How to decipher a man’s gaze and not be guided by assumptions that are far from reality. Man's look

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

If a man looks into a woman’s eyes with a gaze or furtively, it means that he is not indifferent to her. The languid look of a silent person or a stranger will always reveal love and interest. It reflects the emotions or embarrassment of meeting a girl who touched the heart of an adult man or a shy guy.

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Most young men do not know how to explain their feelings or are afraid that women will misunderstand their words. They look closely for a while, looking into their eyes, trying to catch the right moment for conversation. Guys need eye contact and reciprocal interest.

The gaze of a familiar man

By looking a woman in the eyes, a man shows his interest and respect. If he looks her up and down or looks at certain parts of her body (breasts, lips, buttocks), this may offend the girl. And frequent open, intent or timid glances indicate interest.

When a guy you know doesn’t lower his eyes when he meets and there is a sparkle in them, this is a non-verbal manifestation of feelings towards the girl he met.

The reasons why a man looks intently or intently into the eyes are most often the following:

Causes Behavior
Can't find wordsIt is difficult for a man to express his feelings. He doesn't know how to admit what to say in such cases. Perhaps the person is waiting for the right moment for a serious conversation. He continues to mentally select words, each time changing the options for confession or invitation to a date.
ShyOnly a shy and insecure person turns away as soon as the girl notices this. He constantly looks at her back, watches her, but is afraid to come up and invite her somewhere to be alone with her. The girl and their mutual acquaintances have long noticed the guy’s feelings, but he still does not dare to approach her. If she doesn't mind continuing to get to know each other more closely, she will have to help him by being the first to invite him to be alone. Otherwise, he will never make up his mind, turning into an even more complex man
FlirtsThe man flirts, gives compliments and looks straight into the eyes, smiling all the time. When talking to a woman, he is polite and gallant, trying to make a good impression every time he sees her. A man is ready to open up, but to be decisive he needs a reciprocal flirtation and a girl’s smile
WaitingThe guy is waiting for the right moment. The girl does not pay attention to him or meets with someone else. He tries not to intrude, but continues to show sincere interest with a devoted look and remaining in the role of a friend.
Doubts his intentionsA guy is often not suitable precisely because he is unsure of his choice, that he wants to date this girl. He may be afraid that she will ridicule him, push him away cruelly, and break his heart. The guy worries that she is not “the one” and he looks at her through the prism of his illusions. He is not only unsure of his feelings, but also that she is worthy of his love. If a girl notices his interest and wants to get closer to him, she needs to show her best sides and mutual sympathy

A man often makes eye contact and remains silent due to dissatisfaction. He is angry about something, jealous or offended. A person cannot present anything because he cannot build a relationship with a woman or he does not have enough evidence of her infidelity. He is inwardly indignant, but does not consider himself to have the right to express complaints.

A guy in love does not take his eyes off during a conversation, he wants to make a good impression, or rather convey his thoughts and see sincere interest in him and the conversation with him. What matters to him is the girl’s reaction to his words and the expression in her gaze.

Stranger's interest

The gaze of an unfamiliar or unfamiliar man indicates a flare-up of interest. The guy singled out the girl from the crowd and would like to get to know her better. He often sees her in the same place, but he is shy and does not dare to approach. At the first meeting, a languid look means sexual interest and does not promise a long-term relationship or any serious intentions.

A stranger makes eye contact and does not look away for the following reasons:

  • he is secretly in love;
  • the girl made a strong impression on him;
  • he wants an easy and non-binding relationship;
  • he liked the fur coat or dress and would like to buy the same clothes for his girlfriend or wife.

If a stranger does not look away when they meet eyes and continues to look at a woman for a long time, he challenges her and provokes her to be the first to approach and start a conversation. He believes that a woman herself must earn his attention, and if he shows his interest, then this is an honor for her.

Sometimes a stranger looks slyly, smiles all the time and even winks. At the same time, his gaze is languid and deep. This is how a man looks in an active search and, most likely, at more than one woman. He is looking from a distance for someone who will understand his intentions and will not refuse to quickly move on to a close acquaintance.

Sometimes a guy raises his head high, and his gaze is slightly arrogant or cold. This indicates that he is interested in the girl temporarily until he meets a more worthy option.

The gaze of a colleague, classmate or boss indicates interest and sympathy. If he is married, a young girl should not reciprocate. There are a lot of guys her age around who like her or will like her. Relationships with a married gentleman have no future. They are destructive to self-esteem, take away years of life and leave a woman alone during holidays and important events for her. It is recommended to laugh it off and remain just friends and colleagues.

How should a girl respond to eye contact?

The psychology of the male gaze is divided into interest and irritation. Perhaps the guy is annoyed by her loud laugh, voice and manner of communication. In such cases, his gaze becomes heavy. He constantly looks, not because he is embarrassed to approach, but so as not to lose his temper and not be rude. Girls need to take this into account so as not to get into an awkward situation, thinking that the man does not dare to speak first.

A woman instinctively understands the psychology of the attentive male gaze. She only wants to make sure of the seriousness of her intentions and decide for herself whether to reciprocate or not. If you like a guy, you can show him your attitude in the following ways:

  1. 1. Smile and enjoy the meeting.
  2. 2. Hint that you have no plans for the evening, but want to go somewhere.
  3. 3. Convey through a mutual friend (girlfriend) that you like him.
  4. 4. Laugh at his jokes.
  5. 5. Ask for advice.
  6. 6. Praise him.

If you don’t like a guy, you need to honestly tell him not to waste time and pay attention to another girl who likes him and also doesn’t take her eyes off him. This should be done tactfully. Perhaps the girl will still have the opportunity to be convinced of the guy’s merits and eventually fall in love with him, if he continues to wait for reciprocity.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

Probably every girl dreams of being able to read a man’s thoughts by his gaze.

How many mistakes can be avoided when you know what a person needs from you! It is especially important to understand whether he likes you or not.

What is it like - the look of a man in love? How to distinguish a guy who really sympathizes with you from a deceiver who is only capable of beautiful words?

There are certain types of looks that indicate the interest of a man in love with you:

  1. Intimate.
  2. Flirting.
  3. Enamored.

1. Intimate look

The name already makes it clear what a man wants from you. Sexual interest is indicated by a slow, languid gaze, smoothly sliding across the face, passing along the décolleté and descending lower and lower.

It usually lingers on exposed parts of the body. Also applies to such objects of attention as legs, chest, hips, regardless of whether they are covered or not.

An intimate look does not indicate a desire to start a serious relationship with you. Therefore, if you don't mind having sex with your interlocutor, smile and look at him approvingly. Rest assured that you won't have to wait long for a reaction.

2. Flirting

A man is interested in you, but he has not yet decided what he expects from your communication. Of course, he likes you, but now it's just flirting.

This is indicated by an intermittent look with a twinkle in the eyes. It does not go below your face and is constantly waiting for your smile.

If you like this man and want to continue communication, smile back, laugh at his jokes. Such relationships sometimes progress to more serious stages.

3. Lover

The most desirable, most long-awaited look that we expect from a man. It comforts your soul to realize that he is in love with you, even if he hasn’t said it yet.

What makes a man in love different? He openly and intently looks at the woman. One gets the impression that he is carefully studying and trying to remember every feature of her face.

But there is more to his plans. He is obliged to receive confirmation of his feelings, which he seeks in her eyes.

The lover’s gaze is deep and long, while a playful sparkle is clearly visible in the eyes. Even at the first meeting, a long and piercing gaze indicates interest. And if a man finds it difficult to take his eyes off you, it may be love at first sight.

A man’s dilated pupils also indicate his admiration for a woman. And trying to look into the eyes means the presence of feelings in the soul.

When a young man’s twinkle in his eyes turns into a flame bursting out, then we are talking about passion for his partner. Although a man in love always experiences passion and desire when he sees his chosen one.

If you are secretly watched while you are busy with something, or they catch your every move, rest assured that you have become an object of sympathy. Thus, men admire you, while experiencing a lot of tender feelings.

Be careful!

While waiting for a loving look from a man, a woman may miss the alarm bells that his eyes indicate. After all, in addition to sympathy, he may experience completely opposite feelings for you. But if you know how they are visible in your eyes, it will not be difficult for you to bring your interlocutor to clean water.

So, looking into a man’s eyes, you can find out that he:

  1. He's deceiving.
  2. Angry.
  3. Offended.
  4. Wants to use you.
  5. Humiliates.
  • Deception

It is very easy to detect deception: a shifting gaze, periodically moving to the right and then to the left. And when you try to look into a man’s eyes, he gets embarrassed and tries to look past you at one point. You need to stay away from such gentlemen and not believe their words.

  • Anger

The anger in the eyes is expressed very clearly: the partner looks intently, while destroying you with his gaze. This gaze pierces, makes your blood run cold. It’s especially offensive when a loved one looks at you like that.

  • Resentment

When a man is offended, he tries not to pamper you with his gaze. He finds reasons not to look at you. But as soon as you turn away, his eyes drill into your back again. Thus, he is waiting for you to start a conversation, some kind of explanation about the offense or any sign of attention.

  • Self-interest

A sign that a man wants to use you or, as they say, “spoil” you, is a look at the bridge of your nose. This man's goal is not courtship, romance, or sexual adventures. You are seen as a way to solve any business issues. Most often, they relate to finances.

  • Humiliation

The look of a man in love will never be “down.” It means that a man considers himself higher and more important than you. He looks arrogantly, as if you are a guilty slave, and he is your master. It is clear that with such an attitude no normal communication will work.


To learn to recognize the meaning of a man's gaze, you need to train. To do this, select a few acquaintances and carefully observe how they look at you.

People you know well should participate in the experiment. Because you need to know exactly how they feel about you.

Once you have practiced this way, try practicing with strangers. The main thing is to pay attention to the smallest details. If you notice signs of a negative attitude towards you, do not waste your precious time on such men.

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It’s not at all easy to hide your attitude towards a person when he understands what every look means. By reading thoughts in your eyes, you can easily weed out unnecessary men in your life.

And for those who really like you, open the doors of your soul and try to receive guests. Maybe one of them will stick around for a long time or stay forever.

Have you noticed that during a conversation a man looks intently into your eyes and they shine? No, it’s not your imagination at all, he’s doing it on purpose, and we’ll tell you why. You will learn what prolonged eye contact with a girl means depending on certain gestures, how to interpret it correctly, and what is the best thing for a girl to do in this case so as not to look stupid.

A long glance may indicate his interest. It is necessary to interpret behavior together with gestures, facial expressions, speech - you need to create a single image. Then the woman will be able to conclude that the guy is interested.

Here it is worth considering the view, taking into account the situation as a whole: you are quarreling, breaking up, talking in a cafe, or he came to visit you. IN tense situation a long look indicates a negative perception of you. A man can get angry without expressing his feelings and experiences out loud.

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If the interlocutor usually behaves cheekily in company, and in your presence begins to pretend to be a gentleman and peers intently into your eyes, then most likely he is flirting or wants to please you.

Looks and gestures will help you understand a man’s true intentions during communication. If he looks at you for a long time and keeps his arms crossed over his chest, he probably feels hostility. If a young man looks into your eyes and has a slight smile on his face, his pupils are shining - he wants to communicate, the girl is pleasant to him.

A sign of interest is a man preening in your presence. A person will automatically try to look attractive: smooth his hair, straighten his shirt, keep his back straight. It’s possible that the guy is used to taking care of his appearance, but he definitely doesn’t care how he looks in your eyes.

If on a date a guy wants something more than a conversation, prepare in advance. Previously, we wrote about how to understand that . Here you will find the main signs and tips for further actions.

If you like a young man, but he doesn’t dare to get closer, try it yourself. We told you how to do it femininely, beautifully, without intrusiveness.

How a woman should respond to eye contact

If you are interested in a guy, feel free to start the conversation first. If you don’t want to make an acquaintance, it’s enough to ignore the ardent look.

A person, wanting to attract attention, uses his gaze. A macho man in love will try to catch him, to linger longer than expected when his eyes meet. He stares when interested or excited.

If a guy tries to stay close to you: sit down closer, lean in your direction when talking, listen carefully, look straight into your eyes - he is clearly interested. There doesn't have to be physical contact, just a light casual touch is enough.

Any man will understand when you are not interested in him - you will not respond to the signs of attention he shows. If you like your boyfriend, “mirror” his behavior: smile and listen carefully to your interlocutor.

In this video, the girl answers the question why the guy looks but doesn’t approach:

Now you know why a man looks intently into his eyes and what to do about it.


It may seem to a girl that loving eyes are looking at her, but in reality nothing happens. Or she catches admiring glances from men at a party, but in the end no one comes to meet her. What's the matter? And the fact is that men are different. If the basis of female nature is constancy and the desire for stability, then the main characteristic of a man is changeability. Therefore, it is difficult to immediately understand what meaning is put into one or another view. One thing is for sure: if a guy constantly turns his attention to her, it means she is interested in him. True, you shouldn’t delude yourself too much on this score, since a guy can throw such glances at many people at once and it is still unknown who he will choose.

There are, of course, some general ones by which you can determine your attitude towards yourself. For example, raised eyebrows when looking at a person mean interest and sympathy. If the counterpart causes a certain antipathy, then the eyebrows involuntarily lower (frown). If his gaze moves with interest over the figure, as if “scanning” it, it means that he is already considering her as a potential sexual partner. After all, in order to appreciate the charms of a woman’s figure, a few seconds are enough for a man.

A good sign is the look of a “secret scout”, when a guy glances at a girl briefly, but as if by chance. This may well mean that he has developed a non-trivial interest in her. A glance with a squinted eye and a slight smile on the part of a guy can be regarded as a kind of flirting, a challenge and an invitation to easy communication. It may well be a romantic relationship, but in some cases everything is limited to flirting.

Well, if a guy simply doesn’t take his eyes off the girl, then no interpretation is needed - an acquaintance will clearly follow. It’s not for nothing that an adored object is called “beloved,” that is, one from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

But it is still impossible to completely determine from a guy’s eyes what feelings he is experiencing. A scale of glances has not yet been invented that would allow one to distinguish between loving and friendly glances, a gaze full of passion and a gaze of tender affection. We can only hope that the intuition inherent in most representatives of the fair sex will come to the rescue.


The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul. You can easily understand from the eyes how a person feels, feel his emotions and state of mind. In love, the eyes are not just an organ, they are a means of communication. It has happened in every girl’s life that a guy looks straight into her eyes and you can learn more from his gaze than from words. Eyes - will unmistakably convey the attitude towards each other, especially when the gaze of lovers intersects.

Helpful advice

If a guy looks into your eyes.... The views of men and women are different, but their contact is a strong and intriguing imagination, communication without words. The eyes don’t lie – this is also a familiar phrase for us. People can control their emotions and hide them under gestures and vague phrases, but their eyes can completely give themselves away. The way a man in love will look at you, another will never be able to look at you.


  • how to understand that he fell in love with me

Every woman would like to read a man's thoughts. However, for now this desire remains a dream. How can you tell if a man likes you? Sign language comes to the rescue. Even the most self-possessed man is unable to hide his sympathy; it is reflected in poses, walking and even facial expressions.

You will need

  • To do this, you will need to show a little attention in a conversation with the man you like.


First of all, pay attention to the object of study. Often in such cases they try to distinguish themselves from the crowd. They either begin to be very noisy, laugh or wave their arms, or, on the contrary, withdraw and move to the side. In addition, he may secretly or even shamelessly cast glances in your direction.

Now pay attention to the posture. If the object is standing slightly bending towards you, then this is a sure sign that he is attracted to you. The person sitting will definitely move to the edge of the chair to be closer to you. If he sits cross-legged, then it is even easier to determine sympathy. The top leg will always be directed towards the object of attention. Often a man, when he likes something, puts his hands on his belt or hips, thus focusing on his physical form.

Video on the topic


If a man offers you his jacket, it means he is trying to stake out his territory. By agreeing to his help, you show everyone around that you are already busy.

Helpful advice

Stroking a glass or other round objects with your hands also shows a man's affection.


  • if a man offers you his help

Determine what you like man possible using sign language. On average, men use about ten gestures, and women use about fifty-two. Imagine how men make our lives easier. Now about the gestures themselves.


If man he likes what he sees, his lips begin to part involuntarily, and his nostrils slightly widen. All of the above gives the face a friendly expression.

If he likes you, then he starts trying to attract your attention. It's different for every man. Some begin to be noisy, joke, gesticulate, laugh loudly. Others, on the contrary, will silently move away from their friends. They all want to show you their personality.

If he starts straightening his tie or his jacket, he means that he wants to look good for you. This is also evidenced by the fact that he begins to adjust his socks in your presence. This is actually a 100 percent indicator that he likes you and is trying to look neat and better in everything.

He ruffles or, on the contrary, smoothes his hair. It depends on his hair style. Men do this involuntarily in order to look excellent in your eyes.

We met a person and liked him. Unusual, friendly, with an infectious laugh and a sweet smile. But something is wrong. His attitude is somehow strange. It's not clear what's on his mind. Maybe he has serious intentions. Or is he just joking?


Is he polite? Does it open the door in front of you, letting you go forward? Politeness is one of the essential traits of a caring person. If he is rude to you, then this is a clear sign that he is not in the mood for a long-term relationship: after all, if he is rude, then he will not have a positive impression on you. Draw your own conclusions about how he treats you in this case.

See how he reacts to your requests, especially if these requests are related to his behavior or habits: for example, you don’t like his habit of spitting on the asphalt. If you don’t ask him to do this, does he give in or continue to persist? Be careful, because if he does not want to give in to you even in such trifles (and it is quite logical and understandable that you ask him to improve), he is unlikely to listen to you later when you speak out on a more important issue.

See if he is honest. Does he demand from himself the same thing that he demands from you? If he continues to smoke like a steam locomotive, but at the same time demands that you absolutely quit, this is a serious sign. You shouldn’t expect consistency from such a person, but isn’t consistency one of the cornerstones of success? How then can you determine what is on this person's mind?

However, be careful with everything related to work or study. For most young people now, career is very important, many earn money greedily. If he works and sees you a little, do not rush to shout at all corners that he is not you and is more attached to his work. This is not at all an indication that he does not want to see you. Maybe he is earning money so that he can live comfortably with you later or is saving up for a luxurious gift for you?

However, first of all, you need to rely on common sense and not throw tantrums with or without reason. So you will only scare off the young man, without really knowing what kind of intentions. Many men are even more mysterious, and their logic is just as difficult to interpret as women’s. Therefore, think with your head and don’t let your emotions go wild. And first, decide what hopes you yourself place in the young man.

Video on the topic


  • how to understand that his intentions are serious

Someone else's soul, as you know, is dark. And finding out what is going on in the soul of a person of the opposite sex is an almost impossible task. Do you feel like your man is singling you out from your group of friends? Do you feel that he is looking at you with a special look? How do you know if you like him? man, or do you just really want to believe in the spark that broke out between you?


First of all, pay attention to body language, because he never lies. If a man is interested in you, he rarely turns his back to you, and leans forward when talking. Also pay attention to how the man looks at you. If a man quickly looks away when he sees you, then most likely he is not indifferent to you, but internal indecision does not allow him to take the first step. If a man specifically tries to catch your eye, there is no doubt about it: he likes you. If a man glances sideways at you when he tells a joke or a witty story, then this is another indicator that he is interested in you and your reaction to his words.

Did a man inadvertently touch your hand or hug you when you met? Is he in no hurry to pull his leg back after accidentally touching your leg under the table? Such signs also signal interest, unless, of course, you are not a playboy who is not averse to flirting with everyone he meets. Often men will deliberately start out with others in the company to get your attention. If, while talking to someone else, he steals glances at you, you can be sure that he likes you.

An interested man will often show interest in what you want. For example, you told him about your favorite television show, and the next day he watched all the episodes. In this way he is clearly trying to get your attention. Also, pay attention to not being nervous when speaking. Is he laughing nervously, breathing deeply? Are his palms and eyes sweating? Such nervousness shows that the man is trying to make the best impression on you. In addition, an interested man can “test the waters” with compliments. He will be the first to notice your new hairstyle or beautiful dress. Plus, a compliment like this can be a great way to spark a one-on-one conversation.

Helpful advice

1) Pay attention to his gestures, gaze, facial expressions, and manner of conversation.

2) Chat with his friends, perhaps they will tell you a lot of interesting things about his feelings.


  • if a man take away

Relationships between two people include a period of uncertainty when you like someone and try to determine whether they have similar feelings for you. This period can be either long or short. But even if acquaintance proceeds rapidly, a period of painful uncertainty still exists. How do you know if you like me? person, or not?


If a person tells you that he has already met you somewhere, this is a good sign. People often think that they have already seen a person somewhere that they liked. Therefore, if they tell you that they have already seen you somewhere, or that you look like someone, then your chances of getting a response are really high.

You can tell if you have made an impression on a person by their looks. Both look more at the object of their sympathy, so if a person looks at you more often than at other interlocutors, this is another sign that he likes you. At the same time, you need to observe the object of your sympathy carefully, because sometimes people, especially young people, are embarrassed to show their affection and try not to look at the person they like. However, out of the corner of their eye they still watch the object of their sympathy. It's not hard to see if you look closely.

Another good way to know your crush's feelings is to read body language. There are a lot of these gestures. For example, if you are in a big situation, keep track of who his legs are pointing towards - this will be the person who is of great interest to him. He can talk to one person, while his legs will show who he is really thinking about.


  • how to find out what he needs from me

Sympathy is a thing that is inexplicable from a logical point of view. Sometimes it manifests itself clearly, a man talks about his feelings, dedicates poems or gives flowers to the woman he likes. In other cases, recognizing sympathy is quite difficult. Often young people are embarrassed and try with all their might to hide who really is the subject of their dreams. However, body language can tell everything without words. You just have to look a little closer man, and it will immediately become clear whether he likes you.

You will need

  • To do this, you will need to watch the man for some time. If possible, talk to him.


So, first, pay attention to how they reacted to your appearance. If he straightens up and sucks in his stomach, then this is a good sign. He wants to show himself in all his glory. In addition, many people begin to straighten their hair or clothes in an attempt to become more attractive.
If he has a glass in his hand and strokes it with his fingers, then your appearance has caused him sexual arousal.

Understand that men do not like idle chatter. Before talking to a representative of the stronger sex, you need to set yourself not only a goal, but also the topic of your conversation, otherwise the man will not understand what exactly you want from him and what this whole conversation is about.

Also remember that with the phrase “we need to talk” you will scare a man and put him into a stupor, so you should not say these words. If you want to talk to your lover about your relationship, you need to clearly formulate what you want from the relationship, what doesn’t suit you about it and what you need to try to change.

A man must clearly know and understand what they want from him.

You've probably noticed that men are less emotional than women. That is why there is no need to be offended by your beloved man if he is with your friends and does not overwhelm you with declarations of love. He loves you, it’s just that representatives of the stronger sex are used to showing love in deeds, not in words.

Under no circumstances interrupt a man if he wants to talk to you, even if it is the longest monologue you have ever heard. Let him feel that you are very interested and important in what he says, and when he gives you the floor, you can safely express everything you think.

Often men, when faced with some difficult life situation, remain silent about it and do not want to share their problems and experiences with anyone. Try not to be offended by him, leave him alone with himself, let him think, look for a way out of the problem, and when everything settles down in his head, most likely he will be happy to tell you about his thoughts, and will also be grateful to you for that you listened to him.

Guys love it when girls are interested in their problems. They will always appreciate your concern.

The most important thing in communicating with men

And the most important nuance that every woman must know and remember when communicating with men is that they do not read minds. Often women hint to a man about a gift, about some chores around the house, about a new purchase. However, men don’t take hints, no matter how hard you try, don’t expect him to figure it out, it won’t happen! Do you want something? Say it straight! This way you can save your and his nerves, avoid a bunch of quarrels and insults and get what you have long wanted, because a loving man will always fulfill his woman’s request, because in this way he will show his love for her.

Growing up, the girl begins to doubt the correctness of what her parents told her. She asks a lot of questions, and one of the most difficult of them is the question of whether guys like modest girls? Different people have different opinions on this matter.

Just ten to fifteen years ago, modesty was considered an absolute virtue. “Modesty adorns a girl,” they said then, but there were always girls, and men too, who retorted: “When there are no more decorations.” In the modern world, the opinion has become stronger that modesty, on the contrary, can only hinder the achievement of one’s goals. So is modesty a plus for a girl?

Reasons why guys like modest girls

There is an opinion that a modest and shy girl will make an ideal wife. First of all, a modest woman does not like to attract everyone's attention to herself, thereby she will not provoke outbursts of jealousy in her boyfriend. In addition, it is believed that modest representatives of the fair sex prefer leisurely evenings at home with reading a book and baking a pie to going to a club and noisy gatherings until the morning. This cannot but please a serious young man, oriented towards home comfort.

Modest women are indifferent to shopping - this rather controversial thesis is put forward by men who consider modest girls very attractive. In addition to saving money, which the flighty beauty will certainly spend on dresses, shoes, stockings, the modest woman will also devote all her free time to something more useful - study, work, arranging her home, finally.

The decisive argument in choosing a life partner, which is made between more and less modest girls, is the fact that often modest girls remain virgins for a long time. Thus, there is a high probability that you will be the first and only man with your chosen one, which, of course, cannot but flatter a man’s pride.

Reasons why guys don't like modest girls

Many self-sufficient men are not interested in girls who are overly modest, shy and unsure of themselves. Such girls are not able to take initiative in any matter, and even in those cases when it comes from a man, they only blush, turn pale and turn away. This is especially acute in intimate relationships, at least when they are just beginning.

Often a young man wants not only to be sure that his girlfriend is the best, but also to receive confirmation of this from others. A young man may be pleased to see that his girlfriend is being paid attention to and their gaze is fixed on her; and some envy on the part of his own friends actually raises his self-esteem. Of course, a flashy and confident girl attracts the attention of others to a much greater extent than a modest quiet one.

In fact, there is no single correct answer to the question of which girl is more attractive - modest or relaxed. Each person has his own preferences based on one or another life experience. It is important to remember that all people have a “half” - the same person who is ideal in all respects. It’s just important not to miss the moment when you meet this particular person.


  • Why do guys like modest girls?

Falling in love and love - these two states differ very much, but the problem is that sometimes it can be very difficult to understand which of the feelings has mastered you or your chosen one. If you can still figure it out with yourself, then with another person you have to rely on intuition or try to determine his feelings by some signs.

Falling in love is a light, a spark that ignites people. Thanks to falling in love, people who are often so different, separated by their own habits, views on life and complex character traits, can begin to be together. They endow each other with ideal qualities; it seems to everyone that their partner is simply a dream come true. This creates the foundation for a strong relationship. According to research, the longer partners maintain illusions about each other, the stronger their union. It is the charm that people bestow on each other that allows them to come to terms with the unpleasant character traits that appear later.

There are signs that clearly indicate what kind of feelings dominate your man’s soul. For example, this is jealousy. If he is jealous of you, strongly and passionately (if we are not talking about pathological self-doubt), then this indicates that falling in love dominates love. Love implies trust. This feeling pacifies a man, while falling in love forces him to act.

Tip 14: What kind of guy would like a shy girl?

Many young people consider modesty one of the main traits of a woman's character. However, for some reason, girls who have it are often unlucky in love. The secret lies in the indecisiveness of lovely ladies, in their closeness from the outside world, and, accordingly, from representatives of the opposite sex.

It's quite easy to notice a shy girl. As a rule, she is modestly dressed, does not like bright makeup, and prefers a primitive ponytail to interesting hairstyles. Not many modern guys are ready to start a relationship with such a representative of the gentle half of humanity. No matter how rich an inner world a girl has, her appearance still makes the first impression. This is precisely the problem of modest women - the reluctance to conform to the ideas of modern men.

Connoisseurs of chastity

Only someone with high morals can be truly interested in a shy woman. He must be brought up in the style of house-building and adhere to all its tenets. This is the kind of guy who first chooses a life partner, and only then a sexual partner. The trouble is that there are not very many such connoisseurs of chastity in our time. Morality is now valued much less than appearance. Therefore, modest girls are often looked at by older men who no longer follow their basic instinct, but are looking for a faithful companion.

Adherents of certain religions

From time immemorial, a woman was considered the personification of wisdom, purity and fidelity. Today these ideas are preserved only in some religions. The most popular are and. Men brought up in the spirit of one and them will look for a companion in accordance with these requirements. That is why a girl has a huge chance to become the wife of a devout man.

Shy women themselves are very often not adherents of any religion. They were simply brought up in a certain way, which is not popular among young people today. However, by strictly adhering to the guidelines set by their parents, girls have a chance to find a worthy chosen one.

Domestic tyrants

A shy girl can easily become a victim of a domestic tyrant. More often these are men brought up in strict conditions, where the father was the dominant member of the family. On a subconscious level, they are drawn to women who, due to their modesty, will not be able to fight back. The tyrant sees such a representative of the fairer sex as a potential victim, and therefore shy ladies still need to learn to respond to arrogant young men.
I like the strap

If a man happily goes shopping with you and watches tearful, typically feminine melodramas, then this is also a clear sign that he really likes you. It turns out that he doesn’t care what he does, just to spend more time next to you.

Video on the topic

Men love with their eyes and, although many women are trying to break the stereotype and force men to pay attention not only to what is outside, but also to what is inside, they have not become less preening. This is male nature and nothing can be changed here: they will be more quickly attracted to heels than to an athlete in a suit and sneakers.

Let's figure out where men look first and what attracts their attention.

From head to toe – we catch the man’s gaze

According to statistics, at the first moment a man takes in the entire female silhouette with his gaze. He gives an assessment of his attractiveness. Both a skinny woman and a lady with curvaceous figures can attract attention: after all, men have different tastes. Preference is given to harmonious shapes, where the top is proportionate to the bottom and there is a pronounced waist. Girls with full hips attract guys on a subconscious level, as this is the main criterion indicating the ability to give birth to children.

Having examined and assessed the figure, the man turns his gaze to the face. At this moment, the fate of the development of the relationship is decided: the man evaluates the correctness and clarity of the lines, the proportionality of each individual element relative to the entire face. The decisive factor is the girl’s mood, which is reflected on her face: friendly or repulsive. A man looks into the eyes, because this is the mirror of the soul, and it can tell a lot.

Having assessed her readiness to continue the dialogue, the guy looks at her chest. This is the main “fetish” of many men. As for the size, it all depends on the preferences of a particular man, but the shape is attractive when it is regular, round and raised.

If a man evaluates a woman’s figure from afar, he will focus on her legs. A man also looks at her feet because the girl’s gait matters to him. Hidden instincts are awakened by the gait, during which the girl sways her hips invitingly: no man will pass by such a woman.

What does the male gaze say?

If a man is aiming to commit himself to a long-term relationship, most of the time he will concentrate on a woman's face. According to research from the University of Texas, 75% of men rely on the attractiveness of their face rather than their body. Even a partner looks at a woman’s face to read information about whether she feels good with him or not. If he looks into your eyes and does not look away for a long time, then this can only mean one thing - his interest is genuine, and he is open to communication. The pupils will be dilated.

The look on the buttocks - what does it mean?

Everyone will unanimously say that if a man looks into your eyes, then he wants a long relationship, and if he wants everything lower, then only sex. Asking such a question to any man, you can hear a laconic answer: where else to look? Especially if the girl is walking ahead. If you look from the front, the breasts would attract attention, but it is uncomfortable to look at the breasts openly, and from behind you can do this “with impunity.” Here again everything is not so simple. If we talk about the energy concentrated in each person and read by others in the first few seconds of acquaintance, then female sexual energy is located in the uterus - in the part that is located closer to the back.

A man unconsciously fixes his gaze on this place in order to receive information about possible procreation. If this information meets his requirements, he takes a step towards rapprochement. So natural instinct forces the “male” to look at the butt of the “female” he likes when he wants to start a family and children.

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