with bright pictures, or even better if it has music. Show your child where the fox is, where the bun is, and where the ha-ha geese are, let him try to hold the book himself, maybe even “express” his “aha-aha.” The only point: don’t expect your baby to be interested in this for a long time; as they said, they don’t sit still for long and get tired quickly.

7. Role-playing games

such as “mothers and daughters”, “shop” or “doctor and patient” were liked both by us in childhood, and by our mothers and grandmothers. Your child will love them too, and will then learn to play with their peers while honing their social skills. Feed the doll, treat the bear cub together, the kids love it!

Playing without mom

“What to do with a 1-year-old child if there is a lot to do at home?” - the eternal question of any mother. A child takes a lot of time, indeed, but you also need to have time to prepare food, clean up and do laundry. You can really occupy a one-year-old for a minute or two if you offer him something really interesting.

1. New toy

Especially if it has a lot of moving parts, it can keep the baby occupied for a good half hour. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to spend money on new toys every day; there is a little trick, let’s call it the “escape box.” This box contains toys that your baby hasn’t played with for a long time and already misses them a lot. This box is kept in an inaccessible secret place and is taken out for a very important occasion: when mom needs to clean, cook, or just take a breather. Tested by the experience of many mothers: it works!

2. Business board.

Have you heard this strange word? This is a board with a bunch of small things that little children simply adore: locks, buttons, handles, ropes, laces, buttons, doors with hinges, etc. They make them both to order and independently if they have hands from the right place. You can also attach anything there, the main thing is that it develops motor skills and arouses genuine interest in the baby. Some people screw in an old cell phone or calculator, plugs and sockets, locks and door chains, while others use doorbells, calculators, shoelaces and other (safe!) items. All this, of course, is very bright and attractive and is offered to the child only at the moment when he needs to go away on business (otherwise, he will quickly get tired of it all).

3. Helping mom

But if you look at the problem from a different angle: do not distract the baby from cleaning and washing, but, on the contrary, involve him in the process? He will be happy to “help” you put “order” in the kitchen cabinet, wash his (pissed) tights, and wash the floors. Of course, you will have to clean up this chaos, but you will have to do it anyway, so relax.

Place the child in a bathtub or basin if you want to leave him in the room (you can cover the floor with oilcloth, and if there is a children's pool, then even better). Pour some warm water and offer to wash your little things, wow! Or offer a lower kitchen cabinet, first putting plastic containers, tin jars, ladles and other safe utensils in it. And the child is nearby, and you mind your own business! Tadam!

4. Bulk items

(buttons, peas, pasta, etc.) can also be offered to the child, but on condition that he does not put it in his mouth. Pour the cereal into a bowl, give it a spoon or a glass, let it fiddle around, catch small peas with its fingers, throw it, rustle it, pour it in.

5. Organize your closet

You can also help your mother, why not! Let your little one rummage through the chest of drawers and the bag of clothes and he will be simply happy! By the way, we often get very comical shots: kids love to try on their mother’s bras or put on anything (a good option for a family photo archive)!

6. Offer old magazines or toilet paper

Let it rustle for good measure, crumple it, tear it, throw it around. It’s better not to offer newspapers: sharp edges can cut delicate skin, and choose magazines carefully

7. Cartoons

Of course, you can’t live without them; sometimes they help out busy parents a lot. But such pleasure should be strictly dosed: do not let your child watch cartoons for a long time, control what he watches. Nowadays there are a lot of Russian educational cartoons and programs for the little ones, they explain the properties of objects (tall and short, thin and wide, etc.), talk about natural phenomena (day, night, autumn, spring, etc.). Show your children good educational cartoons!


✓ As you can see, there are plenty of options for what to do with a 1-year-old child, and how many more can you think of! But I would like to give some final advice: do not overtire your child (young children are not able to concentrate on one activity for a long time);

✓ Alternate spending time together and your baby’s independent games;

✓ Do not try to engage in developmental activities from the cradle, do not teach something by force: children at this age grasp everything themselves, experiment with games and explore the world. They will not grow up ignorant if they are not taught intelligence from the age of one. They will learn everything themselves, but your participation is fully welcomed;

✓ Accept your child for who he is. Your baby is an individual and knows when to master this or that skill, learn all the letters and colors. Don't put pressure or focus on other children. We are all different;

✓ Divide the entire mass of children's toys into two parts, hide one and change it periodically. This way there is less cleaning, and it’s more interesting for the baby;

✓ A most importantly, hug and kiss your child whenever possible, because all he needs now is your love and tactile connection!

When your baby is one year old, he is active and mobile, very inquisitive and happily exploring this world. During this period of life, the mother should pay enough attention to the emu and find various interesting activities.

As the proverb says: “Motherhood is very hard work, without days off and the possibility of vacations.” But you must admit, it is impossible to devote all 24 hours a day, because there are also household chores in the form of cooking, cleaning and personal time. A logical question arises: how can a 1-year-old child be occupied for at least a little while? More on this later.

In fact, there are many ways to engage your child in interesting activities, thereby gaining some time to do important things. Let's look at some of the most popular options that you can offer your baby.

  1. New colorful toy Surely all children will be happy with such a gift. Of course, this does not mean that you need to buy one toy every day, but sometimes this option is not bad at all. It may be something small, but most importantly it is safe.

You should not buy toys with small parts so that they do not pose a threat. It’s good if it has moving elements - they will definitely interest the baby, and he will play with the new find longer.

Another rescue option is a “miracle box”, which stores old toys that he hasn’t played with for a long time. This option has been tested by many mothers who really need rest or time to do household chores.

  1. Busyboard. Not everyone has heard this strange word, but they definitely know its meaning in practice. Various buttons, locks, handles, laces, ropes, buttons and other similar small details, which are combined together on a special board, and it is called a “busy board,” will help you come up with activities for your child a year. You can purchase the creation in a store or make it yourself. Basically, the toy is aimed not only at distracting the child’s attention, but also at developing his fine motor skills.

You can attach anything there, from an old unnecessary calculator or mobile phone, to a chain from a door or block. The main thing is that all parts are safe.

  1. Help in business. An interesting approach would be not to distract the baby’s attention, but, on the contrary, to involve him in your work process. Not everyone will agree to such an experiment, because some mothers are deeply convinced that the child will only get in the way. But for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready, on the contrary, to teach their children to help their parents from an early age, they will soon be pleasantly surprised.

For example, show your child how to do laundry properly. Place a small basin or bath in a convenient place, after laying an oilcloth there, pour warm water and give some small item to wash. You will be pleasantly surprised with what pleasure your child will begin to wash it. In the meantime, while he is fascinated by the process, you can get down to business. Now the child is in sight, and you are in business.

By the way, now there are many developmental programs that are aimed at teaching and explaining the elementary properties of objects, for example, understanding the meanings of tall and short, fat and thin, talking about what day and night, spring and autumn are, etc. So, in addition to distraction, the child can simultaneously develop and learn new things.

  1. Talking toy. This is a funny hamster or any other animal that will repeat all the words your baby says. It is very funny and fun to watch a child play with such a toy.
  2. Dancing. Almost all children at a young age love to dance. Try turning on a music channel or radio for your child. If he is in the mood, he will certainly start dancing and jumping to the music.
  3. Games with a plastic bottle. Offer your baby a large five-liter plastic bottle with which he can play to his heart's content. Along with it, give him small toys that fit there. At least for a short time, the baby will certainly be interested in such an activity.
  4. Order. Ask your little one to do something very simple, for example, fetch an item or put a doll to sleep. During the process, the child will be distracted for 10-15 minutes, during which time he can complete simple tasks.

6 ways to keep your child busy without toys: video

Adult supervised play options

In addition to the basic ideas on what to do with a 1-year-old child, there are options that can also be used, but with minimal participation from mom or dad. Here are a few of them.

  1. Paints. Art has a positive effect on a child's development. Of course, at one year old it will be difficult for a child to use a brush for painting, but he can do it well with his fingers or palms. Take a huge sheet of paper or let him frolic a little on the tiles, which you can then wash without any problems. Finger paints are not dangerous for children (read about how to make finger paints yourself in), and the game process will be very vivid and full of emotions. The main thing is to keep an eye on your baby so that he doesn’t start transferring his creativity to furniture and walls.
  2. Bubble. One of the most favorite entertainments of all children. During this activity, they become truly delighted, starting to laugh contagiously and try to catch bubbles with their hands.
  3. Let's roll the ball. It is difficult to keep a one-year-old baby in one place, because he wants to constantly run and jump. If you buy a small rubber ball, you can teach your child to roll it on the floor, kick it and run after it.

There is an option to build a small bowling alley, where instead of pins there will be plastic bottles or inflatable balls. Such entertainment will captivate not only the baby, but also your entire family.

  1. Music books. This, of course, will not distract the baby’s attention for a long time, but it will still occupy it for a while. It would be good if the book was large and cardboard, with bright pictures of characters whose parts could be moved.
  2. Wheeled car. Another salvation for mom when she needs a little time. This is an excellent device that is suitable even for those children who do not yet feel quite confident on their own two feet. Moreover, this type of transport will become useful for several years to come. You can drive the car at home, or take it with you for a walk.
  3. Swedish wall. This is an excellent modern exercise machine for the whole family, the models of which have additional functions and are designed for very young children. Often it includes a rope, a rope ladder, a slide or a swing. Of course, for this type of entertainment you need to supervise the child, but he can easily slide down the slide on his own, where you can place soft pillows or a blanket at the bottom for protection. If you have such a wall, this means that the child will be able to guide you from a very early age. an active lifestyle, and this will have a positive impact on his development and health.
  4. Tent or house. Surely everyone in childhood built small shelters from pillows, blankets and other items that can be easily found at home. Imagine how great it will be to build such a structure for your baby.

It's no secret that one year old children love to play hide and seek and crawl around closed areas (for example, in tunnels on a playground). If you do not want to spend time on this, you have the opportunity to purchase such a house made of fabric and polyethylene in the store.

What to do with your baby outside?

We looked at options for keeping a 1 year old child occupied at home. But what about the street, because sometimes you also want to exchange a word with other mothers.

All the games and options for spending time with two-year-old toddlers have long been known to many parents. All that remains is to refresh your memory and put them into practice.

The second year of life can be characterized by 3 main new acquisitions: the child begins to actively move, talk and interact with the outside world.

The main means of communication is speech, which is actively developing thanks to the unique ability of children aged one and a half years and older to imitate. Children's play activities are also improving; now they reproduce in play literally everything they see around them.

To understand what to do with a child at one or two years old, you need to understand in more detail the features of this age period. Among the features of babies over 12 months are:

The behavior of a baby aged 1.5 - 2 years, in contrast to a child aged 4 months, is characterized by greater perseverance and attentiveness. At two years old, the baby is able to enthusiastically engage in any activity for a quarter of an hour, especially when the mother is also involved in the activity.

What games will a small child like?

  • bubble. No kid will remain indifferent, watching how soap foam turns into rainbow bubbles, which can also be burst;
  • drawing. You can interest a one-year-old toddler with special finger paints. A two-year-old child will be able to paint with watercolors, gouache paints and markers. The main thing is that all items are non-toxic;
  • modeling Plasticine mass or salt dough is an ideal material for developing fine motor skills. Initially, mom needs to demonstrate how to roll balls and sausages, but leave more complex shapes for later;
  • role-playing games. An interested child can happily feed the dolls, swaddle them, and put them in a crib or stroller for a long time. That is, the baby performs actions familiar to him;
  • reading. Since children of one or two years old cannot yet understand the intricacies of fairy tales, it is best to read them short poems and nursery rhymes. Chukovsky, Barto - ideal option;
  • . You definitely can’t do without them, so it’s important to stock up on cubes, pyramids, inserts, and construction sets with large, durable elements;
  • Balloons. Another favorite activity for little children is to have fun with balloons. They can be inflated and deflated, painted with a felt-tip pen, depicting funny faces.

In addition, children love to play with water. A basin with water and rubber toys, a bath with dolls are a great option for entertainment. A child can splash around, pour water from various containers, wash his favorite dolls, and “wash” doll clothes.

Distracting a child for a few minutes to go about his business is not an easy task. It is necessary to provide him with something to do so that he does not even think about going on a dangerous “journey” to study the world around him. What can you do to keep your child busy for a while?

The activities presented above must be “diluted” with minutes of idleness. There is no need to try to fill all your baby’s free time with games or cartoons. Let him sit idle for a while and invent his own entertainment. Otherwise, there is a risk of reducing his natural curiosity.

Great idea to buy one for little kids. Find out the main advantages of different models and read how to choose these useful devices.

To occupy the baby for a short time and at the same time provide him with space for development, from scrap materials.

What to do with a one or two year old child outside?

Such entertainment can be done at home, but street games are no less useful. It's no secret that daily walks in the yard strengthen children's health and activate the child's development.

Perhaps the first object for studying the world around us is the familiar sandbox. To play in it you need to stock up on molds, a bucket and a scoop. By the way, such manipulations will prepare the child’s hand for handling cutlery.

In winter, you can sculpt snowmen, draw with paints or sticks in the snow. In spring and autumn, the same stick will be useful for measuring the depth of puddles. Paper or wooden boats also float well in spring streams.

Any walk for a child is an adventure and discovery of something new. He is interested in everything: a flying bird, a passing cat, a passing car. That's why you need to change locations to vary your experience.

As soon as the child turns three years old, you can introduce him to social life. For example, three-year-old children are taken to youth theaters, zoos, and amusement parks. This will further expand children's horizons.

The question of what to do with a child of 1 or 2 years old is decided with the help of the mother’s imagination and the desire to instill in the baby greater independence.

You should understand that you shouldn’t take up every free minute of your child’s time. Sometimes apparent inactivity is even useful, and a bored child is more likely to find something useful to do.

In general, you can engage in several types of activities with a two-year-old child.

Fun with parents:

  • blowing soap bubbles;
  • inflating balloons;
  • drawing;
  • working with plasticine;
  • reading;
  • role-playing games;
  • entertainment with toys.

“Independent” activities for children:

  • games with paper;
  • bodyboard;
  • fun with cereals;
  • household chores (cleaning, washing plastic dishes);
  • watching cartoons.

Street entertainment:

  • sandbox games;
  • making a snowman;
  • observation of the surrounding world;
  • launching boats;
  • measuring the depth of puddles;
  • visiting the zoo, etc.

Thus, entertaining a two-year-old child always goes hand in hand with his development. Active and didactic games will help you release energy and develop perseverance and mental processes. Parents will only have to put their happy and calm child into bed.

"How to deal with a 1 year old child?" - This is a question parents often ask. After all, children grow up so quickly. Sometimes it is impossible to keep track of when the baby walked and spoke. Every parent always needs to decide in advance what to do with their child from the age of one year. The baby always has to do something. And it is desirable that these are some kind of educational games or a set of activities designed for a certain age. When your child just starts to sit down, it is already necessary to give him games that will develop finger motor skills.

If the baby begins to walk, then you need to ensure that the posture is level. A child at any age needs support and development. Let's try to figure out what the little ones need, and where they can be sent from a tiny age.

Features of the games

How to work with a 1 year old child? Whatever type of activity the parent chooses for his child at this age, it is necessary to remember that games should, first of all, be safe for him, interesting and educational. After all, during such a period, children begin to explore the world. They are interested in everything around them.

Puzzles and figures

What can you do with your one-year-old child? Many mothers, captivated by the idea of ​​making a prodigy out of their child, begin to do everything possible with him, forgetting that the child may not be interested or may not be able to absorb all the incoming information.

Try starting with puzzles. They should be large so that the baby does not get confused. After he masters them, he can be given puzzles of smaller sizes from a larger number. You can also purchase toys with different holes. You need to place figures in them. Each must have a corresponding hole, and the child himself must learn to select them correctly. Various geometric objects according to the Montessori method will not be superfluous. In addition to geometric ones, there may be figures in the form of animals and fruits. For the early development of your baby, you can purchase a special book. Mom herself will be able to insert figures of the characters into it. After which the baby will be able to learn this too. The figures must be signed syllable by syllable. This way the baby will quickly learn how to read correctly. Also great are cubes, from which the child can build various turrets and pyramids. Remember that at this age children's attention is very scattered, it is difficult for them to focus on one thing. It is very important to be able to interest the baby, then everything will work out. But don’t expect instant results, that you show your child a game once or twice, and he will immediately begin to repeat after you. The main thing is to have patience and time. Of course, don't overdo it. From a heavy load or monotonous activity, the child will begin to get irritated and cry. And this will significantly slow down the process of obtaining results.

Rings with core

What to do with your one-year-old child at home? Each mother can purchase rings of different sizes and a rod on which the baby will have to put them on in a certain order. It is important to ensure that the child takes the ring with his fingertips, wrapping his thumb around it. What is the goal of the game? Five rings need to be laid out in front of the baby (there may be more).

You should show the baby that first you need to string the largest ring onto the rod, and then in descending order. If you find one, buy a musical pyramid that will make sounds every time the ring falls on the rod. For example, if a child put on the correct ring, then one sound, if he made a mistake, then another. This will interest the baby even more. Repeat this until he remembers the order of the rings on the rod and loses interest. This game helps develop attentiveness and concentration.

A pot of vegetables will help develop your child’s skills

An ordinary saucepan, which every housewife can find, and a set of completely different objects are perfect for developing a baby’s memory. For starters, it could be fruits and vegetables. The essence of the lesson is that the mother puts several products in a pan and takes them out one by one, letting the baby look, touch, and study. After which the lesson is repeated. Then the mother lays out the same vegetables and asks the baby to take one from the pan, which she will name. Children at this age love to hide and look for everything. Therefore, such a game will not go unnoticed by them.

Balls and matryoshkas

How to deal with the development of a child per year? Thanks to nesting dolls, you can introduce your baby to how to assemble and disassemble structures. Only in such a game is it important to interest him. It’s not easy to put one into another, but you need to come up with an interesting story. For example, you play hide and seek with him and leave one nesting doll in each secret place. The baby will need to find them and put them in the correct order. It will be interesting to play with activities with balloons. The baby must learn to pick them up with his fingers.

Then roll over the entire palm. Initially, you can collect a box of small balls and teach your baby to put them one by one in it. Then complicate the task and show the child how to not carry the balls, but roll them from one point to another.

What can he already do? What to teach a baby?

Before deciding what to do with a one-year-old child, you need to clearly define for yourself what he already knows and what he could not learn. By one year of age, children should be able to walk without assistance. And now the baby is interested in everything, and he wants to learn and touch more. First of all, try to secure the space in which the child is located. There should be no sharp corners, close all sockets if possible. Based on your skills, you can decide which games to choose for him. Many parents don’t like it when their children climb everywhere and can’t sit still. They think that they are not raising him correctly and begin to punish the baby. They must understand that at this age a child simply needs an active lifestyle. And every day their activity will increase. Many children already at this age can fetch small things on their own, and some can already drink and try to eat on their own.

Educational schools for little ones

Where can I send my child to study annually? Today, many groups are opening for the development of children. You can even find nurseries on a paid basis that enroll children from one to three years old in groups.

There are a huge number of development schools where mothers bring their babies and study with them. What is the advantage of such schools over nurseries, and why take your child there at all? Such institutions always exist on a paid basis. There, each child will be given the amount of time he needs. Specialists also work with them and monitor their timely development. In addition, the baby makes new friends. That is, children learn to communicate with others. This way it will be easier for them to find their place in society in the future.

Also, a big advantage of these schools is that the mother will be able to choose the right games for her child, they will tell her and show her how to properly and what to do with her child from the age of one. When the baby gets older, he will be able to be alone in a group without his mother. This will greatly facilitate his transfer to kindergarten. It is very stressful for children when they suddenly begin to take him from home to some place where there are no relatives, no mother, and generally nothing familiar to him. And usually in state kindergartens teachers do not pay enough attention to each child. As a result, he can become very withdrawn or, conversely, aggressive. After such schools, children adapt more easily to new conditions.

How to work with a child (year and month)?

The first month after one year is very important for every baby. Since he begins to take his first steps and every day he becomes stronger and more mobile. And mom won’t be able to sit him down on the carpet, put away his toys and go about his business. The baby will constantly need your support. All games this month should focus on fine motor skills, that is, they should be more mobile than before. You can buy a car without pedals, which your baby can ride by pushing off with his feet. This will help well in developing the lower extremities. Also play hide and seek with him. Children love games of this kind very much. You can come up with games to gradually familiarize your child with the apartment. The child is explained what a table, dishes, and chair are and taught to handle them correctly. The baby is also introduced to the outside world and vehicles. The child studies animals, their habits and the sounds they make. At home, you can stage different scenes with dolls. The parent takes several dolls and animals and designs some kind of scene from life, explaining to the child who has what role and what everyone should do.

Also, with the help of pictures, a child can be taught to distinguish between different images. At this age, the baby can already be introduced to different literature. He needs to read simple works and ask him to show the characters in the illustrations of the book.

Continuing to introduce the child to objects, the mother needs to hide behind the door and start making the sounds of an approaching car, but not show it to the baby. This will increase his interest and concentration. Mom needs to make sounds close to those made by the machine. In the second part of the lesson, you should show the child the car. At the same time, you should continue to make sounds. Then the mother begins to drive the car in different directions, focusing the baby’s attention. You can introduce other characters into your game, for example, a doll that gets behind the wheel or a second car.

To develop a sense of rhythm in the baby, the mother needs to learn several nursery rhymes with him and constantly repeat them.

Working with a child (1-2 years old)

Remember that during this period the baby is growing every day. He acquires new skills, and at the age of 1-2 he needs to work with the child constantly. At this age, the baby's closest person is his mother. It is good when during this period of development a child plays with children. But he can only develop through interaction with an adult. A good contact activity is blowing soap bubbles. All children are interested in watching the process. They look at where these balls come from and where they go.


What to do with a 1.5 year old child? At this age, a child can handle gouache without any problems. Therefore, you can safely start drawing with it. It is better to cover the surface on which this will happen with a large roll of paper so that the child has room to turn around and does not stain the surface. Dress your baby in diapers and clothes that you won’t mind ruining. Arrange jars of paint so that it is convenient for him to get them. It is not necessary to sit next to the child at this moment. He can draw himself. He will be interested in studying the quality of paints, mixing colors, and creating his own unique paintings.


What to do with a child (1.5 years old) at home? Also at this age, the baby can easily start sculpting. Take ordinary plasticine. Show how you can make different figures from it, and let him repeat. Then he will be able to do this himself. At this age, a child can repeat after his parents, that is, reproduce everything he sees at home. She begins to feed and swaddle the doll and put it to sleep. Caring for a toy dog. Therefore, remember that now you need to watch how you talk and what you do. Because all this will affect your baby.

Active fun

What to do with a child from one year old? Don’t forget, of course, about active games. The child will not be able to constantly sit still and draw or sculpt something. Every day he should have time to run, jump and frolic. Even children at this age develop an interest in the rustling of paper. They love to tear it and crush it. A roll of toilet paper will work well for this activity. They won’t leave the balls unattended either. The kid is very interested in how a big ball appears from a small piece of rubber material. Also attracting attention is the sound that is made when the ball descends. You can show him how to fool him, and he will try to do the same.

When a mother is preparing dinner and doesn’t know how to combine activities with her child and cooking, she can take him with her to the kitchen. It’s enough to open the cabinet with pots and let your baby move all these intricate jars from place to place.


Now you know what to do with your child from the age of one year. We hope that the tips we gave in the article were useful to you.

What to do with a one-year-old baby? One-year-olds are very active, they are constantly on the move, they are interested in absolutely everything, but it is still difficult for one-year-olds to captivate and occupy themselves with toys that are interesting to older children. Today we will discuss what to do with a one-year-old child at home - ideas for mom. The child accepts all the activities that an adult offers him with great admiration, tries to take part in everything, but he still lacks concentration.

Therefore, if you don’t want your baby to draw on the walls, water the chair instead of flowers, or something else like that, then you will have to constantly come up with different interesting games and tasks for him.
What to do with a one-year-old child at home - ideas for mom

Don't be bored, baby, mom is nearby!

For a one-year-old baby who has just recently begun to walk with his legs, any corner, closet, shelf, door will be interesting, but despite the fact that the child sometimes occupies himself independently, he cannot be left alone in the room!

Always remember that the baby knows nothing at all about the physical properties of objects; he is not afraid of heights or poisoning. A small child still has no idea how his games may end.

To prevent your child from bombing your entire apartment, and most importantly, to avoid getting hurt himself, try to direct all his energy in the right direction and offer him exciting games. And again, do not forget that control over the child must be constant.

Classes are divided into two options. The first is when the baby plays independently, at this time the mother can choose some time and devote to herself. The second is joint games between mother and child.

Any object that a child sees for the first time, he not only wants to touch and look at, but also pulls it into his mouth to taste it. This period is very difficult for the mother, because she simultaneously needs to constantly closely monitor the child and also perform a huge number of chores around the house.

There is one way out: try to keep the child occupied with something for at least fifteen minutes. The main condition for these classes is safety. There should be nothing near the child that could be dangerous for him.

Air fresheners, perfumes, deodorants, sharp and small objects, lighters, varnishes, pins, manicure accessories, batteries, coins - all this must be removed as far as possible so that the child cannot reach them.

Even when the child is completely inaudible, he plays enthusiastically, constantly check him to be completely sure that he is not doing anything dangerous.

Children usually get bored very quickly even with the most beautiful and bright toys, and they are always waiting for something new. But still, the more toys a baby has, the less interesting they are to him.

Buy a special box or basket for toys, from which you can from time to time take out those toys that the child has already forgotten about, and put others away instead of old ones.

What to do with a one-year-old child at home - if you are talking on the phone, then give the child a handset from an old phone or a children's toy phone, if you are reading a book or magazine - sit the child next to him and let him also look at the pictures in his children's books, if you write something Well, then the child should also be given a pencil and a piece of paper.

Even when you are preparing food in the kitchen, give your child a saucepan and let him put any non-hazardous things in it or just drum on it. For a one-year-old child, kitchen utensils are much more interesting than toys from the store.

Any kitchen utensils are suitable for a child to play with: pot lids, pots themselves, containers, plastic dishes, ladles, rolling pins. It is very interesting for a child to sort through all these objects. Stack one inside the other.

If the noise doesn't bother you, give your child two metal lids to knock against each other, or let him knock on a saucepan with a spoon. The noise will be terrible, but it will keep the child busy for a long time.

You can also use handkerchiefs for the game. To do this, tie several pieces together and put them in any box. Close the box and make a small hole in the lid. Pull a small piece of the handkerchief out, and let the baby pull out the rest of the handkerchiefs himself.

Kids really like nesting dolls, and in general everything like them, where you can insert objects into one another. These toys include a set of cups, boxes, and kitchen saucepans.

The child will also really like such a toy as a gurney. It can be pulled by a string or pushed in front of you. The stores have a huge selection of such toys in the form of animals, insects, helicopters, cars, wheels. A similar toy can be easily made from a simple shoe box.

What to do with a one-year-old child at home - all children love to play with clothes. To do this, you can give your child shawls, scarves, handkerchiefs or a paper bag with baby clothes that he no longer wears and has almost forgotten. The baby will certainly put on something from the offer and begin to show off in front of the mirror.

Kids really like balloons. They should not be inflated too much so that they do not burst during play. Show your child that they need to be tossed or played in football with them.

Games with water are no less interesting. Place your child on a high chair near the sink. Wear an apron made of waterproof material over your clothes. The tap water should be warm. Then hand your child a couple of unbreakable glasses.

If you are going to cook, then give the child potatoes or carrots, let him wash them, only after that wash the child’s hands with soap.

Kids really like to tear paper. Give him old magazines or toilet paper for this, let the child make lumps, tear it, poke holes in it with his finger, in a word, anything. But just make sure your child doesn’t eat it.

Make a homemade house for your baby. To do this, place two chairs next to each other, cover them with a blanket and open a corner for the door so that the baby can get in. It will make a great house if you throw a blanket over the table. But there shouldn’t be anything on the table, otherwise the child might pull the blanket and something will fall on him.

Feeding toys is also a favorite game of all children. To do this, let the child place several toys: dolls or plush animals. Tell your child that it is time for them to eat lunch. Give your baby foods that you cut out of paper, for example, candies of different colors and shapes. Place children's plastic plates in front of each toy, and let the child put food for the toys in them.

Even in the kitchen, you can give your child an activity like pouring cereal. To do this, hand your child several bowls or cups and any type of cereal. Let your child use a spoon to pour it from one cup to another.

You can hide some object, for example, a toy, in the cereal, let the child sort the cereal with his hands trying to get the right thing. This exercise also perfectly develops fine motor skills.

How to keep a one-year-old child occupied at home - an equally interesting game of “magic bag”. To do this, take any bag or children's plush backpack and put several different items in it. Tie small objects, such as buttons, into bracelets. Change the contents of the bag from time to time and do not give it to your child too often.

You can put various objects into plastic bottles, and then, together with your child, look through the transparent walls to see what has accumulated there.

Take a box that has several divisions. Place different types of objects in them, for example, large beans, shells, pebbles. In addition to everything, you can give your child plastic bowls and spoons. The child, under your supervision, will begin to carry all these little things with a spoon, and at the same time he will learn to hold a spoon.

What games can be offered to a child together with his mother? You can draw, because even a one-year-old baby can draw. For this you just need to purchase finger paints. They are completely safe, non-toxic, easy to clean, and are made especially for babies. They can be used by children who cannot yet hold a brush in their hands.

Drawing perfectly develops fine motor skills, perfectly lifts the mood and helps the formation of color perception. For your first masterpiece, you can use the back of old wallpaper or buy whatman paper.

You can also make drawings in the bathroom on the tiles! It’s still more convenient in the bathroom, because you can immediately wash both the wall and the baby.

How to keep a one-year-old child occupied at home - a baby at this age can already be involved in housework. Children like to help their mother. For example, watering flowers, washing dishes, vacuuming. For them, all these actions are considered a game. Of course, you shouldn't expect a one-year-old child to cope with any task. Naturally, you will have to clean up after him, but such activity will help accustom the child to work.

Give the baby a mop, let it move it around the floor, let it also hold a glass or plate under the tap, the baby will be very happy.

Cleaning the house will help the child better navigate space, coordinate movements, remember objects, and develop fine motor skills. All these actions will help a child by the age of one and a half to cope with such tasks as: putting a dirty plate or bottle in the sink, taking laundry to the washing machine, collecting toys and clothes.

You can play role-playing games, which for now can only be limited to the actions that you do every day with your child. You will need glove dolls and soft toys. Try feeding the doll, putting it to sleep, or taking it for a ride in the car.

Hide and seek, catch-up, exercises accompanied by cheerful music, children really like all this. All kinds of children's tents and tunnels will help add variety to them.

Cubes and pyramids are also indispensable toys for babies. Show your child how to play with cubes: they can be placed in a row or on top of each other. Five cubes is a tower, and it is so interesting to break it. If you are planning to build a house out of cubes, your baby will be happy to join you.

And then for a few minutes you can leave the child to work on the cubes on his own. Pyramids help the child remember colors and sizes. Show your child where the smallest and largest ring is. Let the child try to put on the rings on his own.

Do you know how much you can write about this - a whole novel! - What to do with a one-year-old child at home...

Let's go play with the baby!

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