Love spell for a quick wedding. Effective wedding conspiracies How to upset a wedding with the help of magic

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Marrying your loved one who is destined for you is a wonderful dream. But what about those who have not yet been affected by wedding troubles? Is there a marriage conspiracy that encourages a potential groom and brings the wedding closer? Yes, Vanga’s love spells and Natalia Stepanova’s effective rituals are known.

White magic will force the groom to quickly organize his marriage. A loving mother can cast a spell for her daughter's marriage. And most importantly, a strong marriage conspiracy will help remove uncertainty and bind a man with unbreakable bonds. We hasten to reassure those who are afraid of the consequences - white conspiracies for marriage are absolutely safe.

The effectiveness of a conspiracy to marry the one you want depends on proper preparation. Witchcraft will help you achieve a marriage proposal, but you need to act very carefully. In order for a loved one to propose, certain conditions must be met:

  • words are pronounced clearly;
  • a secluded atmosphere promotes speedy results;
  • In order for your daughter to get married more successfully, put sincerity into your prayer;
  • concentrate on the image of your loved one;
  • sharing wedding conspiracies with strangers is prohibited;
  • Strengthen the required ritual by observing a three-day fast.

With the waxing moon, a marriage conspiracy will become the strongest argument in favor of buying a ring. February is ideal for such rituals. At the right moment, the bride will meet her destined groom, and the sweetheart will be yours forever.

Let's get married quickly

There is a well-known marriage conspiracy addressed to Saint Martha. Some witches recommend reading a prayer on the full moon for marriage. We will adhere to a different scheme - read the spell every Tuesday morning 9 times. The prayer can be read at home, paying attention to some nuances:

  • the one who follows the rule of nine readings will achieve results faster;
  • before the ceremony, formulate your desire as clearly as possible;
  • say your wish out loud without hesitation;
  • Visualize more strongly the image of the sweetheart you plan to marry.

Text for attracting the groom: “Miracle-working Martha, help me quickly fulfill my plans. Grant sinless achievement, bestow your favor, and in return I will spread this prayer. I want the guy (lover's name) to ask me to marry. Deliver me from defilement, ask our Lord for intercession in this matter. Let (name) give up single life and make the right choice. Amen".

Strong ritual with a broom

This plot for a happy marriage involves the purchase of a new broom. A conspiracy for a successful marriage takes place on Women's Day (ideally, Wednesday or Friday). It is prohibited to take change when buying a broom. Further progress of the ritual:

  1. Leave the store and head home.
  2. On the way, think about quality cleaning and your new broom.
  3. Move the second part of the ritual to the days of the new moon.
  4. Now you need to sweep out the garbage that has accumulated in your entrance (or yard).
  5. This garbage is collected in a yellow dustpan.
  6. Cast a spell to get married soon.
  7. Place the trash in a canvas bag.

The amulet made in this way is hidden in a secluded place until the next new moon. An additional strengthening is the prayer “Our Father,” which is whispered nine times. The better the floor is swept, the more confident you will be that the groom will show up. Spell text:

“I’m sweeping, I’m driving the good guys into the house. I don't need greedy people, traitors and quitters. Come, grooms, from other people's yards, from distant lands. It is impossible to interrupt my word. I lock it with a key and seal the lock. Amen".

We use a church candle

One effective conspiracy to get married involves the use of a church candle. Preliminary preparation takes three days - you need to fast intensely. For this powerful plot, only the new moon is suitable, and you will also need a white cloth. Procedure:

  1. Wake up at dawn.
  2. Spread the cloth (it should be natural) and fill the cup with blessed water.
  3. Dissolve a little honey in water (a teaspoon is enough).
  4. Place a burning candle in the middle of the table.
  5. Bring the cup to your lips.
  6. Say the plot for a quick wedding twelve times.
  7. Sprinkle sweet water on the door frame.
  8. You need to drink the rest.

Spell text: “Mother of God, help me find my betrothed and unite with him on my wedding day. Whoever I give my heart to is destined to be with me forever. I will wear the ring without taking it off, I put my trust in you, Mother. Bless, Blessed Virgin, my marriage with (the name of the chosen one is called). Amen".

The power of the silver ring

This plot for a quick marriage is read late at night - with the sky overcast. Remember that the moon cannot be seen, and the main place in the ritual is given to the silver ring. If magic is performed on your lover’s birthday, the effectiveness will increase many times over. Procedure:

  1. Find an opaque glass in the kitchen (ceramics are allowed).
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Throw the silver ring into the glass.
  4. Fill the container with spring water.
  5. Start reading the words you learned in advance for marriage, crossing yourself three times.
  6. Pour some of the water over your head.
  7. Wear the ring as a talisman on your right hand (the ring finger should be).

Text of the prayer: “I throw the ring into clean water and pronounce the cherished word. Let God's servant (boyfriend's name) ask me to marry, he won't hesitate. The moon will not interfere with my happiness; a big celebration will take place in public. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

Catching a Rich Spouse

If you dream of financial well-being, you need to read a plot for a successful marriage. To do this, stock up on a small amount of millet and go to the nearest intersection. After pouring the millet at the intersection of roads, say the spell:

“Matchmaker fathers, hurry to my doorstep and quickly visit the upper room. Invite handsome, handsome, and rich suitors to come to me. The birds will begin to peck the millet, and I, God’s servant (your name), must wait for my betrothed. My husband will come from a rich house, shower me with yachts, and give me eternal happiness. My words are under lock and key, my thoughts are locked with a key. What is planned will come true, two destinies will grow together. Amen".

Simple honey spell

This ritual is required for girls who dream of a long and happy life with their lover. Fill a small bowl with bee honey and leave it on the windowsill until dawn. In the morning, say a honey spell:

“The bees collected honey without knowing fatigue. I have to work so hard, bring joy to my husband, clean up and have fun. Money will not be transferred into my home, the children will fill the rooms with their ringing laughter. God's servant (your name) will be deeply loved, respected and appreciated by her husband. Family life will become smooth and sweet, and love will remain until the grave. I am destined to drink honey, watch sunsets and feel the support of my husband in everything. As I wished, everything will come true. My words cannot be cut with an axe. Amen".

Easter ritual

White magic, affecting the area of ​​family relationships, is extremely effective on major religious holidays. To find long-awaited happiness, try organizing a ritual for Easter. First of all, prepare nine Easter eggs. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. On the eve of the holiday (in the evening), paint the eggs with red, blue and green paint.
  2. If you can get stickers with love pictures, it will enhance the magic.
  3. While sticking pictures, read the spell words.
  4. Place the eggs in a bowl and leave on the windowsill (overnight).
  5. In the morning, eat your favorite egg.

Text of the spell: “People honor Holy Easter, but men are running towards me from all sides. They value me deeply and want to woo me. I will choose the strongest, richest and most handsome - I will meet old age with him. Christ has risen, now he will help me, he will arrange my girlish destiny. Amen".

The above spells are read by the girls themselves, but sometimes mothers of brides prefer to do household magic. Of course, witchcraft will work if you sincerely believe in the end result. The second factor is strict adherence to our recommendations. Good luck.

If we talk about the desired wedding, then, probably, such a fantasy concerns more the female part of the population. Many women see themselves as a bride and dream of wearing an engagement ring from early childhood. But there are also men who just can’t drag their beloved women down the aisle. In this case, a wedding plot can be very helpful.

How does this conspiracy work?

When two people come together in a pair, a completely unique space is created between them. This is a common energy field that contains all the thoughts and feelings that are present in this pair of lovers. In such an energy field, the couple’s attitude towards the wedding, towards legal marriage also hovers. And there is a very interesting point here. The fact is that many women may complain that the man they love is in no hurry to propose to her. But magicians believe that if a man does not strive for marriage, then this means that on a subconscious level the woman herself does not want to marry him. This means that there is some unconscious feeling and thought that prevents the bride from achieving a state of readiness for marriage.

This is important to know, because a conspiracy for a quick wedding can be aimed at ensuring that the girl herself, the woman herself, is internally completely ready to get married. Such a magical conspiracy works for two at once, or rather, for the same energy field of two, where the message about marriage changes at the level of thoughts and feelings.

When should this conspiracy be carried out?

A plot for a quick wedding can be read in the following life situations:

  1. Of course, this is the same classic case when the groom seems to be in no hurry to propose, but the bride has been ready for this for a long time. It seems like they’ve been dating for a long time, maybe even living together, but there’s no proposal coming from him.
  2. A conspiracy is read for a quick wedding even if the girl does not meet her one and only. It seems that the girl is beautiful and young, and she has a lot of fans, but at the same time there is no long-term love relationship. Then the wedding plot is read in order to quickly attract love into your life.
  3. To make the wedding happen faster, you can perform this ceremony too. That is, this is the case if two people have already decided to get married, but the external environment seems to constantly prevent them from setting a date for this event. It happens that a relative dies or another unpleasant event happens. By the way, this suggests that the young may be damaged.

These are the most popular cases when you can use a plot for a quick wedding.

Dress plot

Of course, an important attribute for every girl is a wedding dress. Some choose him even before they meet face to face with the real groom. To change your everyday dress to a wedding dress, you can use the following conspiracy. It must be done during the waxing moon in order to attract something into your life, and not remove it from it.

Take your favorite dress that you wear most often. Lay him on the bed. Place your palms at chest level and rub them together. Then place your warm palms over the dress and say the following spell:

“A young bride is waiting in front of the altar, that bride is in a wedding dress. Her face is hidden under a thick veil. Time passes, the groom appears, the bride’s face is revealed. And under that veil, the servant of God (her name), took place as a bride, will also take place as a wife. She changed her life, found a groom, put on a wedding dress. There was a groom, he became a beloved husband, there was future happiness, he became the present. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

You need to pronounce this conspiracy, emitting a powerful flow of energy, concluding it with the word Amen, there must be both confidence and feminine strength, then the conspiracy will really work. After this, such a charmed dress must be worn for three days. They say the effect of the ritual increases if you do not change your dress to a nightgown even at night. That is, for three days your only clothing should be this dress; at night you can sleep naked.

You can talk about a dress on different occasions. And if you have a young man, but does not propose marriage to you. And if you just want to meet the man you love. If nothing in your personal life changes within three months after the conspiracy, then it needs to be repeated again. It is effective to carry out such a conspiracy on a church holiday, for example, the Annunciation.

Conspiracy on a photograph

A lonely girl who dreams of a wedding can make a spell on her own photo. To carry out this ritual, you need to take your photo, and also a white sheet of paper on which the alphabet will be written. This means that your fiancé's name can start with any letter in the alphabet. Place a photo, and on top of it a piece of paper with the alphabet, fold your palms on top and say the following spell:

“The day has come, dear, it has come. She put on the dress and got married to it. She reported to her mother for her kindness and honor in her family life. You come to me, the one who will take me as his wife. No matter how your name begins, I want to see you next to me, spend the day with you, while away the night with you, say a word to you. The bride of God's servant (her name) is waiting for you every day, come quickly and take her to you. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

Conspiracy at the crossroads

This plot is suitable for those who already know their fiancé by sight, and for those who have not yet met him on the path of life. On the evening of the waxing moon, the girl needs to go to the intersection that is closest to her home. Choose a moment when no one will be there. Stand in the middle of the intersection, close your eyes and vigorously read the following plot:

“The groom walked from all four sides, looked at me, admired me, gazed at me. As soon as he saw it up close, he quickly made it his bride. She got married and became happy. Family life, married life, come to me from all four sides. So that I don’t end up with suitors.”

It is advisable to pronounce this spell almost in one breath. After that, go home and don't look back. This night you may dream about your future groom.

Splash cold water on your face with both hands and say:

I am God's servant (name).
The sun is high and I am higher.
My eyebrows are resin, my curls are golden,
my eyes are clear stars,
my lips are red petals.
Who will see me
he won’t offend me with a single word.
God help me!
Mother of God, bless us for marriage.

Whispers at a wedding

The mother of the bride should say these words at the moment when the wedding candles are lit:

Lord, help, Lord, bless.
Let your candles shed tears.
And only when these candles develop,
Only then will the husband and wife separate. Amen.

So that the wedding is not spoiled

Before your guests arrive, speak to the poppy seed and sprinkle it at the doorstep. Then all bad wishes will be interrupted by your amulet.

Read like this:

Which man lives
Who speaks evil
Who thinks evil
My word is interrupted.
How can you not count this sermak,
So my amulet will not interfere.

Amulet at the wedding table

My table is oak,
Tin guests,
All evil promises are made of glass.
Like fragile glass breaks, breaks,
So not a single evil word in a promise is forgotten.

So that the bride and groom are not jinxed

Read a special spell over water and give the bride and groom a sip of the charmed water. This will protect them from troubles, which are often caused by envious people who send wedding damage to the newlyweds. The plot is like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Come down, O water, from the clouds,
Go around the seven church domes,
Wax seals,
Locks, holy keys.
Who will think evil
Evil will be conceived
So close your lips
Close your teeth
Take away your tongue.
There is no edge or end to that word,
Harm from an evil person.
Key, cross, lock, Psalter.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So that there are no quarrels during the wedding

Before the newlyweds return from church or the registry office, go around the room where the celebration will be held, reading the following conspiracy:

I will stand up and cross myself earnestly,
I'll pray to God
I bow low to the icon.
Fence, O Lord, my holy house with a fence
From all blasphemy, fists,
From evil gossip and whispers,
From courts, gossip, spells,
Damage and curses
Strangers and relatives:
All doors, all windows, all sides,
Plank floors, wedding tables.
God grant that we don’t argue
And they didn't quarrel in my house
Neither strangers nor relatives.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To prevent theft from happening at a wedding

Read a special spell over the water, which you then sprinkle on the room in which the festive feast will take place. The plot is like this:

I close the damask chests,
From you, damned and unexpected thieves.
The saints have the keys, the young have the locks intact. Amen.

A plot for newlyweds (so they don’t get divorced)

In the old days, they usually invited a healer to a wedding, seated her in a place of honor, treated her to the most delicious dishes and tried in every possible way to respect her. They did this so that during the holiday the healer would talk the young couple into a long and happy life together. Indeed, in the old days people lived together for many years and never thought about divorce.

Now, unfortunately, not every family can boast of good relationships full of love and tenderness. Often before they even have time to celebrate the wedding, people are already running for divorce. I will teach you a good conspiracy that will help save a young family and prevent divorce. Here are his words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak, servant of God (name of the healer),
According to God's word, not mine,
In a bright wedding chamber
Servants of God (names of the young),
Peace of the baptized,
Father, mother of the blessed.
Accept, Lord, my prayer!
They would eat and drink
Yes, they would have children,
Don't wave your hands at each other,
Don't scream evil words with your lips,
They didn’t quarrel among themselves,
They didn't argue with their parents.
How the good mother church stands for centuries,
It would be fine if God’s servants (names) lived.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Plot-amulet against infertility

So that during the wedding the newlyweds are not damaged by infertility, read the following conspiracy after them:

Chickens lay eggs
Cats breed
Horses foal.m
The church blesses marriage
A wife gives birth to a child for her husband.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

What to do if the bride puts a ring on her glove

To correct such a mistake, you need to wash your face with the enchanted water and dry yourself with the towel you stood on during the wedding. They speak to the water with these words:

The Lord and the saints married me,
The bright angels held my crown,
Vera, Nadezhda and their mother Sophia
We were blessed for marriage.
The crown is on me
Wedding ring on hand
To me, to God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Plot for a prosperous married life (bride's plot)

On the eve of the wedding, the bride should read the following plot three times in a row:

Lady Mother of God, Queen of Heaven,
Deliver me from my marriage
Save and have mercy on me
From my husband's beating, from my mother-in-law's anger,
From the scolding of my sister-in-law, from illness and poverty,
From jealousy toil.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Whisper in the groom's back

To conjure the groom to love, whisper the following plot into his back:

Dry, body, dry, soul.
I, the servant of God (name), am dear and good to you
For now, forever, indefinitely.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So as not to be refused matchmaking

It happens that a girl and a guy love each other, but their parents do not give consent to their marriage. In this case, before going to matchmaking, read the conspiracy to agree.

The plot is read on a towel, which the matchmakers then tie on themselves.

Iron to iron.
Fire to fire.
Ground to ground.
Water to water.
And the servant of God (name)
Forever and ever to me.
The falcon flies to the falcon,
And I’m going to the servant of God (name)
I'll come, I'll get started
Mind-mind of all
I'll take her household members.
The bad thoughts would go away from them.
They rolled and fell.
Like the morning dew
Matchmakers to enter.
My law is submitted.
Like the solstice
He goes around in a round dance.
So would everyone's thoughts
Household members walked past,
And I would have stayed in the house.
I would be a groom
And then he called himself his son-in-law
Beloved and desired.
Now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen.

Marriage against the will of the parents

If parents do not bless their loved ones for marriage, then a prayer that softens the parent’s heart can help.

Buy two candles, place one near the “Softening Hearts” icon, light the other at home and read the plot twelve times.

Heavenly angels.
Sing Hallelujah
Hail, holy church.
Crowning for marriage!
God created people.
God baptized them.
God forgave them.
God for their marriage
Lord remember.
All the meekness of King David.
So let them be meek
There will be relatives
Sisters, brothers.
Brothers-in-law, all relatives.
Mother father
They will give a blessing
For the marriage and crown of the Servants of God (names). Amen.

Amulet for the bride

They read it on a pin, which is pinned to the hem of the wedding dress on the left side.

Kai nobody
The clear moon will not be swallowed up.
The sun is red
Won't put it in your pocket.
Sleeping Dead
It won't wake you up.
So does the bride (name)
There will be no damage.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Amulet for the groom

So that no one can harm the groom’s masculine power, the following spell is cast on a pin and pinned on the back under the groom’s jacket:

Seventy seven
Lived in one vein.
Blood blood
Will save.
And the servant of God (name)
Damage will not take it.
Silushka male
It won't bother you.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Amulet for the groom

Before the young man goes to the bride’s house to take her to the wedding, the groom’s mother must cross him and say:

Heavenly heights
Can't get it
Heavenly beauty
Don't pick it up.
Same with my son
Nobody will turn it down
And it won’t add anything to him.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen.

Amulet for the bride

My daughter is coming
From yard to yard.
On her hem is God's shutter.
Nobody of that shutter
It won't hurt.
No one is my amulet
He won't win.
My leg is left.
Her leg is right.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A strong amulet against wedding damage

God help me.
God bless.
Bless the gate
Oak, spruce railings.
Who's in this holy house
Will come in.
He will fall under the Lord's protection.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Wedding troubles

There is such a sure sign - as the wedding feast is, so is the marital world. This is probably why in the old days the bride and groom did not drink even a drop of intoxicating drink at the wedding feast. In addition, the guests avoided even minor quarrels, which could also negatively affect the entire future life of the newlyweds.

It happens that a tipsy guest, out of stupidity, or even out of secret malice, makes a wish at the wedding table in the form of a toast to the newlyweds, after which, naturally, everyone sitting at the table drinks in unison, as if confirming the wish they heard. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone present at that moment understands that he is actually participating in a wedding ritual. But wishes are different.

I will give just a few of the toasts that, according to the stories of the brides and grooms (later divorced), were pronounced at their wedding table:

  • God grant you, Kolenka, not your last wedding and wife
  • May God grant you, Volodka, to love her like your soul, and shake her like your neighbor’s pear
  • Hit her more often, love will be sweeter

When saying such a toast, a person does not think that in fact he has just wished the bride and groom a divorce, a quarrel, a fight.

First, you should immediately go and cut off a piece of bread, saying:

How do I get this piece of bread
I cut off
So are yours (name)
I'm removing the promises.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Then this piece of bread should be placed near the one who made the unkind toast.

But the simplest thing is to make a wedding amulet in advance. Read it to yourself:

My table is oak,
Tin guests,
All promises
Evil glass ones.
How fragile
Glass breaks.
It breaks
So not a single word is evil
The promise is not forgotten.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Amulet against wedding confusion

They take water from the blessing of water (for Epiphany), speak and give it to their son or daughter to drink. After this, not a single silly thing will bother your child. They spell water like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Theotokos was coming from heaven.
She carried the closing cross - the Servant of God (name) should close.
Save yourself from the wedding confusion.
She spread out her veil.
Keys and locks locked.
Who will step into those veils?
He'll go backwards
And to the servant of God (name)
With witchcraft
Never will.
There is no letter in the world, there is no word in the world.
No in the whole world
Such witchcraft.
Which matter.
My word will be interrupted.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the Servant of God (name)
It won't do anything bad.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen.

If you have a daughter, read the word “slave,” and if you have a son, then read the word “slave.”

How to remove a wedding glamor

If, after all, using a trick, your son was married or your daughter was married forcibly, against his will, you can get rid of the obsession, you can remove the trick in this way.

Buy a canvas, draw a circle on it, place two black chicken eggs in the circle. When you read the conspiracy to remove the confusion, break the eggs against each other and immediately let the dog lap them up. Burn the canvas immediately. For a guy, this is done on men's days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), for a girl - on women's days (Wednesday, Friday). The plot is read like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Throne of Heaven
Covered with clouds.
I am walking, servant of God (name).
On God's earth with your feet.
I take the holy cross with my own hands.
I will submit to the Lord God.
I will pray to the Mother of God.
You help. Lord,
To the whole world, to all people.
Help me, God, too.
God's servant (name), too.
The cross is indestructible, holy.
Stand behind me.
Forty saints.
Forty martyrs.
You are tormented for the Lord
You experienced severe pain.
Be me
God's servant, sewn.
Holy Cross.
Revolt against affairs
Servants of God (name of the enemy).
Break her spell
To the servant of God (name).
Let him (she)
He will wake up from witchcraft,
Will perk up.
Will get up.
He will look around himself.
He will break away from the spell.
It will enter the mind-mind,
From false love
It will disappear.
My word is strong
It's a sculpt.
How am I my child?
She gave birth.
What kind of mind am I?
Pure body, bright soul.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Marry a woman of centuries

I’ll start by explaining what a vekovukha is - a woman who remains single for her entire century. “Vekovukha” is the name for damage sent out of malice to a girl or woman. If a girl has this curse, then no one will ever marry her, not even the last drunkard or cripple. In former times, in order to save the girl from the “vekovukha”, they agreed with the priest to allow the unfortunate girl to spend the night in the church fence on the night of Ivan Kupala or on St. Nicholas Day. The girl combed her hair in the parting, braided one out of two braids and put on a new white scarf. Exactly at midnight, the girl walked around the church, starting from the gate, and, having made a circle, knelt down and said:

I don’t go to bed in the temple fence,
And on the Zion Mountains.
My Guardian Angel is with me
And three angels in their heads.
One angel sees, another angel hears,
The third one will tell the whole truth,
He will show my enemy
Who ruined my life
Who gave me the “vekovukha”?
My mother, church land,
Take off and take away the “vekovukha” from me.
And who created it?
Who destroyed my soul,
The church will be the judge
And you, mother of the damp earth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen

From the wedding rush

In the old, ancient times, not a single wedding was held without an invited sorcerer. His direct responsibility was to ensure that no one dared to harm the newlyweds and bring wedding chaos upon them. Usually, the invited sorcerer, long before the guests arrived, entered the hut alone, without the owners, and there he drew crosses in the corners with the nail of the little finger of his left hand. He examined the dishes prepared for the tables, whispered spells and slipped grass under the feather bed where the young people were supposed to sleep. Finally, looking into the vent of the furnace and showing into it a spear made from his fingers, the sorcerer went out into the courtyard and headed towards the horses on which the young couple were to ride to the crown. Having blown off the collar and bridle, so that along the way none of the ill-wishers would dare to say a bad word to the wedding, the sorcerer or witch walked to the gate, and then to the gate. Having skillfully performed all the necessary amulets against all sorts of intrigues, the wedding guardian, satisfied with her work, took a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped her face, while saying the last, main key-amulet, for example this:

While my face is in its place,
No one will harm the bride and groom.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In general, events such as weddings, weddings, christenings and funerals used to be taken very seriously. How the wedding and the wedding went depended on whether the husband and wife would live well, whether they would have healthy, kind and smart children, because this was laid by the healer’s work as a strong and indestructible foundation for their family. The bride's mother brought a healer to the house secretly from people. She put a treat on the table, gave a gift, and then asked her, bowing from the waist, to take care of her child’s happy life. The healer went behind the curtain with the girl and had a secret conversation with her. She tortured her: was she innocent, because if the bride was not a virgin, then the healer had to read the spell not as for a girl, but as for a woman. In addition, she quietly warned the young woman that if she had any accidental sin, then she would settle it with her skill, reading a joke on the groom, so that he would not understand the deception on his wedding night and would consider his married wife an innocent girl. The healer, with her strong words, promised the girl that not a single living soul, not even her mother, would ever find out about their agreement. Next, she began to teach her ward how to behave during a blessing, while putting on wedding clothes, and what words to think to yourself when going out to the groom, for example:

I'm going to my betrothed from the porch,
I walk like a wolf, not a lamb.
I'm following in his footsteps,
There is no one older than me in the family!

With these words, the bride was supposed to ensure that she had the first vote in her husband’s family and the opportunity to control her husband and his relatives.

For the same purpose, she had to say to herself when entering her mother-in-law’s house:

I'm the big one out of all of you,
Don't contradict me, my mother-in-law.
I'll come in, and you go out,
From now on this house is mine alone!

The sorceress-witch put a charmed nickel into the bride’s hand and ordered it to be sewn in the folds of the dress, at the hem. She fanned her with a whispered branch and promised that this branch would be with her throughout the wedding as a guarantee of a successful marriage.

The sorceress reminded the young woman that during the wedding she should not forget that when the priest says:

“The servant of God (so-and-so) is getting married,” she should immediately say to herself:

“I, the servant of God, am getting married, but my illnesses do not marry me!”

This is required so that all the obvious and hidden ailments of those who are being treated disappear once and for all, and if this is not said, then these diseases will never be cured.

During the entire wedding, called upon to protect the young, the sorceress stands right there in the temple, and between the words of the priest mentally inserts phrases that, without any doubt, will grant the created family not only love without betrayal, but also strong offspring, happiness and constant prosperity in the future. their house, unless they violate the sorceress’s prohibition not to look at each other during the wedding, although without her warning in villages, cities, provinces and even small villages everyone knew this rule from childhood and remembered that those who looked during the wedding each other's eyes will hate each other fiercely, quarrel over trifles and cheat.

His mother and father also took care of the groom, and they, like the bride’s parents, agreed ahead of time with another healer so that she would whisper and look after the young man. And of course, the sorceress, as best she could, tried to earn the trust and honor she had been given to be useful to this family. In general, as far as I know, since I myself am from such a noble family, witches at all times took such assignments very seriously, because the way the wedding and wedding took place was, is and will be the key to the happiness of the new family and their future generations!

After the sorceress serves this family, she becomes almost family to them and is always welcome at all celebrations. They tried to invite her to childbirth and christening, and she spoke to their children’s navels and first teeth, treated them for insomnia and other childhood ailments, and brought them sweets, which she always had in abundance. Bending closer to the groom's ear, the witch warned him what mistakes he should avoid during the wedding. Advised:

“As the priest leads you around the lectern, you hold your bride’s hand tightly and don’t let go until you stand on the wedding towel again, otherwise there will be no peace, no love, no harmony in your life. And if during the wedding she drops a scarf or a candle and you pick it up, I tell you that then you will live much less than your wife! Put the ring on her all the way, and with pressure, then she will not contradict you in anything. Whichever of you two is the first to stand on the wedding towel (towel) will be the head of the house! And so that your wife does not covet or look at other people's guys, when you go to bed, have time to lie down first on the pillow with your head. Throughout your wedding day, under no circumstances should you utter the word “yes” in your speech, say something differently, otherwise your wife and her relatives will push you around and control you for the rest of your life, like the reins control a mare!”

The witch always left the wedding laden with food: fried chicken, boiled meat, salted fish, honey and pies. The witch was not offered wine, as it was considered an insult to her - a true witch would never drink intoxicating wine. On the third day after the wedding, the bride herself presented the witch with a piece of fabric taken from the wedding gifts. She chose the most beautiful fabric to please her patron, since life is long, and perhaps she will have to knock on her door more than once. In past centuries, healers - witches were very revered and even a little feared and never skimped on the fact that they “worked hard” at a wedding, childbirth and christening. There were stories everywhere of people who had actually seen the work of these expert craftsmen.

Here, for example, is how eyewitnesses described what they saw: “The witch invited to the safety of the wedding whispered to the mistress of the house: “Look, I found your enemy with you.” There she is sitting in a red jacket and a blue skirt, now look what will happen to her!”

The sorceress took out a boiled egg from her bosom and went ahead and twirled it in her hands. At that moment, the hostess of the house saw how one of the guests fidgeted on the bench and, as if reluctantly, through force, began to make her way between the people to the exit. The mistress and the witch followed her. Then they saw a woman in a red jacket almost running towards the gate. Having fallen to the post, she began to gnaw the wooden post so much that blood poured out of her mouth. And when the woman began to squeal, still gnawing on the post, the sorceress threw an egg at her feet and said:

“Go already, I’m letting you go, but don’t harm this family in the future, otherwise you’ll be “joking” with me.” She runs from the gate and to her home.

A lot of similar stories have been told, now people have become more modern, and have lost faith in the power of witchcraft, of course, not without the help of the press and television, but even now there are true expert masters who continue to faithfully serve those who need their advice and support, and as for the press, it has happened more than once: when someone is pressed, then this person goes to the healers for their help.

How to read a wedding amulet
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.
The dawn was rising, the red sun was rising,
The newlywed soul woke up,
She dressed up in a white veil.
I am a servant of God (name of the healer)
I bowed low to the cross,
Dressed in holy prayers,
I was going with my concern.
And I take three holy leaves to help me,
The power is in those sheets without beginning or end.
One holy leaf preserves,
The second leaf protects
The third word drives away an evil word from (such and such) slaves.
Arise, O might of God, to my aid,
(So-and-so) God's servant.
Let my words be fulfilled, my deeds strengthened.
For now, for centuries, for all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Or like this:

Lord Jesus Christ,
Mother of God Most Holy and Most Blessed,
Bless my deeds and give life to my words.
For now, for centuries, for all time. Amen.
There is a tree in God's world,
Grows up with roots, stands down with branches.
Grandfather Three-Eyes sits under the lower branch,
He examines God's people,
He looks with three eyes at how people live.
He sees a sorcerer and a witch,
Sees the sorceress and the sorceress,
Evil magician, holy reader,
Who is alive and who is dead, who is sleeping, who is walking,
Some will live long, some will die soon.
In the name of the Supreme Creator,
In the name of God the Son and God the Father,
I say and ask:
- Do me, Three-Eyes, a favor and help
On all four sides
Show me, the leader, a guard over my affairs,
To see me at feasts and in all houses,
On all four sides:
Enemies-witches and enemies-witches,
Enemies-sorcerers and enemies-witches,
Hidden, secret and open,
Invited to a feast and forgotten,
Who sits at the table with evil
And with evil he stands at the gates,
Looking across the water at the feast,
Through the mirror it harms the young,
He widens with a needle and a knife,
Sends through the stove smoke,
Knits into knots, smears with dead man's lard,
Spins yarn from dead man's hair,
Who will come and those who will not come here,
Who is at the dam, who is in the thicket and who is across the river,
None of you young people will spoil the peace.
I put you, enemies, upside down.
Don’t lie to you, don’t bewitch you,
You can't kill anyone in this house:
Neither the prince, nor the princess, nor their crown - the shrine,
Neither matchmakers, nor matchmakers, nor their sisters and brothers,
Neither their mothers nor their fathers,
Neither boyfriends nor their girlfriends.
I am currently guarding this yard,
I serve the young prince and princess.
And whoever comes to them with evil,
I (name) will crush them,
I'll hit the damp ground,
I'll drive it chest deep into the ground,
And you, Three-Eyes, triple my strength up to three times.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spring opens the wedding season, which lasts until early October. And along with weddings, a flood of lawsuits against companies organizing celebrations hits the courts. Those getting married began to turn to them more and more often - in Moscow alone, the volume of the “wedding market” (payments to agencies for organizing an event without the cost of a banquet) last year amounted to over 100 million dollars. We will tell you about those cases when people's holidays were ruined for crazy money.

Story 1. Wreath for the bride

Muscovite Marina was very worried before the wedding. It seems that she and her mother took everything into account: the cake, the menu in the restaurant was first-class, the dress and the bouquet were ordered from a good florist salon for 6 thousand rubles.

An incident arose with the bouquet: the groom rushed to pick it up right on the morning before the wedding. In the salon he was handed a huge package tightly packed in paper. Without checking what was inside, the groom grabbed the bouquet and rushed to bathe the bride - time was running out.

He unpacked the flowers right before leaving for the registry office. And he was dumbfounded. Instead of a bouquet, the package contained... a funeral wreath! The florist salon apparently got the orders mixed up!

They barely calmed down the bride, who saw a bad sign in the “funeral” bouquet and flatly decided to go “get together.”

The mother of the bride went to hand over the wreaths and exchange them for a bouquet after the newlyweds had signed, says Tatyana Samorodskaya, a lawyer at the Moscow Fund for the Protection of Consumer Rights. “But the store owner was rude and kicked my mother out the door.” Moreover, he promised problems if she “harassed” his office. My mother had to write a statement to the police. The young couple filed a lawsuit against the flower salon, but a spoiled mood cannot be corrected with money...

Story 2. Poor pigeons

Anastasia, an employee of a capital company organizing holidays, spoke about this wedding:

Nowadays it is very fashionable to release doves after a wedding. Birds fly out of the hands of the young as a symbol of peace and future happiness. Moreover, each dove costs about five hundred rubles.

For one of the weddings we ordered doves. The man who was supposed to bring the birds was very late, rushing at great speed, and this did not benefit the birds in the box. As a result, near the registry office, he literally shook the pigeons out of the box into the hands of the young people. They release the birds from their hands with tears. The groom's dove flies high, and the bride's dove makes two sluggish wing flaps and falls dead. It turns out that the bird could not withstand the stress of transportation.

The company had to pay the penalty in full.

How to avoid getting caught by holiday scammers

Don’t buy into the cheapness: if prices are significantly lower than market prices, then there’s a catch.

If possible, determine the approximate date of the holiday at least 4 - 5 months in advance. If the wedding is for more than 20 people, it is still better to entrust the organization to specialists, that is, to companies that professionally deal exclusively (!) with weddings, and there are few of them even in big cities. Their services cost from 20 thousand rubles and above. They organize the holiday from start to finish: the bride’s hairstyle, the cake, the script, the director of the celebration, the photographer, renting a restaurant, decorating the hall, etc. As a rule, these companies value their reputation.

In most cases, people go to organizations that organize everything in the world: children's parties and corporate events. Here the risk of falling for scammers increases.

Be sure to include in the contract with the wedding company and car rental all the risks that may arise. It should indicate the amount of compensation for employees being late or not showing up at the appointed time.

Common wedding scam

  • Toastmaster, musicians call on the eve of the celebration and say that they cannot come - they were “bought out” for another event. This is the most primitive price gouging: there is nowhere to go, and you pay extra as much as they say.
  • The hairdresser who is supposed to do the bride's hair is very late. And instead of a complex hairstyle (for which he has already paid), he does it “anyhow”, in a hurry.
  • Pre-paid vehicles are often late or do not arrive at all. Consumer rights protection societies have entire volumes of complaints from newlyweds who were late to the registry office. Instead of the 11-seat snow-white limousine specified in the contract, a dirty car with a maximum of 7 seats can easily park at your house, and instead of a “presentable driver” - an unshaven face in a wrinkled tracksuit.
  • At the same time, 15 minutes exceeding the agreed period are equivalent to... an hour's drive! We have to (late!) pay a decent amount in yuan. e.
  • You enter into a contract for photo and video shooting. As a result, you get terrible photo cards; in the “film”, half the screen is always occupied by someone’s head.
  • Usually, alcohol is not included in the contract with the restaurant: newlyweds are allowed to bring “their own strong drink.” He needs an eye and an eye! There have been cases when catering workers from particularly luxurious weddings “stole” boxes of alcohol!

Psychologist's opinion

Sue: it strengthens the family!

A wedding for young people, especially for the bride, is a kind of “fairy tale” come to life, a ritual to which great importance is attached, says psychologist Dmitry Klevtsov. - But you shouldn’t get hung up on the little things that spoil the holiday and attribute mystical meaning to them. After all, if a couple subconsciously prepares for troubles, they will appear and seem fatal. But a trial with unscrupulous organizers will only benefit the couple: a joint struggle unites!

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A fight to prevent the wedding from taking place

The other day I wrote about how to makeLove spell for marriage (read In the same article there is a ritual of a love spell for marriage that you can do on your own. And now I’ll move on to another, opposite topic. I’ll tell you how to make a fight so that the wedding doesn’t take place.

When to use a rassorka

The ritual is suitable for those situations when your chosen one’s wedding is very soon, but he just can’t decide to break off his engagement with his rival. This is relevant for those cases when you still have a close relationship with him, he admits his love feelings for you, it’s just that the meeting with you happened after submitting an application to the registry office with his past lover. And now he lacks the courage and confidence to cancel the wedding.

Perhaps what makes it difficult to put an end to the relationship with his rival is that preparations for this event have already been completed, invitations have already been sent out to friends and relatives, and he is also afraid of condemnation from his loved ones for canceling the wedding.

Or he feels, although no longer love, but at least respect for his bride, he understands that he will bring her severe pain and disappointment with his decision to leave on the eve of the wedding.

In general, these constraining circumstances must be overcome. But it is very important that you have at least a couple of weeks before the unwanted planned event so that you have time to have a fight.

Payback in case of a quarrel

As you understand, this magical work in itself is a damage to relationships.

Therefore, do not skimp on a serious payoff after such a ritual. A payoff can be financial assistance to a relative, but for truly important needs, and not for self-indulgence (for example, for surgery and medications).

You can also make a donation to a charity. Just check the information about the organization properly so that it doesn’t turn out that you gave money to scammers.

And, of course, it is not worth mentioning that a couple of thousand rubles, to put it mildly, cannot be considered a payoff. Remember, due to stinginess, sooner or later, you may lose something much more important and valuable in your life for carrying out damage. Therefore, clearly understand that greed is inappropriate here.

Another alternative is to entrust the damage to an experienced specialist who has already performed similar rituals many times and clearly and firmly knows what and how to do and how to protect you from the consequences.

Ritual of a falling out

To carry out magical work, you will need a thick black plastic bag, about one kilogram of fresh raw meat with blood, a photo of your chosen one and your rival, scissors, and black ribbon.

As soon as the sun begins to set, you can do the disassembly. Take scissors and cut the photos into small pieces, throwing them into the bag. When you cut, repeat to yourself these words of damage:

« I cut up the photo and end your relationship. As soon as the meat fades, your relationship will fade. I cut up the photo and pour dirt and anger into your relationship. As soon as the meat goes out, so do the wedding plans.».

Now tie the bag tightly with black ribbon and hide it where no one can find it. As soon as the meat begins to rot, the relationship between your chosen one and your rival will begin to deteriorate sharply, they will begin to swear and make trouble. Every day their hatred and anger towards each other will grow exponentially until they decide to cancel the wedding. As soon as this happens, take the bag outside and throw it in the trash.

If the wedding did take place, then it is worth understanding for what reasons it happened:

Your lover was not completely honest with you about his feelings for you,

His bride is a very profitable match, and he is ready to endure her for his own selfish purposes,

He married under the coercion of his parents, on whom he depends and cannot contradict.

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