Favorable dates for a wedding in the year of Taurus. Beautiful dates and best days for a wedding

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

The solemn combination of two loving hearts is a wedding, a very important and such an exciting moment in the life of a couple. Usually, future newlyweds try to plan the upcoming ceremony, the banquet, the outfit of the bride and groom, and other important details. You also need to be responsible when choosing the date of your upcoming wedding, because the location of the stars in the sky also determines how successful the upcoming union will be. Moreover, the next year, 2015, will pass under the symbol of the green Goat or Sheep. And the goat, as we remember, is a stubborn animal, quite contradictory, but at the same time cautious. She doesn’t like spontaneously made decisions and haste; everything this year should happen with purpose and order. That is why, when choosing a good day for a wedding in 2015, respect its symbol and carefully select the most successful date; there is no need to rush, there are days when the stars are on your side in almost every month.

Lucky days for a wedding in 2015 by month

In general, a marriage concluded in the year of the green Goat promises to be successful. The horned symbol of 2015 values ​​fidelity and devotion, family ties and constancy. Therefore, your marriage will be strong, and your family will be large and friendly. But a lot depends on the newlyweds themselves, because even the most carefully selected date does not guarantee peace and tranquility in a couple where love, respect and understanding are lacking. Read more about how to choose a date for a wedding in 2015 in our material.


Please note that the first month of 2015 is not the most favorable month for marriage. Therefore, it would be good to postpone the wedding to a later date. But if you still decide to get married in January, then hold the ceremony on the first day of 2015, before Christmas, January 10-12 or 17-19. The Orthodox calendar allows getting married only after January 19, that is, starting from January 20 and ending on the 31st, the ceremony can be scheduled for any Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or Friday - these are the usual and traditionally accepted wedding days.


Astrologers believe that February is also not the best choice for those who decide to get married. Although those who get married on February 13-17 or on the eve of Defenders of the Fatherland Day will have a good family life without unnecessary turmoil. Also, a significant “minus” of weddings in February is that, according to the Orthodox calendar, February 23 marks the beginning of Lent, during which marriage is also prohibited. Although it is not forbidden to arrange a ceremony before the 23rd, it can be done on any wedding day of the week.


Great Lent continues, so throughout March 2015 the church does not celebrate marriages. However, astrologers, when calculating wedding dates for 2015, note that in March there will be only a few days favorable for marriage, namely the first two days of the month and the days of celebrating International Women's Day, that is, from the 7th to the 9th. The second half of the month is unlucky, and all because of the solar eclipse, which will take place on March 20 - perhaps this particular day in March 2015 is considered the most unfavorable. Considering how unanimously the church and astrologers are against marriages in March 2015, it is better to move the date to some other month.


April 2015 is not the best choice for a wedding: Lent continues until the 12th of Easter. The week following Easter is also not a suitable time for a wedding. However, if you cement your union on the first Sunday after the end of Lent, it will be especially durable. According to astrologers, the most successful day in April for getting married will be the 23rd, although it is quite possible to do this on the 12-13, 19-21, as well as on the 23rd and 26-31st. By the way, April 19 is Red Hill. Traditionally considered a very successful day for a wedding.


Remember what they say about marriages in May? The fact that the newlyweds “will suffer all their lives.” True, it’s up to you to believe it or not. Astrologers call May 2015 a completely acceptable month for marriage; this event can be scheduled in the first half of the month on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 13th, and in the second half of the month the most successful days for a wedding will be the 17th and 18th . Celebrations can be held in the church on any wedding day of the week, with the exception of May 31, when the Holy Trinity Day is celebrated.


They say that a couple who got married in June has a very easy, pleasant and non-conflict family life until the Golden Wedding. Actually, this June is quite successful for those who are planning to get married in 2015. Expert astrologers have calculated the most favorable dates of the month, namely 13-15 in the first half, 19-23 and 28-30 in the second. But the church doesn’t marry newlyweds in June, and all because of the fasts that come one after another. In general, it is best to select favorable days for a wedding in 2015, guided by both the calculations of astrologers and the church calendar. If others also approve the date, the likelihood that the marriage will be very successful will double.


A very controversial month. People say that the union sealed in July will be very ambiguous - “from love to hate...”. Astrologers call the most favorable dates for weddings 3-7, 10-13 in the first half of July, and 17-22 in the second. But after July 25, it is better not to plan a celebration. All due to the unstable position of Venus. The church will marry you only after July 13 on suitable days of the week.


According to astrologers, August is very unfavorable for weddings.
In addition, this month is the Assumption Fast (from August 14 to 28). And, as you know, you can’t get married during Lent.
By the way, folk signs foretell for couples who sealed their marriage in August the fidelity of their partner and mutual love that will last throughout their lives.


Due to several eclipses falling in September 2015, astrologers do not name suitable dates for marriage. That is, the end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the period when it is better to postpone the wedding. For weddings, September is quite favorable - you can schedule the celebration on the chosen day of the week, if it does not fall on the 11th, 21st or 27th - these are the days of Orthodox holidays.


Astrologers note the favorable arrangement of stars and planets for newlyweds, calling the most suitable dates the 1st and 12th in the first half of October, and the 18th and 19th, 22nd-23rd and 25th-26th, 28th and 30th in the second half. The Church is also ready to bless you on a suitable day of the week, except the 14th. An excellent month for marriage in 2015 is slightly overshadowed by folk signs: they say that everyone who got married in October will have a rather difficult family life. But, on the other hand, it is known that jointly overcoming obstacles and fighting difficulties can only further unite strong alliances.


Answering the question about when you can get married in 2015, we can safely say that it is best to do it in November. Astrologers unanimously believe that this is the most favorable month for consolidating the union of two hearts in the year of the green Goat. You can plan your wedding at the beginning of the month - on November 1, 2, 8-9, or in the middle or end, namely on November 15-16, 18, 22-24 or 29-30. The Church will also bless you for a long and happy family life until the 28th of this month, because after that the Nativity Fast begins. By the way, November is also supported by the fact that marriages entered into this month will be happy and full of prosperity.


Astrologers note that the best days for a special event this month will be 1, 5-7, 13-15 in the first half of December, and 17, 20-24, 27-29 in the second. Because of the Nativity Fast, the church does not hold weddings. People speak favorably of December marriages, promising a strong and long union.

Finding the best, perfect day for a wedding in 2015 is not easy. Starting from January and continuing until April, astrologers do not indicate a large number of dates suitable for marriage, and in August and September, in their opinion, it is better not to organize a celebration at all. The second half of the year will be more successful, especially October and November. During these same months, it will be quite simple to choose a day for the wedding. However, keep in mind that even a carefully chosen date will not guarantee a happy family life if the new family lacks tolerance, respect and love. Remember that when you get married, you promise each other to be together “through thick and thin.” And it will depend only on the two of you whether the love boat will break, or whether you will calmly and calmly swim with the flow of family life.

If we consider the best dates for a wedding in 2015, then we will need to decide who to believe. Astrologers have their own calendar, calculated for different zodiac signs. The Church dictates its own laws. As for the secular calendar, depending on the year, dates can also be interesting.

Astrologers, as people who constantly check the sky, advise taking a closer look at the Lunar calendar when choosing the best date for a wedding in 2015. It is not recommended to schedule a holiday on the new moon, on the change of quarter phases of the Moon. And, of course, under no circumstances should you marry during a Solar or Lunar Eclipse.

In the year of the Goat (Sheep), which falls on 2015 according to the Eastern horoscope, any decisions must be made carefully. In principle, the time to get married is right, because next year will be a leap year. Do you know that everything is associated with negativity? Therefore, you can be sure that the right step will be taken this year.

The best dates for a wedding according to the church calendar

Most modern newlyweds do not listen to astrologers when setting a date: this science is too far away for us. But many are trying to choose the best dates for a wedding in 2015 according to the church calendar. This is especially important if the newlyweds are planning a wedding.

According to church laws, you cannot get married on major Christian holidays, as well as during periods of multi-day fasting. Orthodox believers have four multi-day fasts a year, two of which fall during the high wedding season. Fortunately, they don't last long.

Important! Weddings in churches are not held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

In Rus', a good time for a wedding, including according to the church calendar, was the time after the harvest. For example, it would be good to choose the best date for a wedding in 2015 between the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and before the beginning of the Nativity Fast.

You can also have weddings after the Christmastide period, which lasts from the time of Christmas until January 19, until the holiday of Epiphany. Starting from January 20, according to church laws, a wedding can be held until the onset of Maslenitsa (the last week before the start of Lent before Easter). Further dates can be set after Easter. An excellent date, which many call better -. Another convenient period for the holiday is between Peter’s Day and the Feast of the Savior.

The best dates for a wedding in 2015 for each month:

  1. January. The month is considered bad for a wedding, regardless of the calendar. Although, there are also favorable days: 1.5 and 7, 1012, 17.19. It will be possible to get married in the church on January 20, 22, 25, 26-27, 29 and 31.
  2. February . Perfect for a wedding. As for the church calendar, if Lent or Maslenitsa does not begin in February, then you can get married. This year, good numbers will be February 2, 4, 6 and 8-9, 11, 13.
  3. March. This month is always excluded from the church calendar, because Maslenitsa begins in it, and then Lent begins. Astrologers advise this month to take a closer look only at numbers 1 and 2, 7-9. From an astrological point of view, March 20 is an extremely unfavorable day for getting married this year.
  4. April. In Rus', April has always been considered the wedding month. This year Easter comes on April 12, which means you can get married as early as April 20. The most favorable day for a wedding from the point of view of the church falls during the same period - Krasnaya Gorka. As for the astrological calendar, you can get married on the 12-13, 19-21, 23, 26-31.
  5. May. Not a single calendar advises planning a holiday for this month. But, if it doesn’t work out any other way, then the church calendar excludes the day of the Holy Trinity. Do you already know when? Astrologers recommend May 1, 3, 4, 5, 8-13, as well as the 17th and 18th.
  6. June. For astrologers, favorable days for June begin from the 13th to the 15th, then from the 19th to the 23rd, from the 28th to the 30th of June. The 20th and 30th will be especially happy. People say that young people who get married in June will live their entire lives as if they were on a honeymoon. But it should be taken into account that Peter’s Fast begins on June 8th.
  7. July. On the 11th there will be fasting, on the 12th there will be the day of Peter and Paul, and from July 13th you can already set the date for your important holiday. Marriages concluded this month, people say, will be sweet and sour (like unripe berries). Astrologers pay attention to the period from 3 to 7, from 10 to 13, and also from July 17 to 22. July 25 is an extremely unfavorable day for a wedding.
  8. August. Wedding month. You can get married on August 3, 5 and 7, 9 and 10, 12, 29 and 30. Moreover, astrologers do not note a single unfavorable day this month.
  9. September. Again, astrologers do not see unfavorable dates. But on September 13 there will be a solar eclipse, and on September 28 there will be a lunar eclipse. According to church laws, all dates are also good, except for holidays on the 11th, 21st and 27th.
  10. October. Many good days on all calendars. Astrologers highlight the 28th as a favorable date in every sense, but you can also get married on October 11-12, 18-19, 22-23, 25-26, 28, 30. But people say that getting married in October means suffering all your life.
  11. November. You can get married until November 28, until the Nativity Fast begins. Folk signs are good for weddings in November. Astrologers recommend the beginning, middle and end of the month (1.2 8-15, November 22-24).
  12. December. From the point of view of the church, it is impossible to get married in December, because the Nativity fast is underway. Popular signs believe that marriages concluded in December will be strong. You can set a holiday for 1, 5-7, 13-15, 17, 20-24, 27-29. The happiest day, as the stars say, will be December 22.

The newlyweds themselves must choose the best dates for their wedding in 2015, focusing on their situation. Happiness in marriage, love and respect does not depend at all on numbers, but on those two who decided to link their lives into one. But just in case, we have prepared

Sooner or later, a happy moment and a long-awaited family holiday comes in the life of a couple in love - wedding day. Young people want it to be perfect and leave an unforgettable mark on their souls. But, before getting down to organizational troubles, they are faced with an important question - choosing a wedding date. Nowadays, newlyweds in most cases attach great importance to the date and month when the celebration will take place. Some pay tribute to numerology, some look at astrological forecasts, some believe in signs, wanting to unite hearts on the most successful day.

What is the best month to get married in 2015?

According to Western astrologers, family unions created this year will be happy. They are confident that a change in the position of celestial bodies will certainly bring stability and prosperity to the spouses. Choosing the most favorable date for the conclusion is not an easy task, let's start with the month.

January - experts in astrology and numerology are unanimous in their decision that in 2015 this month is the most unlucky for concluding a marriage. But if, due to circumstances, you have to schedule a celebration for this period, then you can take comfort in the fact that, according to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Goat will not begin until February 19th. This means that the Blue Horse will patronize the January marriage. This animal is distinguished by its loyalty and devotion.

February is also not the best month for marriage. The church calendar, astrologers and folk signs say that you should not schedule a wedding at this time. Only in the first half of the month can you mark several days that will be favorable for marriage (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13). But if it is possible to postpone the wedding date, then it is better to take advantage of it.

March is the beginning of spring, numerology and astrology advises celebrating a wedding in its first half. The second part and especially the end of the month are unfavorable, since a solar eclipse will be observed on March 20.

April - Experts do not advise setting a wedding date in the first fourteen days of this month. But if the wedding takes place in the second half of April, this will bring happiness and prosperity to the newlyweds.

May is known to everyone thanks to the popular belief that if young people tie their destinies this month, they will suffer. Astrologers refute such prophecies; they claim that a wedding in May promises a couple in love a long and happy life together.

June - the first month of summer 2015 is ideal for creating a successful and strong family. The newlyweds will be under the protection of the Goat, and she will help them in all their endeavors.

July is the time when you can safely go to submit an application, without paying any attention to forecasts and numerous signs. Summer is the best time of year for a wedding. A family union concluded during this period will bring good luck to both spouses. Sometimes small disagreements will still arise between them, but the young people will quickly forget the grievances and strive for mutual understanding. The exception is the last days of the month; astrologers strongly discourage starting a family at this time.

August - according to experts, the last month of summer is, without a doubt, the most favorable of all. Without hesitation, you can choose any day and schedule a wedding ceremony. If you still had doubts and could not decide which month to get married, rest assured that August will bring love, mutual understanding and prosperity to your family.

September - it is advisable to avoid getting married this month. According to the calculations of astrologers, it is during this period that the eclipse of the two main celestial bodies, the sun and the moon, falls, and this is extremely unfavorable for the creation of a family union.

October - in general, this month is successful for a wedding celebration. According to astrologers' forecasts, the most favorable time will come from the 15th.

November - this month consists entirely of days favorable for marriage, so you can safely choose the date you like. A long family life full of pleasant moments awaits spouses who decide to get legally married in the last month of autumn.

December - according to experts, this month will not stand in the way of family happiness for loving hearts. The December winter cold promises the young that it will temper their tender feelings, and they will keep them for life.

Folk signs of weddings by month

In Rus' for hundreds of years. According to signs and superstitions, every month of the year leaves its mark on the family life of the young. People believed that well-being and prosperity would depend on when the wedding took place.

  • In January - family life will not be happy and, moreover, the spouse may become widowed early.
  • In February, the newlyweds are destined to be together until the end of their days.
  • In March - soon the spouses will be forced to leave their home and live in a foreign land.
  • In April - in family life there will be equal amounts of both happiness and sorrow.
  • In May - one of the spouses will see the betrayal of the other in their own home.
  • In June - according to signs, after the wedding the honeymoon will not end for the newlyweds.
  • In July, the family life of the newlyweds will be sweet and sour.
  • In August, the spouses will carry through the years not only love, but also friendship.
  • In September - promises a calm, measured life for a couple in love.
  • In October, newlyweds will have to constantly overcome difficulties.
  • In November, happiness and wealth await the spouses.
  • In December, the feeling of love between husband and wife will grow stronger every day.

Best date for a wedding in 2015

Experts in the field of magic numbers in the year of the Wooden Goat are completely on the side of loving hearts who plan to be legally married. We present to you the most beautiful dates, they will be easy for guests to remember, and besides, they will look great on invitations.

01/15/15 - the magic of these numbers will turn an ordinary day into a fairy tale. Perfect for a wedding, even though it's Thursday. The number 1 symbolizes unity, and 5 is the number of Jupiter, the lucky planet.

02/14/15 - Valentine's Day is unrivaled, especially since this year it falls on Saturday, the day that most young couples prefer. Getting married on the 14th is very symbolic; this is the best date for a wedding, because St. Valentine is the patron of all loving hearts. This figure is quite difficult and ambiguous, but despite this, it is unique and brings success.

02/20/15 - Friday, a great day for such a solemn moment as a wedding, which is patronized by the number 2. In numerology, it represents diplomacy, patience and calm. It is safe to say that newlyweds who decide to get married on this day will live in peace and harmony; family quarrels will not become a stumbling block for them.

05/01/15 - Friday, marked in the calendar as Workers' Day. Experts have determined that this day is favorable for marriage, so why shouldn’t lovers work hard for the benefit of their future family? A beautiful date that will be remembered by all guests. According to numerology, it is perfect for those who are quite ambitious and decisive.

06.06.15 - numerologists say that this is a wonderful date for creating a new family, which consists entirely of sixes. The first two represent the day and month, and the third is obtained by combining the digits of the year. The number 6 is under the auspices of Venus, the famous planet of love, so numerologists consider this date to be the most romantic. For a couple who unite their destinies on this day, the stars predict a vibrant family life, shrouded in strong emotions and love excitement.

07/08/15 is Family Day, which means that there is a great reason to create a strong union with a loved one, despite the fact that the date falls on a weekday. According to the horoscope, a wedding scheduled for this day will bring good luck to the newlyweds in their subsequent family life. If we turn to numerology, the result of adding the numbers indicating the date (8 and 7) is equal to the number of the year (15). This suggests that such a day is perfect for uniting people in love who feel like real reformers and are capable of bold, unpredictable actions.

08.08.15 - August is a wonderful and most successful month for starting a family. In addition, this day falls on Saturday, which means, without any doubt, can be considered the best date for a wedding. Duplication of numbers, according to the observations of experts, has a beneficial effect on the subsequent life of a couple in love, especially since the number 8 means the sign of infinity.

When choosing a wedding date, you should definitely take into account each other’s wishes and the moments associated with your couple. For example, it would be very symbolic to have a wedding on the day you met or declared your love. Choosing a favorable date is, of course, an important stage of preparation, but in fact, only sincere feelings and mutual respect can ensure happiness for many years, and maybe change your destiny.

When talking about favorable dates, astrologers adhere to the following position: new moon, full moon and quarter moon changes should be avoided. Also, avoid weddings during eclipses. The position of the church calendar is as follows: a wedding should not take place on days of fasting, days of remembrance of the dead, on the eve of major church holidays, Christmastide. Weddings are not held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.


January is generally considered a rather unfavorable month for weddings. However, astrologers make an exception for the following dates:

According to the church calendar, weddings before January 19 are strictly not welcome. For your wedding you can choose the following dates:

Winter bride in the lens.


February is another month that is not the best for starting a new family. Astrologers name only a few favorable dates:

However, in this case their advice runs counter to the position of the church. Maslenitsa week begins on February 16, and marriages after this day are not recommended. February 15 falls on the Presentation of the Lord, and as we remember, marriages on major religious holidays are not considered successful. Lent begins on February 23, so the church recommends forgetting about wedding festivities until April 19. As a result, the February dates approved by the church were:

As you can see, astrologers and the church agreed on only one date - February 13th. It is this that can be considered the most favorable in February.

Photographer Sergei Yurin managed to conduct a fun wedding photo shoot,
despite the sub-zero temperature.


March is not a month for weddings, but only if your family is religious enough. Lent is not at all a time for vigorous celebration of holidays. Astrologers are less categorical and name several very good March dates:

But the second half of the month will not bring good luck, especially since a solar eclipse will take place on March 20.

Andrey Savosteev photographs the spring newlyweds on the roof.
- on his personal page.


If your wedding is planned for April, then it is better to focus on its second half. Lent will last until April 12, Easter, and then there will be the week of Bright Week, during which weddings are prohibited. But weddings on Krasnaya Gorka have long been considered the most favorable and promise the couple a lot of love and a happy life. The Church approves the following dates:

12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26-31 days.

As you can see, some days coincide, so we safely consider the best dates to be April 20, 26, 27, 29.


In May, the church does not restrict weddings, except for the 31st - Trinity Day. Astrologers are more severe and call only these days favorable:

Remember also about the popular belief that May weddings will not bring happiness to the couple.

Happy newlyweds in the photo from.


There are quite a lot of good dates for your wedding in June from the perspective of astrologers. Write down and remember:

The best dates of these are the 20th and 30th.

But it won’t be possible to get married in June, since Trinity Week begins on June 1, and Petrov Lent begins on June 8.

Natalia Legend always takes lively photographs, with delicate taste.


In July, until the 13th, the church does not recommend getting married or holding wedding celebrations. The fast lasts until July 11; on July 12, the Day of the Apostles Paul and Peter is celebrated. Astrologers call the following good dates for a wedding:

Summer bride in the photographer's lens.


There are a lot of good dates for a wedding in August, but only from the point of view of the church. The exception is the days of the Assumption Fast, from August 14 to 28. So, the wedding can be held on these dates:

But astrologers are against weddings in August, without naming a single favorable date.

The main thing in photography, according to , is emotions.


Since September 2015, astrologers have also not been pleased: they believe that alliances this month will not be favorable. The main problem is in eclipses: on the 13th there will be a solar one, and on the 28th there will be a lunar one. Also from September 17 there will be a retrograde movement of Mercury and Venus, which is considered very unfavorable for any endeavors. and even more so for weddings.

According to the church calendar, days undesirable for weddings are: September 11 - the day of the truncation of the Head of the Baptist John, 21 - Nativity of the Mother of God, 27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

For many couples planning to formalize their relationship, the pressing problem is: what date to set the wedding date for. Gone are the days when the number for registration was determined only by the registry office employees. Now the newlyweds can independently decide on what date they want to schedule the ceremony. Moreover, many of them are guided by religious worldviews, astrological forecasts and even numerology.

Therefore, for everyone who wants to seal their love with the bonds of Hymen, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the forecast of the most successful numbers for the coming 2015, according to the Orthodox calendar, astrology and numerology.

Wedding according to the Orthodox calendar for 2015

Believers who want to not only officially get married, but also get married in a church according to all Orthodox rules, are recommended to refer to the Christian calendar before setting a wedding date.

According to Christian canons, getting married is prohibited on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In addition to weekly prohibitions, you cannot tie the knot during multi-day fasts, church holidays and continuous weeks.

In 2015, the main prohibited dates according to the church calendar are:


Rozhdestvensky from January 1 to January 6, 2015, and then from November 28 until the end of the year.

Lent (23.02 to 11.04)

Petrov post (8.06 to 11.07)

Assumption Fast (14.08 to 27.08)


Christmas (7.01), Epiphany (19.01) and Presentation of the Lord (15.02)

All Maslenitsa week (from 16.02 to 22.02)

Annunciation (7.04)

Easter (12.04) and the entire Easter week (from 12.04 to 18.04)

Ascension of the Lord (21.05) and Trinity (31.05)

Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul (12.07)

Transfiguration (19.08) and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (28.08)

On the eve and on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (10-11.09)

Nativity of the Virgin Mary (21.09)

On the eve and on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (26-27.09)

Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple (4.12)

Ideal time for a wedding according to the church calendar for 2015:

In winter, the period from Epiphany to Maslenitsa (from 20.01 to 15.02) is suitable for a wedding. It is worth remembering that weeks and weekly prohibited numbers are excluded.

In spring, the best time for a wedding is Krasnaya Gorka - weddings take place on the first Sunday after Easter (04/19).

In summer, the period between two summer fasts (from July 10 to August 13) is suitable for weddings, excluding weekly prohibited days.

Autumn is the ideal time, since throughout the entire fall you can get married on any day except Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Therefore, if you want to enter into a marriage blessed by the Christian faith, then you first need to calculate the appropriate time, then ask permission and blessing for the marriage from the priest in the church where you want to hold the wedding ceremony. In addition, it is worth remembering that each church has its own patronal feast days, which are also worth taking into account.

Wedding date according to astrological forecast

Those whose priority is not religious considerations, but the influence of the movements of the planets on our lives, need to contact an astrologer to calculate the ideal wedding date based on the location of the stars for the bride and groom. You can choose the date yourself, based on the laws and principles of astrology when calculating.

If we are based on the lunar calendar, then the ideal lunar days for marriage are: 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 17 and 21. But at the same time, the lunar day must coincide with the location of the Moon, which should be in Taurus, Cancer or Libra. If we consider 2015, then the ideal years for marriage are:

January - 11, 26 and 31;

February - 23, 24 and 27;

March - 1, 22 and 26;

April - 20, 23 and 24;

May - 20 and 29;

June - 18 and 25;

July - 21;

August - 19;

September - 3, 15 and 29;

October - 28;

November - 1 and 27;

December - 22.

You can set a wedding date on the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 17th and 21st days, when the Moon will be in the star houses of Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces. But at the same time, it will be necessary to correlate the date of the ceremony with the real life situations that prompted the newlyweds to get married:

The Moon in Pisces is suitable for a wedding if the reason was the bride’s pregnancy, if the couple lived in a civil marriage for 5 years, or if the marriage was of convenience.

The Moon in Leo is suitable for a ceremony for creative people who are planning a luxurious wedding with a large number of guests and a celebration in an expensive, prestigious restaurant.

The moon in Sagittarius is an ideal time for those planning to go on a honeymoon. The official drawing up of a marriage contract can also be scheduled for this date.

Unfavorable days for a wedding according to the astrological horoscope

All of the above days concerned only the period when the presence of the Moon in certain star houses was taken as a fundamental sign. But besides this, there are other conditions for the astrological choice of a wedding date:

The period of Venus retrograde, which in 2015 falls from July 25 to September 6, is unfavorable for the wedding ceremony.

The best days for wedding ceremonies according to the astrological calendar are the days ruled by Venus - Friday, and the days ruled by the Sun - Sunday.

In 2015, the ideal time for a wedding in all astrological terms is the period from February to May inclusive, as well as December. The protective element of the coming year, Tree, is most active at this time. Therefore, this period is ideal for any endeavors, including the beginning of family life.

If we consider the patroness of the coming year - Sheep, then she welcomes weddings. Although a little from a mercantile point of view, therefore the most successful and strong unions will be those where the main reason for marriage is calculation. Such unions will turn out to be strong and long-lasting only if the newlyweds understand and see their own benefits and are ready to make some sacrifices for this.

Wedding ceremony according to numerology

The coming 2015 will be under the auspices of the Eight (“Financier”). According to numerological indicators, the most successful unions will be those based on calculation. Therefore, if you are getting married based on selfish goals, or simply want to find a patron for yourself, you should choose the eighth day of any month to realize your plans. And the most ideal option would be 8.08.

The bride's number is calculated as follows: the numbers corresponding to the letters for the last name, first name and patronymic must be added together. If you get a complex number, then you need to add them again so that you end up with a simple number - this will be the number of the name. Next, you need to determine the number of birth - to do this, add the date, month and year of birth together to get a simple value. After this, the number of the name and the number of birth are added up - this is the number of the bride.

The ratio of numbers and letters is presented in the table:

The number of the name and birth for the groom is calculated in the same way. After this, the numbers of the bride and groom are added together and to the resulting number you need to add the number of the year - 8. If you get a number up to 31, then you don’t need to do anything else, since this will be the ideal date for your wedding. If the number is greater than 31, then they will need to be added together. For example, you got 39: 3+9=11.

Separately, you should calculate the month for the wedding: add up the numbers of the month of birth of the bride and groom and add the number of the year to them. The resulting number from 1 to 12 will be the ideal month for marriage. In other cases, you will need to add a complex number and get a simple one.

It is important to remember: if your month is February and the number is 31, then you need to collapse the number again. The same rule applies to months that have 30 days and the wedding date is 31.

Olga: 7+4+3+4+1=15=6

Nikolaevna: 6+1+3+7+4+1+6+3+6+1=38=11=2

Petrova: 8+6+2+9+7+3+1=36=9

Name number: 6+2+9=17=8

Date of birth: 02/11/1990= 1+1+0+2+1+9+9+0=23=5

Bride's number: 8+5=13=4

Beautiful dates in 2015

If your couple is not interested in star predictions or numerology, religious precepts are not too important for them, you can simply choose beautiful combinations of numbers that will be in 2015: 01/15/15, 05/01/15, 10/15/15, 11/15/15.

In conclusion, I would like to say that choosing a good number is just a moral safety net, a desire to find a patron for your union in the person of stars, religion or numbers. This desire should not be in the foreground, since your family life should be built, first of all, on love and respect. Only then will you ensure a long and happy married life.

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