Why do they wear rings? On which hand should a man wear a signet? which hand means what?

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Jewelry is adored not only by women, but also by the stronger sex. Of course, we are not talking about earrings or brooches. Today, the most popular men's jewelry is the ring. It can be either very thin or very massive. Heavy, massive rings are called rings. Do they mean anything and what is the correct way to wear them?

If previously rings were made from the most primitive materials, such as wood or stone, today on sale you will find options made of gold, silver, platinum and more budget metals. Everyone will be able to choose a model that is suitable for price and design.

A ring on a man’s hand: how to wear it, on which finger?

If you want to please yourself with a stylish and “respectable” men's jewelry, choose a ring. Why? Yes, because it symbolizes power, gives the image masculinity and strength. By the way, previously such rings were worn exclusively by representatives of the upper classes of society. Even today, a quality ring will cost you a pretty penny.

A ring is one of the types of rings. If we talk about a signet, it is a type of ring. You can choose a model without stones and patterns if you prefer simplicity and classics. Well, those who want to stand out can opt for more original and interesting options with stones and engravings.

What is a ring and how does it differ from other ring models? You can recognize it by its massiveness, as well as the presence of stone/mineral, engraving. Below we will present you with photos of stylish men's rings for every taste.

Check out our publication How to wear a signet correctly: tips

To avoid any questions regarding the size of the ring when purchasing, you must decide on which hand and finger should a man wear a ring?. There are no clear rules or restrictions, so you can choose for yourself which finger and hand the decoration will be on.

If you are afraid that the jewelry will bother you, put it on your little finger. This arrangement will give your appearance impressiveness and significance. If you want to use a ring to indicate your marital status, put it on the ring finger of your right or left hand (depending on your religion).

Ring on the index finger: meaning

Psychologists believe that this arrangement is chosen by people with a strong, strong-willed character. They strive to be in charge, to have power over others. If you are not too confident in yourself, but want to change this, we advise you to put the ring on your index finger; its positive energy will help you change for the better and become bolder.

Massive thumb ring

Agree that not every man would risk putting a ring on this particular finger. Not surprising, because according to psychologists, jewelry on the thumb is preferred by self-confident, sometimes even aggressive people who want to show others their importance.

Little finger - yes or no?

If you consider yourself to be a sophisticated, artistic and creative person, wear a ring on your little finger. Businessmen, business people and even those who are fond of gambling can also decorate their little finger with a ring. This is a symbol of success and dexterity, cunning, resourcefulness.

Middle finger

Is it possible to wear a ring on the middle finger? Yes, you can, this is one of the most universal options, it will suit everyone. First of all, it is convenient, and the ring will not constantly fall off. This option is chosen by those people who prefer stability.

When choosing a finger and hand, you should be guided only by your preferences. Choose the location that is convenient for you, so you will feel as comfortable as possible.

Men's online magazine website

Rings are a traditional type of jewelry and are popular not only among women, but also among men. Previously, such accessories were used as talismans and amulets that protected the owners from bad influences.

Nowadays, decorations have not lost their popularity, and they all also have a symbolic meaning. You can choose the appropriate option on the Internet. For example, on the website www.mizo.com.ua/catalog/mrings/ men's rings are presented in a wide range.

Signet ring

Men's signet rings have already lost their former meaning, and the owners of such products do not pay much attention to which finger to wear the jewelry on. It is worth noting that today men use such items to emphasize their status and importance in society.

Often, such rings are preferred by older people, those who have already achieved success in some field, and can boldly declare this to society using such jewelry. A variety of metals, jewelry and decorative elements are used for production.

Many still prefer to turn to an individual order. Thus, you can get an original piece of jewelry that will be created only in a single copy, and exclusively for one person.

The most common forms of men's signets include:

  • round products. They are considered a classic option, elegant and sophisticated in their design;
  • oval shape. The most conservative type, rings look expensive and very impressive;
  • Oxford. Rectangular or square products with rounded corners are suitable for massive fingers;
  • octagon. The most modern form, popular among young people.

All of the above options have come to this day since ancient times. But products such as the octagon or oxford became widespread relatively recently.

How to wear

Buying a product is not enough. You need to learn how to wear a signet ring correctly, so that everyone in society can see and understand that this person still understands a lot about such jewelry.

Here are some tips to help in this matter:

  • little finger. This solution is suitable for those who do not want to show cultural or religious affiliations;
  • nameless. This finger is responsible for inspiration and creative qualities, so the ring should be worn by people who are associated with artificial activities;
  • average. An option for those who want to emphasize their confidence and masculinity;
  • pointing. It is recommended to wear a ring on this finger if the person has clear leadership and authority;
  • big. An option for confident people who have achieved clear success in any business.

It is worth noting that most men prefer to wear the accessory on their dominant hand.

From this video you will find out whether you can wear special signets:

Historical facts indicate that the wearing fashion first appeared in Ancient Rome. Representatives of the stronger sex put several similar accessories on their hands at the same time. The signet on the finger was not only a decoration, but also a symbol of the maturity and independence of a young man. In addition, a ring of this type was considered a magical attribute that had an influence on the fate of the owner. We will learn more about this relationship and what fingerprints mean in this article.

What does palmistry say?

Even ancient experts in this field argued that the fingers on the hand are “responsible” for personal qualities and the ring on a certain finger plays the role of an “amplifier” of certain character traits. Modern psychologists, having studied this fact, largely agreed with the opinion of ancient palmists. By looking at a man’s hands, and specifically at the finger on which the ring is worn, one can draw certain conclusions about him as a person. From the information presented below, you will learn how to “decipher” the character of a representative of the strong half of humanity, whose hands are decorated with a large ring. Men, having familiarized themselves with the facts described, will be able to decide on which finger to wear the signet in order to turn their destiny in the right direction.

Little finger

It is this finger that selfish and gambling individuals prefer to wear. Such people are characterized by a craving for new experiences. They are frequent regulars at casinos and entertainment venues. Their passion is so great that they can put the most precious thing in their life on the line. It is very difficult for people living with such a man. He rarely shows tender feelings for his chosen one and is capable of betrayal.

When thinking about which finger to wear the signet on, do not opt ​​for the little finger, do not “awaken” bad qualities in yourself.

Ring finger

The ring placed on this finger indicates that its owner is a romantic and enthusiastic person. Traits of such a personality include energy, expressiveness, and sexuality. Such men value beauty and wealth. As a rule, they are interested in various types of art. Among the professions, they choose those that are related specifically to this direction: artists, actors, performers, photographers.

In addition, the signet on the ring finger, like any other ring, is a symbol of family and love. Therefore, if a man constantly wears this jewelry on his right hand, this indicates that he is a faithful and loving spouse and a good family man.

Middle finger

Family jewelry is worn on this finger. This suggests that a person honors his ancestors and is proud of his ancestry. Also, the fact that the middle finger is decorated with a ring indicates that the man is a philosopher. He is able to calmly and wisely solve problems and look for the most correct way out of various life situations.

In ancient times, the signet on the middle finger was considered a symbol of sexuality. Representatives of the stronger sex specially decorated this finger with a metal ring and believed that their masculine strength would become stronger. And modern scientists claim that wearing it gives a person vital energy and vigor.

You now know on which finger the strong and courageous wear the signet, and we hope you will be able to draw the right conclusions for yourself from this information. However, the facts presented later in the article also deserve attention.


Very often in illustrations in history books we see kings, princes, and generals with an outstretched arm. These people are wearing a large signet ring. This suggests that powerful and tough natures prefer to decorate with such an accessory. It is these men who have the following character traits: pride, courage, self-confidence. And if you are still thinking about which finger to wear the signet on, then take these facts into account. The qualities of a leader will not be superfluous for any man.


The ancient Greeks associated it with the phallus. To enhance sexual power, they decorated this finger with rings made of iron.

Representatives of the stronger half of the population who want to assert themselves wear a ring on this finger. Such people are distinguished by strong energy, sexuality and impulsiveness. Men with a ring on their thumb are often big brawler. They enter into an argument at every opportunity, even if they are sure that they are wrong. It is very difficult for such a person to admit his mistakes.

You already know which finger people with this or that character wear the signet on. Most likely, you have made a decision for yourself which finger you want to decorate with this accessory. But you need to know how to wear it beautifully and correctly. For example, if you put on a signet, then you should not put any more rings on that hand. The only exception to this rule can be a wedding ring, and then only on condition that the signet is placed on the thumb or index finger.

Well-groomed hands are a prerequisite for wearing jewelry on them. No precious ring can evoke positive emotions and admiration if the nails and skin of the hands are unclean in terms of hygiene and physical damage (abrasions, scratches, wounds).

Which finger to wear the signet on is up to the man himself. But we hope that with the help of our tips, representatives of the stronger sex will be able to make the right choice. I would like to believe that the fact of having this jewelry on that other finger will really help them change their lives for the better.

Among all the jewelry, men are particularly delighted with a beautiful ring, the so-called signet. The founders of wearing a ring were the French, who introduced some rules for wearing an engraved ring. According to them, the signet should be worn only on the little finger of the left hand. However, modern men do not particularly bother themselves with this issue, and wear the signet in a way that is convenient for them. In addition, in jewelry fashion there are absolutely no restrictions on wearing a ring, and a man chooses for himself how to wear a signet.

At the same time, psychologists compiled a portrait of a man based on which finger he wears the signet on:

■ creative personalities – on the little finger;
■ lovers – on the ring finger;
■ people with increased sexuality - on the thumb;
■ and people who consider themselves irresistible - on the middle finger.

Having joined the research of psychologists, astrologers claim that it is not the signet that determines the fate of the individual, but the finger on which it is worn. Considering that all the signs of the Zodiac are divided by elements, we decided to divide the fingers in this order:

■ little finger – “water”;
■ unnamed – “air”;
■ middle – “ground”;
■ index – “fire”;
■ big – “the kingdom of ether”.

If we compare all the psychological and astrological research, we get the following picture of the fingers:

■ Little finger. The signet on this finger is worn by people of creative professions who are also prone to flirting and gambling.
■ Unnamed. This is the status of a married man, as well as a good opportunity to show off an expensive and beautiful thing to everyone.
■ Average. It is believed that if you wear a ring on such a finger, it will help you overcome difficulties and increase your prudence. In addition, it is customary to wear family jewels on the middle finger.

■ Index. This finger has always been considered a symbol of power. And if the signet is put on the index finger of the left hand, then this indicates that the person has a tendency to his delusions of grandeur, on the right hand - to prudence. But in two cases this person strives for leadership.

■ Large. In ancient times, a signet on the thumb indicated the enormous sexual capabilities of a man. Of course, wearing a signet on this finger is quite inconvenient, but it serves as a good attraction. Thus, a person who wears a signet on his thumb strives for self-affirmation.

Which finger do you wear the signet on? Or are you not a fan of such decorations?

Today we’ll look at a man’s ring and a signet, as two completely different types of jewelry for the stronger sex.

You will learn:

  • How to wear a ring and signet correctly?
  • What do astrologers say about choosing a finger for decoration?
  • Interesting facts and a little history.
  • On which finger do men wear the signet, and what does it mean?
  • On which hand is the ring worn?
  • Which ring will become a talisman for its owner?

History of the signet. IN In ancient times, both women and men wore precious jewelry. These were gold chains, large rings with stones, earrings, pendants, with which the nobility were hung from head to toe. Such an abundance of jewelry emphasized power and wealth. Over time, the stronger sex stopped wearing several jewelry at the same time, thereby changing fashion for many centuries.

If earlier the ancient Egyptian priests believed that a man's signet had the properties of an amulet and protected its owner from the evil eye, then over time the purpose of such decoration changed radically.

Just a few hundred years ago, a mirror print of a signet was considered a personal signature. Such jewelry was used to seal letters, and the man's ring itself was passed down from generation to generation from father to son.

At the moment, a man's signet has a more aesthetic function, because almost no one uses paper letters anymore, much less sealing an envelope with an important document with wax. Although, family signets are still worn by the royal family in Great Britain, the Pope, as well as many celebrities and the top of society.

Why should you wear a signet?

  • Modern
  • Fashionable and stylish
  • Maintains status
  • Makes an excellent family heirloom

Agree, many men do not wear jewelry at all, except for a wedding ring. Some people find it inconvenient, others think it’s kitsch. But remember that a correctly selected stylish signet will only emphasize your status. After all, there are a lot of design options, and you will surely find the ring that suits you perfectly.

If previously the seal had a mirror engraving of the family coat of arms, initials or other design symbolizing something, now this print has been replaced with more modern versions. These can be abstract drawings, or signs of the Zodiac, inscriptions in Latin.

Fashion trends have not bypassed men's signets, and they have made a revolution in the jewelry world. Masters create miracles with perfection with men's rings, combining several types of gold in decoration, as well as encrusting the signet with small diamonds.

Another modern option is to make a custom antique men's signet. The master, using various methods, artificially ages the surface of the ring, thereby giving this jewelry the appearance of a long-standing family heirloom.

Character and characteristics of a person Purpose of the ring What a decoration
ThumbEmotional, energetic menRestrains temperament and pacifies aggressionSignet made of red or yellow gold, without inlay.
ForefingerMen with low self-esteemIncreased luck and self-confidenceRing or signet made of white gold, platinum
Middle fingerMen Facing Insurmountable SetbacksHelps you cope with difficulties and problemsFamily name signet. The color of the metal does not matter
Ring fingerAesthetes. Lovers of beautiful jewelry, seeking fame and fortune. Also, single people (worn on the left hand) who want to find their soulmate.It will help you achieve great success in love, universal fame and acquire significant capital.Ring made of yellow and red gold. A combination of several colors is possible, as well as inlay with diamonds.
Little fingerMen who directly connected their profession with communication with other people: politicians, speakers, psychologists, businessmen. And also fans of extreme sports and gambling.Improves oratory skills, helps to reach out and find a common language with your interlocutor.Gold signet or ring with

Did an astrologer's advice help you when choosing which finger to wear the signet on? A year ago, we raised this topic in more detail on the Centaurus Journal blog, and you can learn something interesting for yourself there, and accurately decide on both your finger and your hand -

A few facts about which hand to wear the signet on:

  • The signet ring is most often worn on the left hand - on the little finger.
  • French men wear this ring on their left ring finger.
  • Family family signet: the head of the clan is worn only on the ring finger of the left hand, and the rest of his male relatives are worn on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.

Let's start reviewing the men's ring

Do you know the difference between these two men's jewelry? If the signet is made of gold, platinum or silver, and can be inlaid with several small precious stones, then a man’s ring always contains one large large solitaire stone. It can be either precious or semi-precious.

E it's fashionable. For several years now, the fashion for gold rings with onyx has held a leading position in men's jewelry. Astrologers explain this by saying that the powerful energy of this stone gives determination and inspiration to its owner. And the stylish deep black color goes perfectly with any color of gold or platinum.

Are you choosing a ring but can't decide on the design? Be sure to look at the option of a ring made of 585 gold and onyx solitaire. In our workshop you can make such a ring to order.

Weight 15 grams - price 16,000 UAH.

Order a ring! Press!

How to choose and wear a ring?

  • Decide on the color of the metal. If you already have an engagement ring or bracelet on your hand, then opt for a ring made of a similar precious metal.
  • The size of a man's ring and stone plays a big role. If this is your first decoration, you should not immediately buy a massive option. You may feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable to wear. Pay attention to simplified models with a minimum of elements.
  • Don't forget about your everyday clothing style. A massive ring with a large stone rarely goes well with a business suit.
  • Put on the ring, clench your fist, wave your hand. If you are comfortable, the ring does not pinch or fly off - this is your option.
  • You choose which finger to wear the ring on yourself. But we will tell you about the most popular stones in these jewelry below.

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