Reading children's fairy tales for the little ones. What kind of fairy tales are needed for children under one year old? How to tell fairy tales to a baby

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Do you like to read short stories for children ? But this is very beneficial for those who do not really like to read or tell fairy tales. After all, a short fairy tale for children takes very little time, but conveys the plot of the fairy tale almost completely! Well, fairy tale lovers, we invite you to our page Short fairy tales for children. This is especially for you!!!

When fairy-tale heroes come to life, they become much more convincing than real prototypes.

We invite you to the World of Fairy Tales and Adventures. This castle is very high. A beautiful princess was sitting on the roof. and near her feet the Serpent Gorynych wriggled and slid down the wall.

Bluebeard hugged the horn of the castle with his hands, and wild grapes climbed up his back. Koschey the Immortal supported with his head the balcony on which the mermaids were hanging. View of the castle windows. like the eyes of a fat-headed dragon. And near the entrance, bulging, gray wolves sat, and the entrance itself gave the impression of an open pasture of some huge monster. Everything looked so scary and funny at the same time.

And funny things are never scary!

Short fairy tales for children are small, funny, scary, kind, instructive stories from a collection of fairy tales. This is a fairy tale, only shortened.

The Tale of Petya the Cockerel

Once upon a time there lived Petya the Cockerel. Oil head, silk beard, spurs on legs. And what a voice he had! Clean, clear, loud! One morning the cockerel woke up. Earlier then others. I looked out the window, it was dark, everyone was sleeping. And the sun is still sleeping. “Not in order!” - thinks Petya the Cockerel. Petya jumped onto the fence and shouted: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” Loud, loud! Loud, loud! The sun heard him, woke up, and opened his eyes. “Thank you, Petya, for waking me up! – says Sunny, “I fell asleep somehow.” The sun rose into the sky. The day has begun. Everyone slowly began to wake up. Thanks to Petya the Cockerel.

The Tale of a Hungry Mouse

Once upon a time there was a mouse, his name was Peak. One day Peak looked out of his hole and said: “I want to eat. What would you like to profit from? A little mouse ran out of his hole to look for something to eat. He sees a doll lying on the floor. The girl played and left. “What a beautiful doll, probably delicious,” thinks Peak. He ran up to the doll. He grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. No, not a tasty doll. You can't eat it. He looked around and saw a pencil lying on the floor. Beautiful, red. The boy drew and left. “It’s a beautiful pencil, probably delicious,” thinks Pieck. He ran up to the pencil, grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. The pencil is not tasty, you can chew it to sharpen your teeth, but it is not suitable for food. He looked around and saw a newspaper lying there. Dad read it and forgot. “Oh, what a newspaper! I’ll definitely get enough of her,” thinks Peak. He ran up to the newspaper, grabbed it with his teeth and started chewing. Chewed it a little and spat it out. The newspaper is not tasty, I don’t want to eat it. Suddenly, Pieck felt that he smelled something delicious. He looks and sees a piece of cheese lying on the floor. Someone dropped it. “This is what I’ll eat,” thought Pieck. The mouse ran up to the cheese, grabbed it with his teeth, and did not notice how he ate the entire piece. “Delicious cheese, it’s a pity that it’s over,” thought Pieck and ran to his hole to sleep.

Tea Sea

fairy tale for little ones

There is a table. There is a cat and mice at the table. There is a teapot in the cat's paws.

Do you want some tea? - he asked the mice.

Yes! - said the mice. - Give us a whole bowl of tea!

This will be our sea.

We will float with tea in cups.

We will row with spoons.

We will have an island made of buns, and on it - white grass made from coconut shavings.

We will have broccoli trees.

Our clouds will be made of cotton candy, and our rain will be made of juice.

Our houses will be made of cookies.

Will you have a beach? - asked the cat.

Yes! But all the sand will be made of sugar, said the mice.

Will you have sun? - asked the cat.

But of course! - answered the mice. - Our sun is CHEESE!

Magic word

short fairy tales for little children

What should you do if a mother tells a boy: “Put away the toys”?

You have to run to your grandmother and shout: “Grandma! Save me! They're chasing me!"

What should you do if a mother tells a boy: “Go brush your teeth”?

You have to hide under the bed and shout: “I’m not at home!”

What should you do if your mother says: “Go eat. Is dinner getting cold?

Read online fairy tales for newborn children follows, changing intonation where necessary, and also putting all his oratorical abilities into the reading. In this way, you will provide your baby with the opportunity to grasp all the richness of his native language, multiplied by the tenderness and love of his native person. Moreover, it is very important that you like the work you read, too. After all, as you know, you put your whole soul into your favorite works. The main thing is that it makes you smile and awakens warm feelings.

Children's fairy tales for newborn children read online

Bedtime story for a newborn baby

As practice shows, young children perceive fairy tales best before bed. It is best if it is something from folk art, because it contains words that are not used in everyday speech. The child perceives the meaning of such words much better on an intuitive level, and, therefore, falls asleep faster. In addition, such works contain centuries-old folk wisdom. Especially in those where various kinds of animals act as the main characters, because characteristic sounds can be made to enhance perception.

A fairy tale is an excellent tool for communicating with a child. When reading fairy tales, parents convey in simple words what they want to teach their child. Fairy tales immerse a child in a magical world where good triumphs over evil, the world of princes and princesses, the world of magicians and sorcerers. They form fantasy and imagination, make you think and experience emotions. Every child believes everything that fairy tales tell. By reading bedtime stories to the baby, parents create this magic around the child, and his sleep becomes more restful. In addition, reading fairy tales before bed is an excellent end to the working day for parents. The tales collected on the site are small in size, but interesting and instructive.

Fairy tale: "Kolobok"

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; they had no bread, no salt, no sour cabbage soup. The old man went to scrape the bottom of the barrel, through the boxes of revenge. Having collected some flour, they began to knead the bun.

They mixed it in oil, spun it in a frying pan and chilled it in the window. The bun jumped and ran away.

Runs along the path. A hare comes across him and asks him:

Where are you running, little bun?

Kolobok answered him:

I'm sweeping boxes,

Scratching the bottom of the barrel,

Yarn in raw oil,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my woman

And I'll run away from you.

And the bun ran. A gray top meets him.

I'm sweeping boxes,

Scratching the bottom of the barrel,

Yarn in raw oil,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my woman

I left the hare

And I will run away from you, wolf.

Kolobok ran. A bear comes across him and asks him:

Where are you going, little bun? Kolobok answered him:

I'm sweeping boxes,

Scratching the bottom of the barrel,

Yarn in raw oil,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my woman

I left the hare

I left the wolf

And I will run away from you, bear.

Kolobok ran. A black fox meets him and asks, getting ready to lick him off:

Where are you running, little bun, tell me, my dear friend, my dear light! -

Kolobok answered her:

I'm sweeping boxes,

Scratching the bottom of the barrel,

Yarn in raw oil,

It's cold at the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my woman

I left the hare

I left the wolf

Left the bear

And I'll run away from you.

The fox tells him:

I don't smell what you're saying? Sit on my upper lip!

The little boy sat down and sang the same thing again.

I don't hear anything yet! Sit on my tongue.

He sat on her tongue too. He sang the same thing again.

She's a boor! - and ate it.

Fairy tale: "The Fox and the Crane"

The fox and the crane became friends.

So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her:

Come, kumanek, come, dear! How I can treat you!

The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and served:

Eat, my darling kumanek! I cooked it myself.

The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox was licking and licking the porridge - so she ate it all herself. - Porridge eaten; the fox says:

Don't blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to treat!

Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come to visit me.

The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and said:

Eat, gossip! Don't be ashamed, my dear.

The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; There’s no point at all! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything.

Well, don't blame me, godfather! There is nothing more to treat.

The fox was annoyed: she thought that she would have enough to eat for a whole week, but she went home as if she was slurping unsalted food. Since then, the fox and the crane have been apart in their friendship.

Sergey Kozlov

Fairy tale: "Autumn Tale"

Every day it grew later and later, and the forest became so transparent that it seemed: if you search it up and down, you won’t find a single leaf.

“Soon our birch tree will fly around,” said the Little Bear. And he pointed with his paw to a lonely birch tree standing in the middle of the clearing.

It will fly around... - agreed the Hedgehog.

The winds will blow,” continued the Little Bear, “and it will shake all over, and in my dreams I will hear the last leaves falling from it.” And in the morning I wake up, go out onto the porch, and she’s naked!

Naked... - Hedgehog agreed.

They sat on the porch of the bear's house and looked at a lonely birch tree in the middle of the clearing.

What if leaves grew on me in the spring? - said the Hedgehog. - I would sit by the stove in the fall, and they would never fly around.

What kind of leaves would you like? - asked Little Bear. “Birch or ash?”

How about maple? Then I would be red-haired in the fall, and you would mistake me for a little Fox. You would say to me: “Little Fox, how is your mother?” And I would say: “My mother was killed by hunters, and now I live with Hedgehog. Come visit us? And you would come. “Where is Hedgehog?” - you would ask. And then, finally, I guessed, and we would laugh for a long, long time, until spring...

No,” said Little Bear. “It would be better if I didn’t guess, but asked: “So what?” Has the hedgehog gone for water? - "No?" - you would say. “For firewood?” - "No?" - you would say. “Maybe he went to visit Little Bear?” And then you would nod your head. And I would wish you good night and run to my place, because you don’t know where I’m hiding the key now, and you would have to sit on the porch.

But I would have stayed at home! - said the Hedgehog.

Well, so what! - said Little Bear. “You would sit at home and think: “I wonder if Little Bear is pretending or didn’t really recognize me?” In the meantime, I would run home, take a small jar of honey, come back to you and ask: “What? Has the hedgehog returned yet? Would you say...

And I would say that I am the Hedgehog! - said the Hedgehog.

No,” said Little Bear. “It would be better if you didn’t say anything like that.” And he said this...

Then Little Bear faltered, because three leaves suddenly fell off from a birch tree in the middle of the clearing. They spun a little in the air, and then softly sank into the reddish grass.

No, it would be better if you didn’t say anything like that,” repeated Little Bear. “And we would just drink tea with you and go to bed.” And then I would have guessed everything in my sleep.

Why in a dream?

The best thoughts come to me in my dreams,” said Little Bear. “You see: there are twelve leaves left on the birch tree.” They will never fall again. Because last night in a dream I realized that this morning they need to be sewn to a branch.

And sewed it on? - asked the Hedgehog.

Of course,” said Little Bear. “With the same needle that you gave me last year.”

Fairy tale: "Masha and the Bear"

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter Mashenka.

Once the girlfriends got together in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. They came to invite Mashenka with them.

Grandfather, grandmother, says Mashenka, let me go into the forest with my friends!

Grandfather and grandmother answer:

Go, just make sure you don’t lag behind your friends, otherwise you’ll get lost.

The girls came to the forest and began picking mushrooms and berries. Here Mashenka - tree by tree, bush by bush - and went far, far away from her friends.

She started calling around, calling them, but her friends didn’t hear, didn’t respond.

Mashenka walked and walked through the forest - she got completely lost.

She came into the very wilderness, into the very thicket. He sees a hut standing there. Mashenka knocked on the door - no answer. She pushed the door - the door opened.

Mashenka entered the hut and sat down on a bench by the window.

She sat down and thought:

“Who lives here? Why is no one visible?..”

And in that hut lived a huge bear. Only he wasn’t at home then: he was walking through the forest.

The bear returned in the evening, saw Mashenka, and was delighted.

Yeah,” he says, “now I won’t let you go!” You will live with me. You will light the stove, you will cook porridge, you will feed me porridge.

Masha pushed, grieved, but nothing could be done. She began to live with the bear in the hut.

The bear will go into the forest for the whole day, and Mashenka is told not to leave the hut without him.

“And if you leave,” he says, “I’ll catch you anyway and then I’ll eat you!”

Mashenka began to think about how she could escape from the bear. There are forests all around, he doesn’t know which way to go, there’s no one to ask...

She thought and thought and came up with an idea.

One day a bear comes from the forest, and Mashenka says to him:

Bear, bear, let me go to the village for a day: I’ll bring gifts to grandma and grandpa.

No, says the bear, you will get lost in the forest. Give me some gifts, I'll carry them myself.

And that’s exactly what Mashenka needs!

She baked pies, took out a big, big box and said to the bear:

Here, look: I’ll put the pies in this box, and you take them to grandpa and grandma. Yes, remember: don’t open the box on the way, don’t take out the pies. I’ll climb up the oak tree and keep an eye on you!

Okay,” the bear answers, “give me the box!”

Mashenka says:

Go out onto the porch and see if it's raining!

As soon as the bear came out onto the porch, Mashenka immediately climbed into the box and placed a plate of pies on her head.

The bear returned and saw that the box was ready. He put him on his back and went to the village.

A bear walks between fir trees, a bear wanders between birch trees, goes down into ravines, and up hills. He walked and walked, got tired and said:

I'll sit on a tree stump

Let's eat the pie!

And Mashenka from the box:

See see!

Don't sit on a tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to grandma

Bring it to grandpa!

Look, she’s so big-eyed,” says the bear, “she sees everything!”

I'll sit on a tree stump

Let's eat the pie!

And Mashenka from the box again:

See see!

Don't sit on a tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to grandma

Bring it to grandpa!

The bear was surprised:

That's how cunning! He sits high and looks far away!

He got up and walked quickly.

I came to the village, found the house where my grandparents lived, and let’s knock on the gate with all our might:

Knock-Knock! Unlock, open! I brought you some gifts from Mashenka.

And the dogs sensed the bear and rushed at him. They run and bark from all the yards.

The bear got scared, put the box at the gate and ran into the forest without looking back.

Grandfather and grandmother came out to the gate. They see that the box is standing.

What's in the box? - says the grandmother.

And grandfather lifted the lid, looked - and couldn’t believe his eyes: Mashenka was sitting in the box, alive and healthy.

Grandfather and grandmother were delighted. They began to hug Mashenka, kiss her, and call her smart.

Fairy tale: "Turnip"

Grandfather planted a turnip and said:

Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

The turnip grew sweet, strong, and big.

Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter called Zhuchka.

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Bug called the cat.

Cat for Bug,

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The cat called the mouse.

A mouse for a cat

Cat for Bug,

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip -

They pulled and pulled and pulled out the turnip. That’s the end of the Turnip fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale: "The Man and the Bear"

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and works there. A bear came to him:

Man, I'll break you.

Don’t break me, little bear, better let’s sow turnips together. I’ll take at least the roots for myself, and I’ll give you the tops.

“Be it so,” said the bear. “And if you deceive me, then at least don’t go to the forest to see me.”

He said and went into the oak grove.

The turnip has grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak tree:

Man, let's divide the turnips, give me my share.

Okay, little bear, let's divide: the tops for you, the roots for me. The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to

city ​​to sell.

A bear meets him:

Man, where are you going?

I'm going to town, little bear, to sell some roots.

Let me try - what's the spine like? The man gave him a turnip. How the bear ate it:

Ahh! - he roared. “Man, you deceived me!” Your roots are sweet. Now don’t go to my forest to buy firewood, otherwise I’ll break it.

The next year the man sowed rye in that place. He came to reap, and the bear was waiting for him:

Now, man, you can’t fool me, give me my share. The man says:

Be so. Take the roots, little bear, and I’ll take even the tops for myself.

They collected rye. The man gave the roots to the bear, put the rye on a cart and took it home.

The bear fought and fought, but could not do anything with the roots.

He got angry with the man, and from then on the bear and the man began to have enmity. That's the end of the fairy tale The Man and the Bear, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale: "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

Once upon a time there was a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass and drink cold water. As soon as he leaves, the little goats will lock the hut and won’t go out.

The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings:

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch up to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!

The little goats will unlock the door and let their mother in. She will feed them, give them something to drink and go back into the forest, and the kids will lock themselves up tightly - tightly.

The wolf overheard the goat singing. Once the goat left, the wolf ran to the hut and shouted in a thick voice:

You kids!

You little goats!

Lean back,

Open up!

Your mother has come,

I brought milk.

The hooves are full of water!

The kids answer him:

The wolf has nothing to do. He went to the forge and ordered his throat to be reforged so that he could sing in a thin voice. The blacksmith reforged his throat. The wolf again ran to the hut and hid behind a bush.

Here comes the goat and knocks:

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came and brought milk;

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch up to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!

The kids let their mother in and let us tell how the wolf came and wanted to eat them.

The goat fed and watered the kids and strictly punished them:

Whoever comes to the hut and begs in a thick voice so that he doesn’t go through everything that I laud to you - don’t open the door, don’t let anyone in.

As soon as the goat left, the wolf again walked towards the hut, knocked and began to lament in a thin voice:

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came and brought milk;

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch up to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese of the earth!

The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut and ate all the kids. only one little goat was buried in the stove.

The goat comes: no matter how much she calls or laments, no one answers her.

She sees the door open, she runs into the hut - there is no one there. I looked into the oven and found one little goat there.

When the goat found out about her misfortune, she sat down on a bench and began to grieve and cry bitterly:

Oh, you are my little goats!

Why did they unlock - they opened,

Did you get it from the bad wolf?

The wolf heard this, entered the hut and said to the goat:

Why are you sinning against me, godfather? I didn't eat your kids. Stop grieving, let's go into the forest and take a walk.

They went into the forest, and in the forest there was a hole, and in the hole a fire was burning. The goat says to the wolf:

Come on, wolf, let's try, who will jump over the hole?

They began to jump. The goat jumped over, and the wolf jumped, and fell into the hot pit.

His belly burst from the fire, the little goats jumped out, all alive, yes - jump to their mother! And they began to live - to live as before. That's the end of the fairy tale The Wolf and the Little Goats, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale: "Teremok"

A man was traveling with pots and lost one pot. A fly fly flew in and asked:

He sees that there is no one. She flew into the pot and began to live and live there.

A squeaking mosquito flew in and asked:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly. And who are you?

I'm a squeaky mosquito.

Come live with me.

So they began to live together.

A gnawing mouse came running and asked:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly.

I, the squeaking mosquito. And who are you?

I'm a chewing mouse.

Come live with us.

The three of them began to live together.

A frog-frog jumped up and asked:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly.

I, the squeaking mosquito.

I'm a chewing mouse. And who are you?

I, frog frog.

Come live with us.

The four of them began to live together.

The bunny runs and asks:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly.

I, the squeaking mosquito.

I'm a chewing mouse.

I, frog frog. And who are you?

I'm a bow-legged little guy who can jump uphill.

Come live with us.

The five of them began to live.

A fox ran past and asked:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly.

I, the squeaking mosquito.

I'm a chewing mouse.

I, frog frog.

And who are you?

I am a fox - beautiful in conversation.

Come live with us.

The six of them began to live.

The wolf came running:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly.

I, the squeaking mosquito.

I'm a chewing mouse.

I, frog frog.

I, bow-legged little bunny, am hopping up the hill.

I, the fox, am beautiful in conversation. And who are you?

I am a wolf-wolf - I grab from behind a bush.

Come live with us.

So the seven of them live together - and there is little grief.

The bear came and knocked:

Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

I, a grief fly.

I, the squeaking mosquito.

I'm a chewing mouse.

I, frog frog.

I, bow-legged little bunny, am hopping up the hill.

I, the fox, am beautiful in conversation.

I, a wolf-wolf, am grasping from behind a bush. And who are you?

I'm an oppressor to you all.

The bear sat on the pot, crushed the pot and scared away all the animals. That's the end of the Teremok fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale: "Chicken Ryaba"

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman in the same village.

And they had a chicken. Named Ryaba.

One day the hen Ryaba laid an egg for them. Yes, not an ordinary egg, a golden one.

Grandfather beat and beat the egg, but didn’t break it.

The woman beat and beat the eggs, but didn’t break them.

The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke!

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying. And Ryaba the hen says to them:

Don't cry grandpa, don't cry grandma! I will lay you a new egg, not just an ordinary one, but a golden one!

Fairy tale: "The Golden Comb Cockerel"

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush, and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, but leave the cockerel alone.

They leave and are severely punished:

You, cockerel, stay at home alone, we will go far into the forest for firewood. Be the boss, but don’t open the door for anyone and don’t look outside yourself. The fox is walking nearby, be careful.

They said and went into the forest. And the cockerel - the golden comb - remained in charge of the house. The fox found out that the cat and the thrush had gone into the forest, and the cockerel was alone at home - she quickly came running, sat down under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Golden comb.

Oil head,

Silk beard.

Look out the window -

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel looked out the window, and the fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him into his hole. The cockerel cried:

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests.

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird, save me!

The cat and the thrush heard this, rushed in pursuit and took the cockerel from the fox.

The next day, the cat and blackbird again go into the forest to chop wood. And again the cockerel is punished.

Well, golden comb cockerel, today we will go further into the forest. If something happens, we won’t hear you. You manage the house, but don’t open the door for anyone and don’t look out yourself. The fox is walking nearby, be careful. They are gone.

And the fox is right there. She ran to the house, sat down under the window, and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Golden comb.

Oil head,

Silk beard.

Look out the window -

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel remembers what he promised to the cat and the blackbird - he sits quietly. And the fox again:

The boys were running

The wheat was scattered.

The chickens peck, but the roosters don't!

At this point the cockerel couldn’t restrain himself and looked out the window:

Co-co-co. How come they don’t?

And the fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to his hole. The cockerel crowed:

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests.

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains.

Cat and blackbird, save me!

The cat and the thrush have gone far away, they don’t hear the cockerel. He shouts again, louder than before:

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests.

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains.

Cat and blackbird, save me!

Even though the cat and thrush were far away, they heard the cockerel and rushed in pursuit. The cat runs, the blackbird flies... They caught up with the fox - the cat fights, the blackbird pecks. The cockerel was taken away.

Whether long or short, the cat and the blackbird gathered again in the forest to chop wood. When leaving, they strictly punish the cockerel:

Don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further and won’t hear your voice.

The cockerel promised that he would not listen to the fox, and the cat and the thrush went into the forest.

And the fox was just waiting for this: she sat under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Golden comb.

Oil head,

Silk beard.

Look out the window -

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel sits quietly, does not stick his nose out. And the fox again:

The boys were running

The wheat was scattered.

Chickens peck - don't give it to roosters!

The cockerel remembers everything - he sits quietly, doesn’t answer anything, doesn’t stick his head out. And the fox again:

People were running

Nuts were poured.

The chickens are pecking

They don't give it to roosters!

Here the cockerel forgot again and looked out the window:

Co-co-co. How come they don’t?

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws and carried him into her hole, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...

No matter how much the cockerel crowed or called, the cat and the blackbird did not hear him.

And when they returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the thrush ran along the fox's tracks. We ran to the fox hole. The cat tuned the caterpillars and let's practice, and the thrush hummed:

Ring, rattle, goosebumps

Golden strings...

Is godfather Lisafya still at home?

Are you in your warm nest?

Lisa listened and listened, and decided to see who was singing so beautifully.

She looked outside, and the cat and blackbird grabbed her and started beating her.

They beat and beat her until she lost her legs.

They took the cockerel, put it in a basket and brought it home.

And from then on they began to live and be, and they still live.

A wonderful collection of audio fairy tales to introduce young children to the magical world of fairy tales. Each story comes to life, is memorable and suitable for very young children. The collection includes classic Russian fairy tales, fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors.

You can listen to a large selection of the best children's audio fairy tales for free.. The best children's fairy tales, about animals, legends, folklore, and folk tales! For children from the age of three, in kindergarten or at home, small stories about nature, or simple short fairy tales, for example, “Sweet Porridge,” are very suitable. Children over three years of age are often ready to hear "sequential" tales, such as the tale of the turnip. The turnip has grown so big that the grandfather cannot pull it out by himself, so one after another the grandmothers, the grandson, the dogs, the cats and finally the mouse come. Everyone together was then able to pull out the turnip. These sequential stories have the added benefit of being a relatively easy introduction to fairy tales. The advantage of audio fairy tales is the fact that you can always listen to them, even if you don’t have a book at hand to read to your child, turn on the fairy tale and the child will listen to it with interest.

7 reasons explaining why listening to audio fairy tales for young children is very useful.

Fairy tales help my children learn to make good choices - this is one of the biggest challenges I have experienced as a parent. Heroes in fairy tales are faced with constant choices. Sometimes they make the right choice and sometimes they don't. The beauty of a fairy tale is that the heroes almost always get to reap what they sow. Good choices will be rewarded, bad choices will not.

Along with the above theme, fairy tales for young children provide a fantastic opportunity for adults to discuss right versus wrong decisions, the consequences of choices. Character-discussed choices are the safest way for children to talk about good and bad, as it is not directly related to the child.

Fairy tales are a fantastic way to increase vocabulary. Even more, they introduce children to words and terms that they would not normally use and this gives them rich soil for language enrichment.

Fairies, talking animals, flying children - everything is possible in a fairy tale! I truly believe that the world needs young children with more inventive and creative thoughts. When our minds are open to all sorts of ideas and possibilities, we begin to think outside the norm. When children are faced with a problem or challenges, a child with a vivid imagination will come up with wonderfully unique ways to overcome those challenges.

Audio tales this incredibly beautiful place full of incredible people. But bad things happen too. Fairy tales give children hope and courage to face difficult situations and keep in their hearts the message that good will prevail in the end. This is very important for young children.

Some tales are downright terrifying. So scary in fact that I didn't read them to my little kids. But many people disagree with this. But they weren't talking about those fairy tales that turn into children's nightmares at night! However, there are a few scary stories that I have read to my children and they love them. Fairy tales present big emotions - such as fear and sadness - in a safe and comfortable environment. This is a very powerful thing.

First of all, fairy tales open up a world of fantasy, adventure and magic for our children. The excitement and participation on a child's face while listening to a story really says it all

How interesting to read fairy tales for little ones with pictures! Funny, large, colorful pictures in fairy tales convey the entire plot in a more interesting format. In very early childhood, a child finds himself in the enchanting and magical world of fairy tales. By the age of two or three, the child is ready to perceive and understand. The image in the child’s thought process is separated from the actions he performs. However, this stage in the child’s intellectual development can provoke the emergence of fears that are associated with the perception of characters in fairy tales. Illustrations for children's fairy tales for the little ones At this age, the child begins to look at illustrations, so it is very important to make the right choice. Today there are ample opportunities for this. Illustrations for children's fairy tales should be large, bright, colorful, preferably voluminous, designed in the form of folding beds, with windows, etc. The plot of fairy tales for children It should be understandable to a child aged 1-3 years.

On this page you will find fairy tales for the youngest children.

Choose your favorite fairy tale and read online fairy tales for little children with pictures.

The child manifests a conscious interest in them already in the second year of life. First, the mother sings lullabies to bedtime and entertains the waking baby with rhymes, jokes and ditties. And then it’s time for fairy tales for the youngest children. How to choose the right fairy tales for kids? How exactly to read them? And what role do fairy tales play in raising children 1-3 years old? What should fairy tales for children be about? First it's simple

While reading a fairy tale with pictures, an adult can imitate the sounds made by animals, gesticulate animatedly, and use rich facial expressions. The child likes this approach to reading fairy tales. Gradually, you can introduce your child to famous characters: grandmothers, grandfathers, granddaughters. At this age, your choice should be on everyday fairy tales about animals, which the child really likes and is close to his emotional worldview. For now, he is not interested in the adult world, in which at every step there are complex laws, rules and restrictions that are still inaccessible to children’s understanding. The child does not like notations; fairy tales for the little ones “teach life” less obviously, offering images that help them absorb vital information in an environment of safety and without pressure from adults. Following adults, children happily imitate the sounds and movements made by animals from fairy tales, the actions of these characters with various objects (“pulls and pulls,” “fell and broke”), which contributes to the child’s invention of new ways of interacting with the surrounding living and objective world.

It is better to choose such fairy tales for little ones with pictures, the plot of which is open and parents and the child can make certain changes in the course of action in order to help the child express his needs in a figurative form. And there is no need to discover America! Time-tested fairy tales for little ones with pictures are « », « », « » and other works of folk art will do a good job in introducing a child to reading and his development. Literary fairy tales by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, etc. are also perfect. Very little time will pass, and your beloved child will begin to independently retell the fairy tales he has read in his own language, and recognize the characters drawn in the pictures.

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