Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - what can and cannot be done, signs, customs, traditions. People recommend: what you can and cannot do on the Annunciation Other signs and customs on the Annunciation

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Today, April 7, Orthodox believers celebrate a bright Christian holiday - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This is a Christian holiday, which the Orthodox Church celebrates on April 7; in Orthodoxy it is one of the twelve holidays.

In ancient times, the feast of the Annunciation was given different names: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary.

The main signs of the Annunciation are associated with the prohibition of doing anything on this day.

There is a proverb that on the Annunciation “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” that is, any work is considered a sin.

On Annunciation, you cannot give anything away from home, especially borrow money. It is believed that this is how you can give away your health and well-being.

On Annunciation, you cannot cut your hair, dye your hair, or even comb your hair. You also cannot sew or knit.

Since April 7 falls on a Friday, you cannot start new things on Friday throughout the year.

You can’t wear new clothes on Annunciation Day - they will tear and become so dirty that you won’t be able to wash them.

On Annunciation, you cannot burn candles, torches or lamps to illuminate the house, so as not to miss the light of the Angel.

There is no need to sow seeds or plant seedlings on Annunciation; there may be no harvest.

Nothing is known about where and how the Feast of the Annunciation first appeared. It is only known that in 560 Emperor Justinian indicated the date for the celebration of the Annunciation - March 25 (April 7, new style).

The name of the holiday - Annunciation - conveys the main meaning of the event associated with it: the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the good news about the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Christ. This holiday belongs to the twelve permanent holidays and is celebrated every year on the same April day.

The main icon of the holiday can be considered the masterpiece of Andrei Rublev: an angel descends to the Virgin to announce the “Good News” to her. Archangel Gabriel brought the greatest news to the Virgin Mary - the Son of God becomes the Son of Man. The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, the Mother of God responds with consent to the angel’s message: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Without this voluntary consent, God could not have become a man. He could not be incarnate, since God does not act by force, does not force us to do anything. Man is given complete freedom to respond to God with consent and love.

Church tradition says that at the moment when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, she was reading the book of the prophet Isaiah, precisely those words about the birth of the Messiah. “I am ready to become the last maidservant of the one who will be honored to give birth to the Messiah,” she thought.

Some ancient customs are associated with the Annunciation among the people. They say that on the Annunciation “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” that is, every one is considered a sin.

The celebration of the Annunciation is not postponed even on Easter day, if these holidays coincide, and if this celebration falls on days of fasting, then fasting is weakened.

According to the Church Charter, on this day the eating of fish and oil is blessed.

According to the Bible, on this day the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and told the good news: she would become the mother of the Son of God. It was then that Christ was conceived.

The church holiday, which was based on this event, over time acquired amazing traditions.

Traditions of the Annunciation

Bless water and salt. On the Annunciation, bless water and salt in church, take home the Annunciation prosphora. They will help if someone in the family gets sick.


Loosen your fast. On the Annunciation, believers are allowed to eat fish dishes, eat olive oil and even drink wine.

Remember your husband. According to popular belief, on this day from morning to midnight you need to call your husband “beloved” forty times. They believed that this would help preserve love in the family for many years.

Bury the bread. If you have a dacha, a vegetable garden, or at least a flower bed under the house, bury pieces of Annunciation prosphora in the corners of the plot. According to popular belief, this will bring a good harvest and protect against thieves and pests.


Collect herbs. It is believed that on this day God blesses all life on Earth, and the healing power of medicinal plants doubles. Therefore, it is worth collecting them specifically for the Annunciation.


No work! On Annunciation they say: “A bird does not build a nest, a girl does not braid her hair.” You cannot work on this day, the work will be stupid and unnecessary.

Do not comb your hair. Previously, grooms judged the health of their chosen one by the beauty of a girl’s hair. It was believed that if you comb your hair, cut it, dye it, or do complex hairstyles on the Annunciation, it will become dry and begin to fall out. There is also a sign that you can “confuse” your destiny.


Don't borrow anything. On this day you cannot give anything away from home. Neither lend money, nor share salt or sugar with a neighbor who suddenly turns up. It is believed that this is how you can give away your health and well-being.

Don't wear new ones. On Annunciation Day, new things will tear or get dirty, says a folk superstition (and in such a way that you won’t be able to wash them off afterwards). If the temptation is too great, there is a trick: wear the item secretly so that no one sees.

Switch the lights off. It is believed that candles, torches and lamps should not be burned in the evening so as not to miss the light of the angel.

Put the glanders and rake aside. On Annunciation Day you cannot plant anything, work on the ground or trim trees - there will be no harvest.


Have a bright holiday and stay healthy!

When is the Annunciation celebrated in 2017 among Orthodox and Catholics?

The Russian Orthodox Church classifies the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as one of the twelve (that is, 12 most important) immutable (celebrated on the same day) holidays. The holiday is celebrated on March 25 according to the New Julian calendar, which is followed by the Russian Orthodox Church and some other denominations. According to modern chronology, the feast of the Annunciation always falls on April 7.

Catholics, Protestants and other Christian denominations living according to the Gregorian calendar have already celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary on March 25.

History of the Feast of the Annunciation

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in honor of a well-known gospel event - Evangelist Luke said that on this day the Archangel Gabriel announced the good news to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to a son of God, who would be called Jesus.

According to the gospel interpretation of this event, the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to Nazareth to the Virgin Mary to tell her that she would become the mother of the son of God, who was destined to become the savior of mankind. Being obedient to God's will, the Virgin Mary accomplished the first stage of atonement for the Fall committed by Eve, who, despite the ban, tasted the forbidden fruit.

The symbol of the Annunciation is the white lily, symbolizing the purity and purity of the Virgin Mary.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017: signs and traditions

Icon "Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

A number of signs and ancient customs are associated with this holiday. They say that on the Annunciation “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” that is, any work is considered a sin.

One of the oldest customs is the release of birds, in particular pigeons. According to legend, they will convey the news of our good deeds to the guardian angels, who will then reward and benefit the person.

On the Annunciation, it is prohibited to sew, weave or knit anything. This ancient prohibition is due to the fact that human life is a thread that can only be controlled by guardian angels and the Lord God himself. On this day, the probability of confusing the threads of life is extremely high. This can lead to the transfer of fate from one person to another, the destruction of a family, etc.

Knowledgeable people prepared special Annunciation salt on this day. Each family member had to take a pinch of salt and pour it into a bag. After this, the mistress of the house heats the salt over the fire and saves it for special occasions. According to popular belief, Annunciation salt can heal even the most hopeless patient. If it is not needed within a year, it must be burned in a bonfire built on the occasion of the next feast of the Annunciation. Our ancestors were sure that all adversities, illnesses, strife and troubles would burn with her. This also applies to the prosphora and holy water brought from the service, which in the Christian world are considered almost a panacea.

There is also a very contradictory sign: it is believed that on this day you should steal any little thing. On the one hand, according to the commandments, theft is a sin, but sorcerers advise doing it to attract happiness and good luck.

It is believed that on this holiday one should not wear new clothes, that is, new clothes. There is no logical explanation for this.

In addition, try to be careful with fire on this day: you should prepare food in advance, do not light fires, etc.

In rural areas you can still see people who, on Annunciation Day, use noise, ringing and uproar to drive away diseases from livestock and other living creatures and scare away forest predators.

Signs for the Annunciation for unmarried people

In Transcarpathia, unmarried girls comb their braids before dawn, then walk around the house and sweep their parents’ hut three times. They do not throw away the garbage, but, after carefully collecting it, take it to the river and bury it there. After this, the girls collect water from the river and water the beds with it, where they plan to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings.

It is believed that if a girl finds a primrose on Annunciation, she will get married in the summer. And the old people also said: “When you find a scroll for the Annunciation, take it and put it in your bosom. On Great Day, as they fall asleep, “Christ is risen!” “, viim i put pid images for happiness.”

On the holiday, the girls washed themselves with water into which they threw spring flowers - to be beautiful.

After the Annunciation service, the girls in the church courtyard started a spring round dance for the first time - “crooked dance”. Vesnyanki, who sang during the dance, were called guards, because, despite the holiday, Lent continued. Perhaps this is why people were not supposed to visit on the Annunciation. The holiday was celebrated in a narrow family circle. They were most afraid that during the feast a strange woman or girl would knock on the door: according to legend, she could turn out to be a witch. Therefore, in order not to incur the wrath of their neighbors, women tried to stay at home on this day.

In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in 2017, the Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on Friday, April 7, the sixth week of Lent, on the eve of Lazarus Saturday (April 8) and two days before Palm Sunday (April 9).

What can and cannot be done on Annunciation?

The Annunciation, like many other church feasts, has its own rules and restrictions. Some of them are particularly strict, such as a ban on doing something.

People say “on Annunciation, a girl does not braid her hair, and a bird does not build a nest.” The legend of the cuckoo is associated with this belief. The legend mentions that this bird does not have a home due to the fact that it deliberately violated the Lord’s prohibition. Since then, she has been forced to throw her eggs in other people's nests and be persecuted by everyone.

You also cannot perform the following acts on the Annunciation Day:

    Lend something or, conversely, give money and things to strangers. Otherwise, you may lose your well-being, health, peace and quiet in your family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and you are uncomfortable refusing him. It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, it is not advisable to invite guests on April 7th. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.

  • Sew, weave, knit. Many peoples of the world associate thread with life, so anyone who picks it up for work can confuse their fate, bring problems and troubles.

  • Take care of your hair, informs w. You can’t not only cut your hair, wash your hair, but even comb your hair because of the danger of ruining your destiny. Hair may also fall out as a punishment.

  • Wear new clothes. New things will quickly tear or deteriorate irreparably, and within a year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate the ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.

  • They don't start something new. Otherwise, there will be no success in business. The modern sign that says that serious things cannot be started on Monday (construction, business, etc.) had a different interpretation in the old days. Previously, it was believed that one should not undertake any business on the day of the week corresponding to the past Annunciation. For example, if this celebration fell on Wednesday, then it was considered an unlucky day next year.

This day should be spent the way you would like. According to legend, it is believed that whatever this holiday is like for you, it will be like that for the rest of the year. Therefore, you should not be offended at the Annunciation or quarrel with the people around you. On the contrary, you need to spend the day in a good, bright mood. Don't be alone. Even if you don’t have your own family, take the opportunity to visit your family and meet friends. For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well. Crumbs of blessed prosphora should be added to the food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases in the future.

Annunciation traditions: prosphora, larks and medicinal salt

In Rus', on the Annunciation in Rus', special Lenten buns were baked - prosphora, as well as Lenten cookies in the shape of birds, which were called waders or larks. These cookies were used during folk rituals of invoking spring.

Also on this day, Annunciation salt was prepared, which was later used as a medicinal drug. All family members put a pinch of salt in a bag, and then the hostess poured the salt onto the brazier and calcined it. The calcined salt was again poured into the bag and used as a universal remedy for all diseases. Annunciation prosphora was also used as a remedy.

The custom of releasing birds at the Annunciation is very /

Annunciation: why the laity should not release the birds themselves

The custom of releasing birds at the Annunciation is very ancient; it is associated with the spring equinox and with the return of birds from warm countries. In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove, so the custom of releasing birds has taken root in the Christian tradition.

The patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, accompanied by children, participates in this ceremony.

In Rus', before the Annunciation, people (especially children) specially caught birds, which they then sold to perform the ritual. However, animal rights activists believe that in the modern world this custom is barbaric, since 90% of birds caught and then released die from stress and poor maintenance. However, in the provinces this custom is still strong, despite the fact that the church does not bless the laity to release the birds themselves for the Annunciation. In temples, only specially trained tame pigeons are used for this ritual.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the greatest holidays of the Orthodox Church, the date of which does not change. According to the old style, the holiday fell on March 25. But now the Annunciation is celebrated by the Orthodox on April 7 every year, and 2017 is no exception. The celebration is not postponed even if Easter falls on that day.

The Church established the celebration of the Annunciation in the 4th century. after they began to celebrate Christmas on their own. The date of the holiday was determined, 9 months from Christmas were counted. The deadlines with which the Annunciation coincides are Thursday of the third week of Lent and Wednesday of Easter week (according to the Julian calendar). The celebration of the Annunciation is not canceled, even if the holiday falls on Easter, and fasting is weakened for its sake.

Despite Lent, on this day the Orthodox allow themselves more than usual. On this day, it is important to devote all your time to spiritual enlightenment, without being distracted by work and vain affairs.

Signs for the Annunciation

On the Annunciation they carefully monitored the weather. If there was rain that day, they prepared for a good harvest of rye, and if there was a thunderstorm, they believed that nuts would be born.

The fishermen hoped that the weather would be rainy on this day, because they believed that then there would be a good catch all year.

Many families tried not to quarrel on this day, because they believed that as you spent the Annunciation, so the year would pass.

Wind, frost and fog were expected on this day; this promised a good harvest for the whole year.

Clothes purchased on the eve of the holiday could not be tried on that day, otherwise they would quickly deteriorate and tear.

What not to do on Annunciation

There is a saying on this day: “A bird doesn’t make a nest, a girl doesn’t braid her hair.” It is connected with the fact that you cannot work on the Annunciation - the work will be stupid and unnecessary. Maybe you've heard the legend of the cuckoo? It is connected specifically with the Annunciation. They say that on this day the cuckoo made a nest, not heeding the order not to work. Now the cuckoo does not know how to make nests and she has to throw her eggs to other birds.

As stated above back in the Annunciation, “...the girl does not braid her hair.” It is believed that in addition to the ban on any work on this day, this saying is also associated with hair. They cannot be combed, cut or styled. Previously, grooms judged their health by the beauty of girls’ hair, and if they combed their hair on this day, the hair became dry and began to fall out. Thus, if a girl performs any procedures on her hair on this day, then she dooms herself to an unhappy life.

On the day on which the Annunciation falls, under no circumstances should you engage in sowing or any work in the garden.

They say that on the evening of the Annunciation you cannot use lighting fixtures in the house. And also do not light candles or torches. This sign is due to the fact that on this day Angels descend from heaven and visit every home. They observe people's lives and bring everything that is missing. And if you use lighting, you may not notice the light from the Angel, who at the same time will not come to bless you for a happy life.

On what church holiday are birds released?



ANNOUNCEMENT refers to the great twelve Orthodox holidays. On this day, April 7, the Archangel Gabriel, sent by God to the Virgin Mary in the city of Nazareth, where she led a virgin life in the house of her imaginary husband Joseph the Betrothed, informed her that she would have a son, Jesus, and this would be the Messiah and the Son of God. Mary said to the Angel: “How will this be when I don’t know my husband?” The angel explained to her that the baby would be conceived through the action of the Holy Spirit without destroying the mother’s virginity. Realizing that we were talking about fulfilling the Will of God, Mary responded with humble consent: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” See also very easy navigation and. Here you can find information about the divine holidays of 2015, as well as in other years, offset by calendar. Find out on which day the birds are released, what to do and what not to do.

Release pigeons

  • Take the bees out of their shelter and into the street
  • If you have a stove, store ash for use in the beds
  • Release pigeons and other birds into the wild
  • Sowing peas

What not to do on this day:

  • Wear new clothes
  • Do cooking
  • Do any business


  • At the Annunciation, spring overcame winter.
  • Annunciation is God's greatest holiday.
  • On Annunciation and Easter, sinners are not tormented in hell.
  • As you spend the Annunciation, so will the whole year.
  • The Veil is not summer, the Annunciation is not winter.
  • The winter path collapses a week before the Annunciation or a week after.
  • As is the Annunciation, so is Holy (Easter).
  • On Annunciation, the bird does not build a nest, the girl does not braid her hair.
  • It is prohibited to work on this day.
  • They don’t sit under the smoke (that is, they don’t cook hot food and go out to sleep in the hallway, in the cage).
  • If there is wind, frost and fog on the Annunciation, April 7, it means a fruitful year.
  • On Annunciation rain - rye will be born.
  • Wet Annunciation - mushroom summer.
  • On Annunciation there is a good catch of fish.
  • On Annunciation there is frost - the harvest is on milk mushrooms.
  • On Annunciation there is a thunderstorm - for a warm summer, for a nut harvest.
  • A bucket at the Annunciation means fires.
  • If there is snow on the roofs at Annunciation, there will also be snow in the fields at Yegorya.
  • On the Annunciation it is a sunny day - wheat will be harvested; if there are few stars in the sky, then there will be few eggs.
  • If the night of the Annunciation is warm, then spring will be friendly.
  • On Annunciation there is frost - there are oats under the bush.
  • There are forty matinees left since the Annunciation.
  • Bees are brought out for the Annunciation (Ukraine).
  • You cannot wear new clothes for the Annunciation, otherwise you will tear or ruin them.
  • On the occasion of the Annunciation, do not turn off the lights in the huts at night - it is better for the flax to grow, and the crops and buildings will not be burned out by lightning.
  • Annunciation ash is saved for cabbage and other garden plants; when they spoil, they are sprinkled with this ash.
  • A gypsy sells a fur coat for the Annunciation.
  • On what day of the week is the Annunciation, on that day, throughout the year, do not start anything again.
  • Annunciation without swallows - cold spring (south).
  • On the eve of the Annunciation, the church holiday of April 7, peas are sown.
  • On Annunciation, thieves steal - for good luck for the whole year.
  • On the day of the Annunciation, birds are released into the wild.

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