When can a child be given strawberries without fear? At what age can you give your child strawberries: tips and recommendations

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

In the summer, parents have the opportunity to pamper their little ones with fresh vegetables and fruits. Such a delicacy is appropriate for older children, because their stomach has already adapted to “adult” food and can easily digest such foods, which cannot be said about the digestive tract of a one-year-old child.

But a growing body at any age needs useful substances that would help it develop, increase immunity and give energy for active games. This cannot be achieved without eating vegetables and fruits.

Strawberries for children

Strawberries contain glucose, sucrose, fructose, ascorbic and citric acid. It contains a substance such as fisetin, which is an antioxidant. It has a beneficial effect on memory and improves the thinking process.

Children who eat berries have increased stamina and performance. Strawberries improve hematopoietic processes, strengthen blood vessels and stimulate cell growth in the body.

True, there is also “the other side of the coin”. Strawberries can cause a severe allergic reaction. This is explained by the high pigment content in the berries, which are brightly colored. Also, raw strawberries are not recommended for children who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and unstable stool.

At what age can a child eat strawberries?

Breastfed children can be introduced to complementary foods from 7 months. It is recommended to give blueberries and currants first. It is better to introduce raspberries, blackberries, and sea buckthorn into the diet at 10-12 months. But strawberries and wild strawberries are allowed to be given to children no earlier than one and a half years.

Berries can be administered either alone or together with other products (porridge, cottage cheese). Sometimes it’s worth starting with mousse, jelly, jam, or giving 10 ml to drink. strawberry compote. After all, a stomach that is not yet strong will accept cooked foods more softly. After a few days, you can give your babies raw berries.

Compliance with the rules

Strawberries are a sweet berry, so when cooking with their addition, you should not sprinkle the dish with sugar. Let children learn to perceive the natural taste of the product.

Children are often allergic to new berries, so in order to be able to determine what exactly the reaction occurred to, there is no need to give them several varieties at the same time. That is, strawberries, raspberries and wild strawberries on the same day, if the kids have not eaten them before.

The end of spring, the beginning of summer is the period of strawberry picking. The red, aromatic berry beckons with its appetizing appearance. Both children and adults love strawberries. Its unique taste goes well with desserts, decorates drinks and complements dishes. Strawberries are delicious eaten plain or with cream. The berry can be added to ice cream, made into a healthy smoothie or sweet puree.

But is it possible to give strawberries to children under one year old? After all, there is an opinion that this berry is a powerful allergen. Do the beneficial properties of strawberries outweigh them, and is it possible to include them in a child’s diet, or is it still worth being wary of this great taste?

Is it possible to give strawberries to children under one year old?

So, what do pediatricians answer when asked whether strawberries can be given to children under one year of age?

Doctors say a clear “no”!

And they are most likely very right. Strawberries are a berry that is considered a strong allergen. Even an adult’s body can react with an allergic reaction to strawberries. Children's fragile immune systems are not designed to be tested by aggressive allergens like strawberries. When answering the question whether strawberries can be given to children under one year old, it is worth considering one more factor. Today, berries are brought from distant places. Early strawberries are grown in foreign beds, in regions with a hotter climate. In order for the berry to survive transportation and withstand a long shelf life, it can be treated with special additives, which may not be dangerous, but are unlikely to be beneficial for the child’s body.

Even children over one year of age are recommended to be given strawberries grown in their own beds or purchased from reliable sellers who can provide product certificates.

In what form can strawberries be given to children under one year of age?

Although pediatricians answer the question whether strawberries can be given to children under one year of age with an unequivocal “no,” there is still an alternative. You can introduce strawberry flavor to your baby as early as one year of age. True, it will not be a natural fresh berry. There are special baby purees, compotes and juices containing strawberry components. Typically, such baby food is designed for babies from 9 months. Previously, under any conditions, the juice and pulp of everyone’s favorite berry should not be included in the baby’s diet.

Is it possible to give strawberries from your garden to babies under one year old?

Some parents, at their own peril and risk, let children under one year old try berries from their own garden. This, of course, is not a very right decision. But, if everything is fine and the child does not have any reaction to this berry, then you should at least not neglect the following tips:

  1. Offer berries to your baby no earlier than 7–10 months of age, but it is better to wait until 1–1.5 years.
  2. Before eating, strawberries should be washed well with warm water. Even berries grown in your own garden can contain harmful (even dangerous) microorganisms on the surface.
  3. It’s not worth giving your baby more than 1-2 medium berries a day. It is better to pamper your baby with strawberry dessert no more than 1-2 times a week.
  4. The allergenicity of strawberries boiled with sugar and/or water is reduced significantly, but does not disappear completely.
  5. It is better to give the berry to the baby in the first half of the day, then you will be able to track the reaction over the subsequent period until the night.

Are strawberries good for children?

When asking whether strawberries can be given to children under one year of age, we want to find out how healthy this berry is. Strawberries are very beneficial for the body of a child and an adult. The berry combines the following beneficial properties:

  • It is a powerful antiseptic that destroys pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.).
  • Saturates the body with vitamins E, A, K, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.
  • It has a beneficial effect on mood by stimulating the production of serotonin.
  • Promotes hematopoiesis.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Normalizes stool.
  • Increases the elasticity of the skin.

Yes, these are the many-sided benefits of these incredibly tasty berries. However, a prerequisite for reaping benefits is that the child does not have allergies or has intestinal problems.

Can a child have strawberries? Now we’ll try to figure it out, but first we’ll look at a few important points. Every mother takes care of her child from the very first days of his life. She protects him from any trouble, tries to make sure that the baby is always full and happy. We constantly feel maternal care and warmth, for which we are very grateful. But it’s one thing when a child is already an adult and knows what can be eaten and what cannot. And it’s completely different to have a baby who doesn’t yet know how to make decisions. In the latter case, it is the mother who must determine what is allowed for him and what will only harm his health.

At the end of spring, the first strawberries ripen. Even if this berry does not contain a huge amount of vitamins, it is still useful, especially for a growing organism. Therefore, mothers need to know

There is no need to talk about the benefits of the berry, since each of us was convinced that after consuming it, the complexion, the digestive system and the general condition caused by vitamin deficiency after winter improved. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, helping to normalize kidney function. In general, this berry has a lot, it remains to find out whether a child will be allergic to strawberries. And this is very easy to do, since in almost every clinic you can take the necessary tests and find out the child’s reaction to various allergens.

If your child doesn’t have one, then you can safely let your baby try his first berry. However, you need to be careful with this too.

Since each baby develops differently and has its own unique life system, many mothers wonder when to give their baby strawberries.

Pediatricians recommend introducing the child to the red berry only after one year of age. It is not recommended to start feeding at 6-7 months, since the child’s body is not yet ready to accept such products. Since strawberries are one of the strongest and most serious food allergens, the mother needs to closely monitor the condition of the child’s body after eating it. You need to start feeding with one berry (or even half if it is very large). If a rash does not appear on the child’s body or diarrhea does not begin, you can gradually increase the amount of strawberries. However, even a grown child should not be given more than 10 berries per day.

Some mothers begin to think about when they can give their child strawberries, based on the baby’s requests for berries. However, do not be mistaken and it is better to wait until the age at which you can feed him sweet strawberries. If your 6-month-old baby persistently asks for this particular berry and begins to be capricious, you can use some kind of “trick”. Beat a small amount of strawberries with yogurt, milk, cream or kefir. You can add a banana there too. The result is a very tasty cocktail that is beneficial for the child’s body. In this form, the berry can be given to a baby at the age of 6-7 months, but it is also necessary to monitor the reaction of his body.

Now you know when you can give your child strawberries, as well as the best way to do it. Happiness and health to you!

By the end of spring, you can find fresh, juicy strawberries on store shelves - a tasty and healthy berry.

And how can you resist treating your little one with it? The temptation is great. But before you do this, you should know at what age you can give strawberries to children. Otherwise you can only do harm.

The benefits and harms of strawberries for a child

What are the benefits of strawberries?

  • First of all, it is rich in vitamins: C, group B, A, E, PP;
  • In addition, it contains important macro- and microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iron, copper, manganese, fluorine, iodine, etc.;
  • Strawberries contain valuable dietary fiber, organic acids, mono- and disaccharides. And also, of course, water (about 85%).

The benefits of strawberries for children are, first of all:

  1. Improved digestion and appetite;
  2. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  3. Normalization of blood composition;
  4. Antimicrobial, diuretic and diaphoretic effect;
  5. Quenching thirst.

However, strawberries can be harmful for children.

  • The berry is a strong allergen. This means that if your child is prone to allergies, you should not give strawberries until at least 3 years of age;
  • If the baby has problems with the liver or stomach (including increased acidity), when asked “can my child have strawberries?” I will answer in the negative;
  • Strawberries can be harmful if you feed them to your baby excessively, trying to saturate the little body with vitamins as much as possible.

When can berries be introduced into complementary foods?

So, to the most important question: at what age are children given strawberries? Since this product is very allergenic, at least after a year.

What if mom really wants to do it earlier? Is it possible for a child, for example, to have strawberries? I will say this: it is possible, but carefully. If your baby is not prone to allergies, you can try giving him one berry.

For my eldest daughter, the period of complementary feeding fell in the fall, so there was no question about strawberries, but with my second daughter it was just in the summer.

In the summer, during strawberry season, she was 9-10 months old and I had already started giving her berries.

When you ask me, from how many months can you give strawberries, I will answer that it greatly depends on the condition of the child, the careful introduction of complementary foods and whether you are breastfeeding or not.

I talk about how to properly introduce complementary foods and avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions and reactions from the gastrointestinal tract in the course ABC of complementary feeding: safe introduction of complementary foods >>>.

Breast milk, if given to a child to drink berries with, will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and the risk of allergic reactions.

Know! If the child is 9 months or older and you are in the period of natural strawberries, ripened at a grandmother’s dacha or simply grown on a bush, then you can introduce the child to the berry at this age.

Signs of an allergic reaction

How do you know if your child is allergic to strawberries?

Signs of an allergic reaction are the same as with the introduction of other products.

The first and main one is usually considered to be a small red rash on the baby’s face and body. However, you shouldn’t focus only on it: sometimes the reaction is expressed by other symptoms, even in the absence of pimples:

  1. Severe lacrimation;
  2. Red mucous eyes;
  3. Constant sneezing;
  4. Swelling of the tongue;
  5. Sore throat;
  6. Allergic rhinitis (simply nasal discharge);
  7. Itching and swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth (the baby will constantly put his hand there to scratch);
  8. Diarrhea;
  9. Pain, cramping in the abdomen;
  10. Peeling of the skin.

Therefore, even when the age comes when the child can have strawberries, it is imperative to monitor his condition.

And, at the slightest suspicion of an allergy, stop giving the baby berries and seek advice from a pediatrician or allergist.

Introducing berries into complementary foods

  • For the first test, a small piece will be enough;
  • It is better to give it in the first half of the day so that the reaction can be monitored;
  • At the same time, do not introduce any other new foods on this day in order to know exactly what the body reacted to if this happens.

Important! Remember also that new foods cannot be introduced if the baby is unwell or has recently had a vaccination.

  • You gave me some strawberries. Monitor your child for at least 12 hours. If no alarming symptoms appear, gradually increase the portion.

How many strawberries can a child have?

It all depends on the baby himself (in particular, his weight and height. This is written in detail in the article Child development by month to year >>>), as well as the size of the berries. Their approximate number can be from 4 to 8 pieces.

Important! The strawberries you pick from the bush are less allergenic than those picked a few hours ago. Try to give your child freshly picked berries.

Choosing the right strawberries

You need to choose all products for children much more carefully than for adults, I have already spoken about this several times. A child's body is more vulnerable. Therefore, when choosing strawberries, remember:

  1. Around April, imported berries, treated for long-term storage with protective substances, go on sale;
  • It quickly begins to “bleed juice,” which is easy to notice;
  • Externally it has an attractive glossy appearance;
  • Almost all of them are the same size and almost odorless.
  1. Our dear, seasonal strawberries ripen at the end of June. It usually is not too large, more often it will be of different sizes, has characteristic veins in the fracture and smells invitingly;
  2. Any foreign smell (fermentation, rot, dampness) should repel you;
  3. The berry should be bright and shiny, with protruding grains, without signs of spoilage, dents, black spots, or plaque;
  4. The staleness of strawberries (whose harvest time is more than 2 days) is indicated by wilted or dried tails;
  5. If the berry is too elastic and hard, most likely it was picked while still green, and it ripened in transit or under the influence of special processing.

Before giving it to a child, it must be washed thoroughly.

Remember that any product must be introduced into the baby’s diet in a timely manner, gradually, in compliance with the rules for introducing complementary foods, choosing a quality product, hygiene and acceptable portions.

If a child over one year old has eating problems, see a course on appetite correction

At what age can you give your child strawberries? Almost all parents think about this when summer comes. Of course! Fragrant, bright and juicy berries attract children of all ages. And if everything is clear with children over three years old - they can and even should be given strawberries, then what to do with kids is not at all clear to many parents. Is it really possible to hide juicy berries from him while relaxing with a child in the country?

Let's start with the fact that strawberries are, without a doubt, a very healthy berry for both children and adults. But for all its taste and nutritional qualities, it is a strong allergen, like all red foods. Therefore, the answer to the question: “At what age can a child be given strawberries?” - directly depends on how prone he is to food allergies.

Strawberries included in the diet of a child under one year old are a super-allergenic product. If you still want to try giving your child a few berries, do it in the first half of the day to monitor the possible reaction of the baby’s body. What should alert you and serve as a signal to eliminate strawberries from your diet? This is primarily a rash, redness of the skin, diarrhea and excessive moodiness. Only one of the signs may be observed or all four at once. This does not mean that now there is a lifelong taboo on the consumption of delicious berries - in a few months you can repeat the experiment again. There may no longer be an allergic reaction.

At what age can you give your child strawberries? Experts recommend doing this no earlier than seven months, and it is better to wait until the child is one year old. Strawberries are beneficial for their high content of vitamin C and organic acids, which are very important for dysbiosis, as they normalize the intestinal microflora. In addition, the berry is rich in folic acid and zinc, as well as other vitamins and microelements necessary for children of all ages (magnesium, phosphorus, A, E, B, etc.). Strawberries have hematopoietic, diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Strawberry juice improves appetite, so if your child is over a year old and eats very poorly, give him a few berries before the main meal. However, it is better to consult with a pediatrician and eat strawberries only when they are in season - berries brought from abroad may contain substances harmful to the baby, which can lead to poisoning. Strawberries for children over one year of age can also be served in the form of compote or fruit drink.

Strawberries for children under one year old - in small doses, only after 7 months, under close supervision by parents, after consultation with a pediatrician and only of proven quality and properly processed!

So, at what age can you give your child strawberries, we figured it out. How to do it right?

1. Buy strawberries only in trusted places and only during their ripening and harvesting season.

2. Rinse the berries thoroughly before giving them to your child - their surface may contain pathogenic organisms.

3. At first, give only half of the berry and observe the reaction.

4. If there is no diarrhea or rash, give 1-2 berries the next day.

5. 2-3 years a day - the maximum dose for a child up to one and a half years old.

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