Mk paper butterfly with your own hands. How to make a paper butterfly with your own hands

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Summary: Craft butterfly. DIY paper butterflies. How to make a butterfly out of paper. Origami butterfly diagram. Butterflies master class. Butterfly pattern. How to make a butterfly from a plastic bottle. Crafts from plastic bottles.

In the spring, as soon as the sun warms up, the first spring flowers begin to appear and insects come out of their winter homes. Butterflies are one of the most beautiful insects, the appearance of which reminds us of the coming spring and the upcoming long-awaited summer. In this article we will tell you how you can make butterfly crafts with your own hands. Butterflies made of paper, origami butterflies, butterflies made of plastic bottles - you will find all this on our website. We will also tell you interesting facts about the life of these insects.

1. About butterflies for children. Life cycle of a butterfly

Butterflies are insects with complete metamorphosis, since the larva (caterpillar) is completely different from the adult. Their life cycle consists of 4 stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa and adult insect.

Before they can begin to reproduce, butterflies must find a partner of their own species. After mating, the female butterfly must perform its main life function and lay eggs. Larvae emerge from the eggs - caterpillars. They actively feed, grow and accumulate substances for the next transformations. Caterpillars have gnawing mouthparts and, for the most part, feed on the leaves of various plants. Caterpillars grow quickly. Gradually, the outer covers (cuticles) of the larva become too tight for it, and they need to be replaced. Molting occurs, which is preceded by a period of growth. Most larvae have 5 or even more. At the last molt, the caterpillar turns into a pupa.

The pupal stage lasts several days, in some species up to three years. The duration of the pupal stage largely depends on external conditions - temperature and humidity. When the pupa bursts, a butterfly emerges. Having been born, the first thing she does is look for a place where she can freely spread her wings. The butterfly then dries them for several hours. Gradually the wings lose elasticity and become stronger.

Now you can make your first flight. Most butterflies emerge from their pupae in the early morning, when it is not yet hot and the air is humid with dew.

Straightening and drying your wings at this time is much better than at noon when the sun is scorching. When the butterfly is ready to fly, it rushes out in search of a partner. After mating, the female lays eggs and the life cycle repeats from the beginning.

Almost all butterflies usually overwinter as eggs, caterpillars or pupae, while the wren and lemongrass overwinter as adults. Therefore, as soon as it becomes warm enough, we are the first to notice them. The hives are the first to wake up - a bright, motley butterfly. Her wings are bright orange with black and yellow spots. Do you know why urticaria is called that?

It is named nettle because only its caterpillars can eat stinging nettles.

Later, ten days after the hives, lemongrass wakes up.

Why do you think it was called that? This butterfly has lemon-yellow wings, which is why it was named that way. Lemongrass with folded wings is difficult to notice: it looks like a yellow leaf. This butterfly also has an interesting feature: if you suddenly disturb it, it falls to the ground, folding its wings and pressing its legs. Try it, notice this one!

To make this DIY pasta craft, you will need three types of pasta: a spiral (this will be a caterpillar), a shell (= pupa) and a butterfly-shaped pasta (= an adult). The egg will replace the grain of rice. Take a regular paper plate and divide it into 4 sectors. Glue a twig with a leaf onto one sector, onto which attach a grain of rice. In the 2nd sector - a twig with a “eaten” leaf and a spiral pasta - a caterpillar. Glue a twig with a shell-shaped pasta (pupa) onto the 3rd sector. Glue a butterfly pasta and a flower to the last sector. The pasta craft is ready!

3. Butterfly crafts. Paper crafts butterfly

Let's start with the simplest butterfly crafts, which even kids can handle under the guidance of an adult assistant.

Option 1.

From a cardboard tube from a used toilet paper roll, you can make a cute DIY butterfly craft in just 5 minutes.

To do this, print out a butterfly template from on thick paper and stick it on cardboard. See the craft template at the link >>>>

Option 2.

From a cardboard roll and corrugated paper you can make this bright voluminous spring applique “Butterfly”.

Option 3.

If you have food coloring, a paper towel and chenille (fluffy) wire for children's creativity at home, then it will not be difficult for you to make a bright, colorful butterfly, as in the photo below.

To do this, fold the paper towel in half, then in half again, again and again. Dilute food dyes of different colors with water, each color in a separate container. Briefly dip each corner of the resulting small square of paper towel into its container with dye. Unroll the towel and dry it.

Now gather it in the middle and tie it with wire. The butterfly craft is ready! For detailed instructions with step-by-step photos, see.

Option 4.

Look what cute butterflies you can make from corrugated paper and wooden clothespins. It’s great that even a very small child can make such a spring craft with his own hands. The antennae of the butterflies are made of tailor's pins.

Option 5.

Crafted butterfly from natural material - tree leaves. Simple, fast and beautiful!

Option 6.

Origami butterfly for kids. See step-by-step instructions on how to fold this paper craft at

Option 7.

Create a sunny mood for yourself and your loved ones by decorating the mirrors in your home with these bright spring crafts. Draw half the body and the wing of a butterfly on thick paper. You can also download ready-made butterfly templates from the link >>>> Cut the butterfly template exactly in half, paint it on both sides and attach it to the mirror using tape. Spring butterfly craft is ready!

Working on this craft develops not only artistic taste and motor skills in children, but also spatial thinking, and forms their understanding of what symmetry is.

Option 8.

Another butterfly craft will help children understand what symmetry is.

Download the butterfly template from the link >>>> Print and cut it out. Fold the butterfly template in half. Apply paint to one side of the butterfly, and while the paint is still wet, fold it over. Now open it up. You have a completely symmetrical pattern.

Option 9.

You can make an original spring applique from butterfly-shaped pasta.

Option 10.

These bright, beautiful butterflies are made from ordinary cardboard disposable plates.

4. DIY butterflies.

How to make a butterfly out of paper

To make this craft you will need thin colored paper.

Scrapbooking paper or crepe paper or corrugated paper work well. You will also need wire, or better yet chenille wire.

You can buy the latter, for example, in the online store

Cut out two squares from paper. Round off their sides.

See photo below. Fold them like an accordion. The more times you fold the paper like an accordion, the better.

Now take a piece of chenille or regular wire, bend it in half, twist it a little to form the body of the insect.

Place the wings between the wire and twist it again. Shape the antennae and spread the wings. The paper butterfly is ready!

If you use ordinary wire to make a butterfly with your own hands, you can put beads on it for beauty.

5. Craft butterfly. Origami butterfly diagram

To make these fun origami butterflies, you will need double-sided colored paper for the wings and matching colored cardstock for the body and head.

3. Fold the corners of the base of the triangle towards its apex.

4. You have a diamond shape. Now you need to partially fold the corners back so that the sides that are now parallel to the center line of the diamond overlap its bottom sides.

One butterfly wing is ready. Fold the second wing using the same principle. Now, to match the size of the wings, make the body and head of the butterfly from colored cardboard. Glue the wings on the back of the body.

The origami butterfly craft is ready!

6. DIY butterfly crafts

You can collect tree branches in a forest or park and put them in water at home. After some time, green leaves will bloom on the branches. Decorate the branches with homemade paper butterflies. Butterfly templates can be downloaded from the link >>>>

To do this, print out a butterfly template from on thick paper and stick it on cardboard. See the craft template at the link >>>> 7. Butterfly crafts. Butterflies master class

Paper craft butterflies.

Mobile "Butterflies"

Download paper craft template >>>>

From a cardboard roll and corrugated paper you can make this bright voluminous spring applique “Butterfly”. The Disney website FamilyFun offers its own version of a spring paper craft for children - a mobile with butterflies.

Print out the butterfly sheets as many times as you need butterflies.

Fold the sheets in half along the dotted line. Carefully cut out the butterflies.
Now take a ribbon, fishing line or thread of a suitable length. Glue butterflies onto it in random order as shown in the instructions (see the last sheet).

How to make a butterfly out of paper

The butterfly on a flower craft will serve as a wonderful gift for a loved one, which a child will make with his own hands. The craft is quite complex (with many small details), designed for primary school age and older. The child must do it together with an adult assistant.

Download a template of a paper butterfly and a paper flower >>>>

Another interesting craft is a panel made of paper butterflies. To make this craft with your own hands, you will need to cut out many identical butterflies from paper, or use a special “Butterfly” shaped hole punch. Glue the butterflies onto thick cardboard and insert it into the frame.

You can also pre-paint a sheet of paper with paints of different colors, and then, when the paint dries, cut out butterflies from it. It will turn out very beautiful!

9. Butterflies made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are a suitable material for making children's crafts. There are a large number of crafts made from plastic bottles.

Here we will tell you about one of them - butterflies made from plastic bottles.

How to make a butterfly from a plastic bottle?

Take a plastic bottle of any size, cut off the top and bottom parts. Cut the resulting cylinder to obtain a rectangular sheet of plastic. Find butterfly stencils on the Internet, choose the one you like, print it on a printer and copy it onto plastic. Cut out the butterfly. Now all that remains is to color it.

Acrylic paints or nail polish are suitable for painting. Some instructions for making butterflies from plastic bottles recommend sanding them with sandpaper before painting so that the paint adheres better to the plastic. You can decorate the finished craft with sparkles and beads.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

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What to do if you are tired of decorating a room, but there is no money or energy for repairs? The fastest and least expensive way is to change textiles and decorative elements. Moreover, not all decor needs to be purchased. For example, decorative butterflies will help add an element of lightness. They are used to make panels and wall compositions. Larger and brighter ones “live” on curtains or flowers.

What are they made of?

Butterflies for decoration from paper are the easiest and cheapest to make. There are several different techniques. If the product is flat and is glued entirely to the wall/panel, only the front surface is important. If a three-dimensional composition is intended, the paper should be double-sided - both sides should be colored, because the white “wrong side” often spoils the impression.

Instead of regular colored paper, you can use corrugated paper. The effect will be different - it is lighter, airier, translucent, with its help it is easy to make the decor with butterflies three-dimensional.

Butterflies for decoration made from corrugated paper are airy and light

You can make butterflies from an old magazine, newspaper, postcards, colored napkins, wallpaper of a suitable color, or any other printed material.

As you can see, there are a lot of options just from paper. If you consider that they can still be slightly tinted, combined, made multi-layered, it is clear that there is huge scope for imagination...


Cardboard is not very dense. It's more like a very thick paper. It is also colored and double-sided. It is often used to create voluminous decor - you can easily bend the wings relative to the body. This material even holds its shape better. Just remember that you can’t make corrugated wings - the material is too hard to make a small fold.

It is also easier to make openwork butterflies from cardboard. Having a sufficiently sharp knife, cut out the “extra” leaving only the partitions. Such decorations require perseverance, great patience and accuracy.

Cardboard is also used to make templates for “mass” production of identical butterflies. With the help of such stencils you can make insects of the same type and size and spend a minimum of time on it.


Having a template, you can make butterflies for wall decoration or a fabric chandelier lampshade. The fabric will need to be given additional rigidity, but the rest of the process is not much different: the outline is applied, cut out, decorated if necessary, and mounted on the wall.

It is more difficult to work with fabric, although very interesting decorative crafts are obtained. This is an option for more advanced decorators and needle or sewing machine skills. With their help you can recreate the veins on the wings.

Exotic materials

Old vinyl records will also be an excellent raw material for making butterfly decor. Since vinyl is hard, you will have to heat it in the oven to cut a butterfly out of it. And in order not to spoil the baking sheet, you need to cover it with foil.

An outline is applied to the vinyl using chalk, the record is placed in a preheated oven, as soon as it begins to soften, it is taken out and quickly cut along the outline with scissors. Often the “workpiece” has to be heated several times. After cutting, heat it one last time and give it the desired shape.

Beer cans or any other relatively soft sheet metal also make excellent flying beauties. First you need to cut off the bottom and lid and level the piece of tin. Then, using an awl, transfer the contours from the template to the sheet metal, connect them with a marker and cut along the resulting contour.

Even beer cans can be used for “butterfly” wall decor.

You can decorate the back - the shiny part. To do this, you will need markers or felt-tip pens; you can try decorating with nail polish. The painted beauties are given the desired shape. One caveat: the edges are very sharp, you need to work carefully, otherwise cuts cannot be avoided.

How to make outline butterflies from paper

Let's start with the simplest, but most effective - contour butterflies. You will need colored paper or magazine pages, outline maps, etc. You can use old postcards or colored cardboard. You will also need regular cardboard to cut out the template.

These are contour butterflies for decoration - they are easy to make and look great

Preparing the template

We take a piece of cardboard - any kind, you can even use some kind of packaging (tea, breakfast cereals, cereals, etc.) the main thing is that the cardboard is dense and not porous. Find a butterfly silhouette that you like, transfer it to cardboard and cut it out. There are several silhouettes in the photo gallery. They can be printed, then cut out and transferred to cardboard.

A butterfly on the wall - it would be nice in color. The swallowtail is attractive with its “tail,” but the paper consumption is greater and the work requires more accuracy. Paper butterfly templates for interior decoration are made in half. The second is obtained “automatically” after unfolding a piece of paper folded in half

Some tips for working with templates. Many butterfly contours are given with two wings, but it is better to cut off one wing - you will definitely get it symmetrically.

Decorations made from winged insects of different sizes look good. Therefore, the same contour can be enlarged or reduced using the simplest functions of graphic editors - the same Paint, which is available on any computer. Since in this case only the outline is important, the quality of the drawing is not so important, so feel free to experiment with sizes. We cut out the printed template, apply it to cardboard and trace it. We cut it out and get a hard working template with which you can make dozens of identical elements.

Cut and attach

Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half, attach a template, and trace it. Cut along the drawn line. Next, we bend the wings away from the “body” and get a workpiece. Having cut out a certain number of butterflies, we attach them to the chosen place - on the wall, a piece of cardboard, etc.

You can attach it with regular glue (PVA is usually the best option), or small strips of double-sided glue. You can use wallpaper glue, etc. If you are in doubt about the result, stock up on sewing pins. They can be mounted on the wall several times without much risk of damaging the surface. When you have placed all the butterflies and you are satisfied with the result, you can glue or use tape.


The situation is a little more complicated with openwork butterflies. They are made from paper or cardboard. It is important to have a good sharp knife and a template with lines marked on it along which you will need to cut out the excess paper. It’s worth saying right away that this is painstaking work.

Patterns of butterflies with openwork wings - a variant of medium complexity The second half is symmetrical

The process is the same as described above: prepare a template, then cut out the required number of elements from it. The peculiarity is that they first cut out and remove small fragments, and then cut out an outline from a piece of paper. With this sequence of actions, there is less chance of breaking thin jumpers, and it’s easier to work this way.

How to make an openwork butterfly from paper - the process in pictures

You need to work with a knife with a thin and sharp blade. It’s better not on the table, but by placing something quite hard - maybe a piece of plastic, etc. But you need to understand that there will be grooves and cuts on the surface, so it will be problematic to use this piece for any other purposes.

Multilayer volumetric

When making multilayer volumetric butterflies, several pieces of the same shape are cut out (size and color may vary). They are stacked one on top of the other, the “bodies” are glued together, and the wings are bent at different angles. This is how these butterflies turn out to be more voluminous.

You can make a combination of openwork and contour butterflies. Take paper of contrasting colors or find the same color, but different shades. Make them into butterflies of the same shape. Only some will be with openwork, others - without. Arrange them by placing a fragment without a pattern underneath. This produces an interesting effect.

There is a technique that allows you to immediately cut out voluminous butterflies from paper. You will need two rectangles of paper - a larger one (for large wings) and a smaller one. We fold them diagonally once, then a second time. The result is two triangles of different sizes. Now we bend the paper inward from two opposite sides so that we get a triangle like in the third photo (with the newspaper).

Draw wings on the resulting triangles. In larger ones, the openwork can be located only along the edge, in smaller ones - over the entire area. We cut out the blanks and put them one inside the other and glue them together. On top we glue a separately cut out “body” with antennae. Due to the fact that the paper is folded and the wings are double, the products have a larger volume.

Corrugated paper

It is easier to work with corrugated paper and butterflies for decoration are more airy and light, since the paper is translucent. We select suitable colors, take threads, scissors, glue. Nothing more is required. We cut out rectangles of approximately 7*10 cm from paper.

We sew the resulting rectangles in the middle with a needle and thread, tighten them, and make a couple of turns with the thread. It turns out something resembling a bow. We fold it in half, straighten the paper with our fingers, trying to leave as few folds as possible - we form wings.

When the result satisfies you, take scissors and cut off a strip of a few millimeters from that edge - into antennae. On the rest of the part we form a patterned edge reminiscent of a butterfly wing.

We twist the antennae strips with our fingers into thin tubes. Now they definitely resemble antennae. We unfold the wings and finally straighten them. The result was light butterflies.

From folded paper

You can make paper butterflies for decoration from double-sided colored paper or old magazines by folding them into a small accordion. We cut out two squares or rhombuses from paper (one a little larger, the second a little smaller), fold them into a small “accordion”, starting from one of the corners. The smaller the fold, the more interesting the product will be.

We put two folded rhombuses next to each other, tie them in the middle with thread or flexible wire wrapped in a suitable color. We make antennae from the remnants of the wire, straighten the wings, and adjust the shape if desired.

Photo for inspiration

First, a little about how and what you can attach already made paper butterflies to. The easiest way is to apply glue to walls or panels. The second, no less simple way is to use double-sided tape. But to make the decoration more voluminous, it is best to glue it not directly to the wall, but to a small piece of foam rubber. The result will be a more airy composition, with clear shadows.

Paper butterflies are used to create three-dimensional decorative compositions on small hoops with a fishing line tied to them. Cut out paper insects are attached to the fishing line. You can’t hang them on the wall, but they look very original, although creating such a composition is more difficult than on the wall.

Hoops and fishing line are all you need to create this beauty

And several wall compositions in which butterflies are used for decoration, made from different types of paper.

Another option with a large butterfly...

Colorful tornado...

The main thing is to find a bright picture and even a simple silhouette will look great

The best option to decorate a room for a special event (wedding, children's party, birthday) is to make a decor in the shape of a butterfly. This type of decoration will best bring fresh and positive notes to the design of any room.

Making a paper butterfly

The most accessible material for making a butterfly is paper. It is enough to buy colored thick cardboard in the store, choose the shape template you like, transfer it to the back side of a sheet of cardboard and cut it out according to the silhouette.

The resulting forms can be attached to the desired surface - room walls, furniture walls, curtains, doors, etc. – using double-sided tape, pins or glue.

There are also more original ideas for handmade butterflies. For example, draw the silhouette of a butterfly using paints according to a template on paper, leaving a white outline with an allowance. Or cover the silhouette with fabric, decorating it with beads or beads. You can also use glitter nail polish, but it doesn't have to be clear.

You can fold origami butterfly figures. The diagram is easy to find on the Internet.

Making “live” butterflies

The most interesting option is to make a beautiful “live” butterfly with your own hands. First you need to prepare several tools: pliers, scissors, wire, several thin rubber bands. It is better to make the body of the butterfly from thick cardboard.

First you need to decide on the desired shape and choose a template for the butterfly wings. Having cut out the wings according to the template, parts for them are made (two pieces for each butterfly) from wire according to the example shown in the photo.

The main function will be performed by rubber bands; they need to connect two wire parts. The previously prepared wings must be glued onto the resulting frame.

Finally, the butterfly must be secured in a narrow container (box, box, postcard, etc.), having first tightened the elastic band tightly with the upper wings of the butterfly. When the recipient opens the gift, the rubber band will loosen and the butterfly will flutter out, as if it were a real one.

Butterfly in parchment style

The parchment technique is the application of relief images on parchment paper or tracing paper. This technique is quite new, but with its help you can make an incredibly beautiful butterfly with your own hands.

To work with this technique, you do not need to buy special equipment. The basic tools you can use are knitting needles or a crochet hook and a computer mouse pad. They can easily replace dots and parchment boards.

The main material is parchment paper, sold in office supply stores. It can be replaced with tracing paper with a density of at least 150 g/m2, but such a need is unlikely to arise.

Instead of buying a board with ready-made stencils of designs, you just need to download and print the desired pattern, and then transfer it to tracing paper. A sewing needle or awl will replace pin pencils, which are used to draw or pierce the outline of the future image.

The remaining materials can be found in any home: scissors (it is better to use small nail scissors), a transparent ruler, paper tape, office glue, beads, rhinestones or glitter for decorating butterflies.

Master class on making a butterfly

First apply a stencil of the future image on the rubber base, then parchment paper. Secure the structure along the edges with paper tape. When finished, the side to be embossed will be the wrong side. The design on the front side will be convex.

Embossing is done using dots of different sizes. The paper is carefully pressed against the stencil with a ruler as necessary. Under no circumstances should you do this with your hands so that there are no greasy marks left on the paper.

The next step is perforation of the image. The parchment paper must be turned over and placed on a hard, flat surface. Use a needle to make punctures along the silhouette of the design.

Cut butterfly shapes with scissors: insert the blades into the punctures made with a needle and cut along their line.

You can decorate the butterflies to your liking: glue beads or seed beads, varnish them, sprinkle them with glitter, etc.

You can liven up the butterfly a little by making its wings double. To do this, you just need to prepare two identical drawings and then stick one on the other. Or stick on only half of the wing pattern, making either the upper or the lower wings double.

Butterfly in kanzashi style

When using the kanzashi technique, you will need two different types of ribbons 5 and 10 cm wide, a piece of ribbon 5 cm long and wide in a different color, a square piece of ribbon with a side of 2.5 cm.

Place the two largest pieces of ribbon of different colors together and roll it into a triangle. From the wrong side, sweep the pieces with thread. You can immediately glue a bead at the base of the seam to prevent the seam from unraveling.

Fold the triangle in half and cut off the “bottom” and sides. For convenience, you can use a clamp to prevent the edges of the tape from moving apart. As you work, it is better to constantly compare the sizes of the workpieces so that the wings of the butterfly are the same.

The edges of the cuts should be singed on both sides. Fold large pieces of ribbon into petals with folds, and small pieces with sharp corners. Glue small petals into large ones.

The lower wings are simply made from round petals.

Align the upper and lower wings and sew them with thread. It is worth making sure that the needle passes through all layers of the tape. Carefully tighten the seams and knots, remove all excess thread ends. Adjust the joints of the wings so that they are at the same level.

Make the body of the butterfly from large beads and seed beads, as shown in the photo of a homemade butterfly. Combine the body and wings, sew with thread.

The finished butterfly can be placed on a clamp or platform made of paper and fabric.

You can prepare a “pillow” of lace: wind the lace into a ball without an internal hole, then straighten the folds evenly. Glue a kanzashi butterfly onto a lace “pillow” to create a more voluminous craft.

With a little imagination, you can find many materials from which you can make a butterfly at home. It is not necessary to spend large sums of money, but the result will please your family and friends.

Photos of homemade butterflies

Butterflies decorate postcards, notebooks, photo albums, furniture and even just walls. Finished products can be purchased in a store and simply stuck to the desired place, or you can make them yourself, which is undoubtedly a more exciting activity. What can you make a butterfly from?

Let's look at several ways to make a paper butterfly.

Butterflies using quilling technique

The simplest, but no less beautiful decorative option is a paper butterfly. You can make it with your own hands in several ways.

And get a unique option every time. More complex options are a paper butterfly made from double-sided strips. This technique is called quilling and requires certain skills, tools and a lot of time. But the products turn out amazing.

Having made these kinds of insects of different sizes, you can hang them from the ceiling or chandelier using a very thin fishing line at different levels, which will create a wonderful weightless effect.

They can be used to decorate curtains and walls, cards and albums, and even as jewelry.

Openwork butterflies

Another option is a DIY paper butterfly using the weaving technique.

This technique is one of the types of folk decorative art. Its essence consists of cutting out paper using scissors or special knives.

Works in this style can be simpler, or can reach the heights of grace.

Most often they decorate windows or mirrors and other glass surfaces. They are attached using a soap solution. They are also used in creating postcards.

To make such a decoration, they use paper butterfly templates, which they use to cut out their products. Figured butterflies can also be cut out using a plotter.

This is such a special tool. Then you, of course, will spend much less effort and time on creating them if you need a large number of decorating elements.

Simple paper butterfly garland

Making a garland, the main element of which is a paper butterfly, is not difficult at all with your own hands.

Moreover, you will probably find everything you need at home. And all you need to brighten up a dull room or decorate a fun party are a few sheets of multi-colored double-sided paper and decorative or regular wire. A ribbon or rope on which the garland will be attached will also come in handy.

For one butterfly you will need 2 squares measuring 15 x 15 cm. Fold each of them diagonally. You should get a triangle. Now fold both triangles towards each other, that is, from the edge to the center, like an accordion. The width of the fold should be no more than a centimeter.

Do the same with the second square. Then connect them together in the center and wrap them with wire, bending the edges in the form of antennae. That's all. Our paper butterfly is ready. Make as many of these as you need. Now all that remains is to attach them to the tape and hang them where you want them to be.

Butterfly using origami technique

Let's look at another way to make a paper butterfly. It cannot be called simple or complex. Rather, both options are present here.

Everything will depend on the paper butterfly pattern used. And, believe me, there are a huge number of them.

And all of different levels of difficulty. And, of course, the more complex and intricate the pattern, the more interesting the origami paper butterfly ultimately looks.

When folding your product, make sure each time that all folds are made perfectly and do not warp. If you choose a material with an interesting color or unusual texture, your origami paper butterfly will not disappoint you. Place the square of paper with the white side facing up. Fold it twice diagonally and once vertically.

By making a large number of these butterflies, you can miraculously decorate any room with their help.

You can make them in different sizes and use all the rainbow colors. After this, glue it to the original non-bulky driftwood, imitating the color scheme of the rainbow. And nail a driftwood with butterflies to the wall, for example, in a children's room.

Butterflies on a paper wall

There are many ways to “settle” such wonderful insects as butterflies on your wall. One of them is a three-dimensional transparent painting, inside of which there is a dried butterfly of a rare species. It looks amazing, but not for those who are for the preservation of wildlife.

This exhibition is unlikely to please such people. Another, no less beautiful option would be butterflies made from feathers and wire. They often have variegated colors and look great on plain walls.

If you have walls with a pattern, then this option is unlikely to suit you, since such butterflies will get lost against this background. Or you can buy butterflies made from self-adhesive film and stick them wherever you want.

What can you do with your own hands?

You can create butterflies with your own hands not only from paper, but also from cardboard.

Perhaps the easiest option for decorating walls would be paper butterflies. Options for fastening the composition Decorative insects made or purchased by you can be fixed to a permanent location in different ways.

There are four mounting options in total.

1. Fastening with glue. The choice of adhesive material will depend both on what you are going to attach your element of the composition to, and on the material from which the attached object is made. If we are dealing with paper insects, then most often the number one choice is PVA glue. And the main thing here is not to get carried away. If you apply more than necessary, you risk not only smearing, but also distorting the color.

2. You can use the pin method. It is, of course, much neater than the adhesive one, but it will only work if there is space between the wall and the wallpaper.

3. Another mounting option is fixation with tape. You can use both flat and volumetric versions. The latter will add airiness and weightlessness to your composition.

4. And last but not least, and perhaps even more original, is using threads and transparent wire. This type of fastening is especially suitable for butterflies that have been folded using the origami technique. This type of fixation will affect your imagination to the maximum and will bring a lot of positive emotions during the work process.

Preparing to create paper decor

Although paper insects are the cheapest option for decoration, this method still gives you options that no other can give you.

When creating paper butterflies, you can make them flat or voluminous, smooth or textured, multi-layered and even lacy. Or even combine everything in one. The main thing is to approach this issue not only creatively, but also wisely. After all, your composition should improve the room as much as possible. Breathe life and dynamics into it, and not become an indicator of bad taste.

It should also be noted that the paper color range is not only very wide, but can easily be supplemented with all kinds of paints. Although in fairness it should be noted that the most win-win option is black monochromatic butterflies.

In general, before you get down to work, think through everything down to the smallest detail. Starting from shape and color and ending with methods of attaching the composition.

The process of creating a butterfly for a wall composition

In order to make a paper butterfly, which will become one of the elements of the future wall composition, you will need the following materials and tools.

Firstly, this is paper and small decorative elements for decoration, if you want to use them. For example, it could be rhinestones. Secondly, scissors, glue, pencil and everything you need for fastening. Also use ready-made templates on which you will cut out insects for your composition.

So, let's look at how to make a paper butterfly. Cut the paper you will use into squares. The sizes of the figures depend on your idea.

Fold each square in half and carefully trace half of the sketch of your future butterfly on one side, working out all the details. Without unfolding the square, carefully cut out all the elements, and only then unfold it.

You will get a completely symmetrical insect. Once all the butterflies are cut out, decorate them as you intended and begin attaching them to the wall. On the surface that will be the basis of the composition, apply markings in advance so that you don’t end up with any unpleasant surprises.

The completion of the renovation is marked by the pleasant efforts of decorating the room. Sometimes the desire to freshen up the situation arises spontaneously. A budget option for original room decoration would be paper butterflies on the wall. Butterfly templates, a large number of which are presented in this publication, will help you make an individual decoration with your own hands.

Preparatory work

The tradition of using paper butterflies as wall decoration arose relatively recently. Multi-colored moths can quickly transform the interior of a room, filling the atmosphere with romanticism and pleasant dreams of relaxation. The preparatory stage will help you achieve the desired result:

  • It is better for paper butterflies to have a wall that is as free from foreign objects as possible. A good overview enhances the aesthetic pleasure of a handmade creation.
  • Determine the area and shape of the image on the wall. It can occupy a compact area or be dispersed as much as possible over the surface.
  • The easiest way to make butterflies is from colored paper, but there are still a lot of interesting ideas for decorating a wall with original butterflies. The manufacturing material and its compatibility with the interior of the room are thought out in advance.
  • A wall with butterflies of different sizes looks impressive. Pre-prepared stencils for cutting will help you quickly complete the task.

Comment! When choosing a template, it is worth remembering the difficulty of cutting out intricate shapes.

Characteristics of individual materials for butterflies

You can make elegant moths for the wall with your own hands from various materials. Only paper models have several solutions:

  • classic colored paper or double-sided colored sheet;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • newspapers and glossy magazines.

In addition to paper decor, other versions of original butterflies are used in the interior of the room:

  • from vinyl records;
  • a contour painted on the wall with phosphor paints, applied using a stencil;
  • from nylon tights, which are covered with a wire frame;
  • from cans or plastic bottles.

Advice! If you have no experience, it is recommended to make several copies from different materials, then attach them to the wall and choose the appropriate option.


The easiest and cheapest way to make moths with your own hands is from ordinary colored paper. There are several design techniques. If you plan to stick the entire butterfly on the wall, then paper painted on one side will do. When creating a three-dimensional composition, when only the body of the moth is fixed, it is preferable to use double-sided colored paper for work, so the appearance of the decorative elements will only benefit.

In addition to classic colored paper, pieces made of corrugated material look original on the wall. The butterfly turns out more airy and light, it is easier to give volume to the figure.

Moths on the wall look extraordinary when they are made using glossy magazines, postcards, newspapers or wallpaper. In addition to simply cutting butterflies out of paper, they can be additionally colored, combined with other shades of a similar material, or made multi-layered. There are practically no boundaries for the flight of creative imagination.


To cut out butterflies on the wall, select cardboard of low density. Otherwise, the process will cause a lot of trouble.

Comment! Cardboard is considered the most suitable material for decorating three-dimensional wall decor with moths. It holds the shape of the figure well.

Naturally, in this case it will not be possible to make a corrugated copy of the butterfly. Rigid material cannot be folded into small folds.

Cardboard is optimal for cutting out openwork moths. For decoration you will need a sharp stationery knife and a lot of patience. A high-quality result of wall decor is possible only with perseverance and the ability to carefully work with small details.

It is also better to prepare a butterfly stencil for subsequent cutting out numerous copies from cardboard. Original templates for cutting butterflies from paper are presented below:


To give the paper wall decor a complete look, it is sometimes supplemented with similar elements on the lampshade of the lighting fixture. But paper moths are not suitable here, so they turn to fabric analogues. Butterflies made from fabric are not complicated:

  • Using a cardboard stencil, the outline of the figure is applied to the fabric;
  • the part is cut out;
  • the workpiece is given rigidity;
  • if necessary, the moth is additionally decorated (wire antennae on the body or beads on the wings);
  • The butterfly is attached to a suitable surface.

Advice! Experienced needlewomen can try imitating veins on the wings using a thread and a needle.

A little exotic

Extravagant people will love the idea of ​​creating wall decor based on vinyl records. Key process steps:

  • Initially, the outline of a butterfly is drawn onto the vinyl with chalk.
  • In the initial state, the material is hard enough to cut a figure out of it; the plate needs to be softened. An oven with a foil-lined baking sheet or a microwave will help you accomplish your plans.
  • When the vinyl becomes plastic, it is taken out and the shape is quickly cut out. If the butterfly has not acquired the desired shape before cooling, the heating process is repeated.
  • At the final stage, the moth is given the required volume.

It is more difficult to attach a vinyl butterfly to the wall than a paper one. It cannot be removed later without damaging the surface.

The material for making a moth can be a sheet of tin or a beer can, which is pre-washed and straightened. The contours of the selected stencil are transferred to the material with a marker or an awl, and the workpiece is cut out. Decorate the figurine with nail polish or colored markers.

Attention! The edges of the butterflies turn out to be very sharp, so you need to work extremely carefully so as not to cut yourself.

Tin decor can be hung on a thread. It would be appropriate in a loft interior; for a classic design, the optimal solution would be paper butterflies.

Making outline butterflies

Let's start with the simplest option on how to make contour butterflies. Main stages of the creative process:

  • It is better to cut butterfly stencils for the wall from medium-density cardboard. A suitable material would be cereal or tea packaging.
  • The original moth can be selected and printed from the templates below.
  • The silhouette you like is applied to cardboard and cut out. A wall with butterflies of different shapes on it looks more colorful.

Some useful tips for decorating paper butterflies:

  • For cutting, use the entire figure; if you want to achieve perfect symmetry, the workpiece is folded in half.
  • Specimens with minor asymmetrical deviations look more natural on the wall.
  • If there is a need to obtain moths of different sizes, the template is converted through a graphic editor.

Design of openwork specimens

Openwork paper butterflies are best made using cardboard. To work, you will need a sharp knife, a blade and a printed template with lines for cutting. Obtaining high-quality decor on the wall is possible with painstaking work. The algorithm of actions differs only slightly from cutting out contour butterflies. First, select and print a template. The required number of elements is cut out from it.

Using a blade or a sharp knife can damage the surface of the table, so it is recommended to protect the table top with a sheet of plastic, plywood or chipboard. Openwork paper butterflies on the wall usually add volume. A little trick can make the process easier. The product is slightly moistened and rounded, the resulting bend is fixed. After the moisture evaporates, the workpiece will retain the desired shape.

Options for volumetric paper decor

Three-dimensional figures of paper moths look impressive on the wall. There are several options for creating butterflies of complex configurations:

  • multilayer instances are created;
  • use corrugated paper;
  • the figures are formed by folding the sheet into several layers;
  • The art of origami enjoys deserved popularity.


Placing multilayer moths on the wall is quite simple:

  • several blanks of the same shape are cut out of paper;
  • color and size of parts may vary;
  • the elements are placed one on top of the other, the bodies are glued together, and the wings are bent in different directions.

Multi-layer butterflies look impressive not only from contour blanks, but also from openwork details. To do this, you will need paper in contrasting colors or similar shades. For the upper part, an openwork blank is taken, the lower one remains contoured. The following photo will help you evaluate the result:

There is an interesting technique where you can make a multi-layer butterfly on the wall from one sheet of paper by folding it in a special way. The photo below demonstrates the simple manufacturing process:

Corrugated paper

It is quite easy to work with butterflies on a corrugated paper wall. The algorithm of actions includes the following steps:

  • The required paper colors are selected.
  • Rectangles are cut out with an approximate size of 7x10 cm.
  • The blanks are stitched in the center with large stitches, after which they are assembled with an accordion and secured with thread in several turns.
  • The resulting paper bow is folded in half, and the future wings of the butterfly are straightened.
  • Then the desired configuration is cut out along the edges.
  • Narrow strips form flagella for antennae, which are glued to the body.

The interesting process is clearly demonstrated by the photo:

Ideas for beginners and professionals

It’s very easy to prepare butterflies from double-sided colored paper for wall decoration:

  • First, a diamond or square is cut out.
  • The figure folds like a small accordion.
  • The two pieces are joined together and secured in the middle with thread.
  • The antennae are formed from wire.

The photo will help you follow the main stages of making butterflies for the wall:

The origami process, which is so interesting for children, is somewhat complex. One option for making a paper butterfly is presented below:

Mounting options

You can securely fix paper butterflies on the wall in various ways:

  • If the issue of preserving the wall surface is not relevant, PVA glue or wallpaper solution will help to secure the paper figures.

    Comment! Regardless of the chosen template, whether it is a contour or an openwork butterfly, three-dimensional paper figures look more impressive on the wall. A light breeze can set the wings in motion, making them flutter like real ones.

  • Small pieces of polystyrene foam will also come in handy in the process, which are initially glued to the body of the butterfly and then to the wall.
  • Similarly, double-sided tape is used instead of polystyrene foam.
  • When the task is to maintain the integrity of the wallpaper after removing paper moths from the wall, they are secured with safety pins.

There are many options for creating decorative images on the wall using paper butterflies. A huge heart or a whirlwind receding into the distance, individually distributed specimens or a flock comfortably located on flowers - there are no limits to creative imagination.

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