All about the garnet mineral. Mysterious garnet stone: description and properties

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Good day, dear readers! A well-known Georgian legend about a harsh king says that he sent his daughter’s groom to a real test. “Pick 3 ripe pomegranates from a tree in the desert,” he commanded. The lively young man was able to overcome all the obstacles and get the fruit, despite the fact that evil spirits were guarding them. When he returned, he found the king dying and invited him to try one pomegranate. Vladyka bravely jumped out of bed and hugged the savior. Then the guy broke the second fruit, and...lo and behold...the country instantly began to bloom with lush, fertile gardens. Well, the third garnet stone showered with many red “berries” and gave rise to deposits of scarlet gems.

We continue our acquaintance with the brightest representatives of natural gems. And this time we decided to focus our attention on the sensual and attractive pomegranate. Why him? What other mineral is so alive in its aura and warm and juicy in appearance that there are many tales, parables and legends about it?

Thousands of years of history and dozens of names of pomegranate

Today we will dive deeper into the history of this mineral, distinguish between lies and truth, figure out who garnet is not suitable for and whether it is possible to charge it with love and cure old diseases with its help. In short, read to the end, we have prepared a lot of interesting things!

Today almost everyone knows what this pebble looks like. Even if it is not in your jewelry collection, you saw it with friends, in a photo or during a visit to a jewelry store. It invariably attracts the eye with its depth and mystery, beckons and captivates.

The already familiar bright red gem called “garnet” has a history stretching back thousands of years. During this time he managed to change many names. For example, in Ancient Greece it was called “coal” (“anthrax”), and in Rome it was given the nickname “carbuncle”. Russian people were more sophisticated in naming. The mineral was called in various ways: “chervets” (from the Old Russian word “red” - red), “bechet”, “venisa”.

The modern name appeared in 1270 thanks to Albertus Magnus. The alchemist was the first to notice the similarity of the pebbles with pomegranate seeds. By the way, the name is translated from Latin as “similar to grains.” Its dimensions are small, rare specimens reach a weight of 2 carats, while others are found in miniature dimensions - up to 1 carat.

Where is the gem mined?

Today, garnets include not only scarlet minerals, but also stones of other shades. We will mention this later. First, a little about where the gem is mined, its physical and chemical properties.

Garnet deposits are found all over the world, including many in Russia. It is believed that the richest deposits are concentrated on the Kola Peninsula. In Karelia there is the famous Kitelskoye almandine deposit. But the red-violet exquisite garnet was given to us by the generous Karelian Shueretskoe deposit.

There are also many rich deposits in hot countries, Madagascar and Brazil, as well as in Canada and Finland. Such geographical dispersion could not but affect the “assortment” of stones. After all, each environment leaves its own mark on minerals. The more varied and rich their shades are.

Placers of garnets are not as numerous as their “underground treasures,” so their main extraction occurs through rock drilling.

What colors of garnet are there?

The main physical properties of the stone include:

  • noticeable shine, which can vary from unexpressed glass to mesmerizing diamond;
  • transparency (also varying in degree: from completely translucent specimens to tightly filled with ruby ​​languid color);
  • the mineral density is about 4, and the Mohs hardness does not exceed 7.5;
  • the ability to be magnetized and electrified (rub a garnet on a mohair sweater, and it will immediately begin to attract hairs);
  • rich color range.

Each color has its own name: red - pyrope, cherry - almandines, green - uvarovites, brown or brown - andradites. There are other interesting shades, for example, grossular - light green or brown, similar to gooseberry. But the red or honey-yellow hue is called hessonite. There is even a rare black garnet in nature. Blue garnet is considered a nugget, of which there are several hundred in the world. This heavenly beauty gem was first found in the late 1990s in Madagascar.

Today we will definitely mention what color stones it is better to choose so that their chemical properties help your health and state of mind.

Garnet - a precious or semi-precious stone

Experts and scientists are divided on this issue. Some consider it a “middle” class mineral, an ordinary gem, but not a jewel. Others believe that this stone has every right to be called precious.

What is he really? We will stick to the golden mean and support those who believe that individual pieces can truly be considered especially valuable. These are types of bright, juicy colors, their best representatives. If you are interested in how much a unique rare specimen costs, then we can assure you that the price of others is calculated in tens of thousands of rubles per carat. We will classify the rest as average, who are also capable of pleasing the eye, and also bringing good luck, love and excellent health improvement.

Here we are, smoothly approaching the healing abilities of pomegranate, which have been known for many centuries and confirmed by real stories of recovered people.

Useful healing properties of pomegranate

Because of its scarlet color, many people associate pomegranate with hematopoiesis. Is this why doctors strongly recommend drinking pomegranate juice when you have low hemoglobin? And the stones have the same healing effect. Do you feel connected? Our ancestors loved the gem for its excellent healing and healing abilities. Before battle, warriors wore a ring with garnet to quickly heal wounds.

Other healing properties of the stone:

  • Decreased body temperature in extreme heat;
  • Treatment of pulmonary diseases and pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • Neutralization of allergens, reduction of allergic reactions;
  • Cleansing the skin for rashes of various origins;
  • Getting rid of migraines;
  • Solving problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Rapid healing of open wounds and fractures;
  • Treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • Relieving inflammation.

Color is also important. For example, red pomegranate has an effect on the heart and blood vessels, transparent - on the mucous membrane, intestines and pancreas, green heals the nervous system and cleanses the lymph well, and light yellow and brown are indicated for allergies, burns and skin diseases.

In order for a pomegranate to help you faster, you need to know on which part of the body and in what form of jewelry it is preferable to wear it. So, if you suffer from headaches, then you should wear a necklace, and if you have chronic migraines, wear a gold ring with a mineral on the middle finger of your right hand. For lung diseases, frequent bronchitis and inflammation of the nasopharynx, buy a garnet pendant set in silver. During pregnancy, you can safely wear a bracelet made of pebbles; it will help get rid of toxicosis, normalize blood pressure and relieve nervous tension. Even during childbirth, it can be of great benefit by reducing labor pain.

Doctor and stone specialist Oleg Torsunov claims that the energy of stones is much stronger and more effective than treatment with herbs and especially tablets. “Pomegranate gives immunity, increases the speed of digestion and helps you enjoy life,” he assures.

So, we figured out what pomegranate helps with, and now what’s no less interesting is the magic of the mineral and its superpowers, of which there are many, and which you definitely need to know about before purchasing.

Magical properties

Scarlet garnet is considered perhaps the most powerful assistant among stones in matters of the heart. It is not for nothing that unmarried girls in many countries wear jewelry with the mineral almost from birth in order to “doom” themselves to a happy marriage and wait for unearthly love.

It is believed that pomegranate can ignite feelings and passion even in an icy heart. He will definitely attract a person close to you in terms of energy, who will become your other half. Pomegranate owners do not know separation and the bitterness of betrayal. If you decide to purchase it specifically as a love talisman, you need to know how to charge a pomegranate for love correctly, so that it quickly reads the necessary information and begins to “work.”

  • Immediately after purchasing, squeeze the gem in your palm. This way you are more likely to exchange heat and energy flows.
  • When you get home, don’t forget to perform the “rite” of cleansing the stone. How to clean a pomegranate so that all the foreign energy has evaporated from it? It’s as simple as that: rinse the pebble under clean cold water.
  • You need to wear a garnet in the form of a pendant, beads, or pendant. A garnet brooch would also work. The main thing is that the mineral is always near the heart.
  • In order for a gem to help you find love faster, you need to meditate with it more often, imagine in your head the image of an ideal partner whom you would like to see next to you.

Pomegranate is a symbol of increased mental strength, positivity, irrepressible energy, which will help not only to get out of chronic depression, but also to endure any difficulties in life. There are certain contraindications for people who are lazy and lack initiative. Not only will the stone not help them to cheer up morally, but it will also drive them into such apathy, from which only medications and visits to a psychologist will bring them out.

A red pomegranate will give a young immature woman prudence and wisdom in life, help her set her priorities correctly and avoid falling into the clutches of unworthy gentlemen. A green or blue stone helps to “curb” time and disproportionate expenses, so it is ideal for non-self-organized people and spendthrifts.

The white mineral will contribute to easy achievement of goals, development of leadership qualities and career advancement. But the dark one can give incredible power over people. They say that the owner of such a pomegranate is given power and animal attractiveness by the spirits themselves! It is not for nothing that shamans used the stone in their rituals to communicate with the dead. This characteristic is often frightening and alarming, but you should not be afraid. If you have not previously had contact with other worlds, then even with the appearance of the pomegranate you will not see ghosts. But the connection with your ancestors will help you find the true one in life, let them not stumble; through the mineral they will protect you everywhere from troubles and failures.

The benefits and harms of pomegranate jewelry are largely determined by the thoughts and actions of their owner. If the goals are noble, the deeds are kind, and the intentions are pure, the mineral will help, support, and give confidence. Well, if deceit, selfishness and cruelty prevail in you, beware. Garnet can take revenge and return your deeds to you a hundredfold.

Why does a recently purchased stone change color? Many people ask this question, but is there an answer? It is believed that the mineral fades and loses color on a person who is “not suitable” for it. Negative owners, filled with hidden anger and envy, do not allow the gem to reveal itself and extinguish its deep qualities at the root.

Garnet and zodiac signs

This mineral is a wonderful companion for many signs, but there is one whose relationship with the stone will be flawless, full of harmony and positivity.

Are there “hermits” for whom the mineral is not suitable according to their horoscope? Alas, yes. Pomegranate decorations are shown to everyone except Pisces and Cancer. Water signs will remain cold to the effects of pomegranate, and Pisces may even inadvertently be harmed by the stone.

But the stone is not real

Remember that only natural pomegranate has all of the above properties! A synthetic stone may be just as beautiful and deep in appearance, but it does not conceal any power within itself. Nowadays they have learned to masterfully counterfeit minerals, and at first glance you cannot immediately distinguish a fake from an original. But we will tell you how not to be deceived and buy, for example, useless glass or plastic instead of natural stone. After all, other “masters” know “how to treat” the buyer and pass off a cheap fake as a piece of jewelry.

How to check authenticity when purchasing

Garnet-like stones are divided into precious and non-precious. For example, a red ruby ​​is almost identical in appearance to a garnet, but it costs more. But burgundy cubic zirconia, on the contrary, is much cheaper. Here, a mistake when purchasing will be much more offensive and will “hurt” your wallet.

So, we found out what types of garnets there are, by color, what benefits wearing them brings to the owner, and now a few more useful interesting facts.

  • Many people are interested in what pomegranate dreams about. The dream book of Catherine the Great states that a stone in a dream does not at all promise well-being, but, on the contrary, warns of impending danger. Loff’s dream book has a slightly different description: the gem comes into dreams for a reason, it puts things in order in your thoughts and affairs, and concentrates you on the main thing. Whether to believe such predictions or not is everyone’s business, but if you dreamed of a pomegranate and it’s still not in your jewelry box, you should go and buy yourself a beautiful pendant or ring.
  • There is an opinion that garnet is not a gift stone. Is it possible to give this unique and strong mineral as a gift, or is there a risk that it will not accept a new owner and will cause harm? In mineralogy and astrology there are no restrictions on purchasing pomegranate gifts. You can safely buy them for your loved ones as a sign of love, loyalty and gratitude. Presented with warmth and tenderness, the stone will definitely “take root” in new hands.

It is not necessary to give beads, earrings or rings. For example, the stronger sex will like a garnet keychain or a figurine inlaid with stones or a table clock. According to Feng Shui, red stone products should be installed in the southern zone of the living space. From there they will better exude streams of energy that will attract harmony, peace and financial well-being into the house.

  • Garnet has selective compatibility with other stones. It goes well with chrysoprase, sapphire, and emerald. But onyx, agate and malachite usually do not go well with fire garnet.

Today we learned everything about the grana mineral T, where it came from, how it is mined and who should wear it. But this does not mean that the stories about this interesting mineral will end there. We still have a lot of new and unexpected things to learn about him. We are waiting for you again and are already preparing something special for you! See you again!

Team LyubiKamni

Garnet belongs to the class of hard silicates. The stone has been known to people for dozens of centuries: it was used as decoration by the Egyptians, Persians, ancient Romans, Greeks, and Scythians. It is mentioned under different names, for example, carbuncle, scale.

More well known are varieties of red shades, similar in color and size to the grains of the plant of the same name. Although there are stones of other colors - green, yellow, black garnet. The mineral is not considered expensive, but it is counterfeited. Synthetic (artificial) garnets are often found on the jewelry market.

The mineral is mined in large quantities on almost all continents. Many countries have deposits of garnets: South Africa, Sri Lanka, USA, India. Our gem is mined in Chukotka, Yakutia, and the Urals.

Appearance and color depend on the area. Specific fractures and chemical composition are determined by the host rock. For example, a dark brown color means that the mineral contains a lot of iron and titanium. Based on physical and chemical characteristics, geologist Sobolev identified 37 representatives of the group.

The chemical composition suggests the mining region. For garnets, examination is rarely carried out, since the stone is usually inexpensive. Only some copies cost more than one thousand dollars.


Many people believe that garnet is an exclusively red mineral. The ancients even combined it with other gemstones of the same color: ruby ​​and spinel. All of them were called "laly".

However, garnet is a separate group, containing crystals of different colors. For example, andradite is not only red, but also green or black.


Even stones of the same type that have differences are valued and used differently. An example is pyrope, which is dark red, sometimes orange, pink, or purple. The transparent mineral is suitable for making jewelry. Translucent pyrope has a lower cost and is used for other purposes. For example, due to its high hardness, cloudy red garnet is suitable for grinding other materials.

This scarlet crystal “loves” rocks rich in magnesium. Among the world's well-known deposits, Russian (Yakutia) and South African deposits stand out.


The names of the varieties are often associated with legends. Rhodolite is named after the nymph Rhoda and is considered her tears. One interpretation of the name is stone rose.

The composition contains a lot of magnesium and iron, so you can observe the alexandrite effect: in natural light the crystal is blue, violet, in artificial light it is pinkish.

High-quality stones are expensive. If there are any defects (cloudy spots, cracks), the mineral is processed. Usually a cabochon is used, so the surface is without edges.

Good representatives are always small in size. The standard size is about 2 cm. Even pure rhodolite does not exist without inclusions or with uniform coloring.

This is one way to recognize a fake: the fake looks perfectly smooth and transparent.

Rhodolite is used as a jewelry stone. The most deposits are on the island of Sri Lanka, Africa, and Scandinavia. There are also deposits in Russia, for example, in Karelia, but the quality of the minerals here is noticeably inferior to the best samples.


There are varieties of pomegranate in black, green, and brown colors. All these shades, as well as red, yellow, and orange, are found in andradite.

For jewelry, use plain green, yellow or brown garnets - demantoids. They were first found in Russia in the Urals in the 19th century. Good examples cost more than $10,000 per carat.

Most andradites are mined in Russia. Ural demantoids have characteristic inclusions of bissolite - “horse tail”.


Spessartine is one of the most expensive types of garnets. Good stones cost more than $1,000 per carat. This mineral has many colors: bright red, yellow, brown and their shades. Spessartine has a special oily sheen.

Widely used in jewelry and loved by collectors. Large valuable specimens weigh more than 4 carats and are mined in Mexico, Italy, and Norway. In addition to the Urals, large deposits have been found in Siberia and Karelia.


Indian yogis especially valued the hardest of pomegranates. Almandine is often red or purple in color. There are crystals with a pronounced purple, brown, and black tint. The latter are called melanitis. The color of almandines depends on the combination of iron and aluminum.

The stone is very common and recognizable. Of interest to jewelers are only transparent minerals mined in Ceylon. Less valuable ones are found in Madagascar, Finland, India, Mongolia, and the Kola Peninsula.


Hessonide is a garnet with large amounts of calcium and aluminum. It is also grossular or gomed. There are yellow, brown, green, and reddish minerals. Very rare gems include leucite, a transparent white grossular that is highly valued by jewelers. Another pride of any gemological collection is sea-green gomed, or hydrogrossular.

The stone is judged by its clarity, color and brilliance. The main deposits are located in Tanzania and Kenya.


"Ural emerald" is rare. Uvarovite has a characteristic green tint and a beautiful glass-like luster.

The variety was found in the 19th century in the Urals. The gem is named after Count Uvarov. Catherine II immediately appreciated the beauty of the stone. Jewelry with uvarovite was popular at court. Many crystals are found in antique brooches and rings. Uvarovite is very similar to emerald, but is much cheaper.

The main deposits are found in metamorphic rocks rich in iron and manganese. Uvarovite is mined in Russia, Finland, Canada and some other countries.

Garnet chameleon

Stones that “can” change color are valued. Jewelers call this ability color reversal. A classic example is alexandrite, after which a similar effect is named. However, there are other minerals that react to light.

Among silicates, this is a chameleon garnet. In artificial light it turns red-violet, in daylight it turns blue and green, which is unusual for representatives of this group. For a long time it was believed that white or blue garnets did not occur in nature.

Healing properties and zodiac compatibility

In culture, medicine and magic, gems have always received a lot of attention:

  • The ancient Greeks considered the pomegranate a sacred tree and the stone associated with it.
  • There is a mention in the Qur'an that the Fourth Heaven is made of carbuncle, a type of red color.
  • Some Christians see the pomegranate as a symbol of sacrifice, comparing it to a drop of Christ's blood.
  • The French alchemist Pierrot d'Apono (Pierre di Boniface) believed that the stone drives out evil spirits from a person.

They tried to use the beneficial properties of the mineral in medicine:

  • Travelers used it as a general tonic.
  • Women put on the stone during pregnancy and removed it only after childbirth. It brought good health to mother and child.
  • The Crusaders wore rings with garnets. Jewelry protected against poisoning and serious wounds.
  • In Asia, the crystal helped cope with lung diseases and bronchitis.

Magicians and astrologers recommend wearing the stone, because it can give vital energy, protect you from danger, and help you make difficult choices.

People who need power will also find it useful. No wonder the Persians called pomegranate the “royal gem” for imparting wisdom and strength.

The type and color of the amulet are very important. For example, black garnet (melanite) absorbs bad energy better than others, so it is suitable for protection against the evil eye. Green patterns promote business development.

However, pomegranate often inflames passions that can destroy. It puts a person in extreme conditions. Soft, insecure people should not wear this stone.

According to astrologers, a gem of red shades is suitable for Aries, Gemini and Leo, helping to establish good relationships with others. Libra and Virgo are favored by minerals of yellow and green shades. Cancers are not recommended to often wear jewelry with stones of any color. Scorpios, Taurus and Pisces should wear them with caution.

What does pomegranate go with?

Bright crystals attract attention and complement the image, and if chosen incorrectly, they will stand out from the overall ensemble. There are 4 unspoken rules that allow you to choose a garnet to match your clothes and other jewelry:

  1. White, black and transparent inserts are considered universal in color. However, the stones influence each other and together - the owner. It is undesirable, for example, to wear garnet to impart wisdom along with onyx and malachite. These minerals do not combine.
  2. You should not wear jewelry with a gem in gold and silver at the same time.
  3. When selecting crystals for eye color, the type according to the seasons is taken into account.
  4. Inserts in jewelry sets (sets) must match in shade. Color contrast with beads is allowed.

Garnet is not a very expensive piece of jewelry, but it looks elegant and sophisticated in both men's and women's jewelry. The variety of types allows you to choose “your” stone not only according to its magical properties, but also to suit your type of appearance or wardrobe.

Garnet - There is no mineral with this name. Garnets are a whole group of minerals from the silicate class. The name comes from the very close resemblance of the crystal aggregates (brushes) to the grains of the pomegranate fruit. General chemical formula: R 2+ 3 R 3+ 2 (SiO 4) 3, where the 2-valent radical can be Mg, Mn, Fe, Ca. Most often the 3-valent radical is Al, but sometimes the mineral contains Fe or Cr instead.

The color depends on the constituent elements of the mineral and can be almost any color except blue; colorless garnet is very rare. The color of the dash is white. Crystals are often transparent. Cubic system. The rocks form euhedral, but often irregularly shaped grains. Cleavage is either not visible or appears as twisting cracks. Minerals of this group have a glassy luster. The specific gravity of garnets is 3.12-4.3 g/cm 3 . Hardness on the Mohs scale is 6.5-7.5.

An intergrowth of andradite crystals that looks like pomegranate seeds. © Rob Lavinsky

Varieties and photos of pomegranate

  1. Almandine Fe 3 Al 2 (SiO 4) 3 is the most common mineral of the garnet group of red and yellow-red hue.
  2. Spessartine Mn 3 Al 2 (SiO 4) 3 - orange with a brown tint.
  3. Pyrope Mg 3 Al 2 (SiO 4) 3 – blood red to black.
  4. Grossular Ca 3 Al 2 (SiO 4) 3 – yellowish, greenish.
  5. Andradite Ca 3 Fe 2 (SiO 4) 3 – brown.
  6. Uvarovite Ca 3 Cr 2 (SiO 4) 3 – emerald green.

The main representatives of the garnet class are listed above. Also stand out: pinkish-red rhodolite Mg 2 FeAl 2 (SiO 4) 3, honey-orange hessonite Ca 2 AlFe(SiO 4) 3, green grass-colored demantoid Ca 3 (Fe,Cr) 2 (SiO 4) 3, honey- yellow topazolite Ca 3 (Fe,Al) 2 (SiO 4) 3, black melanite (Ca,Na) 3 (Fe,Ti) 2 (SiO 4) 3.

Almandine. © Rob Lavinsky Spessartine. © Rob Lavinsky
Grossular. © Rob Lavinsky
Andradite. © Didier Descouens Uvarovit. © Rob Lavinsky Rhodolite. © Rob Lavinsky


Garnet is metamorphic in origin and formed as a result of skarn processes. Skarns with limestones are characterized by grossular and andradite. Magnetite, vesuvian, epidote, scheelite, sulfides of iron, copper, lead and zinc are found in skarns together with garnet.

Minerals of the garnet group are found in granites, but most often in metamorphic rocks: kimberlites, gneisses, eclogites, granulites, garnet amphibolites. In crystalline schists, almandine is the rock-forming mineral. Pyrope can be found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks.


Transparent varieties and beautifully colored garnets are used in jewelry as precious stones. Beautifully fused crystals, brushes and druses are excellent collecting material. Almandine is used in the abrasive industry (skins, powders, grinding wheels). Minerals are added to the cement mixture to improve the characteristics of the cement stone.

Instrument making and electronics also cannot do without garnets: as substitutes for rubies and sapphires. Like sapphires, some types of garnet are grown artificially in laboratories.

Garnet skarns with scheelite are a source of tungsten.

Garnet deposits

Deposits of well-formed almandine crystals and brushes for collecting were found in Russia (Kitelya, Makzabak, Shchueretskoye), USA (Fort Wrangel), Ukraine, Madagascar, Brazil.

Highly decorative crystals of hessonite and andradite are mined in Primorye (Sinerechenskoye), Karelia (Shchueretskoye) and Azerbaijan (Dashkesan).

Uvarovite is known in the Urals (Saranovskoe), Canada and Finland. Green demantoid and honey-yellow topazolite (varieties of andradite) were discovered on the Chukotka Peninsula (Tamvatney).

Huge reserves of garnet group minerals are associated with crystalline metamorphic rocks of the Keivsky ridge on the Kola Peninsula.

The garnet stone leaves no one indifferent. It attracts people not only with its mesmerizing sparkle and pure color, but also with its magical and healing properties. The small crystals in appearance resemble the dark red grains of the fruit of the same name. However, the mineral is characterized not only by red shades. In nature there are stones of white, yellow, green, blue, purple and even black colors. All types of garnet have the same physical properties and are used primarily in jewelry.

History and characteristics of the mineral

Pomegranate has been known to mankind for tens of centuries. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians were the first to create jewelry from it. In the Northern Black Sea region, garnet crystals were very popular among the Scythians. The population of Ancient Hellas gave the sparkling gem the name “anthrax”, which translated means “emcoal”. The Romans called the precious stone carbuncle, and y - garnet, bechet and vermin.

Gold earrings with cognac diamonds, garnet (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

The name “garnet” was given to the stone in the second half of the 13th century by the German alchemist Albert Magnus. However, in Russia for a long time the mineral bore the name “lal”, which united all the bright red gems (garnet, spinel, tourmaline and ruby). In Europe, the beauty of the stone went unnoticed for a long time. Only in the 17th century did craftsmen begin to use it as jewelry and ornamental material. Since 1803, garnets began to mean not individual minerals, but also a whole group of precious and semi-precious stones with similar properties.

Garnets are minerals of the silicate class, which are characterized by the following features:

  • glass shine;
  • cubic system;
  • uneven fracture;
  • white color of the dash;
  • imperfect cleavage;
  • average level of hardness on the Mohs scale (6.5-7.5).

Despite the fact that the physical properties of all stones belonging to the garnet group are identical, the chemical composition of their crystals is different. Depending on the impurities present in the mineral, its color range can vary from completely transparent and white to purple and black.

Famous and rare varieties of gems

Today, the garnet group includes 14 types of natural minerals. The most famous of them include:

  1. Pyrope is a transparent and translucent silicate of predominantly blood red color. Occasionally there are examples of pink, purple and orange-red shades. Transparent pyropes are precious stones used in the jewelry industry. Translucent specimens are not of particular value and are used as an abrasive material. Pyropes are mined from magnesium-containing ultrabasic rocks. Their largest deposits are located in Yakutia and South Africa.
  2. Almandine is a common variety of garnet with a characteristic red or red-violet color. Individual samples can be colored cherry, purple and brown-red. Black minerals are occasionally found. Only transparent almandines used in the production of fine jewelry are precious. They are mined in Ceylon. Less valuable rocks were formed in the shale and gneiss rocks of Finland, India, Mongolia and Madagascar. In the Russian Federation, large deposits of almandine have been discovered on the Kola Peninsula.
  3. Spessartine is a stone of rich red, pink, reddish-orange, yellowish-orange or brown colors. It differs from other varieties in its specific oily sheen. Used in jewelry and in demand by collectors. Stones matching this description have been found in Ceylon, Madagascar, Italy, Norway, Brazil, Mexico and the USA. In Russia, deposits of the mineral are located in Karelia, Siberia and the Urals.
  4. Grossular (otherwise known as gomed, hessonide) is a representative of the group of garnets with a high content of aluminum and calcium. It can be golden yellow, green, brown, reddish pink. A variety of this type of gem is transparent or white garnet (leucite), which is extremely rare in nature and highly valued by collectors. Grossular is a semi-precious stone whose quality is determined by its brilliance, transparency and purity of color. Mined in limited quantities in Kenya and Tanzania.

Gold ring with garnet and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Although garnet is cheaper than other gems, some of its specimens can compete in price with the most expensive gems on the planet. One of these samples is a star garnet - a transparent crystal, inside of which, when illuminated, a star-shaped figure appears with rays diverging in different directions. A similar optical effect (asterism) can be obtained by special processing of the mineral to form a curved convex surface.

The star crystal looks so bewitching that it has long gained fame as a mystical stone.

The rarest variety of crystal is the blue garnet, which was first discovered at the end of the 20th century in Madagascar. Stones of this color are today mined in limited quantities in Kenya, Tanzania, Norway, the USA and Ceylon. The unusual color is not their only feature. In natural light, green, blue and purple highlights appear on the surface of blue crystals. If you place minerals in a room with artificial lighting, they will sparkle with red and purple tints.

Use of stone in medicine

The healing properties of the mineral have been known since time immemorial. Among our ancestors, the stone had extremely positive characteristics and was used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Before campaigns, medieval crusading knights always put a ring on their finger, into which a red garnet was inserted. They believed that the decoration would protect them from serious illnesses and injuries, and after completing the campaign, it would help them return home unharmed. The Slavs considered pomegranate the patron saint of women in labor. The stone was left at the head of the woman’s bed so that she would quickly and safely be relieved of her burden. In India, the mineral has been used for thousands of years as a general tonic. According to the residents of this country, it has the power to restore a person’s immunity and protect him from all kinds of ailments.

Beneficial properties and contraindications, or rather the lack thereof, have made pomegranate one of the most popular healing minerals today. For diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy), representatives of alternative medicine recommend wearing a silver jewelry with garnet crystals around the neck. A gold ring with a red mineral placed on the middle finger of your right hand will help you get rid of migraines and cure a sore throat. A blue garnet in a silver frame will help lower body temperature during a cold or viral disease. For this purpose, it is best to use a ring or bracelet.

Gold bracelet with garnet (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

In addition to the cases of the listed ailments, garnet jewelry is recommended to be worn for gastrointestinal, endocrine and dermatological diseases. The stone will help with allergic reactions, stress and depression. It has the ability to quickly heal wounds and restore the body after illnesses.

The magical abilities of the mineral

The magical properties of garnet stone deserve special attention, as they have a direct impact on the energy of its owner. Esotericists and magicians describe this mineral as a means of helping a person gain power over the people around him. In some countries, rings with red stones are very popular among unmarried girls. It is believed that a young lady whose finger is decorated with such jewelry will be able to easily meet her soulmate and experience happiness in love. Black garnet allegedly allows you to influence the consciousness of other people at a distance and communicate with representatives of the afterlife.

The garnet gemstone has powerful energy and is ideal as an amulet for an active, passionate, sociable person who works with full dedication. It will give its owner happiness, luck and success, protect him from troubles and help him find the right way out of difficult situations. But magic does not advise people who are lazy, indecisive and lacking initiative to wear items with pomegranate. The mineral endowed with strong energy will exhaust them and lead to physical and nervous exhaustion.

When using a stone for magical purposes, a person needs to pay attention to its color: a red garnet will help its owner find peace of mind, become calm, attentive and reasonable. The green mineral has a positive effect on those whose strong point is not punctuality. He will teach them how to manage time correctly and thereby increase their authority in society.

Regardless of color, garnet stone will have a beneficial effect on the lives of creative people. It will energize writers, composers, artists and sculptors and inspire them to create new masterpieces.

Jewelry with garnet should not be worn daily, as constant bodily contact with the stone can lead to loss of strength. If a person begins to have problems sleeping, or he simply wants to rest, he needs to give up pomegranate jewelry for several days, hiding it in a dark place.

Choice by zodiac sign

Who is suitable for pomegranate according to the horoscope? According to astrologers, this stone is ideal for energetic and tireless Capricorns. The mineral also favors Leo and Sagittarius. Representatives of these zodiac signs can wear stones of any shade. But when choosing a garnet, Aquarius and Libra should give preference to green stones. Pisces and Cancers should completely abandon the use of the mineral as an amulet. For people born under these signs, it will deprive them of peace and lead to physical fatigue.

Gold jewelry SL with cognac diamonds, garnet (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

In order for a garnet to fully exhibit its magical properties, it is necessary to choose a stone as an amulet that has not previously had an owner. Such a mineral has powerful energy and will become a reliable amulet for its owner. If a person inherited jewelry with a gem, it must be cleaned by holding it under running cold water for several minutes. After the procedure is completed, the product can be worn without fear. From this moment on, his energy will work in favor of his new owner.

Garnet stone has been known to people for a long time. Mystical and healing properties were attributed to this precious stone, and, of course, it was widely used in jewelry. It is one of the twenty most expensive stones in the world and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful minerals.

History of the origin of the stone

The garnet stone received its modern name in 1270. It was then that the famous alchemist Albert Magnus, describing this rare red mineral, gave it the name “granatus”. This word is related to the term “granules” and literally translated from Latin means “granular.”

Indeed, natural pomegranate occurs in nature in the form of small round granules. Moreover, the size of the unprocessed mineral does not exceed the grains of the tropical fruit of the same name.

In ancient times, each nation gave this gem its own name:

  1. “Chervets” or “lal” - in Rus'.
  2. “Bijazi” - in the Arab East (in Russia this word was gradually transformed into “bechet” and quickly took root among the people).
  3. The ancient Greeks called this gem anthrax, a burning coal.
  4. And the ancient Roman name, also translated as “coal” - “carbuncle” - was used until the 19th century.

Description of pomegranate

Garnet is one of the most worthy rivals. They are similar both in appearance and in their physical properties (although ruby ​​is a harder mineral). Externally, garnet looks like a transparent or translucent stone with a glassy shiny, very smooth surface.

Garnet patronizes travelers, warriors, lovers, women expecting a child, and people in difficult life situations.

Colors and varieties

Most often, when talking about garnet, we mean the classic dark red or, in extreme cases, pink color of this mineral. However, these are far from the only varieties. The color of garnet stone can vary from scarlet to yellow, green and even transparent.


The most common red garnet. Its name comes from the Greek word “pyropos” - like fire. Magnesium and aluminum salts give the stone its peculiar shade.


A mineral characterized by a high content of potassium and magnesium. Depending on their concentration, the color can vary from deep red to brown, purple and pink. It is to this variety that the “Bohemian” or “Czech” garnet belongs - a very expensive, almost transparent gem of a light pink hue.

In Rus', brought from the Arab East, it was called “Syrian pomegranate”.


Allumocalcium silicate, the color of which is given by iron ore salts. The very name of this stone comes from the Latin name for gooseberry, which speaks better than any words about the appearance of grossular: small round stones shine in all shades of green and yellow.

Grossular can be:

  • light herbaceous;
  • orange-yellow;
  • dark brown;
  • transparent;
  • and even an extremely rare sea green color (in mineralogy it bears the name hydrogrossular);


An extremely rare emerald green garnet found in only a few deposits in the world. It was first discovered in the Urals, in the Saranovsky mine, in 1832 and named after the Russian academician and minister of education, Sergei Uvarov. This stone is often called the “Ural emerald.”

This mineral received its name in honor of its discoverer, Jose d’Andrada. In nature, this type of pomegranate has different shades - from yellow and greenish-marsh, to brown and even red. The most popular varieties of andradite are:


An incredibly rare black garnet, characterized by an opaque, matte structure. In fact, this color is a dull dark red, but due to the lack of shine, the stone absorbs almost the entire spectrum of the sun's color, which is why it appears charcoal dark.


Another type of black garnet, rich in iron salts, thanks to which the edges of the stone have a bright shine with a metallic tint.


An extremely rare transparent gem, distinguished by its light green color. Its name means, literally translated, “like a diamond,” although in appearance it rather resembles. This mineral is often found in the decoration of Russian palaces of the 18th – 19th centuries.


For the first time, this stone began to be mined in the town of Spessarty, in Germany - this is where the official name of this garnet variety came from. The main colors are yellow, brown, and pink, although there are also examples of a red tint.


Or in other words “essonite”, “cinnamon stone” - garnet of all shades of brown. The most common shades found in nature are yellow, honey, orange, and purple. Occasionally, cinnamon-colored hessonites are found. This is one of the least hard types of pomegranate. Actually, the word “hesson” itself means “weak”, “lesser” in Latin.


Some mineralogists classify it as a separate group, but in fact it is a hybrid of almandine and pyrope. The high iron content also determines the colors found in this mineral: red and pink in any shade.


This is the general name for all minerals of this group, distinguished by their transparent color.

Chemical composition and physical properties

Garnets are silicates with a high content of magnesium, calcium and iron. Depending on the chemical composition, their individual types are classified as both precious and semi-precious, ornamental stones. The general formula of all these minerals looks like this: Mg+Fe+Mn+ +Ca+3Al23.

At the same time, each subspecies of pomegranate has its own chemical composition. It is the concentration of certain elements that determine the shades of garnet, density and shine.

Despite the number of varieties of stone, its properties in all “varieties” remain approximately the same.

Garnet molecules have a cubic lattice and form either rhombododecahedrons (closed compounds of 12 faces) or tetrahoptrioctahedra (24 faces).

Scientists divide all pomegranates into two main subspecies:

  1. Pyralspite, which is dominated by iron, magnesium and manganese; form a 12-sided crystal lattice; This is exactly the structure of pyrope, spessarine and almadine.
  2. Ugrandites, with a high calcium content (as, for example, in grossulars and andradites). The molecules of these gems are formed into tetrahoptrioctahedra.

The hardness of these gemstones ranges on a ten-point Mohs scale from 6.5 points (like hessonite) to 7.5 points (like almandine). Garnet can be easily polished with a diamond, but if you run it across glass, it leaves a shallow scratch.

At the same time, it is quite fragile and easily breaks under a strong impact. So processing it is not such a simple matter.

The density of this mineral is low: on average from 3700 to 3930 kg per cubic meter.

The surface of the garnet is smooth to the touch, glassy. But the edges of the break, on the contrary, are uneven and rough.

In nature, this gem is found in medium-sized druses. These stones are not large. The largest garnet, a fire pyrope the size of a pigeon's egg, was discovered in Germany and weighed 633 carats.


Garnets are mined all over the world. Their deposits are found on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. Garnets are found in Russia, the USA, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Zambia, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka and some other countries.

In Russia, the largest deposits are located in Yakutia (very rare fiery red pyropes are mined there), on the Kola Peninsula, Chukotka and the Urals. It is the Ural mines that supply jewelers with a significant portion of green uvarovite.

In the USA, on the border of the states of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona, one of the most amazing types of this gem is mined: “Ant”, or “Arizona” garnet.

These tiny stones, no more than one and a half carats, are brought to the surface by ants when building their “palaces”. The surprising thing is that, despite all the efforts, it was not possible to detect these bright red granules using the mine method.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Despite the fact that the magical properties of this stone are in many ways universal, astrologers advise people, before buying jewelry with garnet, to check whether their patron constellation is combined with the magical properties of the “fire” stone.

For those who decide to purchase a garnet stone, their zodiac sign is very important:

  1. : For people born during this period, pyropes and other varieties of red garnets are strictly contraindicated. But hessonite, grossular and uvarovite will give their owner success in matters of the heart, help to remain faithful in separation and strengthen the sense of trust in their “soul mate”.
  2. For Pisces This stone is an excellent remedy that helps normalize blood pressure and avoid infections. True, they also cannot carry red grenades.
  3. Aries: Pomegranate is useful for them as a means to cope with temper and avoid quarrels. It also helps in the fight against various phobias.
  4. Taurus You should not buy garnet jewelry.
  5. Gemini you need to be careful with this stone: it not only gives self-confidence, but also gives rise to passions that are not easy for the ardent nature of Gemini to fight.
  6. Cancer. For them, pomegranates are contraindicated, with the only exceptions being green varieties.
  7. For Lviv products made from pomegranate are useless, although not dangerous.
  8. Virgos this gemstone will help you find harmony and find your path in life.
  9. Scales: They sometimes need pomegranate as a way to calm their nerves and subdue their impulses.
  10. Scorpios this gem will help you moderate your ambitions, achieve peace of mind, and help you reach agreement in friendship. At the same time, garnet will help this sign develop their leadership abilities.
  11. Sagittarius They will feel a surge of strength from this gem - both mental and physical.
  12. Capricorns: pomegranate will help them gain self-confidence, give them strength and insight to make the right decision.

Who are the names suitable for?

It is extremely important to determine in advance, when buying a garnet stone, who this type of jewelry is suitable for and who is not. The element of garnets is fire (especially for pyropes and almandines), as well as earth and water. This stone also has patron planets: the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and the Sun.

Pomegranate is an excellent life talisman for people with the names:

  • Alexandra (only for women - for Alexander men this mineral will be useless);
  • Alla;
  • Anton;
  • Valeria;
  • Vasily
  • Galina;
  • Lyudmila;
  • Maria;
  • Nikita;
  • and Tamara;

Magic properties

Few stones have as many mystical secrets as the garnet stone - magical properties have been attributed to it since ancient times, and even now many psychics use this mineral in their practices.

Pomegranate has long been considered a symbol of a strong spirit, a pure heart and high spiritual qualities. Therefore, gemologists advise people with weak character to carry garnet with them, so that this mineral will help them develop a strong inner core.

Since ancient times, this mineral personified love and other heartfelt feelings.

According to the medieval “language of stones,” the gift of a garnet product meant passionate (perhaps even unrequited) love. It was considered undesirable to wear garnet jewelry in the presence of children or teenagers, since this gem can awaken passions in a person.

At the same time, it was revered as a symbol of marital fidelity. It was believed that pomegranate gives success in love and helps preserve feelings in separation. It was often given to newlyweds as a wedding gift, and to families whose marriage is in danger of destruction, this stone is very useful.

The benefits of green varieties are especially great. Their energy helps strengthen family ties, and for a woman, in addition, serves as an assistant in “women’s concerns.”

The magic of these stones is also associated with the gift of clairvoyance. It is believed that if a pomegranate is dreamed of at night, then soon this person will have to resolve a serious problem or make a difficult choice.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known to healers since ancient times.

In lithotherapy, this mineral is used for many diseases:

  • inflammation;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergies;
  • metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases;
  • and many other problems.

Legend has it that a garnet set in gold can even get rid of migraines (which modern medicine still cannot cope with).

Garnet stone is extremely useful for pregnant women: it is believed that it makes pregnancy more calm and guarantees an easy birth. In ancient times, jewelry was often made from this gem specifically for pregnant women.

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, people have used amulets made from this gem. For example, every traveler tried to take a garnet ring or pendant on the road.

The pomegranate is considered an amulet that can both preserve and win the love of another person. Scandinavian legend says that the miniature Ogren, having fallen in love with Freya, the goddess of love, forged a beautiful necklace in order to achieve her favor.

Another property attributed to pomegranate is especially important for men. It symbolizes masculinity, fortitude, and courage.

Many warriors wore jewelry made from this mineral, as it was considered a strong amulet that protected against wounds and death in battle. They inlaid weapons, armor, and helmets. And during the Crusades, almost every knight had a ring with a garnet, designed to protect it in battle.

Products made from garnet have very strong energy, because of this you should not wear it continuously, you should remove it from time to time and let it “rest”.


Garnet is a stone whose jewelry has always been very popular. In the Middle Ages, beads, earrings or a pendant made of this mineral were sure to be in the box of any woman from a noble class.

Usually this gem is set in gold. However, it also looks good with silver; this combination is especially often used for low-quality garnets. After all, according to jewelry traditions, it is not customary to insert a semiprecious stone into gold jewelry.

Other uses of stone

Garnets were often present in the ceremonial clothes of courtiers, in the outfits of noble people, and even in the decoration of palaces. For example, the Chamber of Facets in the Kremlin is entirely inlaid with this very mineral. The famous jeweler Faberge was very fond of this mineral: many of his boxes and precious toys were made using garnet fragments.

These gemstones are widely used in various industries. Thus, garnet is an excellent ferromagnet, which is why it is used in electronics. It is also added to some building mixtures. Parts for optical systems and lasers can be made from this mineral (as well as from ruby).


Garnet, despite its beauty, is not a very expensive stone.

The price of garnet stones depends on the quality and size and, of course, on the rarity of the color:

  1. Amaldine can be bought for 1900 rubles per 1 carat.
  2. Rhodolite – 1700 rubles.
  3. The cost of pyrope starts from 1170 rubles.
  4. Spessartine is considered one of the most expensive garnets. For example, a specimen weighing 4.7 carats is estimated at 35 thousand rubles.

But the price of a technical quality garnet stone starts from a few dollars per carat - for example, Nigerian stones for industry can be bought for 150-600 rubles per carat.

Many jewelry and handmade websites provide summary tables that indicate the price (in rubles and dollars) for different types of garnet. Thus, earrings with a garnet stone in a gold frame can be bought starting from 7,000 rubles.


Garnets are capricious minerals. They need to be stored in a dark, fairly cool (but not cold!) place. Each stone must be placed separately or wrapped in a piece of cloth. Separate boxes are required for jewelry made from these gems.

You can clean a garnet jewel with a soft brush. To do this, you need to fill the stones with water for a while, and then carefully wash them with soapy water.

There are several ways to identify a real garnet:

  1. Take the stone to a jewelry store and ask for expert advice.
  2. You can distinguish a garnet from a fake by rubbing it with a woolen cloth. Natural stone quickly becomes electrified - you can check this by passing it past fluff or your own hair.
  3. Garnet has minor magnetic properties. You can check this using small metal shavings.
  4. Another way to check the authenticity is to swipe it on the glass. Natural stone should leave a thin scratch on the glass.

Artificial pomegranate

Natural garnet is not such a rare mineral. However, modern scientists are making many attempts to “grow” these stones under artificial conditions. This is how synthetic silicate was created -. It was raised in the USSR in 1968 for the needs of nuclear energy.

This gem is distinguished by a variety of colors that natural garnets cannot boast of: for example, cubic zirconia is known for its incredible lavender hue - but in nature blue color is impossible for these minerals.

  1. Red garnets - pyrope - are mentioned in Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”, where this decoration symbolizes unrequited, but sincere and pure love.
  2. According to legend, a fire grenade was installed on the nose of Noah's Ark, lighting the way for the surviving people.


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