Some tips on how to speed up the drying of regular nail polish. How to quickly dry nail polish: simple tips How to dry nails in water

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Coating your nails with varnish requires a certain amount of drying time: sometimes it takes as much as 10–15 minutes. And at this time the slightest movement or touch can completely ruin the manicure. But there are various ways to dry the varnish much faster, which will be discussed in the article.

Methods for quickly drying varnish

Manicurists use a number of products and devices to quickly dry varnish coatings.

Drying nails with a manicure fan

The most convenient way to dry varnish is to apply special drying fan. It is a small device that runs on batteries or an outlet. Fan sizes vary: small, for one hand, larger, for two hands at once.

After covering the nails with decor, the hand is placed in the fan hole, the device is turned on, after which it begins to supply air to the nails and quickly dries the polish.

The huge advantage of a fan is its low cost combined with efficiency and long service life, so if you frequently use varnishes at home, you should think about such a useful purchase.

People have their own “answer” to professionals - several simple ways to speed up the drying of the coating on the nail plate at home. Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Hair dryer

A regular hairdryer is a great way to quickly dry the coating at home. To prevent it from being damaged, you need to install the device on lowest temperature, and then place your hand with a freshly applied coating on it.

Under no circumstances should you use hot air: it can make the polish soft and ruin your manicure. For the same reason, do not dry varnish under a table lamp. Instead of a hairdryer, an air stream from a household fan or air conditioner is also suitable.

Cold water

Since varnish hardens most quickly when it cools, you can speed up the process by dipping your hands in cold water. To do this, you can let cold water drain from the tap until it becomes icy, or add it to a bowl of water. several ice cubes(this method is especially good for the summer season).

Hands are carefully immersed in a bath of cold water. To completely harden the decor in water you need no more than 4 minutes. You should not hold your hands under the tap: the varnish that has not yet hardened can “move off” under the running water.

Hair fixation spray

Another old and completely reliable method is Spray hairspray onto painted nails. This method will not only help reduce the drying time of the varnish, but will also extend the life of the manicure. Choose a strong hold varnish, then the result will be much more effective.

Vegetable oil

A useful and effective drying method is to apply olive or sunflower oil to the coating. To complete it you need put oil into a pipette, then drip the product onto each nail. Carefully wash off the oil In 5 minutes. In parallel with fixing the manicure, you can perfectly nourish the cuticle (you need to use cold-pressed oil).

The video will show you how to dry your manicure with oil:


In order for the varnish to dry quickly, you need to put a bottle with it in the freezer literally for 5 minutes. After application, it will dry much faster, and when you combine this method with cooling under a stream of air from a fan, you can enjoy your manicure in just 2-3 minutes.


To dry and fix the nail coating, a minute after application, you can rinse your hands in cold water with vinegar added(for 0.5 liters of water – a spoonful of 9% table vinegar). This will also speed up the drying of the decor.

Professional products

Products for quick drying of varnish coatings used by professionals that are quite suitable for home use include:

  • Drying sprays
  • Varnish drying
  • Oil coatings

You can buy these products in professional stores or online stores. The most reliable method is to dry the varnish by applying a special coating on top - varnish drying. In appearance, it is an ordinary transparent varnish that secures the decorative coating. The drying varnish is applied a minute after the main decor in one layer. The top coat will not only dry the polish without problems in a couple of minutes, but will also extend its wear life.

Drying sprays– a convenient way to quickly dry the coating. Among the sprays there are oil-based and oil-free ones. After applying the polish, you can almost immediately spray your nails with a spray that will dry the coating in 4-5 minutes. Such drying does not make the decor more durable, but it perfectly nourishes the cuticle and skin of the hands.

Oil drying in the form of drops are also very popular. Their principle and procedure of action is the same as that of ordinary edible oil. The product is dripped onto each nail after applying the decorative coating, which makes it dry faster.

If you use oil dryers regularly, they will significantly improve the condition of your nails and the skin around them.

To make the coating dry faster, you need to follow a number of useful recommendations:

Manicure done in thin layers

Professional coatings for quick drying

Almost all well-known brands that produce nail accessories and cosmetics produce special drying coatings. Among them the most popular are:

Drying varnish "Smart enamel"

  • Top drying Secn dry (Orly)– suitable for manicure, pedicure, available in the form of varnish with a brush
  • Super drying from "Smart enamel"– dries the coating in 2-3 minutes
  • Drying Complete by Sally Hansen– costs more than Smart Enamel, but works great
  • Quick Dry Spray (Avon) gives an elegant gloss, the varnish dries with it in about 5 minutes
  • Top drying Instant Dry (Chatte Noire)– one of the best dryers, makes manicure comfortable and fast
  • Drip drying Flash Dry (Orly) dries the varnish and gives an impeccable shine to the coating

To make a manicure faster, which is important for most women, simple home remedies will help - oil, cold, a fan. But it is safer to buy a good cosmetic product - drying - and use it for a long time and with greater convenience.

Today, many girls have already tried a new technology: gel polishes that harden in a matter of minutes in an ultraviolet lamp. The result is a very durable, smooth and beautiful coating. And what’s especially nice is that even if immediately after it’s dried in an ultraviolet lamp you start doing some work or putting on boots, then nothing will happen to such a coating, it will remain perfect. Because it is already completely dry.

The question logically arises: “Is it possible to dry ordinary varnish in an ultraviolet lamp? And will it be as effective?

Let's first figure out what regular varnish is and how it dries. Modern non-gel varnishes usually include four main components: pigments, polymers, plasticizers and solvents.

Pigments are substances that give varnishes the desired color.

Polymers are substances that are the basis of any varnish coating. It is due to them that a durable shiny film is formed, that is, a varnish coating. However, these substances are quite fragile.

Plasticizers - this component of the varnish is what gives it elasticity and strength.

Solvents are the last group of substances contained in varnishes and it is the one that is most interesting to us. This component is the carrier of all of the above varnish ingredients and is responsible for drying the varnish. The varnish dries by evaporating the solvent from it.

Since ordinary varnish dries due to the evaporation of the solvent contained in it, you can dry the varnish in an ultraviolet lamp, but this will not give any effect. The varnish will dry at approximately the same speed as during normal drying without a lamp. An ultraviolet lamp will also not impart strength to ordinary varnish. This drying method is rational only for gel polishes and gel coatings. Since gel varnishes contain special substances, drying occurs due to the polymerization of these substances.

Thus, if you are not planning to use special gel polishes, then you should not purchase an ultraviolet lamp for drying your nails. Also, if you plan to use gel polishes, then a UV lamp will become a necessity, since gel polishes dry precisely due to polymerization, which is impossible without ultraviolet irradiation. But, simply put, gel polish cannot be dried in the usual way. And ordinary varnish will not dry faster or last longer because it was dried in an ultraviolet lamp.

Vladimir Romanov, especially for the site All the secrets of a woman.

2015, . All rights reserved.

Hands are the calling card of any woman, so the manicure should always be perfect. But how to achieve the desired result if you did not have time to do it in advance, and in a hurry to get to work or a date you need to dry the varnish? There are several secrets with which you can reduce the drying time of the varnish to a minimum.

Correct application of varnish

Before applying nail polish, the nail plate must be degreased, and the polish itself must be applied in a maximum of two layers. The break before applying layers should be at least a minute. The neater and thinner you make the layer, the faster it will dry. It is also worth considering that when applying a base under the varnish, it will take much longer to dry. And if you use additional products, then take only the topcoat.

Cool the polish in the refrigerator

Before the manicure procedure, cool the polish in the refrigerator. Refrigerated nail polish dries much faster when you apply it. It needs to cool for about 15 minutes, after which it can be applied to the nails. Some polishes may thicken a bit, so test them beforehand.

Special means

Many manufacturers additionally produce products for quick drying of varnish or a base coat to speed up this process. It is worth considering: if you apply a top coat to nail polish, the number of layers should be minimal.

Cold water

The cold is great for speeding up the drying of your manicure. For this procedure, you need to place slightly dried nails under a stream of cold tap water. You can also use a bowl of water with your hands in it. Additionally, you can add ice cubes.


The same effect as from cold water can be obtained by sticking your hand into the freezer. Just don’t touch its walls so that the skin doesn’t freeze. At normal freezer temperatures, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Hair dryer

Although the hair dryer is not intended for nails, but for hair, cold air also quickly dries out the polish. The air flow mode and duration of the procedure depend on the number of layers. Before you start blow-drying your nails, you need to wait a little while for it to dry to prevent it from pilling.

Cooking spray

The oil contained in such sprays not only quickly dries varnished nails, but also takes excellent care of the cuticle. After spraying it on your nails, wait a few minutes and then wash off the residue with water.

Every girl and woman takes care of her appearance and attaches special importance not only to her face, but also to her hands. Hands should also be well-groomed and elegant.

Hand care

This procedure, like a manicure, is familiar to everyone. This process must be approached carefully. It happens that you need to quickly paint your nails and run about your business, but this does not always work out because the polish takes a very long time to dry. Therefore, we have selected for you five effective ways to quickly dry nail polish.

Methods for drying varnish

So, to quickly dry your nail polish, you can use one of the following methods:

1. Professional hand care managers purchase a varnish that dries quickly, it is called a drying varnish. This product can be purchased at any cosmetic store. First, your base polish is applied, and then the drying polish is applied on top of it; it is transparent and therefore does not change the color of the nails. It contains a formula that allows the varnish to dry faster.

2. You can also dry the polish with cold air, for example, hold your painted nails to a running fan or under a stream of air from a hairdryer. But you cannot dry the polish with hot air, otherwise it will fade or bubble, and hot air will spoil the structure of the nails.3. There is another proven way to quickly dry nail polish. Before applying, put it in a cool place for about five minutes, for example, in the refrigerator, after which you can start using it. Or, after applying the varnish, hold your hands in cold water, but only if the varnish is applied evenly, in which case the manicure will not deteriorate.

4. If you painted your nails in the car, you can stick your hand out the window, then the polish will dry instantly, but you need to make sure that dust does not stick.

5. If we haven’t answered your question about how to quickly dry nail polish, or none of the methods appeal to you, then just polish your nails. Your nails will look very beautiful, you can do a manicure just once a week. This is a very simple procedure that can be done in the salon or at home. In order to polish, you only need to purchase a polishing file.

Since it is not always possible to dry nail polish quickly, try simply applying it in a thin layer on a grease-free surface. It's very simple. And you won’t have to figure out how to quickly dry the varnish, it will dry instantly. At least once a week for half an hour, pay attention to your hands, then when you are in a hurry to paint your nails, the varnish will lay down in an even layer and, accordingly, dry quickly.

Drying the gel

So we talked about how to quickly dry nail polish. Now, I think it’s worth talking a little about nail extensions. We will also touch on the topic of how to dry gel polish if you decide to get nail extensions. Today this procedure has become very popular. Almost each of us has tried it on ourselves. But only masters know the specifics of extensions. And not all girls can answer the question of how to properly and quickly dry gel on nails.

Gel is a material that is unable to dry under normal conditions. When a woman trains to become a nail extension specialist, all the secrets are revealed to her, and there are also those who study at home on their own using the Internet. These are the women we will dedicate this material to.

Several ways to dry the gel

Let's begin. Extensions affect the health of the nails, so it is necessary to carry out the procedure more safely. Here are several ways to dry the gel; each master chooses for himself which method is closer to him.

1. One of the most popular methods is a lamp, its ultraviolet radiation allows the gel to dry in a fairly short time, the gel adheres to the nail and does not leave it. There is one thing, the lamp is harmful to health, but if you dry not one nail at a time, but several at once, the radiation will not last long and there will be no harm at all. A competent specialist must do everything correctly.

2. Specialized stores sell gels that dry without ultraviolet radiation. This gel is not sensitive to light and dries due to monomers. It is also worth mentioning that the monomer is a chemical substance, and this again affects health. It is applied to the gel in a very thin layer, which dries after a certain time.

3. You can also purchase a gel in stores that tends to harden if it comes into contact with cold water. Yes, this method is the safest, but not the most convenient. Nails with applied gel are dipped in cold water for about ten minutes. This is significantly longer than keeping it under a UV lamp, but at least the water won't do any harm.

The world around us

If you come to get a manicure in a salon, then the question of how they will dry your nails will not interest you at all. The master chooses for himself what type of drying to use, usually an ultraviolet lamp. If you decide to learn how to do nail extensions yourself, then choose a method that is more suitable for you, one that suits you both in price and in properties.

Here we have discussed two questions: how to dry the varnish and how to dry the gel. Each person is individual, one method will seem funny and absurd, while another will use it constantly. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, only the final result is important so that it suits you and pleases those around you. Girls and women, be beautiful.

Modern women cannot boast of having free time, because they literally have every minute scheduled. There is a lot to do, but we must not forget about our appearance. Well-groomed hands and an interesting manicure are the key to the beauty of the entire look.

Currently, devices have begun to appear that help save valuable time. Drying nails is a lifesaver for most busy ladies. Many have already discovered the delights of gel polish and its remarkable property of drying quickly in a lamp. The question arises: how will ordinary varnish behave in a lamp?

First of all, you need to understand what regular nail polish consists of and how it dries.

It includes the following components:

  • Pigments. They give it color.
  • Polymers. Brittle substances that create a shiny film. They are considered to be the basis of the varnish coating.
  • Plasticizers. They are responsible for strength and elasticity.
  • Solvents. As these substances evaporate, the varnish dries.

In an ultraviolet lamp, as well as in an LED, you can dry regular varnish, but no effect will occur. The drying speed of the varnish will not change, because in this process only the evaporation of the solvent plays the main role. Lamps will also not be able to secure it and give it strength.

What happens if you dry a simple polish in a UV or LED dryer for gel polishes?

In order to dry the varnish, the ultraviolet lamp does not have enough infrared radiation, which is necessary to heat the surface. Ultraviolet light destroys chemical bonds, which leads to color turbidity.

Is it possible to coat a simple varnish with a top coat and dry it in UV or LED?

To save time, the option of coating a regular varnish with a top coat, followed by drying in a lamp, has a place to be. This option will last from 3 to 7 days.

Ways to quickly dry nails without a lamp

There are many tricks that you can resort to if you do not use gel polish and a lamp.

When you are in a hurry and need to dry your newly painted nails in a short time, several ways can help:

  • If you applied masks or used various cosmetics before the manicure, then you must degrease the surface of the nail plates. Soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover and wipe each nail with it.
  • The minimum number of layers of varnish is the key to its quick drying.
  • Sequins and rhinestones also make it difficult to dry quickly.
  • Light shades of varnish dry much faster than dark ones.
  • If one layer of varnish is not enough, then apply each layer at intervals of two to three minutes.
  • Leave the bottle in the refrigerator for twenty minutes. Cooled varnish will dry faster.
  • A hairdryer or fan will give a good and quick effect in emergency nail drying.
  • Place your painted nails in a cup of ice water.
  • Add a drop of vegetable or olive oil to a fresh manicure and then rinse it off with water after a few minutes.
  • Place your nails in the freezer for a few seconds. At such a low temperature, the varnish will harden quickly.

REFERENCE! Do not forget that fresh varnish dries much faster than old one. If you are late or in a hurry, then you should not use old varnish.

You can also use special coatings that can speed up the drying of the varnish. The components that are part of such products will accelerate the evaporation of the solvent and after a couple of minutes you can see the finished manicure.

If you only use regular varnishes and do not plan to use gel varnishes, then you can do without ultraviolet and LED lamps. Gel polish will not dry without the help of ultraviolet light, and regular gel polish will not dry faster or last longer, even if it stays in a lamp.

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