A conspiracy to make everyone love you. Prayer for people to be drawn to me

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Miracle words: prayer for everyone to love you in full description from all the sources we found.

Beauty magic Love magic Love spells Lapels Conspiracies Prayers Dream Interpretation Fortune telling Dreams of the Virgin Mary Charms

Spells for beauty

To be loved by those around you.

She carried it, she endured more than anyone else.

Amen to my words.

Amen, I close with an amen,

I put my foot ahead of everyone.

The magic of beauty

To be loved by those around you.

They snatched God's servant (name) for the whole day,

For the whole hour, for all the minutes, for all the seconds,

For the whole company, at all meetings,

On all ships, at all auctions.

I am more beautiful than all of them, I am stronger than all of them, I am more lively and cheerful than all of them.

I left my mother, I stepped out from the people,

I excelled among merchants. She grew, she grew taller than everyone else.

She carried it, she endured more than anyone else.

Amen to my words.

Amen, I close with an amen,

I put my foot ahead of everyone.

I am the sun, I am the moon, I am a bright star.

How people look at all the lights, they are surprised,

So let no one resist me.

Spell to make people love and respect you

I’ll be (like this) in the morning,

I’ll pray and go into the field,

I'll look in four directions in the field.

There is a wall on the east side

That wall was cursed by God himself.

Three caskets are built into the stone wall,

And on those caskets is the seal of the elder.

One casket with icons of saints,

The second casket with expensive stones,

The third casket is full of gold and silver

And all sorts of rich goodness.

And how good are people?

They dress up and look

They want to take you to their mansion,

They can’t get enough of it, they can’t stop admiring it,

They never cease to be touched by this beauty,

It would be the same for me

People couldn't get enough of it

Enjoy and look at it.

They would love me and praise me,

They built with kind words,

Happy month or happy sun

They wouldn't scold me for anything.

Be created and come true my words

All my days and all my years.

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For everyone to love

Conspiracies for people's love will help you find a common language with people, win over a person and implement plans, the result of which depends on strangers.

“I, servant of God (name), will get up from bed, cross myself, and go down the path, praying. I will look in all four directions - east, west, south and north; on one side, the eastern side, stands the house of God, the church is white, just as everyone looks at the house of God, so let everyone, big and small, boys and girls, old men and old women, look at me, the servant of God (name), in a word , everyone living on earth and singing praises to God would look at me like that and become enchanted, and I would be loved by everyone, by everyone from now on and forever. Amen".

“Gather, people, good people, for the honorable holiday of Christ. Just as they look at crosses and domes, at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, at various images, so old old men, young men, old old women, young women, beautiful maidens, little guys would look and look at the servant of God (name). So the servant of God would look and look, so the servant of God (name) would seem more beautiful than the clear sun, purer than pure silver. Be, my words, firm and strong, forever indestructible. The key is in the water, but the lock is on the hand.”

“I, servant of God, will get up in the morning, bless myself and cross myself, go out into an open field, look at all four sides, at God’s temple. Just as they look at him and stare at him, so would old women, old old men, young guys, pretty girls, young women look at me, the servant of God, and stare at me, the servant of God (name). Be, my words, strong and tenacious, like underground keys, amen.”

“I will stand, blessing myself, I will cross myself, I will go out of the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates, I will go out into the open field, I will stand towards the eastern side.”

I will pray and submit to the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ Himself: “Give, Lord, (to people) the mind of a calf, the lips of a cow. Just as sheep are gentle, so are fierce beasts. Above my head, the servant of God (name), the sun is gazing like a sun, the month is young and bright, the stars are also often sprinkled with chalk, just as I, the servant of God (name), would rejoice at good people, princes, boyars, elected officials, clerks, a man’s face and female. Amen to that word.”

These conspiracies are read when leaving the house.

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To be loved by others

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1 To be loved by others on Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:15 am

Registration date: 2012-06-08

From: South. Ural

Whoever knows and reads this conspiracy will always and everywhere be respected, honored and loved and will be able to win in any matter:

They snatched God's servant (name) for the whole day,

For the whole hour, for all the minutes, for all the seconds,

For the whole company, at all meetings,

On all ships, at all auctions.

I am more beautiful than all of them, I am stronger than all of them, I am more lively and cheerful than all of them.

I left my mother, I stepped out from the people,

I excelled among merchants. She grew, she grew taller than everyone else.

She carried it, she endured more than anyone else.

Amen to my words.

Amen, I close with an amen,

I put my foot ahead of everyone.

I am the sun, I am the moon, I am a bright star.

How people look at all the lights, they are surprised,

So let no one resist me.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

2 To protect yourself from envious people and ill-wishers on Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:17 am

Registration date: 2012-06-08

From: South. Ural

I’ll go up to those damask knives and tell the guards in a pleasant voice. I will bow to them to the ground and ask:

Judas! Look at me! Take away fear and contempt and persecution from people of all ages. Everyone insulted you and drove you away from everywhere. They spat on you. You were cursed. Take to you my sorrows and 12 knives, 13 guards. Word, language, castle, church threshold. Amen.

3 To get rid of an angry person on Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:18 am

Registration date: 2012-06-08

From: South. Ural

Fire - water, body - arrows,

Just as the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear,

The dead don't breathe

So that I too, God’s servant (name)

(so-and-so) didn’t see or hear,

Didn't come close to me

She did not plot against me.

Didn’t crush, didn’t curse, didn’t scold, didn’t bother,

She didn’t talk about me, didn’t write about me,

I didn’t mention it to the authorities.

Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing,

They don’t see the clear sun,

They don’t cross themselves, they don’t pray, they don’t come home,

They are not going to church for Matins,

They don’t fast during Lent, they don’t eat eggs on Easter,

They don’t change their outfits, they don’t remember themselves,

So God’s servant (name) wouldn’t remember me,

She didn’t remember, didn’t see and didn’t know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times

And into every future. Century after century. Amen.

4 From nagging at school or at work on Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:24 am

Registration date: 2012-06-08

From: South. Ural

If a person is constantly being picked on at school or at work, you should read this plot 12 times in a row:

Heavenly grace of God, come down,

Come to me, servant of God (name),

Glory and praise, multiply,

Increase your strength every day of God.

And you, my enemies (names),

Never come near me

And never find fault with my words.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

5 Re: To be loved by others on Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:30 pm

Registration date: 2013-03-29

6 Re: To be loved by others

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The Internet is full of different conspiracies, but for 90% of people they do not work for the reason that people ignore the laws of the universe, do not follow the rules for the success of rituals and think that they just need to read the text from those conspiracies that the Google search engine gave them.

So, if you are not one of those “freeloaders” - here is a 100% working method for you, it needs to be repeated at least once a month on the waxing moon, of course, following all the rules for the success of rituals: https://f.beginmagic.ru /index.php?showtopic=1223

1) Take what you associate with respect. Not from your neighbor, not from the president of some country - but from you! For example, you can find a picture on the Internet, a photo of a respected person.

2) looking at this photo, we say the words copy streams three times. According to the formula: just as people respect you, let them respect me now, from now on and forever and ever, Amen. (this is a formula, a matrix - you can add and change words, adjusting the text to suit you)

3) take wax candles (paraffin candles are not allowed) - red, green, white. you can have different shades, for example, not pure red, but dark red, dark green and light gray instead of white. That is, slight color differences can be slightly tolerated.

4) imagine associatively that a red candle symbolizes luxury, wealth and respect, a green candle symbolizes love, youth and success, and a white candle symbolizes purity and ease of achieving what you want

5) light candles in any order, place them around the photo or around your phone with an image of a photo of a successful person open.

6) put your photo next to it and repeat the spell three times, just like in the second point.

7) after this, you can read any conspiracies from the Internet for universal love, so that all people respect, love and honor you. For example, here is one of the ancient, common, working conspiracies, but again, we follow all the rules when reading it, and most importantly, visualize on yourself what you are saying.

read in order, after the above steps.

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I had a difficult situation, my relationship was collapsing. I started turning to different magicians, but couldn’t find help anywhere until I found Sergei Boltenko. He was the only one who explained to me what magic is and how it works. He helped me get my husband back, his love! I will thank him all my life.

Dear Seryozha, thank you very much))))

The guys didn’t pay attention to me, but after Sergei Boltenko’s rituals, everything became different, the boy I always loved finally liked me. Sergei helped me.

I have been looking for a real magician for a long time and I am very glad that I found him, this is Sergey Boltenko! I didn’t have a good relationship with guys, but after the cleansing sessions that the magician Sergei Boltenko performed for me, my life changed for the better and now I have my loved one next to me, and we’ll even have a wedding soon! I’m glad that Sergei appeared in my life, because before him I didn’t believe in magic at all.

Many thanks to the magician Boltenko Sergei Alexandrovich! my beloved person has returned to me, I am incredibly happy!

People often ask the question, is it possible for them to remove damage and evil eyes from themselves during fasting? The Bible itself answers this question well when Jesus healed on the holidays. How to make a strong love spell from a photo that cannot be removed?

For those who are in the tank, we repeat - Strong and Eternal love spells do not exist, especially those that are supposedly done in a couple of days - all these are myths, and complete nonsense in trying to find suckers, carried out on. how to make a love spell on honey, bewitch a guy, a man on honey

To bewitch a guy with honey, you need to find a normal, undiluted pot or jar of any flower honey. How to really stop drinking alcohol, quit alcohol altogether - the second part?

So, as I promised, in my current review I continue to talk about how to help a person stop drinking, or very much. conspiracies against drunkenness, rituals against alcohol addiction - what to do to prevent your husband from drinking?

An anti-drunkenness spell helps a person get rid of alcohol addiction. but before reading the conspiracy against drunkenness, you need to determine the reason why a person drinks. Most often, this reason is a larva or spirit that draws strength from a person. This leads to the person starting to drink. spell for the longing of a beloved man

To make your beloved man yearn, you can read the appropriate spell. And for it to work, you need to tune yourself to the attraction of this.

The prayer consists of two parts, one of which is aimed at removing the ancestral curse, the second allows you to fill the free internal space of the karma of the genus. an effective ritual for turning a rival away from her husband

Nothing helped? Yes, simply because there are no effective lapels, because Firstly, if you remove your rival with various rituals, lapels, then nothing. real time frame for getting rid of the damage, cleansing and restoring the victim

If you are cleansing yourself of negativity, removing damage, the evil eye or a curse, then the real average and most common time frame for cleansing and getting rid of this muck will be. to forget and leave alone - an obsessive admirer turning away from himself

If you are asking yourself a question - how can I make a person who is unpleasant for me forget me and leave me alone? Then this ritual will help you to remove the unpleasantness. how to determine damage to an egg what methods - we check the evil eye on the egg and water

There is a way to determine spoilage through an egg and water, but is it really that effective? He has been quoted many times on the Internet, but in fact he often shows it incorrectly, and lew. so that everyone respects and loves the 100% working conspiracy and ritual

So that all people love and respect you, conspiracies and rituals for universal love, good luck and success will help. The Internet is full of different conspiracies, but for 90% of people they don’t work.

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A conspiracy so that others respect and requests are not refused

For almost all people, it is important that they are loved and respected by the people around them, and also that people do not refuse their requests.

In this article we will look at how to make a conspiracy so that others respect you and do not refuse your requests.

So, if it is very important for you to get consent to your request (for example, if you are submitting a formal petition to any organization or court), make sure in advance that your request is granted.

To do this you need to perform the following ritual:

Take the necessary documents and paper with your request, and at exactly midnight, place it in the middle of the table. The table must first be covered with a new, white tablecloth (purchased especially for this occasion). You need to place a lighted candle nearby, cross yourself, and looking at your documents, read the following conspiracy:

“How true is it that these documents are lying on a new tablecloth,

It’s true that whoever refuses my request will have his hands shaking.

Anyone who wants to interfere with my important business will want to interfere.

Lord, give understanding to your servant (the name of the person on whom the answer to your request depends),

Let him solve my question favorably,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

If you want the people around you to respect you and be nice to you, use another conspiracy.

The conspiracy, so that people respect, must be carried out on an even day, an even month, in some deserted place.

The sky must be clear during the ritual.

When reading the plot, you need to stretch your hands to the sky. At the same time, you must not get confused in words, get confused or interrupted. You can only look at the sky, and not around.

The conspiracy must be pronounced while standing in the center of the protective circle, and it will be possible to leave it only after the completion of the ritual.

Before you go home, carefully wipe off the protective circle.

The words of the conspiracy to make people love and respect are:

“Grant me, Lord, your merciful blessing,

To the honor and mercy of people.

Let people always smile at me,

Let all doors open before me,

Let the church bells ring

And people talk about me with joy,

Let them glorify and magnify me,

They are called by their first name and patronymic,

They invite the rich to the table,

They raise their glasses to me.

Let the glory of me fly faster than an arrow,

Let a good word spread everywhere about me, the servant of God (your name),

The Internet is full of different conspiracies, but for 90% of people they do not work for the reason that people ignore the laws of the universe, do not follow the rules for the success of rituals and think that they just need to read the text from those conspiracies that the Google search engine gave them.

So, if you are not one of those “freeloaders” - here is a 100% working method for you, it needs to be repeated at least once a month on the waxing moon, of course, following all the rules for the success of rituals.

How to correctly do rituals and conspiracies for the respect and love of people?

  1. Take what you associate with respect. Not from your neighbor, not from the president of some country - but from you! For example, you can find a picture on the Internet, a photo of a respected person.
  2. Looking at this photo, we say the words copying streams three times. According to the formula: just as people respect you, let them respect me now, from now on and forever and ever, Amen. (this is a formula, a matrix - you can add and change words, adjusting the text to suit you)
  3. take wax candles (paraffin candles are not allowed) - red, green, white. you can have different shades, for example, not pure red, but dark red, dark green and light gray instead of white. That is, slight color differences can be slightly tolerated.
  4. imagine associatively that a red candle symbolizes luxury, wealth and respect, a green candle symbolizes love, youth and success, and a white candle symbolizes purity and ease of achieving what you want
  5. light candles in any order, place them around a photo or around your phone with an image of a photo of a successful person open.
  6. Put your photo next to it and repeat the spell three times, just like in the second point.
  7. after that, you can read any conspiracies from the Internet for universal love, so that all people respect, love and honor you. For example, here is one of the ancient, common, working conspiracies, but again, we follow all the rules when reading it, and most importantly, visualize on yourself what you are saying.


read in order, after the above steps.

conspiracy to love and respect people for themselves:

“As they look and covet Gold, silver, the houses of oligarchs, and the Temple of God, so would they look at me ( Name ) constantly watched - both at night and during the day, and in my dreams and in reality - every time I get out of bed - at night, in the morning, at lunch or in the evening - always, at all times. I bless my words for the love of all people for themselves - both old men, and young men, and old women, and young women, boys, girls, young women and beautiful girls. Be, my words, strong and tenacious, like keys ( springs ) underground, breaking through and breaking out, giving water to everyone who drinks it. So always be according to my word!”

Church conspiracy for universal love and respect

"I will get up, ( Name ), from my bed I cross myself and go on my way along the road to my Gods, praying. I will look at all four sides - east, west, south and north. On the eastern side stands the house of God, a white stone church. Just as people look at that church and get excited, so let them do it for me, ( Name ), all people - big and small, girls and boys, old men with old women, young men and women - all those living today would be so coveted and look at me, like a mother at a child, a girl at her beloved guy, so from now on and forever I am loved by everyone - Truly!

So that all the people and the authorities respect and love, read this:

“Good people gather every year for the holidays of Christ. How they look at the domes of churches, at crosses, different images, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ - so it would be ( own name ) bosses at work, great men, rulers and baptists, oligarchs and simple men, old men and old women and beautiful young women, beautiful girls, ripe for marriage and partying, and small children looked and looked. So would any( any ) ( name of a specific person, if necessary ) looked and looked, so it would be ( own name ) seemed from now on and forever to all people purer than silver, brighter than the sun and warmer love for everyone ( Name ) directed theirs. May my words be strong as mountains, and forever indestructible as the antediluvian gates. Truly!

so that relatives - mother, wife, son, husband - respect and love:

“I’ll get up on my left foot, blessing myself, praying and crossing myself, I’ll go out into the street into an open field, I’ll stand and look towards the east side. I will pray, and there I will submit to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Trinity. I will ask Christ and the entire Orthodox world: give, Lord, to everyone kindness and love for me, so that, like the sun, it shines for everyone, warms and makes everyone happy, so it is for me ( Name ) all relatives ( list which relatives ) treated me, warmed me and rejoiced in the rays of their love for me. Just as people like the starry sky, so I like me, just as people rejoice at happiness and good fortune - so good people, simple and princely, boyars and tsars, rulers and oligarchs, every male and female face would rejoice at me. From now on forever. Amen"

Why might conspiracies and rituals for the love of all people not work?

  • Firstly, when a person has damage, it will slow down or destroy any conspiracy related to respect or love. So, to begin with, it is best to diagnose the energy by the chakras, determine if there is any negativity, and if there is, eliminate it, cleanse yourself, and only after that read conspiracies for human love. If you can’t handle it yourself, then turn to professionals. For example, by writing via viber, whatsapp +79606999998 or by email [email protected]
  • Secondly - we remember about thought control - if a person, after reading a conspiracy, again begins to think that no one loves him, then, in addition to the ritual words, he will send a bunch of negative thoughts into space, as a result neutralizing the effect of his own conspiracies - that is, mandatory the rules for the success of rituals must be followed.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

To be loved by those around you.

Sometimes a person is disliked, and he lives as an outcast, not loved by anyone. The following plot can help in this case:

Praised Mother of God,
They snatched God's servant (name) for the whole day,
For the whole hour, for all the minutes, for all the seconds,
For the whole company, at all meetings,
On all ships, at all auctions.
I am more beautiful than all of them, I am stronger than all of them, I am more lively and cheerful than all of them.
I left my mother, I stepped out from the people,
I excelled among merchants. She grew, she grew taller than everyone else.
She carried it, she endured more than anyone else.
Amen to my words.
Amen, I close with an amen,
I put my foot ahead of everyone.
I am the sun, I am the moon, I am a bright star.
How people look at all the lights, they are surprised,
So let no one resist me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever knows and reads this conspiracy will always and everywhere be respected, honored and loved.

Charm spell

If a girl is naturally ugly and is not popular with guys, she can use spells to evoke sympathy and love for herself. Wherever she goes, she will seem glorious to everyone.

I, servant of God (name), am going for a walk,
To the good people's meeting.
Angels will pour oil on me,
All the beauties of the world will come to me,
I will be more beautiful and smoother than everyone else.
With me, my girlfriends will be worse and nastier,
And I’m like a white willow in front of them,
Ladushka, daddy.

When you leave the house, cross the threshold with your right foot. There are also some other prohibitions. In order not to destroy the counterfeit charm, follow the prohibitions:

If you go out on Monday, you cannot wear black clothes;
- on Tuesday, do not wear blue clothes;
- on Wednesday, avoid wearing red clothes;
- on Thursday you should not wear pink clothes;
- on Friday, don’t even think about wearing a yellow dress;
- on Saturday do not wear brown clothes;
- on Sunday do not wear green things.

A spell to make your breasts fuller and firmer

On the full moon, step with your heel on the top of some of your clothes (sweatshirts, skirts, etc.) and read the following plot<

Under my heel is a golden key.
How the moon is round
So be your breasts full.
I will wash my chest with holy water,
I'll close it with a golden key.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The clothes over which you read the plot can no longer be worn. In addition, do not tell anyone about the ceremony.

I wash myself, I wash myself, I wipe myself with white clouds.
I dress myself in scarlet dawns.
If only I were white, slim and pretty
And the old women would look at me,
Young are young, old are old,
Young men.
And my falcon, the servant of God (name), looked, looked,
He didn’t want to leave me, God’s servant (name),
Dried and burned like a fire
About me beauty, servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Beauty spell

(read by dawn)

I, servant of God (name), will get up in the morning,
With my right hand I will collect the dew of God.
I wash myself with it in prayer,
I wipe with my own scythe.
Become my word,
Stick, beauty, a pier to my body.
Be my words strong, sculpt.
The key to my speeches, the lock to my words,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Internet is full of different conspiracies, but for 90% of people they do not work for the reason that people ignore the laws of the universe, do not follow the rules for the success of rituals and think that they just need to read the text from those conspiracies that the Google search engine gave them.

So, if you are not one of those “freeloaders” - here is a 100% working method for you, it needs to be repeated at least once a month on the waxing moon, of course, following all the rules for the success of rituals.

How to correctly do rituals and conspiracies for the respect and love of people?

  1. Take what you associate with respect. Not from your neighbor, not from the president of some country - but from you! For example, you can find a picture on the Internet, a photo of a respected person.
  2. Looking at this photo, we say the words copying streams three times. According to the formula: just as people respect you, let them respect me now, from now on and forever and ever, Amen. (this is a formula, a matrix - you can add and change words, adjusting the text to suit you)
  3. take wax candles (paraffin candles are not allowed) - red, green, white. you can have different shades, for example, not pure red, but dark red, dark green and light gray instead of white. That is, slight color differences can be slightly tolerated.
  4. imagine associatively that a red candle symbolizes luxury, wealth and respect, a green candle symbolizes love, youth and success, and a white candle symbolizes purity and ease of achieving what you want
  5. light candles in any order, place them around a photo or around your phone with an image of a photo of a successful person open.
  6. Put your photo next to it and repeat the spell three times, just like in the second point.
  7. after that, you can read any conspiracies from the Internet for universal love, so that all people respect, love and honor you. For example, here is one of the ancient, common, working conspiracies, but again, we follow all the rules when reading it, and most importantly, visualize on yourself what you are saying.


read in order, after the above steps.

conspiracy to love and respect people for themselves:

“As they look and covet Gold, silver, the houses of oligarchs, and the Temple of God, so would they look at me ( Name ) constantly watched - both at night and during the day, and in my dreams and in reality - every time I get out of bed - at night, in the morning, at lunch or in the evening - always, at all times. I bless my words for the love of all people for themselves - both old men, and young men, and old women, and young women, boys, girls, young women and beautiful girls. Be, my words, strong and tenacious, like keys ( springs ) underground, breaking through and breaking out, giving water to everyone who drinks it. So always be according to my word!”

Church conspiracy for universal love and respect

"I will get up, ( Name ), from my bed I cross myself and go on my way along the road to my Gods, praying. I will look at all four sides - east, west, south and north. On the eastern side stands the house of God, a white stone church. Just as people look at that church and get excited, so let them do it for me, ( Name ), all people - big and small, girls and boys, old men with old women, young men and women - all those living today would be so coveted and look at me, like a mother at a child, a girl at her beloved guy, so from now on and forever I am loved by everyone - Truly!

So that all the people and the authorities respect and love, read this:

“Good people gather every year for the holidays of Christ. How they look at the domes of churches, at crosses, different images, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ - so it would be ( own name ) bosses at work, great men, rulers and baptists, oligarchs and simple men, old men and old women and beautiful young women, beautiful girls, ripe for marriage and partying, and small children looked and looked. So would any( any ) ( name of a specific person, if necessary ) looked and looked, so it would be ( own name ) seemed from now on and forever to all people purer than silver, brighter than the sun and warmer love for everyone ( Name ) directed theirs. May my words be strong as mountains, and forever indestructible as the antediluvian gates. Truly!

so that relatives - mother, wife, son, husband - respect and love:

“I’ll get up on my left foot, blessing myself, praying and crossing myself, I’ll go out into the street into an open field, I’ll stand and look towards the east side. I will pray, and there I will submit to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Trinity. I will ask Christ and the entire Orthodox world: give, Lord, to everyone kindness and love for me, so that, like the sun, it shines for everyone, warms and makes everyone happy, so it is for me ( Name ) all relatives ( list which relatives ) treated me, warmed me and rejoiced in the rays of their love for me. Just as people like the starry sky, so I like me, just as people rejoice at happiness and good fortune - so good people, simple and princely, boyars and tsars, rulers and oligarchs, every male and female face would rejoice at me. From now on forever. Amen"

Why might conspiracies and rituals for the love of all people not work?

  • Firstly, when a person has damage, it will slow down or destroy any conspiracy related to respect or love. So, to begin with, it is best to diagnose the energy by the chakras, determine if there is any negativity, and if there is, eliminate it, cleanse yourself, and only after that read conspiracies for human love. If you can’t handle it yourself, then turn to professionals. For example, by writing via viber, whatsapp +79606999998 or by email [email protected]
  • Secondly - we remember about thought control - if a person, after reading a conspiracy, again begins to think that no one loves him, then, in addition to the ritual words, he will send a bunch of negative thoughts into space, as a result neutralizing the effect of his own conspiracies - that is, mandatory the rules for the success of rituals must be followed.

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- If you are disliked at work, at three o’clock in the morning you need to knead the dough from three glasses of flour, three spoons of honey and holy water, saying: “People cannot live without bread, there are no bees without honey. There is no saint without holy water, and I, slave (name), cannot be without human love.” Bake a simple flat cake from this dough and crumble it to the birds at the church. There are usually a lot of pigeons there. And soon you will notice how those around you have changed. They will be drawn to you. You will be respected and loved.

— On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say: “Christ is risen!” And I am the red sun to the whole world, sweet honey, salty salt - the most praised!” Then put the towel on the table, eat Easter cake and a colored egg over it. And the next day, bring a towel to work and wipe your workplace with it.

— The conspiracy will help improve relationships in the team, get rid of envy, nagging colleagues and boss: “As if I, the servant of God (name), on the day and at noon, on the night and at midnight, on the hour and half an hour, on the month and crescent, at loss and at the end, in youth and old age, he was held in high esteem by all sorts of motley authorities. Just as all the nobles would rejoice at the rising red sun and the new month, and the bright Resurrection of Christ - the great day, so would all the princes and nobles, the servants of God, bishops, archimandrites, priests and priestesses, rulers and subjects, and all rejoice at the appearance of me (name) motley powers, noble husbands and wives, and fair maidens, and all the people of God. May my words be full, strong, great, powerful and sharp. Sharper than a sharp sword, sharper than a knife, sharper than a damask spear. May my words, the servant of God (name), not be blown away from me by the wind, and may not be washed away by the rain. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

- So that at work no one can say a word against you, on an even day, say a handful of gray poppy seeds and carry it in your left hand from home to work (try not to scatter the poppy seeds). Before the first door of the work building, you need to throw a poppy on the ground and no one will hurt you again. “God created the heavens, God created the earth. God decorated the earth with beauty, and the sky with heavenly heights. The Lord also adorned me (name) with strength, beauty and heavenly heights from enemies. Enemies cannot reach me (name), they cannot crush me under their heels and fists, they cannot take me with tongue and anger. I have a cross, I have an icon, I have a holy poppy - whatever I say, everything will be exactly like this. Just as King David was meek and humble, so be you, (name), humble and meek for me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

— If you are being picked on at work, then you need to say to the back of the person who is nagging you: “I have lips, I have teeth. I eat away with my lips, I gnaw out with my teeth all kinds of evil, all kinds of nagging. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

To get rid of an evil colleague at work

Place three candles on the table, high in the middle and lower at the edges. Clasp your fingers in front of you and look only at the flame of a tall candle, trying not to look at the lower candles. Try not to blink until the entire plot is read: “Just as God cannot bear the sight, fire cannot bear water, the body cannot bear arrows, just as the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, the dead cannot breathe, so should I, the servant of God ( name), did not see or hear, did not come close to me, did not plot against me. He didn’t crush, didn’t curse, didn’t scold, didn’t bother, didn’t talk about me, didn’t write, didn’t mention me to the authorities. How our blood dead and ancestors lie in the ground, don’t hear church singing, don’t see the clear sun, don’t cross themselves, don’t pray, don’t come home, don’t go to church for Matins, don’t fast during Lent, don’t gorge on eggs on Easter, don’t dress up they change, they don’t remember themselves, so the servant of God (name) wouldn’t remember me, wouldn’t remember me, wouldn’t see me, and wouldn’t know me. May my conspiracy be strong at all times and in all future. Age forever. Amen!" The candles must burn out completely.

If they survive from work

You need to come to work before everyone else, go to the toilet and say: “Just as people in the latrine don’t eat shit, my boss won’t eat me either. Just as people sit in the latrine, so I will be at work. Just as people cannot do without a latrine, so the servant of God (name) cannot do without me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

If you have envious people and enemies at work

Before leaving home, you need to sit down at the table, put your hand on it (elbow to hand) and say: “I, servant of God (name), get up, blessing myself. Door from door, gate from gate. Under the Red Sun, under the Moon of the Lord. Just as the Red Sun dries and warms the morning dew, so would the whole world dry and warm about me, the servant of God (name). Just as no one kills a magpie with a gun, so no one would dare me, the servant of God (name), either with a look, or a word, or a thought, or a mind, or a suggestion, no one would dare, ever in my entire life. To all my villains, to all my villains, salt in the eyes, ashes on the tongue. Remember King David and all his meekness. King David, kidnap all my villains and villains, all my enemies and adversaries. And help me, King David, in my affairs, speedy, successful and prosperous success for me, the servant of God (name) forever. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

If you don't feel comfortable at work

On Wednesday, without haggling, you need to buy a glass of honey. Then wait for the new moon and on its first day stir it in warm water and say at the same time: “People are greedy for it. So everyone would love me, feed me bread and salt, let me into the house, sit me down at the table, pour me sweet wine, serve me sumptuous pies, kiss me on my lips, kiss my cheeks, pamper me with affection. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then wash your face with this water for 12 days in a row.

If you are offended

On Old New Year’s Eve, you need to come to work earlier than others and read the spell 3 times: “Just as the teeth of the dead don’t bite, their tongues don’t swear, they don’t throw themselves in anger, they don’t wave their arms at the living, they don’t knock their feet, they don’t shout at me.” , so that no one, forever and ever, neither the senior in rank, nor the junior, nor the one who counts, nor the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in a chair, should look strictly at my face, let me not scolds. This is how I read it, how I said everything, this is how it should be, and my slander cannot be reversed.” Say 3 times - Amen.

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