Photo shoot in garçon style. The audacity and charm of a short garçon haircut

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Currently, more and more active women are choosing for themselves, as it is practical, convenient and beautiful. The short garcon haircut is very popular among them. Its name is translated from French as “boy”. Indeed, in the early 20s of the last century, only boys and the bravest women wore such short hair.

For whom is a garcon haircut appropriate?

All haircuts for short hair make facial features more visible, since none of its parts are covered by curls. Existing asymmetries in the shape of the head or chin also immediately become apparent. Therefore, a short garçon haircut is suitable only for girls with regular facial features.

The shape of the face also plays an important role. It is known that chubby young ladies should not choose short haircuts. also not intended for such bold experiments. However, in the hands of a skilled craftsman, the shape of a girl’s face can change beyond recognition with the help of bangs. It is this part of the hairstyle that turns the classic garçon into a modern, stylish haircut. With the help of styling bangs, the beauty can independently update her hairstyle every day.

Scheme for performing a garcon haircut

A garcon haircut is done on damp hair using the “strand to strand” method. The strands are pulled away from the head at different angles. It is better to wash your curls first, so that after cutting you can immediately style your hair and see the result. The procedure for creating a hairstyle is carried out in stages:

  1. Divide wet curls with partings into the parietal, occipital and temporal zones. Using a straight parting from the crown to the neck notch, divide the hair on the back of the head in half, since cutting the strands will begin from there.
  2. In the lower occipital zone, you need to separate a strand 1 cm wide with a horizontal parting and pull it down. Make the edging to the required length. It is important to remember that dry curls will lift at the roots and look a little shorter. Therefore, it is better to perform the control strand a little with a reserve. The edging can be made in the shape of a crescent or an oval.
  3. The entire occipital area is cut from the control strand. First, the right side is cut in the direction from the vertical parting to the ear, then the left side is shaped in the same way.
  4. The angle of pulling the strands varies depending on the zone. If the control strand has a pulling angle of 0°, then towards the mid-occipital zone it gradually increases to 90°. At the top of the head the angle decreases again to 30-45°.
  5. The temporal zones are cut by combing the strands near the ear with a parting parallel to the hair growth. On the strand combed down, an edging of the desired length is performed. The remaining strands of the temporal zone are cut step by step using the external method. The garcon haircut for short hair is almost ready.
  6. The length of the hair in the parietal area is measured by the last strand from the temple. At the top of the head, a strand 0.5 cm wide is separated with an even parting; part of the strands from the temporal zone is also captured in the comb and a control strand is measured. From there, all hair is cut up to the hairline on the forehead.
  7. Using the method of pulling strands from symmetrical parts of the head, you need to make sure that the hair is the same length in all areas. Make adjustments if necessary.
  8. If the garçon hairstyle has bangs, then you need to take care of its creation in advance, from about the second half of the parietal zone. The thicker and more voluminous the bangs, the more hair it will require. Instructions for decorating bangs are standard for all short haircuts.

Garcon haircut styling

Daily styling of a garcon haircut can consist of blow-drying using brushing and foam. Ultra-short hair length can allow for some carelessness in styling, but it is better for business women to avoid it.

A garcon haircut for medium hair can be styled at home in a completely different way. For this, the girl will need: hairspray, curling iron, hair dryer, foam and comb. Laying is carried out in stages.

  1. First, you need to apply foam to your damp hair with your own hands, then dry everything with a hairdryer, constantly changing the direction of the air stream to give more volume to your future hairstyle.
  2. Divide the hair into strands and curl the curls.
  3. You can use the tail of a comb to create smaller curls. The bangs should remain straight.

It is important to remember that the garçon hairstyle requires constant care in the form of monthly correction of length and shape.

Video: similar haircut technique Garson

Women's haircut garcon - the very embodiment of French charm is addressed to those who love unconventional images and subtle stylistic provocations. It is distinguished by demonstrative simplicity, which, as we know, is the basis of elegance.

This hairstyle first appeared and made a splash in women's fashion almost a hundred years ago. Paris, as always, set the tone. Hundreds of women were encouraged to cut their hair short—which was hard to imagine back then—by the heroine of a best-selling novel from the beginning of the last century, which was called “Garson.”

The image of an independent and charming girl with a boy's haircut, which is how the name of the hairstyle is translated from French, instantly became an object to be emulated. Coco Chanel legitimized it in trends and made it extremely fashionable.

Women's haircut garcon for short hair

Garcon is one of those haircuts that every girl should decide on at least once in her life. She amazingly transforms the appearance, highlighting the face and giving the image an undeniable sexuality. Male silhouettes combined with a feminine look are known to work real miracles.

An elegant women's garcon haircut, as in the photo, creates a complex but tempting image:

But at the same time, a short garçon haircut is quite demanding on the appearance of its owner. It looks great on hair of any thickness and texture, but thanks to its silhouette it highlights and emphasizes the line of cheekbones, necks and the correct oval of the face. Thanks to the technology of its execution, it is perfect for owners of both straight and straight lines. The most important thing in the accuracy of her choice is the type of her own appearance.

The hairstyle perfectly emphasizes the design of narrow and even angular faces, but is absolutely not suitable for those whose faces can be called round or square.

In this case, it is worth looking for options for a short haircut with a more voluminous silhouette on the crown area. When choosing this hairstyle, even the type of figure matters - it unconditionally suits and gives French charm only to fragile and graceful girls.

The charm and distinctive feature of a garcon haircut for short hair is a smooth contour that neatly frames the head. It is created thanks to an open and very short nape, highlighted and clearly defined strands at the temples and light but effective volume at the crown area.

It’s too simple, many will say and they will be wrong.

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Look at the photo, a short haircut very easily creates delicate and stylish silhouettes:

Short women's garcon haircut for medium hair (with photo)

This is exactly the case when charm and style are achieved using very simple techniques. However, the garçon belongs to the category of high complexity, and only an experienced hairdresser can make this hairstyle elegant and beautiful.

The hairstyle, according to the rules of the classic style, is devoid of clear contours - this is what softens its overtly masculine silhouette. The effect is achieved thanks to the final touch - thinning or grading the strands along the entire contour.

This technique, by the way, allows you to both tame coarse and thick hair and give the desired volume to thin and unruly hair.

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Notice how delicately a garçon haircut is done by a true professional in this video:

This hairstyle has a reputation for being overtly youthful, creating a fashionable image for a teenage girl, but stylists are confident that this is one of the best options for older ladies. Her chiseled and elegant silhouette will make you look several years younger.

It goes well with any type of bangs, but fashionable asymmetrical bangs thinned with deep “feathers” look most impressive.

For those who prefer an open forehead, the best solution would be long bangs, which can be laid both on the side and back, opening the forehead completely.

Such garcon haircut options as in these photos look especially sophisticated and stylish:

Recently, the option of a garcon haircut for medium hair has come into fashion. This is a peculiar mix of a very short boyish hairstyle with elements of a feminine pixie and even a bob. At the same time, I leave the hair on the crown area long enough, which allows me to style it in a wide variety of ways.

But an invariable sign of French charm remains the gentle and even touching silhouette created by such a hairstyle, which openly opens the neck and places emphasis on the face.

During its existence, the hairstyle has topped fashion trends more than once; in 2020, short garçon haircuts are experiencing a new wave of popularity. This was greatly facilitated by the fact that the first magnitude was once again carried away by her, perfectly demonstrating how impressive a garçon is even with luxurious evening dresses on the carpets of world film festivals.

In 2020, this fashionable contrast of frankly short and completely unflirty hairstyles combined with a feminine style is one of the secrets of current trends. In addition, the style of a teenage girl, so relevant today, requires new, non-standard solutions.

Garcon is a women's haircut that has not gone out of fashion for many years. She personifies impeccable style, exceptional elegance and sophistication of French charm. This is a rather short haircut that will not suit every girl. Before deciding on such a style, evaluate all the nuances of your appearance as carefully as possible.


For many centuries, women wore exclusively long haircuts, but in the early 20s of the last century, beautiful ladies began to try on the masculine style, which became most widespread during the First World War. Then women had to take on too many male responsibilities.

Long curls and a romantic appearance prevented ladies from rebuilding the economy, working in large industries and engaging in agricultural work. Those times demanded determination and masculinity from women, which quickly affected their appearance.

After the publication of the book “The Bachelorette” by the world famous novelist Victor Margherita, a craze for short haircuts began. Young ladies all over the world tried to imitate the heroine they loved, which only increased the popularity of such a haircut as the garçon.

Since then, the hairstyle has undergone quite a lot of variations. Now women with different face types and styles can choose the options that will be most harmonious in each individual case.

Garcon haircut is performed calibration method. This technology involves layering strands of different lengths on top of each other in a given order. At the same time, additional volume is obtained at the top, and in the lower part there are almost no strands. A characteristic feature of the haircut is also considered thinning on the back of the head and temples, due to this, the hair in these areas fits quite tightly to the head, framing and emphasizing the contour.

A modern garçon is a good solution for women who want to completely change their image and create a new style, especially if their hair was not short before. Styling a garçon haircut takes very little time, it is very simple and requires a minimal set of tools: a hair dryer, a comb and styling mousses.

Despite the fact that the haircut involves an ultra-short length, a woman who decides to wear a garçon will not look like a man. Moreover, if you combine it with bangs, the “bow” turns out very cute and feminine.

  • young girls of thin build;
  • women with oval and triangular face shapes;
  • short ladies leading an active lifestyle.

But for representatives of the fairer sex with curvaceous figures or tall stature, such a haircut is not recommended: short hair makes the features visually disproportionate.

Keep in mind that a garçon is not just a haircut, it is a certain style, therefore it requires appropriate makeup and complete impeccability in clothing.

Garcon is cut according to a pattern that must be followed strictly step by step.

  • First, you should wash and dry your hair thoroughly; it must be clean and dry.
  • The entire mop is divided into 4 parts: the occipital region, the temples and the parietal region.
  • Strands that will be located outside the working area are fixed with clamps so that they do not interfere with the necessary manipulations.
  • First of all, the back of the head is processed, then the curls are divided with a straight parting into two sections and a control strand 1 cm long is cut. It is along the strand that the entire back of the head is cut, then bent 90 degrees. In this way, the necessary volume is created in the upper part of the back of the head, and the haircut is cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Parallel to the growth line, the hair is also pulled back 90 degrees and cut. In this way, the required length is achieved, and then all work is carried out using external calibration.
  • At the next stage, the crown area is processed, while the last strand taken in the temple area is used as a control.
  • At the final stage, the bangs are cut. Cover strands of the required length, mill if necessary, take curls on the top, back of the head and in the temple area.
  • All that remains is drying, modeling styling, and the hairstyle is ready.

Garçon is often confused with other ultra-short haircuts: pageboy, gavroche and pixie. At first glance they are similar, but experienced craftsmen will say that they differ in many ways (different lengths and shapes). Characteristic of a garçon rounded smooth lines and pronounced contours, thanks to which the styling completely follows the shape of the head, while gavroche and pixie do not have a pronounced contour - they are created using significant thinning.

As for the length, gavroche and page are made in an elongated form, but garcon and pixie are exclusively ultra-short models.

Advantages and disadvantages

Garcon, like any other haircut, has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • ease of styling - your hair can be styled in just a few minutes, and all manipulations will require the simplest set of styling products;
  • versatility - the hairstyle looks good on women of any age; moreover, for women over 60 years old, garçon is a fairly effective method to lose a couple of years;
  • variety of styling possibilities - depending on your mood and personal wishes, you can create the most unusual “looks”: from a neat, smoothly styled fatal beauty to an eccentric and disheveled rebel.

However, there were some downsides.

  • This haircut needs frequent adjustments. As it grows, the shape is lost, as a result of which the hairstyle becomes unattractive, losing its individuality.
  • The hairstyle is directly contraindicated for women with such defects in appearance as large facial features, a too short neck and protruding ears.
  • The haircut technique is quite complex, so it can only be trusted by a professional of the highest class.


Modern modifications of the garçon include many different styles.


In the classic version, the garcon has a slight extension at the top, while the back of the head and temple area are milled, so the strands lie quite softly on the head. As a result, the image of a woman is elegant, but a little strict, it contains daring notes and some rebellion.


Not every girl can decide to radically shorten her hair; at the same time, in the frantic pace of life, not every young lady can afford to do long-term styling every day. In this case, you can opt for an extended version of the garçon, when the hair reaches the middle of the neck, and the ears are tightly covered. The strands fit the head and completely follow its shape.

This hairstyle looks perfect both front and back. A universal option is considered to be medium length, when elongated strands remain at the temples and on the top of the head. In this case, the face does not open very much. These haircuts look best on ladies with open cheekbones and rounded cheeks.

The popularity of the haircut is associated with its ability to hide defects with the help of the front strands, however, such hair requires daily styling, since weighted curls lose their volume.


Too busy business women completely prefer short hairstyles: they do not require much time to install. In order to get attractive hair, just rinse and dry the strands. If you intend to make a garçon on curly hair, then it can be supplemented with light toning.

Ultra-short haircuts suit slender women with ideal facial features. This option is not suitable for overweight people - it is better for them to stick to other styles. Garson has no age restrictions However, such hairstyles are most in demand among women who have crossed the forty-year mark.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the design of the bangs, since depending on its shape, length and styling method, you can significantly change the entire image. In addition, correctly selected bangs can correct many appearance defects.

The most popular options are:

  • asymmetrical - such bangs look good on any type of hair, it suits brave and determined women;
  • laid on one side - a very interesting and sexy option, it looks harmonious on both long and short garcon;
  • oblique - this style is best used by women with round and square faces, as it visually elongates the face and balances its heavy features;

  • straight is a classic of the genre, personifying elegance and impeccable style; such bangs are best combined with a classic garcon;
  • short - the option is optimal for petite, thin girls, it goes well with a short garcon, allows you to highlight the eyes and highlight the line of the cheekbones;
  • elongated - this modification disguises a too high forehead, reaching the bridge of the nose, while looking harmonious with any type of dress.

How to choose?

By hair type

Before you cut your hair, you need to evaluate the characteristics of your hair. Straight hair This kind of haircut really suits a strict look, while curly ones look very fashionable, playful and flirty (just remember Audrey Tautou). At wavy hair You should not give preference to ultra-short haircut modifications, but elongated ones will be very appropriate. However, keep in mind that if you have wild curls, then garçon will not suit you. In this case, your head will more likely resemble a dandelion than a spectacular haircut.

For thin, weakened and oily strands, a garçon is the ideal solution, since this hairstyle adds significant volume to the back of the head. At dense and coarse hair It’s worth choosing a classic style or a slightly elongated one. If you cut it ultra-short, your hair will simply stick out in different directions.

By face type

Garcon looks great on women with narrow and angular faces, since in this case their natural pattern is exposed in the most favorable light. But to the owners square faces It’s better to refrain from garçon, although if you really want to do just such a style, you can always experiment with bangs. As a rule, oblique and asymmetrical options can disguise minor appearance flaws.

Women should also treat garçon with caution with round faces, such young ladies can be advised to have haircut options that create maximum volume on the top of the head in combination with side-swept bangs. For girls with oval faces luckier than others. Almost any haircut will suit them, and garçon is no exception. It looks harmonious on faces of this type. Also, the hairstyle looks very good on girls with high cheekbones and graceful neck lines.

How to lay it?

Despite the fact that the garçon is a rather short hairstyle, there are many ways to style it; if you wish, you can be both a business woman and a cool rocker.

The most commonly used installation methods are:

  • negligence - in this case, foam is lightly applied to the hair, tousled with fingers and eavesdropped;
  • combed hair - such styling is done using wax, and, as a rule, a side part is formed;
  • smooth – these are perfectly even hairstyles that are created using hair wax and hairspray with maximum hold;
  • backcombing - this effect is created using a comb and gel; additionally, such hair is secured with varnish;
  • rock option - in this case, the strands are placed vertically using strong styling products;
  • cute look - in this case, accessories are used: headbands, hairpins or ribbons.

Garcon is the most popular haircut for short hair. In some ways it even resembles a man’s; it’s not for nothing that its name is translated from French as “boy.” Nevertheless, it looks great on fragile girls, only emphasizing their femininity and beauty.

History of origin

In the 20th century, women began to actively use men's style. After the First World War they had to take on many responsibilities. The romantic appearance with long hair only interfered with the restoration of the economy, work in the fields and factories. That era required determination and speed, which was also evident in appearance.

The craze began after the release of the book “The Bachelorette” by French writer Victor Margueritte. Women all over the world began to imitate the reckless heroine and strengthened the popularity of the garçon haircut. Since then, she has undergone many modifications, but she is always loved.


Garcon haircut is performed using graduation. That is, strands of different lengths are superimposed on each other in a certain order. In this case, in the upper part of the back of the head there should be a good volume, and in the lower part there should be almost complete absence of hair. Another feature is the thinning of the occipital and temporal parts, due to which the curls in these places fit tightly to the head, framing its contour.

Garcon haircut for short hair

This hairstyle is currently available in many variations. This allows women of any age to do it and highlight different face shapes. A good hairdresser is able to create a haircut that best suits your appearance and style.

Classic garçon

The standard version of the hairstyle involves thinning areas on the back and sides of the head. Its contours remain soft and smooth. Elegant classic style is ideal for a business woman.

Short garcon

It is characterized by a minimum length of strands over the entire head, usually they do not exceed 5 cm. In this option, perfectly calibrated clarity of lines is achieved. The short garçon is complemented by original arched bangs. Suitable for petite girls with high cheekbones. To prevent loss of the image, it needs to be adjusted frequently.

Extended garcon

Created for those who are not ready to cut off almost all their curls. This is a feminine option that, unlike other types of garcon, can hide some flaws. If desired, the ends can be made torn, normalizing the proportions of the face.

Bangs for a garcon haircut

The option with correctly selected bangs will suit almost everyone. Depending on its length, shape and installation method, the appearance can be radically changed. In addition, it corrects irregular face shape.

The best types of bangs:

  • asymmetrical, makes the image bold and daring, suitable for any dress;
  • combed to the side, it looks interesting and sexy, also suitable for either short or long haircuts;
  • oblique, visually elongates the face, balances its features, suitable for an elongated version;
  • straight, gives rigor and elegance, so in combination with it the classic option is preferable;
  • short, suitable for petite girls, highlights all facial features, combined with a haircut of the same name;
  • elongated, hides the forehead, correcting it, reaches almost to the bridge of the nose, matches with any garcon.

Garcon haircut for women 50 years old

Garçon is ideal as a rejuvenating hairstyle for women of elegant age. Fortunately, the stereotype that interesting, short and daring hairstyles are only allowed for young girls is a thing of the past. Nowadays, at the age of 50, when the children are already grown, a woman begins her second life. She also wants to look fresh and attractive. The developing fashion industry and stylish images help her in this. The garçon hairstyle, thanks to its boyish enthusiasm, can give mature facial features the charm of freshness and youth.

Garcon haircut technology

This haircut is done on wet curls. The master cuts strand by strand at different angles to achieve a voluminous hairstyle. The hairstyle is done in stages:

  1. Hair is thoroughly washed and slightly dried. But in such a way as to have time to do a wet haircut.
  2. The second step is to divide the wet curls into four equal parts: occipital, parietal and two temporal. They are fixed with special clamps.
  3. Start working from the back of the head. Select one strand and cut it to the desired length. All other strands will be cut with an eye on it, which is why it is called “control”.
  4. Next, the occipital area is cut completely, achieving maximum volume by pulling and trimming curls at different angles.
  5. Then the temple areas are treated in turn. First, the curls on them are cut at right angles, and the next strands are cut using the graduation method. Thanks to this, a perfect fit of the hair to the contour of the face is achieved, as if framing it.
  6. The next step is to cut the hair on the crown, dividing it into small strands. When forming them, they are guided by the control strands of the temporal zone.
  7. Next, they make bangs that suit the oval of the face, in accordance with the wishes of the client. It must be approached with all responsibility; it is an important part of the image.
  8. And, at the final stage, the temples, the back of the head, and, if necessary, the bangs are milled. Fix minor bugs.

After the haircut is completed, the hairstyle is styled, recommendations are given on care products and styling options, as well as when to adjust the haircut.


Even though the hairstyle is short, there are many options to style it. Depending on the styling method, you can appear in the image of a business lady or an avid rocker.

Main options:

  • deliberate negligence, created by applying foam to tousled curls, fixed with a hairdryer;
  • combed hair with a side parting, done with wax;
  • ideal smoothness, created by fixing smoothly styled hair with varnish or wax;
  • retro bouffant, done with a comb and gel, additionally secured with varnish;
  • rock version with vertically placed hair from the crown to the bangs using powerful fixation means;
  • a cute look created with the help of various headbands, hairpins, and hair ribbons.

Fashionable coloring for a garcon haircut

For daring and bold hairstyles, corresponding shades are also recommended. Bright and attractive natural colors or atypical tones for curls are perfect for a garcon haircut. You can dye all your hair or limit yourself to individual strands. The main thing is to listen to your desires and take into account fashion trends. Then the resulting image will be gorgeous.

"Garcon" translated from French means nothing more than "boy". However, this haircut, which is of masculine origin, is ideal for the vast majority of the female population. First appearing about 100 years ago, it is still considered the true embodiment of French charm and elegance.

Haircut "Garson": advantages

Why has this haircut been in high demand for so long? What caused its unprecedented popularity today? This haircut has a lot of advantages, the main ones include:

  • Beyond time and space. The modern “Garcon”, just like 100 years ago, is a perky, flirty, stylish haircut that looks easy and bold, feminine and daring at the same time. This haircut allows you to achieve the so-called “boyish femininity” effect, which, refreshing the image, makes it incredibly attractive. This effect is largely contributed by playful strands, lack of definition and a graduated structure.
  • Easy styling. In order to style Garçon, a woman will need to acquire only a small amount of free time and the bare minimum of styling products.
  • Opportunity to experiment. This haircut allows for quick and, at times, frankly contrasting changes in image: from smooth glamor to bold tousle.
  • All ages are submissive to a haircut... This haircut has one more important point - it “gets along” perfectly with different ages. Both older ladies and young girls can afford short, playful boyish haircuts.

Who is the Garson haircut suitable for?

  1. Garcon is an excellent choice for angular and narrow faces, as it is able to present their natural “pattern” in a favorable light.
  2. Boyish haircuts will look best on fragile, petite girls. Those with a curvy figure should look for other options.
  3. Women with a square face type should also refrain from this haircut. If you really want to try it, then the situation can be saved by correctly selected bangs.
  4. Chubby women should also be careful when using Garson. In this case, you can look for “Garçon” haircut options that provide more voluminous shapes in the crown area, as well as the presence of oblique elongated bangs.
  5. Women with oval faces are the luckiest when it comes to choosing a haircut. It is difficult to find a model that would not suit them. The flirtatious “Garçon” is no exception - it is ideal for this type of face.
  6. Very curly hair may also be a contraindication for getting a haircut. With slightly wavy hair, Garcon looks much more harmonious.
  7. This haircut looks good with high cheekbones, and the beautiful neck line must be emphasized with playful “Garçon” lines. Don’t forget that short haircuts completely expose your face, so if you have the right features and beautiful feminine lines, then “Garçon” will be the best way to highlight them.
  8. If we talk about the lifestyle and character of fans of this haircut, then it is most often chosen by active ladies who know how to skillfully maneuver between femininity and boyish mischief.

Options for the “Garson” haircut

There are several options for making a haircut, which will greatly depend on the type of face, shape and hair structure of the woman.

Classic version

The classic model is characterized by profiled and cut hair on the sides and back of the head. In this case, all the contours of the haircut will be clear and even. Such haircuts always look very elegant.

Ultra short version

It has the clearest contours and very short bangs, which are often done in the form of an arc.

Long version of the Garson haircut

If you are not yet ready for the most radical changes and do not want to completely part with the length of your hair, you can try the elongated version of “Garson”. In this case, the strands are not cut too short. The ends of this haircut may be torn and uneven.

Haircut "Garson" with bangs

Garcon with bangs suits almost all ladies. Different shapes and lengths of bangs allow you to quickly change. In addition, by applying the right bangs, you can correct the oval of the face, hiding excessive roundness and massiveness.

Options for styling a Garson haircut

The effect of slight negligence

You can achieve the trendy effect of negligence with the help of a regular hair dryer and hair foam. Apply styling product, dry your hair, slightly tousling it and lifting it at the roots, then fix it with hairspray.

Perfect smoothness

A perfectly smooth short hairstyle is most suitable for strict business women. For this purpose, it is also necessary to use styling products - wax and varnish. In this case, the image will last as long as possible.

Garcon haircut on one side

A one-sided hairstyle is most suitable for ladies with square, plump or round faces.

Slicked back locks

Back-facing strands will help create a retro look. They are also suitable for modern glamorous beauties. To get a retro look, just use gel and varnish.

Rock star hairstyle

By experimenting a little with bangs and the top of your head, you can get the look of a real rock star, which will be appropriate for themed youth parties.

Hairstyles with accessories

To add some zest to your look, you can decorate your “Garçon” with headbands, hoops, ribbons, hats, flowers and other decorative hair accessories. With the help of these decorative elements, quick hairstyles for short hair instantly acquire a festive, playful and girlishly innocent look.

  1. The first thing you need to understand is that a haircut will require constant hairdresser supervision. Strictly follow the schedule for visiting the salon, which an experienced specialist can advise you. If you don’t take care of your haircut and let it grow out, then you run the risk of looking like an unkempt and unkempt “slob.”
  2. There is no need to overuse styling products, especially for blondes. Excess of such substances can make your hair look dirty. For this purpose, it is better to use light mousses or a small amount of gel (wax).
  3. Due to the fact that naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, the “Garçon” haircut looks great on hair of a natural shade. Although no one will forbid experimenting. Short locks can be safely combined with coloring, highlighting and other color experiments.
  4. When doing a “Garçon” haircut, you need to take into account that from now on you will have to pay more attention to makeup, because the object of attention will not be the long locks, but the face.
  5. In the hands of skilled professionals, bangs can become a real weapon. Many hairdressers are generally confident that “Garcon” is impossible without bangs, so feel free to add this element to your look.

As you can see, the Garcon haircut has many advantages over many others. It allows you to lead an active lifestyle while remaining sweet and feminine; with its help you can emphasize the correct contours of your face, as well as hide certain flaws. In addition, Garson is an excellent opportunity for those who want to always remain elegant and well-groomed with minimal time investment.

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