Knitted flowers simple crochet patterns with description. Crochet flowers for beginners

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Knitted flowers have become very popular. We crochet flowers, then decorate clothes, hats, and use them as keychains for a phone or backpack. Very beautiful bouquets can be created as a gift: flowers as decoration will please any girl or woman!

In the photo below you will find many options for using this accessory. But, besides this, a simple tutorial (you can watch the video on YouTube for free) will help you figure out how to knit correctly, a detailed lesson with a description and useful, understandable patterns will be just the thing for beginners! So let's get started!

How to crochet a flower for beginners?

To tie beautiful flower, relying on diagrams with pictures is very simple. You can not only choose the desired color, but also the flower itself: lilies, roses, chamomile. Such products can not only act as a separate composition, they can be used as a decorative element. By the way, when knitting, you can use beads for decoration or beads to create unique designer jewelry.

Crochet flowers video

In this master class you will learn how to knit the simplest flower for beginners in this type of needlework. We will need two colors of yarn: yellow for the center and white for the leaves. Of course, you can do the work in one color - then the middle will not be visible.
So, we need very little yarn, you can use the leftovers. And also – hook number 3.

  • 1 R.: 5 S.B.N. into an amigurumi ring.
  • 2 R.:(2 V.P., P.R. from S.S.N., 2 V.P., S.S. to the same P.)*5.

Thus, the number of S.B.N collected at the beginning . corresponds to the resulting number of petals. If you want not five, but 6 petals, dial 6 S.B.N.
Thus, we have a beautiful flower that can be sewn on top of a child’s Panama hat, made into a brooch for clothing, decorated with a child’s hat or a small knitted amigurumi figurine, as in the video tutorial below. What to decorate - you choose yourself, but ours will tell you how to properly tie such a flower video:

Crochet flowers step by step

In the master class above you have already learned how to knit flowers from 5 petals. And now we bring to your attention cute eight petal flower . This is a very practical option; it can be used to decorate hats, in the form of a brooch, or to decorate gift wrapping.

We chose rich green shade from which to knit 10 V.P. and closed into a ring with the help of S.S.

  • 1 R.: 3 V.P.P., 23 S.S.N., S.S. in 3 P.P.
  • 2 R.: V.P.P., 8 arches from 3 V.P. (AR.), each AR. Fix S.B.N.
  • 3 R.: 3 V.P.P., in each AR. – 2 S.S.N., V.P., 2 S.S.N., S.S.
  • 4 R.: Let's start with the petals. Under V.P. m/u S.S.N. – 7 S.S.N. Start the very first column with 2 V.P.P.
  • Our beautiful element is ready!

Crochet flowers patterns and descriptions

With a crochet hook and two knitting needles you can knit absolutely any elements, napkins, or make a beautiful thing into a pattern. The main thing is that the work brings pleasure! For beginners, we recommend trying crocheted flowers. Any needlewoman can handle them!

Crocheted flowers in pots patterns with description

Flowers in a vase would be an excellent gift. They will decorate the interior well!

We chose the yarn " Iris» pink, yellow, brown and green colors.
Our work begins with knitting a vase. For it we take a hook number 0.9. We dial 5 V.P. with a brown shade. in the circle of S.S.

  • 1 R.: V.P.P., 11 S.S.N.. close S.S.
  • 2 R.: 3 V.P.P., S.S.N. in 1 P.P., (2 S.S.N.)*10. There will be 12 times in total. S.S.
  • 3 and 4 R.: 3 V.P.P.. 2 S.S.N. next S.S.N. prev R., (S.S.N. in the next S.S.N. before. R., 2 S.S.N. in the next S.S.N. before. R.) - to the end. S.S.
  • From 5 to 16 R.: 3 V.P.P., S.S.N. in S.S.N. prev R., S.S.

Flowers We make 12 pieces. In pink we dial 6 V.P. in the circle of S.S.
1 R.: 6 V.P., 3 unfinished S.S. 2 N., knitted together in a ring, 5 V.P., (S.S.N. in a ring, 5 V.P., 3 unfinished S .S.2N., 5 V.P.)*4. S.S.
Center of the flower in the amount of 12 pieces: in yellow, dial 3 V.P. in a circle 1 R.: V.P.P.. 10 S.B.N. S.S. Leave the thread 20 cm - trim the rest.
Stem(12 pcs.): wrap a piece of wire with the yellow yarn that we just left. Coat the top with PVA glue.

6 pieces of leaves: in green we dial 12 V.P.P. 1 R.: S.B.N., 9 S.B.N. next 9 V.P., 2 V.P., 8 S.B.N., next. 8 V.P. 2 R.: V.P.P., 7 S.B.N. next 7 S.B.N. prev R., 2 S.B.N. in the arch, 2 V.P., 2 S.B.N. in the arch, 8 S.B.N. Then we continue according to the scheme with direct and reverse R.

We collect carefully, all details starch, we put the vase on some form, preferably a stick one. Such crocheted flowers in pots will look very beautiful on your desktop near your computer.

Crochet roses

Another master class with a video lesson on knitting roses from pink thread. We dial 48 V.P.

  • 1 R.: S.S.N. in 4 P., (P. skip, S.S.N., V.P., S.S.N.) - to the end.
  • 2 R.: V.P., (2 S.S.N., 2 V.P., 2 S.S.N.) - in each arch. Turn the canvas over.
  • 3 R.: V.P., 7 S.S.N. in the arch, S.B.N. - between them.

We cut the thread, leaving 5 cm, insert it into the needle, and sell it into the loops of the cast-on chain. We tighten it. If the description seemed too complicated to you, we suggest you look at a simple one video lesson.

Volumetric crochet flowers: diagrams with description master class

Most often, voluminous flowers become such due to knitting using lush columns. How to do it correctly - you will now learn! So, a flower with lush petals begins with choosing a hook (we have number three) and yarn (red, 100% cotton).

  • V.P.P.- lifting air loop.
  • S.B.N.- single crochet.
  • S.S.N.– double crochet.
  • S.S.– connecting column.
  • P.ST.- a lush column.

Knitting description:

Now let's describe in more detail the knitting process itself P.ST.: we start like S.S.N. (N., P. pull out), make 2 P. (2 P. in total), repeat N. 1 more time, pull out the P., knit 2 P. (3 P. in total), finish knitting 3 ST. (total 6 P.). We tie together 5 P., then the 2 that remain.

Let's make another voluminous flower. It will differ from the previous one in that it will be multilayer. For this we took thinner yarn and a smaller hook.

Crochet flowers master class video

In the master classes below we will show you how to create unique masterpieces!

Crochet flowers for decoration - crocheted accessories

Often needlewomen knit flowers not as an element decor , but as an accessory for to sew on children's hats or jackets . Today you will find patterns and descriptions of knitting just such flowers!

How to crochet a flower for a hat?

Volumetric rose on a hat made of red thread .

Thus, the rose turns out very volumetric And beautiful and is very suitable for decorating a headdress!

Decorations for clothes

We suggest making a beautiful brooch for clothes from related pansies from dark purple and lilac yarn. You will also need a little yellow for the center of the flower. So, take hook number 2. Make a ring from V.P., then knit according to the pattern.

IN This skill uses different practices. From motives can be chosen something that seems suitable to you for a dress, jacket, tunic, hat, skirt, blanket or bag.

Basic knitting techniques from motifs:

  1. Simple round motifs are suitable for beginner knitters, and experienced needlewomen usually use this technique as an addition to the main product, made in a more complex way. A circular motif can be created from two contrasting shades, and back to they carry a mandala from nine rows in different colors.
  2. Triangular ones are distinguished by their openwork and loose weaving. Triangles can be dense or thin.
  3. Square motifs are suitable for professionals and for beginners. Can combine simple patterns with complex elements. IN Using this technique you can create a classic “granny square”, floral or royal square.
  4. Hexagonal motifs are used for larger models. Hexagons can be openwork or made in New Year's style.
  5. Openwork technique - this is a square or solar inflorescences from threads of contrasting shades. They are done in different ways - from simple to complex multi-structural.
  6. Floral motifs include use many different techniques, for example, African, fluffy or openwork inflorescences.
  7. Irish lace has a detailed structure, so it used to decorate the main elements. Using this technique you can knit a millennium and Irish rose

Why do you need to know all this? By combining different knitting techniques, you can create the most beautiful flowers.

Crochet flowers: patterns and descriptions

Knitted flowers are very popular. They are used as separate compositions or as decoration. They add elegance to clothing or accessories. A separately from they can be used to create accessories in the form of keychains and decorations for gifts.

Beautiful color decorations from five or six leaves are easy to tie together schemes with pictures. The yarn can be supplemented with beads or beads for decoration. The first simple crafts for beginners are best knitted using video master class to delve into the technique itself.

Inflorescences with eight petals - an option that will decorate any product equally well, and It will look great as a separate composition. Let's take a closer look at the knitting pattern of this universal element:

  • first line — three magnificent lifting loops, 23 cap posts, then add three lifting loops with connecting column;
  • second line - a lush lifting loop, eight arched weaves of three lush loops, each weave is secured with a single crochet column;
  • third line - three fluffy lifting loops, we draw a cap post in arched weaving, then again a lush loop, two cap posts and one connecting;
  • fourth line - under the loop we draw seven double stitches, with the first stitch starting with two lush loops.

Continuous crochet of flowers: three important tips

This is the way in which threads are not trimmed and Not hide and the elements are knitted together, monolithically, and the craft gradually takes on the necessary shape. This method most often creates voluminous spiral flowers, which are used for assembling carpets, bedspreads, scarves and hats.

This is a complex method, so there are several important recommendations for it:

  • To move to knitting each next motif, it is necessary not tie up to the end of the last row of the one that came before it;
  • the second motive begins with knitting a row only from in. P.;
  • the upper part of the motif is knitted only after the entire row has been created.

Volumetric flowers are created by knitting lush columns in different techniques. Grandmother's square with flower - the simplest square figure for making three-dimensional details. The warp is knitted V. p., a a new row needs to start with 3 lifting loops.

To create lush tops in square, you need to connect six columns with yarn over, between which three air loops are made. Third and all subsequent rows must begin with three regular loops and two columns.

Volumetric flowers are also the main figure in Irish knitting. A knitting individual petals creates voluminous inflorescences, which are used in Tunisian version.

A beautiful twisted flower can be knitted according to this pattern:

  • we start with rings from 6 V. p., closed connection Art.;
  • V the ring is knitted 16/18 stitches. s/n;
  • then we alternate the chains V. P. And Art. s/n in the form of a circle;
  • repeat these steps, increasing the amount V. p. The hook is inserted through one n. of the previous row;
  • on at this stage you must have a ready-made basis. Next we tie the chain and Art. s/n single crochet;
  • second and tie the third petal diagram in two directions (after 2 turn the workpiece over);
  • complete 3 row conn. Art., tied up in loop of the initial ring;
  • decorative binding is created by alternating connections. Art. And V. P.;
  • the next petal is created from the beginning of the chain.

Crochet flowers and leaves

Related flowers and the leaves are very similar to original plants. The most popular and beautiful figures — African flower and voluminous roses.

For the African inflorescence you need to use five shades of threads: three for the flower itself and two for a square. The colors must be combined with each other, since The coloring depends on this. Roses and The leaves are knitted in a voluminous manner in lush columns.

Crochet rugs in flowers

The most common way to knit rugs - weaving with continuous inflorescences. They are also used to decorate hats, bags and dresses. Link them possible from regular yarn, or any other material, for example from old things or polyethylene. This the same technology creates:

  • blankets and bedspreads made from pieces of fabric;
  • chair covers;
  • pillows;
  • original napkins.

Small flowers are often used for Irish lace and wonderful products are obtained. However, flowers can be knitted to decorate handbags and hats. napkins, hats for children and other things. Sometimes it takes a long time to find the right scheme.

Let's look at some small flowers.

Let's take: Multi-colored threads “Iris”. Hook.


ps – half-column

VP - air loop

sc - single crochet

dc - single crochet

ss2n – double crochet, knit two dcs together in one loop

The first flower.

Connect a chain of 10 chains into a ring.

Row 1: ch, 3sc, picot, (4sc, picot) * repeat 4 times.

Row 2: ch, sc, (9 ch, sc in between picots) * repeat 5 times.

Row 3: ch, (hs, sc, 11dc, sc, hs) * repeat 5 times.

Row 4: tie the petals in arches in 3 ch, skipping the loops of the previous row.

Pink flower

Connect a chain of 4 ch into a ring. We knit arches of 3 ch for the first row of petals

1st row: 6ch (corresponding to 3ch rise + 3ch), (1dc, 3ch) in the first loop of this row * repeat 5 times, connect with the third loop of the initial row. Petals of the first row.

Row 2: ch, (hs, sc, 3dc, sc, hs) * repeat 6 times. We knit arches for the second row of petals. For ease of knitting, bend the petals of the previous row down with your finger. Single crochets are knitted on the loop of the first row between the petals.

Row 3: ch, (ch 5, sc) * repeat 6 times. Petals of the second row

Row 4: ch, (dc, sc, 6dc, sc, dc)* repeat 6 times. Arches for the first row of petals; Dc knit into a ring.

Two small flowers.

Connect a chain of 5 ch into a ring.

Row 1: (2 dc knit together in one loop, ch 3) knit into a ring * repeat 6 times.

Attention! In the first repetition, the sc is replaced by 3 ch.

Row 2: (sc, ch, 4dc, ch, sc) in each arch * repeat 6 times.

Very small crochet flowers

Connect a chain of 4 ch into a ring.

1st row: (4 ch, s2n twice, 4 ch, ss) knit in a ring * repeat 5 times.

The shape of the leaves can be changed by knitting s2n with one loop - the petals will be more round.

Decoration and decoration of objects with crocheted flowers, many different patterns and methods of decoration.

Crochet and knitted items are at the peak of popularity right now. Crochet flowers for adult and children's clothing and hats look especially interesting. We invite you to try knitting beautiful bright flowers. Our master class is simple and clear, with step-by-step descriptions and diagrams. Crochet flowers for decoration can be crocheted from completely different threads: cotton, wool, synthetic, silk, mixed and darning. The main thing is that they are tightly twisted and do not fall apart into thin threads.

The most popular crocheted flower is, of course, the rose. Knitted roses are often used to decorate children's and adults' hats, cardigans, bags, headbands, and so on. We offer you the simplest master class, which is suitable for beginners in crocheting. The center of the rose can be decorated with a bead or button, which is very popular now.

To work you will need:

  1. Threads of medium thickness.
  2. Hook number 2.
  3. Scissors.
  4. The needle is big.

Cast on an even number of loops. For example, if you crochet xxx50 loops, the rose will be 7-7.5 cm in size. The number of loops determines what size rose you want to get. In our master class we cast on 26 loops and will make a small rose. First row - knit sc (single crochet).

Second row: we knit 2 VP (chain loops) for lifting, in the 2nd loop we make RLS + 2 VP.

Third row: in the 1st loop of the second row we knit 5 dcs (dc).

Do the same in the next loop: knit 5 dcs.

In this way we knit the entire row to the end.

A spiral has formed, which needs to be twisted into a column and stitched with a needle so that it does not fall apart.

In order to make a leaf, you need to knit a chain of 8 loops.

Second row: 2 sc (single crochet), 3 dc, 2 sc.

We continue until the end.

At the end of the work we knit a picot.

These beautiful crocheted flowers are easy to knit in one evening. The combination of colors in this master class depends on your imagination, because pansies can be amazing colors.

We will knit according to this pattern:

Let's get started: make a sliding loop. We put 5 sc into it.

Next we knit like this: 1 RLS (lifting chain loop), 2 RLS in the RLS of the first row, 6 VP, 2 RLS in the second RLS of the previous row, 6 VP, 2 RLS in the third RLS of the previous row, 6 VP, 2 RLS in the fourth RLS of the previous row , 6 VP, 2 RLS in the fifth RLS of the previous row.

Under 6 VP we knit 1 SS (connecting stitch), 1SC, 1 PS (half-dc), 1DC (double crochet), 10 CC2H (double crochet), 1 DC, 1 DC, 1 PS, 1 SC. Under the next six VPs we knit 1 sc, 1 dc, 10 dc2n, 1 dc, 1 pc, 1 sc.

Under the third 6 VP we will knit 1 sc, 1 pc, 8 sc, 1 pc, 1 sc. Under the fourth 6 VP we knit 1 sc, 1 sc, 8 sc, 1 sc, 1 sc. Under the fifth 6 VP we knit 1 sc, 1 sc, 8 dc, 1 sc, 1 sc.

We tie two large petals on top with contrasting threads.

These cool flowers can be crocheted to decorate clothes, stripes on your head, and so on. This lotus will make an excellent decor. You can choose melange yarn with a small print; it will look very beautiful in this product.

This flower needs to be crocheted gradually, in several steps. First, three sheets are knitted. In order to knit a sheet, you need to cast a chain of 5 VPs and close it into a ring. Next, you need to tie the chain with sc (single crochets). Then knit the leaves according to the pattern.

Next, let's move on to the petals. Let's start the lower petals with a set of 10 VPs. We tie the loops with double crochets and look at the diagram. At the end you need to tie the leaves with sc, and then tie with concave sc, as in the diagram.

We knit the top flowers carefully, otherwise the product may warp and it will not be symmetrical. For the top flowers, you need to cast a chain of 8 VPs and tie them with double crochets (dc), as can be seen in the diagram. When all parts of the flower are ready, they must be sewn together with the same threads.

Hello, dear needlewomen and everyone who knows at least a little how to hold a hook and thread in their hands. Today I will show you the results of my labors (and I “puffed” for almost three days :)).

For me, today’s master class is my first experience (not knitting, of course, since I have been knitting since I was five years old, but specifically creating a master class on needlework). Therefore, do not judge strictly, I tried to make the description as clear as possible.

It was quite difficult to choose a theme for the MK, because it had to be simple (so that it could be done by both beginners and involve children in the action), thematic (March 8th is coming soon), and the result of our labors should please everyone.

As a result, I changed the master class three times, and finally settled on a floral theme. Knitted flowers are the most appropriate theme, in my opinion.

Once again I thank Alla for the invitation to participate in such a magical event. Thanks to this master class, I prepared gifts for March 8th for my dear women (mothers, grandmothers, daughters, girlfriends). I understand that we will give the leading role in choosing gifts to the male half, but, nevertheless, no one is stopping us from doing a few pleasant little things.

I really hope that you will take the ideas from the master class and, combining imagination and skill, create your own masterpiece.
So, let's begin!

Crochet flowers: preparatory stage

All we need is a hook and thread.

You can use leftover threads of different colors and any texture.

The hook should be selected depending on the thickness of the threads. If the threads are thin, then you need to take the appropriate hook. And vice versa.

Also pay attention to how you knit - tightly or loosely. And think about what kind of knitting you personally like - elastic or loose. In a word, evaluate two factors - what result you want to see and your own execution technique. And this will allow you to determine what thread to use, as well as what hook to choose.

For example, if you knit tightly, but want to get a softer, looser structure of the product, take a hook thicker than it should be. Let's assume you took thin threads (100 g/400 m). For them, they usually take hook No. 1.6-2. You should take number 3 or 4.

Simple flowers: for mother and daughter

Even your daughter can knit such a simple flower (of course, provided that you have previously taught her the basics of knitting).

1. Knit a chain of three chain stitches.

3. Tie the ring with a single crochet - 10 stitches in total.

5. Let’s knit a “petal”. To do this, make 5 stitches in the first loop of the next row as follows: single crochet, three double crochets, single crochet.

8. Knit 4 more petals using the same pattern: a petal is knitted in one of the loops, and a connecting stitch is knitted in the next.

Thus, from 10 loops we knit 5 petals.

You can complicate the task a little and knit a two-layer flower.

To do this, you need to knit another row similar to the first, with a connecting loop go down to the base of the flower from the back side, and at the foot of the petals of the first row, knit five loops as follows:

knit an air loop of three loops >> secure the arc with a connecting loop >> repeat near each loop.

Knitted flowers for “advanced” knitters

By and large, the whole technique of knitting flowers comes down to two simple steps - knitting the core and petals. And here, in fact, there are no limits to imagination. You can come up with your own version. Allow yourself to experiment, and the result will definitely please you.

Let's try to knit a three-layer flower.

Such a flower becomes a full-fledged decorative element. It can be easily turned into jewelry (hair clip, brooch, beads, belt, bracelet). With the help of a knitted flower you can create special things. And, of course, it can be used to decorate a traditional gift.

This concludes the master class on crocheting flowers. I wish you a spring mood, bright everyday life and unforgettable holidays! Thank you for attention!

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