Police Day. Police Day Cool congratulations on Police Day

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation

Historical reference

The Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually on November 10th. This is the number chosen to honor the profession that guards public order. Thanks to patrol officers on the roads, police officers in public places, operatives and investigators, constitutional tranquility is maintained in the country. The date was not chosen by chance, but became the successor of the Soviet holiday “Police Day”.

Voentorg “Voenpro” joins in congratulating the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also offers for this holiday.

On November 10, 1917, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Rykov signed the decree “On the Workers' Militia.” This day is considered the birthday of Soviet law enforcement agencies.

But the Day of Internal Affairs Officer itself began to be celebrated only in 1962, and the official holiday became even 18 years later. Concert events began to be prepared for the celebrations, and particularly distinguished employees were awarded departmental medals, insignia, and bonuses. In society it was necessary to create a bright image of a Soviet policeman who guards order. Therefore, a lot of attention was paid to preparing the holiday.

In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was forgotten, and it was restored only 20 years later. Although, despite its absence from the calendar, the Day of Workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continued to be celebrated, and quite loudly. For example, since the early 2000s, festive concerts have been held at the State Palace in the Kremlin. So the government took care of honoring the security forces.

In connection with the reform of 2011, the Day of Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was renamed the Day of Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The police themselves became the police, which caused a lot of discussion in society. But in the end, everyone got used to the new name quickly enough, and this issue was no longer understood. On April 5, 2016, another reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, which led to the reduction of 163 thousand employees and the establishment of the total staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at 904,871 specialists of all categories.

Some of those laid off were transferred to the newly formed Russian Guard. And the Federal Service for Drug Control and the Federal Migration Service were transferred to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What traditions exist on the Day of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The Day of Russian Internal Affairs Officer has many of its own traditions that must be observed. Police officers are honored in all cities, where a festive program is organized for them with the invitation of famous pop stars, theatrical performances, and screening of documentaries or feature films. Interesting fact: the cult Soviet film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” was also released precisely on November 10th.

Congratulations on the Day of Internal Affairs Officer are heard from all government officials. The most distinguished employees are recognized with state and departmental awards. The award ceremony is held in front of the entire city so that the population knows their heroes by sight. Concerts in large cities are necessarily broadcast on television, so everyone has the opportunity to watch the ceremony. After the official part, the concert continues.

Congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are also given to veterans of law enforcement agencies who have dedicated their entire lives to serving people. They are invited to holidays as guests of honor and celebrated with memorable awards. Such continuity shows the young that not only the police maintain order in the state, but the state will not forget about its workers.

Another mandatory event is the ceremonial laying of flowers at the monuments and memorials of the fallen security forces, who fulfilled their duty to the end and, even under the threat of death, did not retreat from their positions. Approximate statistics say that on average the country annually loses about a hundred Interior Ministry employees in the line of duty. More than half of all cases involve militant attacks on law enforcement officials.

How to congratulate loved ones on Ministry of Internal Affairs Day?

Internal Affairs Officer's Day in 2016 is coming very soon, so it's time to think about gifts. Receiving state awards, of course, is pleasant, but it will be much more pleasant to realize that your relatives have not forgotten about such a significant date and have prepared a surprise. You always want to know that there is a loving family that will support you in any life situation.

Many people don’t know what to give for the Ministry of Internal Affairs Day in order to definitely please the recipient. It is enough to visit any military store, where you can easily find interesting accessories with the symbols of the relevant department. Such products are very popular because they are of high quality and can last for a very long time, each time reminding the owner of the donor. For most people, in difficult moments, it is these signs that help them not to break down.

Of course, Voenpro also remembers the heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is necessary not to forget Let us know that November 10th is Internal Affairs Officer Day and congratulate everyone who stands between the criminal world and the peace of citizens. There is no doubt that every employee deserves the honors bestowed upon him. Even despite the risk to their lives, every year hundreds of young men and women consciously choose service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as their profession. Therefore, we need to pay tribute to them and do our best to ensure that the image of a police officer in society is associated with safety and security.

They can have practical value or just be souvenirs that can be placed on your desk. Security forces have a good sense of humor, so something original will definitely give them positive emotions. In such a dangerous and difficult profession it is impossible to live without fun moments that give you the opportunity to distract yourself and think about something good.

Voenpro congratulates all employees of the Russian Internal Affairs bodies on the holiday!

Work, brothers!


Please contact our managers if you have any questions.

Police Day (Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation) is celebrated annually on November 10. In South Ossetia, the name remains the same - Police Day.

In 2016, Police Day will be celebrated on Thursday. On this day, the personnel of the department will traditionally go to work in white shirts and ceremonial jackets. Most employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will celebrate the holiday at work.

Politicians will congratulate the police on their professional holiday, and gala concerts will be held throughout the country with the participation of Russian show business stars, singers and comedians.

A ceremonial meeting is held in South Ossetia on this day; representatives of the leadership and residents of the republic congratulate employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The best police officers are awarded state awards and given new military ranks.

A festive concert takes place on the same day.

history of the holiday

The Russian police have been celebrating their professional holiday since 1962, it was then that a decree was issued on the introduction of a state holiday - Police Day. The police in Russia received their legislative registration on the basis of the resolution of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of November 10, 1917 "On the Workers' Militia." In 1991, the federal law of the RSFSR “On the Police” came into force.

The historical changes that have occurred in Russia over the past two decades have required a new definition of the place and principles of activity of internal affairs bodies in the changed socio-political structure of the state. The need for a new legal platform that would meet modern realities became obvious. The existing law “On the Police” was repeatedly adjusted, but this did not give the desired results.

From police to police

In the 21st century, new challenges and threats have emerged - terrorism, extremism, corruption and transnational organized crime, crimes in the field of high technology.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) was faced with the task of reorganizing the department so that the system worked in accordance with international legal standards, modern technologies, and responded effectively and professionally to new challenges and threats.

The process of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia began with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev dated December 24, 2009 “On measures to improve the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.” The active phase of reforms began on March 1, 2011, when the federal law “On Police” of February 7, 2011 came into force, which led to the renaming of the police into the police.

In 2011, the legislative framework for the activities of the Russian police was formed, and measures were taken to optimize the functions and organizational structure of the entire system. The basis of the new police legislation was the federal laws "On the Police", "On Social Guarantees for Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" .

The main directions of reform were updating the regulatory framework; carrying out organizational and staffing measures aimed at getting rid of unusual functions; getting rid of unnecessary management links and increasing the role of operational services.

An important area of ​​reform was the humanization of the forms and methods of police work, the transition of the relationship between the law enforcement agency and society to a partnership model aimed at ensuring the effective protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The renaming of the police into the police entailed the renaming of the professional holiday of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Day of Internal Affairs Officers.

Law enforcement

The police in Russia ensure the protection of public order, department employees take operational search and other measures established by law in order to detect crimes and the persons who committed them. An important aspect of police activity is supervision of compliance with the rules for the acquisition, storage, transportation of weapons, and the fight against the spread of drugs. In case of natural disasters and other emergency circumstances, the police are involved in saving people, state, public and personal property of citizens, and also ensure road safety.

Riot police of South Ossetia

In the modern history of South Ossetia, the Special Purpose Police Unit (OMON) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic played a large role. It was created on February 14, 1992 during the height of Georgian aggression.

The detachment's fighters went through all stages of the struggle for independence, participating in battles with Georgian armed forces, including the regular army.

At the same time, riot police had to ensure law and order within the republic. In this struggle, many brave soldiers of the detachment fell. 14 riot police officers were awarded the highest state award of the Republic of South Ossetia - the Order of Uatsamonga, six of them posthumously.

    The date on which Militia Day (Police Day) is celebrated, November 10, which was established during the time of the USSR, the date does not change, only the day of the week changes for obvious reasons. And this day falls on Thursday. As always, law enforcement officers will be solemnly congratulated in the Kremlin, and there will be a gala concert with the participation of the best artists.

    A holiday called Police Day will be coming very soon, namely on the tenth of November 2016, the day of the week will be Thursday. Previously it was called Police Day. and now it has been renamed. All law enforcement officers can be congratulated on this occasion. On this day, many will not have time to celebrate, since they will be at work and guard our peace.

    November 10, a date that remains the same in different years in our country of Russia, is a professional holiday - Police Day, which is dedicated to all employees of internal affairs bodies.

    This year it will take place on Thursday.

    Since the police in Russia have been renamed police, the police will celebrate their professional holiday on November 10. In 2016, according to the calendar, this is Thursday. And now, this holiday is called the Day of Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.

    Police Day (Police Day - in the old way) in 2016 falls on Thursday, the tenth of November. Until 1991, this day was called the Day of the Soviet Police, and now the full name is the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation.

    Militia or Police Day, in short, the day of internal affairs officers, is always celebrated on the same day - November 10. 2016 will be no exception. In 2016, November 10 falls on Thursday. Not a good day; after the celebration, many will have to go to work.

    The professional holiday of police officers is traditionally celebrated in Russia on November 10. Previously, it was known as the day of the police, now, accordingly, it is the day of the police. In general, it is a holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2016, this day falls on Thursday. It will be possible to congratulate all friends, relatives and acquaintances who work or have worked in the police (militia).

    I know about this holiday and remember it, because my grandfather and father and I worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    Today Police Day has a different name: Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation, but the date of celebration remained the same, as in the Soviet years. The holiday began to be celebrated in 1962, and since 1980 it became official, even the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council was issued:

    The professional holiday of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia is always celebrated 10th of November, so this year police officers should be congratulated on this day, which falls on Thursday. On this day, the best police officers will be awarded in the Kremlin, and in the evening a traditional concert will be held, at which, as usual, the favorite artists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will perform.

    People call this day Police Day (formerly Police Day).

    In 2016, this day falls on Thursday.

    A festive concert will be organized especially for the valiant employees of the internal affairs bodies, which can be watched on TV on the same day, in the evening. Domestic pop stars will perform.

    Happy upcoming holiday! Good luck in your hard work!

The main task of the police is to protect the life, health, rights and property of citizens. This work is extremely important, honorable and dangerous. Therefore, the emergence of a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is completely justified. In this article you will find when Police Day is in 2018, what date it is in Russia, how this holiday appeared and its traditions.

Celebration date in 2018

The holiday Police Day in Russia is celebrated every year. 10th of November. It is dedicated to all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in gratitude for their hard work, courage, constant danger and honesty. In addition, Police Day has ceased to be just a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In our country, the holiday has long become truly popular. After all, trust in police officers is increasing every day, as is the number of truly honest police officers who are completely dedicated to their work. Therefore, it is extremely important to know when Police Day is celebrated in Russia in 2018 in order to personally congratulate all your friends who are lucky enough to work in the police.

history of the holiday

The holiday appeared almost a century ago with the advent of the police. It arose on November 10, 1917 after the revolution. It was created in order to protect public safety. Initially, the police were subordinate to local Soviets, but only 30 years later they separated and formed the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Initially, this holiday was called Police Day, and its date corresponded to the formation of this body back in the year of the revolution. However, after the next renaming of the state structure in 2011, the day received the official name “Day of Internal Affairs Officer”.

However, the initial emergence of the police dates back to long before the revolution. In 1715, under Peter I, a law enforcement service called the police appeared. Throughout the history of this profession, the name has changed quite often. Nowadays, the police have returned its original name.

There are two main areas of police activity. The first is to maintain law and order, and the second is to investigate crimes. However, regardless of position and type of activity, the work of every police officer is aimed at ensuring the safety and peace of the residents of our country.

Holiday traditions

Police Day in Russia in 2018 will be traditionally celebrated by internal affairs officers at the post where they protect the peace and safety of citizens. Despite the professional holiday, police officers will continue to carry out their daily tasks of protecting the interests of the state and its citizens. In addition, this year the holiday falls on a weekday.

The main gift for all police officers is a large-scale concert, which is held specially for this day. All police officers will be able to watch it on the central television channel. And the most distinguished employees have the opportunity to see it live. The first people of the state, creative teams and famous performers perform at the concert. The main competition dedicated to Police Day takes place in the Kremlin Palace.

In addition, on this day, central television channels broadcast television programs and films that are dedicated to the difficult work of internal affairs officers. In addition, you can watch interviews with renowned workers in this field, veterans and heads of departments. Therefore, ordinary citizens will be able to learn about the most sensational crimes and their investigation.

However, the main holiday events are held in a narrow family circle. After all, for workers in such a dangerous and complex profession, there is nothing more important than their family, which they cherish along with all citizens of the country. Therefore, in addition to banquets organized for police department personnel, employees gather with family and friends.

A traditional ritual on Police Day is washing the stars. On this day, management rewards all particularly distinguished employees with new positions and titles. In addition, for success in their work, the best employees receive bonuses, certificates of honor, medals, orders and extraordinary leaves.

In this article you found information about what date Police Day is in Russia, as well as a little about the history of the holiday. If among your relatives, acquaintances or friends there are employees of internal affairs bodies, be sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. After all, the work of a police officer requires overcoming fear, showing honesty and courage. Therefore, people of this profession, like no other, need your kind words.

Every country has a system for monitoring the implementation of legislation and investigating crimes committed. There is a need to prevent crime and maintain public order. Government structures have been created for this purpose. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists involved in this field - Police Day.

When is it celebrated?

Police Day is celebrated in Russia annually on November 10. The event is formalized by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2011 No. 1348 “On the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.” The document was signed by D. Medvedev.

The holiday is not a national holiday.

Various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their own memorable dates. Transport police of Russia - February 18, patrol service - September 2, district commissioners - November 17.

Who's celebrating

Everyone who is an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of rank, position and length of service, is involved in the celebrations. The date is celebrated by employees of operational search and investigative units, district police officers, patrol officers, and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the event. Teachers, students, and graduates of specialized educational institutions consider this professional holiday.

History and traditions of the holiday

The celebrations begin on November 10, 1917. Then the Soviet government adopted the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR “On the Workers' Militia,” creating a power structure. The event began to be celebrated in 1962, and at the official level the first celebration took place in 1980 after the signing of the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The tradition of the collapsed country has been preserved in the Russian Federation. After the renaming of the police in 2011, it was decided to change the name of the memorial date. Its month and date remained the same.

The Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation brings together all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the festive table. Congratulations are offered to the workers. An important part of the celebrations was the ritual of the so-called washing of the stars.

There are wishes for health and success in hard work. The management awards those who distinguished themselves with medals, orders, and certificates of honor. Orders for promotion in positions and ranks are signed. Thematic programs are broadcast on television. They tell about the everyday work of the police and interview veterans and department heads. It tells about high-profile crimes, the progress of the investigation and their disclosure.

On Police Day 2019, events dedicated to the event are being held at the State Kremlin Palace. Creative groups, stars, and top officials of the state perform on stages.

About the profession

The tasks of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation include patrolling the territory, responding to calls, conducting operational search activities, and interacting with citizens. To work in the ranks of the police, you must complete military service in the armed forces or have special education. It is obtained in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Applicants must undergo training in the profession, have knowledge of the laws, and procedures for performing duties. You must demonstrate skill in handling weapons. The state body has ranks and insignia identical to military ones. Occupation of positions occurs in strict accordance with age and stars on uniform. The work of a police officer is classified as life-threatening. Every year, dozens of law enforcement officers die during their service.


    We would like to congratulate you on Police Day with all our hearts,
    We are ready to praise your hard work every day.
    And we would like to wish your boss not to be strict,
    There would be fewer force majeures and worries in your service,
    In the country, crime began to actively decline,
    And so that your dreams begin to come true all at once.

    Happy Police Day! I wish you luck
    May good luck visit you often.
    Let your mood be good in the morning,
    And you will be happy every day and hour.

    Let our people respect the laws
    And every citizen will be exemplary.
    May the streets always be calm,
    And work will not add gray hair to your hair.

What date is the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation in 2020, 2021, 2022

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10 November Tue10 November Wed10 November Thu

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