Dad doesn't love his adult daughter. Problems with fathers and children, or what to do if the father does not love

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Psychologists constantly note that psychological traumas received in childhood become fertile ground for the emergence of complexes.

Sometimes a person cannot get rid of them on his own, because seeing the connection between one and the other is sometimes not easy. However, this connection must be broken, otherwise you will never be happy. What if your father doesn't love you? The question is very difficult and complex, but the answers to it exist.

He sees you as a rival

Men are not always mature. Even if they have a child, this does not mean that this child will force him to become an adult and take responsibility for the family. With the birth of a baby, a woman can fully concentrate on raising him, which cannot have a good effect on the relationship between father and child., because the latter, it seems, simply stole the woman he loved from a man.

Here, of course, there is the mother’s fault. Remember how often your parents fought over you? Not so much on issues of upbringing, but because of grievances - dad is sincerely offended that from now on he has become the second most important person in his wife’s life, and mom sincerely does not understand that he can quite rightly demand attention to himself. So it turns out that because of jealousy, the father simply cannot perceive the appearance of a child as a gift and not a curse.

You didn't live up to his expectations

It happens that parents have high hopes for their child, trying to give him everything so that he can achieve a lot. At the same time, without noticing it themselves, they are trying to realize their own unfulfilled hopes through him. If a child neglects what they are trying to shove into him with such “great love,” the parents get offended. Such grievances can live in a father's heart for years. Think about it, has there been something similar in your life? Did daddy say that you didn't live up to his expectations? If yes, then accept it as your father's problem and not your own.

Dad wanted an heir

A very common reason that fathers do not love their daughters. Why is that? The desire to get an heir can sometimes be compared to mania. And if suddenly a son is born into the family after you, the father can simply forget about the existence of his daughter as his own child. No matter how painful it is to realize, you have to accept this fact. After all, he wanted one thing, but got another.

He just doesn't know how to show love to his daughter

There are men who consider the expression of feelings bad manners. But this does not mean at all that he does not love you. To understand that this is really so, look at the results of his work, at how much time and effort he invested in raising you with dignity. If you think that he did this only for himself, you are most likely mistaken.

What to do if your father doesn't love you? There can be only one answer - to forgive. Parents and children are not chosen, they are given once and for all. The fact that you have just such a parent was not given to you by chance, you just need to get rid of grievances and understand that you received good things thanks to the fact that in the family you did not receive affection and love from your dad.

The men's magazine Maxim, specializing in lighter materials, decided to enter the territory of the topic of parenthood and published a text dedicated to the main mistakes that men make in raising children. Candidate of Psychological Sciences Tatyana Sviridova assisted the journal in working on the article. wrote down the main points of the note.

Eternally dissatisfied father

Evaluates the child by his own far-fetched standards, which the child almost never meets. He constantly expresses reproaches, while inside he worries that his child is worse than other people’s children.

Rejection of a child can occur for several reasons. A man may project his own childhood experiences onto the child, suppress suspicions that the child is not really his, or reject him because he is in a marriage with which he is dissatisfied.

Children growing up with perpetually dissatisfied fathers easily develop an inferiority complex. In addition, fathers' behavior can provoke bouts of stubbornness and disobedience. To get dad's attention, a child may start to misbehave and do things that he is forbidden to do.

How to fix?
In order to start working on himself, a dissatisfied dad needs to look at himself from the outside. To do this, you will need a video camera - let it record joint breakfasts, conversations or games. This will help the father better understand what it is about the child that irritates him so much, and see how ugly and angry comments addressed to the child actually sound.

Bodyguard Father

This kind of dad constantly talks about his child using the pronoun “we,” which is more typical for mothers. He is ready to resolve all issues without giving the child a chance for independence.

A man who is in a symbiotic relationship with his child does not know how to sense the boundaries of his personality.

The child is very dependent on the father's mood. In addition, the protective behavior of an adult is dangerous because in the future the son or daughter will constantly seek close emotional contact with other people and be disappointed. It is children from symbiotic unions who are most often prone to drug addiction and alcoholism.

How to fix?
Get carried away with something, remember an old hobby and agree with the child that he will have to do some things on his own and without the help of his dad. You can start small - let him dress himself, eat, wash the dishes or do his homework without his father. During this time, bodyguard dad can read, collect stamps, or clean the house.

Communication with the child is strictly regulated and subject to rules. The father considers himself a priori right in everything for no apparent reason - simply because he is older, taller or stronger than his child.

Most likely, dad himself grew up in a family where he was constantly suppressed.

Children of authoritarian fathers are poor at explaining their emotions, experiencing everything silently and deeply within themselves. They lack creative courage and flexibility of thinking, but at the same time they are good performers of tasks with clear formulations.

How to fix?
An authoritarian dad may start playing games with his child in which he will act as a subordinate or ones in which he may lose by chance. It's also helpful to ask your child to explain something to dad that he doesn't understand very well, such as how a particular smartphone app works.

Permissive father

The father does not notice the child’s bad behavior, and when strangers reprimand him, he enters into disputes and conflicts with them, defending his offspring. Constantly justifies the child's unseemly actions. Allows you to do almost everything you want.

The father's weak character and inability to look at the child from the outside.

“Indulging in any of his “wants” creates a psychopathic personality that will grossly violate any rules and norms,” says Tatyana Sviridova. According to her, most of the actions of such a child will be perceived as rudeness. At the same time, he will not learn to ask for forgiveness for his misdeeds, he will not be able to understand what makes everyone so angry and irritated, since he will never develop a sense of empathy.

How to fix?
You will have to learn to look at the child from the outside. After any action, he must receive feedback and understand whether he did good or bad. If the child misbehaves, he needs to be explained that this cannot be done (and explained as strictly as possible). If the father is not able to scold the child, the mother or, in extreme cases, the nanny should do it. This will help set the boundaries of what is permitted.


Unable to objectively assess the child’s age—perceives him younger than he actually is. Makes excessively low demands on the child and literally blows away specks of dust from him.

The child has suffered a long-term illness or a situation that could have resulted in serious injury (for example, the child was almost hit by a car). Feelings of guilt towards a child can also turn a father into a nanny.

The child of a nanny father will be very capricious and selfish. People around you will be perceived not as independent individuals, but as means to satisfy their needs.

How to fix?
Have another child or several at once. It is also helpful to read about your child's developmental norms and allow him to do things that are typical for children his age.

Boleslaw Gupka

There are no ideal fathers (remember what Jesus had to experience because of his wayward dad). We think you are no exception to the rule either. However, the saddest thing about this situation is that you may not know that you are not a teacher. It is as difficult for an ordinary parent to spot mistakes in his own parenting style as it is for a vampire to find a pimple on his forehead using a mirror. Often, any difficulties that arise in relationships between adults and children are interpreted as the child’s incorrect behavior. To stop shifting the blame onto fragile children’s shoulders and understand what mistakes you are prone to make in the process of upbringing, find yourself by special signs among the 5 stereotypes of upbringing. Please note: one stereotype does not exclude another. You could be, for example, the “perpetually dissatisfied authoritarian bodyguard father.”

We asked our permanent consultant to explain where you are wrong and give you instructions on what to do now. leading specialist of the family psychology center “We”, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Sviridova.

Special signs

It is almost impossible to please such a father. (“Dad, dad! I found a gold nugget the size of a horse’s skull!” - “Where in the shoes on the carpet?!”) “Such rejection of one’s own child usually works on a deep subconscious level,” says Mrs. Sviridova. “Even if this is not expressed in vocal reproaches, the father still unconsciously worries that his child is weaker and less successful than other children.” The habit of evaluating a child by one’s own far-fetched standards leads to the fact that even his real successes will go unnoticed. For example, for a conventional athlete dad of this variety, first place in a horn player competition, which his wimpy son took, means absolutely nothing. After all, this weakling can’t even do three pull-ups! Especially holding my precious horn in my teeth.

Just like my father

A rejected child grows up with low self-esteem. “He cannot show independence, because he is not confident in his own abilities,” our consultant explains this pattern. In addition, such a stereotype of upbringing can lead to stubbornness and other types of childhood disobedience. Not receiving fatherly love, the child begins to deliberately behave in such a way as to anger the parent: “Since I’m so bad, then here you go!”

On the path to correction

Of all the five “wrong” types described, this is the most difficult to correct. Parental love is blind and, in principle, works without additional nourishment for an unlimited period. Only a professional psychologist can accurately determine the reason for the deviation from the genetic given. The origins can be very different: they can lie in the childhood of the father, who was also rejected by his parents, in an existing marriage concluded because he was “stuck up,” in suppressed suspicions that the child is “not yours,” etc. If you find yourself in this category of fathers, try to look at your behavior from the outside. Literally. Let the camera record everything that happens at home: family breakfast, joint games. “Since rejection often works on an unconscious level, watching the recording will help not only document the unpleasant truth to you that you are rejecting the child, but also, perhaps, understand why you are irritated,” says Tatyana.

Special signs

When a “bodyguard” talks about his child, he does not hesitate to use the word “we” and its derivatives. (“We have a fever”, “We’ll go to school soon”, “We crap ourselves again today, well, more precisely, just me, ha-ha.”) Such a father views his life only in the context of a child: he doesn’t just earn money - he works for the future of his heir. “In psychology this is called a “symbiotic relationship.” People who do not feel the boundaries of another person are prone to them. For a symbiotic, a child is a continuation of the personality of the father, who does not understand that his child is a separate being with its own interests and characteristics,” explains Tatyana. If some incident happened at school with teachers or classmates, the “bodyguard” will run to sort it out, as he perceives the incident as a personal drama.

Just like my father

As a result of such overly close contacts of a symbiotic kind, the child depends on the mood of the adult. If the father is sad, the son will be sad too. (“No, I won’t let you and the guys go into the yard. We’ll sit together in a dark room, staring at one point, and grieve that I’m already forty-five years old, and I still hold the shameful position of vice president of the bank, but he could already be its president.”) But the worst thing will happen to the child when he enters an independent life. Having received the wrong experience of relationships, in the future he will vainly reach out to people in order to receive the same acute and all-consuming emotional contact as in childhood. It would be good if he came across the same symbiotic, but he would most likely face a series of disappointments. Psychoanalysts believe that it is precisely such individuals who are most prone to addictions: alcohol, drugs, gambling. Symbiosis abhors a vacuum. But this vacuum can be easily filled with booze, which is always at hand and will never let you down.

On the path to correction

If you have found the traits of a “bodyguard” in yourself, our specialist recommends that you try to become interested in something else besides your dear child. More time collecting compasses means less time ruining your child's life. In addition, reinforce the separation process by relinquishing your former responsibilities. For example, agree with your child that you will absolutely not help him with his math homework from now on. Since symbiosis is a problem between two people, the main thing is to give the child experience of communicating with others so that he becomes familiar with different types of behavior. Such society will be provided by a sports section, summer camp, nanny or kidnappers.

Special signs

Fathers of the authoritarian type usually come from families in which authoritarianism was also manifested (therefore, every son of an authoritarian father is also the grandson of an authoritarian grandfather). Communication with the child of such a parent is always limited by strict rules and strictly regulated. Please note that this most vaunted authority is not based on the father’s skills or merits, but simply on the fact that he is older, taller and has a mustache. (“I won’t eat this stew!” - “You will!” - “I won’t!” - “I said you will, so you will!” - “Dad! Well, then let me at least open the can before this!”)

Just like my father

A child, oppressed in childhood by his father’s authority and taught that it is impossible to be capricious, will most likely never learn to express his emotions in words. “This is fraught with the fact that any grief will be more difficult for them to experience; he will not be able to help himself by “reprimanding” it. And this is the first step towards the emergence of psychosomatic problems,” explains Mrs. Sviridova. In general, children raised in an authoritarian family make ideal subordinates. They are very pedantic, efficient and loyal. If you are the head of the HR department, hire just such people, you won’t go wrong. True, they lack creative courage and flexibility of thinking, but they will carry out clearly defined tasks from start to finish.

On the path to correction

If you have enough willpower to command yourself to stop bossing around your child, do so. However, you are unlikely to be able to change yourself at once. Therefore, try to drive yourself into your favorite framework of rules. Play games with your child more often, in which nothing depends on your age, strength and opinion. Monopoly, lotto, and Russian roulette are also suitable, unless, of course, the gun has a trigger that is too tight for a child. Since any of you can win these games, you will not put pressure on them with your inflated authority. Games in which the child will command you will balance your temper. You can play horse, carrying your heir on your restive, unbroken backbone. And if he's older, just ask him to explain to you how to figure out iTunes. It will be difficult for you to go against your authoritarian nature, but you must constantly show your child that dad can be different.

Special signs

The child of a “connivance” can stand on his head (including his own), but his father will never reprimand him. How can you! He may only be two years old, but he is already a mature personality! You've probably met a product of this kind of upbringing: on an airplane, these young loudmouths are usually seated right behind your seat. A permissive father never notices the problems that his child causes to those around him. If someone outsider makes a remark (and such a child hears them from strangers all the time), the father will get it not to the guilty scoundrel, but to the stranger. Instead of looking for the reason for disgusting behavior, a justification for the unseemly act is sought and, of course, found.

Just like my father

“A child who was not given boundaries of behavior at one time grows up to be a Mowgli in the social sense,” our consultant labels it. - Society will not accept this savage, since most of his actions will be perceived as rudeness and arrogance. Indulging in any of his “wants” creates a psychopathic personality who will blatantly violate any rules and norms.” At the same time, “Mowgli” himself will never guess why he bothers everyone so much, and will not think of asking for forgiveness. His sense of empathy has never been developed, so he does not understand that people can be angry and offended at him.

On the path to correction

From now on, your mind should prevail over your feelings. It will be easier to achieve this if you begin to look at any action of your child as if through the eyes of an outsider. Did your son slip the teacher's bra into your pocket? What a cute prank! But what would you do if it was not your heir who did it, but someone else’s idiot? Yes, of course, in the end you will forgive your son, but in no case immediately: after any offense, the child should receive feedback. Don't swallow even the smallest offense. You must explain every time why this or that action is bad or good. If you are such a weak creature that your heart bleeds every time you have to punish a child, hire a very strict nanny and give her complete power over the child. If Miss Bok had looked after Carlson as a child, the fairy tale would have turned out boring, but the baby’s cakes and his steam engine would have remained intact.

Special signs

Such a parent is easy to recognize by the three-year-old walking next to him, who in his mature years still does not let go of his baby's pacifier. The nanny father perceives the child as younger than his actual age. Blowing away specks of dust from your child is common to any parent. Remember how touchingly you take care of your child when he is sick and evokes blinding pity in you. (“Kick the boring pony out of the room and invite fresh clowns? Now, now! Don’t get up!”) Do you remember? This is exactly how a father-nanny treats his own - every day. In addition to the fact that such an excessive desire to protect the child from any difficulties is associated with natural love for his offspring, it is often burdened by the father’s internal problem. “He could have been greatly shaken by some misfortune that happened to the child. Let’s say he was very sick for a very long time or almost got hit by a car, suggests Tatyana Sviridova. - Or, for example, the father simply feels guilty towards him for something. By the way, realizing the reason that turned you into a father-nanny is the first and biggest step towards correcting the situation.”

Just like my father

Because the requirements placed on the child do not correspond to his real capabilities, he will grow up to be very capricious. A spoiled child will always perceive the people around him, especially his parents, only as a means to satisfy his needs. At the same time, while others suffer from his selfishness, he himself will experience difficulties adapting among his peers: the whole group has already lined up in pairs at the door, and he is still waiting for the teacher to tie his shoelaces. Ha ha, as Nelson would say, pointing his finger at this mama's boy.

On the path to correction

The easiest way is to read at least one sound book on child development standards and believe what is said there. If smart people wrote that by the age of two a child should be able to build (without your help!) a tower of eight cubes, then so it is. (By the way, it’s a pity that these standards end at school age. It would be interesting to know how high a tower of cubes a man, say forty-two years old, should be able to build.) And also, since it has been noticed that fathers-nannies are most often found in families with one child, you can have a couple more children. True, then you won’t have time for our magazine soon. So, just in case, we say goodbye to you.

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Date added: 17 Jan 2014, 8:31 PM
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Every woman wants love, peace, trust and mutual understanding to always reign in her family. And not only between spouses, but also between parents and children. However, such a family idyll is more a dream than a reality. In life, the problem of fathers and children is still relevant. Stubborn statistics insist that it is fathers who most often do not find mutual understanding with their children. And more and more often women complain that their husband does not notice their son or daughter.

Of course, the situation when a father is unable to build an even, trusting relationship with his own children cannot be called simple. However, when a man somehow tries to correct the situation, works on himself, tries to learn to communicate on equal terms with the younger generation - this gives a woman hope that over time her family members will find a common language. It is more difficult when a man does not want to admit his even quite obvious mistakes that he made in the process of raising children. He stubbornly adheres to an authoritarian style of communication with his offspring, constantly teaching and poking them, not even allowing the thought that his opinion may not always be the only correct one. Sometimes even a very intelligent woman finds it difficult to find arguments to convince such a stubborn man.

But the worst thing is when a man does not notice his children, or one of them. For a wife and mother, this attitude of her husband towards his own children causes real despair. Why do men ignore those who bring us so much joy and happiness?

If there is one child or more in your family, and the husband is equally indifferent to all of them, we can assume that you got a man with the so-called undeveloped paternal instinct as a husband. If the child is very small, then we can hope that the father will love his baby. It’s just that he’s still afraid of him, doesn’t know what to do with him and doesn’t understand how to communicate with him. It is possible that over time, having gotten used to the baby, the father will learn to work with him and will truly enjoy this process. However, if the children (child) have long grown out of diapers, and the father still has no desire to communicate with them, then one can hardly expect that his attitude towards his offspring will ever radically change in the desired direction. What if there is more than one child in the family? And their father still “breathes evenly” towards any of them?

It seems that this situation has been causing you concern for a long time. And you’ve probably already tried to talk to your spouse about this topic more than once. And, probably, they did not hear anything intelligible from the husband. As a rule, in the family where your spouse was raised, the father’s attitude towards the children was equally indifferent, and your husband transferred this to his family. He was not taught to love children, to enjoy communicating with them and to experience the thrill simply from the fact that they exist. It is possible that your husband did not want your family to have a child (children) at the stage of life when they were born, or was not ready for this. Therefore, his whole being resists, and he stubbornly ignores the child, perhaps even as revenge on you.

You understand perfectly well that it is impossible to force a person to love someone, even if we are talking about your own children! One can only sympathize with a woman who married a man who is so infantile towards his offspring. Scandals, hysterics, ultimatums are unlikely to help correct the situation, the husband will become even more embittered, and instead of the desired attention to the children, you will also receive irritation from the father towards them. Don’t give up, but little by little, unobtrusively, as if casually, initiate communication between your husband and children. Dose it, increasing the time your husband spends in the children's company, gradually, imperceptibly. It is desirable that this communication evoke positive, positive emotions in both the children and your spouse, but in no case annoyance or irritation. No one guarantees you 100% success, but you need to try to bring your husband into positive emotional communication.

Let's consider another situation. When there are children of different sexes in a family, and the father stubbornly ignores his daughter and communicates only with his son. Or the husband does not react in any way to his only daughter. Most likely, this refers to the disappointment that the father experienced when, instead of the expected son, a daughter was born. In most cases, after the birth of a girl, even if the father really wanted a boy, men are able to “reboot” over time and love the baby with all their souls, rejoicing with all their hearts at her appearance. But it also happens the other way around. The father is so fixated on the fact that he can only truly love his son, from whom he dreamed of raising a “real man”, and not some snotty girl, that under no circumstances does he want to communicate with his daughter. At the same time, he believes that he cannot give his daughter anything useful and valuable, and in general, a woman should be in charge of raising girls.

The situation seems even stranger when the husband does not notice his son. Especially if the family still has a daughter, to whom the father is quite friendly. Perhaps the whole point is that he does not believe that this is his own son? Especially if the relationship between the boy’s parents was difficult and mistrustful before his birth, and the boy was born completely different from his husband. In such a situation, it is difficult to give advice to a woman, because she knows whether this is really so, or whether these are just speculations of a jealous husband that have absolutely no basis.

Be that as it may, try to awaken fatherly feelings in your spouse. Although this is a very difficult task, if you cope with it, then the real gift for you will be the mutual love of the father and your children.

The role of the father in raising his daughter still seems insignificant to some. Daddy loves her and that's enough. Is it so?

Everything is clear with boys - their father teaches them to be courageous, brave, take responsibility for themselves and others, fight for rights and protect the weak. What about the girls? It used to be that raising daughters was entirely in the hands of the mother. In practice, it turns out that if a daughter grew up without a father (literally or figuratively), and friendly contact was not established with him, then the child has to fly through life as if without one wing. Psychologists have already repeatedly mentioned the relationship between father and daughter. What consequences could there be in the future due to a bad relationship with your father in the past?

The role of the father in raising his daughter. Who was your dad?

Ideal? If you delve into the past, many will find something to remember:

  • alcoholic father
  • left the family early,
  • was a workaholic.

Or he simply lived nearby, but did not show any interest in his daughter and did not educate her. Some had fathers who were “cold” and aloof, while others were much more unlucky.

If the father drank, walked around, beat the children or the mother, then the feeling of injustice and hatred can live in the soul for years, leaving a heavy imprint on all life events.

Psychology has long established that the connection between father and daughter subconsciously influences the building of relationships between a girl and her chosen one in the future. For example, if a father has never admired his daughter, then when she grows up, she will not expect compliments from fans. But these are small things compared to the serious problems girls can face in adulthood if they had problems with their fathers.

Father-daughter relationship: subconscious choice of the wrong men

A huge problem with a bad relationship between father and daughter is revealed at the moment when it comes to dating and choosing a life partner. If sharp edges and some psychological traumas can be hidden in work, relationships with friends, then when it comes to building connections with the opposite sex, all those complexes, fears and mental attitudes that we received in childhood come to light. Nobody wants an alcoholic or tyrant husband, but girls who have had fathers with the same problem have a much higher chance of choosing a guy with an addiction.

Psychology "father-daughter"

Dad is called upon to help his daughter grow up bold, self-confident, but at the same time feminine. It is the father who instills in the girl a sense of self-worth, attractiveness and aspiration for what she wants. When a child at an early age does not receive his father's attention, approval and care, then self-doubt creeps into him. As a result, statistical data states that in families where fathers abandoned their wives and children, girls more often begin to have early sexual activity, many become pregnant at the age of 15-16 years. The fear is triggered that the man will definitely leave, leave the family, and therefore you need to hurry. If you appreciate this, it is not difficult to understand how important the role of the father is in raising his daughter.

Unreliable father. What will your daughter grow up to be?

Powerful women who are capable of exhibiting masculine character traits, being tough and uncompromising, most likely had weak-willed and irresponsible fathers. Such dads were unable to bring money into the family, drank, and obeyed the whims of their domineering mother.

The girl carries such a relationship between father and daughter into adulthood, trying to compensate for the lack and take responsibility for everything into her own hands. As a result, along the way you come across men who need to be pulled, looked after, and, possibly, provided for. At the same time, the mental attitude may not manifest itself so clearly, but if you start analyzing the situation, it turns out that the woman is simply not able to stop controlling everything (after all, she does this unconsciously, at the subconscious level).

The domineering father of a flexible daughter

If the relationship between father and daughter developed differently, for example, dad was domineering, demanding, strict, then it’s a different story. The girl was required to be sweet, helpful, feminine, not to show any masculine qualities, and not to defend her opinion. Most often, such fathers give instructions to study and then get married successfully.

The connection between father and daughter is so strong that even if the young lady starts her own business or becomes a boss, the attitude of being in a subordinate position will manifest itself in her relationship with her man. After all, the chosen one is chosen on a subconscious level with the same character traits that were present in the father.

What to do if the relationship between father and daughter is difficult and painful

Analysis of the situation will help you fight against incorrect attitudes in adult life that come from childhood:

  • Did you have any problems in childhood?
  • what kind of connection existed and exists between father and daughter,
  • how the father behaved in childhood and what he is like now, etc.

A psychologist is best able to help diagnose and solve such a problem. However, if you have just begun to understand the situation, you can try to figure it out on your own.

Analyze all your romantic stories: perhaps they have something in common? If it is obvious that you are “unlucky” with men in life, you need to change your psychological attitudes. It can be difficult to do this without a specialist, because father-daughter psychology is not limited to one article or a moment of insight.

Problems that migrate from childhood to adulthood are the deepest and most emotionally difficult. However, now you can try to change the situation.

  • Start with awareness and acceptance: your father was not a perfect person, you need to forgive him and stop looking for a partner who would be like him.
  • Think about what aspects of your father are most difficult for you to come to terms with. Do you subconsciously look for similar traits in other people? To do this, look at your surroundings: bosses, husband, former partners.
  • Remember the difficult periods of your life, difficult conversations with your father about your choice. Did he allow you to make decisions on your own? Did you support it?
  • Analyze which of his words hurt you the most, and when he was the only stronghold and support for you.

The role of the father in upbringing is great, but do not rush to blame him for all your problems. The relationship between father and daughter is a delicate thread; it must be dealt with as carefully as with any type of family relationship. In order not to harm yourself or him, it is better - this will help show your connection more clearly and its impact on adult life.

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