How to make a sword out of paper. Video

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Almost every male representative, from a naive child to the father of a family, has a genuine interest in ancient Japanese weapons. Therefore, you can imagine how much fire, excitement and delight will light up in the eyes of anyone who tries to turn into a real gunsmith. And it doesn’t matter that the role of steel will be played by several sheets of paper. No less delight will surround the one who receives as a gift such a weapon, which in appearance will differ little from the real one, repeatedly hardened in fire. To make a real samurai sword out of paper, there are many ways.

Almost every male representative has a genuine interest in ancient Japanese weapons.

Excursion into history

Ancient warriors armed themselves with a large Japanese sword with a two-handed handle, better known in the Land of the Rising Sun and among experts as a katana, at the turn of the 12th-12th centuries. Before falling into the hands of a samurai, the weapon had to go through a long process of manufacturing, hardening and spiritualization. It was the last sacrament that made the sword truly sacred.

The katana was made over four eras. There are 4 known designs:

  1. Kato (until the 16th century);
  2. Shinto (XVII century);
  3. Shinshinto (XVIII-XIX centuries);
  4. Gendaito (modern sword).

To this day, gunsmiths make these swords exclusively with their own hands without the use of modern technologies. Each era's katana has its own texture, blade color, and combat properties. Kato's blades are dark gray in color and polished to a matte, velvety state. The blades of Shinto and Shinshinto are lighter and shiny. These differences are not due to the loss of ancient knowledge, but to the use of different raw materials, which, in turn, changed the combat qualities of the weapon.

The structure of a real Japanese sword

In order to achieve perfect historical correspondence in your work and have a sword in your collection that is like two peas in a pod, you should start making it by studying the structure and size of the katana. To forge a sword, craftsmen used exclusively refined steel. The blade was divided into 2 parts (blade and tang), engraved with ancient symbols, writings, and hieroglyphs. Katana is a long sword, it was created for a specific warrior. In order not to be mistaken with the length, 90 cm was subtracted from the samurai’s height. The actual dimensions of the sword are as follows:

  • blade 90-120 cm;
  • handle 25-30 cm (triple arm circumference);
  • blade width 27-35 cm.

The saber had a slight bend: it was calculated according to the width of the blade or made equal to it.

To make the handle, they took magnolia wood and covered it with stingray skin. To smooth out some angularity and bumpiness, several rows of winding were placed on top. For this purpose, silk ribbons of various colors were used - black, brown, green, white (very rarely). The handle was wrapped so that there were diamond-shaped holes along the edges, that is, crosswise. It is impossible to imagine a sword without a guard, which served to protect the hand from blows and cuts. It had the shape of a cross or a disk.

It's worth learning how to make a samurai sword out of paper. The skills acquired while studying the origami technique, as well as the experience gained in making any crafts using paper sheets, will help with this.

Method one

As mentioned, a katana can be made in several ways, with or without a sheath. Finished swords can be decorated (painted, covered with silk, fabric, leather) at your own discretion, so that the finished weapon resembles the real thing as much as possible.

To make a sword in the first way, prepare:

  • paper cutting knife;
  • glue (both PVA and for carpentry);
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • culinary foil tube;
  • paints (acrylic, watercolor);
  • black ribbons and laces made of satin or silk.

First you need to make 5 rectangular blanks from corrugated cardboard

To speed up the work, a sketch of the future sword (in natural length) needs to be drawn on a sheet of paper and cut out so that it can later be placed on a cardboard base. Let's move on to a practical consideration of the question of how to make a sword out of paper:

  1. To begin, make 5 rectangular blanks from corrugated cardboard. Determine the length yourself (as the ancient masters did), and make the width no more than 5-7 cm. In order for the blade of the future sword to be as strong as possible, the blanks must be positioned correctly, alternating strips of corrugation (3 parts should have horizontal lines, 2 parts should have vertical lines ). You need to place them alternating directions, one on top of the other. The blanks are glued together with a PVA compound and placed under a heavy press for 2 hours to obtain a good, strong connection.
  2. Next, place a paper sketch-blank on the corrugated cardboard, outline it and cut it out. There will be a noticeable wavy layer around the edges, seal it with wood glue and let it dry for at least 12 hours and paint it with silver paint.
  3. To make a guard, take 8-10 sheets of thick paper, cut disks out of them and glue them together. Be sure to let it dry, and only then make a slot of the required size to put it on the blade. The guard can be pre-decorated with Japanese ornaments.
  4. The handle is a regular tube of culinary foil. You need to insert a ready-made blade into it. If its width is greater than the width of the tube, make a couple of horizontal slits in the latter. All that remains is to paint the weapon. The handle (tsuba) should be gold, the guard should be black, and the blade should be silver. The final touch is tsuba braiding. You need to place the silk cord very carefully, crosswise, so that the golden diamonds are visible on the edges of the handle.

The final touch is tsuba braiding

Not only samurai weapons can be made this way. Using the technology of gluing corrugated cardboard, you can put a sketch of any blade on it - Scandinavian, Russian, Teutonic, even fantasy. Therefore, if after watching Marvel movies your son wants to play superheroes or supervillains, you will know how to make a titanium sword out of paper. Just don’t forget that it will be much more enjoyable to do it with your child.

How to make a sword out of paper for games, theater for young spectators, or as a gift? To provide a useful surprise for your child if he is interested in knightly tournaments or playing pirates, as well as to create a theatrical attribute for a young actor, you may need to make your own sword from paper raw materials.

Types of paper swords

Games with a blade made of cardboard or parchment are the safest for the life and health of children, as they are usually used in very active games, where the risk of various types of injuries is especially high.

By using several sheets of parchment, it is quite possible to make several types of weapons:

  • voluminous sword;
  • katana;
  • blade made of tubes;
  • flat product;
  • origami style cutter.

Origami is a paper folding technique that is very common in the east and has gained great popularity in almost all countries of the modern world, from children to pensioners.

This style of folding is distinguished by a sufficient level of simplicity and strength of the finished product. This allows you to use it without any age restrictions.

Step-by-step creation algorithm

How to make a paper sword on your own? To create an origami-style product, you will need to take a sheet of parchment of the required format and then:

You can make a samurai katana sword in the same way. A katana is a long blade common in Japan and used by samurai during combat or to defend their own honor.

In order to decide how to make a katana out of paper, in the stationery department of the store you will need to select a sufficient sheet format to obtain the finished product of the size required for a particular child.

If it is not necessary to adhere to the authenticity of the appearance, then there is another simple way to make a sword out of paper with your own hands. This option for gluing fake weapons is a blade made from parchment tubes. It is created as follows.

Often the material for making swords or sabers is thick cardboard. The algorithm for creating a sword from cardboard is quite simple. It is important to correctly develop a diagram or create the correct stencil that will be applied directly to the cardboard. Then the figure required by the manufacturer is cut out of a single sheet, which can be complicated by forming slots in order to more conveniently and realistically position the blade handle.

Volumetric design

In cases where you need a sword as close as possible to its actual shape, the most suitable option would be to glue a three-dimensional version. To properly understand how to make a blade from stationery materials with your own hands, you will need:

In order to create one or another fake weapon product from parchment raw materials with your own hands, you can and should involve the children themselves in this activity. Cutting, gluing and coloring can have a very positive impact on the overall development of skills, including motor skills, as well as improve mood and practice your child’s existing knowledge.

It will be very useful to involve the youngest owner in the design of the craft, since only a child’s imagination can create a paper weapon that is unique and most attractive to a particular child.

Wooden raw materials can also be used to create toy weapons with the most realistic design.

Titanium has nothing to do with a paper sword.

Attention, TODAY only!

Every boy, regardless of age, loves toy weapons. It is not at all necessary to purchase store-bought options. You can make such toys yourself from available materials. Today we will tell you how to easily make a sword out of paper with your own hands.

Japanese katana

If you have already made a paper knife, we suggest adding a sword to this weapon. Now we will look at how a toy katana is made from paper. The katana is the main weapon of the samurai. With her help they fight the villains.

For production you will need:

  • three white bases and two orange;
  • tape and hot glue;
  • ten popsicle sticks;
  • ruler and simple pencil;
  • scissors and a stationery knife.

If everything is prepared, let's start manufacturing:

  1. Place one of the white materials on the work surface in a vertical position. Using a ruler, measure two centimeters from below and draw a line along this mark. Exactly along this line we bend the lower part of the material. We continue bending until the very end.
  2. Cut out a strip of orange about five millimeters wide. Starting from the edge of the previous workpiece, we wind this strip first in one direction. Cover it with tape on top.
    We cut off another such strip and, starting from the bottom, twist it onto the handle. Cover everything with tape.
  3. Solid orange material, folded in half. Then we turn it over and lengthwise, then bend it in half again.
    We bend everything several more times and fix the edges with tape. Having fixed the product, using a ruler and pencil we draw lines from corners to corners. It turns out to be a cross, focusing on its middle, draw a rectangle with a length of two centimeters and a width of five millimeters.
  4. Cut out the shape with a stationery knife. We insert the manufactured handle into this hole and fix it with hot glue. We combine two white sheets into one long one, and glue the joints with tape. Along the longest lower part we put the same mark of two centimeters, and twist the part with such stripes.
  5. We glue the edge with tape. Cut off the end from one side at an angle. We glue the sticks together and get five wide blanks.
    We fix the resulting elements by length. We insert them into the middle of the katana blade made of paper material. We insert the first part of the craft into the one we just made and fill the joint with hot glue.

The katana is ready. Now your child can become a real samurai. And if you are not yet, then any friend who comes to play with your child will envy such a gift.

Knight's version

Of course, you can make other versions of weapons from paper, but let's continue making on our topic. This time we will make a sword like a real knight.

  • three regular leaves and two blue;
  • scissors and tape.

If you are ready, then let's find out how to make an origami sword out of paper:

  1. Fold the white material in half lengthwise.
    We bend it in the same direction two more times. We glue the side that diverges with tape. After fixing, we unclench it and make it round.
  2. We cut from both sides and get a sharp edge. Glue this area together. We roll the second white one, starting from the corner, into a tube. We do the same with the third one.
  3. We wrap these elements in a circle with tape and insert them into the middle of the blade. One sheet of blue or blue color, folded in half. We unbend and fold one of the sides towards the center line. Then we fold this section two more times and cut the workpiece.
  4. We wrap the remaining piece around the upper edge of the blade and secure it with tape. Remove the part and glue one of the ends. Now we put the part on the edge of the gun.
  5. We bend the second material in half and cut it into two parts along the resulting fold. We bend one of the parts in half. We unfold it to its original position and turn one of the parts towards the center. We perform identical actions with the other half.
  6. We bend two corners to the center. We do the same with the other part. Next, we bend the side parts of this part to the center. We turn it over, bend it in half, and bend the triangles to the resulting line.
    We turn the part inside out, apply it to the handle, and approximately remember the width of the blade. We make cuts on the part based on this number. We put on the element and secure it with tape.

This is the origami sword we made from paper. The work is not difficult, but the result will please the child.

Large Sword

On the website, in one of the articles we told you how to make it, but today we decided to continue making it. In this lesson we will tell you how to make a large sword out of paper with your own hands.

To make such a weapon you will need:

  • seven office sheets;
  • scissors;
  • tape and hot glue;
  • four pieces of any paper, you can even use them with inscriptions.
  1. We glue two office bases together with tape and get one long base.
    We bend it in half lengthwise, unbend it to its original position and bend one of the sides to the resulting line. We bend the opposite one in the same way.
  2. We bend these sides one more time towards the center. We fold the resulting element in half and cut it, making it sharp, and apply tape on top. We glue two sheets together with tape, you can use any sheet, and starting from the corner we twist them into a tube.
  3. To prevent the tube from unwinding, secure it with tape. From two single tubes we make two tubes and glue them together. We insert these blanks into the first tube and fasten them in this position.
  4. Now we insert the element into the middle of the blade and fix it. We twist the tube, bend it in half and glue it between the previous elements. Create a square and roll it into a tube starting from the corner. We bend it in the middle. We make an identical workpiece without bending.
  5. We apply a curved one to a straight tube and fix them together. We apply the third one and also fasten it. Trim the edges and cut in the center. Apply hot glue to the ends and glue them to the sides.
  6. Fold another sheet in half and screw it onto the handle. Glue and secure with hot glue. We also attach the edges of the blade with hot glue. We make a similar blank from one white sheet as for making a blade. We cut it into two parts. We cut it off. We attach the element to the base and process the second half.
    Apply glue and fix these elements between the handle and blade.

At this stage, production is completed. Now you know how to make long swords from paper yourself.

Double-sided sword with sheath

For little knights, let's make a double-sided version. It will take about half an hour of free time to make it, but after spending half an hour, you will be surprised that you were able to make such a weapon.

Before starting production, prepare:

  • fifteen sheets of A4;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • clothespins;
  • simple pencil.

Ready, then let's find out how such a sword is made from paper material:

  1. We combine three sheets, align the sides and bend them in half along their length.
    We unfold it to its normal position and turn each side towards the middle, that is, towards the resulting line. Next, we bend two corners towards the center, on one side. We bend the sides of the resulting workpiece one more time towards the center. Bend the element in half.
  2. Using an identical method, we make another such element. Using three more sheets, we make a similar part, only without the sharp sides.
    We unfold one of the parts with a sharp side and the element that was made last. Apply glue to the middle and glue an even piece. Glue the second part.
  3. We wait until it dries and fix the remaining sides of the elements to the base. Now apply a thick layer of glue, press them down and fix them with clothespins until dry.
  4. While the product dries, take one sheet and fold it in half and in half. We direct the sides towards the center. Roll it three more times and cut it into two pieces. We lift one side, apply glue and press the raised element. We also glue the second part.
  5. We attach the product to these blanks and put marks in the middle. We connect these marks with a horizontal line.
    Cut holes along the marks. We thread the base through them. We bring the elements almost to the center of the product, leaving room for hands. Let's fix these elements.
  6. Fold the sheet in half until you get a strip one centimeter wide. Unfold and cut into pieces along the folds. We fold all the resulting strips in half, spread glue on one side and twist two strips.
  7. Glue the remaining strips lengthwise. Apply glue to one side and twist it onto the handle itself at an angle. After lining the handle, we strengthen the fastening of the dividers with another layer of wrapping on both sides.
    We apply a whole sheet to the blade and wrap it. Having wrapped it, we glue the element and get a cover. We do the same with the other side.

The double-sided paper sword using the origami technique is ready.

Sword from Minecraft

Of course, it was possible to finish the work with the previous version, but for fans of the game Minecraft we decided to make another sword.

Before making a Minecraft sword out of paper, prepare:

  • album sheet;
  • cardboard;
  • a set of colored paper;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • hot glue;
  • markers.

Are you prepared? Then we begin production:

  1. Make a square from orange paper.
    Fold it until you get a thin strip. We unfold the material to its original position.
  2. Starting from the upper right corner we draw the silhouette of the toy. We cut out the drawing, but not strictly along the contour. Glue it to the base of the cardboard and cut it out with a knife.
  3. Next, cut out the design along the contour. We fold a strip of green paper, unfold it and draw a picture of the same size as the blank. We process it and glue it in the middle of the blade.
  4. Cut off a few more green squares and glue them onto the handle. We make another such part in a similar way. We glue them together into a single piece.

    We measure the thickness, mark the result on an orange sheet and cut strips of that width. We cover the ends of the weapon with them. After drying, trim off the protruding edges.

Here's how to easily make weapons from Minecraft using available materials.

All products are light, if you make them all, you will assemble a whole collection.

Today we will learn how to make a sword out of paper! To do this, you don’t need to lay out a lot of tools around you, because sometimes you don’t even need scissors to make it. You just need to have a little free time and paper, from which this sword will be made. When creating a sword, be especially careful, since you will have to bend and unbend the paper many times (that is, a lot of diligence is required) and all your efforts can be nullified if you skip one step. Making a sword out of paper is a rewarding activity - it will develop your attentiveness, perseverance and make you proud of yourself when you make it.

It is best to use A3 paper to make a sword. To make the sword look more attractive, you can use colored paper. Then make a square from a piece of paper. To do this, you need to bend any of the corners to the opposite side, and carefully tear off the strip that remains along the fold line or cut it with scissors.

Turn the square down with the colored side and bend it in half. Make sure that the ends of the corners fit exactly. And fold it in half again to form a rolled square. Next, straighten one side to form a triangle, do the same with the other side. Afterwards, straighten the triangle, turn it over and make fold lines along all sides and diagonals, folding it in half and diagonally.

Fold the sheet in half to form a square. You then need to bend its two sides towards the middle, carefully bend the bend and then unfold it. Spread the corners further and bend the sides so that the figure looks like a rhombus.

Next, you need to fold the sides towards the center to form a shape similar to a pointed airplane. Let's turn the figure over. First fold the back part in the middle, and then bend the side inward to form a triangle.

Let's turn the craft over again. We bend the side parts towards the center. We will perform similar actions on the other part.

Much of what is described here can be viewed in the video that follows the article. Therefore, if anything is unclear about how to make a sword out of paper, then watch the video.

In the next steps for our sword we need to make a hilt and a crosspiece. To do this, by repeated bending, you need to ensure that the crosspiece becomes thin, similar to a real weapon; to do this, you need to bend parts of the workpiece to the right and left. Then, to make the sword look attractive, you can bend the ends beautifully.

We made a sword with a comfortable handle and a crosspiece, which will protect your hands in case of emergency.

If you went through all the steps properly, then congratulations - you have made a sword out of paper! Your children will be happy, because now they can fight with paper swords, organize crusades, and defeat various monsters! When creating a sword, you can use your imagination to its full potential. Decorate the sword somehow. For example, stick on different game attributes and decorate them.

Watch the video - how to make a sword out of paper!

How to make a samurai sword with a paper scabbard

How to make a long sword

Now you know how to make a sword out of paper!

Good afternoon Today we offer you a master class on origami - how to make a sword out of paper.

To implement this rather complicated scheme, you will need patience and a square-shaped sheet of paper. Or you can take A4 and cut it to a square.

DIY paper sword instructions.

1. Taking a sheet of paper, first fold it diagonally in one direction, then in the other. Next, fold horizontally and then vertically. In order for the sword to be smooth and neat, carefully ironing each fold of the origami.

2. Now we need to fold the origami, turning it into a diamond, fold the triangle, there are fold lines on the left and right sides, we place them inside the triangle and we should get a rhombus.

3. We fold the side “wings” of the rhombus, you get two triangles, as in the picture. Now we open the resulting triangles back and hide them inside the “wings” along the fold lines of the diagram.

4. Let's expand the resulting structure so that you get a rhombus from the “wings”.

5. Iron the fold lines well; you can use a plastic card.

6. The upper triangles of the rhombus are first left, then right, carefully folded in half and again carefully ironed the folds.

7. We turn our origami over on the other side and fold the rhombus so that we get two triangles, as in point No. 3.

8. We lay out the triangles back and bend them along the fold lines inside the left and right sides, approximately as we did in point No. 4.

9. We turn the origami over and bend the side corners towards the middle of the structure.

10. We turn it over again - here we take the right and left corners, separating the sheet (since we have two layers on this side) and fold it towards the middle, it should look like in the picture.

11. Let's turn the structure over and expand it. Next, we suggest you turn to the video, since the picture cannot describe it in such detail. Let's unfold the folds. We take it to the side: opening, folded to the center, first the right, then the left part.

12. We combine the lower parts of the triangles with the origami verticals.

13. Along the fold lines we fold the triangle sticking up and press it back down. We do the same action with the other side.

14. Making a handle - move the lower corner of the structure to the right and fold it diagonally.

15. We repeat the algorithm of actions on both sides - we get the first part of the handle.

16. Don't forget to iron all fold lines. Let's turn the origami over again to the other side. Watch the video.

17. At the bottom of the sword, turn the corners towards the center.

18. We form the second part of the handle - bend the corners up.

19. Congratulations, the paper samurai sword is ready for battle! If, while creating an origami sword, you have questions about how exactly to bend or unfold the structure, then you can familiarize yourself with the diagram in detail and step by step in our video instructions.

  • Do you know that doing origami with your child is a very useful process. For example, because it develops fine motor skills in children. And also fantasy.
  • Color the paper sword together with your own hands: the handle is dark or bright, and the blade of the sword is either silver or gold. It will look much more interesting.
  • You can use originally colored paper. Wrap the blade in foil.
  • This sword is perfect for children's games of various warriors, knights, samurai.
  • The sword is completely harmless and is not capable of injuring a child, his friends or parents.

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