Advertising booklet for a kindergarten group. Information booklets for parents

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Voytsekh Marina Sergeevna

The main rule of compilation booklets- this is brevity and specificity in presentation information. On the front part I indicate the legal address of the preschool institution and the emblem of our kindergarten.

I print it out brochures on bright paper, I place it in a specially adapted box, beautifully decorated in advance, and place it in the group locker room in the morning. By evening there is not a single one left booklet.

During the school year I prepared booklets by topic: “Finger games for children 3-4 years old”, "Introducing a child to reading", "Recommendations for Children's Reading", "If your baby curses", "Early Age Targets".

Publications on the topic:

“Visual and informational forms of interaction with parents in preschool educational institutions.” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 49” “Visual and informational forms of interaction with parents.

I would like to present you with my booklets as one of the ways to convey information to parents, children, and teachers. A booklet is a type of printed product.

Booklets “Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 37” of the Bratsk Municipal District Recommendations for.

Booklets with articulation gymnastics for all groups of sounds for parents and teachers Memo for parents Articulation gymnastics for whistling sounds (set 1) articulation gymnastics is carried out daily, it is better.

Information resources for teachers that facilitate the organization of effective teaching activities with children with disabilities Currently, special attention is paid to the professional competence of teachers and specialists of educational organizations as a condition.

Information resources in preschool educational institutions during traffic rules classes Contents Introduction….…3 1. Information resources in preschool educational institutions…. 4 1.1 The emergence of information.

Information technologies in the system for monitoring the quality of education in preschool educational institutions Topic: Information technology in the system for monitoring the quality of education in preschool educational institution MDOU d/s No. 5 “Topolek” Teacher-speech therapist Zlobina A. A.

Visual forms of working with parents - reminders, booklets. Only in one case will the process of raising and educating a child be as effective as possible.



Memo “To educate a Man”

Need to!

    Accept your child as he is, so that under any circumstances he is confident in the unchangeability of your loveto him.

2. Strive to understand what he thinks about, what he wants, why he behaves this way and not otherwise.

3. Instill in the child that he can do anything if only he believes in himself and works.

4. Understand that you should blame yourself first of all for any child’s misdeeds.

5. Do not try to “sculpt” your child, but live a common life with him: see him as a person, and not an object of education.

6. Remember more often what you were like at your child’s age.

7. Remember that it is not your words that educate, but your personal example.

It is forbidden!

1 . Expect your child to be the best and brightest. He is neither better nor worse, he is different, special.

2. Treat the child like Sberbank, into which parents profitably invest their love and care, and then receive it back with interest.

3. Expect gratitude from the child for giving birth to and feeding him: he did not ask you for this.

4. Use the child as a means to achieve, even the most noble, but your goals.

5. Expect that your child will inherit your interests and views on life (alas, they are not genetically determined).

6. Treat the child as an inferior person whom parents can mold at their discretion.

7. Shift responsibility for education to teachers and grandparents.


“The road does not tolerate pranks - it punishes without pity!”

Dear parents!

We are convinced that road safety largely depends on you!

Together we will teach the child to live safely in this world!

1. When leaving home:

immediately draw the child’s attention to the movement of vehicles on the road and together look to see if a car, motorcycle, moped, or bicycle is approaching you;

If there are vehicles parked near the house or trees growing that block your view, stop your movement and look around to see if there is any danger behind the obstacle.

2. When driving on the sidewalk:

teach your child, when walking along the sidewalk, to carefully watch the exit from the yard, etc.; Explain to your child that throwing stones, glass, etc. at the roadway, or damaging road signs can lead to an accident;

When a group of children moves, teach them to walk in pairs, following all your instructions or those of other adults accompanying the children.

3. When preparing to cross the road:

involve your child in monitoring the situation on the road;

do not stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk, as when passing the vehicle can get caught, knocked down, or run over with its rear wheels;

draw the child’s attention to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the direction indicator signals of the car and the gestures of the motorcyclist and cyclist;

repeatedly show your child how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

4. When the car is moving:

Do not allow children to be in the vehicle unattended.

Memo for parents.

Dear parents!

In order for your child to quickly and easily get used to the new way of life in kindergarten and feel confident and comfortable in the group, we ask for your cooperation.

In kindergarten, your child will need to get used to:

    to new adults who will take care of him;

    peer society;

    food conditions and new food;

    new sleeping environment;

It will be easier for your child to get used to new conditions if you listen to our advice:

    organize a preliminary acquaintance with the preschool institution for the child;

    Find out in advance all the new points in the daily routine in kindergarten and introduce them into the daily routine at home;

    do not send your child to kindergarten in the midst of a three-year crisis. Among the characteristic symptoms of the three-year crisis are whims, negativism, stubbornness, self-will, and tricks;

    encourage your child to enter kindergarten positively;

    plan your vacation so that during the first month of your child’s visit to kindergarten you have the opportunity to leave him for the whole day.

We ask you to listen to our advice and hope for cooperation.

Commandments of parenthood.

l. Heexpect your child to be like you, or like you want.

2. Help him become himself, not you.

Z. Do not take out your grievances on your child.

4. Don’t look down on his problems: the severity of life is given to everyone within their strength, and be sure that his problem is no less difficult for him than yours is for you, and maybe more, since he has no experience.

5. Love your child with anyone, including unlucky, untalented, adults.

6. Communicate with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

7. Know how to love someone else’s child. Never do to someone else what you would not want others to do to yours.

Memo “If your child has done something wrong”

    Don't start a conversation with your child if you are in a bad mood.

    Immediately evaluate the offense or mistake. Find out what your child thinks about this.

    Don't humiliate your child.

    Do not extort promises; they mean nothing to the child.

    Evaluate the action, not the person: “You acted badly,” instead of “You are bad.”

    After the comment, touch the child and let him feel that you sympathize with him and believe in him.

    Punishment should not be the norm, but the exception.

    Punish for an offense, not because you are in a bad mood

    Don't read long notes.

    Don't remind me of the wrongdoing.

    Talk about the offense alone with your son (daughter).

Dear parents!

We ask you to listen to our advice

    For the comprehensive development of your child, buy him a wide variety of toys and play with your child.

    Toys must be appropriate for the child’s age. Don't rush into buying expensive toys for them. Both boys and girls need different types of toys.

    Never buy a toy without thinking about whether your child needs it today or not.

    Remember that an abundance of toys will not improve the quality of children's play.

    All the child’s toys must be in a certain place; you need to set aside a closet or shelf for this.

    If you still have a fairly large number of toys, change them periodically so that your child does not get tired of them.

    From the age of two, teach your child to clean up the play area with your help.

    Books, pencils, plasticine are not toys. These are study guides that should be kept separately.

Child and traffic rules

Memo for parents.

. What should and what should not parents do when moving?

Don't rush, always cross the road at a measured pace.

When going out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road when the traffic light is red or yellow; only cross when the light is green.

Cross the road only in places marked with the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.

Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run out onto the roadway.

Invite your child to participate in your observations of the situation on the road: show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

Do not leave with your child from behind a car or bushes without first inspecting the roads - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not allow children to play near roads or on the roadway.

Be sure to fasten your seat belts in the car; place the child in the safest place: in a special child seat, in the middle or on the right side of the rear seat; During long trips, stop more often: the child needs to move.

Don't be aggressive towards other road users. Instead, explain to your child specifically what their mistake was. Use different situations to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road, and calmly admit your own mistakes.

. Memo for parents.

“Parent driver, remember!”

Children of preschool and primary school age do not perceive the dangers of transport

They don't yet know what pain and death are

Toys and a ball are much more important to them than life and health.

Hence the rule: if a ball rolls out onto the road, it must

baby is coming

Know this andslow down in advance.

If a child looks at a car, this does not mean that he sees it.

Carried away by his thoughts, he often does not notice an approaching car.

An adult hit by a car suffers a “bumper fracture,” a fracture of the tibia.

Children are hit in the stomach, chest and head

As a result, the child dies or receives severe skull injuries, ruptures of internal organs and fractures.

The more car speed, those stronger blow and more seriously consequences!

1. When leaving home:

immediately draw the child’s attention to the movement of vehicles at the entrance and together look to see if a car, motorcycle, moped, or bicycle is approaching you;

If there are vehicles at the entrance or trees growing that block your view, stop your movement and look around to see if there is any danger behind the obstacle.

2. When driving on the sidewalk:

keep to the right side of the sidewalk;

do not lead the child along the edge of the sidewalk: the adult must be on the side of the roadway;

Hold your baby's hand tightly;

teach your child, when walking along the sidewalk, to carefully watch when leaving the yard, etc.;

Explain to your child that throwing stones, glass, etc. at the roadway and damaging road signscanlead to an accident;

do not teach your child to go out onto the roadway; carry strollers and sleds with children only on the sidewalk;

When a group of children moves, teach them to walk in pairs, follow all your instructions or other adults accompany the children.

3. When preparing to cross the road:

stop or slow down, inspect the roadway;

involve your child in monitoring the situation on the roads

emphasize your movements: turning your head to look around the street, stopping to look at the road, stopping to let cars pass;

teach your child to recognize approaching vehicles;

do not stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk, as when passing the vehicle can get caught, knocked down, or run over with its rear wheels;

draw the child’s attention to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the car’s turn signal signals and the gestures of the motorcyclist and cyclist;

repeatedly show your child how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

4. When crossing the roadway:

cross the road only at pedestrian crossingsor at intersections along a marked line - a zebra crossing, otherwise a child; will get used to crossing wherever necessary;

do not rush and do not run; always cross the road at a measured pace;

do not cross the road diagonally; Emphasize, show and tell your child every time that you are walking strictly across the street, that this is being done for better observation of cars and motor vehicles;

do not rush to cross the road if on the other side you see friends, relatives, acquaintances, the right bus or trolleybus. Don’t rush and don’t run towards them, instill in your child that this is dangerous;

*do not start crossing a street where traffic rarely passes without looking around;

*explain to your child that cars can unexpectedly leave the alley or the yard of the house;

*when crossing a roadway at an unregulated crossing in a group of people, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic, otherwise he may get used to imitating the behavior of his companions who are not watching the traffic when crossing.

5 . When boarding and disembarking from public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi):

* go out in front of the child, as the baby may fall, and an older child may run out of the parked vehicle onto the roadway;

*approach the vehicle door to board only after it has stopped completely: a child, like an adult, can trip and get run over;

* do not get on public transport (trolleybus, bus) at the last moment when it departs (you may be pinned by the doors); The front door is especially dangerous, as you can get under the wheels of a vehicle;

*teach your child to be careful in the stopping area - a particularly dangerous place for him: a standing bus reduces the view of the road in this area, pedestrians here are often in a hurry and can accidentally push the child onto the roadway, etc.


* stand with children only on landing platforms,

and in their absence - on the sidewalk or roadside.

7. When the car is moving:

teach children to sit in the car only in the back seat; do not allow anyone to sit next to the driver unless the front seat is equipped with a special child seat; explain to them that during a sudden stop or collision, the force of inertia “throws” the person sitting forward and he hits the glass of the front panel; this is enough for the passenger to die or be seriously injured;

Do not allow a small child to stand in the back seat while driving: in the event of a collision or sudden stop, he may fly over the back of the seat and hit the front window or panel;

Do not allow children to be in the vehicle unattended;

8. When traveling on public transport:

teach your child to hold onto the handrails tightly so that when braking he does not get injured from an impact;

Explain to your child that you can only get on and off any type of transport when it comes to a complete stop.

Advice from a psychologist.

The preschooler does not understand the danger that awaits him on the street. Therefore, the child should not walk the streets or cross roads on his own. The child has different hearing and vision features. It is difficult for him to determine which direction the sound is coming from. Hearing a car horn, he can take a fatal step towards danger.

The child does not know how to effectively use peripheral vision and completely “turns off” it when running across the road, focusing on any object. He believes that if he sees a car, then the driver will also see it and will stop. The child cannot determine whether the car is close or far away, whether it is driving fast or slow.

Parents should know that...

Most often, injuries occur due to the fault of adults. Very often, parents themselves violate traffic rules.

Statistics report that every 16th child injured on the street escaped the hands of the adults accompanying him. When crossing the road with a child, you should hold him tightly.

Teaching children the rules of the road should not be limited to calls to obey them. Due to the concreteness and figurativeness of children's thinking, learning should be visual and take place in a natural setting. You should use any appropriate moment to clearly and unobtrusively teach your child the rules of behavior on the street, in transport, etc.

A preschool child should not walk without his parents if vehicles are passing through the yard.

Parents are required to bring their children to kindergarten and hand them over to teachers.

On the street, adults should not remain indifferent to the behavior of children who go out for a walk unaccompanied by adults or elders.

What ideas can parents give to their children?

Parents introduce children to the names of the streets they often walk along, the meaning of the road signs they encounter, and remember the rules for driving on the sidewalk and crossing the street (children should understand well that they cannot go out alone, without adults, onto the roadway). Parents can tell their children about the work of a driver, a policeman-traffic controller, and watch with him the work of a traffic light.

Safety rules for children.

Road safety.

1. You can cross the street only at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

2. If there is no underground crossing, you must use a crossing with a traffic light.

3. You cannot cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars.

4. When crossing the street, you should always look left first, and when you reach the middle of the road, look right.

5. It is safest to cross the street with a group of pedestrians.

6. Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road.

7. You cannot play on the roadway or on the sidewalk.

8. If your parents have forgotten which side to go around a bus, trolleybus and tram, you can remind them that it is dangerous to go around these vehicles both from the front and from the back. You need to go to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the street along it.

9. Outside populated areas, children are only allowed to walk with adults along the edge (side of the road) towards cars

Rule one: the game should not include even the slightest possibility of risk threatening the health of children. However, one cannot throw out difficult rules that are not easy to follow.

Rule two: the game requires a sense of proportion and caution. Children are characterized by excitement and excessive passion for certain games. The game should not be too gambling or demean the dignity of the players. Sometimes children come up with offensive nicknames and grades for losing a game.

Rule three: don't be boring. Your introduction into the world of children's play - the introduction of new, developing and educational elements - should be natural and desirable. Don’t arrange special classes, don’t bother the guys, even when you have free time: “Let’s take up chess!” Don’t interrupt, don’t criticize, don’t dismissively brush aside a rag or piece of paper. Either learn to play with your children, quietly and gradually offering your own options for some interesting activity, or leave them alone. Voluntariness is the basis of the game.

Rule four: Don’t expect quick and wonderful results from your child. It may also happen that you won’t wait for them at all! Do not rush the child, do not show your impatience. The most important thing is those happy minutes and hours that you spend with your children. Play, enjoy discoveries and victories - isn’t that why we come up with games and ideas?

Rule five: Maintain an active, creative approach to play. Children are more dreamers and inventors. They boldly bring their own rules into the game, complicate or simplify the content of the game. But play is a serious matter and it cannot be turned into a concession to the child, into mercy according to the principle “no matter what the child enjoys.”

Memo “What you need to know about the emotional development of a preschool child”

4 years

Behaves “well” for a longer period of time:

Capable of collaborating with peers;

Able to learn the rules of turn-taking;

Can show concern for a younger person or animal and sympathy for the offended.

Reminds the behavior of a younger child (Relieved by affection and tolerance of adults for temporary regression in behavior).

5 years

Behaves “well” during the entire stay in the preschool educational institution:

Follows the daily routine. Orients oneself in time by the clock;

He better understands the desire of adults for order and neatness and is able to to some extent help them in this.

Normal "bad" behavior:

Exposes any deviation in the behavior of adults from their declared rules;

Reacts violently to lies adults make in conversations with each other.

6 years

The spontaneity in behavior is lost, “good” behavior becomes a self-supported norm:

Able to subordinate emotions to his not very distant goals;

Maintains the assumed role until the end of the game or achievement of the set goal;

Begins to become aware of his experiences;

Memo "Ten Commandments of Parents"

    Do not wait, that your child will be like you, help him become himself!

    Don't think that the child is yours, he is God's.

    Don't demand from the child payment for everything you do for him.

    Don't take it out the child bears his own grievances, so that in old age he does not eat bitter bread, for what you sow, that will come back.

    Don't relate to his problems from above: the severity of life is given to everyone according to their strength, his burden can be no less heavy than yours.

    Don't humiliate child!

    Don't torture yourself if you can’t do something for your child, and torment him if you can, but don’t.

    Remember : Not enough has been done for the child if not everything has been done.

    Know how love someone else’s child, do not do to someone else’s what you would not want others to do to yours.

    Love your child in any way: untalented, unsuccessful. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

Memo for parents on speech development.

In the difficult work of overcoming speech deficiencies in children, parents need to:

* support the child’s confidence that a speech deficiency can be overcome if he himself puts effort and effort into it, and follows the demands and advice of adults;

* correctly build communication with the child, create conditions for calm, unhurried speech, making amendments to it no earlier than at the stage of practicing the skill;

* show restraint, avoid an irritable tone;

* at the stages of preparing the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sounds and consolidation of sound pronunciation, conduct special classes;

* make sure that the child studies independently and shows initiative in spending his free time, as this affects not only the development of his cognitive abilities, but is also a condition for full emotional development.

It is important for parents to know:

Clear, distinct speech by adults from the very beginning of verbal communication with a child is one of the prerequisites for proper speech development;

Fulfilling all the conditions for proper speech and general education is the best prevention of speech disorders and will relieve parents and children from anxieties and worries associated with children’s speech deficiencies;

Classes will give good results when they are interesting for the child. If monotonous exercises are included in the classes, the child should be convinced that they are necessary;

The lesson should not last more than 15 minutes; longer work tires the child. If a lesson involves exercises that require significant tension in the articulatory and respiratory organs, then they need to be repeated no more than 4-5 times. These exercises should be alternated with other types of work;

The lesson should not be overloaded with tasks;

At the stage of preparing the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sounds, it is necessary to select the appropriate set of exercises;

You should move on to subsequent exercises only after mastering the previous ones.

When preparing their children for school, parents teach them the alphabet, teach them to read, count, some develop fine motor skills, but do not pay any attention to the sound analysis of words. Meanwhile, working with sound is no less important than knowing the alphabet. For example, a first-grader must clearly hear whether there is a D sound in the word “house.” Be able to determine where it is - at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word; which sound comes first - D or M. The inability to distinguish speech sounds, find this or that sound in a word and determine its place relative to others is the most common cause of problems with reading and writing.

Therefore, preparatory work should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, including various areas:

1. Development of the ability to correctly hear and identify speech sounds.

It is important for a child to be able to:

*determine the place of a given sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end);

* divide words into syllables;

* distinguish between hard and soft consonants;

* distinguish between vowels and consonants;

* distinguish words that sound similar;

* distinguish words that differ in one sound;

* find words that do not have a given sound;

* be aware of the basic elements of language - word, syllable, sound.

2. Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

The causes of impaired sound pronunciation are various - the habit of sluggishly and unclearly pronouncing sounds, imitation of the speech of adults, organic disorders of the central nervous system and speech apparatus. Parents themselves must speak correctly, calling all objects with the appropriate words, without distorting them, without imitating the speech of children. If a child after 5 years pronounces certain sounds incorrectly, parents should seek advice from a speech therapist. By the time you enter school, it is advisable to eliminate the erroneous pronunciation of sounds. Otherwise, errors in oral speech will provoke the appearance of errors in reading and writing. It is more effective to conduct classes in a playful way. The duration of the lesson should be no more than 15-20 minutes.

3. Development of motor skills and graphic skills.

Need to train:

Spatial perception (location of objects in relation to the child, between objects, orientation in terms of “right”, “left”, “below”, etc.)

General motor skills;

Fine motor skills - development (playing with small objects, lacing, etc.).

Using techniques:

Finger games;

Hatching (vertical, horizontal, inclined, rounded, patterns in a checkered notebook, finishing drawings of objects, etc.)

4. Development of sound-letter analysis.

The child must be taught:

Establish the sequence of sounds in words, designate them with the corresponding letters;

Understand the meaningful role of letters.

5. Vocabulary development.

Build skills:

* determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence;

* make sentences, stories based on plot pictures;

* retell the text;

* tell a fairy tale.

6. Learning to read.

If a child is learning to read, it is necessary to remember that reading must be meaningful, the child must understand the text read and be able to retell it. If you pay attention to all areas, this will be a good prevention of writing disorders.

Memo “Home toy library"
Game exercises, games to consolidate various speech skills.
"I'm helping mom" . You spend most of your time in the kitchen. The baby is spinning around you. Invite him to sort out peas, rice, buckwheat, he will provide you with all possible help and train his fingers.

"Magical sticks" . Give your child counting sticks or matches (with the heads cut off). Let him lay out the simplest geometric shapes, objects, and patterns from them.

"Let's search on kitchen words" . What words can you take out of the kitchen cabinet? Vinaigrette? Borscht? Plates? etc.

"I'm treating you" . “Let's remember delicious words and treat each other. The child names a “delicious” word and “puts it” on your palm. You can play “sour”, “salty”, “bitter” words.

"Let's cook juice" . Juice from apples... (apple); from pears.....etc.

"Workshop Cinderella" . While you are busy sewing on buttons, invite your child to lay out patterns of bright ribbons and buttons. Try making a panel of buttons with your child. Buttons can be sewn on, or you can strengthen them on a thin layer of plasticine.

"By road from children's garden" invite your child to check who is more attentive. We will name the objects we pass by; and we’ll also definitely tell you what they are. Here is the mailbox - it's blue. I noticed a cat - it's fluffy.

"Magical glasses". “Imagine that we have magic glasses. When you name them, everything turns red (green, yellow, etc.) Look around and say what color everything has become, say: red boots, red glasses, red ball, etc.

"Games With ball." “I will name objects and throw you a ball, you will catch it only when you hear the sound “F.”


Do you love your child? Do you want your child to achieve significant success in life, make a brilliant career in the field of science or business, become successful as a person, and feel free and confident?
Teach your baby to speak. By learning to speak, he learns to think. And he must speak correctly.
Correct, clear pronunciation and developed speech are the merit primarily of family upbringing. Insufficient attention to children’s speech often becomes the main cause of sound pronunciation defects.
A speech therapist, specialist teachers, and kindergarten teachers will help your child eliminate speech disorders, form and consolidate correct articulation. And yet, the main burden in teaching your child correct speech should be taken on by you, the parents.
Dear parents, your child’s ability to work, learn new knowledge, and ability to understand what teachers give him depends on you. It depends on you how quickly the speech disorder is eliminated.
The first and most important thing is that you must take a close look at the child and evaluate his characteristics and capabilities:
to what extent he understands speech;
Is he good at speaking?
how does the child’s behavior differ from the behavior of his peers (shy, aggressive, touchy, anxious);
pay special attention to manual skills (the ability to dress, fasten buttons, etc.);
pay attention to the child’s games: how independent he is in games, whether he shows intelligence, resourcefulness, whether the games are monotonous or varied;
assess the child’s degree of curiosity, interest in new things, his emotionality and ability to empathize, notice his moodthose aroundand respond accordingly;
find out what the characteristics of the child’s self-esteem are (whether he is confident in his abilities);
It is very important, dear parents, to be in contact with a neurologist who will prescribe medication, and, if necessary, a psychologist who will help develop a line of behavior with the child.
We must strive to:
“It’s possible” for a child would always mean “It’s possible”;
“impossible” would always mean “impossible”;
The child must learn to understand the word “must” as the necessity of some action.
These remarks seem trivial at first glance, but they are the basic rules for raising a child if all family members follow them.
Don't forget these rules. Your excessive concern for the state of your child’s speech can cause harm if you show it to your child. You should never highlight a defect in the presence of a child. This can lead to a violation of the child’s self-esteem, which was mentioned above (i.e., he will feel inferior, withdraw into himself, or begin to demand special treatment).


Fine motor skills - precise movements of the fingers - are especially closely related to the process of formation of a child's speech. Systematic exercises for training finger movements have a stimulating effect on speech development (research by M.N. Koltsova, L.V. Fomina, O.S. Bot).
Impaired fine motor skills are associated with impaired muscle tone in the fingers. Working on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers stimulates the maturation of the speech zone of the cerebral cortex.
Work on developing fine motor skills of the hands must be carried out systematically (5-10 minutes daily).
Children's activities that can be used to develop fine motor skills of the fingers
Development of manual skills (pencil drawing, modeling, design, appliqué, making origami: paper toys (boat, cap, airplane).
Various games with small objects (selecting parts of cut pictures, rearranging, sorting peas, sticks, buttons and other small objects).
Finger gymnastics with speech accompaniment (“This finger is daddy”) and without speech accompaniment (“Bunny”, “Goat”, “Glasses”, “Trees”, “Birds”).
Finger Theater.
To develop manual skills, children must:
launch small “tops” with your fingers;
knead plasticine and clay with your fingers, sculpt various crafts;
clench and unclench your fists (“the bud woke up and opened, and in the evening it fell asleep and closed”);
make the cams “soft” and “hard”;
drum with all fingers of both hands on the table;
wave only your fingers in the air;
collect all fingers into a pinch;
string large buttons, balls, beads onto fishing line;
tie knots on a lace or rope;
fasten (unfasten) buttons;
play with constructor, mosaic;
fold nesting dolls and pyramids;
draw in the air;
knead foam balls and sponges with your hands;
draw, paint, hatch;
cut (cut) with scissors;
perform applications;
roll paper balls (whoever has the tightest ball wins);
folding, twisting, tearing, turning over paper;
transfer counting sticks, matches, beans from one box to another, while the hand should not move (lies close to the box, only the thumb, index and middle fingers are used);
lightly press the spray button, sending a stream of air onto the cotton wool or piece of paper;
rotate the pencil (ribbed) between the thumb, index and middle finger;
“finger pool” (plastic bowl with beans or peas);
Game “Fist-edge-palm” (first with one hand, then with the other, then together


Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Dear parents, “let’s play with our hands”
together with the children!
First option
children rub their palms until pleasantly warm.
Massage with the thumb and index finger of one hand - rub each finger, starting from the nail phalanx of the little finger of the other hand.
massage the backs of your hands, simulating hand washing.
we intertwine the outstretched fingers of both hands and lightly rub them against each other, pointing our palms in opposite directions.
We close the intertwined fingers and bring them to the chest.
We stretch our fingers up and move them.
children shake their hands, relax them and rest.

Second option
massage of biologically active points (baht), which are located on the fingertips.
To do this, you need to place the tip of each finger under the nail of one hand between the index and thumb of the other hand so that the pad lies on the index finger and massage it clockwise (30 times) with rotational movements, increasing the pressure, then counterclockwise (30 times), loosening the pressure. In this way we massage all the fingers of the right and left hands. Rub for each finger for 1 minute, for all fingers for 10 minutes. This massage is performed strictly for 30 days in a row, since during this time a nerve impulse is formed; if you miss one day, the massage begins again.

Third option
massage using various objects:
working with a Kuznetsov applicator or a speech therapy brush “hedgehog”, a ball with spikes, a nut, a cone;
rolling a ribbed pencil between the palms, twisted curlers, fleecy curlers (vertically);
rolling your fingers along a ribbed surface;
working with sandpaper.

Traffic regulations reminder.

When leaving home :

· if vehicle traffic is possible at the entrance of the house, immediately draw the child’s attention to this and together look to see if a car, motorcycle, moped, or bicycle is approaching you;

· if there are vehicles parked at the entrance or trees growing that blockreview,pause your movement and look around to see if there is danger behind the obstacle.

When driving on the sidewalk :

· keep to the right side of the sidewalk;

· do not lead the child along the edge of the sidewalk: the adult must be on the side of the roadway;

· a small child should walk next to an adult, holding the hand tightly;

· teach your child, when walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the exit from the yard or from the territory of the enterprise;

· Explain to children that throwing stones, glass at the roadway and damaging road signs can lead to an accident;

· do not encourage children to go out onto the roadway; only carry strollers and sleds with children on the sidewalk.

· when a group of children moves, teach them to walk in pairs, following all the instructions of the adults accompanying the children.

When preparing to cross the road:

· stop or slow down, inspect the roadway;

· involve your child in monitoring the situation on the road;

· emphasize your movements: turning your head to look around the street, stopping to look at the road, stopping to let cars pass;

· teach your child to distinguish between approaching vehicles;

· do not stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk, as when passing the vehicle can get caught, knocked down, or run over with its rear wheels;

· draw the child’s attention to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the direction indicator signals of the car and the gestures of the motorcyclist and cyclist;

· repeatedly show your child how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When crossing the roadway :

· cross the road only at pedestrian crossings or at intersections - along the sidewalk line, otherwise the child will get used to crossing wherever he has to;

· go only to the green traffic light: the child must get used to the fact that they do not go to the red and yellow signals, even if there is no transport;

· When going out onto the roadway, stop talking; the child must learn that when crossing the road, talking is unnecessary;

· don’t rush and don’t run; always cross the road at a measured pace;

· do not cross the road diagonally; emphasize and show your child every time that you are walking strictly across the street. The child needs to be explained that this is being done for better monitoring of motor vehicles;

· do not go out onto the roadway from behind a vehicle or from behind bushes without first inspecting the street, teach your child to do the same;

· do not rush to cross the road if on the other side you see friends, relatives, acquaintances, the desired bus or trolleybus. Don’t rush and don’t run towards them, instill in your child that this is dangerous;

· do not start crossing a street where traffic rarely passes without looking around. Explain to your child that cars can unexpectedly leave the alley or the yard of the house;

· when crossing a roadway at an unregulated crossing in a group of people, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic, otherwise the child may get used to imitating the behavior of his companions when crossing, without watching the traffic.

When boarding and disembarking from public transport (bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi):

· go out in front of the child; a small child may fall, an older child may run out from behind a stopped vehicle onto the roadway;

· Approach the vehicle door only after it has come to a complete stop. A child, like an adult, can trip and get run over;

· do not get on public transport (trolleybus, bus) at the last moment when it departs (you may be pinned by the doors). The front door is especially dangerous, as you can get under the wheels of a vehicle;

· teach your child to be careful in the stopping area - this is a dangerous place for a child: a standing bus reduces the view of the road in this area, in addition, pedestrians here are often in a hurry and can accidentally push a child onto the roadway.

When waiting for public transport:

· stand with children only on landing platforms, and whentheirabsence - on the sidewalk or roadside.

When the car is moving :

· teach children of primary school age to sit in the car only in the back seat; do not allow them to sit next to the driver unless the front seat is equipped with a special child seat. Explainthem,that during a sudden stop or collision, the force of inertia throws the child forward and he hits the glass of the front panel; this is enough for him to die or be seriously injured;

· do not allow a small child to stand in the back seat while driving: in the event of a collision or sudden stop, he may fly over the back of the seat and hit the front window or panel;

· the child must be accustomed to the fact that the father (mother) gets out of the car first to help the child get off and bring him to the crossing or intersection;

· do not allow children to be in the car unattended;

· the child must know that it is allowed to carry only one child under seven years old on a bicycle, and only on condition that the bicycle is equipped with an additional seat and footrests.

When traveling on public transport :

· teach children to hold firmly to the handrails so that when braking the child does not get injured from an impact;

Explain to your child that you can only get on and off any type of transport when it is stationary.

Reminders for parents.


    You cannot constantly scold and punish a child for all manifestations of independence that are unpleasant for parents.

    You should not say “yes” when you need to say a firm “no”.

    Do not try to smooth out the crisis by any means, remembering that in the future the child’s sense of responsibility may increase.

    You should not accustom your child to easy victories, giving him a reason for self-praise, because then any defeat for him can become a tragedy. And at the same time, do not emphasize your strength and superiority over him, opposing him in everything - this can lead to indifference or to various types of veiled revenge on the sly.

"The art of being a parent."

    Your baby is not to blame for anything. Not that he was born. Not that it created additional difficulties for you. Neither did it live up to your expectations. And you have no right to demand that he solve these problems for you.

    Your child is not your property, but an independent person. And you do not have the right to decide his fate to the end, much less ruin his life at your own discretion. You can only help him choose a path in life by studying his abilities and interests and creating conditions for realization.

    Your child will not always be obedient and sweet. His stubbornness and whims are as inevitable as the very fact of his presence in the family.

    You yourself are to blame for many of your baby’s whims and pranks, because you didn’t understand him in time, not wanting to accept him for who he is.

    You should always believe in the best in your baby. Be sure that sooner or later this best will certainly manifest itself.


    Don't start a conversation with your child if you are in a bad mood.

    Immediately evaluate the offense or mistake; find out what the child thinks about this.

    Don't humiliate the child.

    Do not extort promises; they mean nothing to the child.

    Evaluate the action, not the person: “You acted badly,” instead of “You are bad.”

    After the comment, touch the child and let him feel that you sympathize with him and believe in him.


    Forgiveness of an offense has much greater educational power.

    Punishment should be the norm, not the exception.

    Punish for an offense, not because you are in a bad mood.

    Don't read long notes.

    Don't remind me of the wrongdoing.

    Have a conversation with your son (daughter) alone.

Develop curiosity

at your child's

    Be attentive to children's questions.

    Don’t be annoyed with your child because of them, don’t forbid asking them.

    Give answers that are brief and understandable to the child.

    Instill in your child cognitive interests and motives all the time.

    Teach him to play checkers and chess.

    Hold expert competitions, quizzes, and hours of riddles and guesses in your family.

    Organize joint trips to theaters, exhibitions, and museums.

    Take regular walks in nature: to a park, square, to a pond, to a forest.

    Make crafts with your children from natural materials and paper.

    Encourage children to experiment.

    Read natural history literature to children and talk about its content.

Love your child!

When punishing, think: "For what?".

    Punishment should not harm health – neither physical nor mental.

    If there is any doubt whether to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No punishment for “prevention” purposes.

  • One thing at a time. Don't deprive your child of deserved praise and rewards.

    Statute of limitations. It is better not to punish than to punish belatedly.

    Punished - forgiven.

    Punishment without humiliation.

    A child should not be afraid of punishment.


Etiquette skills that children of senior preschool age can master"

    Table setting and behavior at the table:

    Know a variety of table setting options;

    Know how to use canteen priors;

    Effortlessly maintain correct posture;

    Know what utensils should be used while eating, be able to do it;

    Know the basics of decorating a holiday table, be able to fold fabric napkins in a variety of ways.

    Appearance culture:

    Dress in accordance with fashion, but taking into account your individual characteristics and sense of proportion;

    Keep your clothes and shoes clean and in order;

    Be able to do your own hair.

    Speech etiquette:

    Be able to make a request;

    Know the rules for talking on the phone;

    When greeting and goodbye, use a variety of politeness formulas.

    Behavior in public places:

    Be able to behave in a theater, cinema, exhibition, museum, cafe;

    Know the basic rules of behavior at school and the library.

    Behavior in various life situations:

    Be able to introduce yourself when meeting others and introduce others;

    Choose gifts and present them;

    Be able to receive guests and be a guest.

  • Memo for parents.

    Just not swan, crayfish and pike.

    The sequence of actions, sanctions, rewards and punishments is of fundamental importance for the upbringing of any child. The trouble is if our mood affects the fact that today we allowed the child to do something that we forbade yesterday, because our mood has changed. By doing this, we destroy the child’s already unstable and flexible picture of the world. He is lost because he is unable to understand the subtleties of our experiences and attributes them to himself, and therefore never learns whether what he does or asks is good or bad. This is the first sin of inconsistency.

    The second problem is related to the inconsistency between the words and actions of the adults with whom the child communicates. Disagreements about parenting and reactions to a child’s behavior among different family members are a common phenomenon. But it is worth remembering as a commandment and an immutable rule: the child should not know about these disagreements. If one of the family members believes that permission or prohibition, encouragement or punishment from another is unfair or wrong, bite your tongue, wait until the time when your son or daughter is not around, and resolve your disputes. But you should never discuss issues of upbringing in front of your child or give him a reason to understand that if mom doesn’t allow something, then he needs to turn to dad. This is harmful for at least two reasons.

    First: with such behavior we do not bring clarity, coherence and harmony into the child’s picture of the world. The two (or more, when grandparents are involved) most significant, beloved and important people in a child’s life say different things about what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not. Where is the truth?

    Second: unable to cope with the tension and despairing of finding the truth, the child moves on to another, even more dangerous way of resolving the situation - manipulation. He, at first intuitively, and over time consciously, begins to use our differences, gain benefit for himself, seeking satisfaction of his desires or whims from the one who at that moment is the most convenient object for solving these problems. The child interferes in the relationships of adults and manipulates them, instead of understanding what and how to achieve, what desires can be fulfilled and which cannot, and why.
    So, we love our child, accept him for who he is, the actions of all family members are consistent and coordinated, but still there comes a moment when we cannot understand the baby or find a common language as a teenager.


The role of mother and father in raising a child

  1. There is nothing more important than raising a child. Don't interrupt

raising your child.

    Remember - a person’s abilities and character are not predetermined from birth. For the most part, they are formed at certain moments in the child’s life. Education, upbringing, and environment have a great impact on the individual.

    Surround young children with the best you have.

    Early development is associated with the enormous potential of the newborn. Brain structures are formed by the age of three. A child's brain can accommodate an unlimited amount of information, but the child remembers only what is interesting to him.

    Many skills cannot be acquired if the child did not learn them in childhood.

    Impressions from an early age determine his future way of thinking and acting.

    Don't babysit with your child. React to his crying.

    Even a newborn feels the quarrels of his parents. Parental nervousness is contagious.

    The father should communicate with his child more often.

10. The more children in a family, the better they communicate with each other.

11. The presence of grandparents in the family creates a good stimulus for the development of the child.

12. It is better to praise a child than to scold him.

13. The child's interest needs reinforcement. Repetition is the best way to stimulate a child.

14. Learning poetry trains your memory. Learn nursery rhymes and short poems with your child.

15. An excess of toys distracts the child's attention. Deal with your baby's toys.

16. Toys should be pleasant to the touch.

17. Games develop a child's creative abilities. Play with your baby more.

We wish you success in raising your child!

Memo to parents

Family health program

    Collect the simplest equipment for classes at home: sleds, skis, skates, dumbbells, hoop, jump rope, ball, expander.

    Every morning, start with hygienic gymnastics, hardening procedures: rubbing, dousing, showering.

    On weekends, go on hiking trips, skiing or hiking, and excursions. Outdoor games - daily!

    If possible, organize children's activities in sports sections.

    Systematically monitor homework in physical education.

    Know the results of testing the child’s physical fitness.

    Create and follow a daily routine for your child.

    Teach children to swim.

    Participate in family competitions in various physical exercises, outdoor and sports games.

    Help children read physical education textbooks, literature about a healthy lifestyle, independent study and self-control when engaging in physical education and sports.

    Remember that following all the rules of a healthy lifestyle in everyday life is not a task for one year, but the result is a healthy family, active children, mutual understanding between generations.

Rules for a healthy lifestyle.

    Exercise 3-5 times a week, without overexerting yourself with intense exercise. Be sure to find a way of physical activity just for yourself.

    Don't overeat or starve. Eat 4-5 times a day, consuming the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body, limiting yourself in fats and sweets.

    Do not overwork yourself with mental work. Try to get satisfaction from your studies. And in your free time, be creative.

    Treat people kindly. Know and follow the rules of communication.

    Develop, taking into account your individual characteristics of character and body, a way of going to bed that allows you to quickly fall asleep and restore your strength.

    Engage in daily hardening of the body and choose methods for yourself that not only help you fight a cold, but also give you pleasure.

    Learn not to give in when you are offered to try a cigarette or alcohol.

Grow healthy!

Teach children to think and speak.

Thinking is the most complex mental process, and its formation should begin from the first months of a child’s life. Mastering mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction) will be successful if it is carried out in the child’s direct activity and is accompanied by speech. When working with a child, talk through everything you do yourself and activate the child’s speech. Create situations that encourage mental stress. Never think for your child, do not get ahead of him with ready-made answers; this can lead to laziness of thought.

How often, when asking about something, we immediately hear from children “I don’t know, I don’t know how.” The child simply doesn’t want to think. In these cases, it is necessary to help him organize his mental activity correctly. To do this, you can use leading questions, clarity, and draw on past experience.

Of great importance for the mental development of children is the formation of all types of thinking in them: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical. Depending on their age, one or another type of thinking predominates in children. The highest form of development of thinking is the ability to think in abstract concepts. The basis of abstract-conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking is a high level of speech development. This is exactly what you should strive for in your activities with children.

As we have already noted, it is necessary to constantly teach children logical thinking. In any situation you have to think. Let the child himself look for the most rational solution, for example: how to get this or that item, what to do if several mushrooms were found in the forest, but there is nothing to put them in, etc.

Children love to solve riddles. You can guess them while walking and playing, on the street and at home. Come up with it yourself and teach your children to write riddles.

    During a walk in winter you ask: “What is this? “White, light, melts in your hands”; “They are small, and the little man is riding them down the hill,” “Fluffy, walks, meows.”

    Children especially enjoy play activities. For example, when posing a riddle, an adult performs certain actions, according to which the child must guess it (the adult steps heavily, shifts from foot to foot, pretending to be a bear).

    You are reading or telling a short text, the content of which can only be understood by analyzing the situation. The child must understand the meaning and draw a conclusion. For example:Mom was walking out of the store and carrying heavy bags in her hands. The boy decided to help his mother and said: “Mommy, give me one bag, and take me in your arms.” did the boy decide correctly?

Don't forget to expand your child's vocabulary. Special classes are not required for this. While walking, while cleaning together, etc. play "words".

    Who can come up with more words starting with a given letter or name more flowers and animals?

    Invite your child to name words that have opposite meanings (big - small, high - low, etc.).

    You can name the signs of familiar objects. For example: an apple – large, juicy, sweet.)

    You can invite your child to finish the sentence. For example, an adult begins: “It’s cold in winter, and in summer...”, “After spring comes...”, “In the forest we collected...”

Stimulates children's mental activity and tasks to establish patterns

    Invite your child to complete the row:

    Ask the child to say which figures are missing in the indicated row, taking into account the sequence of their location:

    Invite your child to shade the squares in such a sequence to create a chessboard.

    Invite your child to continue the letter sequence:



The development of thinking and speech is the most important condition for successful mastery of educational activities.

. Memo

“What kind of parents are like children”

Authoritative parents - initiative, sociable, kind children.

Authoritative parents are those who love and understand their children, preferring not to punish them, but to explain themthem, what is good and what is bad, without fear of praising once again. They demand meaningful behavior from children and try to help them, being sensitive to their needs. At the same time, such parents do not indulge their children’s whims.

Children of such parents are usually inquisitive, they try to justify and not impose their point of view, they are responsible

relate to their responsibilities. It is easier for them to master socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior. They are more energetic and confident, and have better self-esteem and self-control. It is easier for them to establish relationships with peers.

Authoritarian parents - irritable, prone To conflicts children.

Authoritarian parents believe that the child should not be given too much freedom and rights, that he should unquestioningly obey their will and authority in everything. They strive to develop discipline in the child, leaving him no opportunity to choose behavioral options, limit his independence, and deprive him of the right to object to elders, even if the child is right. Strict control over behavior is the basis of their upbringing, which does not go beyond severe prohibitions, reprimands and often physical punishment.

In children with such upbringing, only a mechanism of external control is formed, a feeling of guilt and fear of punishment develops, and, as a rule, self-control is weak, if it appears at all.

Indulgent parents - impulsive, aggressive children.

As a rule, indulgent parents are not inclined to control their children, allowing them to do as they please, without demanding responsibility and independence from them. Such parents allow their children to do whatever they want, even to the point of not paying attention to outbursts of anger and aggressive behavior.

All this leads to the fact that children do not have the desire to assimilate social norms of behavior, self-control and a sense of responsibility are not formed. They do their best to avoid something new, unexpected, unknown for fear of choosing the wrong form of behavior when confronted with this new thing.



Dear parents!

Timely teach children the ability to navigate a traffic situation, instill in the child the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent.

Do we, adults, always set an example for our children to follow the safety rules for crossing streets and intersections, boarding a trolleybus, or a bus?

Remember! By breaking traffic rules, you How You would clearly allow your children to violate them!

Teach children:

don't rush when crossing the street

cross the road only when nothing interferes with his vision

Before crossing, wait for the vehicle to leave the stop, then reviewstreets will not be limited. Careless people often lead to accidentscrossing the street due to stopped traffic.

Teach your child the ability to be vigilant and attentive on the street. So,When you find yourself next to a stationary bus, ask your child to stop,Look carefully to see if a car is approaching. Explain to him what danger a pedestrian can expect if he steps out from behind a parked vehicle onto the roadway. A pedestrian does not see the moving vehicle, drivers do not see pedestrians. Games will be of great help in consolidating your knowledge of traffic rules. Make houses, sidewalks and pavements, pedestrians, out of cubes and multi-colored paper,toy transport. On this layout, you and your child can play out variousroad situations, thanks to which he will more firmly and meaningfully learn the rulesbehavior on the street.

To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules and traffic signalsuse:

- board games: “We are driving down the street”, “Signs on the roads”, “Learn to drive”, “Youngdrivers”, “Your friends”, “Talking signs”, “Traffic light”, “Three letters”, etc.

- filmstrips: “On the inadmissibility of pranks on the street”, “On possible events andimpossible”, “Don’t play on the pavement”, “Road primer”, “Once upon a time in a city”,“Alyoshkin’s Bicycle”, “Santa Claus - Traffic Controller”, “The Adventures of Ilya Muromets inMoscow", "Uncle Styopa - a policeman", "Tima's Adventures" and other children's works of art followed by a conversation about what they read: "A Bad Story", "Uncle Styopa - a Policeman" by S. Mikhalkov, "A Car on the Street"M. Ilyin and Segala, “Meet the car”, “Laws of streets and roads”, “Roaddiploma" by I. Serebryakova and others,albums for coloring: “Road letter”, “I’m going, I’m going, I’m going” introducingroad signs and their meaning.ANDcUse walks with children to explain to them the rules of safety on the streets:

observe the operation of the traffic light, draw the child’s attention to the connection between the colors at the traffic light and the movement of cars and pedestrians;

show your child signs and traffic indicators, tell them about their meaning;

offer your child his own way home when you take him with you on a trip toshop, walk, etc.;

turn to your child more often while driving down the street with questions about what, in his opinion, should be done on the street in this or that case, what this or that meansroad sign;

Explain to your children your behavior on the street: the reason for stopping on the sidewalk to survey the road, choosing a place to cross the road, your actions in different situations.

A smile will make everyone brighter, or
Humor and education

Have you ever thought how much easier it would be to raise a child if parents did not perceive his “mistakes” (whims, temporary sleep disturbances, disobedience...) as a tragedy?

People with a sense of humor have an easier life. After all, humor is an opportunity to step back, look at what is happening as if from the outside and see not only the negative, but also the positive. Humor allows you to relieve psychological stress, to “relax” (the baby drew a certain figure on the wallpaper, the mother, who has a sense of humor, is able to see a positive aspect in this - the son tried, carefully drew the arms and legs, in the end, you can design a frame for the first masterpiece right on the wall). A person with a sense of humor, instead of getting angry or engaging in self-criticism, will simply laugh at the comicality of the current situation, and will be able to quickly find a solution to the problem, because he will not be distracted by negative emotions.

Example. The kid was running along the path, pushing a wheelbarrow in front of him, and suddenly fell. It happens to everyone? What should an anxious mother do? He will run up to the child and start wailing about his dirty pants and how clumsy he is. The baby’s reaction is to roar or ignore mother’s words. How will an optimistic mother react to such a minor trouble? She, of course, will help the baby get up, saying at the same time that nothing bad happened, she will smile, and kiss him. The baby’s reaction is to calmly run on, confident in the goodwill of the world around him (such confidence is simply necessary for small children to fully develop).

Optimists are not born, they are made. Of course, there are character traits that “interfere” with a positive perception of the surrounding reality, for example, the temperament of a melancholic person. But such people need constant positive “feeding” even more. You have the power to raise your child to be an optimist!

At what age does a child begin to understand funny things? Immediately after birth, the baby is able to repeat the facial expressions of an adult - frown, smile, raise his eyebrows in surprise. But this is still an unconscious reaction, just like a smile after feeding, in a dream, such a smile “says” - I feel good, warm and dry. At about 3 months, a newborn develops a “revival complex” - he begins to “make eyes”, smile at the sight of a familiar face or toy, actively move his arms and legs at the sight of a familiar adult. It is the period of infancy that is one of the most important in the formation of a positive attitude towards the world, cheerfulness, and future mental development is laid. What do you need for this? Responding to the baby’s gaze and smile, responding to his cries, talking to him kindly, not being afraid to pick him up again, breastfeeding also plays an important role. As a rule, parents intuitively feel the needs of their baby, following these simple rules, and by the age of 5-6 months the baby begins to laugh boisterously, “flirt” with loved ones (especially the mother), understands when they are playing with him, jokes and reacts with a smile. Usually a child establishes contact with people around him with the help of a smile, expecting a friendly attitude and a smile in return.

So gradually, as he grows and develops, the foundation of his worldview and sense of humor are laid. And by the age of 1.5-2 years, the baby begins to understand simple jokes and laugh at funny pictures in a book. But grotesque, humorous, fantastic images are still inaccessible to him. By the age of 6-7 years, a more complex understanding of humor arises, attempts to joke (not always funny yet).

Direct emotional communication between a child and adults is a key moment in mental development throughout the entire period of childhood. Children react very subtly to the surrounding emotional atmosphere, to attention (and inattention) to them, to relationships between adults, to their attitude towards them.

Children are distinguished by a phenomenal ability to enjoy life, but if this is not supported from infancy, the child will withdraw into himself, he will smile less and less, become apathetic, and show no interest in his surroundings. Then more serious problems arise: the child does not strive to communicate, he develops fears, obsessive states, a tendency to neuroses, bad habits and other mental development disorders.

Based on all of the above, I offer some short and simple tips:

    Smile at your baby!

    Try to be optimistic.

    Don't panic - all children's problems can be solved.

Is it necessary to teach a child to communicate?

Previously, parents did not think about this issue: the child grew up constantly being in society - kindergarten, school, clubs. But it turns out that this kind of communication is not enough for the full, comprehensive development of the individual; communication with parents is very important. The child communicates with others the way his parents communicate with him; he repeats gestures, facial expressions, intonations and attitude towards people. If family relationships are trusting and open, the child absorbs the culture of communication from everyday life. But often the situation in the family is far from ideal or the family is incomplete, and then the child has communication problems.

Tips for parents to normalize communication with their child.

    Unconditional acceptance of the child, that is, you need to love him not because he is smart, a good student, obedient, etc., but simply because he is, and do not forget to talk about it.

    It is normal to experience negative emotions; it is important to express your dissatisfaction adequately. Express dissatisfaction with individual actions, not with the child as a whole. (“This time you didn’t try, I’m upset by your bad grade” instead of “You’re incompetent and lazy, I knew you’d get a D!”).

    It is very important for a child to hear from close adults a positive assessment of his actions; it is not without reason that some children openly ask “Do you love me?”, even provoke “I am bad, I am a fool...” while hoping (subconsciously) that they will dissuade him, say something... something like “I think you are good, smart, it just didn’t work out today, I need to try harder next time, I still love you.”

    If we sincerely talk to a child about how we feel, he also learns to talk about his feelings, and therefore understand them better.

    It is important that the child is able to express his feelings in words, and for this he needs to develop his speech (conversations, reading books, etc.).

    Often family secrets have a negative impact on the psycho-emotional development of the child - he feels that something is wrong, but not knowing the reason, he begins to doubt himself, first of all, unreasonable fears appear, which turn into depression with all the consequences. In almost all cases, the saying “Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie” turns out to be relevant, but it is important to dose the information in accordance with the age of the child.

    Remember that the child reproduces with other people (and then with his children) the model of behavior and communication learned in the family.

Fire safety rules.

1. Before leaving home, you must entrust the supervision of the child to older children or one of the adults.

2. Do not leave matches or lighters in sight.

3. Do not allow children to buy matches, lighters, or cigarettes.

4. Monitor how children spend their free time, what they are interested in, and distract them from empty pastimes.

4. Address (village, street, house number, apartment number).

5. Knowledge of wild and domestic animals.

6. Knowledge of plants, trees, furniture, flowers, dishes, clothing, toys, insects, birds (for example: birch, aspen, linden, poplar, maple, spruce are trees).

7. Know the months, seasons, days of the week.


1. Participate in a collective conversation: ask questions, answer them,argue the answer, consistently and logically, it is clear for interlocutors to talk about a fact, event, phenomenon.

2. Be a friendly interlocutor, speak calmly, without raising your voice.

3. Use synonyms, antonyms, complex sentences of different types.

4. Distinguish between sounds, syllables, words, sentences. Find words in a sentence with a given sound, determine the place of the sound in the word.

5. Distinguish between vowels, consonants, hard and soft sounds.

6. Tell stories using pictures.

7. Memorize poetry.


1. The composition of the numbers of the first ten (from individual units) and the composition of the numbers of the first heel from two smaller ones.

2. How to get each number of the first ten by adding one to the previous one and subtracting one from the next one in the series.

3. Numbers from 1 to 10, signs +, –, =, coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 kopecks.

4. Name numbers in forward and reverse order, name the next and previous number.

5. Correlate the number and number of objects.

6. Compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction, use arithmetic action signs.

7. Compose larger figures from several triangles and quadrangles.

8. Divide a circle or square into two and four equal parts.

9. Find your bearings on a sheet of checkered paper (to the left, to the right, above, below).

Modern parents are not just mom and dad who live the life of their child, they are also individuals, each of whom has many important things to do besides children. Given the constant activity of parents, they cannot always devote much time to visiting kindergarten or any other educational institution that their child attends. But the teacher or class teacher is obliged to notify parents about everything that happens in the life of their child. Modern conditions for this provide a sea of ​​possibilities. Of course, you can write a message or call, but it’s unlikely that mom and dad will remember the entire stream of information presented in this form. It is much easier and more effective to create an information booklet that parents can always carry with them and know exactly what is required of them. In this article we will present you with several options for such booklets that you can use when working with parents of preschoolers and schoolchildren.

A booklet is paper that is folded into several strips. Each strip is a specific information block. For educators and class teachers who want to try this type of communication with parents for the first time, we explain what should be placed in the booklet and in what order:

  • First, decide in what format your booklet will be presented. These could be the following options:

As a rule, either leaflet or zig-zag are used in education.

  • The front part should contain the topic of the booklet, who its author is, and the target audience. It is possible that on the same side you can indicate the teacher’s contact information so that parents always have it.
  • The topic needs to be divided into several subparagraphs, and each subparagraph should be written separately in a concise form, but in detail, on the space provided for this.

Topics of booklets for parents (list):

in kindergarten

  1. Mistakes of parents in raising preschool children.
  2. Recommendations from a psychologist on how to treat a child at a particular preschool age. Here he can describe the developmental features of a child at his age.
  3. How to help your child adapt to kindergarten.
  4. What should a child eat and do in preschool age? These should be recommendations with a detailed menu description. You can also write down a rough daily routine that every child should adhere to in order to always feel good and cheerful.
  5. Preschool daily routine. Here you can not only write down the plan of classes that are held with children, what time they have breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also all the contact information of the kindergarten workers. (manager, cook, psychologist, nurse).
  6. What educational games should you play with your child at home so that he does not lag behind in intellectual and physical development.
  7. Speech development exercises. This is a relevant topic for preschoolers who, due to their age, may not be able to pronounce certain letters and sounds.
  8. Prevention of colds. This booklet can be developed by the teacher together with the nurse. Information about the child’s vaccinations at his age can also be posted here.
  9. Preparation for school. Here you can describe the psychologist's advice to parents on how to quickly adapt their child in 1st grade after kindergarten.
  10. Rules of behavior in public places. Due to their busy schedule, parents may not have time to draw their children’s attention to such things, and information booklets with similar content will oblige them to familiarize their children with the rules of behavior, for example, on a bus, in a museum or in a store.

for future first graders

  1. Daily routine and list of lessons that the child will study in 1st grade.
  2. What stationery and things should a child who is going to attend 1st grade have?
  3. Short requirements for each discipline that the child will study. A first-grader must have a certain amount of knowledge and skills that will be useful to him at school.
  4. What should be in a backpack, how to wrap notebooks and textbooks.
  5. How to help your child in the first months at school so that he finds it interesting and comfortable to attend.
  6. Information booklet with contact details and names of teachers who will work with children. It would also be good to write down where and who can be found, in which office, on which floor.
  7. School traditions. This includes those events that are mandatory at the educational institution every year.
  8. What games should you play at home with your children so that they don’t lag behind in development? It is better to load the child with intellectual tasks before school.
  9. How to develop a child’s attention and memory so that he feels normal in 1st grade.
  10. How to teach a child to navigate time and space.

children 3-4 years old

  1. What knowledge and skills should a child at this age have?
  2. What to do if your child is hyperactive.
  3. What finger games to play with children so that they develop fine motor skills.
  4. How to introduce a child to reading?
  5. How to understand that your child is using foul language, what to do to solve this problem if it occurs.
  6. What areas of a child’s development should you pay attention to so that he chooses the right guideline for activities.
  7. How to deal with your child's aggression?
  8. How to instill in your child a love of cleanliness and hygiene?
  9. What impact do electronic gadgets have on a child’s development?
  10. What to do if a child has developed pathological habits?

for first graders

  1. How should parents behave if their child begins to fantasize?
  2. How to behave with a child so that he does not have psychological overload?
  3. How to teach a child to communicate with teachers?
  4. What to do if a child is unable to keep up with the curriculum?
  5. How to develop independence in a child?
  6. What factors influence the health of a first-grader?
  7. How to teach a child to communicate with peers? Should this communication on social networks be monitored?
  8. How to understand that a child has begun to have psycho-emotional health problems?
  9. Excerpts from the country's legislation confirming that the child has rights. The essence of these rights needs to be described in detail for parents.
  10. Responsibilities of parents of a first-grader child.

rules for parents

  1. How to always remain sane when communicating with a child?
  2. How to learn to give yourself, as a parent, the right attitudes?
  3. How to enjoy the company of children and enjoy communication with them?
  4. How to learn to understand and hear your child.
  5. How to praise a child and set limits for him?
  6. How to maintain discipline in the family?
  7. How to talk to a child in order to program him correctly?
  8. How to teach a child to be independent and responsible?
  9. Which communication style should you choose for your child, taking into account his temperament?
  10. How much active participation and when should you take in a child’s personal space and life so that it does not have a detrimental effect on his development?

Booklet on traffic rules for parents, sample design

Booklet for parents on child adaptation, sample

Safety booklet for parents, sample

Booklet for parents of the younger group, sample

Booklet for parents on speech development, sample

A booklet is an effective way to inform parents about something important that is happening with their child at school or in kindergarten. Therefore, spend time on this creative method of communication and promote the all-round development of children together with their mothers and fathers.

Video: “How to make a booklet”

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